consolidated contents of the national genealogical society

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Consolidated Contents of

The National Genealogical Society Quarterly

Volumes 1-90; April, 1912 - December, 2002

Compiled by, and Copyright © 2011-2013 by Dale H. Cook

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charged a royalty rate of $1000.00 US per day for each file or web page used or displayed. Revised August 29, 2013

As this file was created for my own use a few words about the format of the entries are in order. The entries are listed by NGSQ volume. Each volume is preceded by the volume number and year in boldface. Articles that are carried across more than one volume have their parts listed under the applicable volumes. This entry, from Volume 19, will illustrate the format used: 19 (1931):20-24, 40-43, 48, 72-76, 110-111 (Cont. from 18:92, cont. to 20:17) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova The first line of an entry for an individual article or portion of a series shows the NGSQ pages for an article found in that volume. When a series spans more than one volume a note in parentheses indicates the volume and page from which or to which it is continued. The second line shows the title of the article. The third line lists the author. I have listed only articles with genealogical or historical content of interest to the genealogical researcher. I have not included articles and series such as "Book Reviews" and Society news. In most volumes I have collected short items under two headings - "Family Bible Records / Family Records" and "Notes." This file currently covers the first eighty-five volumes of NGSQ, and will be revised as I add additional volumes. Progress from here on out will be slow, as I will need to consult volumes in print at the local library. Please address comments and corrections to the author at the email address given above.

Consolidated Contents of

The National Genealogical Society Quarterly

Volume 1 (1912-13) 1 (1912-13):3-4 After Many Years Agnes B. Croxall 1 (1912-13):4 Our Ancestors: The Kern Family of America Minnie F. Mickley 1 (1912-13):5-6 The Ancestry of Two Members of the National Genealogical Society of Washington, D. C. Robert Atwater Smith 1 (1912-13):7-8 Kern Births, Egypt Church, Lehigh Co., Pa. Josiah Quincy Kern 1 (1912-13):8-10 Bailey Genealogy Joseph G. B. Bulloch 1 (1912-13):10-11 An Error Corrected - Faxon Genealogy Agnes B. Croxall 1 (1912-13):11-12 Heraldry, Memorials, Statuary, Etc. - Knights Templar 1 (1912-13):13-16, 42-52, 68-72 Conover Genealogy 1 (1912-13):17-22 The Journal of Captain Charles Lewis (October 10 - December 10, 1755) Agnes B. Croxall 1 (1912-13):22 Guilford Covenant Sophia Riggs Webster 1 (1912-13):22-23 The Cloud Family of Pennsylvania and Virginia 1 (1912-13):23-25 [Correction 2:37] The Cloud Family of South Carolina Joseph G. B. Bulloch 1 (1912-13):25-30 A Memorial to Major-General Braddock Agnes B. Croxall 1 (1912-13):33 Family Record from an Old Bible Printed in 1793 (Wood) F. A. St. Clair 1 (1912-13):34 Notes Cross, by Natalie R. Fernald (34) Bronk-Kimmey, by Natalie R. Fernald (34)

1 (1912-13):34 Death Notices of Revolutionary Men 1 (1912-13):34-35 Russell House in Rockville, Md., Not Hungerford Tavern 1 (1912-13):35 Ancestors Cora C. Curry 1 (1912-13):36-39, 61-66 Arthur Parke of Chester Coonty, Penn., and Descendants Frank Sylvester Parks 1 (1912-13):39-41 The Problems Which Now Confront Us Joseph G. B. Bulloch 1 (1912-13):41 The Jennings Millions Eula Keblinger Woodward 1 (1912-13):52 An Ancient Relic (Wyatt) Mrs. Overton Woodard Ennis 1 (1912-13):52-55 De Veaux-Morel Genealogy Joseph G. B. Bulloch 1 (1912-13):57, 72-73 Answers to Queries Dominus de Eadem (57) Washington's Body Guard, by Cora C. Curry (72-73) 1 (1912-13):59 Organization of the Counties of Pennsylvania Cora C. Curry 1 (1912-13):60-61 Major-General Humphrey Atherton, Founder of the Atherton Family in New England George Castor Martin 1 (1912-13):66-67 Biographical Sketch of Mrs. William G. Bulloch 1 (1912-13):73 Corrections Corrections to Genealogical Exchange, Vol. 6 (73)

Volume 2 (1913-14) 2 (1913-14):1 [Correction 20], 13-14, 34, 51 (Cont. to 3:5) Stone Family Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 2 (1913-14):1-3 Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. G. B. Bullock 2 (1913-14):5-6, 20, 36-37 Answers to Queries Richmond, Reynolds, by Natalie R. Fernald (5) Washington's Body Guard (5-6) Moore Law Records (Va.), by William Jefferson Gammon (20) Delano, by Natalie R. Fernald (20) Treadway-Foote, by Natalie R. Fernald (20) Gammon, by M. C. O. (20) Norton, by M. C. O. (20) Purdy (36) Carpenter (36-37) 2 (1913-14):6-8 Notes Helps for Searchers in Westchester County, N. Y., by Mrs. James H. Lobdell (6) Record from the Bible of John White, of Calvert, Cech. County, Mn. (Then Penn.), by George Castor Martin (6-7) Cavaliers and Roundheads (7) First Settlers of the Shenandoah (7) Augusta County, Va. (7) Old Baptismal Records (Bare) (7) A Baptismal Certificate, Translated from the German (Singer), by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh (8) Gardner, by J. H. Lobdell (32-33) 2 (1913-14):8-11, 33-34, 47-48 Revolutionary Records Mrs. James H. Lobdell 2 (1913-14):18-19 American Ancestry of Anson Sanborn Frank Sylvester Parks 2 (1913-14):20, 37, 46 Corrections "Stone Family," by Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk, 2:1 (20) Corrections to Eaton Genealogy (20) "The Cloud Family of South Carolina," by Joseph G. B. Bulloch, 1:23-25 (37) Correction to Clark Genealogy (46) 2 (1913-14):21-22, 48-49 Coats of Arms Mrs. Overton Woodard Ennis 2 (1913-14):23 An Ancient Certificate (Claypole) Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 2 (1913-14):23-31 Caldwell Family Leonore Caldwell Benson Hill 2 (1913-14):31 Fig Tree Church, Marriage Records, West Indies

2 (1913-14):31-32, 50 Journal of a New Jersey Quaker, 1776 Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 2 (1913-14):32-33 Gardner Family James H. Lobdell 2 (1913-14):34 Westchester Co., N. Y., Cemetery Records Mrs. James H. Lobdell 2 (1913-14):41-42 (Cont. to 3:10) The Muhlenburg Family of Pennsylvania Henry Melchior Muhlenburg Richards 2 (1913-14):42 Wilder Family - Nine Generations Fanny Wilder Winchester 2 (1913-14):46-47 (Cont. to 3:24) Extracts from the South Carolina Gazette Joseph G. B. Bulloch

Volume 3 (1914-15) 3 (1914-15):2 Royal Descent of George Washington 3 (1914-15):2-3 Piscataway (Md.) Records C. M. Brumbaugh 3 (1914-15):3 [Correction 26], 25-26, 43-44, 63 (Cont. to 4:9) Ohio Co. (Va.) Rev. Records Alfred Caldwell 3 (1914-15):4-5 Hazzard Family Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):5-6, 29, 67 (Cont. from 2:51) Stone Family Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 3 (1914-15):7, 48 Answers to Queries Lyon, by Natalie R. Fernald (7) Weightman, by James H. Lobdell (7) Everton, by M. C. O. (7) Ogilvie, by M. C. O. (7) Fuqua, by M. C. O. (7) Pierce-Rolfe, by Eula Keblinger Woodward (48) Martin-Lewis (48) 3 (1914-15):8 An English List of American Families of Note 3 (1914-15):8-9 Virginia History Eula Keblinger Woodward 3 (1914-15):9-10 (Cont. to 4:15) Kentucky Records William Jefferson Gammon 3 (1914-15):10, 26, 42-43, 69-71 (Cont. from 2:42, cont. to 4:32) The Muhlenburg Family of Pennsylvania Henry Melchior Muhlenburg Richards 3 (1914-15):10-11 Virginia Record Mrs. Overton Woodard Ennis 3 (1914-15):12-19 Caldwells of Scotland Leonore Caldwell Benson Hill 3 (1914-15):21 Friends in New Jersey and Pennsylvania Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 3 (1914-15):22 Axson Family Joseph G. B. Bulloch

3 (1914-15):22-23 Heraldry Mrs. Overton Woodard Ennis 3 (1914-15):23 Eleven Generations in America 3 (1914-15):23 Virginia Records Eula Keblinger Woodward 3 (1914-15):24 Cuthbert Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):24-25, 45-47 (Cont. from 2:47, cont. to 4:12) Extracts from the South Carolina Gazette Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):26 Corrections "Ohio Co. (Va.) Rev. Records," by Alfred Caldwell, 3:3 (26) 3 (1914-15):26 Lineage of Macbeth, King of Scotland Daniel Smith Gordon 3 (1914-15):29-30 Some Caldwells in Maryland Leonore Caldwell Benson Hill 3 (1914-15):30 Bensons in Maryland - 1790 3 (1914-15):35-36 Letter from Mrs. J. Van Zandt O'Neil 3 (1914-15):37, 62-63 (Cont. to 4:58) Notes and Observations on the American Revolution Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 3 (1914-15):38 Official Positions in Colonial Days Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):38-39 Twelve Generations in America (Custis, Rogers, Wheeler) Jeannette S. Rogers 3 (1914-15):39-41 The Family of White, of Maryland Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):41 Massachusetts Records Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 3 (1914-15):41-42 Smith Family Mrs. Carroll C. Ennis 3 (1914-15):42 Ancestry of Hamlet Daniel Smith Gordon

3 (1914-15):44-45, 64 (Cont. to 4:7) Cumberland Co. (Pa.) Records Belle McKinney Hays Swope 3 (1914-15):50-58 Rowan County (N. C.) Records - Early Settlers Eugene H. Bean 3 (1914-15):61-62 Americans of Royal Lineage Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):65-66 South Carolina Records Joseph G. B. Bulloch 3 (1914-15):66 A List of Voters of Clark Co., Indiana Territory, 1802 3 (1914-15):67 Twelve Generations in America 3 (1914-15):67 Federal Intelligencer and Baltimore Daily Gazette Mary Capitola Oursler 3 (1914-15):69 Ancestry of Julius Caesar Daniel Smith Gordon

Volume 4 (1915-16) 4 (1915-16):1-2 Genesis of the Society of Colonial Cavaliers C. W. de Lyon Nicholls 4 (1915-16):2-7 A Study in Eugenics Joseph G. B. Bulloch 4 (1915-16):7-8, 30-32 (Cont. from 3:64) Cumberland Co. (Pa.) Records Belle McKinney Hays Swope 4 (1915-16):8-9 Muster Roll of the "Brig General Armstrong," 1814 4 (1915-16):9-10, 49-50 (Cont. from 3:63) Ohio Co. (Va.) Rev. Records Alfred Caldwell 4 (1915-16):10 Fourteen Generations in America 4 (1915-16):12-13, 48-49, 67-68 (Cont. from 3:47, cont. to 5:15) Extracts from the South Carolina Gazette Joseph G. B. Bulloch 4 (1915-16):14 Answers to Queries Lewis, by Eula Keblinger Woodward (14) Lewis-McWilliams (14) 4 (1915-16):15-18, 24-27, 44-46 (Cont. from 3:10, cont. to 12:33) Kentucky Records William Jefferson Gammon 4 (1915-16):20 A Colonial Marriage Certificate (Steelman-Leeds) Mrs. James C. Fisher 4 (1915-16):21-24 The Richardson Family Lillian A. Norton 4 (1915-16):28-29 American Ancestry of Hannah King Bancroft Frank Sylvester Parks 4 (1915-16):32-34 (Cont. from 3:71) The Muhlenburg Family of Pennsylvania Henry Melchior Muhlenburg Richards 4 (1915-16):34-35 A Much Misspelled Surname Herbert Parvin Gerald 4 (1915-16):37-41, 54-57 (Cont. to 5:6) Grandchildren of the Passengers on the Mayflower Algernon A. Aspinwall 4 (1915-16):41-43 First Bowkers in New England Edgar M. Bowker

4 (1915-16):43 An Old DeCow Bible Maud Burr Morris 4 (1915-16):47-48 Heraldry Mrs. Carroll C. Ennis 4 (1915-16):53 Centre Burying Ground, Shoreham, Vt. 4 (1915-16):58-59 (Cont. from 3:63) Notes and Observations on the American Revolution Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 4 (1915-16):59-61 The Distinctive American Race 4 (1915-16):61-62 Spies or Rangers (Revolutionary War, Later Also on the Frontiers) Cora C. Curry 4 (1915-16):62 Owings Family of Maryland Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk

Volume 5 (1916-17) 5 (1916-17):1-3, 24-27, 38-41, 55-62 (Cont. to 10:110) Earliest Missouri Records Ida M. Schaaf 5 (1916-17):4-5 History of the Wiat (or Wyatt) Arms (With Data Connected Therewith Taken from Original Records) Mrs. Overton Woodward Ennis 5 (1916-17):5-6 Revolutionary Widows in 1860 Mary Capitola Oursler 5 (1916-17):6-10, 20-23 (Cont. from 4:57) [See also 11:1] Grandchildren of the Passengers on the Mayflower Algernon A. Aspinwall 5 (1916-17):10-12 Ancestry of Mrs. J. B. G. Bulloch (Eunice Helena Bailey) 5 (1916-17):15-16, 47 (Cont. from 4:68) Extracts from the South Carolina Gazette Joseph G. B. Bulloch 5 (1916-17):17-20 Alexandria, Va., Records Eula Keblinger Woodward 5 (1916-17):27-29 The Story of the Stars and Stripes Leonore Caldwell Benson Hill 5 (1916-17):27-29 Extracts Taken from Augusta, Ga., State Gazette Mrs. W. E. Callender 5 (1916-17):29-32 [Corrections 44] Marriages and Deaths from the Georgia Gazette and Savannah Republican, Etc. Etc. Joseph G. B. Bulloch 5 (1916-17):33-38 Simon Parke of Franklin, Pa., and Descendants Anna E. Parke Warner 5 (1916-17):41-42 Some Connecticut Records 5 (1916-17):44 Corrections "Marriages and Deaths from the Georgia Gazette and Savannah Republican, Etc. Etc.," by Joseph G. B. Bulloch, 5:29-32 (44) 5 (1916-17):45 Herbert Kaufman on Ancestors Herbert Kaufman 5 (1916-17):46 Correction for Ogden Genealogy Herbert Parvin Gerald 5 (1916-17):46 Copy of Old Dorsey Bible Record Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk

5 (1916-17):46 A Million Ancestors: How Many Ancestors Have You? A Million! Daniel Smith Gordon 5 (1916-17):46 From S. C. Gazette & General Advertizer Friday, Apr. 18, 1783 M. E. C. 5 (1916-17):47 Aged Persons in Ohio Census of 1820 K. S. C. 5 (1916-17):49-54 (Cont. to 6:23) Richard Bullock of Rehoboth, 1644, and Some of His Descendants J. Russell Bullock 5 (1916-17):63-64 Owings Bible Record Mrs. J. T. Watkins

Volume 6 (1917-18) 6 (1917-18):1-21, 33-35 Unpublished Revolutionary Records of Maryland: List of Patriots Who Took the Oath of Fidelity and Support to the Governmant Lists of Patriots of Montgomery County Who Took the Oath of Fidelity and Support, March Court, 1778 (1598 Men) (1-11) Lists of Civil Officers Who Took the Oath of Fidelity and Support, Montgomery County, 1780-1782 (53 Men) (11) Lists of Patriots of Washington County Who Took the Oath of Fidelity and Support, March Court, 1778 (1485 Men) (12-21) Lists of Citizens of Frederick County, Who Took the Oaths of Fidelity and Support, 1778 (337 Men) (33-35) 6 (1917-18):21 Act of Maryland Assembly, 5 Feb., 1777 6 (1917-18):21-22 Tax Commissioners, Maryland, 1777 6 (1917-18):22-23 Oaths of Fidelity and Support, and Foreward Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 6 (1917-18):23-26 (Cont. from 5:54) Richard Bullock of Rehoboth, 1644, and Some of His Descendants J. Russell Bullock 6 (1917-18):26-27 Pennsylvania Militia Law of 1777 Mary Capitola Oursler 6 (1917-18):27 Alexander Andrews' Family Bible Record - Ky. 6 (1917-18):27-31 Hezekiah Wilson's Diary, Montgomery County, Md. 6 (1917-18):32 Orsler (Oursler) - Owens (Owings) Record Mary Capitola Oursler 6 (1917-18):32 Tombstone Inscriptions, Montgomery Co., Md. Effie Louise Henry 6 (1917-18):35-40 Some Stories about Coats of Arms Leonard Wilson 6 (1917-18):40 Custom House Charges at London for a Ship of 300 Tons, 1747 6 (1917-18):43 Mason County, Kentucky, Census Record (1850) 6 (1917-18):43-44 Extracts from the Columbian Magazine, 1787 Emma Curry 6 (1917-18):44-45 Willcoxon (Wilcoxen) Records Mrs. William H. Talbott 6 (1917-18):45 Tombstone Inscriptions, Prince George's County, Maryland (Dorsey) William W. Steward

6 (1917-18):45, 48 (Cont. to 20:70) Receipts and Accounts of the Ship Romney and Long, Nov. ye 3, 1747 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 6 (1917-18):46-47 Virginia Boundaries Eula Keblinger Woodward 6 (1917-18):49-55, 65-74 Abstracts from the First 131 Wills of Jefferson County, Kentucky (Then Virginia), September, 1783, to June, 1813 William Jefferson Gammon 6 (1917-18):56-57 The Mayflower Passengers Algernon A. Aspinwall 6 (1917-18):57 Oldest Reformed Church Records in Pennsylvania William J. Hinke 6 (1917-18):58 Death and Last Rites for Capt. Charles H. Bowker 6 (1917-18):63-64 Tombstone Inscriptions, Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa. Mary Capitola Oursler 6 (1917-18):74-76 Maryland Court Records On File at Princess Anne, Somerset County (Liber D., B., I., K., L.) Mrs. Amos G. Draper 6 (1917-18):76 Death Notice of John Marshall, "Founder" (Revolutionary), 1826 6 (1917-18):76-79 Organization and Early History of the National Genealogical Society Ruth M. Griswold Pealer

Volume 7 (1918-19) 7 (1918-19):1-4 Cumberland Co., Pa. Petitioners, 1760, 1761, 1770 7 (1918-19):4-5 Capt. Arthur S. Brockenbrough's Company, of North Carolina's Light Infantry, 12 Feb., 1813 7 (1918-19):5-7 Roll of the Randolph, Vermont, Volunteer Company, September 9, 1814 Mrs. J. T. Rosborough 7 (1918-19):7 Bible Records of James Reynolds and Abigail Knapp (Conn. and N. Y.) Lauretta Hanford Chase 7 (1918-19):8 Bible Records of Lewis Hanford Lauretta Hanford Chase 7 (1918-19):9-12 Colonel James Moore (Born 1757); Moore and Towles Bible Records Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 7 (1918-19):12-14 Abraham How, of Watertown and Marlborough, Mass. Gilman Bigelow Howe 7 (1918-19):17 Mrs. Ruth M. Griswold Pealer 7 (1918-19):18-25 The Hart Family Mrs. Carroll C. Ennis 7 (1918-19):25 The Pierpont Burying Ground at Catonsville, Baltimore Co., Md. George C. Keidel 7 (1918-19):26 Bible Records of Henry Brooks (New Jersey) Herbert Parvin Gerald 7 (1918-19):29-30 Bible Records of Reuben Bateman (New Jersey) Herbert Parvin Gerald 7 (1918-19):30-31 Tombstone Inscriptions, Christ Church, Lancaster County, Va. Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 7 (1918-19):31-32, 54-58 "Genius of Liberty" Clippings, 1820-1821, Leesburg, Va. Eula Keblinger Woodward 7 (1918-19):33-39, 49-53 (Cont. to 8:27) Marriage Licenses of the District of Columbia Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 7 (1918-19):40-41 Congressional Cemetery Interments (D. C.) G. W. Baird

7 (1918-19):41 Rock Creek Cemetery Interments Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 7 (1918-19):43 Aged People in Greene Co., Ohio, Census of 1820 Kate Singer Curry 7 (1918-19):43-44 New England Genealogical Notes Marian Longfellow 7 (1918-19):44-45 Luijkas Van Thienhoven, M. D. Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 7 (1918-19):45-48 The Somerville Family William Lloyd Dorsey 7 (1918-19):58-60 Births and Deaths, from Quaker Records, Montgomery County, Md. Bertha Hall Talbott and Marie Hyde Talbott 7 (1918-19):60-61 Who Was Ralph Andrus of Massachusetts? Frank Sylvester Parks 7 (1918-19):61-64 Green Egg Harbor, N. J., Monthly Meetings, 1693 to 1841: From Department of Records of Friends Library, Philadelphia, Pa. Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 7 (1918-19):64 Abstract of James Somers' Will, of Gloucester County, West Jersey, (Now Atlantic County) New Jersey Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 7 (1918-19):64 Public Notice of Freight Rate from Baltimore, Md., 1757 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh

Volume 8 (1919-20) 8 (1919-20):1-16 Tombstone Inscriptions, Hagerstown, Md. (302 Names) Michael Alvin Gruber 8 (1919-20):19-27 Tombstone Inscriptions, Frederick, Md. Michael Alvin Gruber 8 (1919-20):27-31, 55-57 (Cont. from 7:53) Marriage Licenses of the District of Columbia Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 8 (1919-20):31-32 Extracts from Smoot Wills, La Plata, Charles County, Maryland Maud Burr Morris 8 (1919-20):32 Family Record of William Harding, Late of Northumberland Co., Va. Bettie Harding (Hiram) and Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 8 (1919-20):33-34 Switzerland Plays a Part in the Founding of the American Nation Oscar Kuhns 8 (1919-20):35 Swiss Emigration Albert B. Faust 8 (1919-20):36 Swiss Settlements in the United States 8 (1919-20):36-38 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Families from the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland Oscar Kuhns 8 (1919-20):39-41 Some Lancaster County Families from the Canton of Berne, Switzerland Oscar Kuhns 8 (1919-20):41-42 Original Virginia Revolutionary Records - William Peake Mrs. Clifford Kennedy Berryman 8 (1919-20):47-48 Berry Family Bible Record (Va.) Kate Singer Curry 8 (1919-20):48 Bible Records of Graves-Otis-Perkins-Buttles (Buttolph) Mrs. Charles W. Brown 8 (1919-20):49-55 Copies of Warrants Issued by the Auditor of the Treasury Department, and Certified by the Comptroller of the Treasury Department, from May 31, 1828, to Aug. 5, 1828, in Favor of Certain Surviving Officers and Soldiers of the Army of the Revolution in the Continental Army, Index to 299 Warrants Solomon Elmer Faunce 8 (1919-20):57-58 Bible Record of Levi Moore (New England) Mrs. Robert Atwater Smith

8 (1919-20):58 Jesse Lovering, Revolutionary Soldier Kate Singer Curry 8 (1919-20):58 Virginia Argus Clippings, 1804 Kate Singer Curry 8 (1919-20):60-61 Will of Thomas Morris, Colonial Ancestor of Lewis Mossis, Immigrant in New Jersey Maud Burr Morris 8 (1919-20):62-64 (Cont. to 9:14) Tombstones, Price Burial Ground, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery Co., Pa. George F. P. Wanger

Volume 9 (1920-21) 9 (1920-21):1-13, 17-29 Commutation Warrants Issued to 2201 Revolutionary War Officers, Including Rank, Regiment, and State Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 9 (1920-21):14 Marriage Bonds, Pendleton County, West Virginia 9 (1920-21):14-15 (Cont. from 8:64) Tombstones, Price Burial Ground, Lower Salford Township, Montgomery Co., Pa. George F. P. Wanger 9 (1920-21):29-31 Catonsville Pioneers of the Lutheran Faith George C. Keidel 9 (1920-21):31-32 Tombstone Inscriptions, Old Salem Cemetery, Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Machesney 9 (1920-21):33-37 Tombstone Inscriptions, St. Daniel's (Corner) Church, Berks County, Pa. Michael Alvin Gruber 9 (1920-21):38-39 Adams Emigration Lists, 1572-1640: England Arthur Adams 9 (1920-21):39 Bible Record of Jonathan Trumble, New England Elizabeth H. Claflin 9 (1920-21):39 Tombstone Inscriptions in a Private Burying Ground, Beltsville, Prince George's Co., Md. Gilman Bigelow Howe 9 (1920-21):40-42 Bender-Mills Family Bible (Zubly-Ardis-Reddick-Poag-Clarke, Etc.) Carrie White Avery 9 (1920-21):42-43 Family Record of John and Agnes (Bell) Summers (Ky.) Kate Singer Curry 9 (1920-21):45 Revolutionary War Pay Roll, 1777 9 (1920-21):46-47 Virginia Marriages Performed by Rev. Paul Henkel Cora C. Curry 9 (1920-21):47-48 Loudoun County, Virginia, Marriages, 1793-1795 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 9 (1920-21):49-52 Recommendations for Revolutionary Army, Loudoun County, Va. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 9 (1920-21):55-63 Vincent Mennonite Church Burying Ground Near Spring City, Chester County, Pa., Formerly Known As "Rhoad's Burying Ground" George F. P. Wanger

Volume 10 (1921-22) 10 (1921-22):65-76 Abstracts of Wills, Fairfax Co., Va., Commencing 1742 (Liber A, B, Wills) Eula Keblinger Woodward 10 (1921-22):76-78, 80, 85-86 Virginia Clippings - Colonial and Revolutionary Periods Carrie White Avery 10 (1921-22):81-84 Boyer, Bayer, Beyer, Beier, Baier - Pa. Records Michael Alvin Gruber 10 (1921-22):84-85 Kent County, Maryland Vital Records Kate Singer Curry 10 (1921-22):85 Scraps from an Old Washington Cemetery Herbert Parvin Gerald 10 (1921-22):86 Virginia Marriages in Pennsylvania Emma Curry 10 (1921-22):86-87, 96, 127-128 Virginia Clippings - Etc. Emma Curry 10 (1921-22):89, 91 B. F. Johnson Dies in Oklahoma City 10 (1921-22):91-94 Early Marriages in Cumberland County, New Jersey Herbert Parvin Gerald 10 (1921-22):94-96 [Correction 11:9] Records from an Old Bible Ida M. Schaaf 10 (1921-22):96 Corrections Error in Pagination - Volume X (96) 10 (1921-22):97-103, 108, 113-120 Land Records, Fairfax County, Virginia, Beginning 1742 Eula Keblinger Woodward 10 (1921-22):103-108 Poll Vote of Fairfax Co. 1744, Burgesses C. C. 10 (1921-22):110 Bible Record of John Biggs, of Md., Born May 11, 1758 10 (1921-22):110-112, 121-124, 128 (Cont. from 5:62, cont. to 11:17) Earliest Missouri Records Ida M. Schaaf

Volume 11 (1922-23) 11 (1922-23):1-2 Grandchildren of the Passengers on the Mayflower Algernon A. Aspinwall 11 (1922-23):2-7 Corey (Cory), Cleaves and Smith Family Lines Arthur Adams 11 (1922-23):7-8 Union Cemetery, Pleasantville, Berks Co., Pa. Mary Oven Steinmetz 11 (1922-23):8 Bieber-Lescher Burial Ground in Oley Township, Berks Co., Pa. Mary Oven Steinmetz 11 (1922-23):8 Bieber Family Record (Berks Co., Pa.) Mary Oven Steinmetz 11 (1922-23):9, 62, 64 Corrections "Records from an Old Bible," by Ida M. Schaaf, 10:94-96 (9) "Tombstone Inscriptions, Trinity Church, Staunton, Augusta County, Va.," by Eula Keblinger Woodward, 11:32, 33-39 (62) "The Wroe Family Bible Record," by Louise McDanell Browne, 11:40-41 (64) 11 (1922-23):9-14 Extracts from Minutes of Third Haven (or Tred Avon) Friends' Meeting, Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 11 (1922-23):17-27, 57-61, 64 (Cont. from 10:128) Earliest Missouri Records Ida M. Schaaf 11 (1922-23):27-28 Andrew Zumault of Shenandoah Co., Va., Henry Zumault and Heirs of District of Upper Louisiana Emma Curry 11 (1922-23):28-30, 43-44, 52-53 (Cont. to 12:4) New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 11 (1922-23):32, 33-39 [Correction 62] Tombstone Inscriptions, Trinity Church, Staunton, Augusta County, Va. Eula Keblinger Woodward 11 (1922-23):40-41 [Correction 64] The Wroe Family Bible Record Louise McDanell Browne 11 (1922-23):41 Bible Record of Joseph Brown, Son of Ebenezer, Framingham, Mass. Frederick H. Blodgett 11 (1922-23):44 Marriages, Port Royal, Va. Mrs. Milton Welsh 11 (1922-23):44-45 Scott-McGaughy Family Bible Record Mrs. Carrie White Avery

11 (1922-23):45-46 Heads of Families in Penobscot, Maine, As Shown by the 1800 Census; Together with the Places from Which They Emigrated Emma Curry 11 (1922-23):47-48 Early South Carolina Marriages and Death Notices, from the South Carolina Weekly Museum, Charlston, S. C. Emma Curry 11 (1922-23):49-51 Randall-Washington Bible Record, Westmoreland Co., Va. Kate Randall Kail 11 (1922-23):51 Carter-Lewis Inscription at Castleman's, Va. Emma Curry 11 (1922-23):53-57 Death Notices from the South Carolina Gazette, 1781-1785 Emma Curry 11 (1922-23):64 Census of 1810, Laurens District, South Carolina Emma Curry

Volume 12 (1923) 12 (1923):1-3 Revolutionary Soldiers Not Contained in Pennsylvania Archives Muster Roll of Captain Daniel Reiff, by Amos Reiff (1) Pay Roll of a Detachment of the 6th Batallion of Berks County Militia Guarding the Convention Prisoners of War at Reading in the Year 1781 (2) Men's Names of Capt. Jacob Bowers Company, 6th Penna. Regt., August 11th, 1778, by Mary Owen Steinmetz (3) 12 (1923):4-5, 21-25 (Cont. from 11:53, cont. to 13:41) New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 12 (1923):6-10 Tombstone Inscriptions, Monongalia Co., W. Va. Carrie White Avery 12 (1923):10 [Correction 48] Inscriptions from the Robert Kennedy Church Yard, Welsh Run, Franklin Co., Pa. Virginia Shannon Fendrick 12 (1923):10-11 [Correction 48] Inscriptions from Old Welsh Grave Yard on the Farm of Joseph Hege, Near Welsh Run, Pa. Virginia Shannon Fendrick 12 (1923):11 [Correction 48] Emmert-Zug (Zuck) Notes Virginia Shannon Fendrick 12 (1923):11-13 Elderly Residents of Davidson County, Tennessee, 1850 Emma Curry 12 (1923):13-15 Earliest Residents of Russell, Hampden Co., Mass. Frank Sylvester Parks 12 (1923):17-20 Tombstone Inscriptions from Old Forest Church and Lutheran Church Cemeteries, Geigertown, Berks Co., Pa. Mary Owen Steinmetz 12 (1923):20-21 Genealogical Gleanings from Different Sources (Pa.) Irwin Hoch DeLong 12 (1923):25-27 Genealogical Bibliographies and Handbooks Charles Shepard, II 12 (1923):27 Hollinshead-Evans Bible Records Mary Allen Evans Woollen 12 (1923):27-28 Sherwood Records 12 (1923):28 Bible Record of Thomas and Sarah (Offutt) Harris Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 12 (1923):28-29 Eberly (Daniel) Bible Record George F. P. Wanger

12 (1923):30-31 Marriages Performed by Re. Paul Henkel, in Rockingham, Shenangoah, Augusta and Botetourt Counties, Va., and Other Localities Cora C. Curry 12 (1923):31-32 (Cont. to 13:39) Georgia Notes City Cemetery, Thomaston, Upson County, Georgia, by Folks Huxford (31-32) George Dame, by Folks Huxford (32) William Register, by Folks Huxford (32) 12 (1923):33-47, 49-64 (Cont. from 4:46, cont. to 13:1) Kentucky Records William Jefferson Gammon 12 (1923):48 Corrections "Inscriptions from the Robert Kennedy Church Yard, Welsh Run, Franklin Co., Pa.," by Virginia Shannon Fendrick, 12:10 (48) "Inscriptions from Old Welsh Grave Yard on the Farm of Joseph Hege, Near Welsh Run, Pa.," by Virginia Shannon Fendrick, 12:10-11 (48) "Emmert-Zug (Zuck) Notes, by Virginia Shannon Fendrick, 12:11 (48)

Volume 13 (1924) 13 (1924):1-16 (Cont. from 12:64) Kentucky Records William Jefferson Gammon 13 (1924):17-39 List of Women from Kentucky Marriage Records, Jefferson County, 1800 to 1826 - 2,336 Marriages William Jefferson Gammon 13 (1924):39-40 (Cont. from 12:32) Georgia Notes Elijah Mattox, by Folks Huxford (39) Samuel Register, by Folks Huxford (39-40) Joseph L. Rodgers, by Folks Huxford (40) 13 (1924):41-55 (Cont. from 12:25, cont. to 14:60) New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 13 (1924):55-56, 72 The Horn, or Horne, Family: New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 13 (1924):57-68 Jackson County, Georgia, Records Minnie E. Hogan 13 (1924):68-71 (Cont. to 13:1) Jackson and Franklin County, Georgia, Records, 1784 to 1802 Minnie E. Hogan

Volume 14 (1925) 14 (1925):1-11 (Cont. from 13:71) Jackson and Franklin County, Georgia, Records, 1784 to 1802 Minnie E. Hogan 14 (1925):11-16 The Mabry R. Hoch Family Bibles Irwin Hoch DeLong 14 (1925):17-22 The Virginia Legislative Assembly of 1619 and the Families Affected Thereby Addams Stratton McAllister 14 (1925):23 Tabulation Showing Ships Which Delivered in Virginia Persons Still Living There at the Taking of the Official Census in 1624/5 14 (1925):24 Virginia Soldiers Who Took Part in the Battle of Monongahella, 9 July, 1775 Kate Singer Curry 14 (1925):24-25 Resolutions to Support the Continental Congress, Salem County, New Jersey, 13 October, 1774 Lillie DuPuy Van Culin Harper 14 (1925):26 Bartholomew Hoskins, Virginia Frances Coller Robinson 14 (1925):26-29 Marriage Records of Monongahella County, West Virginia Mrs. J. R. Rich 14 (1925):29 30 Revolutionary Pensioners, Scituate, Rhode Island Mary Knight Crane 14 (1925):30-31 Scituate, R. I. Census, 1779 Mary Knight Crane 14 (1925):31 John Oliver Records (Connecticut) Florence Leach Kelley 14 (1925):33-39 Inscriptions on the Tombstones in Carpenter's Graveyard, Lancaster County, Pa. Irwin Hoch DeLong 14 (1925):39-43 Tombstone Inscriptions: Parkerford Baptist Church, Chester Co., Pa. George F. P. Wanger 14 (1925):43 Shearman-Sherman Notes Edith H. Van Velsor 14 (1925):44 Family Records from Austin Bible Nellie Louise Austin Zug and L. Corinthia Austin Beutel 14 (1925):44-45 Bible Records of Captain Samuel Brown [Virginia] Lennoe Schermerhorn Drew

14 (1925):45-46 Bible Record of William Mansur and Sarah Bridge (Indiana) 14 (1925):46-47 Bible Record of Beri King (Connecticut) 14 (1925):47 Dotter Family Bible Record - Matthias Dotter 14 (1925):48 1820 Census, Delaware County, Indiana 14 (1925):49-58 Early Landowners, Citizens, Etc., of Philadelphia, Pa., 1683, 1692, 1698, Census of 1720-1730 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 14 (1925):58 Tombstone Records on Collins Ferry Road, Near Morgantown, W. Va. Richard Brown Price and Georgia C. Price 14 (1925):58 Bible Record of Henry Lyon (New Jersey, 1757-1824) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 14 (1925):58-59 Levi Bishop and Nancy Hunt Bible Record 14 (1925):60-63 (Cont. from 13:55, cont. to 18:77) New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 14 (1925):64 (Cont. to 15:17) Partial List of Revolutionary Pensioners Who are the Only Ones of the Name from Ant State Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper

Volume 15 (1927) 15 (1927):1-2 War Department, Five Year Revolutionary Pensions Issued in 1838 Frank Johnson Metcalf 15 (1927):2 War of 1812 Certificate - David Carrell Eula Keblinger Woodward 15 (1927):2-4 Huber-Hoover Records Eula Keblinger Woodward 15 (1927):4-8 Admitted Freemen, Between the Years 1775 and 1783, Town of Stafford, Connecticut Helen Rose Manion 15 (1927):9-10 Aten (Auten) Families Isabella G. Beer 15 (1927):10 Bible Record of Rev. Benjamin Trumbull (Conn.) Carrie White Avery 15 (1927):10 Scarlett Tombstone Records, Va. Carrie White Avery 15 (1927):10 Southampton County, Va., Record Kate Singer Curry 15 (1927):11-13 [Corrections and Additions 40-41] Marshall Family Burying Ground at "Marshall Hall," Md. Herbert Parvin Gerald 15 (1927):13-14 Bible Record of Kendall Wilder (Vt., N. Y., Pa.) Helen Rose Manion 15 (1927):14 Death Records Copied from the Marlboro, Conn., Town Books Kate Singer Curry 15 (1927):14-15 Bible Record of Ransom McConnaughhay (Ky. & Pa.) Kate Singer Curry 15 (1927):15 Prisoners of War, 1812 Frank Johnson Metcalf 15 (1927):16 Tombstone Records, Kentucky Abandoned Farms Ruth A. Murray 15 (1927):17-19 (Cont. from 14:64) Partial List of Revolutionary Pensioners Who are the Only Ones of the Name from Ant State Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper

15 (1927):19 Family Record of Jonathan Norris, and His Wife, Charity (Drew) Norris, Both Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 15 (1927):19-20 John Marll Bible Record Herbert Parvin Gerald 15 (1927):20-21 Brackenridge Private Cemetery, Soldiers' Home, D. C. Herbert Parvin Gerald 15 (1927):21-22 Bible Record of Josiah Cook and Lois Ellis Mary W. Lowery and Mrs. J. O. Davis 15 (1927):22 Conrad-Grimes (Virginia) Bible Records Flora L. Ward 15 (1927):23-24 Records in Bible of James and Catharine Henkle Flora L. Ward 15 (1927):24-26 Genealogical Research in the South Folks Huxford 15 (1927):26 Civil Proof of Marriage, North Carolina, Lacking Kate Singer Curry 15 (1927):27 Asa Works, Revolutionary Soldier Isabella G. Beer 15 (1927):27-28 Andrew Hamilton Bible Records Mrs. Socrates Drew 15 (1927):28 Tombstone Inscriptions (Frank Private Cemetery, Huntingdon County, Pa.) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 15 (1927):28-29 Memorial Stones in Virginia Arthur Middleton 15 (1927):30-32, 33-36 Private Burying Grounds in Berks County, Pa. Mrs. C. M. Steinmetz 15 (1927):36-40 Marshall Hall Bible Records Herbert Parvin Gerald 15 (1927):40-41 Corrections "Marshall Family Burying Ground at 'Marshall Hall,' Md.," by Herbert Parvin Gerald, 15:11-13 (40-41) 15 (1927):42-45 Tomb Stone Records of an Old Cemetery at Claiborne, Alabama Harry A. Davis

15 (1927):45-46 Isaac W. Bibinger, Revolutionary Pensioner Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 15 (1927):46-47 Richard and Frances (Dighton) Williams of Taunton, Mass. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 15 (1927):47-48 Bible Record of Family of William Calhoun Norris Harry A. Davis 15 (1927):48 Damigen Birth Certificate 15 (1927):48 Claude Francois Jeannerel, "Henry Bradford" Kate Singer Curry 15 (1927):49-51 Notes on the County Records of Hampshire Co., West Virginia Joseph M. Kellogg 15 (1927):51-55 Workman and Leet Records (Pa.) Flora L. Ward 15 (1927):55-59 Gordon-Winslow Records Luella Sinclair Olson 15 (1927):59-60 Whiting Family Record Luella Sinclair Olson 15 (1927):60-61 Searching for Family Records Henry Sylvester Jacoby 15 (1927):63 [See also 24:94-95] Strowshour Bible Records Newton Jasper Darden 15 (1927):63-64 (Cont. to 16:16) Darden Bible Records Newton Jasper Darden

Volume 16 (1928) 16 (1928):1-5 Incidents in the Settlement and Early Days of Maryland Alexander Hamilton Bell 16 (1928):5-6 Virginia State Light Dragoon Record, Oct., 1779 Kate Singer Curry 16 (1928):6 Aaron and Nancy Swiggett Records Mrs. Charles R. Lee 16 (1928):6-7 Tombstones in Presbyterian Church Yard, White Plains, N. Y. Emma Curry 16 (1928):7 Hunter's Point, Virginia, Tombstone Inscriptions Herbert Parvin Gerald 16 (1928):7-8 Bits of Edgar Family Bible Record Herbert Parvin Gerald 16 (1928):9 Bridgers Family Bible Record (N. C.) Georgia C. Price 16 (1928):9-10 Ephraim Hunt Bible Record Carrie White Avery 16 (1928):11 Benjamin Fuller Bible Record Carrie White Avery 16 (1928):11 Marsh Bible Record Frederick M. Bennett 16 (1928):12-13 Old Goshenhoppen Church, Montgomery County, Pa. Abraham H. Cassel 16 (1928):14-15 Johnson Genealogy (Pa.) and Reminiscences Abraham H. Cassel 16 (1928):15 Pension Application Notes Kate Singer Curry 16 (1928):15-16 Census of 1820, Garrison and Island, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland County, Maine Emma Curry 16 (1928):16 (Cont. from 15:64) Darden Bible Records Newton Jasper Darden 16 (1928):17-25 Kentucky Bible Records

16 (1928):25-27 Allyn Burial Ground (Connecticut) Mary H. Allyn 16 (1928):28-32, 41-42 List of 591 Persons Who were Paid for Forage Furnished for the Magazine at Lancaster, Pa., 1778-1779 Frank Johnson Metcalf 16 (1928):33-37 The Archives of the Netherlands and Their Importance for American Genealogy Louis P. de Boer 16 (1928):37-38 The Joel Mertz Family Bible Irwin Hoch DeLong 16 (1928):38-40 Some Tombstone Inscriptions from the Cemetery in Friedensburg, Pa. Irwin Hoch DeLong 16 (1928):40, 43 Records of De Longs in Brazil During the Early Part of the Seventeenth Century Irwin Hoch DeLong 16 (1928):42-43 List of 164 Persons Who were Paid for Forage Furnished the Magazine at Lebanon, Lebanon Co., Pa., 1778-1779 Frank Johnson Metcalf 16 (1928):44-51 Lost Battallion of the Revolutionary War, Pa. Edgar J. Pershing 16 (1928):52 Illinois and Kentucky Revolutionary Records 16 (1928):52, 65 Failor (Jacob) Bible Record George Henry Failyer 16 (1928):53-59 How May We Best Encourage the Publication of Genealogical Works? Henry Sylvester Jacoby 16 (1928):60-63 Westmoreland County, Pa., Petitions; Revolutionary Joseph M. Kellogg 16 (1928):63-64 Bishop Family Line (References) Winifred Lovering Holman 16 (1928):66-68 Line of Descent from Robert Hill, Isle of Wight County, Va.

Volume 17 (1929) 17 (1929):1-6 Origin of the Hoover Families Richard W. Staudt 17 (1929):6-8, 19-24, 53-56 Hoover American Ancestry Calvin I. Kephart 17 (1929):8-13, 24-34, 37-43, 57-69 (Cont. to 18:5) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 17 (1929):13-14 Stoll Bible Records, South Carolina Harry A. Davis 17 (1929):14 Frierson Bible Records, Georgia Harry A. Davis 17 (1929):16 Coleman Family Records Jean Stephenson 17 (1929):17-18 Washington Ancestry, Surry Co., Va. Newton Jasper Darden 17 (1929):34 Stephenson Birth Records Jean Stephenson 17 (1929):35-36 Bible Records of Col. Timothy Church (N. Y. and Vt.) Alice M. Church 17 (1929):36 Tisinger-Tysinger Bible Records Hallock P. Long 17 (1929):43-44 Bible Record of James Sherman (1717-1801) of Boston, Mass. Winthrop Alexander 17 (1929):44-45 Extracts from the Records of Guilford County, North Carolina Ethel Winn 17 (1929):45 Alexander Wills from Mecklenberg Co., North Carolina Ethel Winn 17 (1929):45-47 Extracts from the Records of Laurens Co., South Carolina Mrs. G. V. Wickware 17 (1929):48-50 [Correction 18:18] Baker-Womack Family Bible Record Jean Stephenson

17 (1929):50-51 Forrester Family Records Jean Stephenson 17 (1929):51-52 Griffith Bible Record Mrs. Milton Welsh 17 (1929):71 Bible Record of Daniel Harley and Catherine Grove (Pa.) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 17 (1929):72 (Cont. to 18:18) Bible Record of Christian and Elizabeth Baughman Lorena Blanche Adamson

Volume 18 (1930) 18 (1930):1-2 Revolutionary Association in Public Defence, South Carolina, 1775 Agatha Abney Woodson 18 (1930):2 Letter to Sumter Watchman and Sothron McDonald Furman 18 (1930):3 Revolutionary War Volunteer Roll, Colleton Co., S. C., 1775 Jean Stephenson 18 (1930):3-4 Revolutionary War Protest Charles Nicholas Jenks 18 (1930):5-17, 32-41, 45-64, 88-92 (Cont. from 17:69, cont. to 19:20) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 18 (1930):18 (Cont. to from 17:72) Bible Record of Christian and Elizabeth Baughman Lorena Blanche Adamson 18 (1930):18 Corrections "Baker-Womack Family Bible Record," by Jean Stephenson, 17:48-50 (18) 18 (1930):19-20 Bible Record of Arnold Harvey (S. C.) Agatha Abney Woodson 18 (1930):20 Bible Record of Samuel Beall (Maryland) Mrs. Jason Waterman 18 (1930):21-24 Taylor Bible Records John Bailey Calvert Nicklin 18 (1930):24-26 Bible Record of Henry and Hannah Strong (Vermont) Mary H. Davis Allyn 18 (1930):27-28 Roesser (Raysor) Bible Record, Pennsylvania Albert Horwell Gerberich 18 (1930):29 Bible Record of John Rule (New Jersey) Winthrop Alexander 18 (1930):30-31 Maryland Notes: Court Records On File at Princess Anne, Somerset Co., Md. Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 18 (1930):31-32 Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland: Balance Book Upon Deceased Persons Estates (1775-1805) Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper

18 (1930):64-65 Revolutionary War Soldiers (12) Buried in Brown's Mill Grave Yard, Franklin Co., Pa. Virginia Shannon Fendrick 18 (1930):65-68 Tombstone Inscriptions, Canaan Cemetery, Columbia County, N. Y. Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 18 (1930):68 Bible Record of William Owens Susan E. Watkins 18 (1930):69-77 Source Material for the Study of Early New York History Adelaide R. Hasse 18 (1930):77-81 (Cont. from 14:63) New Hampshire Revolutionary Pensioners Bell Merrill (Mrs. Amos G.) Draper 18 (1930):81 Burkhart Notes, Canton Berne, Switzerland, 1742-1760 Ezra M. Kuhns and John M. Burkett 18 (1930):81-82 Bible Record of Elnathan and Annie (Yale) Ives Albert Horwell Gerberich 18 (1930):82-83 Brenneman Bible Records Albert Horwell Gerberich 18 (1930):83-84 Baptisms by Rev. Jacob Leist Recorded in Israel's Lutheran and Reformed Church Records at Amanda, Fairfield County, Ohio H. M. Povemire 18 (1930):84-85 Cortelyou Bible Records Winthrop Alexander 18 (1930):85-86 Hays Family Records, New Jersey Winthrop Alexander 18 (1930):86 Stryker Bible Records Winthrop Alexander 18 (1930):88 Marriages Performed by Rev. Benedict Reynolds, Hardy Co., Va. (W. Va.), 1819 and 1820 Kate Singer Curry 18 (1930):88 Justices of the Peace in Cumberland County, Pa. Jessica C. Ferguson

Volume 19 (1931) 19 (1931):1-4 Marshall-Dent Family Notes Alexander Hamilton Bell 19 (1931):4-10 Heidelberg Evangelical Lutheran Church Records (Old Dutch Meeting House), Rowan County (Now Davie), North Carolina Cora C. Curry 19 (1931):10-12 Withers-Williams Family Notes: Sons and Daughters of Thomas and Elizabeth Withers Harold Howell Simms 19 (1931):12-13 Bennett Henderson and Polly Divina (Crockett) Bible Records Janie Preston (Callup) French 19 (1931):13-14 Family Record of Marmaduke Coate and Mary Coppock Amanda Ellen Pemberton Krell 19 (1931):14-16 Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia, Records 19 (1931):16-17 Pendleton Bible Records John Bailey Calvert Nicklin 19 (1931):17-18 Bible Records of George and Elizabeth Calvert John Bailey Calvert Nicklin 19 (1931):18 Bible Record of John and Hannah Jett (Culpepper Co., Va.) John Bailey Calvert Nicklin 19 (1931):20-24, 40-43, 48, 72-76, 110-111 (Cont. from 18:92, cont. to 20:17) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 19 (1931):25-33 Material in the Virginia State Library of Genealogical Value Henry Read McIlwaine 19 (1931):33-37 Genealogical Bibliographies Relating to Virginia Charles Shepard 19 (1931):37 West Virginia Tombstone Inscriptions Georgia C. Price 19 (1931):37-38 Tombstone Inscriptions, Middleburg, Loudoun County, Va. Kate Singer Curry 19 (1931):38 Quarles Family Records (Virginia) Anne Waller Reddy 19 (1931):38-40 John Hans Steelman & Trinity Church, Wilmington, Del. Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher

19 (1931):49-54 Tax List of Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, October, 1785 Mary Capitola Oursler 19 (1931):54-59 Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 19 (1931):59-60 Tombstone Inscriptions, Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Greensburg Cemetery) Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):60-61 Old German Cemetery, Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch and W. J. Laughner 19 (1931):61 Alverton Cemetery; Westmoreland Co., Pa. Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):61-62 Mt. Pleasant Cemetery; Westmoreland Co., Pa. Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):62 Scottdale Cemetery; Westmoreland Co., Pa. Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):62-63 Independant Cemetery; Pennsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):63 Tyrone Cemetery; Fayette County, Pennsylvania Mary A. (Mrs. Frederick J.) Goensch 19 (1931):63-64 John Gernaut and Catharine (Hain) Bible Records Mary Owen Steinmetz 19 (1931):64-65 Hertzler-Zug Bible Records (Berks Co., Pa.) Mary Owen Steinmetz 19 (1931):65 George Hughes' Family Record, Pennsylvania Mary Owen Steinmetz 19 (1931):65-66 Bible Records of Tobias Schall and Elizabeth (Eistern,) (Pa.) Mary Owen Steinmetz 19 (1931):66-67 Seidle Bible Records, Berks Co., Pa. Mary Owen Steinmetz 19 (1931):67 Hocker Bible Record (Pa. Ohio Etc.) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 19 (1931):67 Certificate of Baptism, Samuel Klein, Pa.

19 (1931):68 Marriage Records from Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia John Gill Grove 19 (1931):68-69 Wood Bible Record Mrs. Boys Wees 19 (1931):69-71 West Virginia and Her Records Mrs. Boys Wees 19 (1931):71 Death of Lieutenant Abraham Munroe 19 (1931):76-79 Martin Bible Record (Elder Nicholas Martin, Pa.) Virginia Shannon Fendrick 19 (1931):79-80 Inscriptions on Tombstones in First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania William F. Worner 19 (1931):81-86 United States Families at Maracaibo, Venezuela Albert Horwell Gerberich 19 (1931):86-96 Some Maryland & Virginia Ancestors: Dent, Wilkinson, Marshall, Brooke, Fowke, Harrison, Etc. Alexander Hamilton Bell 19 (1931):96-98 Tombstone Inscriptions, Albemarle County, Va. Cora M. Ray 19 (1931):98 Orange County, Indiana, Marriage Licenses 19 (1931):98 Putnam County, Indiana, Census of 1850 (Bainbridge) Minnie W. Curry 19 (1931):98-99 Tombstone Inscriptions in Rear Wall and Yard, First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania William F. Worner 19 (1931):99-100 Greenwood & "Old Moravian" Cemeteries, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania William F. Worner 19 (1931):101-103 Marriages, County Clerk's Office, Springfield, Washington Co., Kentucky Cora M. Ray 19 (1931):103-104 Jones Marriages from 1780 to 1820 Inclusive, Dorchester County, Maryland Kate Singer Curry 19 (1931):104 Dickenson Bible Record (Mass.) Clara L. Wood 19 (1931):104-106 Bryan Bible Records (Virginia) Elizabeth J. Fisher

19 (1931):106 Henry Bible Record (Abraham Henry, "Henrich," Pennsylvania) Charles H. Roberts 19 (1931):106-107 Howland Bible Records (Massachusetts) Elizabeth J. Fisher 19 (1931):107 Huston Bible Records (Pennsylvania) Kate Singer Curry 19 (1931):107-108 Defenbaugh Bible Records (Ohio) Carrie M. Styer 19 (1931):108-109 Styer (Steier) Bible Records (Ohio) Anna F. Turrell 19 (1931):109 Moore Bible Records Mras. Robert Atwater Smith 19 (1931):109-110 Owens Bible Record (William Owens) Md. Susan E. Watkins

Volume 20 (1932) 20 (1932):1-5 Washington Family Burying-Ground at Wakefield, Virginia Herbert Parvin Gerald 20 (1932):5-8 Potomack Company, Workmen at Great Falls, 1786-'87 20 (1932):8-11 Hine (Aaron)-Hitchcock Bible Record (Conn. & Ohio) Clara C. Preston (Mrs. William Bonar) Bell 20 (1932):11-12 Burton Family Record 20 (1932):12-13 Cocke Bible Record, Virginia (Goochland Co.) William Ronals Cocke, Jr. 20 (1932):14-15 Tombstone Inscriptions, Mount Carmel, Franklin County, Indiana Marcus W. Lewis 20 (1932):15-17 Burial Records of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa. William F. Worner 20 (1932):17-26, 56-67 [Corrections 129], 94-98, 120-136 (Cont. from 19:111, cont. to 21:35) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 20 (1932):27-31 Presbyterian Church of Hagerstown, Md., and Subscribers to the Church Building S. Helen Fields 20 (1932):31 Lieut. Col. Anthony Bitting Adelaide L. Fries 20 (1932):31-32 From Court House Records in Martinsville, Henry County, Virginia 20 (1932):32 Obenshane Bible Record (Samuel of Va.) Susie Obenchain 20 (1932):33-52 Quit Rents in Account with the Right Honbl. Thos. Lord Fairfax, County of Berkley [Virginia, Now West Virginia], 1780, Including "Maidstone" 20 (1932):52-53 Allegany County, Maryland, Earliest Marriages, 1791-'96, from Office of Co. Clerk, Cumberland, Vol. 1 Philip M. Smith 20 (1932):54-56 Tombstone Inscriptions, First Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, Penna. William F. Worner 20 (1932):67-68 Bruce Bible Records Grace G. Compton

20 (1932):69 Francis, Clifton, Dowdney Bible Records 20 (1932):69 Stinchcomb Epitaphs (Maryland) Herbert Parvin Gerald 20 (1932):70-71 (Cont. from 6:48) Receipts and Accounts of the Ship Romney and Long, Nov. ye 3, 1747 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 20 (1932):71-72 Van Fossen Family Record Katherine H. Van Fossen 20 (1932):72 Page County, Va., Private Cemetery Inscriptions John Gill Grove 20 (1932):73-78 A Double Mason Line from Major John Mason, Deputy Governor of Connecticut Mrs. Louis C. Bulkley and Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 20 (1932):78-79 Boone-Talbot-Pumphrey Bible Record 20 (1932):79-81 Hallock Family of Long Island and Maryland David H. Hallock 20 (1932):81-84 Inscriptions in the Graveyard Located on the Amos H. Mylin Farm in West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Benjamin B. Lippold 20 (1932):84 Remains of a Graveyard Located About Three Hundred Yards North-East of the Lancaster Milling Company, Formerly S. J. Pugh's Mill, in West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Benjamin B. Lippold 20 (1932):84-85 Remains of a Graveyard Located on the Media Heights Golf Club Grounds, Formerly the Jeremiah Herr Farm Benjamin B. Lippold 20 (1932):85-86 Graveyard on the Christian Lefever Farm, at the Big Spring, West Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Benjamin B. Lippold 20 (1932):86 Revolutionary Property Owners, Valley Forge, Pa., 1777-1778 20 (1932):86-88 [Correction 129] Inscriptions from Gravestones of Elias Family, Trough Creek Cemetery, Todd Twp., Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania Edwin LaFayette Mattern 20 (1932):88-89 Mattern Bible Records Edwin LaFayette Mattern 20 (1932):89-90 Patten, Adams, Allen Records 20 (1932):90-94 Records of Early Families Nancy C. Morrow

20 (1932):98-104, 105-110 Abstracts of Obituaries in Publications of the Associate Prebyterian Church, 1831 to 1858 Elizabeth J. Fisher 20 (1932):111-114 Bible Record of Major George Lewis (Virginia) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 20 (1932):114-115 Cleland Family Records Belmont Farley 20 (1932):115-116 Disney Bible Record Frank Johnson Metcalf 20 (1932):116-117 Elliott Family Notes Mrs. J. Stewart French 20 (1932):117-118 Foust Bible Record Mrs. J. Stewart French 20 (1932):119 Ingersoll Bible Records 20 (1932):129 Corrections "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," by Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova, 20 (1932):56-67 (129) "Inscriptions from Gravestones of Elias Family, Trough Creek Cemetery, Todd Twp., Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania," by Edwin LaFayette Mattern, 20:86-88 (129) 20 (1932):137-138 Sylvester Parks and His American Ancestors Frank Sylvester Parks

Volume 21 (1933) 21 (1933):1-13 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Tax Lists Albert Horwell Gerberich 21 (1933):13-16 Early Pennsylvania Accounts and Records Edna Albert 21 (1933):16-17 Covenanters and the Work of Rev. John Cuthbertson S. Helen Fields 21 (1933):17-18 Names of Those Who Sailed on the "Henry and Francis," 1685 21 (1933):18-30 Notes from the Old Graveyard, Amityville, Perks Co., Pa. Mary Owen Steinmetz 21 (1933):30-32 One Line of the Dieffenderfer Family Winthrop Alexander 21 (1933):32-33 Harrison County, Ohio, Cemetery Edwin LaFayette Mattern 21 (1933):35-40, 76-85, 127-131 (Cont. from 20:136, cont. to 22:16) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 21 (1933):41-46 At the Heart of South Carolina's Last Large Frontier A. L. Pickens 21 (1933):46-56 Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Noerhwestern South Carolina Ruth Winn Wickware and Jean Stephenson 21 (1933):56 Account of James Rosamond for services and Supplies During Revolution Ruth Winn Wickware 21 (1933):56-58 Inscriptions from Cemeteries in Laurens Co., S. C. Ethel Winn 21 (1933):58-59 Record of Lewis Saxon, Taken from Pension Application of His Widow, Mrs. Sally McNeese Ruth Winn Wickware 21 (1933):59-60 Cobia Bible Records Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):60 Wesner Family Records Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):60-61 Seyle Bible Records Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar

21 (1933):61-62 LaFar Bible Records Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):62-63 Freeman Bible Records Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):63-65 Brock-Newton Bible Records Mrs. Francis Edward Johnston and Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):65-66 Newton Bible Records Mrs. Francis Edward Johnston and Mrs. Sanford Branch LaFar 21 (1933):66-67 Pension Record of Robert Sloane Louis Carr Henry 21 (1933):67-69 Bannerman Bible Records Louis Carr Henry 21 (1933):69 Revolutionary War Service of George Bannerman Louis Carr Henry 21 (1933):69-70 Crews Bible Records Louis Carr Henry 21 (1933):70-71 Davis Bible Records Louis Carr Henry 21 (1933):71 Wills from Craven Co., N. C. Bessie Carman 21 (1933):73-76 The First John Briscoe in Maryland Alexander Hamilton Bell 21 (1933):86-88 Stone and Marshall Family Notes Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 21 (1933):88 Robert Abernathy Family Notes, Bible, Etc. Winthrop Alexander 21 (1933):89 Daniel Miller Bible Record John Martin Burkett 21 (1933):89-93 Marriages Performed by Rev. Abraham Boyd (Pa.) Mrs. Charles Newton Boyd 21 (1933):93-94 Pearson Family Notes Mrs. F. W. Schmidt and John Martin Burkett

21 (1933):95-96 Huver (Andrew) Bible Record (Eastern Pa.) Adelaide V. Huver and Mrs. Lovett Frescoln 21 (1933):96-99 Captain Claes Claesen Dordingh & Descendants Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 21 (1933):100-102 Sotheron, Brigham, Crosby Lineage Emily Steelman (Mrs. James Clark) Fisher 21 (1933):104 New Jersey Tombstone Inscriptions Herbert Parvin Gerald 21 (1933):105-108 Purnell Family Notes Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk 21 (1933):108-113 (Cont. to 22:6) New Jersey Bible Records, Southern Part: Bateman, Brooks, Burroughs, Preston, Stratton Herbert Parvin Gerald 21 (1933):113-114 Allison Bible Records (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 21 (1933):114-115 Hans Graff (Grove) Bible Record, Lancaster Co., Pa. Mrs. Harry Colfax Grove 21 (1933):115-117 Samuel1 Neely Bible Records (Pa.) Albert Horwell Gerberich 21 (1933):118 Jesse Croom Family Records (N. C.) Lillie May McIntyre 21 (1933):118-121 Andrew McIntyre Family Records (N. C.) Lillie May McIntyre 21 (1933):121-122 Jesse Swinson Bible Records (N. C.) Lillie May McIntyre

21 (1933):122-123 Jacob Seiler's (Saylor) Family Record John Oliver Berkley 21 (1933):123-124 Bible Record of Gideon Taber Mrs. Morris Everett Marlow 21 (1933):124-126 Tombstone Inscriptions, Dallas County, Alabama Corrine G. Spencer 21 (1933):126-127 Stone Family Cemetery at Habre de Venture, Md. Martha A. Benns 21 (1933):131-132 Records of Samuel Rosamond and John Hodges from Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova and Ruth Winn Wickware 21 (1933):132-133 Four Wills from Abbeville Co., S. C. Isabel Fuller

Volume 22 (1934) 22 (1934):1-5 Orbison Family Records (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 22 (1934):5 Register of Mr. Elisha and Mrs. Lucy Carter and Family 22 (1934):5-6 Bible Record of Moses Sanborn and Elizabeth Corless (N. H.) Emma B. Hawley 22 (1934):6-14 (Cont.from 21:113) New Jersey Bible Records, Southern Part: Fithian, Garton, Hahcock, Harris, Nelson, Ogden, Parvin, Seely, Westcott, Woodruff, Suddarth Herbert Parvin Gerald 22 (1934):14 [Correction 64], 16 John Klein (Kline) Bible Record (Pa.) John Montgomery Klein 22 (1934):16-25, 54-58, 74-87, 112-120 (Cont. from 21:131, cont. to 23:1) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 22 (1934):25-27 Brant's Private Burying Ground, Near Ligonier, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Ellie Roberts Ray 22 (1934):27-28 Bash's or Summer's Private Burying Ground Near Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Ellie Roberts Ray 22 (1934):28-30 Huguenin Bible and Tombstone Records (S. C.) Harry A. Davis 22 (1934):30-31 Atwood Bible Records (Mass. & N. H.) Charles Leonard Brown 22 (1934):31-32, 58-60, 72-74 (Cont. to 26:62) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts 22 (1934):33-34 Ashton Family Bible Mrs. Edward Albert Capen 22 (1934):34-35 Combs Family Bible Mrs. Edward Albert Capen 22 (1934):35-36 Humphries-Wilkerson Family Bible Mrs. Edward Albert Capen 22 (1934):36-37 Davis Records Ivie Templin McNees 22 (1934):37-39 Crews Bible Records Luther Alva Williams

22 (1934):39-41 Shelby Bible Records Nell Cummings Preston 22 (1934):41-44, 93--94 Family Records of the Cooke Family of Sussex and Warren Counties, New Jersey Florence Cooke (Mrs. Frank Milton) Newberry 22 (1934):44-45 Lewis Family Bible Jean Stephenson 22 (1934):45 Buckingham Bible Records (Marylans) Herbert Parvin Gerald 22 (1934):46-48 Tombstone Inscriptions, Tupelo, Lee Co., Miss. Louis Carr Henry 22 (1934):48-50 Tombstone Inscriptions, Baldwyn, Lee Co., Miss. Louis Carr Henry 22 (1934):50-51 Marriage Records, Craven Co., N. C. Bessie Carman 22 (1934):53-54 Marriages Performed by Nehemiah Waterman, Jr., J. P., New London Co., Conn. Maud Holly Waterman 22 (1934):60-61 James Kelley, Church Records, Baltimore, Md. 22 (1934):61-62 Marriage Records, Lowndes Co., Mississippi Louis Carr Henry 22 (1934):63-64 Sheppard Family 22 (1934):64 Davis Bible Records Bessie Carman 22 (1934):64 Corrections "John Klein (Kline) Bible Record (Pa.)," by John Montgomery Klein, 22:14 (64) 22 (1934):65-69 Assessments, Prince George's County, Md., Queen Anne District" "Basil Duckett's Assessment Book for the Year 1813" Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 22 (1934):69-70 Tories Who Later Were Destined to Become United Empire Loyalists Bacon Vaughan 22 (1934):70-72 Passengers on the Ship Cyrus, New York to St. John, August 21 - September 14, 1783 22 (1934):89-92 [Corrections 24:45] Barber Bible Records ("Luckland Bible," Md.) Violet Bruce McCrae Colton

22 (1934):93 Tombstone Inscriptions, St. Mary's County, Maryland Violet Bruce McCrae Colton 22 (1934):94 Patterson and Schaeffer Family Record 22 (1934):94 Clark and Patterson Family Record 22 (1934):95-96 Nash Family Records (Va.) Louis Carr Henry 22 (1934):96-101 [Corrections 24:45] Thornley Family Records (Va.) Mrs. John Cooke Grayson 22 (1934):102-103 Bible Records of John Smith, Shooter's Hill, Va. Richard Xavier Evans 22 (1934):104 William Carroll, Governor of Tennessee Edwin LaFayette Mattern 22 (1934):105 A Ralls Epitaph in Stafford Co., Va. Herbert Parvin Gerald 22 (1934):105-106 Reitenauer (Ritenour) Baptismal Records from St. John's Evangelical Church, Hagerstown, Md. Edwin LaFayette Mattern 22 (1934):106-109 Old Gravestones in Big Spring Cemetery, Ayr Township, Fulton County, Pennsylvania Thelma F. Lee 22 (1934):110-111 (Cont. to 23:22) Subscribers to a Loan to Congress, 1780 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 22 (1934):111 [See also 23:23] Tombstone Inscriptions, Indiana Co., Pa. Edwin LaFayette Mattern

Volume 23 (1935) 23 (1935):1-19, 48-60, 68-72, 90-104, 127-136 (Cont. from 22:120, cont. to 24:23) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova 23 (1935):19 Brief Record of Josiah Hull & Anna (Graves) Anna Hull Stevens 23 (1935):20 Holter Bible Records (Md.) Irma {Holter) Parrott 23 (1935):20 Maryland Notes on Sargent and Phillips Families Irma {Holter) Parrott 23 (1935):22-23 (Cont. from 22:111) Subscribers to a Loan to Congress, 1780 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 23 (1935):23 Tombstone Inscriptions, Indiana Co., Pa. Eleanor Roberts Ray 23 (1935):23-24 Pleasant Grove (Formerly "Donegal") Presbyterian Cemetery Near Ligonier, Westmoreland Co., Pa. 23 (1935):28-32, 65 Extracts from Wills Filed with Register of Wills, Hagerstown, Washington Co., Maryland Ruth Winn Wickware 23 (1935):33-41 Caroline Co., Md., Marriage Licenses, 1774-1781 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 23 (1935):41-42 The Southern Wallingfords Winthrop Alexander 23 (1935):42-44 Mills, Smith, Taylor Family Record (S. C.) Richard Xavier Evans 23 (1935):44-45 Anna Smith's Book (Anne Animus, 1815-1824) Richard Xavier Evans 23 (1935):45-46 Marriage Records, Morgan County, Alabama Louis Carr Henry 23 (1935):46-47 Tussey Bible Records Edwin LaFayette Mattern 23 (1935):47-48 Nicholas Schweyer Bible Records Sarah Kistler Brown 23 (1935):65-67 Excerpts from the Marriage Records Filed in the Office of the Clerk for Hagerstown, Washington Co., Maryland Ruth Winn Wickware

23 (1935):67-68 Cary Bible Record (Ohio) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 23 (1935):73-78, 105-109 Parish Register of Campbeltown, Scotland; Births and Marriages Lida B. Earhart 23 (1935):78-85 Lieut. Adam Holmes, Ulster Scotsman (Mass.) J. Albert Holmes 23 (1935):85, 104 Old Georgetown Cemetery, Georgetown University Campus Richard Xavier Evans 23 (1935):87 Gray Family Record (Ohio) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 23 (1935):87-89 Family Record of Casper Batdorf (Potterf) Albert Horwell Gerberich 23 (1935):89-90 Friedrich Rohrer Bible Record (Pa.) Albert Horwell Gerberich 23 (1935):104 Richard Freeman, Esq. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 23 (1935):110-111 Hoover (Huber) Ancestry Calvin I. Kephart 23 (1935):111-113 Naturalizations - During the Court Sessions of January, 1798, Washington Co., Maryland Kate Singer Curry 23 (1935):113 [See also 24:18-19] Cemetery Records, York County, Maine Harry A. Davis 23 (1935):113-119 Cemetery Records, Allegheny Co., Pa. Edwin LaFayette Mattern 23 (1935):119-120 Tombstone Inscriptions, Dallas County, Alabama Corinne Gay Spencer 23 (1935):120-121 Tipton Family Graveyard (Alabama) 23 (1935):121 Wilson Family Graveyard (Alabama) 23 (1935):123-124 Osborn Bible Records (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 23 (1935):124-125 Abercrombie Family Record (Ala. & S. C.) G. Troy Jones

23 (1935):125 Henderson Family Records (S. C.) G. Troy Jones 23 (1935):125-126 Bible Record of League Family (Va. & S. C.) G. Troy Jones 23 (1935):126 War of 1812, Size of Army

Volume 24 (1936) 24 (1936):1-9 Moravian Church Records as a Source of Genealogical Material Adelaide L. Fries 24 (1936):11-15 Marriage and Bible Records of Greer Family (Pa. & D. C.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 24 (1936):15 Hufner (Heffner), King Inscriptions Edwin LaFayette Mattern 24 (1936):15-17 David Snyder's Bible Edwin LaFayette Mattern 24 (1936):17-18 Some Records from the First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Penna. Edwin LaFayette Mattern 24 (1936):18-19 Cemetery, Rear of Congregational Church, Alfred, Maine Melvil F. Meeds 24 (1936):20 Private Cemetery, Alewive, Near Kennebunk, Maine Melvil F. Meeds 24 (1936):20 Private Cemetery, Wells Branch, Maine Melvil F. Meeds 24 (1936):23-29, 48-72, 96-104, 114-128 (Cont. from 23:136, cont. to 25:7) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Jessie McCausland (Mrs. A. Y.) Casanova (23-29 only) 24 (1936):29-32 Preston Family Bible Records and Others Clara C. Preston (Mrs. William Bonar) Bell 24 (1936):33-35 Some Early Virginia Records Richard Xavier Evans 24 (1936):35 Jefferson County, Alabama, Rev. War Soldiers Mittie Owen McDavid 24 (1936):36-37 Hartwell-King Bible Records (N. C. & Ala.) Jean Stephenson 24 (1936):37 Hinton-King Bible Records (Alabama) Jean Stephenson 24 (1936):39-41 Marriages by Rev. William Boos (Boas), Berks Co., Pa. Mrs. C. M. Steinmetz 24 (1936):41 Snake Hollow Cemetery, Erie Co., Pa.

24 (1936):41-42 McLallen Bible Record (Pa.) Mary Knight Crane 24 (1936):42 Tombstone Records from McLallen's Cemetery, Washington Twp., Erie Co., Pa. Mary Knight Crane 24 (1936):43 Emmons-Every-David Bible Records (Pa.) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 24 (1936):43-44 Bible Record of Richard and Rachel George, and of John and Mary A. (George) Powell (Pa. & O.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 24 (1936):45 Corrections "Barber Bible Records ('Luckland Bible,' Md.)," by Violet Bruce McCrae Colton, 22:89-92 (45) ”Thornley Family Records (Va.)," by Mrs. John Cooke Grayson, 22:96-101 (45) 24 (1936):46 Bible Record of Archibald McNabb Clara C. Preston (Mrs. William Bonar) Bell 24 (1936):46-47 Paul Bible Records Clara C. Preston (Mrs. William Bonar) Bell 24 (1936):47-48 Some Cemetery Records at Edgewood, Iowa Clara C. Preston (Mrs. William Bonar) Bell 24 (1936):73-82 Tax Lists, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Derry Twp., 1786 Jacob Detar and Lida B. Earhart 24 (1936):83-85 Cemetery Inscriptions, Bedford, Bedford Co., Pa. Mary Capitola Oursler 24 (1936):85-87 [Additions and Corrections 25:14-15] Buchanan Family Emma Mellon Buchanan Campbell 24 (1936):87-88 Beall Bible Records 24 (1936):88 Extract from Will of Basil Beall (W. Va.) Ethel Carter Hodell 24 (1936):88-89 Arthur Family Cemetery (South Carolina) Ruth Winn Wickware 24 (1936):89-90 Riggles Bible Records Frank Johnson Metcalf 24 (1936):91-92 Nichols Bible Records John Benjamin Nichols

24 (1936):92-93 Ingraham Bible Record (Benjamin, N. Y.) John Benjamin Nichols 24 (1936):93-94 Tombstone Records from Private Cemeteries, Page Co., Va. John Gill Grove 24 (1936):94-95 Strozier Records (Ga.) Newton J. Darden 24 (1936):105-107 (Cont. to 25:84) New England Records Marion Lang Driscoll 24 (1936):107-109 (Cont. to 26:6) New Hampshire Revolutionary War Pension Records Marion Lang Driscoll 24 (1936):109-110 La Follette Bible Record Azalea Green Badgley 24 (1936):110-112 McDuffee Family Record (N. Y. & New England) Marion Lang Driscoll 24 (1936):112 Monument Near Saxton, Bedford Co., Pa. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 24 (1936):112 Revolutionary War Tablet, Lititz, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Henry S. Jacoby 24 (1936):128-131 Lineage of Dr. John Evans, U. S. Geologist Richard Xavier Evans 24 (1936):131 John Evans (1742-1816, New Jersey) 24 (1936):131-133 Holcomb Records (Mass.) Mary H. Allyn 24 (1936):133 Stodder-Stoddard Records Mary H. Allyn 24 (1936):133-136 Cemetery Inscriptions, Wells, York Co., Maine Melvil F. Meeds 24 (1936):136 Hardy County, Virginia (Now West Virginia), Marriages (1806-1836) Flora L. Ward

Volume 25 (1937) 25 (1937):1-7 Membership in the Society of the Cincinnati Edgar Erskine Hume 25 (1937):7-13, 99-100 (Cont. from 24:128, cont. to 26:4) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 25 (1937):14-15, 98, 114 Corrections "Buchanan Family," by Emma Mellon Buchanan Campbell, 24:85-87 (14-15) "Meredith Bible Records (N. J.)," by Home Stephens McAllister, 25:73-74 (98) "Birth Certificate of John Engle (Angle) & Children of Himself & Wife, Susanna Miller," by Virginia Shannon Fendrich, 25:98 (114) 25 (1937):15-25 Nichols Marriages in New England Before 1750 Frederic C. Torrey 25 (1937):25-27 Walker-Simpson Bible Record (S. C.) Edward Eugene Simpson 25 (1937):28-30 Emigrants to Bath County, North Carolina, 1695-1702 William J. Gammon 25 (1937):30-36 Revolutionary War Pension Papers (Mass) Mrs. Boyd Wees 25 (1937):36-44 The Connections of Prudence Weiser Herbert F. Smith 25 (1937):45-46 [See also 70-72] Virginia, 27 July, 1756: Council of War Held at Augusta Court House Fannie Bayly (Mrs. W. W.) King 25 (1937):46-50 Augusta County Early Settlers, Importations, 1739-1740 Fannie Bayly (Mrs. W. W.) King 25 (1937):50-53 Early Settlers and Pre-Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Augusta County, Va. Fannie Bayly (Mrs. W. W.) King 25 (1937):53-55 Augusta County, Virginia: Early Settlers and Pre-Revolutionary Soldiers Fannie Bayly (Mrs. W. W.) King 25 (1937):56-59, 79-84, 126-130 (Cont. to 26:35) Newspaper Clippings, Frederick-Town, Frederick County, Maryland Norman Niccum 25 (1937):59 Tombstone Inscriptions, Stafford Co., Va. Herbert Parvin Gerald 25 (1937):59-60 Tombstone Inscriptions, Baltimore Co., Maryland Herbert Parvin Gerald

25 (1937):61 Odell Family Burying Ground Herbert Parvin Gerald 25 (1937):61 Family Record by Benjamin Ingraham (1748-1810) John Benjamin Nichols 25 (1937):63-64 Rev. Paul Henkel, His Ancestry and Activities (1754-1825) Cora C. Curry 25 (1937):64-65 German Inhabitants, Montgomery Co., Ohio, 23 Aug., 1806 Cora C. Curry 25 (1937):65 Grove-Clem Ancestry (Va. and Pa.) 25 (1937):66 Orr Bible Record (John Orr and Elizabeth Ferguson) 25 (1937):67 Buchanan Family of County Donegal, Ireland Reginald Buchanan Henry 25 (1937):67-68 [See also 130-132] Inscriptions from the Sullivan Private Cemetery in Sullivan Township, Laurens Co., S. C. Sara Sullivan Ervin 25 (1937):68 Bible Record of Jared Smith Johnson (S. C.) 25 (1937):68-69 Bible Record of Watts Family (S. C.) 25 (1937):69 Bible Record of Isaac Cannon (S. C.) 25 (1937):69-70 Bible Record of Col. George Speake Cannon 25 (1937):70-72 Companies Organized in 1756 for the Defence of Augusta County, Virginia Fannie Bayly (Mrs. W. W.) King 25 (1937):73-74 [Correction 98] Meredith Bible Records (N. J.) Home Stephens McAllister 25 (1937):74-75 Stephens and Picard Bible Records (N. J.) Home Stephens McAllister 25 (1937):75 Picard Peter M. Picard 25 (1937):75-76 Picard Bible Records 25 (1937):76 Holstead Bible Records

25 (1937):76 Stephens-Halstead Catharine R. Stephens 25 (1937):77-79 Destouches Family History: Charles Adrien Graville Cesaire Peronne-Sochet-Destouches Richard Xavier Evans 25 (1937):84-86 (Cont. from 24:107) Newspaper Clippings, New England Marion Lang Driscoll 25 (1937):86-87 Ergood Bible Records (Jesse, Dist. of Col.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):87-88 Kepner Bible Records (John Price, Dist. of Col.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):88 Wineberger Bible Records (Jacob, D. C.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):89-90 Sheppard-Carpenter Bible Records (Pa.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):90 Vandevanter Bible Records (Partial, Va. & Md.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):90-91 Zorns-Sheppard Bible Record (Partial, Pa.) Allen Monroe Ergood 25 (1937):91 Coriall Bible Record 25 (1937):91-92 Morong-Wilson Family Bible Records Frank Johnson Metcalf 25 (1937):92-93 Smalley (Abraham) Bible Record (New England) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 25 (1937):93 Zug Bible Records (Pennsylvania & Maryland) Virginia Shannon Fendrich 25 (1937):93-94 Marriages Recorded in Zeigler's Church, Mifflin Ywp., Cumberland Co., Pa. Harlo M. Povenmire 25 (1937):94-95 Daniel Groff (Grove) Bible Records (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 25 (1937):95 Leonhard Ochs, Ox (Now Oaks), Bible Records (Germany) Edwin LaFayette Mattern

25 (1937):95-96 George and Christiana (Eyester) Oaks Bible Record (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 25 (1937):96 Gaither (John) Family Line (Va. & Md.) 25 (1937):96 Farr (Stephen) Family Line (Mass.) 25 (1937):96-97 Gager (William) Family Line Mary Hettie Davis Allyn 25 (1937):97 Gantt (Thomas) Family Line (Maryland) 25 (1937):97 Stallyon (Edward) Family Line (Conn.) Mary Hettie Davis Allyn 25 (1937):98 Walton Family Line (Del. & Md.) 25 (1937):98 [Correction 114] Birth Certificate of John Engle (Angle) & Children of Himself & Wife, Susanna Miller Virginia Shannon Fendrich 25 (1937):101-104 (Cont. to 26:1) Canadian Families in America: Juchereau, &c (Part I) Richard Xavier Evans 25 (1937):104-111 Dent, Magruder, Trueman Family Notes Alexander Hamilton Bell 25 (1937):111-113 Stelle Bible Records Maud Burr Morris 25 (1937):113 Porter, Benjamin and Francis (Mass. Rev. Soldier) 25 (1937):115 Eddy Family Line 25 (1937):115-116 Eddy Tablet Erected at East Middleboro (Eddyville), Mass. C. Leonard Brown 25 (1937):116 Hunt, William, Bible Record (Ohio, Pa., and Conn.) Catherin E. Brumbaugh 25 (1937):116 Hunt Family Line 25 (1937):117 Hunt, Richard and Mercy (Hull), N. J. Rev. Soldier 25 (1937):117 Porter, James and Lucy (Bronson), Lieut. 27th Regt., Conn. 25 (1937):117-118 Post (Adrian) Family Line (N. Y. and N. J.)

25 (1937):118 Post (Richard) Family Line (New York) 25 (1937):118 Pratt, Joseph and John (of Oxford, Mass.) Family Line 25 (1937):118-119 Wilcox, Rev. Isaiah (1738-1793) 25 (1937):119-120 (Cont. to 26:13) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 25 (1937):121 Gottschald's Family Bible Record (Pa. and Ohio) Maude M. Fierce 25 (1937):121-122 Downey Bible Record (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 25 (1937):122-123 William Downey Bible Record (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 25 (1937):123 John Funk Bible Record (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 25 (1937):123 Henry Funk Bible Record, (Son of John and Prudentia (Miller) Funk) (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 25 (1937):124 John Funk, Jr., (Son of John and Prudentia Funk) (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 25 (1937):124 Ludwig Detrich Bible and Family Record (Pa.) Matilda Detrich 25 (1937):124-125 Centry and Price Bible and Family Records (Pa.) Matilda Detrich 25 (1937):125 David Nevin Bible Record (Pa.) Matilda Detrich 25 (1937):125 Lewis Ripple Bible Record Matilda Detrich 25 (1937):125-126 John Means Family Record (Pa.) Kate Cole Means 25 (1937):130-132 Sullivan Bible Records (South Carolina) Sara Sullivan Ervin

Volume 26 (1938) 26 (1938):1-4 (Cont. from 25:104) Canadian Families in America: Chauvin (Part II) Richard Xavier Evans 26 (1938):4-6, 67-71, 75-99, 128-133 [Correction 27:51] (Cont. from 25:100, cont. to 27:64) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 26 (1938):6-12, 73-75, 113-118 (Cont. from 24:109, cont. to 27:22) New Hampshire Revolutionary War Pension Records Marion Lang Driscoll 26 (1938):13-14, 121-122 (Cont. from 25:120, cont. to 27:16) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 26 (1938):14-18 Pearson Family Notes Lindsay M. Brien 26 (1938):18 Pearson Family Burials in Southern Ohio Lindsay M. Brien 26 (1938):23-24 Pedter (Peter) Bible Record (Pa.) Sarah K. Brown 26 (1938):24 Field Bible Record (John A. ——, D. C.) Herbert Parvin Gerald 26 (1938):24 [Correction 27:51] Latta Bible Record Charles Leonard Brown 26 (1938):24-25 Bible Records of Nathaniel Patten Charles Leonard Brown 26 (1938):25-26 Bible Records of Abner Pitcher (b. 1764) Charles Leonard Brown 26 (1938):26-27 Rice, James, Bible Record Zelah R. Farmer 26 (1938):27 Porter, Robert & Susannah (Mercer), Captain, Maryland Battalion 26 (1938):27-28 Godman Bible Records Marion Lang Driscoll 26 (1938):28-30 Some Mississippi Records Louis Carr Henry 26 (1938):30-31 Some Tennessee Records Louis Carr Henry

26 (1938):31-32 Featherston Tombstone Inscriptions, Heard Co., Ga. Louis Carr Henry 26 (1938):33-35, 103-104, 110-111 (Cont. to 27:6) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 26 (1938):35-40, 111-112 (Cont. from 25:130, cont. to 27:12) Newspaper Clippings, Frederick-Town, Frederick County, Maryland Norman Niccum 26 (1938):40-45 Cemetery Inscriptions, Eliot, York Co., Maine Melville F. Meeds 26 (1938):45-46 Cemetery Inscriptions, Saco, York Co., Maine Melville F. Meeds 26 (1938):47 New York Tombstone Inscriptions Natalie R. Fernald 26 (1938):47-48 Inscriptions from Abandoned Graveyard at Mill Creek, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania Edwin LaFayette Mattern 26 (1938):49-51 Tombstone Inscriptions, Walmer's Cemetery (Old), Lebanon County, Pennsylvania Catherine S. Lee 26 (1938):51 Virginia, Bath and Rockbridge Counties, Tax Sale, 1817 Richard Xavier Evans 26 (1938):53-55 [Additions and Corrections 102-103] Taney Family: Origin of the Name in England Alexander Dimitry 26 (1938):55-56 Robert Allyn Line (Massachusetts & Connecticut) Mary Hettie (Davis) Allyn 26 (1938):56 Matthew Allyn Line (Connecticut) Mary Hettie (Davis) Allyn 26 (1938):57-58 Eddy Family of Warren County, Ohio Lindsay M. Brien 26 (1938):58-59 Warren County, Ohio, Cemetery Records Lindsay M. Brien 26 (1938):60 Kefner Bible Records (Pa. & D. C.) Allen Monroe Ergood 26 (1938):60 (Seaman) Benjamin Franklin Pension, 1801

26 (1938):61 Stover Extracts from Letter Written by Benjamin F. Swingle Lorena Blanche Adamson 26 (1938):61 Stover Information Copied from Letter Written by Ida E. Reed, of Santa Ana, California, October 15, 1916 Lorena Blanche Adamson 26 (1938):61-62 David Stover Family of Shenandoah County, Virginia Lorena Blanche Adamson 26 (1938):62 Samuel Stover Family of Stovertown, Muskingum Co., Ohio Lorena Blanche Adamson 26 (1938):62-66 (Cont. from 22:74, cont. to 31:18) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts 26 (1938):99-100 McGauhy-McGauhey Gravestone Inscriptions (Mississippi) Louis Carr Henry 26 (1938):100-101 Picard Family Records (Canada) Natalie R. Fernald 26 (1938):101 United Bretheren Cemetery, Sabillasville, Frederick County, Maryland Henry James Young 26 (1938):102-103 Corrections "Taney Family: Origin of the Name in England," by Alexander Dimitry, 26:53-55 (102-103) 26 (1938):105-110 Rittenhouse Genealogy Debunked Calvin I. Kephart 26 (1938):118-119 Mason Family Cemetery (Virginia) Carrie White Avery and Herbert Parvin Gerald 26 (1938):119 McCarty Family Cemetery (Virginia) Carrie White Avery 26 (1938):119-120 Tombstone Inscriptions, Walmer's Cemetery (Old), Lebanon County, Pennsylvania Albert Horwell Gerberich 26 (1938):120-121 Bible Record of Jacob Mack (Pa.) Bessie Rohrer 26 (1938):122-124 Cooley Family, Licking County, Ohio Frank W. Gardner 26 (1938):124-126 Diary of William Henry Cooley (of Homer, Ohio) Frank W. Gardner

26 (1938):126 Census of 1820, Greene County, Ohio Kate Singer Curry 26 (1938):127 Randolph Family Line (Henry of Virginia) 26 (1938):127 "Plains of Parran" Deeds, Baltimore Co., Maryland-Presbyterian Mrs. Sterling P. Graves 26 (1938):133 Bentley Family Line (William of R. I.) 26 (1938):133-134 Jones Family Lines 26 (1938):134-135 Lewis Family Line (Virginia) 26 (1938):135 Mack Family Line (Connecticut) 26 (1938):135 Magruder Family Line, Alexander (Md.) 26 (1938):135-136 Warfield Family Line (Maryland)

Volume 27 (1939) 27 (1939):1-2 Ohio Company, 1786-1795: Winthrop Sargent's Subscription List Maude M. Fierce 27 (1939):2-7 Athens County, Ohio, Record Book No. 1 Maude M. Fierce 27 (1939):6-12, 37-42, 75-80, 106-112 (Cont. from 26:111, cont. to 28:17) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 27 (1939):12-16, 53-56, 80-83 (Cont. from 26:112) Vital Records, Frederick Town, Frederick County, Maryland Norman Niccum 27 (1939):16-18, 102-106 (Cont. from 26:122, cont. to 28:8) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 27 (1939):18-19 Refugee Tract, Northwest Territory, Ohio, April 17, 1798 Frank W. Gardner 27 (1939):19 Campbell County, Virginia, Revolutionary Ensigns, 1782 William Wade Hinshaw 27 (1939):19-20 Henry Bible Records (Mississippi & Alabama) Louis Carr Henry 27 (1939):20 Military Record of Wilson Henry Louis Carr Henry 27 (1939):21 Marriage Records, Lawrence County, Alabama Louis Carr Henry 27 (1939):21-22 Tombstone Inscriptions, Marshall, Faquier County, Virginia Jean Stephenson and Louis Carr Henry 27 (1939):22-26 (Cont. from 26:118, cont. to 29:37) New Hampshire Revolutionary War Pension Records Marion Lang Driscoll 27 (1939):30-31 Descendants of William & John Johnson of Virginia William Wade Hinshaw 27 (1939):31 Van Wagenen Family Line (New York) Azalea Green Badgley 27 (1939):31-32 Gordon Bible Record (William) Carrie White Avery 27 (1939):32 Keyes Bible Records

27 (1939):33-34 Carrington Family Record Florence Van Rensselaer 27 (1939):34-35 Marriage Bonds, Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia (Cont. to 29:34) Natalie R. Fernald 27 (1939):36-37 Marriage Bonds, Bedford, Bedford County, Virginia Natalie R. Fernald 27 (1939):42-45 Vital Records of Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Joseph M. Kellogg 27 (1939):45-47 Early Deaths, First Book, Sheffield, Mass., Town Records Joseph M. Kellogg 27 (1939):47-48 Chuckery Corners Cemetery, Kirkland Township, Oneida Co., New York Joseph M. Kellogg 27 (1939):49-50 Sale Family Records Marion Lang Driscoll 27 (1939):51, 113 Corrections "Latta Bible Record," by Charles Leonard Brown, 26:24 (51) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications,"26:128-133 (51) "Moravian Church Register, Maurice (Morris) River, Cumberland Co., New Jersey," by Margaret Patton McVickar, 27:83-85 (113) 27 (1939):51-52 James Cleveland, Loudoun Co., Va. (1777-'78) Coleman Cockerille 27 (1939):52 Reynolds, Susan (Va., b. 1826) Frank Johnson Metcalf 27 (1939):52 James Rollins (Rawlins) Family Line (N. H.) Marion Lang Driscoll 27 (1939):52-60 Records of the Frederick County, Virginia, Militia in the French and Indian War Period Anna (Strickler) Milbourne 27 (1939):60-63 Rev. Paul Henkel's Diary, Journey Through Virhinia & Ohio Cora C. Curry and Henry S. Jacoby 27 (1939):64, 96, 97-102 (Cont. from 26:133, cont. to 28:31) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 27 (1939):65-70 Edward Garfield (1575-1672) of Watertown, Mass. John Benjain Nichols 27 (1939):70 Clergymen and Newspapers, Frederick Town, Frederick Co., Maryland Norman Niccum

27 (1939):71-75 Historical Outline of the Teasdale-Teesdale Families Milton Rubincam 27 (1939):83-85 [Correction 113] Moravian Church Register, Maurice (Morris) River, Cumberland Co., New Jersey Margaret Patton McVickar 27 (1939):85-87 Brother Reincken's and Senseman's Journal Margaret Patton McVickar 27 (1939):87-91 Dye Family (Miami Co., Ohio) Lindsay M. Brien 27 (1939):93-94 Marks Bible Records (Pa.) Edwin LaFayette Mattern 27 (1939):94-95 Van Wagenen Family Records (New York) Azalea Green Badgley 27 (1939):95 [See also 112, 28:89] Grave of Rev. William Watters (Md.) Carrie White Avery 27 (1939):95-96 Tombstone Inscriptions, Providence Twp., Bedford Co., Pa. C. C. Weaverling 27 (1939):112 [See also 28:89] Rev. William Watters Frank Johnson Metcalf

Volume 28 (1940) 28 (1940):1-7 [See also 30:25-27] Ancestry of Clarence Bloomfield Moore, of Philadelphia Clara Jessup Moore 28 (1940):7-8 Naturalizations, Germantown, Pa., 3/7/1691-92 28 (1940):8-13, 36-40, 85-87, 124-126 (Cont. from 27:106, cont. to 29:65) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 28 (1940):13 Vital Records, Evangelical Intelligencer (D. C.), 1807 Marion Lang Driscoll 28 (1940):13-17, 55-57 Vital Records from Columbian Star (D. C.) Marion Lang Driscoll 28 (1940):17-21, 24, 43-52, 66-75, 109-121 (Cont. from 27:112, cont. to 29:1) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 28 (1940):26-29 Records of Christ Church, Washington Parish (D. C.) 28 (1940):29-30 Colonies of United States Citizens in Central America Albert Horwell Gerberich 28 (1940):31 Priest Family Record John Benjamin Nichols 28 (1940):31-32, 63-64, 94-103 [Correction 127] (Cont. from 27:102, cont. to 29:28) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 28 (1940):33-36 [Corrections 91, 127] The Genealogist as a Contributor to Historical Research Dorsey W. Hyde 28 (1940):40-43 Adams Family Bible Records Katherine K. Adams 28 (1940):43 Washington Family Reinterments, Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown, D. C. Cordelia Jackson 28 (1940):58-62 [Correction 127] Hamilton Union Church Cemetery, Lutheran and German Reformed, Monroe Co., Formerly Northampton, Pa. Norman Niccum 28 (1940):65-66 The 250th Anniversary of American Papermaking (1690-1940) Milton Rubincam 28 (1940):75-84 Vital Records from Columbian Star & the Christian Advocate(Philadelphia, Pa.) Marion Lang Driscoll

28 (1940):84 Vital Records from Christian Review, Boston, Mass. Marion Lang Driscoll 28 (1940):87-88 Church Family Marriages in Kentucky Mrs.Clifford Kennedy Berryman 28 (1940):88-89 Oliver Marriages, Woodford and Franklin Counties, Kentucky Mrs.Clifford Kennedy Berryman 28 (1940):88-89 Rev. William Watters 28 (1940):91, 127 Corrections "The Genealogist as a Contributor to Historical Research," by Dorsey W. Hyde, 28:33-36 (91, 127) "Hamilton Union Church Cemetery, Lutheran and German Reformed, Monroe Co., Formerly Northampton, Pa.," by Norman Niccum, 28:58-62 (127) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," 28:94-103 (127) 28 (1940):93 Tombstone Inscriptions, Johnson Burial Grounds Near Daubs, Frederick County, Md. Adele Moody 28 (1940):93 Kenyon Bible Record (N. Y., Ill. & Mo. & Mich.) Catherine E. Brumbaugh 28 (1940):104 Genealogies of Miami County Ohio Families Lindsay M. Brien 28 (1940):105-109 The Parentage of Agatha, Wife of Prince Edward the Exile Marcellus D. R. von Redlich 28 (1940):121-122 Vital Records from Old Baptist Books Marion Lang Driscoll 28 (1940):123 Deaths of Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Conference, As Reported to the Baltimore Yearly Conference Marion Lang Driscoll 28 (1940):123-124 Bernard and Willis Wills (Kentucky & Virginia) Florence Van Rensselaer 28 (1940):126 (Cont. to 31:37) Corrections to the Chadbourne Genealogy Robert F. Wood

Volume 29 (1941) 29 (1941):1-15, 45-54, 96-105, 123-128 (Cont. from 28:121, cont. to 30:9) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 29 (1941):15-22, 105-109 (Cont. to 30:43) Copies of Records Contributed to the D. A. R. Library, by Jean Stephenson Vital Records (Marriages and Deaths) from the Telescope (N. Y.) (15-17) Cumberland County, New Jersey, Wills (17-20) Abstracts of Wills in Probate Court, Charleston, South Carolina (20-22) Abstracts of Wills, Fayette County, Kentucky, Will Book E (105-107) Bible Record of Heirom & Ann Gaines (Mississippi) (107-108) Bible Record of Robert Garrett, Sr., & Mary Garrett (Mississippi) (108) McCarty Family Bible Records (Miss.) (108) Record of Marriages by Nathaniel Thwing, Esq., 1777-1816 (Maine) (108-109) 29 (1941):22-24 Bible Records of Enos Barnes, Sr., and Thomas Barnes and Matthew Woodruff Records (Conn.) Craig L. Reddish 29 (1941):24-25 Bible Records of Ellis & Finch Families (Mass.) Beulah Ellis Armstrong 29 (1941):25 John Green Bible Record Azalea Green Badgley 29 (1941):26 Ephraim Hunt Bible Record 29 (1941):26-27 Bible Record of Francis Hunt 29 (1941):27-28 Dunbar & Bryant Bible Records (Va. & Ky.) Sallie C. Bryant 29 (1941):28 Marsh-Hunt Bible Records 29 (1941):28-30, 132-136 (Cont. from 28:103, cont. to 30:28) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 29 (1941):30-34 Court Records of Augusta County, Virginia Joseph Kellogg 29 (1941):34-35 Marriage Bonds, Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia (Cont. from 27:35) Natalie R. Fernald 29 (1941):35, 70-71 Hotzenpiller and Rader Records Ruby Brugh Jennings 29 (1941):37 Blackford Grave Yard, Page Co., Va. John Gill Grove 29 (1941):37-40, 73-75 [Corrections 120] (Cont. from 27:26) New Hampshire Revolutionary War Pension Records Marion Lang Driscoll

29 (1941):41-44 "Palatine" Emigrants to America from the Principality of Nassau-Dillenburg William J. Hoffman 29 (1941):54 Phillips Bible Records Frank Johnson Metcalf 29 (1941):55-63 Record of the Ephrata Cloister Cemeteries Melville B. Schmoyer 29 (1941):63 MacDowell Bible Record from Scotland Cora Gifford Hunt 29 (1941):64 [Correction 120] Tanner Bible Records George Mason Graham Stafford 29 (1941):65-67 [Correction 120], 89-91, 130-132 (Cont. from 28:126, cont. to 30:7) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 29 (1941):67-69 [Correction 120] St. Paul's Parish Register (Episcopal), King George County, Virginia Herbert Lee Alexander 29 (1941):69-70 Stuarts in King George Parish Prior to Rev. Davis Stuart Herbert Lee Alexander 29 (1941):71 Duvall Bible Record, Prince George's Co., Maryland 29 (1941):78-79, 119-120, 136-140 Notes Samuel Andrews (1698-1768) (N. J.), by Leroy W. Tilton (78-79) Gleim, by Milton Rubincam (119) Kephart Origin, by Calvin I. Kephart (119-120) Cook (R. I.), by Edward H. West (120) Historical Records Survey, by K. F. Maver (136-137) Heraldic Revenge (Gibbon) (137) Cuban Epitaph, by Louis R. Hamill (137-138) A Leaf from John Pelton's Ledger, by Nellie M. Raber (138) Haines Bible Record (Extracts) (138) Heinrich Frey, of Germantown, by Milton Rubincam (138-139) Swedish-American Noble Families (139-140) 29 (1941):81-89 Early Dutch Emigration to America William J. Hoffman 29 (1941):91-92 Ellis (Alles) Family Records (Pa., Va. & Ohio) Lindsay M. Brien 29 (1941):92-93 Bible Records of Wm. S. B. Henry & Lucy B. Daingerfield (Va.) Nellie P. (Mrs. B. C.) Waldenmaier 29 (1941):94-96 The American Association for State and Local History Meredith B. Colket, Jr.

29 (1941):120 Corrections "Tanner Bible Records," by George Mason Graham Stafford, 29:64 (120) "Central Ohio Genealogical Notes," by Frank W. Gardner, 29:65-67 (120) "St. Paul's Parish Register (Episcopal), King George County, Virginia," by Herbert Lee Alexander, 29:67-69 (120) "New Hampshire Revolutionary War Pension Records," by Marion Lang Driscoll, 29:73-75 (120) 29 (1941):121-123 Kinsey of Switzerland and North Carolina Hugh Buckner Johnston 29 (1941):129-130 Runyon-Runyan Family (New Jersey) Calvin I. Kephart 29 (1941):147-148 Protzman Wills, Frederick & Washington Counties, Md. Nellie P. (Mrs. B. C.) Waldenmaier

Volume 30 (1942) 30 (1942):1-6 Barton Pedigree in the College of Arms, London Milton Rubincam 30 (1942):6-7 The Preparation of a Supplement to a Family Genealogy Henry Sylvester Jacoby 30 (1942):7-9, 48-50, 94-95 (Cont. from 29:132, cont. to 31:7) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 30 (1942):9-15, 63, 65-67, 96-100, 121-125 (Cont. from 29:128, cont. to 31:3) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 30 (1942):15-16 Dunbar & Bryant Bible Records (Va. & Ky.) Sallie C. Bryant 30 (1942):16-17 Early-Ohrle Family Records (Pennsylvania) Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 30 (1942):17-18 Marriage Certificate: Elexander McKever & Lidia McKeever 30 (1942):18 Will of Joseph Cloud of Concord Township, Delaware Co., Pa. 30 (1942):18 Bible Record of Nicholas Parrott and His Wife Elizabeth (Moran) Parrott 30 (1942):19 Yard Family, New Jersey & Pennsylvania John Leatherman Yard 30 (1942):24-27, 75-79, 115-117 Notes The Noble Custis Family of the Netherlands and Belgium, Cadet Branch of Custis of England and Virginia, by Milton Rubincam (75-78) Unusual Discovery of the Family Bible of Joseph Jinnett & Abba Peele, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (78-79) Ward Wills (N. C.), by Hugh Buckner Johnston (79) School Schedule, 1865-1866, Tazewell County, Illinois, by Cora Wolcott Pierce (24-25) A Culver Search, by Florence B. Culver (25) English Descendants of Augustus E. Jessup, of Philadelphia, by Baron Harold de Bildt and Milton Rubincam (25-27) The Relationship of the English Royal Family with the Ancient Hungarian House of Árpád, by Marcellus D. R. von Redlich (115-117) 30 (1942):28-36, 52-62, 113-115, 128-146 (Cont. from 29:136, cont. to 31:11) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 30 (1942):39, 50-52 Samuel B. Davis' Bible Record (Ky. & La.) Mrs. Edward Nevill McAllister 30 (1942):40 Cemetery Inscriptions, Loudoun County, Va. Allen Monroe Ergood

30 (1942):41-43 An Anglo-American Cousinship: Lord Halsbury and General Robert E. Lee Anthony R. Wagner 30 (1942):43-46, 125-127 (Cont. from 29:109) Copies of Records Contributed to the D. A. R. Library, by Jean Stephenson Abstracts from Will Book 1, Hustings Court, Petersburg, Virginia (1784-1826) (43-46) Naturalization Register, United States District Court, Charleston, South Carolina, 1792-1800 (125-127) 30 (1942):46-47 Mitchell Family, of Preble Co., Ohio Lindsay M. Brien 30 (1942):63 George D. Glenn's Bible Record (Virginia) John Gill Grove 30 (1942):68 Tombstone Inscriptions, Marshall, Fauquier County, Virginia Jean Stephenson and Louis Carr Henry 30 (1942):80 Bible Record of Michael Wenger (Son of Christian), Born August 1, 1741 Clayton P. Wenger 30 (1942):81-90 The Three Johns (Priest, Nichols, Warner) of Bare Hill, in the Town of Harvard, Massachusetts John Benjamin Nichols 30 (1942):91-94 Woolens Family Records John Insley Coddington 30 (1942):102-103 Official List of Tavern Licenses Granted in Philadelphia County, Pa., September Sessions, 1832 Home Stephens McAllister 30 (1942):103-109 Tombstone Inscriptions in Bangor Parish Churchyard, Churchtown, Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania William Frederic Worner 30 (1942):109-111 Tombstone Inscriptions, Sy. Paul's Reformed Churchyard, Churchtown, Manheim, Lancaster Co., Pa. William Frederic Worner 30 (1942):111-113 Roll of Captain Philip Maroney's Company, Flying Camp, Md., August 5, 1776 Margaret Roberts Hodges 30 (1942):147-149 Curtis Bible Records 30 (1942):149 Ephraim Hunt Bible Record 30 (1942):149-150 Francis Hunt Bible Record 30 (1942):150 Marsh-Hunt Bible Records 30 (1942):151 Bible Record of Christopher Sippel and John Peter Nye Nellie P. (Mrs. B. C.) Waldenmaier

30 (1942):151-152 Tombstone Records from Gunpowder Neck, Harford County, Md. Allen Monroe Ergood

Volume 31 (1943) 31 (1943):1-3 Ancestry of Elihu Burritt Donald Lines Jacobus 31 (1943):3-7, 33-36, 73-76, 104-109 (Cont. from 30:125, cont. to 32:14) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 31 (1943):7-8 (Cont. from 30:95, cont. to 32:21) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 31 (1943):8-10 Clarke, Metcalfe, Oden Bible Records Mrs. Lee B. (Clarke) Soper 31 (1943):10-11 Pay Roll of Captain Fleming Bates, Halifax County, Virginia, Novemner, 1781 Ann Waller Reddy 31 (1943):11-18, 43-45, 92-95, 122-124 (Cont. from 30:146, cont. to 32:29) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 31 (1943):18-20 (Cont. from 26:66, cont. to 32:78) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts 31 (1943):22-30 Notes The Holy Roman Empire and Its Effects on American Colonization, by Milton Rubincam (25-28) Bible Records: Osborne (28) Bible Records: Cauthorn (28) Bible Records: Johnston (28-29) Bible Records: Woodard (29) Stockton Pedigree in the College of Arms, London, by Milton Rubincam (29-30) 31 (1943):37-40 (Cont. from 28:126) Correction to "The Chadbourne Genealogy," by Wm. M. Emery, 1904 Robert F. Wood 31 (1943):40-41, 102-104 Baggerly Family Records Adelaide B. Baggerly Chase 31 (1943):42-43 Peter Rittenhouse, of Cresheim Milton Rubincam 31 (1943):45-49 [See also 52:205-209] The "Mortality Schedules" Jean Stephenson 31 (1943):51 Pay Roll, Lincoln County (Ky.) Militia Nellie P. (Mrs. B. C.) Waldenmaier 31 (1943):51-53 Elisha Lewis Bible Records (Canada, New York, Etc.) William Frederic Worner and Mrs. Parker M. Lewis 31 (1943):53 Cemetery Records, North Carolina Bessie C. Carman

31 (1943):53-64 A Danish Royal-Skiöldung Lineage: Gebhardt (Kephart, Capehart) and Zincke (Zingge) Descendants of Lords of Erlach Calvin I. Kephart 31 (1943):65-73, 109-113 (Cont. to 32:6) Resident Proprietors of the Western Reserve, 1804 Nellie M. Raber 31 (1943):76 Family Record of John and Mary (Rowan) Walker (Tennessee) Elizabeth J. Fisher 31 (1943):76-77 Family of Richard Strode, of Newlin Township, Chester Co., Penna. Milton Rubincam 31 (1943):78-81 The Federal Census of 1850 The MacMillans in the Census of 1850, by Louis Carr Henry (78-81) 31 (1943):83-87 (Cont. to 32:17) Vital Records of Massachusetts 31 (1943):87-88 Benefactors, Presbyterian Church, Tioga Co., Penna. Carlos P. Darling and Adrian E. Mount 31 (1943):88-92 (Cont. to 34:49) New Jersey Bible Records 31 (1943):97-102 Berkshire Co., Mass., Probate Records Joseph M. Kellogg 31 (1943):115-117 Lick Creek Monthly Meeting (Orange Co., Ind.) Marriage Records Myrtle Maris Mavity 31 (1943):117-121 Tombstone Inscriptions from Cemetery at Lexington, Va. Mrs. Jerome A. Esker 31 (1943):121 Bible Record of Elisha Cooke (Mass. & Sussex, N. J.) Mrs. Fred M. Hopkins

Volume 32 (1944) 32 (1944):1-3 Some Men Who Served in the Revolution and What Became of Them Nellie P. (Mrs. B. C.) Waldenmaier 32 (1944):3-6 (Cont. to 33:78) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 32 (1944):6-14 (Cont. from 31:113) Resident Proprietors of the Western Reserve, 1804 Nellie M. Raber 32 (1944):14-17, 46-49, 97-100 (Cont. from 31:109, cont. to 33:15) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 32 (1944):17 (Cont. from 31:87) Vital Records of Massachusetts 32 (1944):19-20 Genealogical Gleanings in Quaker Narratives Hugh Buckner Johnston 32 (1944):21-22 (Cont. from 31:8) Central Ohio Genealogical Notes Frank W. Gardner 32 (1944):22-25 Welles of Connecticut G. E. Bushnell 32 (1944):25-26 Blaser-Drawbaugh Bible Records Willetta Baylis (Mrs. William) Blum 32 (1944):26-27 Leatherman & Zurkheimer Family Records Gaius M. Brumbaugh 32 (1944):28-29 An Old West Virginia Cemetery Mrs. Boyd Wees 32 (1944):29-32, 61-64, 93-96, 101-109 (Cont. from 31:124, cont. to 33:21) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 32 (1944):33-35 Butler Co., Ohio, Will Abstracts, Book 1, 1805-1825 Lindsay M. Brien 32 (1944):35-41 Hampshire Co., Mass., Estates Joseph M. Kellogg 32 (1944):41-42 Graham Bible Records G. M. G. Stafford 32 (1944):43 Claggett-Summers Records Mrs. Robert Bault and Kate Singer Curry

32 (1944):43-44 Batte Notes Hugh Buckner Johnston 32 (1944):44-45 McQuiston, McDill Familes; Tombstone Records, Preble Co., Ohio Lindsay M. Brien 32 (1944):45-46 Bynum and May Bible Records Hugh Buckner Johnston 32 (1944):51-52 Evolution of South Carolina Counties Roberta Wakefield 32 (1944):53 Maryland Pensions 32 (1944):53-54 Inscriptions from Old Cemetery, Raleigh, N. C. Jean Stephenson and Bessie C. Carman 32 (1944):54-61 [Correction 33:80] Notes on the Walters, Valentine, Hewlett, and Carll Families of Long Island Robert Franklin Wood 32 (1944):65-68 Applications for Prize Money Edward H. West 32 (1944):68-70 [Correction 109] Maryland Militia in the Revolution George A. Martin 32 (1944):70-73 (Cont. to 33:40) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles Faith Stoek Daskam 32 (1944):73-74 Cemetery Inscriptions, Warren Co., Tenn. Thomas J. Barnes 32 (1944):74-75 (Cont. to 33:13) Randolph Co., West Virginia, Tombstone Inscriptions Mrs. Boyd Wees 32 (1944):75-77 Allen-Bowers-Drown Edith L. Allen 32 (1944):78-79 (Cont. from 31:20, cont. to 33:19) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts 32 (1944):81-84 North Carolina Court Records Bessie C. Carman 32 (1944):84 Beman Family Record Elizabeth J. Fisher 32 (1944):86-87 Parke Tombstone Inscriptions from Upper Octorara Cemetery, Near Parkesburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. McKeown and Marion H. Park

32 (1944):87-92 First List of Taxpayers and Citizens of Washington County, Texas, for 1837 Worth S. Ray 32 (1944):109 Corrections "Maryland Militia in the Revolution," by George A. Martin, 32:68-70 (109) 32 (1944):111 Clark Bible Abstract (N. J.) Doris Wolcott Strong 32 (1944):111 Crenshaw Bible Abstract (Va., Ky.) Mrs. Thomas Mellon Galey 32 (1944):112 Dater-Reed Bible Abstracts (N. Y.) Philip Hays Dater 32 (1944):112 Dudley-Eaton Bible Abstracts (Va., N. C.) Bessie C. Carman

Volume 33 (1945) 33 (1945):1-7, 38-39 Early Land Owners in Blount County, Tennessee Elizabeth J. Fisher 33 (1945):7-10 The Banks Manuscripts in the Library of Congress Milton Rubincam 33 (1945):10 A Suit for Trespass Nellie P. Waldenmaier 33 (1945):11-12 Abstracts of Wills in Edgecombe County, North Carolina Hugh Buckner Johnston 33 (1945):12 Brown, Simmons Bible Abstracts (N. C.) Hugh Buckner Johnston 33 (1945):13-14, 43-46 (Cont. from 32:75) Randolph Co., West Virginia, Tombstone Inscriptions Mrs. Boyd Wees 33 (1945):15-18, 72-77 (Cont. from 32:100, cont. to 34:13) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 33 (1945):19-20, 106-113 (Cont. from 32:79, cont. to 35:39) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 33 (1945):21-29, 50-62, 81-89, 123-124 [Correction 80] (Cont. from 32:109, cont. to 34:31) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications 33 (1945):33-35 Unpublished Historical Records Survey Inventories Max E. Hoyt 33 (1945):35-38 Emigrants to the American Colonies Surnamed Snell and Schnell Hallock Porter Long 33 (1945):40-42 (Cont. from 32:73, cont. to 40:140) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles Faith Stoek Daskam 33 (1945):63-64, 92-100 Communications and Notes Rouse Family Lineage, Knox Co., O., by Frank W. Gardner (63) Reynolds and Read Records (Yenn.), by Mrs. Charles F. Wayland (63) Thatcher Bible Abstract (Va.), by Mrs. Charles F. Wayland (64) William Dunn Bible Abstract and Family Record (Vt., O.), by George B. L. Arner (64) Edward Cowen Bible Abstract and Family Record (Pa.), by Arthur St. Clair Brumbaugh (64) Ancestry of Lieutenant George Harris of Canaan, New Hampshire, and Some of His Descendants, by Sidney Roby Sheldon (92-100) 33 (1945):65-67 Settlers on Cherokee Lands North of Tennessee River in 1819 Leroy W. Tilton

33 (1945):67-69 (Cont. to 34:11) Family Notes in the Hall of Records at Annapolis, Maryland Roger Thomas 33 (1945):70-71 Bomberger Cemetery, Lancaster Co., Pa. William Frederick Worner 33 (1945):71-72 Abandoned Presbyterian Cemetery, Starkville, Mississippi Mrs. Jerome A. Esker 33 (1945):78-79 (Cont. from 32:6, cont. to 34:84) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 33 (1945):80 Corrections "Notes on the Walters, Valentine, Hewlett, and Carll Families of Long Island," by Robert Franklin Wood, 32:54-61 (80) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," 33:50-62 (80) 33 (1945):101-104 Eastern North Carolina as a Field for Genealogical Research Dora A. Padgett 33 (1945):104-106 (Cont. to 34:9) Census of 1816, Amite County, Mississippi Territory Mrs. Jerome A. Esker 33 (1945):113 Some Officers of a North Carolina Militia Brigade Leroy W. Tilton 33 (1945):114-117 Sources for Genealogy and Local History of the Scotch-Irish of Central Pennsylvania Raymond M. Bell 33 (1945):117-122 (Cont. to 34:20) Concord Cemetery, Smith Township, Whitley Co., Indiana, with Genealogical Notes on Families Represented Nellie M. Raber and Christobel Hazel

Volume 34 (1946) 34 (1946):1-3 The North Carolina State Department of Archives and History and Its Manuscript Collections Christopher Crittenden 34 (1946):3-6 Vital Statistics from the Tarboro Press Hugh Buckner Johnston 34 (1946):7-9 The 1890 Census Records of the Veterans of the Union Army Evangeline Thurber 34 (1946):9-11, 55-57 (Cont. from 33:106) Census of 1816, Amite County, Mississippi Territory Mrs. Jerome A. Esker 34 (1946):11-12 (Cont. from 33:69) Family Notes in the Hall of Records at Annapolis, Maryland Roger Thomas 34 (1946):13-20, 89-95, 130-134 (Cont. from 33:77, cont. to 35:22) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) Frank Johnson Metcalf 34 (1946):20-25 (Cont. from 33:122) Concord Cemetery, Smith Township, Whitley Co., Indiana, with Genealogical Notes on Families Represented Nellie M. Raber and Christobel Hazel 34 (1946):25-26 Will of Col. David Looney of Sullivan County, Tennessee Leroy W. Tilton 34 (1946):28, 30, 35-40, 72, 79, 108-112, 136 Communications and Notes An Early Child Marriage (Cole-Gardner, Shutebury, Mass.) (28) Will of Alexander Younger (Tappahannock, Essex Co., Va.) (30) Benjamin and Abijah Ingraham, Loyalists of New York and New Brunswick, by John Benjamin Nichols (35-39) Thurston, Longwell Families (Delaware Co., O.), by Frank W. Gardner (39-40) Simms Bible Extract (N. C.), by Hugh Buckner Johnston (40) Will of Patrick Murray of Alexandria, Va., 5 November, 1793, by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh (40) Worthington Problem (Pa., Ky., Mo.), by William J. Gammon (72) McGarity Bible Abstract (Fairfax Co., Va.), by Hugh Buckner Johnston (72) Court House Discards, by Nellie P. Waldenmaier (79) Notes on the Lilly Family of Memphis, Tennessee, by John Insley Coddington (108-111) Pearce Records (N. Y., R. I., N. C., Ind.), by Mrs. W. B. Craghead (111-112) Eisenhower (Eisenhaur) Family, by Mrs. Ralph Daskam (112) Va. Cemetery Inscriptions, by Faith S. Daskam (136) 34 (1946):31-34, 61-71, 97-107, 135, 137-138 (Cont. from 33:124, cont. to 35:29) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 34 (1946):41 Genealogical Sources at Belfast Raymond M. Bell 34 (1946):42-49 Salem Lutheran Churchyard, Kissel Hill, Kancaster Co., Pennsylvania William Frederick Worner 34 (1946):49-51 (Cont. from 31:92) New Jersey Bible Records

34 (1946):51-55 War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Applications Under Name of William Adkins or Atkins Mrs. Jerome A. Esker and Roberta Wakefield 34 (1946):73-74 [Correction 64:203] English Friends' Meeting Records Milton Rubincam 34 (1946):75-76 New Jersey Petition of 1780 Concerning Retaliation Leroy W. Tilton 34 (1946):76 List of Men from Elk Creek District, Va., Sworn into Service, 1782 Mrs. Claude P. Stephens 34 (1946):77-78, 126-128 (Cont. to 35:72) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber 34 (1946):78-79 Zion Reformed Churchyard, Millersville, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania William Frederick Worner 34 (1946):80-83 Miscellaneous Index of Family Data in the Hall of Records at Annapolis, Maryland 34 (1946):84 (Cont. from 33:79, cont. to 36:79) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 34 (1946):84 Soldiers Named John Thomas from Georgia in the War of 1812 Hugh Buckner Johnston 34 (1946):85-86 Petition Protesting Double Taxation for Failure to Take Oath of Allegiance Nellie P. Waldenmaier 34 (1946):113-117 [Correction 35:26] Geographical Aspects of Pennsylvania German Genealogical Study Albert H. Gerberich 34 (1946):117-118 Woods Families Enumerated in 1850 Census, Saratoga Co., New York Hugh Buckner Johnston 34 (1946):118-126 Willowstreet Mennonite Cemetery, Lancaster Co., Pa. William Frederick Worner 34 (1946):128-129 Soldiers of Cecil County, Maryland, 1740 Leroy W. Tilton

Volume 35 (1947) 35 (1947):1-3 Delaware Records for Genealogical Research Leon deValinger, Jr. 35 (1947):3 An Early Petition Nellie P. Waldenmaier 35 (1947):3-18 Mudd Marriages (Male Only) 1678 to 1910 Richard D. Mudd 35 (1947):20-22 Certain Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots of Massachusetts with Proof of Service Found in Pension Records of Other Soldiers Katie Prince W. Esker 35 (1947):22-25, 44-49, 80-84, 112-117 (Cont. from 34:134, cont. to 36:11) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 35 (1947):26 Corrections "Geographical Aspects of Pennsylvania German Genealogical Study," by Albert H. Gerberich, 34:113-117 (26) 35 (1947):29-30, 53, 55-64, 92-100, 122-123 (Cont. from 34:138, cont. to 36:27) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 35 (1947):31-32, 43 Communications and Notes Early Field Records, Westmoreland County, Virginia, by Hazel Lloyd (31) Dickinson, Wood, Workman Family Record (Ky., Ind., O.), by Frank W. Gardner (32) Arnold Family Gravestones, Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee, by John Insley Coddington (32) Abstract of Bryant Family Bible Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (32) The Achingback Family, by Milton Rubincam (43) 35 (1947):33-38 Records of Northampton County, Virginia Nellie P. Waldenmaier 35 (1947):38-39 Petition for Guard at Toms River, New Jersey, 1781 Leroy W. Tilton 35 (1947):39-43 (Cont. from 33:113, cont. to 37:39) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 35 (1947):65-69 Ariaentje Cuvilje (Adrienne Cuvellier), Matriarch of New Amsterdam Herbert F. Seversmith 35 (1947):71-72 Extra-Curricular Genealogical Projects in a Public High School Walter Ray Sanders 35 (1947):72-73 (Cont. from 34:128, cont. to 36:5) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber 35 (1947):77-79 (Cont. to 36:7) Millersville Mennonite Cemetery, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania William Frederick Worner

35 (1947):101-105 (Cont. to 36:16) Sealing Docket, Gloucester County, N. J., Beginning 1746 Leroy W. Tilton 35 (1947):106-107 Petition Against Removal from Lands of Double Head Reserve Thomas E. Blades 35 (1947):108-111 Certain Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots of Connecticut with Proof of Service Found in Pension Records of Other Soldiers Katie Prince W. Esker

Volume 36 (1948) 36 (1948):1-4 Connecticut Resources for Genealogical Research Marjorie E. Case 36 (1948):4-5 Call Roll of Basil Waring's Company of Militia George A. Martin 36 (1948):5-6, 76-78 (Cont. from 35:73, cont. to 37:45) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber 36 (1948):7-11 (Cont. from 35:79) Millersville Mennonite Cemetery, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania William Frederick Worner 36 (1948):11-15 [Corrections 41:98], 51-54, 91-93 [Corrections 37:53], 100 [Corrections 37:53], 109-111 (Cont. from 35:117, cont. to 37:19) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 36 (1948):16-19 (Cont. from 35:105) Sealing Docket, Gloucester County, N. J., Beginning 1746 Leroy W. Tilton 36 (1948):27-34, 67-72, 101-104, 117-122 (Cont. from 35:123, cont. to 37:26) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 36 (1948):35-36, 78, 114-116 Communications and Notes The Atchison Family of Pennsylvania, by Raymond M. Bell (35-36) James French Bible Abstract (S. C., Tenn., Ala.), by Mrs. Balfour H. Clark (36) Samuel Slaughter Bible Abstract (Ga.), by Mrs. Balfour H. Clark (36) Family Record of Reuben Nance, by Mrs. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh (36) Items from Records of First Methodist Church, Washington, Pa. - Marriages by Rev. James Sansom, by Raymond M. Bell (78) Bliss Family Genealogy (Correction), by Willis H. Miller (114) Flenner-Wineberger Bible Abstracts (Md.), by Allen M. Ergood (114) Bible Records of the Skinner Family, by John Insley Coddington (114-115) Family Records of Richard Henry Lee Wilkinson, by Thomas A. Enloe (115) Bible Records of the Sawyer Family, Abstracts, by John Insley Coddington (115-116) Gavin Scott Records Abstracts, by Raymond M. Bell (116) Collins Family Bible Record, by Willis H. Miller (116) 36 (1948):37-41 How the National Archives Can Aid Genealogists Thomas M. Owen, Jr. 36 (1948):42-47 Carpenter's Church Cemetery, Lancaster Co., Pa. Willian Frederick Worner 36 (1948):66 Cross Reference Chart of Long Island Genealogical Source Material Herbert F. Seversmith 36 (1948):73-76 Virginia (and W. Va.) Origins of Settlers in Edgar Co., Illinois, as Revealed by the 1850 Census O. Kenneth Baker 36 (1948):79 (Cont. from 34:84, cont. to 38:79) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray

36 (1948):80-81 Origins of the Gerulfs George Andrews Moriarty 36 (1948):81-82 Fuller Families Enumerated in 1850 Census, Saratoga Co., New York Hugh Buckner Johnson 36 (1948):83 Inscriptions from Old Seceders' Cemetery, Clarion County, Pennsylvania Mrs. John F. Kuhns and Miriam Kuhns 36 (1948):86 John Robinson's Military Record Milton Rubincam 36 (1948):87-89 Capt. Samuel Griffith's Company Pay Roll, 1777 George A. Martin 36 (1948):95-98 Reconstructed 1790 Census of Delaware Leon deValinger, Jr. 36 (1948):105-106 A Roster of Scouts and Spies of Pennsylvania (1792) Milton Rubincam 36 (1948):107 A Scotch-Irish Family in the Revolution Raymond M. Bell 36 (1948):113 Three John Rawlings in the Revolutionary War Milton Rubincam

Volume 37 (1949) 37 (1949):1-3 Alabama Records for Genealogical Research Maud McLure Kelly 37 (1949):4-11 County Atlases for Genealogical Use Tressie Nash Shull 37 (1949):11 Constitution of the State of Tennessee Tressie Nash Shull 37 (1949):15-18 American Seamen and Citizens at Talcahuano, Chile, 1846-1854 Milton Rubincam 37 (1949):19-23, 25, 51-53, 77-79, 103-107 (Cont. from 36:111, cont. to 38:18) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 37 (1949):26-32, 61-64 [Corrections 81], 87-92 [Addition 114], 111-114 (Cont. from 36:122, cont. to 38:33) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 37 (1949):33-38 German Reformed Church Records in Pennsylvania William J. Hinke 37 (1949):39-43 (Cont. from 35:43, cont. to 43:61) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 37 (1949):43, 58, 59-60, 85-86, 115 Communications and Notes Rangers of Washington Co., Pa., 1793, by Milton Rubincam (43) Published Genealogy as Proof of Heirship, by Hallock P. Long (58) Davant Bible Records, by Mrs. Balfour H. Clark (59) Epitaph on Wheeler Monument, by John M. Burkett (59-60) Notes from the German Bible of Philip Klein, by Willette Baylis Blun (60) The Richardson Family of Muskingum and Marion Counties, Ohio, by William K. Hall (85) Oliver Eno's Family (86) Winkett-Wingate Bible (Mifflin Co., Pa.), by Raymond M. Bell (86) Revolutionary War Pensioners in Chester County, Pa., Census of 1840, by Milton Rubincam (86) Notes on Ridout and Grammar Families, by Milton Rubincam (115) 37 (1949):45-47 (Cont. from 36:78, cont. to 38:24) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber 37 (1949):48-50 The Name and Family of Ruppenthal J. C. Ruppenthal 37 (1949):53, 81, 114 Corrections "Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.)," by George A. Martin, 36:91-93, 100 (53) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, 37:61-64 (81) "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, 37:87-92 (114) 37 (1949):65-70 Genealogical Research in Kentucky Bayless E. Hardin

37 (1949):71-75 Reformed Churchyard, Maytown, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Willian Frederick Worner 37 (1949):93-94 (Cont. to 43:92) The Territorial Papers as a Source for the Genealogist Clarence E. Carter 37 (1949):95-99 (Cont. to 38:13) Adams County, Mississippi, Census, 1816 Mrs. L. A. Franklin 37 (1949):100-101 Suggestions to the Amateur Genealogist C. Stewart Peterson 37 (1949):101-103 "Solomon Rubenkam" Identified as Solomon Conner Milton Rubincam

Volume 38 (1950) 38 (1950):1-5, 41-46, 76-79 Migrations from Virginia to Edgar County, Illinois, as Revealed by the 1850 Census Schedules for 200 Families O. Kenneth Baker 38 (1950):6-8 Hebron Evangelical Lutheran Church, Intermont, W. Va. William Blum 38 (1950):9-12, 53-57 Heller's Salem Reformed Churchyard, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania William Frederick Worner 38 (1950):13-17, 49-52, 80-83 (Cont. from 37:99) Adams County, Mississippi, Census, 1816 Mrs. L. A. Franklin 38 (1950):18-24, 59-61, 85-89, 121-123 (Cont. from 37:107, cont. to 39:25) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 38 (1950):24-26 (Cont. from 37:47, cont. to 39:83) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber 38 (1950):26, 90, 101-104, 123 Communications and Notes Will of John Morse, Springfield, Philadelphia Co., Pa., by Mrs. Clarence Kates Klink (26) Graves of Revolutionary War Soldiers in Zion Lutheran Churchyard, by Letitia S. Shroy (26) Outline for Biographic Compilations, by John Benjamin Nichols (90) The Arner Family, by George B. L. Arner (101-104) Bible Records from the Bible of Seth Emerson, by Willis H. Miller (104) Will of Patrick Todd (104) Will of Matthew Burt (104) Publications of the Maryland Hall of Records Commission, by Willis H. Miller (123) 38 (1950):33-36, 65-68, 95-100, 128-133 (Cont. from 37:114, cont. to 39:30) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 38 (1950):37-41 A New Tool for Genealogical Research: The William Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records Frederick B. Tolles 38 (1950):46-49 Bryan Marriages Recorded in Virginia Lindsay M. Brien 38 (1950):69-73, 111-117 (Cont. to 39:20) A Yankee in King George's Archives Kenneth M. Ellis 38 (1950):74-76 Aids to Genealogical Research in Kentucky Annie Walker Burns 38 (1950):79-80 (Cont. from 36:79, cont. to 39:45) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 38 (1950):105-110 (Cont. to 39:16) U. S. Census of the District of Columbia in Maryland for the Year 1800 Artemas C. Harmon

38 (1950):119-120 Petition, 1777 - Greenbrier County, Virginia

Volume 39 (1951) 39 (1951):1-7 Trailing Ancestors Through Pennsylvania Frances Strong Helman 39 (1951):8-10 New Light on an Old List Mrs. Clemson Ward 39 (1951):10-15, 60, 75-81, 119-123 (Cont. to 40:15) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 39 (1951):16-19, 56-59 (Cont. from 38:110) U. S. Census of the District of Columbia in Maryland for the Year 1800 Artemas C. Harmon 39 (1951):20-25, 51-56 (Cont. from 38:117) A Yankee in King George's Archives Kenneth M. Ellis 39 (1951):25, 60-61, 86-88, 124-125 (Cont. from 38:123, cont. to 40:21) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 39 (1951):30-32, 67-68, 99-104, 130-132 (Cont. from 38:133, cont. to 40:32) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh 39 (1951):33-37 Schwenckfelder Genealogical Records Selinda Girhard Schultz 39 (1951):37-40, 72-75 (Cont. to 40:53) Settlers in Montgomery County, Illinois, Before 1840 Walter R. Sanders 39 (1951):40-45 Vital Records from the Diaries of Jacob Richardson Scoyy Elizabeth Hayward 39 (1951):45-46 (Cont. from 38:80, cont. to 41:46) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 39 (1951):46-50 Microfilm Records in the State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, N. C. W. F. Burton 39 (1951):69-71 Origin of the Capetian Royal Dynasty of France Calvin I. Kephart 39 (1951):71-72 Inscriptions from Graveyard on Harry Lantz Fehl Farm Albert Horwell Gerberich 39 (1951):82-88 Rate List for Newlin Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1795 Milton Rubincam 39 (1951):83-86 (Cont. from 38:26) Probate Records of Trumbull County, Ohio Nellie M. Raber

39 (1951):89-91 1810 Jury List, Tattnall County, Ga. Folks Huxford 39 (1951):91 Craven Co., North Carolina, Tombstones Jean Stephenson 39 (1951):91 Webb Family Gravestones, Shelby Co., Tennessee John Insley Coddington 39 (1951):105-111 (Cont. to 40:10) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 39 (1951):112-113 Tombstone Inscriptions from an Abandoned Cemetery, Knobsville, Pa. Milton Rubincam 39 (1951):113-118 Lord Fairfax Rent Rolls Mrs. G. Dice

Volume 40 (1952) 40 (1952):1-3 Heraldry Beatrice Kenyon 40 (1952):4-9 Pension Records of Revolutionary Soldiers in Mississippi Mary J. Berry 40 (1952):10-15, 60-63, 101-103, 125-128 (Cont. from 39:111, cont. to 41:20) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 40 (1952):15-20, 56-59, 98-100, 129-130 (Cont. from 39:123, cont. to 41:13) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 40 (1952):21-23, 70-71, 104-105, 130-132 (Cont. from 39:125, cont. to 41:23) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 40 (1952):30-31, 140-142 Communications and Notes Mitchell and Brown Families of Morris Co., N. J., and Knox Co., Ohio, by Mrs. Walter B. Craghead (30-31) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles, by Faith Stoek Daskam (Cont. from 33:36, cont. to 41:29) (140-141) Abstract of Philip Rupert Bible Record, by Nell R. Morton (141-142) Leonard Rupert Record, by John Insley Coddington (142) 40 (1952):32-36, 111-112, 142-144 (Cont. from 39:132, cont. to 41:30) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh / Roberta P. Wakefield 40 (1952):37-49 Genealogical Research in Georgia Mary Givens Bryan 40 (1952):49-51, 95-97, 122-124 (Cont. to 41:17) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 40 (1952):51-52 Marriage Licenses, 1788-1826, Marlboro Co., S. C. Mrs. Henry J. Munnerlyn 40 (1952):53-56, 92-94, 118-120 (Cont. from 39:75, cont. to 41:12) Settlers in Montgomery County, Illinois, Before 1840 Walter R. Sanders 40 (1952):64-69 [Correction 94; See also TAG 55:257-295] The McCrackens of Northampton Co., Pa. George E. McCracken 40 (1952):77-80 (Cont. to 41:46) All Revolutionary Pension Applications Under Name of Van Dyke Mabel Van Dyke Baer 40 (1952):81-89 Genealogical Source Material in South Carolina Roberta P. Wakefield 40 (1952):89-90 Marriages at Hudson, Wis., and Vicinity Willis H. Miller

40 (1952):90-91 Fuller Use of Genealogical Research Fred Shelley 40 (1952):91-92 Cemetery Inscriptions Foind in Bulletin of Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society Mabel Van Dyke Baer 40 (1952):94 Corrections "The McCrackens of Northampton Co., Pa.," by George E. McCracken, 40:64-69 (94) 40 (1952):113-116 Camden County, Georgia, Land Court Journal 1787-1790 Mary Givens Bryan 40 (1952):116-118 Green County, Georgia, Wills, 1794-1819 Book Mrs. Balfour H. Clark 40 (1952):120-121 Additional S. C. Marriage Records Discovered Mrs. Balfour H. Clark and Sara S. Erwin 40 (1952):121 Wilson Family of Virginia and South Carolina Paul J. Anderson

Volume 41 (1953) 41 (1953):1-11, 109-118 [Corrections 98] Dutch Systems in Family Naming: New York and New Jersey Rosalie Fellows Bailey 41 (1953):12-13, 94 (Cont. from 40:120) Settlers in Montgomery County, Illinois, Before 1840 Walter R. Sanders 41 (1953):13-16, 55-58 (Cont. from 40:130, cont. to 42:28) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 41 (1953):17-19, 50-54, 81 (Cont. from 40:124, cont. to 42:25) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 41 (1953):20-21, 58-60, 127-129 (Cont. from 40:128, cont. to 42:18) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 41 (1953):23-24, 60-61, 63, 95 (Cont. from 40:132, cont. to 42:37) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 41 (1953):28-29, 66 Communications and Notes Willett Records (28) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles, by Faith Stoek Daskam (Cont. from 40:141, cont. to 42:51) (29) Records from the Bible of William Abrema, by Ronald Atmore Cox (29) Applications for Land, Brunswick Co., Va., by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (66) 41 (1953):30-32 [Correction 43:84], 67-68, 100-102 (Cont. from 40:144, cont. to 42:52) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Roberta P. Wakefield 41 (1953):33-40, 82-89 (Cont. to 42:31) Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820 Mary Givens Bryan 41 (1953):41-44, 90-92, 130-131 (Cont. to 42:22) Abstracts of Naturalization Records, Circuit Court, District of Columbia: Petitions Received, 1802-1820 Vivian Holland Jewett 41 (1953):45 Systematic Numbering for Family Genealogies A. Day Bradley 41 (1953):46 (Cont. from 39:46, cont. to 43:65) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 41 (1953):46-49 (Cont. from 40:80) All Revolutionary Pension Applications Under Name of Van Dyke Mabel Van Dyke Baer 41 (1953):49-50 Pioneer Emigration as Shown by County Records, Barnwell Co., S. C. 41 (1953):67-69 Genealogical Resources in the Iowa Archives George E. McCracken

41 (1953):69-74, 119-124 The Oaths of Allegiance for St. Mary's County, Maryland Frank F. White, Jr. 41 (1953):74-78 Orphans of Oglethorpe County, Georgia, 1794-1806 J. E. Hill 41 (1953):78-81 North Carolina Bryan Marriages Lindsay M. Brien 41 (1953):98 Corrections "Dutch Systems in Family Naming: New York and New Jersey," by Rosalie Fellows Bailey, 41:1-11 (98) "Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.)," by George A. Martin, 36:11-15 (98) 41 (1953):103-108 (Cont. to 42:42) History of the National Genealogical Society, 1903-1953 John Benjamin Nichols 41 (1953):119 Original Roll of Capt. John Smith's Co., New York Militia (Detached), War of 1812 William Galbraith Smith 41 (1953):124 Gracebury of Belfast, Ireland; Salem County, N. J.; and South Carolina Lewis D. Cook 41 (1953):125-127 Restoration of Mooring Family Cemetery, Mooringsport, Caddo Co., La. Bickham Christian

Volume 42 (1954) 42 (1954):1-6 [Correction 91] Some Sources for Kentucky Genealogical Research John Frederick Dorman 42 (1954):7-12, 73-76, 142-145 Early Marriages, Monongalia Co., Va. Helen Brodine 42 (1954):12-16 Howard Data from Official Records at Barbadoes, B. W. I. Dora A. Padgett 42 (1954):18-21, 77-79, 147-148 (Cont. from 41:129, cont. to 43:14) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 42 (1954):22-24, 68-73, 149-150 (Cont. from 41:131, cont. to 43:20) Abstracts of Naturalization Records, Circuit Court, District of Columbia: Petitions Received, 1802-1820 Vivian Holland Jewett 42 (1954):25-27, 86-87, 117-118, 150-151 (Cont. from 41:81, cont. to 43:16) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 42 (1954):28-30, 80-81, 119, 128, 145-146 (Cont. from 41:58, cont. to 43:18) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 42 (1954):31-37, 82-85 (Cont. from 41:89, cont. to 43:66) Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820 Mary Givens Bryan 42 (1954):37-39, 88-89 (Cont. from 41:95, cont. to 43:54) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 42 (1954):42-49, 95-99, 125-127 [Correction 160], 157-159 (Cont. from 41:108, cont. to 42:29) History of the National Genealogical Society, 1903-1953 John Benjamin Nichols 42 (1954):50-51, 102-104, 129-130 Communications and Notes Family Bible Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (50) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles, by Faith Stoek Daskam (Cont. from 41:29, cont. to 44:77) (51) Elliott Bible Records, by Willis H. Miller (102) Kehoe-Orcutt Records, by John Insley Coddington (103-104) Hall Bible Records, by Helen Brodine (104) Gupton Bible Records, by John Insley Coddington (129-130) 42 (1954):52, 131-132 (Cont. from 41:102, cont. to 43:76) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer 42 (1954):53-60 The Connecticut Settlement of Nova Scotia Prior to the Revolution Jean Stephenson 42 (1954):61-63 Brief Summary of County Records on Microfilm in the Division of Public Records, Harrisburg, Penn. Nell W. Reeser

42 (1954):63-67 [Correction 65:203] The Genealogical Record of John Wills (New Jersey, 1660-1746/7) Asa Matlack and Milton Rubincam 42 (1954):67-68 The Miner Family in Germany Mrs. Frank E. Finch 42 (1954):91, 160 Corrections ”Some Sources for Kentucky Genealogical Research," by John Frederick Dorman, 42:1-6 (91) "History of the National Genealogical Society, 1903-1953," by John Benjamin Nichols, 42:125-127 (160) 42 (1954):105-107 Genealogy and American Scholarship Wayne C. Grover 42 (1954):108-116 Lists of Persons Taking the Oaths of Allegiance in the Natchez District, 1798-99 Mrs. Boyd C. Edwards, Foreword by Bickham Christian 42 (1954):133-140 New England in Northwestern Ohio William L. Fox 42 (1954):141-142 Lists of Voters in Early South Carolina Elections Harold de Lorme 42 (1954):160 Visit to the Library of the Genealogical Society of the Church of the Latter Day Saints Roberta P. Wakefield

Volume 43 (1955) 43 (1955):1-5 Genealogical Resources in the Cincinnati, Ohio, Area Marie Dickoré 43 (1955):5-11, 45-50 The Quaker Records of Indiana William Perry Johnson 43 (1955):11-14 Camden County, Ga., Archives Mary Givens Bryan 43 (1955):14-16, 58-61, 95-98, 144-145 (Cont. from 42:148, cont. to 44:19) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 43 (1955):16-18, 99-101, 148-149 (Cont. from 42:151, cont. to 44:67) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 43 (1955):18-20, 139-141 (Cont. from 42:146, cont. to 44:23) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 43 (1955):20-21, 146-147 (Cont. from 42:150, cont. to 44:16) Abstracts of Naturalization Records, Circuit Court, District of Columbia: Petitions Received, 1802-1820 Vivian Holland Jewett 43 (1955):29-35 (Cont. from 42:127) History of the National Genealogical Society, 1903-1953 John Benjamin Nichols 43 (1955):41-45 Pitfalls in Genealogical Research Milton Rubincam 43 (1955):51-54 Buckingham County, Virginia, and the Southern Parts of Early Albemarle Anne Bradbury Peebles 43 (1955):54-57, 93-94, 142-143 (Cont. from 42:89, cont. to 44:25) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 43 (1955):61-65 (Cont. from 37:43) War of 1812 Pension Application Abstracts Mabel Van Dyke Baer and Roberta P. Wakefield 43 (1955):65 (Cont. from 41:46) Burial Places of Soldiers of War of 1812 Ellie Roberts Ray 43 (1955):66-69, 150-151 (Cont. from 42:85, cont. to 44:28) Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820 Mary Givens Bryan 43 (1955):76-77, 112-115 [See also 49:87-95], 158-159 (Cont. from 42:132, cont. to 44:120) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer

43 (1955):78-79, 89-90, 137-138 Communications and Notes Forest Park Cemetery (La.) Inscriptions, by Bickham Christian (78) Notes on the Walton Family, by John Walton (78-79) Family Bibles in the National Archives, by Dora Lee Eubank Wright (89-90, 137-138) 43 (1955):81-84 Genealogical Research in England and Scotland Mrs. H. J. Wilson 43 (1955):84, 152 Corrections "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications," by Roberta P. Wakefield, 41:30-32 (84) "Descendants of Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd," by Richard Dyer Mudd, 43:116-123 (152) 43 (1955):85-86 Marriage Licenses, Hamilton County, Ohio, 1825-1832 Lewis D. Cook 43 (1955):86-89 Currituck County, N. C., Tax List of 1755 Dora A. Padgett 43 (1955):90-92, 135-137 Pioneer Emigration Indicated by County Records in North Carolina Folks Huxford 43 (1955):92-93 (Cont. from 37:94) Territorial Papers of the United States Clarence E. Carter and Roberta P. Wakefield 43 (1955):116-123 [Corrections 152] Descendants of Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd Richard Dyer Mudd 43 (1955):125-130 The Dominy Johannes Theodorus Polhemius of Flatbush, Long Island Herbert F. Seversmith 43 (1955):131-132 Genealogical Materials at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Margaret Gleason 43 (1955):132-135 Extracts from Canadian Census Records, 1861 and 1871 Milton Rubincam

Volume 44 (1956) 44 (1956):1-7 Land Grants in Georgia Mary Givens Bryan 44 (1956):7-9 Some Virginia Soldiers of 1782-3 William H. Dumont 44 (1956):10-13 Louisiana Militia - War of 1812 Mabel Van Dyke Baer 44 (1956):13-16, 86-87 (Cont. to 46:26) Gravestone Inscriptions from Cemetery at Browncack's Church, Chester County, Penna. Albert H. Gerberich 44 (1956):16-19, 109-111, 147-149 (Cont. from 43:147, cont. to 45:21) Abstracts of Naturalization Records, Circuit Court, District of Columbia: Petitions Received, 1802-1820 Vivian Holland Jewett 44 (1956):19-22, 63-66, 99-104 (Cont. from 43:145) Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Penna. John L. Kistler 44 (1956):23-24, 56-59, 87-91, 157-159 (Cont. from 43:141, cont. to 45:27) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 44 (1956):25-27, 60-62, 96-98, 149-152 (Cont. from 43:143, cont. to 45:84) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 44 (1956):28-29, 52-56, 104-108, 143-146 (Cont. from 43:151, cont. to 45:33) Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820 Mary Givens Bryan 44 (1956):39, 77-78, 124-126, 168-171 Communications and Notes An Unexpected Find - Stoutenburg Records (39) Wax Family Records, by Nanon L. Carr (39) Vital Records from Old Cecil County, Maryland, Bibles, by Faith Stoek Daskam (Cont. from 42:51) (77-78) The Edward McGehee Family Cemetery, Bowling Green Plantation, Wilkinson Co., Miss., by Mrs. and Mrs. John H. Parker, Foreword by Bickham Christian (124-126) Will of David Watkins, Pendleton, S. C., by Roberta P. Wakefield (126) Moorman Bible Records, by Alma Chapman (168) Nichols Bible Records, by Irma Wicker Haney (168) Records from the Bible of T. Wakefield, by Edward E. Gray (168-169) Graveyard on Farm of Henry Lantz Fehl, by Albert H. Geberich (169) Herring Family Records, by Robert Carl Peterson (169-171) 44 (1956):41-47 [Correction 112] Comparative Study of Tioga Co., Pa., 1798 Direct Tax List with Other Records Retta Bostwick 44 (1956):47-51 [Correction 112] Virginia Pensioners 1790-1800 William H. Dumont 44 (1956):52 Canadian Refugees Elizabeth S. McCorkle

44 (1956):67-68, 92-95, 153-157 (Cont. from 43:149, cont. to 45:77) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 44 (1956):79-82 Midway Settlement, Liberty Co., Ga., Midway Settlement Church and Cemetery Mary Givens Bryan 44 (1956):82-83 Eastern Shipbuilders Buried in Ohio Marie Dickorr 44 (1956):84-85 A Table of 16th-17th Century German Ancestors Milton Rubincam 44 (1956):112 Corrections "Comparative Study of Tioga Co., Pa., 1798 Direct Tax List with Other Records," by Retta Bostwick, 44:41-47 (112) "Virginia Pensioners 1790-1800," by William H. Dumont, 44:47-51 (112) 44 (1956):120-123, 171-173 (Cont. from 43:159, cont. to 45:51) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer 44 (1956):129-133 (Cont. to 45:16) Records of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Aurora, W. Va. Eldon B. Tucker, Jr. 44 (1956):134-142 (Cont. to 45:10) Detailed List of the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Nola M. Karr

Volume 45 (1957) 45 (1957):1-9 Genealogy, Handmaid of History Lester J. Cappon 45 (1957):10-16, 73-76, 144-154 (Cont. from 44:142) Detailed List of the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Nola M. Karr 45 (1957):16-20 (Cont. from 44:133) Records of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Aurora, W. Va. Eldon B. Tucker, Jr. 45 (1957):21-26 (Cont. from 44:149) Abstracts of Naturalization Records, Circuit Court, District of Columbia: Petitions Received, 1802-1820 Vivian Holland Jewett 45 (1957):27-30, 67-72 (Cont. from 44:159) A Belated Census of Earliest Settlers of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri William J. Gammon 45 (1957):30-31 Emigrants from Baden-Durlach to Pennsylvania 1749-1755 Friedrich Krebs 45 (1957):31-32 A Journey from Germany to America Two Centuries Ago Albert H. Gerberich 45 (1957):33-35, 81-83, 155-159 [Corrections 230], 222-224 (Cont. from 44:146) Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820 Mary Givens Bryan 45 (1957):51-52, 104-109 [Corrections 46:23-24] (Cont. from 44:173) Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer 45 (1957):53-56 The Alderman Brothers - John, Daniel, Jr., and David: Their Noble Ancestry, and Some of Their Descendants Robert Karl Peterson 45 (1957):61-67 Reaching Beyond the Atlantic in Search of German Immigrant Ancestors Klaus G. Wust 45 (1957):77-80, 215-221 (Cont. from 44:157) The First Census of Texas; 1829-1836 Marion Day Mullins 45 (1957):84-86 (Cont. from 44:152, cont. to 46:14) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 45 (1957):89 George Propst: Additional Information Alma H. Cramer

45 (1957):110-111, 161-162 Communications and Notes Family Bible of John Poage, by Mrs. C. F. Rudolph (110) Bible Record of Moses Willson, by Mrs. C. F. Rudolph (110) Thomas Poage Wilson's Bible Records, by Mrs. C. F. Rudolph (111) Andrew J. Rudolph's Bible Record, by Mrs. C. F. Rudolph (111) Jacob Weaver's Bible Records (161) Carson Bible Record (161) Porter Bible Record (161) Hodson Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (162) 45 (1957):117-129, 203-210 Genealogical Research in German-Speaking Lands: A Symposium 1. Genealogical Sources in German-Speaking Lands: General Introduction, by Ralph Dornfeld Owen (118-122) 2. Searching for American Families in Germany and Austria, by Karl Friedrich von Frank (123-125 [Correction 230]) 3. Possibilities for Genealogical Research in the Palatinate, by Frits Braun (125-127) 4. What Can the Archives at Speyer Offer American Genealogy?, by Friedrich Krebs (127-129) 5. Sources for Hessian Genealogy, by Heinz F. Friederichs (203-204) 6. Genealogical Research in Hesse-Darmstadt, by Adam Heldmann (204-206) 7. Concerning Genealogy in Switzerland, by W. H. Ruoff (206-208) 8. The Ahnenpass (Ancestor Passport) of Nazi Germany, by Milton Rubincam and John Insley Coddington (208-210) 45 (1957):129 A Note on Genealogy in Art Mabel Van Dyke Baer 45 (1957):130-131 Dye Family of Prince William and Fairfax Counties, Virginia Donald Lines Jacobus 45 (1957):132-136 Dates of Settlement from Virginia Certificates, Washington County, Pennsylvania Raymond M. Bell 45 (1957):137-143 A List of the Published Massachusetts Vital Records Kenneth Richard Brown 45 (1957):163-166 In Memoriam: Roberta P. Wakefield (1879-1957) Milton Rubincam 45 (1957):167-169 In Memoriam: Dr. John G. Herndon (1888-1957) Milton Rubincam 45 (1957):170-171 Introducing the New Editor: Milton Rubincam Francis C. Rosenberger 45 (1957):181-189 John Taylor of Milford, Kent County, Delaware, and His Family John Insley Coddington 45 (1957):190-198 Revolutionary Claims - 1829-1831 William H. Dumont 45 (1957):199-202 Unpublished Records of Massachusetts Cities and Towns Incorporated Ante 1850 Winifred Lovering Holman 45 (1957):211-214 Some of the Descendants of Edward Goode Edward H. West

45 (1957):230 Corrections "Genealogical Research in German-Speaking Lands: A Symposium - 2. Searching for American Families in Germany and Austria," by Karl Friedrich von Frank, 45:203-210 (230) "Passports Issued by the Governors of Georgia 1785 to 1820," by Mary Givens Bryan, 45:155-159 (230)

Volume 46 (1958) 46 (1958):3-7 Davis's Miscellany Walter Goodwin Davis 46 (1958):8-13, 73-78 Recently Discovered Records Relating to Revolutionary War Veterans Who Applied for Pensions Under the Act of 1792 Mary Govier Ainsworth 46 (1958):14-22, 91-103, 132-143 (Cont. from 45:86, cont. to 47:20) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 46 (1958):23-24 Corrections "Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Applications, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer, 45:104-109 (23-24) 46 (1958):25 William Bickham's Company, Louisiana Militia, War of 1812 Mabel Van Dyke Baer 46 (1958):26-29 (Cont. from 45:87) Gravestone Inscriptions from Cemetery at Browncack's Church, Chester County, Penna. Albert H. Gerberich 46 (1958):39-41, 84-86, 144-148, 220-222 Notes Confederate Pensions, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (39) Professor Joseph LeConte, by Calvin I. Kephart (39) Johnston of Scotland and North Carolina, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (39-40) An Alleged American Descent from Charles II, by Milton Rubincam (40-41) Langston Bible Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (41) Unrecorded Wills of Rockingham County, North Carolina, by Bettie Sue Gardiner (41) Scott Family Bible, by Carter Watkins Friend (84-85) Gloucester County, Virginia, Marriages, by John Frederick Dorman (85-86) Maria Catharina Reinshardin's Power of Attorney, by Milton Rubincam (144-145) Johnston-McWilliams, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (145) Richard Pitt, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (145-146) Will of Isham Chaffin, by Mary Gresham (146-147) Index of Wills, Buncombe Co., N. C., by Eva D. Barnett (147) Bias Family Bible Records, Rosslyn, Va., by John Insley Coddington (148) A Note on Tahitian Genealogy, by Milton Rubincam (148) Bounty Land Warrants as Source of Genealogical Data, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (220) Microfilms at the National Archives (221-222) 46 (1958):42-43 Captain Charles B. Campbell: First President of the Society Milton Rubincam 46 (1958):50-53 The Ansbach-Bayreuth Troops in the Revolutionary War: A Review of Erhard Städtler's Recent Work Milton Rubincam 46 (1958):63-72 Americans of Jewish Descent: Sources of Information for Tracing Their Genealogy Malcolm H. Stern 46 (1958):79-83 Pope Family of North Carolina: Applications for Bounty Lands and Pensions, War of 1812 Mabel Van Dyke Baer

46 (1958):104-105 [Corrections 47:50] Gravestone Inscriptions from a Small Catholic Cemetery Formerly Existing on the Grounds of Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. John Insley Coddington 46 (1958):113-115 Research in the Privy Council Records Noel C. Stevenson 46 (1958):116-119 John Hicks, Treasurer of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania Frank L. Baer 46 (1958):120-127 The John Briscoe Story Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pye 46 (1958):128-131 Major Charles Coodrich of Charles City County, Virginia Charles Hughes Hamlin 46 (1958):152 Virginia Cleveland Ancestor Discovered George A. Martin 46 (1958):152 A Waldecker Indian Chieftan August Woringer 46 (1958):163-211 A Short Census of Virginia - 1779 William H. Dumont 46 (1958):212-217 Alonzo Hoard (1816-1891) of Vermont, New York, Wisconsin and South Dakota: Proof of Ancestry Without Birth, Marriage, or Estate Records Lyon J. Hoard 46 (1958):218-219 William Watson's Company, Louisiana Militia, War of 1812 Bickham Christian

Volume 47 (1959) 47 (1959):3-7 Some Genealogical Problems in Canada G. Elmore Reaman 47 (1959):8-9 Elizabeth, Wife of Adam de Newmarch of Wormersley George Andrews Moriarty 47 (1959):10-12 [Corrections 106] The Kaiser's American Relatives and Descendants Milton Rubincam 47 (1959):13-14 Bible Records of the Family of John Taylor of Milford, Kent County, Delaware John Insley Coddington 47 (1959):15-19 Early Monmouth County Marriages H. Minot Pitman 47 (1959):20-28, 94-99, 142-148 (Cont. from 46:143, cont. to 48:21) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 47 (1959):29-31, 100-102, 149-150, 194-197 Notes Daniel Southerland of North Carolina, by Alexander M. Walker (29) Dillingham-Smith Bible, by Marie Dickord (29-31) Steger-Wisdom, by Mrs. B. W. Gandrud (31) Apparent Pershing Family Origin, by Calvin I. Kephart (31) Burton-Price Family Bible Record, by George H. S. King (100) William Van Dyke, Revolutionary War Soldier Pioneer to Hamilton County, Ohio, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (101) Day Family Bible, by Sam P. Ellis, Jr. (102) Pope Family of North Carolina, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (149) Gillespie and Blount Notes, by John Insley Coddington (149-150) Talcott Bible, by Mrs. F. L. Holt (150) Louisiana Libraries and Record Depositories, by Rose Lambert (194) The Family of Asahel Kent, Revolutionary Soldier, by Hubert A. Lowman (194-196) Wareham Pew Rights, by Winifred Lovering Holman (196-197) "Migrations from Rhode Island in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries," by George Andrews Moriarty, 47:70-71 (197) 47 (1959):50, 106 Corrections "Gravestone Inscriptions from a Small Catholic Cemetery Formerly Existing on the Grounds of Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.," by John Insley Coddington, 46:104-105 (50) "The Kaiser's American Relatives and Descendants," by Milton Rubincam, 47:10-12 (106) 47 (1959):59-69 Genealogical Problems in the Light of Contemporary Psychology Marvin E. Perkins 47 (1959):70-71 [Note 197] Migrations from Rhode Island in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries George Andrews Moriarty 47 (1959):72-78, 136-138, 182-186 Some Texas Land Grants Marion Day Mullins 47 (1959):79-80 Rev. John Goode of Chesterfield County, Virginia Edward H. West

47 (1959):81-83 Brosard-Newkirk-Brice Family Records Alexander M. Walker 47 (1959):84-87 [See also 53:181-186] The Family of Henry Parry of Pittsburgn, Pennsylvania Milton Rubincam 47 (1959):88-90, 139-141, 190-193 The Millspaugh Family: Bounty Lands and Pension Applications, War od 1812, Black Hawk War (1827), Patriot War (1838-39), and Mexican War (1846-47) Mabel Van Dyke Baer 47 (1959):91-93 New Orleans Marriage Licenses, 1807-1808 John Insley Coddington 47 (1959):115-128 Genealogical Research in Oregon 47 (1959):129-133 An Early New England Tragedy Donald Lines Jacobus 47 (1959):134-135 Shakespeare's "American Descendants" Milton Rubincam 47 (1959):167-172 The Genealogist and Ecclesiastical Records Thomas H. Spence, Jr. 47 (1959):173-179 Weighing Genealogical Evidence Archibald F. Bennett 47 (1959):180-181 After Seven Years Edward H. West 47 (1959):187-188 Long-Lost Records of Craven County, N. C.: The Durborow Family Elizabeth Moore 47 (1959):189 Seminole Indian War Muster Roll Kate F. Maver

Volume 48 (1960) 48 (1960):3-7 Scandinavian and Finnish Genealogy: A Bibliography Amandus Johnson 48 (1960):8-11, 75-80 American Families of Hessian Descent Milton Rubincam 48 (1960):12-18 Warren County, Virginia: Its People, Past and Present A. H. Eldridge 48 (1960):19-20 Land Office Records as Genealogical Aids Evelyn M. Tauber 48 (1960):21-30, 81-89, 142-150, 196-207 (Cont. from 47:148, cont. to 49:37) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 48 (1960):40-41, 100-103, 154-160, 211-217 Notes Missing Persons, by Winifred Lovering Holman (40-41) Abner Tatom's Family, by William H. Dumont (100) Revolutionary Pay Roll, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (101) Some Comments by a Census Enumerator, by Frank L. Baer (102) Migrations from Stae to State, by John Frederick Dorman (102-103) Searching Wotring Records in Alsace, by Raymond M. Bell (154) Death Notices from "The Western New York Baptist Magazine," by Elizabeth Hayward (154-156) Peter La Boyteaux, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (156) Fergusson Bible Records, by John Insley Coddington (156) Correction of a Cox Genealogy, by Lewis D. Cook (157-158) Wars in Which the United States Engaged, Including Colonial Wars, 1636-1945, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (158) Lindsay Family Bible Record, by John Insley Coddington (159-160) Gravestone Inscriptions from Two Family Graveyards in the 17th Civil District (Near Blanche Community) of Lincoln County, Tennessee, by Sam P. Ellis, Jr. (160) Baron Isak Baner (1662-1713), of Sweden and New Jersey, by Milton Rubincam (211-212) Vanarsdalen Bible Records, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (213-214) That Delayed Ancestor, by Edward H. West (214-215) Wareham Pew Rights, by Winifred Lovering Holman (216) Waters and Morgan Records, by John Insley Coddington (216-217) 48 (1960):59-71 That Genealogical Quagmire: New Jersey Kenn Stryker-Rodda 48 (1960):72-74 Estrays, Lincoln County, Ga., 1797-1807 William H. Dumont 48 (1960):113-126 Genealogical Resources of the Historical Society of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, Fackenthal Library, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Kieffer 48 (1960):127-129 Resources for Research: The Society of Genealogists in London Francis C. Rosenberger 48 (1960):130-132 Genealogical Data from UNRRA Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.

48 (1960):133-135 Iowa List of Letters Arthur Hecht 48 (1960):136-137 [Correction 184] Hannah3 Faunce of Plymouth and Duxbury, Mass. Rachel E. Barclay 48 (1960):138-141 Size Roll, Captain Aaron Ogden's Company; First Regiment of New Jersey (Colonel Matthias Ogden) William H. Dumont 48 (1960):171-182 [Correction 65:203] The Freeholders of the City and County of Albany, 1763 Kenneth Scott 48 (1960):183-184 Ship Documents Edward H. West 48 (1960):184 Corrections "Hannah3 Faunce of Plymouth and Duxbury, Mass.," by Rachel E. Barclay, 48:136-137 (184) 48 (1960):185-186 Lincoln County, Ga., Tavern Licenses, 1802-1820 William H. Dumont 48 (1960):187-195 Maynard Family of Frederick County, Maryland John Frederick Dorman

Volume 49 (1961) 49 (1961):3-13 Research in the West Virginia Collection, West Virginia University Library Charles Shetler 49 (1961):14-20, 96-100, 137-141 (Cont. to 50:26) A Short Census of Massachusetts - 1779 William H. Dumont 49 (1961):21-26, 62-70 (Cont. to 51:182) Buford Turner, of Maury, Giles, Madison and Shelby Counties, Tennessee, and His Hunter, Alston, Estes, Magevney, and Hanson Connections John Insley Coddington 49 (1961):27 The Origin of the Belsterling Family 49 (1961):28-34 Who Was the Widow Anna Maria Lenz? Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 49 (1961):35-36 Parkhurst Pension Applications, War of 1812 Frank L. Baer 49 (1961):37-43, 74-86, 163-166, 208-222 (Cont. from 48:207, cont. to 52:44) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 49 (1961):57-61 The Prey of the Claims Agent Henry Bartholomew Cox 49 (1961):71-73 Edward Bryan of North Carolina Lindsay M. Brien 49 (1961):73 Marriages from the Cecil Whig, 1851-53 49 (1961):87-95 Revolutionary War Pension Applications (Cont. from 43:113, cont. to 51:49) Mabel Van Dyke Baer 49 (1961):95 Maynard Family Record Mary Lowe Weaver

49 (1961):106-116, 167-175, 232-240 Notes Dern Farm Cemetery Inscriptions, Frederick County, Maryland, by H. C. Nycum and Norman Niccum (106) Thomas Bell's Family Bible, by Sam P. Ellis, Jr. (106-107) The Peyton Family of Virginia, by Wallace Hopper (107-109) Gravestone Inscriptions from the Old Hamblen Family Graveyard, Woods Lake Drive, Madison, Davidson County, Tennessee, by Sam P. Ellis, Jr. (109) Light on the English Origin of a Virginia Family from and English Case Reporter: Pinkston-Campbell-Bell, by Cameron Allen (111-112) Clyde Foster Bible Record, by Willis H. Miller (114-115) Williamson and Fitton Bible Records, by Muriel M. Wilkinson (115-116) Records of York County, Ontario, Canada, by Milton Rubincam (167-169) Genealogical Searching in New Hampshire (169-170) Tomes, Stiles, Estlack, Hinglish, Brooks, Bible Records, by Doris F. Ritzinger (170-171) The Catharine (Manning) Durland Family Bible Records, by Lyon J. Hoard (171-173) Some Census of 1850 Records, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (173-174) Deed: Edward and Mary Piers to Cornelius Thompson, by Cameron Allen (175) Indiana Letter Lists, by Marie Dickoré (232) Bible Records of a Welsh Family of Morgan, by George Elmore Bushnell (233-236) Richard Bryan, from Bryan Wills with Genealogical Notes, by Lindsay M. Brien (236-238) Coate Family Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (238-239) 49 (1961):125-128 Some Reasons Why There Is No Governmental Granting Authority ot Registry of Armorial Achievements in the United States Lundie W. Barlow 49 (1961):128 Extracts from Manuscript Collections: Patterson Family Jean Stephenson 49 (1961):129-130 The Use of Business Records in Genealogical Research Walter Lee Sheppard 49 (1961):131-136 Contributors to Building of a New Dutch Church in New York City, 1688 Kenneth Scott 49 (1961):142-148 Bowne, Butcher and Harris Notes, Bucks County, Pa., Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D. C. John Insley Coddington 49 (1961):148 Roundtree Bible Record Mary Esther Bigham 49 (1961):149-156 [Corrections 231] Descendants of Major Isaac Nathans H. Minot Pitman 49 (1961):156 Gillman Bible Record Mrs. C. P. Gillman 49 (1961):157-162 Elder Ephraim Rittenhouse's (Primitive Baptist) Record of Marriages Griffin G. Frazier 49 (1961):193-199 Swedes in America Nils William Olsson 49 (1961):200 Lower Court Cases: A Genealogist's Tool Charles W. Farnham

49 (1961):201-204 (Cont. to 63:268) American Families Descended from the House of Brabant C. Frederick Kaufholz 49 (1961):205-207 The Rev. Gano's Extroadinary "Pass": 1755 Rebecca Smith Lee 49 (1961):207 An Unusual Entry in a Tax Roll Elizabeth Hayward 49 (1961):231 Corrections "Descendants of Major Isaac Nathans," by H. Minot Pitman, 49:149-156 (231)

Volume 50 (1962) 50 (1962):3-7 The Progress of Genealogical Literature in America H. Minot Pitman 50 (1962):8-11 The "Quarterly's" First Half Century Milton Rubincam 50 (1962):12-18 Special Publications of the National Genealogical Society Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 50 (1962):19-25, 101-109, 127 (Cont. to 51:16) Availability of Federal Population Census Schedules in the States W. Neil Franklin 50 (1962):26-28, 207-214 (Cont. from 49:141, cont. to 51:44) A Short Census of Massachusetts - 1779 William H. Dumont 50 (1962):29-36, 95-100 (Cont. to 51:172) Harrison Family of Anne Arundel County, Maryland G. Rodney Crowther, III 50 (1962):37-42 [Additions 56:117-120] The Jaquith Family Jessie Palmer Williams 50 (1962):47-49, 114-118 Notes Family Record of Gilbert Combs, by Winifred Lovering Holman (48-49) The Barlow Family of England and Virginia: A Chain of Evidence, 1592-1659, by Lundie W. Barlow (114-115) Vagaries of the Paulding County, Ohio, Census Takers, 1880, by Milton Rubincam (115-116) Doan Family Bible, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (116-117) Pierrot and Liengme Graves, by Richard S. Uhrbrock (117) Records of the Peirson, Winston and Howell Families, by Margaret M. Kingman (117-118) 50 (1962):69-73 Slave Owners Within the First Assessment District of Burke County, Georgia, in 1798 - A Tax List Virginia Griffin Bailey 50 (1962):73 Engel-Greentree-Auerbach Note Mrs. James Knox Cockrell 50 (1962):74-78 Are You a Descendant of Lady Godiva? Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 50 (1962):79-91 America's Only Royal Family: Genealogy of the Former Hawaiian Ruling House Milton Rubincam 50 (1962):92-94 California's Centenarian: Eulalia Pérez de Guillen Marie E. Northrop 50 (1962):113 The Case of the Distressed Quaker Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.

50 (1962):133-139 Genealogical Problems George Andrews Moriarty, Jr. 50 (1962):140-145 [Corrections 182] Passenger Arrival Records in the National Archives Frank E. Bridgers 50 (1962):146-149 The Use of Coats of Arms by Americans Lundie W. Barlow 50 (1962):149 Stones in a Private Cemetery in Brunswick County, Virginia Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 50 (1962):150-152 Some Materials for Genealogical Research in New York City Kenneth Scott 50 (1962):153-158 Alexander Sutherland of Holland Landing, Ontario, and His Family: A Problem in Canadian Genealogy Milton Rubincam 50 (1962):177-182 Sources for Genealogical Research in Methodist Records Edwin Schell 50 (1962):182 Corrections "Passenger Arrival Records in the National Archives," by Frank E. Bridgers, 50:140-145 (182) 50 (1962):183-185 Edman Family Bible Record Carleton Edward Fisher 50 (1962):186-187 Becker, Jaacler, Huber and Braun Notes O. Kenneth Baker 50 (1962):188-195 The Case of the Prince of Thomond Milton Rubincam 50 (1962):196-199 Butcher Bible Records H. Minot Pitman 50 (1962):200-202 Americans Who Died at Rio de Janeiro in 1850 George Ely Russell 50 (1962):203-204 Rodenbach-Reiderpough, Bickley, Heaton, Taylor, Boileau, Sager-Sayers, Livingston, Sanno and Strawn Notes: Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Bucks Counties, Pa. George E. McCracken 50 (1962):205 Revolutionary War Pension Application of John Chapel, New London, Connecticut, Discovered in Minnesota Mabel Van Dyke Baer 50 (1962):206 The Clarence Almon Torrey and Walter E. Corbin Manuscript Collections in the Library of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston Winifred Lovering Holman

Volume 51 (1963) 51 (1963):3-9 Genealogical Research in North Carolina: A Forward View H. G. Jones 51 (1963):10-15 [Correction 137] Genealogical Resources in the Philadelphia Area Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 51 (1963):16 (Cont. from 50:127) Availability of Federal Population Census Schedules in the States W. Neil Franklin 51 (1963):16 John Kimbrough, of Virginia Felix A. Kimbrough 51 (1963):17-25 The Family of Samuel Lyon, Bourbon County, Kentucky: A Genealogical Problem of Early Southwestern Pennsylvania and Kentucky Mrs. Arthur L. Mitchell and Lyon J. Hoard 51 (1963):26-31 [Additions and Corrections 248] Colonel Philip Hoskins (c1650-1718) of Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland George Ely Russell 51 (1963):31 Coate-Fluker Gravestone Inscriptions Mrs. K. S. Rohwer 51 (1963):32-43 [Correction 52:39] Lowe of Denby, County Derby, England, and Maryland G. Rodney Crowther, III 51 (1963):44-48 (Cont. from 50:214) A Short Census of Massachusetts - 1779 William H. Dumont 51 (1963):49-59, 132-135, 187-193 (Cont. from 49:95, cont. to 59:29) Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer 51 (1963):59 Lewis Bryan and William Bryan Lindasy M. Brien 51 (1963):60 Passenger List of the Steamer Fah Kee Milton Rubincam 51 (1963):61-62 Alabama Tombstone Inscriptions Nell Henley 51 (1963):67-70 Goodrich Family of Virginia Charles Hughes Hamlin 51 (1963):70 Naturalization of Jacob Remey [Ramy, Reamy] George H. S. King

51 (1963):71 Miscellaneous Newspaper Items George H. S. King 51 (1963):81-89 The Virginia Colonial Records Project Edward M. Riley 51 (1963):90-99, 174-178, 185 Early Original New York Wills Kenneth Scott 51 (1963):100-103 [Correction 66:191] William Rogers of Annapolis. Md. Mrs. Nathaniel G. Gee 51 (1963):103 Revolutionary War Pension Abstract 51 (1963):104-107 Tax Lists of Dickinson Township, Washington (Now Allegheny) County, Pennsylvanis, 1785-89 Raymond M. Bell 51 (1963):108-109 1812 Enlistment Records as Source for Age and Birthplace Jean Stephenson 51 (1963):109-113 An Interesting Discharge Roll Jean Stephenson 51 (1963):114-118 John Ryan's Book Charles Dyson Rodenbough 51 (1963):119-121 Heirs of Some Revolutionary Veterans William H. Dumont 51 (1963):137, 248 Corrections "Genealogical Resources in the Philadelphia Area," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 51:10-15 (137) "Colonel Philip Hoskins (c1650-1718) of Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland," by George Ely Russell, 51:26-31 (248) 51 (1963):145-149 The Problems of Tracing Irish Ancestry Basil O'Connell 51 (1963):150-164, 224-234 Roger Ludlow (1590-1665/1666) Herbert F. Seversmith 51 (1963):165-167 Availability of Name Indexes to Federal Population Census Schedules 1790-1890 W. Neil Franklin 51 (1963):167-168 Supplement to Dr. Franklin's Article: Availability of Name Indexes to Federal Population Census Schedules Milton Rubincam 51 (1963):169-171 Tracing an Early Texas Citizen Through Public Records Mrs. Clarence W. Balch

51 (1963):171 Family Record of Captain Charles Creswell (1747-1816) George Ely Russell 51 (1963):172-173 (Cont. from 50:100) Harrison Family of Anne Arundel County, Maryland G. Rodney Crowther, III 51 (1963):62-67, 179-186, 201, 242, 243-248 Family Bibles Miscellaneous Bible Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (62-67) Shaffer and Rurwell Bibles (179-182) Mary Clark's Bible, by Don M. Forester (183-185) The Hiram B. Cade Family Bible, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (186) Morison Bible Records, by Carleton Edward Fisher (201) Alexander Demun's Bible, by William H. Dumont (242) Family Bibles in the Historical Foundation, by Thomas H. Spence, Jr. (243-247) Shearer Family Bible Records, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (247-248) 51 (1963):182 (Cont. from 49:70) Buford Turner Addendum: Dr. Edwin Chesley Estes Lord John Insley Coddington 51 (1963):185 Louisiana Passport Mary G. Bryan 51 (1963):209-213 French Refugees in the United States 1790-1810 Jaques A. Houdaille 51 (1963):214-220 Extracts from Tennessee Court Reports Jean Stephenson 51 (1963):221-223 Freeholders and Inhabitants of Newburgh, N. Y., in 1767 Kenneth Scott 51 (1963):234 Hiram Lewis Ferry George Ely Russell 51 (1963):235-238 The Spanish Ancestry of American Colonists Milton Rubincam 51 (1963):239-242 Macauley, Buchanan, McGregor, Blair and Other Families of Scotland and America Kate F. Maver 51 (1963):249-252 Census and Nonsense Florian H. Thayn 51 (1963):252 Vital Statistics - Alexandria, Va. Mrs. James K. Cockrell

Volume 52 (1964) 52 (1964):3-13 Our Willing Ancestors Kenn Stryker-Rodda 52 (1964):15-24, 97-103 Job Walton of Fleming County, Kentucky John Walton 52 (1964):24 Henry M. Demun's Bible William H. Dumont 52 (1964):25-36 Ancestors and Descendants of Lady Christiana Stuart (1741-1807), Wife of the Hon. Cyrus Griffin of Virginia John Insley Coddington 52 (1964):36 A Virginia Sampler George H. S. King 52 (1964):37-39 Cox-Cohagan-Nevitt Family Records Alexander M. Walker 52 (1964):39 Corrections "Lowe of Denby, County Derby, England, and Maryland," by G. Rodney Crowther, III, 51:32-43 (39) 52 (1964):40-43 Revolutionary Pension Abstracts Mabel Van Dyke Baer 52 (1964):43 A Scapegrace Russell from Bedford House George Ely Russell 52 (1964):44-51, 107-120, 162-167, 210-222 (Cont. from 49:222, cont. to 55:55) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 52 (1964):71-74 Invitations to Funerals Marie Dickoré 52 (1964):74 Stahl Family Bible Raymond M. Bell 52 (1964):75-76 French Emigrants to Richmond County, Georgia William H. Dumont 52 (1964):77-85 Baptismal Records of the First (or Woestina) TReformed Church of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, New York Donald A. Keefer 52 (1964):85 Whitmore Family of Frederick County, Maryland H. C. Nycum and Norman Niccum 52 (1964):86-94, 149-158 Richard Stout and Some Descendants Mabel Van Dyke Baer

52 (1964):95-96 John Haden (1723-1817) Dorothy K. Haden 52 (1964):104-106 Half a Prayer Book Susan Lewis Cockrell 52 (1964):129 Four Marriages, Canajoharie, N. Y. William H. Dumont 52 (1964):137-139 The Texas Frontier Battalion Jewel Davis Scarborough 52 (1964):140-142 The Society of Australian Genealogists Francis C. Rosenberger 52 (1964):143-148 Guide to Town Records of Alexandria, Virginia Alexander M. Walker 52 (1964):159-161 Death Records of New Orleans, Louisiana, 1724 Winston De Ville 52 (1964):189-198 Sources for Genealogical Research in State Department Records Mrs. Kiernan J. Carroll 52 (1964):199-204 Extracts from Georgia Court Records William H. Dumont 52 (1964):204 More Census and Nonsense Maud McLure Kelly 52 (1964):205-209 Availability of Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-85 W. Neil Franklin 52 (1964):209 [Correction 53:226] Jonathan Pitman, N. J. and Ohio Marie Dickoré 52 (1964):223-234 Kith and Kin of Sarah Ann Raymond Alexander M. Walker 52 (1964):235-240 [Corrections 53:223; see also 53:217-221] David T. Selden Greene, of Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y. Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 52 (1964):240 Stevens Bible Record Louis Daniel Melnick 52 (1964):241-244 Founders of the American Firestone Family George Ely Russell

52 (1964):245-248 Reid Family Papers Lundie W. Barlow 52 (1964):248 Thomas Fee, Penn. and Ohio Marie Dickoré 52 (1964):259 Widows and Daughters of Revolutionary Soldiers, 1897 Marie Dickoré

Volume 53 (1965) 53 (1965):3-6 Hooe and Harrison Business Records Extant Alexander M. Walker 53 (1965):6 A Tragedy of 1765 Milton Rubincam 53 (1965):6 A Warning to the Fair Sex in 1765 Milton Rubincam 53 (1965):7-30 Ulster County Freeholders, 1798-1812 Kenneth Scott, Julius Bloch and Leo Hershkowitz 53 (1965):30 Nicholas Rhoades Rev. War Pension Application - S 46340 Walter V. Ball 53 (1965):31-34 South Carolina Court Records William H. Dumont 53 (1965):34 Captain John Soder, Berks County, Pennsylvania Gertrude L. Soderberg 53 (1965):35 Captain John Soder's Company, 1776a Gertrude L. Soderberg 53 (1965):36-42 Some Citizens of Augusta, Georgia, 1798-1804 Mary G. Bryan and William H. Dumont 53 (1965):42 Eleanor Glover's Sampler M. B. Matlack 53 (1965):43-45 Duties of a Justice of Peace William H. Dumont 53 (1965):46-50 The Posthumous Son of William Turbutt Wright of Queen Anne's County, Maryland John B. Brown 53 (1965):51-58 [Corrections 223; see also 221-228] Nathan Whiting Greene and His Correspondence Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 53 (1965):58 Rank Family Mildred E. Rank 53 (1965):59-61 Cemetery Inscriptions Broad Creek Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, State Route 466, Four Miles East of Laurel, Delaware, by Griffin G. Frazier (59-60) Joel Clements Family Graveyard, Regan Farm, State Route 211, Near Sandtown, Kent County, Delaware, by Griffin G. Frazier (61)

53 (1965):61 Some French Marriages, Augusta, Ga., 1796-1829 William H. Dumont 53 (1965):62-63 American Sailors Buried at Port au Prince - 1787-1794 Jaques A. Houdaille 53 (1965):83-90 William and Rhoda (Lanning) O'Neale of Trenton, N. J., and Washington, D. C.; Their Ancestry and Descendants Lewis D. Cook 53 (1965):90 Quintuplets, 1810 Census Frederic P. Van Duzee 53 (1965):91-94 [See also 58:124-125] What Ever Happened to Phineas Colcord? Timothy A. Colcord 53 (1965):95-96 Stell Letter Mrs. Robert N. White 53 (1965):96 Samuel and Lydia Brown, Ohio Richard S. Uhrbrock 53 (1965):97-100 [Additions and Corrections 213; see also 58:124-125] Note Book of Nathan Paine, Jr. (R. I.) Betty S. Ainscon 53 (1965):101-103 [Correction 316] The Junkin Family Bibles Dohrman J. Sinclair 53 (1965):103-104 Erwin Bible Mabel Van Dyke Baer 53 (1965):105-109 Residents of Canajoharie, N. Y., 1816-1823 William H. Dumont 53 (1965):110-114 Wm. Demun's Justice of the Peace Docket William H. Dumont 53 (1965):114-115 Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Otterville, Mo. Mrs. Gerald Yarnell 53 (1965):116-118 Canadian and Nova Scotia Refugees to New York Elyzabeth S. McCorkle 53 (1965):123-124 John Manan, or Mannan, or Manning, Del.-Penn., Nancy W.7399 Rev. War Pension Application Kate P. Maver 53 (1965):124 Colonel John Armstrong, N. Y., Ohio, Ind. Marie Dickoré

53 (1965):125-128 Andrew Pickens, Jr., Governor, S. C., 1816-1818 William H. Dumont 53 (1965):128 Wesley Methodist Church of Burrsville, Md. Loretta A. Booker 53 (1965):129-132 Marriage Intentions, 1685-1730, Burlington County, N. J. Lewis D. Cook 53 (1965):133-143 Early New York Inventories of Estates Kenneth Scott 53 (1965):163-168, 214-216 Myths in British Genealogy Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 53 (1965):169-178 The Founder of Bryan's Station in Kentucky Mabel Van Dyke Baer 53 (1965):181-186 The Identity and Ancestry of Sarah, Wife of Henry Parry, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Milton Rubincam 53 (1965):186 Tallest? George H. S. King 53 (1965):187-194 Miss Nancy Perrin, of Gloucester, Virginia Aubrey H. Starke 53 (1965):195-198 Some Pioneers of North Carolina, 1674-1701 Alexander M. Walker 53 (1965):198 Jennings Bible Mrs. Charles E. Kromer 53 (1965):199-204 [Corrections 64:284] Extracts from Maryland Court Records Jean Stephenson 53 (1965):204 An Irish Immigrant to Charles County, Maryland Timothy A. Colcord 53 (1965):205-206 Delaware Settlers, 1693 Alice Reinders 53 (1965):207-208 Dumont Family Burying Ground, Somerset Co., N. J. Lewis D. Cook 53 (1965):209-213 Jefferson Co., Ga., Jury List, 1799 William H. Dumont

53 (1965):213, 223, 226, 316 Corrections "Note Book of Nathan Paine, Jr. (R. I.)," by Betty S. Ainscon, 53:97-100 (213) "David T. Selden Greene, of Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y.," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 52:235-240 (223) "Nathan Whiting Greene and His Correspondence," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 53:51-58 (223) "Jonathan Pitman, N. J. and Ohio," by Marie Dickoré, 52:209 (226) "The Junkin Family Bibles," by Dohrman J. Sinclair, 53:101-103 (316) 53 (1965):216 Cocke Cemetery, Albemarle Co., Va. Elizabeth G. Lea 53 (1965):217 Ancestry of Astronaut Glenn Raymond M. Bell 53 (1965):217-221 Notes to David T. Selden Greene (NGSQ vol. 52, pp. 235-240) Arthur M. Wasson 53 (1965):221-223 Notes to Nathan Whiting Greene (NGSQ vol. 53, pp. 57-58) 53 (1965):243-250 Quality Assurance Carleton Edward Fisher 53 (1965):251-262 (Cont. to 55:21) Crafford of New River, North Carolina Ellis Munson Goodwin 53 (1965):262 Some Delaware Co., Pa., Smiths H. Minot Pitman 53 (1965):263-270 Busch-Kuder Families of Germany, Ohio, Illinois and Arkansas Margaret Ryan Francis 53 (1965):271-275 Op Dycke and La Tourrette of Hunterdon County, N. J. Lewis D. Cook 53 (1965):275-279 Wyckoff and Latourrette of Hunterdon and Somerset Cos., N. J. Lewis D. Cook 53 (1965):280-289 A Study of the First 25 Civil War Veterans Who Entered the New York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Bath, New York - 1878 Eloise Morgan 53 (1965):290-298 Heirs to Baltimore County Estates, 1755-1765 Robert Barnes 53 (1965):299-303 Lists of Passengers from Gravesend Destined Principally to the New World, 1677 Alexander M. Walker 53 (1965):303-306 Morris Bibles

53 (1965):307-309 The Willoughby-Orreby Marriage George Andrews Moriarty

Volume 54 (1966) 54 (1966):3-54 Burke County, Georgia William H. Dumont 54 (1966):55-56 An Introduction to Heraldry J. Adolph Bishop 54 (1966):57-62 Colonials Named James Creswell George Ely Russell 54 (1966):74 Kearny Family Mrs. Sumner Hayward 54 (1966):75 Ely Family Record George Ely Russell 54 (1966):83-97 Ship Passenger Lists, Savannah, Georgia, 1820-1868 Virginia Steele Wood 54 (1966):98-124 Wills of Colonial New York, 1736-1775 Julius M. Bloch, Lee Hershkowitz and Kenneth Scott 54 (1966):125-148, 170-192, 260-291 Northern California Marriages, 1850-1860 Kenneth Lingenfelter and Robert Fulton 54 (1966):148 David Creswell, Augusta, Ga. 54 (1966):149-152 The Language of Heraldry J. Adolph Bishop 54 (1966):163-169 [Corrections 55:66] Lineage Problems of Pre-Colonial Hereditary Societies Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 54 (1966):169 Balance of Account Elizabeth S. Versailles 54 (1966):193-210 Oneida Community: Land Records Wouldn't Help Here! Eleanor Myers 54 (1966):211-213 [Correction 55:66] Who Was the Wife of Rev. John Cargill? Charles Hughes Hamlin 54 (1966):213 Benedict "Family Register" Mrs. Frank M. Page 54 (1966):214-216 [Corrections 55:66] Elizabeth (Rowden) (Brock) Eayre: A Note Milton Rubincam

54 (1966):217-218 Automatic Genealogical Data Processing George Ely Russell 54 (1966):219-221 Family of Joshua Fry: Addenda Mary F. Barley 54 (1966):221 Moses Norwood's Bible F. P. Van Duzee 54 (1966):222-224 Settlement Dates, Washington Co., Penn. Raymond M. Bell 54 (1966):225-226 Cantrell Creek's First White Settler J. R. Cantrell 54 (1966):227-230 Rules of Heraldic Design J. Adolph Bishop 54 (1966):243-245 (Cont. to 56:200) General David Morgan Lindsay M. Brien 54 (1966):246-259 New York Inventories, 1666-1775 Kenneth Scott 54 (1966):292-294 Heraldry: The Heraldic Crest J. Adolph Bishop 54 (1966):298-299 Some History of the Fawcett Family 54 (1966):300-302 McEachern Families of America George Ely Russell 54 (1966):302, 305 Census Nonsense 54 (1966):303-309 Family Bibles The Bible of Stephen Smith, Jr., and His Wife Jusith Vince Smith, by Kate F. Maver (303-305 [Correction 57:209]) Bible of Norman Abbott, by Mrs. A. L. Leitzke (306) Bible of Moses Akin (306-307) Bible of Thomas J. Humphrys, by Allan S. Humphrys (307-309) Towers Family (309) 54 (1966):310-313 Street Note Book Mrs. Roy Jonasson

Volume 55 (1967) 55 (1967):3-6 Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Naturalization Records Marian Sowers Mertz 55 (1967):7-17 Rev. Arthur Badley's Journal Frances Badley Benes 55 (1967):18-20 Letter to John T. Caldwell June B. Barkman 55 (1967):21-28, 253-257 (Cont. from 53:262, cont. to 57:298) Crafford of New River, North Carolina Ellis Munson Goodwin 55 (1967):28 Georgia Passport, 1809 William H. Dumont 55 (1967):29-35 Ligon Family Charles Hughes Hamlin 55 (1967):36-44 The Ulster Creswells George Ely Russell 55 (1967):45-48 Register of Deaths at Old Fort Biloxi. Mississippi, 1720-1723 Winston De Ville 55 (1967):48-51 A Few Land Grants, Richmond County, Georgia, 1784-1789 William H. Dumont 55 (1967):52-54 Crowder Cemetery Burials Ellery H. Harvey 55 (1967):55-64, 110-118, 284-295 (Cont. from 52:222, cont. to 56:55) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 55 (1967):65-66 Iliff-Olive Taxpayers in England, 1621-1636 George Ely Russell 55 (1967):66 Corrections "Lineage Problems of Pre-Colonial Hereditary Societies," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 54:163-169 (66) "Who Was the Wife of Rev. John Cargill?," by Charles Hughes Hamlin, 54:211-213 (66) "Elizabeth (Rowden) (Brock) Eayre: A Note," by Milton Rubincam, 54:214-216 (66)

55 (1967):67-68, 146-152, 214, 252 Bibles Bible of John and Mary F. Page, by Joan T. Page (67) Bible of James S. and Matilda Page, by Joan T. Page (67-68) Hiatt Bible, by Mildred King Jonasson (68) Veazey Bible, by Gertrude W. Lundberg (146-147) Bevington (Beavington) Bible. by William E. Harris (148-149) Thatcher Bible, by Mildred King Jonasson (149) Bibles in National Archives, by Dora Lee Eubanks Wright (149-151) Wood Bible, by Louis D. Melnick (151-152) Coles Bible, by Louis D. Melnick (152) Johnson Family Bible, by Mrs. Joseph W. Gray (214) Wandering Bibles, by Dan W. Olds (252) 55 (1967):83-88 Research in Maine Carleton E. Fisher 55 (1967):89-91 The Parentage of Theunis Gijsbertszen Bogaert Herbert F. Seversmith 55 (1967):92-94 The Most Needed Genealogical Reference Publications George Ely Russell 55 (1967):95-97 A Genealogical Bombshell Charles Hughes Hamlin 55 (1967):98-101 Early Wills, Delaware County, Ohio Anna Smith Pabst 55 (1967):101-102 Migrations To and From Lancaster County, Pennsylvania George Ely Russell 55 (1967):103-108 Memorials and Tombstone Inscriptions, St. John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock, N. C. J. Leeming Grimshawe 55 (1967):108-109 Heraldry: American Sources - The Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry, Inc. Raymond B. Clark, Jr. 55 (1967):119-145 Index of Original Wills (1776-1829) (N. Y.) Kenneth Scott and Leo Hershkowitz 55 (1967):163-175 The Uhrbrock Family of Schleswig-Holstein, Hanover, New York, and Maryland Richard Stephen Uhrbrock 55 (1967):176 Proof of Descent Through Murder Walter V. Ball 55 (1967):177-210 Names Changed Legally in Georgia, 1800-1856 Arthur Ray Rowland 55 (1967):211-214 Weaverville, Trinity Co., California, Declarations Keith Lingerfelter and Robert Fulton

55 (1967):215-218 Oglethorpe County, Georgia William H. Dumont 55 (1967):229 Wife For Sale? 55 (1967):243-252 Creative Imagination in Research Dorothy Hughes Carousso 55 (1967):258-261 Gone to California! - Wayne County, Ohio, 1850 Elizabeth S. McCorkle 55 (1967):262-263 U. S. Naval Asylum Penrioners, County of Philadelphia, 1850 Maryly B. Penrose 55 (1967):262-273 Sam Dakin's Justice Book, 1836-1844 Robert V. Anderson 55 (1967):274-276 Lowndes County, Mississippi: First Will Book, 1830-1889 Frances Wynd 55 (1967):296-298 Heraldic Maps Joseph G. Ferrier 55 (1967):298 Hoover Cemetery Norman Niccum 55 (1967):305 Shades of "The Scarlet Letter!" Marian S. Mertz

Volume 56 (1968) 56 (1968):3-10 Dudley Davis, Pioneer of Washington County, Ohio Delmer L. and Elizabeth S. Cottle 56 (1968):10 Gamble Bible Charlton B. Rogers, Jr. 56 (1968):11-13 Friends (Quakers) Who Visited Pennsylvania, 1656-1771 Matthew and Linda Joan (Schaub) DeGutes 56 (1968):13 John Souffrain: His Obituary 56 (1968):14-18 Ira Dunn's Coffin Records, 1817-1834 Dorothy A. Stratford 56 (1968):18 Rufus Kelly Bible 56 (1968):19-31 Some Cemeteries of the Ozarks Louise Hamby Skaggs 56 (1968):31 A Centenarian Mrs. Sumner Haywood 56 (1968):32-46 Louisiana Troops, 1745 Winston De Ville 56 (1968):46 Connolly Bible 56 (1968):47-50 Two Early North Carolina Inventories Ellis Munson Goodwin 56 (1968):50 G. L. C. M. T. Adkins Mabel Van Dyke Baer 56 (1968):51-54 Appointment of Guardians, Mayor's Court, New York City Kenneth Scott 56 (1968):54 White-Parson Family Record Mrs. Sumner Haywood 56 (1968):55-64, 205-222 (Cont. from 55:295, cont. to 57:211) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 56 (1968):83-116, 163-187 The Tale of a Legacy Eugenia Walker Howard 56 (1968):117-120 Jaquith Family: Addenda

Hazel Kraft Eilers 56 (1968):121-123 The New Genealogy: A Peek into the Future Thomas H. Roderick 56 (1968):124-135 Foreign-Born in Frederick County, Maryland John P. Dern 56 (1968):136-148 Kentucky Marriages Performed 1793-1831 by the Rev. Robert Marshall Clifford N. Smith 56 (1968):148 Leighton Bible 56 (1968):188-192 The Census Index Problem Ralph V. Wood, Jr. 56 (1968):193-199 Campbell County, Kentucky, Marriages, 1808-1810 Margaret Strobel Hartman 56 (1968):200-201 (Cont. from 54:245) General David Morgan Lindsay M. Brien 56 (1968):201 Notices in Alexandria Gazette, March-April, 1819 56 (1968):202-203 Hamilton Bonner Bible Mary Lou Green 56 (1968):204 Some Tax Payers, Richmond County, Georgia - 1787 William H. Dumont 56 (1968):243-262 Creating a Worthwhile Family Genealogy Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 56 (1968):263-275 Santo Domingo Passports, 1799-1801 Nellie Holmead Fowler 56 (1968):277-302 Richmond County, Georgia, Land Court, 18 September 1784-6 August 1787 Pearl Baker 56 (1968):313 Willson, N. C. Pensions June B. Barekman

Volume 57 (1969) 57 (1969):3-12 Alabama - Its Development and Records Mary Frances Webb 57 (1969):13-31 Some Waltons of Georgia William H. Dumont 57 (1969):31-46, 200-206 Bibles Warfield-Thomas-Spragins-Bolling-Tappan-Lambert and Baldwin, by J. Ogle Warfield, Jr. (31-46) Ralph Peterson Bible, Ohio-Iowa, by Mrs. R. H. Wilcox (200-201) Herold-Martin Bibles, by Stanley F. Patten (201-202) Boggs-Graham Records, by Eleanore M. White (202-203) Shadrach Morris Harriman's Bible, byKenneth L. Campbell (203-204 [See also 58:172]) The Yeatman Family Bible, by Dohrman J. Sinclair (204-206) 57 (1969):47-48 An Ellis Family Register Ellis Munson Goodwin 57 (1969):49-50 William Moorman (1751-1829) of Virginia and Kentucky Isabel M. McDaniel 57 (1969):51-52 Irish Railroad Builders F. T. Gossage 57 (1969):53-59, 73 Early Inquests of Ulster County, New York, 1732-1825 Kenneth Scott 57 (1969):83-87 Some Sources for Nova Scotian Genealogy Phyllis R. Blakeley 57 (1969):87 Humphrys Addendum Allan S. Humphreys 57 (1969):88-92 Genealogical Evidence: Marks for Cattle and Sheep Thomas H. Roderick 57 (1969):93-94 Finding New Cousins in Baja California Marie E. Northrup 57 (1969):95-103 The Yorba Family Cemetery: California's Oldest Marie E. Northrup 57 (1969):104 Early Marriage Records: York County, South Carolina Laurence K. Wells 57 (1969):105-108 Migrants from Edgefield County, S. C., 1842-1852 Louise M. Dumont

57 (1969):108-109 Parish-Byrd Cemetery, Leon County, Florida George S. Reynolds 57 (1969):110-113 Five Abandoned Cemeteries in York County, South Carolina Laurence K. Wells 57 (1969):114-122 Greeley Cemetery (In the Missouri Ozarks) Louise (Hamby) Skaggs 57 (1969):122 Burke to Muscogee County, Georgia 57 (1969):123-135 The Family of Ebenezer(4) Colcord (1726-1824) Timothy A. Colcord 57 (1969):135 Stout Graves Mabel Van Dyke Baer 57 (1969):136 Census Comedians? Albert G. Overton 57 (1969):163-178 Aids for the Family Historian Camillus J. Dismukes 57 (1969):179-192 The Pioneer Tate Family of Augusta County, Virginia Agnes Graham Sanders Riley 57 (1969):193-198, 262-268 Tiger by the Tail! Mrs. James L. McCurdy and Mabel R. Smith 57 (1969):199-200 Wills of Officers and Soldiers Who Died at Fort Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio, Before 1809 Marie Dickoré 57 (1969):207-209 Old Salem Cemetery, Greene County, Missouri Robert Gene Tucker 57 (1969):209 Corrections "Family Bibles: The Bible of Stephen Smith, Jr., and His Wife Jusith Vince Smith," by Kate F. Maver, 54:303-305 (209) 57 (1969):210 Snyder-Finnell Prayer Book Arthur L. Finnell 57 (1969):210 First Public Schools in Georgia 57 (1969):211-225 (Cont. from 56:222, cont. to 58:26) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 57 (1969):243-247 The First Subscribers to the Bank of North America Frank Lewis Baer

57 (1969):248-254 Stantons in Early North Carolina Delmer L. and Elizabeth Stanton Cottle 57 (1969):255-261 Eggleston ... Facts and Fiction Genevieve Tylee Kiepura 57 (1969):268-269 "Jeff" Hume of Kentucky and Illinois Mrs. James L. McCurdy 57 (1969):274-297 (Cont. to 61:181) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 57 (1969):298-303 (Cont. from 55:257) Crafford of New River, North Carolina Ellis Munson Goodwin 57 (1969):305-306 [See also 58:283] That's an English Name? Albert G. Overton

Volume 58 (1970) 58 (1970):3-9 Quantitative Genealogy: Methods Appliedto the Families Roderick, Rhydderch, and Jayne Thomas H. Roderick 58 (1970):10-25 [Corrections 154; see also 287] Tax Roll of 1763 Clifford Neal Smith 58 (1970):26-30, 126-153, 213-223, 288-299 (Cont. from 57:225, cont. to 59:39) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 58 (1970):31-51 Through Richmond County, Georgia: Importers of Slaves, 1818-1824 William H. Dumont 58 (1970):59, 172, 269-274 Family Bible Records / Family Records Bible of John Paul, Mason County, Kentucky, by Margaret Strebel Hartman (59) Supplementary Note, Harriman Family Bible, by Kenneth L. Campbell and Lucille R. Campbell (172) Four McCurdy Family Bibles, by Clifford Neal Smith (269-274) 58 (1970):84-93 [Corrections 191] Verhunsde Pennsylvaanish - Deitsche Freindschafte Frederick S. Weiser 58 (1970):94-107 Knox County, Indiana: Index to Deed Book "A" 1815-1817 Roberta Lee Lent and June B. Barekman 58 (1970):108-116 The Will of Michael Curtis John Walton 58 (1970):118-124 The Okey-Hazzard Family: Delaware to Monroe County, Ohio Catharine Foreaker Fedorchak and K. T. H. McFarland, III 58 (1970):124-125 Walling of Providence, Rhode Island, and Salem County, New Jersey Lewis D. Cook 58 (1970):154 Corrections "Tax Roll of 1763," by Clifford Neal Smith, 58:10-25 (154) 58 (1970):163-167 Some Material Available on Alabama Veterans of Wars Prior to 1900 Elizabeth Slater Seay 58 (1970):168-170 Amsterdam Cemetery, Mercer County, Penn. William J. Allen 58 (1970):171-172 Family Records from County Court Order Books Walter V. Ball 58 (1970):173-179 Cemeteries In and Near Eglon, Preston County, W. Va. Mona Bross Hylton

58 (1970):180-191 The Pierrot-Gatewood Family of Ohio Richard Stephen Uhrbrock 58 (1970):191 Corrections "Verhunsde Pennsylvaanish - Deitsche Freindschafte," by Frederick S. Weiser, 58:84-93 (191) 58 (1970):192-212 Descendants of Captain Moses Shelby (1760-1828) Charles E. Shelby 58 (1970):243-251 Individuals Identified by Dr. David Dale Owen on His Map of Southwestern Wisconsin in the Fall of 1839 Herman R. Friis and Alison Wilson 58 (1970):252 An 1821 Dumfries, Virginia, Letter Michael A. Melnick 58 (1970):253-257 Quakers and Moravians in New York in 1755 and 1756 Kenneth Scott 58 (1970):258-268 John Hume of Culpeper County, Virginia Mrs. James L. McCurdy and Mabel R. Smith 58 (1970):275-282 Louisa Crabtree, Immigrant to Utah Neal Shupe Southwick 58 (1970):283 English Names Again Michael G. Heenan and Jenifer Mount 58 (1970):284-285 The Free Negro Militia in Louisians - 1804 Winston De Ville 58 (1970):286-287 Schaub, Anglicized Shoup Lindsay M. Brien 58 (1970):287 Addendum to "Tax Lists of 1763" Virginia Davis Westhaeffer

Volume 59 (1971) 59 (1971):3-7 Kentucky Records: How to Use Them and Where They are Located Charles F. Hinds 59 (1971):8-11 William Wood of Burlington County, N. J. Milton Rubincam 59 (1971):12-21 Additional Quaker Necrology Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):21, 26, 38, 60, 181, 265, 303 Notes Richill Township Tax List, Washington [Now Greene] County, Pennsylvania, 1793, by Raymond M. Bell (21) Occupation: Inebriate, by Milton Rubincam (26) Emigrants from Bischweiler, Zweibruecken, 1760-1764. by Jack S. Schell (38) A Colonist as Old as Methuselah, by Milton Rubincam (60) Revolutionary War Bounty Land Application (Farmer), by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (181) Fast Life, by Jessie P. Williams (265) Cause of Death?, by Mary R. Brown (303) 59 (1971):22-23 List of Slave Owners, Washington County, Pennsylvania, 1782 Raymond M. Bell 59 (1971):24-26 Providence and Timber Ridge Presbyterian Congregations, Augusta County, Virginia, 1753 Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):27-28 Gravestone Inscriptions: White County, Tennessee Charles T. Leonard 59 (1971):29-31, 174, 214-216 (Cont. from 51:193) Revolutionary War Pension Applications Mabel Van Dyke Baer 59 (1971):32-35, 88, 93, 113, 117, 167, 189, 302-303, 306 Family Bible Records / Family Records Bain Family of Maryland, by Mrs. Robert Hughes (32) Beall Family of Frederick County, Maryland, by Richard L. Fetzer (32) Burr and Lovejoy Families, by Mrs. Robert Hughes (32-33) Cardozo and Seixas Families of South Carolina, by Malcolm H. Stern (33-34) Hight Family of Montgomery County, New York (34) Nathan Family of New York, by Malcolm H. Stern (34-35) Stevens Family, by Mrs. Charles E. Kromer (35) Van Meter and Inskeep Families of Virginia, by Lewis D. Cook (35) Cleary Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (88) McCulloch Family Bible Record, by Jessie Palmer Williams (93) Gray Family Bible Record, by Richard Holman May (113) Marden-Goodwin Family Bible Records, by Gertrude W. Lundberg (117) Spratt Family Bible Record, by Gertrude W. Lundberg (167) Dougan-McWhinney-Collier Family Bible Records, by Nancy Sheldon Hurlburt (189 [Addition 61:75]) Weber Family Bible Records, by Louise Walsh Throop (302-303) Priest Family Record, by George Ely Russell (306) 59 (1971):36-38 Gravestone Inscriptions, Kilmer Cemetery, Walker Township, Juniata County, Pennsylvania Marian Mertz

59 (1971):39-54, 139-146 (Cont. from 58:299, cont. to 60:47) Vital Records from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 59 (1971):83-88 Genealogists and the National Archives: Profile of a Partnership James B. Rhoads 59 (1971):89-90 The Other Andrew Jackson Ellis Munson Goodwin 59 (1971):91-93 Colonel Charles C. Lee (1834-1862): A Lost Lee Found Joseph H. Harkey 59 (1971):94-95 Natchez 1723 Census Winston De Ville 59 (1971):96-102 Commercial Advertisers in the Georgia Gazette - 1763-1776 Camillus J. Dismukes 59 (1971):103-104 Somerset County, Maryland, Oaths of Allegiance, 1778 Richard S. Uhrbrock 59 (1971):105-109 Some German Prisoners of War in the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):110-113 Printed Pennsylvania Court Reports Marion H. Park 59 (1971):114-117 Americans Buried at Macao, Chine Carl T. Smith 59 (1971):118-121 Missing Districts, 1820 Columbia County, Georgia, Census Nancy Claymore Watsom 59 (1971):122-128 Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Death Notices, 1820-1839 Alice K. Reinders 59 (1971):129-138, 222-230, 296-301 (Cont. to 60:54) Shenandoah County, Virginia, Gravestone Inscriptions Ann Schreiner Herbert 59 (1971):163-167 North Carolina State Department of Archives and History H. G. Jones 59 (1971):168-174 Savery Clifton of Rochester, Massachusetts, 1690 Maclean W. McLean 59 (1971):175-181, 283-295 (Cont. to 60:13) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham

59 (1971):182-187 Descendants of Daniel Hunt (1729-1806) of Hunterdon County, New Jersey Lewis D. Cook 59 (1971):188 Hessian Laborers at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1777 Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):190-195 Some Common Genealogical Misconceptions Elizabeth Kieffer 59 (1971):196-199 1780 Prize List of the Alliance and the Bonhomme Richard Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):200-206 Newport Cemetery Inscriptions, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Norman Niccum 59 (1971):207-214 Campbell County, Kentucky, Marriages, 1811-1815 Margaret Strbrl Hartman 59 (1971):216-221 Rev. Charles Perkins' Marriage Register, 1844-1873 Daryl E. Jones 59 (1971):243-253 Descendants of Matthew Watson of Burlinton County, New Jersey Lewis D. Cook 59 (1971):254-262 [Additions and Corrections 61:75] (Cont. to 60:25) Three Generations from Henry fitz Roger: A Feudal Study Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 59 (1971):263-265 [Corrections 61:75] Captain George Kendall of Virginia, 1607 John G. Hunt 59 (1971):266-273 Revolutionary War Refugeed from Canada and Nova Scotia Clifford Neal Smith 59 (1971):274-279 Levi Stevens - One, Two, or Three? CJ Stevens 59 (1971):280-281 American Prisoners on Bahama Islands, 1812 Elizabeth Pearson White 59 (1971):281-282 Genealogical Material Relating to the Western Reserve Meredith B. Colket, Jr.

Volume 60 (1972) 60 (1972):3-7 Patterns of British Emigration in the Seventeenth Century Noel Currer-Briggs 60 (1972):7, 35, 46, 51, 61, 63, 67, 87, 102, 131, 168, 179, 193, 206 Family Bible Records / Family Records Sweetwood Family Bible Record, by Louis D. Melnick (7) McLaren Family Record, by W. Robert Gillespie (35) Banks Family Bible Record, by William J. Allen (35) Mitchell Family Bible Record, by Adelle Whitby Olney (46) Gillespie Family Record, by W. Robert Gillespie (51) Ezekiel Family Bible Record, by Malcolm H. Stern (61) Terrill Family Bible Record, by W. Robert Gillespie (63 [Correction 61:75]) Munroe Family Bible Record, by W. Robert Gillespie (67) Lumsden Family Record, by W. Robert Gillespie (87) Cochrane Family Bible Record, by Mrs. John H. Tolbert (102) Norris Family Bible Record, by Michael A. Melnick (131 [Corrections 61:75]) Haehnlnn Family Record, by Mrs. John Lower and Madeline Daniels (168) Fickel Family Bible Record, by John Wise Pearson (179) Hall Family Bible Records, by Mrs. Calvin Reese Porter (193) Picard Family Bible Record, by Malcolm H. Stern (206) Wilson Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Calvin Reese Porter (206) 60 (1972):8-12, 103-107, 207-212 Batte and Allied Families: Genealogical Research Reports to a Client Charles Hughes Hamlin 60 (1972):13-21, 88-93, 180-187, 256-266 [Addition 66:191] (Cont. from 59:295, cont. to 61:34) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 60 (1972):22-24 Throckmorton of Virginia - Magna Charta Descent John G. Hunt 60 (1972):25-35 (Cont. from 59:262) Three Generations from Henry fitz Roger: A Feudal Study Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 60 (1972):36-46 Notes on Lists of Swiss Emigrants Leo Schelbert 60 (1972):47-51, 142-148, 300-307 (Cont. from 59:146, cont. to 61:47) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 60 (1972):52-53 Americans Captured on Miranda Expedition, 1896 Elizabeth Pearson White 60 (1972):54-61, 132-141, 224-228, 286-299 (Cont. from 59:301, cont. to 61:55) Shenandoah County, Virginia, Gravestone Inscriptions Ann Schreiner Herbert 60 (1972):62-63 Ancestry and Heraldry H. Niles 60 (1972):64 The Genealogist's Code

60 (1972):65-67 Major Hugh Fulton (1759-1816) of Augusta County, Virginia, and Fleming County, Kentucky Caroline Dayton Engle 60 (1972):83-87 Edward Little (1698) of Bristol, R. I. and New Haven, Conn. Claude W. Barlow 60 (1972):94-95 Notes for Dudleys of the South John G. Hunt 60 (1972):96-102 [See also 62:213-214] Thomas Curtis of Northamptonshire, England, and Burlington County, New Jersey, 1685 Lewis D. Cook 60 (1972):107, 141, 187, 275 Notes Family Planning? (Sutton) (107) North Carolina Enlistments, 1777, by Clifford Neal Smith (141) Jurors, Tennesee District, April 1798, by Clifford Neal Smith (187) Asa Minor's Recruiting Book, by Robert Anderson (275) 60 (1972):108-112 Bourbon County, Kentucky, Apprentice Bonds, 1788-1914 Elizabeth T. Clough 60 (1972):113-124 Hopeful Lutheran Church Records, 1805-1842, Boone County, Kentucky Jean Young Houston 60 (1972):125-131, 188-193 Impressed American Seamen Elizabeth Pearson White 60 (1972):149 Pensioners of 1812 and Revolutionary Pensioners (Baltimore, 1895) Harry A. Diehl 60 (1972):163-168 William Davidson of York County, S. C., 1779 Laurence K. Wells 60 (1972):169-179 Ulster County, New York, Jury Lists, 1750-1799 Kenneth Scott 60 (1972):194-198 Chesapeake Blacks Who Immigrated to New Brunswick, 1815 John N. Grant 60 (1972):199-206 Friends Cove Reformed Church Inscriptions, Bedford County, Pennsylvania Norman Niccum and Homer C. Nycum 60 (1972):213-217 Cold Spring First Baptist Church Records, 1794-1854, Campbell County, Kentucky Jean Young Houston 60 (1972):218-223 Texas Association of Tennessee, 1822 Clifford Neal Smith

60 (1972):243-249 English Ancestry of Robert Pennoyer and Walter Butler of Connecticut Peter Wilson Coldham 60 (1972):250-255 Federal Land Records Clifford Neal Smith 60 (1972):267-275 Some British and German Deserters During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 60 (1972):276-285 (Cont. to 61:60) Ulster County, New York, Court Records, 1693-1775 Kenneth Scott

Volume 61 (1973) 61 (1973):3-10 [Corrections 294] Clarke, Curtis, and Richardson of Barbados, Deleware, and Philadelphia Peter Wilson Coldham 61 (1973):10, 15, 27, 33, 46, 54, 59, 68, 145, 178, 180, 182, 204, 302 Family Bible Records / Family Records DuMon Family Bible Record, by Kenneth Scott (10) Smith Family Bible Record, by Grace J. Parker (15) Buchanan Family Bible Record, by John D. Rugg (27 [Additions 294]) Orr Family Record, by Elizabeth Hayward (33) Watts Family Bible Record, by Granville W. Hough (46) Dunbar Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Charles E. Kromer (54) Allen Family Bible Record, by William J. Allen (59) Brick Family Bible Record. by Richard Mudd (59) Rugh Family Bible Record, by Nettie Schreiner-Yantis (68) Wright Family Record, by Joseph V. Wright (145) Farish Family Bible Record, by J. K. Farish and Marcus M. Key (178) Joliff Family Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (180) Harrison Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (182) Hughes Family Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (204) Winslow Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston, Jr. (302) 61 (1973):11-15 A Program for Certifying Genealogists, Lineage Specialists, and Record Searchers Milton Rubincam 61 (1973):16-27 Virginia Land Grants in Kentucky and Ohio, 1784-1799 Clifford Neal Smith 61 (1973):28-33 Americans at Matamoros, Mexico, 1828-1851 Elizabeth Pearson White 61 (1973):34-39, 115-117, 201-204 [See also 62:46], 260-268 (Cont. from 60:266, cont. to 62:34) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 61 (1973):39, 257, 284 Notes Joseph Stansbury (1743-1809) of Philadelphia and New York, by Lewis D. Cook (39) Some Minnesota Gravestone Inscriptions, by C. Herman Welch, Jr. (257) Veitch Family Burial Ground, Washington, D. C., by Paul Edward Sluby, Sr. (284) 61 (1973):40-46 [Correction 294] Four and Twelve Mile Baptist Churches Records, 1799-1859, Campbell County, Kentucky Jean Young Houston 61 (1973):47-54, 132-136, 213-220 [Corrections 64:284] (Cont. from 60:307, cont. to 62:121) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 61 (1973):55-59, 141-145, 221-227, 303-308 (Cont. from 60:299, cont. to 62:47) Shenandoah County, Virginia, Gravestone Inscriptions Ann Schreiner Herbert 61 (1973):60-68, 137-140, 205-212, 295-302 (Cont. from 60:285) Ulster County, New York, Court Records, 1693-1775 Kenneth Scott

61 (1973):75, 294 Additions and Corrections "Dougan-McWhinney-Collier Family Bible Records," by Nancy Sheldon Hurlburt, 59:189 (75) "Three Generations from Henry fitz Roger: A Feudal Study," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 59:254-262 (75) "Captain George Kendall of Virginia, 1607," by John G. Hunt, 59:263-265 (75) "Terrill Family Bible Record," by W. Robert Gillespie, 60:63 (75) "Norris Family Bible Record," by Michael A. Melnick, 60:131 (75) "Clarke, Curtis, and Richardson of Barbados, Deleware, and Philadelphia," by Peter Wilson Coldham, 61:3-10 (294) "Buchanan Family Bible Record," by John D. Rugg, 61:27 (294) "Four and Twelve Mile Baptist Churches Records, 1799-1859, Campbell County, Kentucky," by Jean Young Houston, 61:40-46 (294) "The American Society of Genealogists," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., 61:100-107 (294) "Who's Who in Genealogy: Walter Lee Shappard, Jr.," 61:118-119 (294) 61 (1973):83-99 John Curtis (1635-1696) of Derbyshire, England, and Burlington County, New Jersey Lewis D. Cook 61 (1973):100-107 [Corrections 294] The American Society of Genealogists Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 61 (1973):108-114 Edward Taylor (ca. 1640-1705) of Barnstable, Mass. Maclean W. McLean 61 (1973):118-123 Who's Who in Genealogy Walter Lee Shappard, Jr. (118-119 [Corrections 294]) Milton Rubincam (120-121) George A. Martin (122-123) 61 (1973):123-124 Some Virginia Land Claimants 1772, Under the Procalmation of 1754 Clifford Neal Smith 61 (1973):125-131 [Correction 89:71-73] Descendants of Captain Roger Mallory of Virginia Peter Wilson Coldham 61 (1973):163-167 Bernard Kepler (1673-1765) of Philadelphia Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 61 (1973):168-178 Baptist Records for Genealogy and History F. Wilbur Helmbold 61 (1973):179-180 Genealogists' Fees Board for Certification of Genealogists 61 (1973):181-182 (Cont. from 57:297, cont. to 62:276) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 61 (1973):183-188, 278-284 (Cont. to 62:54) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 61 (1973):189-194, 270-277 Kingston Dutch Church, Ulster County, New York: Burials, 1739-1795 Kenneth Scott

61 (1973):195-200, 285-294 Somerset County, Maryland: 1724 Tax Lists John E. Jacob, Jr. 61 (1973):243-248 Mark White (1690-1758) of Acton, Mass.: An Unsuccessful Search for His Ancestry Robert Moody Sherman and Ruth Wilder Sherman 61 (1973):249-253 New York State Quaker Records in Print A. Day Bradley 61 (1973):254-257 Rutherford County, Tennessee, Petitioners, 1803 Robert M. McBride 61 (1973):258-259 Robert Ayers (1738-1787) of Rockaway, Morris County, New Jersey Elizabeth Pearson White 61 (1973):269 Some Rejected Volunteers, 1779 Clifford Neal Smith

Volume 62 (1974) 62 (1974):3-12 Tracing the Ancestry of a President Raymond Martin Bell 62 (1974):12, 16, 147, 254, 264, 294 Family Bible Records / Family Records Grigg Family Bible Record, by Henry J. Young (12) Thomson-Coumbe Family Bible Record, by George A. Waller (16) Flagg-Manning-Stratton Family Bible Record, by Edith H. Stevens (147) Wayne Family Bible Record, by Donna R. Hotaling (254) York-Hornady Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Quinn Hornaday (264) Richards Family Bible Record, by Donna R. Hotaling (294) 62 (1974):13-16 German Surnames in America Clifford Neal Smith and Anna Piszczan-Czaja Smith 62 (1974):17-32 Some German-Speaking Immigrants in Ohio and Kentucky, 1869 Clifford Neal Smith and Anna Piszczan-Czaja Smith 62 (1974):32-33 St. James Methodist Church Gravestone Inscriptions, Slacks Corner, Howard County, Maryland William Hollifield, III 62 (1974):34-46, 199-212, 270-275 (Cont. from 61:268, cont. to 63:39) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 62 (1974):47-53, 142-147 (Cont. from 61:308) Shenandoah County, Virginia, Gravestone Inscriptions Ann Schreiner Herbert 62 (1974):53, 212 Notes Koons-Nycum Inscriptions, by Norman Niccum (53) Calico Graveyard Inscriptions, San Bernardino County, California, by Ruth Burrows (212) 62 (1974):54-59, 91-95, 282-286 (Cont. from 61:284, cont. to 64:128) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 62 (1974):83-87 The American Genealogist: Reminiscences George E. McCracken 62 (1974):88-90 "Master Williamson" of the Mayflower John G. Hunt 62 (1974):96-117 Nova Scotia Settlers from Chatham, Massachusetts, 1759-1760 Elizabeth Pearson White 62 (1974):118-121 Who's Who in Genealogy Raymond Martin Bell (118-119) Noel Currer-Briggs (120-121) 62 (1974):121-141, 221-240 [Corrections 64:284], 303-316 (Cont. from 61:220, cont. to 63:59) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin

62 (1974):163-172 Thomas Weston, Ironmonger of London and America, 1609-1647 Peter Wilson Coldham 62 (1974):173-181 Some Huntington, Long Island, Residents, 1763-1779: From the Account Books of John Avery, Schoolmaster Kenneth Scott 62 (1974):182-191 Descendants of the Illegitimate Sons and Daughters of the Kings of Britain Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 62 (1974):192-198, 287-294 (Cont. to 63:139) Calvert County, Maryland, Gravestone Inscriptions Ailene Williams Hutchins 62 (1974):213-214 Thomas Curtis of Burlington County, New Jersey Lewis D. Cook 62 (1974):247-254 Peter Gaunt (ca. 1615-ca. 1678) of Sandwich, Mass. Maclean W. McLean 62 (1974):255-263 Colonial Virginia Business Records as a Genealogical Resource Beth Anderson Mitchell 62 (1974):263-264 Anthony Colby of Massachusetts, 1633 John G. Hunt 62 (1974):265-269 The Mystery of the "Unassigned" New Englanders Avery E. Kolb 62 (1974):276-281 (Cont. from 61:182, cont. to 63:48) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott

Volume 63 (1975) 63 (1975):3-14 Plunket Fleeson (1712-1791) if Philadelphia Lewis D. Cook 63 (1975):15-21 American Indian Genealogical Research Jimmy B. Parker 63 (1975):22-24 Sarah, Wife of Barnabas Horton (1666-1696) of Southold, Long Island Ken Stryker-Rodda 63 (1975):25-27 Some Passengers of the Mary and John in 1630 John G. Hunt 63 (1975):28-38, 145-147, 209-220, 296-300 (Cont. to 64:54) Covenant - First Presbyterian Church Records, 1790-1840, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio Jean Young Houston 63 (1975):39-47, 130-138, 193-203, 291-295 (Cont. from 62:275, cont. to 64:45) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 63 (1975):47-48 John and Joanna Rice of Philadelphia, 1789 Lewis D. Cook 63 (1975):48-49 (Cont. from 62:281, cont. to 64:132) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 63 (1975):57-58, 124, 271 Family Bible Records / Family Records Gharlitzs Family Record, by Charles B. Garlet, Jr. (57-58) Russell-Rockwell Family Bible Record, by Ada F. Trecartin (58) Miller Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Robert H. Nesbitt (124) Reed Family Bible Record, by Michael Reed Arner (271) 63 (1975):59-77, 222-227 (Cont. from 62:316) Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.) George A. Martin 63 (1975):83-95 James Kilpatrick of Surry County, Virginia, 1668 Edna Walling Neuhauser 63 (1975):96-98 Descents from the Crusaders Walter Lee Shepard, Jr. 63 (1975):98, 104, 122, 263 Notes Peter Murry of New York, by John G. Hunt (98) Some New York Soldiers in 1761, by John G. Hunt (104) James Hambleton of Bucks County, Pa., 1713, by Lewis D. Cook (122) German Immigrants on the Indostan, May 1804, by Clifford Neal Smith (263) 63 (1975):99-104 Maternal Ancestry of Dorcas Gardner (Ellis) Bryant Miriam L. Luke

63 (1975):105-109 Emigrants from Wolfersweiler Parish, Germany, to Pennsylvania Before 1750 Raymond Martin Bell 63 (1975):110-117 Servants at Northampton Forge, Baltimore County, Maryland, 1772-1774 Richard J. Cox 63 (1975):118-122 Baptist Church of Christ Records, 1804-1871, Log Lick, Clark County, Kentucky Elizabeth T. Clough 63 (1975):123-124 A Russell County, Virginia, Account Book, 1818-1831 Mary Jane Knisely 63 (1975):123-129 The Pretended Will of Colonel Joachim Staats of Albany, 1711 Kenneth Scott 63 (1975):139-145, 301-302 [Corrections 64:284] (Cont. from 62:294, cont. to 64:61) Calvert County, Maryland, Gravestone Inscriptions Ailene Williams Hutchins 63 (1975):163-171 Genealogy in Illinois Lowell M. Volkel 63 (1975):172-175 Transportation of English Felons Peter Wilson Coldham 63 (1975):176-180 Some South Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1733 Kenneth Scott 63 (1975):181-185 Jacob Wommer (1680) of Berks County, Pennsylvania Raymond Martin Bell and James Allen Woomer 63 (1975):186-193 [Corrections 64:284] Searching the Genealogical Literature: Periodical Indexes Kip Sperry and Roger Scanland 63 (1975):204-208 Jewish Genealogical Research and Central Archives Yaffa Draznin 63 (1975):220-221 Some Ninety Six, South Carolina, Residents, 1758-1759 John G. Hunt 63 (1975):243-263 Earliest Pfautz/Fouts Families in America John Scott Davenport 63 (1975):264-267 English Chancery Court Records Peter Wilson Coldham 63 (1975):268-271 (Cont. from 49:204) American Descendants of the House of Brabant C. Frederick Kaufholz

63 (1975):272-275 Frankfort, Kentucky, Census of Free Blacks, 1842 Lewis J. Bellardo, Jr. 63 (1975):276-283 Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, 1778 Census Kenneth Scott 63 (1975):284-290 Death Notices from the American Magazine, 1787-1788 Ci Stevens

Volume 64 (1976) 64 (1976):3-13 Captain Richard Budden (1706-1766) of Philadelphia Lewis D. Cook 64 (1976):13-14 [Correction 65:203] Benjamin Howard (1742-1828) of Maryland and North Carolina Fielding Ogburn 64 (1976):15-18 Consular Post Records as a Genealogical Source Thomas E. Weir, Jr. 64 (1976):18, 26, 60, 77, 124, 127, 188, 205, 212, 270, 274, 293 Family Bible Records / Family Records Miller Family Bible Record, by Elsie W. Ernst (18) Richard Hallick Family Record, by Mrs. Neil Gemmell Austin (26) Ferree Family Bible Records, by Barbara Ferree Barden (60) VanValkenburgh Family Bible Record, by Janet C. Clark (77) Reed Family Bible Record, by Michael Reed Arner (124) Allen Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Lysle D. Smith (127) Blunden-Wakeham Family Bible Record, by Mary Jane Knisely (188) Wills Family Bible Record, by Sara A. Bunnett (205 [Corrections 65:203]) Brinkerhoff-Boze Family Bible Records, by Mrs. William R. Boze (212) Browning Family Bible Record, by Mary Jane Knisely (270) Buford-Calvert-Story Family Bible Record, by James C. Moule (274) Haller-Gibboney-Campbell Family Bible Record, by Robert Hudson Lear (293) 64 (1976):19-26 John Jennings of Sandwich, Mass., 1667 Maclean W. McLean 64 (1976):27-34 Transported Jacobite Rebels, 1716 Clifford Neal Smith 64 (1976):35-44 Speeding Indexing of Genealogical Data by Computer Austin H. Montgomery, Jr. 64 (1976):45-53 [Corrections 284, 65:203], 137-146 [Corrections 284], 213-226, 285-293 (Cont. from 63:295, cont. to 65:135) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 64 (1976):54-59, 147-149, 206-212 (Cont. from 63:300) Covenant - First Presbyterian Church Records, 1790-1840, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio Jean Young Houston 64 (1976):61-68, 133-136, 197-205 (Cont. from 63:302) Calvert County, Maryland, Gravestone Inscriptions Ailene Williams Hutchins 64 (1976):83-111 Cartographic Records in the National Archives Ralph E. Ehrenberg 64 (1976):111, 146 Notes Morgan County, Missouri, Birth Records, 1839-1869, by Ilene Sims Tarnell (111) Early Delawarians and Their Ages, by Kenneth Scott (146) 64 (1976):112-124 New York State's Public Records Kenneth L. Brock

64 (1976):125-127 Westchester County, N.Y., Loyalists, 1777 Kenneth Scott 64 (1976):128-132, 189-196 (Cont. from 62:286, cont. to 65:195) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 64 (1976):132 (Cont. from 63:49, cont. to 65:113) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 64 (1976):163-175 [See also 65:121-122] James Butler (ca. 1630-1681) of Lancaster, Mass. Elizabeth Pearson White 64 (1976):176-180 English Ancestry of George Yate (ca. 1640-1691) of Maryland John G. Hunt 64 (1976):181-183 Vermont Quaker Families: Knowls, Hoag, and Briggs A. Day Bradley 64 (1976):184-188 Marriage Notices in the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1766-1787 Kenneth Scott 64 (1976):243-260 (Cont. to 65:88) Runaways, Excerpts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1775-1783 Kenneth Scott 64 (1976):261-270 Some Maryland Recruits of 1776 Richard J. Cox 64 (1976):271-274 Adjutant Herbert Manuscript, 1759: Courts Martial Abstracts Janet Rogers Clarke 64 (1976):275-283 (Cont. to 66:61) Family Data in Some Pennsylvania Land Patents, 1760-1761 Martin H. Brackbill 64 (1976):284 Additions and Corrections "Calvert County, Maryland, Gravestone Inscriptions," by Ailene Williams Hutchins, 63:301-302 (284) "Searching the Genealogical Literature: Periodical Indexes," by Kip Sperry and Roger Scanland, 63:186-193 (284) "Vital Statistics from the National Intelligencer (D. C.)," by George A. Martin, 61:213-220; 62:221-240 (284) "Extracts from Maryland Court Records," by Jean Stephenson, 53:199-204 (284) "Genealogical Gleanings in England," by Peter Wilson Coldham, 64:45-53, 137-146 (284) 64 (1976):294-311 (Cont. to 65:148) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter

Volume 65 (1977) 65 (1977):3-15 A Bicentennial Look at Genealogy: Methods, Performance, Education and Thinking Walter Lee Shappard, Jr. 65 (1977):15, 74, 81, 145, 236 Notes Lindsey Family Graveyard, by Ruth Lincoln Kaye (15) Ashby Sarcophagus, by Ruth Lincoln Kaye (74) Yeaty Gravestones, by Jean Young Houston (81) Bates Family of Maine and New Brunswick, by Stanley McGuire (145) Islay Inscriptions (236) 65 (1977):16-24 Bicentennial Perspectives on Birth, Marriage, and Death Richard Jensen 65 (1977):24, 44, 56, 134, 156, 176, 180, 184, 210, 236, 255-256, 268, 283, 301, 310 Family Bible Records / Family Records Goodbar Family Bible Records, by Carmen F. Clark (24) Perry Family Bible Record, by Phyllis W. Johnson (44) Russell Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Richard H. Stoller (56) Baker Family Bible Record, by Mary Fallon Richards (134) Fisher Family Bible Record, by Mary Fallon Richards (156) Washington-Reed Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (176) Glascock Family Bible Record, by Ruth T. Collins (180) Fowke Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (184) Turley Family Bible Record, by Ruth T. Collins (210) Harris-Van Zant Family Bible Record, by Mary Fallon Richards (236) Keeler-Flint-Lanfear-Russell Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (255-256) Goodbar Family Bible Record, by Carmen E. Clark (268) Turley Family Bible Record, by Ruth T. Collins (283) Dodge Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (301) Russell Family Bible Record, by George Ely Russell (310) 65 (1977):25-34 Genealogical Research in the Old Northwest Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 65 (1977):35-44 Migrations of Quakers in the Late 18th Century Willard Heiss 65 (1977):45-56 American Jewish Genealogy Malcolm H. Stern 65 (1977):57-74 University Archives as a Genealogical Resource Francis James Dallett 65 (1977):75-81 German Mercenaries of the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 65 (1977):88-91, 211-217, 295-301 (Cont. from 64:260, cont. to 66:57) Runaways, Excerpts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1775-1783 Kenneth Scott 65 (1977):99-113 [Corrections 66:191] Halenbeck Family of New York Robert Vincent Anderson

65 (1977):113 (Cont. from 64:132, cont. to 66:151) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 65 (1977):114-121 Pennsylvania-German Taufscheine Kenneth Scott 65 (1977):121-122 James Butler of Lancaster, Mass. Elizabeth Pearson White 65 (1977):123-134 Ghent Baptist Church Records, 1800-1850, Carroll County, Kentucky Jean Young Houston 65 (1977):135-145, 204-210, 257-268 (Cont. from 64:293, cont. to 66:42) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 65 (1977):146-147 Folwell, Glentworth, and Simmons Records Lewis D. Cook 65 (1977):148-149, 302-310 (Cont. from 64:311, cont. to 66:73) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 65 (1977):163-168 [Additions 66:191] Lewis Morgan (1728-ca. 1800) of Bedford County, Virginia Elizabeth Pearson White 65 (1977):170-176 Marriage Records Disclosed in Court Proceedings Noel C. Stevenson 65 (1977):177-180 Manumissions in Kings County, N. Y., 1797-1825 Kenneth Scott 65 (1977):181-184 Migrations from Berks County, Pennsylvania Effingham P. Humphrey, Jr. 65 (1977):185-194 Death and Marriage Notices from the Christian Watchman (Boston), 1819 Carol Willsey Flavell 65 (1977):195-203, 275-283 (Cont. from 64:196, cont. to 66:130) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 65 (1977):203 Additions and Corrections "English Friends' Meeting Records," by Milton Rubincam, 34:73-74 (203) "The Genealogical Record of John Wills (New Jersey, 1660-1746/7)," by Asa Matlack and Milton Rubincam, 42:63-67 (203) "The Freeholders of the City and County of Albany, 1763," by Kenneth Scott, 48:171-182 (203) "Benjamin Howard (1742-1828) of Maryland and North Carolina," by Fielding Ogburn, 64:13-14 (203) "Genealogical Gleanings in England," by Peter Wilson Coldham, 64:45-53 (203) "Wills Family Bible Record," by Sara A. Bunnett, 64:205 (203) 65 (1977):226-233 (Cont. to 67:193) Death and Estate Notices from the Missouri Gazette Lois Stanley and Maryhelen Stanley Wilson

65 (1977):234 Some Amelia County, Virginia, Colonists, 1737-1745 Lloyd Dewitt Bockstruck 65 (1977):235 Grove Baptist Church, Faquier County, Virginia, Death Records, 1811-1899 65 (1977):243-255 [See also 66:192-193] De Normandie Family of Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Lewis D. Cook 65 (1977):269-274 New Hampshire Tavern-Keepers, 1777-1784 Kenneth Scott 65 (1977):285-294 (Cont. to 66:47) Marriages from the Western Citizen, Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1826-1866 Elizabeth T. Clough

Volume 66 (1978) 66 (1978):3-15 (Cont. to 66:83) August Grasset of La Rochelle, London, and New York City Neil D. Thompson 66 (1978):17-28 Parentage and Ancestry of Sir George Yardley and Temperance Flowerdew Noel Currer-Briggs 66 (1978):29-32 Kennebec County, Maine, Naturalizations Kenneth Scott 66 (1978):33-41 Advertisements for Missing Relatives in Der Christliche Botschafter, 1839-1865 David H. Koss 66 (1978):42-46, 117-126, 211-222 (Cont. from 65:268, cont. to 67:58) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 66 (1978):47-56 (Cont. from 65:294) Marriages from the Western Citizen, Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1826-1866 Elizabeth T. Clough 66 (1978):57-60, 127-129, 231-235 (Cont. from 65:301, cont. to 67:121) Runaways, Excerpts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1775-1783 Kenneth Scott 66 (1978):61-64, 205-210 (Cont. from 64:283, cont. to 67:130) Family Data in Some Pennsylvania Land Patents, 1760-1761 Martin H. Brackbill 66 (1978):64, 111, 126, 175, 182, 204, 251, 257, 266, 280 Family Bible Records / Family Records Giles Thomas Family Record, by Mrs. Patrick A. Yates (64) Ray Family Bible Record, by William H. Pitts (111) Boyd-Chaney-Adams Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Charles B. Grace (126) Magruder-Suit Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Charles B. Grace (175) Thomas Jenkins Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (182) Allen Family Bible Record, by William J. Allen (204) Taylor Family Bible Record, by Margo Elliott Higgins (251) Reeves Family Bible Record, by William J. Allen (257) Hinchman Family Bible Record, by Richard M. Hinchman (266) Simpson Family Bible Record, by Charles H. Coulston (280) 66 (1978):73-77, 152-156 (Cont. from 65:310, cont. to 67:143) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 66 (1978):83-96 (Cont. from 66:15, cont. to 66:163) James Grasset (ca. 1665-1726) of Barbados Neil D. Thompson 66 (1978):96 Notes Stump Graveyard, by Jean M. Frane (96) 66 (1978):97-103 Slaves' Birth Records, Kings County, N. Y., After 1800 Kenneth Scott

66 (1978):105-111 South Carolina Jewish Marriage Settlements, 1785-1839 Malcolm H. Stern 66 (1978):112-116 Rockingham County, N. H., Naturalizations Kenneth Scott 66 (1978):130-142, 194-204 (Cont. from 65:283, cont. to 68:41) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 66 (1978):151 (Cont. from 65:113) Early New Yorkers and Their Ages Kenneth Scott 66 (1978):163-175 (Cont. from 66:96, cont. to 67:111) Southern Gressitt/Grissett Families Neil D. Thompson 66 (1978):176-182 How to Trace Ancestors by Studying Ships Noel Currer-Briggs 66 (1978):183-187 Deserters, Dischargees, and Prisoners of War from the Fourth Regiment of Foot (King's Own) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 66 (1978):188-191 Baltimore City 1797 Special Tax List Richard J. Cox 66 (1978):191 Additions and Corrections "William Rogers of Annapolis. Md.," by Mrs. Nathaniel G. Gee, 51:100-103 (191) "Genealogical Gleanings in England," by Peter Wilson Coldham, 60:256-266 (191) "Halenbeck Family of New York," by Robert Vincent Anderson, 65:99-113 (191) "Lewis Morgan (1728-ca. 1800) of Bedford County, Virginia," by Elizabeth Pearson White, 65:163-168 (191) 66 (1978):192-193 De Normandie Family Lewis D. Cook 66 (1978):243-252 Genealogy for All People Milton Rubincam 66 (1978):253-257 Colonial America: Outpost of Empire, Penal Settlement, or Land of Opportunity? Peter Wilson Coldham 66 (1978):258-266 Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia Lois Y. Kernaghan 66 (1978):267-280 The Family Periodical Russell E. Bidlack 66 (1978):281-284 New Sources of Jewish Genealogy Malcolm H. Stern

66 (1978):285-290 Afro-American Immigration to Liberia: An International Perspective on Black Genealogy Tom W. Shick 66 (1978):291-304 The Revolt Against Gerontocracy: Genealogy and the Massachusetts Revolution William Pencak 66 (1978):305-311 The Family Antecedents of Mental Illness Mary Kilbourne Matossian

Volume 67 (1979) 67 (1979):3-11 Professional Ethics in Genealogical Research Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 67 (1979):11-13 A Professional Code for Genealogical Libraries and Librarians Gary Boyd Roberts 67 (1979):14-24 Ontario Genealogical Resources Marion Christina Keefer 67 (1979):25-33 Oral History, Its Utilization in the Genealogical Research Process Elizabeth Clark-Lewis 67 (1979):34-41 Genealogy in the Province of Québec Roland J. Auger 67 (1979):42-57 Resident Aliens Enabled to Hold Land in New York State 1790-1825 Kenneth Scott 67 (1979):58-63, 210-218, 287-293 (Cont. from 66:222, cont. to 68:115) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 67 (1979):80, 142, 201, 228, 252, 266, 293 Family Bible Records / Family Records Long Family Bible and Pension Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (80) Van Wie Family Bible Record, by Janice Buchanan (142) Speece-Rice Family Bible Record, by Anne Thomas Tenny (201) Spalding Family Bible Record, by Janice Buchanan (201) Shearer Family Bible Record, by Carleton E. Fisher (228) Boyd Family Bible Record, by Norman R. Peters (228) Shepard-Adams Family Bible Record, by Harold H. Shepard (252) Stone-Disbrow Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (266) Parmiter Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (293) 67 (1979):85-97 David Gay (1739-ca. 1815) of Onslow, Nova Scotia, and Lincolnville, Maine Robert Charles Anderson 67 (1979):97, 103, 129, 142, 286 Notes Walker Family Gravestone Inscriptions, by Robert L. Rice and Mildred S. Rice (97, 129) A Virginia Indian in England, by Lewis D. Cook (103) Some Delaware Inscriptions, by Margo Elliott Higgins (142) Steckman Family Graveyard Inscriptions, by J. Andrew Usera (286) 67 (1979):98-103 Allan Family of Hamilton, Scotland, and Fredericksburg, Virginia Charles Austin Joy 67 (1979):104-106 James and Hulda Jackson of Goochland County, Virginia Patricia Carter Ives 67 (1979):107-110 Richard Virgin of Massachusetts, 1696 Edward D. Virgin, Sr.

67 (1979):111-120 (Cont. from 66:175) George and William Grissett of Brunswick County, North Carolina Neil D. Thompson 67 (1979):121-129 (Cont. from 66:235) Runaways, Excerpts from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1775-1783 Kenneth Scott 67 (1979):130-141 (Cont. from 66:210, cont. to 68:83) Family Data in Some Pennsylvania Land Patents, 1760-1761 Martin H. Brackbill 67 (1979):141-142 Some Emigrants to Oregon, June 1844 Lois Stanley and Maryhelen Stanley Wilson 67 (1979):143-147, 313-316 (Cont. from 66:156, cont. to 68:70) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 67 (1979):163-166 Griffith and Margaret (Fleming) Bowen of Wales and Massachusetts Herman Nickerson, Jr. 67 (1979):167-174 Needlework Samplers and Mourning Pictures as Genealogical Evidence Kenneth Scott 67 (1979):175-176 Oneida County, N. Y., 1792 Tax List Marilla Racha Grimes 67 (1979):177-181 Nicholas County, Kentucky, Apprenticeship Bonds Susan C. Eades and Elizabeth T. Clough 67 (1979):182-192, 267-282 Early Settlers of Cumberland Township, Nova Scotia Loise Walsh Throop 67 (1979):193-201 (Cont. from 65:233) Death and Estate Notices from the Missouri Gazette Maryhelen Stanley Wilson and Lois Stanley 67 (1979):202-209, 283-286 Some Early Residents of Baltimore, Maryland, 1785-1795 Richard J. Cox 67 (1979):229-236, 294-301 (Cont. to 68:51) Spanish Enlistment Papers of New Mexico 1732-1820 Virginia L. Olmstead 67 (1979):243-252 Professional Quality in Genealogical Research: The Mayflower Society Five Generations Project Ruth Wilder Sherman 67 (1979):253-254 Peter Brown of Windsor, Conn.: Not a Mayflower Descendant Robert S. Wakefield

67 (1979):255-263 Deserters, Dichargees, and Prisoners of War from the British Seventh Regiment of Foot (Fusiliers) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 67 (1979):264-266 Black Birth Records, New Castle County, Delaware, 1810-1853 Mary Fallon Richards

Volume 68 (1980) 68 (1980):3-7 Some Trends in Genealogy Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 68 (1980):7, 147, 149, 212 Family Bible Records / Family Records Brodrick Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (7) Cannon - Kortright - Brasher Family Record, by Craig Colgate, Jr. (147) McWhorter Family Bible Record, by Mildred McWhorter (149) McCain / McKean - Crooks Family Bible Record, by Harriette M. Wheeler (212) 68 (1980):9-14 Ancestral Clues: Some Early Settlers of Rowley, Mass. Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. 68 (1980):15-20 Detroit 1762 Census Donna Valley Stuart 68 (1980):21-30, 129-136, 203-212 Baptismal Records of St. Peter's Church, New York City, 1787-1800 Constance Denise Sherman 68 (1980):31-40, 148-149 Ulster County, New York, Court Records, 1779-1782 Kenneth Scott 68 (1980):41-50, 123-128, 193-202 (Cont. from 66:204) American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Peter Wilson Coldham 68 (1980):51-60, 121-122 (Cont. from 67:301) Spanish Enlistment Papers of New Mexico 1732-1820 Virginia L. Olmstead 68 (1980):69, 122, 290 Notes Some Spotsylvania County, Virginia, Immigrants, 1769-1770, bu Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck (69) Riddle-Close-Chrisman-Gares Inscriptions, by Robert Latchaw (122) Andrew Bradford Pension Claim, by Ruth Wilder Sherman (290) 68 (1980):70-77, 150-155 (Cont. from 67:316, cont. to 69:71) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 68 (1980):83-94 (Cont. from 67:141) Family Data in Some Pennsylvania Land Patents, 1760-1761 Martin H. Brackbill 68 (1980):95-104, 213-220, 291-298 (Cont. to 69:43) The First Fifty-Two Years of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia, 1809-1861 Ruth Lincoln Kaye 68 (1980):105-114, 232-233, 299-304 (Cont. to 69:51) Maryland Runaway Convict Servants, 1745-1780 Richard J. Cox 68 (1980):115-120 (Cont. from 67:293, cont. to 69:35) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham

68 (1980):163-178 [Correction 73:319] Angus McAllister (ca. 1670) of Lancaster, Mass., and Londonderry, N. H. John Brooks Threlfall 68 (1980):179-187 Newspapers as a Genealogical Source Irene G. Sniffin 68 (1980):188-192 Albany County, New York, Court of Oyer and Terminer, Minutes, March 1781 Kenneth Scott 68 (1980):243-258 George Rex (1682-1772) of Germantown, Pennsylvania Doris Rex Schutte 68 (1980):259-269 Columbia County, Pennsylvania, School Children, 1811-1829 Harriette M. Wheeler 68 (1980):270-285 Genealogical Research in Wisconsin Betty Owens Swift 68 (1980):286-290 Some New York Court Records, 1784-1787 Rosanne K. Conway

Volume 69 (1981) 69 (1981):3-8 Personal Computers for Genealogists Jack McKay 69 (1981):9-10 [Correction 73:319] Some Marriage and Death Notices from Der Christliche Zeitschrift, 1839-1848 David H. Koss 69 (1981):10, 26, 100, 180, 194, 204, 250, 258, 260, 268, 276, 284, 300 Family Bible Records / Family Records Debusk Family Record, by Rebecca H. Thompson (10) Smith-Brown Family Bible Record, by Eleanor B. Conary (26) Leonard Family Bible Record, by Margo Higgins (100 [Correction 73:319]) Forsyth Family Bible Record, by Mrs. Frank Collins, Jr. (180) Elliott-Summers Family Record, by Gary W. Parks (194) Ecker Family Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (204) Wright Family Record, by Eugene A. Jenkins, Jr. (250) Whitney Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (258) Schweinhart Family Record, by Carleton E. Fisher (260) Hutchinson Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (260) Faires Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (268) Cuberly Family Bible Record, by John Bradley Arthaud (268) Wilcox Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (276) Bacon-Snow-Andrews Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (276) Scott Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (284) Tonks Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (284) Marshall Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (300) 69 (1981):11-12 Prudence Stockton, Wife of Edward Holyoke, 1612 Leonard H. Smith, Jr. 69 (1981):13-14 A Revolutionary War Muster Roll, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1777 Joseph Carvalho III 69 (1981):15-26 Records of Junius Friends Monthly Meeting, Seneca and Wayne Counties, New York A. Day Bradley 69 (1981):26, 34, 184 Notes Moses Griffin Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (26) Flushing, New York, 1688 Rate List, by Kenneth Scott (34) Belmont County, Ohio, Census of Blacks, 1863, by Michael L. Hausman (184) 69 (1981):27-33 New Jersey Naturalization Records, 1838-1844 Kenneth Scott 69 (1981):35-42, 115-124, 195-204, 277-284 (Cont. from 68:120, cont. to 70:37) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 69 (1981):43-50, 133-140, 215-224, 285-292 (Cont. from 68:298, cont. to 70:46) The First Fifty-Two Years of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia, 1809-1861 Ruth Lincoln Kaye 69 (1981):51-58, 125-132, 205-214, 293-300 (Cont. from 68:304) Maryland Runaway Convict Servants, 1745-1780 Richard J. Cox

69 (1981):71-75, 153-157, 235, 312-320 (Cont. from 68:155, cont. to 70:68) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 69 (1981):83-94 Family Records and Certificates in the Smithsonian Institution Kenneth Scott 69 (1981):95-100 Some New England Marriages, 1849-1895 Joseph Carvalho III 69 (1981):101-102 Margaret, Wife of Thomas Hollingsworth of New Castle County, Delaware, 1685 Wayne B. Hadley 69 (1981):103-108 Deserters, Dichargees, and Prisoners of War from the British Fifth Regiment of Foot (Northumberland Fusiliers) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 69 (1981):109-114 Ohio Divorces, 1803-1852 David G. Null 69 (1981):150-153 In Memoriam: Lewis Daniel Cook, F.A.S.G., F.G.S.P., 1895-1981 Milton Rubincam 69 (1981):163-170 [Correction 79:296] (Cont. to 69:243) Jacob Kobel (1682-1731) of the Palatinate, New York, and Berks County, Pennsylvania Shirley J. Turner 69 (1981):171-180 Urban Finding Aid for Manuscript Census Searches Keith Schlesinger and Peggy Tuck Sinko 69 (1981):181-183 Indexes to Savannah, Georgia, Newspapers Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 69 (1981):185-194 Detroit 1796 Census Donna Valley Stuart 69 (1981):243-250 [Correction 73:319] (Cont. from 69:170) Henry Kobel (1712-1755) of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and the Kobel Massacre Shirley J. Turner 69 (1981):251-258 David Holt of Chesterfield County, Virginia, and John Holt of Williamsburg and New York City Anne Thomas Tenny 69 (1981):259-260 A Sutton Family of New Jersey and Upstate New York Robert V. Anderson 69 (1981):261-268 (Cont. to 72:191) Some North Americans in the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Kip Sperry 69 (1981):269-276 Children in Baltimore County, Maryland, Court Records, 1682-1721 Robert W. Barnes

Volume 70 (1982) 70 (1982):3-14 [Correction 73:319] Migrations from Detroit Before the Revolution Donna Valley Stuart 70 (1982):15-17 Deserters, Dichargees, and Prisoners of War from the British Fifteenth Regiment of Foot (The Yorkshire East Riding) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 70 (1982):18, 26, 123, 189, 294 Family Bible Records / Family Records Rodman-Paxson-Richardson Family Bible Record, by Martha Paxson Grundy (18) O'Connor Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (26) DeWitt-Louw-Bruyn Family Bible Record, by Richard M. Cochran (123) Anderson Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (189) Brodrick Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (189) Files family Record, by Donna Valley Russell (294) 70 (1982):19-26 Georgia Returns of Qualified Votors, 1867: Naturalized Citizens of Augusta and Richmond County Robert S. Davis, Jr. 70 (1982):27-36, 103-111 New York City Quarter Sessions Court Minutes, 1722-1742 Kenneth Scott 70 (1982):37-45, 112-123 (Cont. from 69:284, cont. to 71:36) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 70 (1982):46-56, 124-135, 295-307 (Cont. from 69:292) The First Fifty-Two Years of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Alexandria, Virginia, 1809-1861 Ruth Lincoln Kaye 70 (1982):68-73, 144-153 (Cont. from 69:320, cont. to 71:147) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 70 (1982):83-95 Finding Elusive New Englanders Elizabeth Pearson White 70 (1982):96, 102, 196 Notes Andrew Bradford Pension Claim, by Ruth Wilder Sherman (96) Amos Griffin Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (96) Charles Griffen Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (102) Some Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Naturalizations, by Mary K. Meyer (196) 70 (1982):97-102 Emigrants from Laubenheim, Germany, to New York in 1709/10 Henry Z. Jones, Jr. 70 (1982):163-189 Slaves and Masters: The Louisiana Metoyers Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills 70 (1982):190-196 Scottish and English Immigrants to the Georgia Frontier, 1774-1775 Robert Scott Davis, Jr.

70 (1982):197-220 On Getting Involved with Computers: Some Guidelines for Genealogists Esther A. Anderson 70 (1982):221-224 Defaulting Jurors in New York City, 1784-1799 Kenneth Scott 70 (1982):243-245 Anglos and Anglo-Americans in Early Alabama Winston DeVille 70 (1982):246-270 The Origin of the Carrington Family of Virginia James C. Brandow 70 (1982):271-281 Descendants of Jonathan Swann of Charles County, Maryland, and Caroline County, Virginia Charles Austin Joy 70 (1982):282-294 Early Settlers of the Nottingham Lots A. Day Bradley

Volume 71 (1983) 71 (1983):3-13 Genealogy of Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. Mary Smith Fay 71 (1983):14-24 (Cont. to 72:193) New York City Apprentices, 1686-1804 Kenneth Scott 71 (1983):25-28 Groton, Connecticut, Marriages 1749-1785 Donna Valley Russell 71 (1983):28, 40, 120, 134, 279 Family Bible Records / Family Records Rogers Family Record, by Donna Valley Russell (28) Tibbits-Davis Family Bible Record, by Mrs. H. A. Carson (40) Combs-Warner Family Bible Record, by Gary W. Parks (120) Cone-MacAdam Family Bible Record, by Ann Lawrence McAlister (134) Andrews Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (279) 71 (1983):29-35 Roots in Local History Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.. 71 (1983):36-40, 121-130, 163-192 [Correction 73:319], 284-296 (Cont. from 70:123, cont. to 72:132) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 71 (1983):41-63 [Correction 73:319] The Descendants of Edmund Weston, Revisited Eugene A. Stratton 71 (1983):84-93 [Addition 73:319] Arthur Howland of Plymouth, Mass., 1640, His Wife Margaret (---) Walker, and Their Children Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman 71 (1983):94-98 Salisbury, Connecticut, Taxpayers Donna Valley Russell 71 (1983):99-106 Academia vs. Genealogy: Prospects for Reconciliation and Progress Elizabeth Shown Mills 71 (1983):107-113 Jan Alberts of Coxsackie, New York: A Jansen Family Robert V. Anderson 71 (1983):114-120 Deserters, Dichargees, and Prisoners of War from the British Tenth Regiment of Foot (North Lincolnshire) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 71 (1983):131-134 U. S. Seamen Imprisoned in England in 1814 Kenneth Scott 71 (1983):147-155, 229-234, 315-320 (Cont. from 70:153, cont. to 72:72) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter

71 (1983):193-216 [Additions and Corrections, 83:39-43] The Paxson Brothers of Colonial Pennsylvania: The First Three Generations Martha Jonet Paxson Grundy 71 (1983):217-219 Some New Haven County, Connecticut, Naturalizations, 1803-1844 Kenneth Scott 71 (1983):228, 283, 304, 314 Notes Samuel Harris Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (228) Richard Jordan Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (283) Arthur Harris Bounty Land Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (304) Thomas C. Russell Pension and Bounty Land Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (314) 71 (1983):243-279 The Yocums of Aronameck in Philadelphia, 1648-1702 Peter Stebbins Craig and Henry Wesley Yocom 71 (1983):280-283 New York City Naturalizations, 1795-1799 Kenneth Scott 71 (1983):297-304 Alexander McDowell (ca. 1735-1817), Pioneer of Shelby County, Kentucky: Some Descendants and Ancestral Clues Meredith B. Colket, Jr.

Volume 72 (1984) 72 (1984):3-32 [Corrections 77:141] Ralph Hill of Plymouth and Billerica, Massachusetts: Descendants to the Fifth Generation Donna Valley Russell 72 (1984):33, 49-50, 260, 264 Notes Some West Virginia Veterans' Death Notices, by Cheryl H. Singhal (33) Some British Deserters in Georgia in 1768, by Robert S. Davis, Jr. (49) Thomas Moore Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (50) Some Monterey, Mass., Gravestone Inscriptions, by Malcolm H. Stern (260) Will of Elizabeth Smawley, 1810, by Abbie Bitney (264) 72 (1984):34 Walling Family of Maryland John Bradley Arthaud 72 (1984):35-49 The Genealogist's Assessment of Alex Haley's Roots Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills 72 (1984):50, 62, 260, 271-272 Family Bible Records / Family Records Welcker Family Bible Record, by Frederick Sheely Weiser (50) Tullis Family Bible Records, by Norman R. Peters (50) Hinds-Milner-Powers Family Bible Record, by Doris J. Cutting (62) Finley Family Bible Record, by Rex B. Finley (260) Murphy Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (260) Cressman-McElhaney Family Bible Record, by Norman R. Peters (271) Toombs Family Bible Record, by Sarah H. Hazel Delgado (271) Adams Family Bible Record, by Gertrude C. Soles (272) Heise-Rush Family Bible Record, by Gertrude C. Soles (272) 72 (1984):51-62 Richard Carpenter (1729-1788): Pioneer Merchant of British West Florida and the Natchez District of Spanish West Florida Terry L. Carpenter 72 (1984):72-74, 224-237 (Cont. from 71:320) Northern California Bounty Land Grantees Under Acts of 1847-1855 Keith Lingenfelter 72 (1984):83-112 Chisholm Families in the American Colonies Meredith B. Colket, Jr. 72 (1984):113-131 Georgia's Colonial and Public Land Records, 1732-1832 Virginia Steele Wood 72 (1984):132-145, 199-212, 288-296 (Cont. from 71:296, cont. to 73:8) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 72 (1984):163-190 [Additions and Corrections 73:319-320] Jacob Fluck of Middletown, Frederick County, Maryland, and His Flook and Fluke Descendants Patricia Abelard Andersen 72 (1984):191-182 (Cont. from 69:268, cont. to 75:55) Some North Americans in the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Kip Sperry 72 (1984):193-198 [Correction 73:320], 261-264 (Cont. from 71:24) New York City Apprentices, 1686-1804 Kenneth Scott

72 (1984):243-259 Peter Decker (ca. 1711-1773) of Sussex County, New Jersey, and Some of His Descendants Theresa Coyne Strasser 72 (1984):265-270 Captain Thomas Pemberton (c1655-c1717) of Maryland and Delaware Esther Littleford Woodworth-Barnes 72 (1984):273-287 The Validity of Genealogical Evidence Eugene A. Stratton 72 (1984):305-328 (Cont. to 73:70) Death Notices from the Western Citizen, Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1826-1866 Elizabeth T. Clough

Volume 73 (1985) 73 (1985):3-7 William Marshall of Baton Rouge and His Mulatto Descendants Mic Barnette 73 (1985):8-14, 291-293 (Cont. to 74:171) Genealogical Gleanings in Scotland David Dobson 73 (1985):15-22 Some German-Speaking Immigrants in Ohio and Kentucky, 1870-1871 Clifford Neal Smith and Anna Piszczan-Czaja Smith 73 (1985):23-43 Bristol Co., Mass., Probate Records, 1698-1710 Harold Lewis Peter Rounds 73 (1985):44-42 Some Dutchess County, New York, Early Residents, 1735-1772 Kenneth Scott 73 (1985):53-58, 207-212 (Cont. from 72:296, cont. to 74:63) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 73 (1985):70-75, 124-131 (Cont. from 72:328) Death Notices from the Western Citizen, Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky, 1826-1866 Elizabeth T. Clough 73 (1985):83-92 Wilhelm Knepper (1691-1766) and His Descendants in Franklin County, Pennsylvania Cathy D. Knepper 73 (1985):92, 131, 178, 206, 212, 262, 289-290 Notes John Greenman Pension Claim, by Donna Valley Russell (92) Ten Eyck Wills, by Kenneth Scott (131) William White Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (178) William Hogan Pension Claim, by Mabel Van Dyke Baer (206) Jonathan Pettit Pension Claim, by Frank L. Baer (212) Americans Executed at Tampico, Mexico, 1836, by Robert S. Davis, Jr. (262) Members of the Racoon and Montour Presbyterian Churches, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1789, by Gertrude C. Soles (289-290) 73 (1985):93-108 [See also 74:163-170] Abraham Family of Charlestown and Marblehead, Mass. Donna Valley Russell 73 (1985):108, 123, 171, 178, 212, 276 Family Bible Records / Family Records Woodburn Family Bible Record, by Gertrude C. Soles (108) Forrer Family Bible Record, by Kenneth Scott (123) Moss-Wooldridge Family Records, by John Hale Stutesman (171) William McCunn Family Bible Record, by Richard M. Cochran (178) Whitworth-Couch Family Records, by Evelyn McD. F. Bryan (212) Todd Family Records, by Mrs. Ora W. Clough (276) 73 (1985):109-116 Naturalizations and Denizations in Colonial Virginia Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck 73 (1985):117-123 Ulster County, New York, 1798 Tax List Kenneth Scott

73 (1985):132-134 Captain Christopher Benson's First Independant Company of New York Rangers, 1777-1782 Kenneth Scott 73 (1985):163-171 Who Was Sampson Winch? Ann Smith Lainhart 73 (1985):172-178 John Simmons of Orangeburg Township, South Carolina, 1735-1759 GeLee Corley Hendrix 73 (1985):179-206 The First Settlers on the North Fork of the Edisto River, South Carolina GeLee Corley Hendrix 73 (1985):243-261 Spanish Records: Locating Anglo and Latin Ancestry in the Colonial Southeast Elizabeth Shown Mills 73 (1985):263-276 [Corrections 75:69] Finding Mayflower Ancestors Elizabeth Pearson White 73 (1985):277-289 New England Vital Records in the Seventeenth Century Ruth Wilder Sherman 73 (1985):294-296 The Alvey Family of Southern Maryland: A Clue to Its English Origin Robert W. Barnes 73 (1985):297-303 Some Georgia Bounty Land Grantees, 1854-1856 Robert S. Davis, Jr. 73 (1985):304-308 Some Hempstead, New York, Residents, 1780-1785 Kenneth Scott 73 (1985):319-320 Additions and Corrections "Angus McAllister (ca. 1670) of Lancaster, Mass., and Londonderry, N. H.," by John Brooks Threlfall, 68:163-178 (319) "Some Marriage and Death Notices from Der Christliche Zeitschrift, 1839-1848." by David H. Koss, 69:9-10 (319) "Leonard Family Bible Record," by Margo Higgins, 69:100 (319) "Henry Kobel (1712-1755) of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and the Kobel Massacre," by Shirley J. Turner, 69:243-250 (319) "Migrations from Detroit Before the Revolution," by Donna Valley Stuart, 70:3-14 (319) "The Descendants of Edmund Weston, Revisited," by Eugene A. Stratton, 71:41-63 (319) "Arthur Howland of Plymouth, Mass., 1640, His Wife Margaret (---) Walker, and Their Children," by Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman, 71:84-93 (319) "Genealogical Gleanings in England," by Peter Wilson Coldham, 71:163-192 (319) "Jacob Fluck of Middletown, Frederick County, Maryland, and His Flook and Fluke Descendants," by Patricia Abelard Andersen, 72:163-190 (319-320) "New York City Apprentices, 1686-1804," by Kenneth Scott, 72:193-198 (320)

Volume 74 (1986) 74 (1986):3-6 [Correction 78:95, See also 78:85-97] Clark, Hunting and Wheelock Families of Dedham, Massachusetts: Some English Clues Robert Charles Anderson 74 (1986):6, 26, 254 Family Bible Records / Family Records Dunham Family Bible Record, by Hugh Buckner Johnston (6) Brunson Family Bible Record, by Granville W. Hough (26) Jarvis Family Bible Record, by Elda Esch Dickinson (254) 74 (1986):7-18 Illinois Settlers and Their Origins Elizabeth Pearson White 74 (1986):19-26 Some Seamen from New York to Foreign Ports, April-May 1807 Kenneth Scott 74 (1986):27-44 [Additions and Corrections 75:215, 81:293-296] Some Americans in the Danish West Indies Henry B. Hoff 74 (1986):45-48 Early Hallenbeck Families of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Robert V. Anderson 74 (1986):49-57 Research in France Assélia S. Lichliter 74 (1986):58-62 Hempfield Township 1789 Tax List, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania 74 (1986):63-68, 196-202, 290-294 (Cont. from 73:212, cont. to 79:138) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 74 (1986):83-110 [Correction 75:215], 203-223 [Correction 75:215] [Additions 77:143-144] Descendants of Mr. John Holmes, Messenger of the Plymouth Court Eugene A. Stratton 74 (1986):110, 118, 174, 187-188 Notes Some Southern Refugees, 1864, by Robert Scott Davis, Jr. (110) Some West Tennessee Settlers in 1867, by Robert Scott Davis, Jr. (118) Gideon Owen Pension Application, by Donna Valley Russell (174) David Melville Selby Pension Claim, by Donna Valley Russell (187-188) 74 (1986):111-118 The English Origin of John Stockbridge and His First Wife Ann Roger D. Joslyn 74 (1986):119-121 The Mother of Mathew Goes (ca.1660-1663) of Rensselaerwyck Robert V. Anderson 74 (1986):122-127 Some Pomfret, Connecticut, Deaths, 1780-1839 Donna Valley Russell 74 (1986):128-149 Some Dutchess County, New York, Residents, 1761-1763 Kenneth Scott

74 (1986):163-170 The English Ancestry of William Abraham of Charlestown, Mass. Donna Valley Russell 74 (1986):171-173 (Cont. from 73:293, cont. to 81:139) Genealogical Gleanings in Scotland David Dobson 74 (1986):175-187 Some Descendants of Jacob Taylor (1650-1750) of Yarmouth, Massachusetts Elizabeth Pearson White and Roberta Gilbert Bratti 74 (1986):189-195 Fairfax County, Virginia, Administration Bonds, 1752-1782 Alycon Trubey Pierce 74 (1986):243-254 [Addition 77:141-142] William Young of South Farnham Parish, Essex County, Virginia, 1677-1697 Doris M. Davison and Paul W. Prindle 74 (1986):255-256 Crews on Some Eighteenth-Century Rhode Island Whalers Kenneth Scott 74 (1986):257-262 David Melville of Boston and Newport Donna Valley Russell 74 (1986):263-270 Prussian Settlement in Marquette and Green Lake Counties, Wisconsin, 1858-1907 Brian A. Podoll 74 (1986):271-278 Roman Catholic Church Records and the Genealogist Duane L. C. M. Galles 74 (1986):279-282 Deserters, Dichargees, and Prisoners of War from the British Sixteenth Regiment of Foot (Bedfordshire or Buckinghamshire) During the American Revolution Clifford Neal Smith 74 (1986):283-286 The Brothers John and Andrew Rose of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Christine Rose 74 (1986):287-289 Sailors in Dukes County, Massachusetts, Ports in 1850 John D. Austin, Jr. 74 (1986):295-298 Schoharie District, New York, 1780 Tax List Kenneth Scott 74 (1986):299-303 Bristol County, Massachusetts, Guardianship Records, 1751-1755 Harold Lewis Peter Rounds

Volume 75 (1987) 75 (1987):5-14 From Maria to Bill Cosby: A Case in Tracing Black Slave Ancestry Johni Cerny 75 (1987):15-36 A Master Plan for North Carolina Research Helen F. M. Leary 75 (1987):37-50 Grolet-Gurulé: Los Francéses of Nueva México Virginia L. Olmstead 75 (1987):51-54 Two Thomas Baxters and Their Sons, Also Named Thomas Elizabeth Pearson White 75 (1987):54, 58, 179, 193, 239, 270 Notes An Identity Crisis! (54) "How the Pension Lists are Used" (58) George Peterson of Carolina and Kent, England, by Kip Sperry (179) Who Is to Blame?, by Mary McCampbell Bell (193) Santo Domingo Immigrants, by Donald Ray Barnes (239) Revolutionary War Pension Application: John (Widow Jane) Armstrong, North Carolina (270) 75 (1987):55-58 (Cont. from 72:182, cont. to 84:219) Some North Americans in the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Kip Sperry 75 (1987):69, 215 Additions and Corrections "Finding Mayflower Ancestors," by Elizabeth Pearson White, 73:263-276 (69) "Some Americans in the Danish West Indies," by Henry B. Hoff, 74:27-44 (215) "Descendants of Mr. John Holmes, Messenger of the Plymouth Court," by Eugene A. Stratton, 74:83-110, 203-223 (215) "Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1633, His Children and His Grandchildren, by Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman, 75:105-116 (215) "Documentation for Lineage Papers: Two Perspectives," by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., and Elizabeth Pearson White, 75:124-140 (215) 75 (1987):81-104 Genealogical Research in Ohio Kip Sperry 75 (1987):105-116 [Additions and Corrections 215], 216-225, 278-288 Henry Howland of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1633, His Children and His Grandchildren Robert S. Wakefield and Robert M. Sherman 75 (1987):117-123 Which Jacob Pence? A Case Study in Documenting Identity Richard A. Pence 75 (1987):124-140 [Additions 215] Documentation for Lineage Papers: Two Perspectives Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr., and Elizabeth Pearson White 75 (1987):141-152 Civil War Claims: Mixed Commission of British and American Claims Donna Rachal Mills 75 (1987):169-179 Interpreting Headrights in Colonial-Virginia Patents: Uses and Abuses Richard Slattern

75 (1987):180-193 The Jena Choctaw: A Case Study in the Documentation of Indian Tribal Identity Sharon Sholars Brown 75 (1987):194-215 Genealogical Research inTexas: A Bibliographical Guide Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck 75 (1987):226-227 East Florida Emigrants to the United States, 1780s Robert Scott Davis, Jr. 75 (1987):249-270 Genealogical Research in South Carolina Ge Lee C. Hendrix 75 (1987):271-277 [Additions 76:305, 79:140] Railroad Records for Genealogical Research Wendy L. Elliott 75 (1987):289-302 Hannah (Baskel) Phelps Phelps Hill: A Quaker Woman and Her Offspring Gwen Boyer Bjorkman 75 (1987):303-305 The Baleine Brides: A Missing Ship's Roll for Louisiana, 1721 Bruce Ardoin

Volume 76 (1988) 76 (1988):5-16 James Johnson alias Ingram (ca. 1749-1795): A Southern Odyssey Dorothy Jeter Barnum and George Ely Russell 76 (1988):17-24 The Thomas Selby Families of Boston, Massachusetts, and Stamford, Connecticut Donna Valley Russell 76 (1988):25-51 Genealogical Research in Mississippi Ruth Land Hatten 76 (1988):52-66 Maritime Records in the National Archives: Civil Archives Division, 1789-1900 John K. VanDereedt 76 (1988):67-69 Some Immigrants from Rottweil, Württemberg, Germany: 1849 Clifford Neal Smith 76 (1988):89-111 Genealogical Research in Florida Brian E. Michaels 76 (1988):112-120 David Finley (1754-1848): Correcting the Record Carmen J. Finley 76 (1988):121-138 Jacob Rieser of Cumru, Berks County, Pennsylvania (1726-1793), and His Descendants Theresa Coyne Strasser 76 (1988):139-146 Documentation for Afro-American Families: Records of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company Robert Scott Davis, Jr. 76 (1988):147-151 Gold-Rush Wagon Trains: 1849-1850 Migrants to California Myrtle Stevens Hyde 76 (1988):160, 267 Family Bible Records / Family Records Bible Records of Benjamin and Kitty (Price) Strother, Berkeley County, Virginia, by Mary Williams (160) Swarr Family Bible Records, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, by Mary Williams (267) 76 (1988):173-187 The Domingan Kettle: Philadelphia-Émigré Planters in Alabama Kent Gardien 76 (1988):188-193 Migration Along the Maine-New Brunswick Frontier: A Case Study of Colonial Shaws Russell F. Shaw 76 (1988):194-211 [Addition 77:185] Genealogical Research in California Sandra K. Ogle 76 (1988):212-224 [Addition 77:185] American-Indian Genealogical Research in the Midwest: Resources and Perspectives Stewart Rafert

76 (1988):225-229 Computers and Genealogical Scholarship: Have the Twain Yet Met? Marsha Hoffman Rising 76 (1988):230-234 Genealogical Gleanings in the British Isles Peter Wilson Coldham and David Dobson 76 (1988):234, 288, 301, 304 Notes Slave Deaths: Essex County, Virginia, by Lynne White Belvin (234) California Emigrants, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (288, 301) Passport of Dr. Jean-Baptiste Chopin, 1864 (304) 76 (1988):253-267 The Parents of Colonel Richard Lee of Virginia William Thorndale 76 (1988):268-288 [Addition 77:142; Correction 77:294] Joseph and Lydia (Gorham) Worth of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and Their Wandering Children Elizabeth Pearson White and Edwin W. Coles 76 (1988):289-301 Disease and Death in the Nineteenth Century: A Genealogical Perspective James Byars Carter 76 (1988):302-304 Deatha Along the Oregon Trail, 1852 Marsha Hoffman Rising 76 (1988):305 Additions and Corrections "Railroad Records for Genealogical Research," by Wendy L. Elliott, 75:271-277 (305)

Volume 77 (1989) 77 (1989):5-21 [Corrections 82:50-56] Michael Mumper of Pennsylvania: Reconstructing the Origins and Circumstances of an Immigrant Ancestor Helen Hinchliff 77 (1989):21, 145, 302-304 Bible Records / Family Records Ship-Raynor Bible, by Gwen Shell Read (21) Kelly-Colt-Parker: Illinois, Georgia and California, by Phillip W. Rhodes (145) Can-Wolmsey: Baltimore, Maryland, by Cecil C. Alton (302) Evert-Weaver: Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, by Mary Williams (302-303) Glaiser-Matteson: Family Sampler, by Beverly Repass Hoch (303-304) West-True: Clark County, Indiana, by Johni Cerny (304) 77 (1989):22-42 Genealogical Research in Minnesota Paula Stuart Warren 77 (1989):42, 65, 106, 132, 140, 144, 185, 207, 276, 312 Notes John Young of Virginia and Somerset, England, by Kip Sperry (42) Runaways!, by Randall Ladaier (65) Mississippi Choctaw Baptisms in South Louisians Catholic Records (106) May-December Marriages (132) Emigrants! (140) California Bound! (144) Army Enlistment: Joseph Davis (185) Passport Application: A. V. Menick (207) Passport Application: Thomas Alston, Jr. (276) John Smith T et alii: Distinguishing Men of a Common Name, by William Thorndale, Arlene Eakle, and Afton Reintjes (312) 77 (1989):43-65 The Search for Margaret Ball: Building Steps Over a Brick-Wall Research Problem Elizabeth Shown Mills 77 (1989):66-67 Missing Households: Saint Clair County, Alabama, 1850 Dorothy Chambers Watts and Harry A. Nelms 77 (1989):89-106 The Adcustone-Rogers Families of Virginia: Tracing a Colonial Lineage through Entailment and Naming Patterns Margaret Hickerson Emery 77 (1989):107-127 Genealogical Research in Colorado Kathleen W. Hinckley 77 (1989):128-132 When a Revolutionary War Pensioner's Claim File Can't Be Found Robert S. Davis, Jr. 77 (1989):133-140 Student Enrollment in Early-American Schools for the Deaf Maryly B. Penrose

77 (1989):141-142, 185, 259, 294 Additions and Corrections "Ralph Hill of Plymouth and Billerica, Massachusetts: Descendants to the Fifth Generation," by Donna Valley Russell, 72:3-32 (141) "William Young of South Farnham Parish, Essex County, Virginia, 1677-1697," Doris M. Davison and Paul W. Prindle, 74:243-254 (141-142) "Joseph and Lydia (Gorham) Worth of Nantucket, Massachusetts, and Their Wandering Children," by Elizabeth Pearson White and Edwin W. Coles, 76:268-288 (142, 294) "Genealogical Research in California," by Sandra K. Ogle, 76:194-211 (185) "American-Indian Genealogical Research in the Midwest: Resources and Perspectives, by Stewart Rafert, 76:212-224 (185) "Finding Manuscript Collections: NUCMC, NIDS, and RLIN," by Mary McCampbell Bell, Clifford Dwyer, and Eilliam Abbot Henderson, 77:208-218 (259) 77 (1989):143-144 Mr. John Holmes of Plymouth - Revisited Eugene A. Stratton 77 (1989):169-185 Identifying the Revolutionary Soldier: James Downing of Lincoln County, Virginia (Kentucky) Carmen J. Finley 77 (1989):186-196 Locating the Living: Twentieth-Century Research Methodology Kathleen W. Hinckley 77 (1989):197-207 The Search for Mary Ann Spangler: Narrowing a Field of Potential Parents Marsha Hoffman Rising 77 (1989):208-218 [Corrections 259] Finding Manuscript Collections: NUCMC, NIDS, and RLIN Mary McCampbell Bell, Clifford Dwyer, and Eilliam Abbot Henderson 77 (1989):219-224 Manuscript Miscellanea John D. Austin and Virginia W. Barden 77 (1989):249-255 Identifying George P. ? of the Recovery, 1633 [1634] John Plummer 77 (1989):256-259 Using Social Security Records to Test an Italian-American Family Tradition Sharon Bart Carmack 77 (1989):260-276 Nebraska Research Sylvia Nimmo 77 (1989):277-294 Levy and Ann (Wye) Derrow of Rockingham County, Virginia, and Some Descendants L. William Derrow 77 (1989):295-301 Georgia Registrations of Free People of Color, 1819 Chris Nordmann

Volume 78 (1990) 78 (1990):5-14 John Dornbläser of Brooke County, (West) Virginia: Recovering an Identity and Uncovering a Scandal David L. Greene 78 (1990):14, 49, 54, 114, 134, 146, 261 Notes Westward Ho! (14) Passport: Charles Bertram (49) Black Suit Against Illegal Enslavement: Mississippi, 1823 (54) Poètes of France, Iowa, Texas, and Louisiana (114) A Well-Mannered Corpse!, by Thelma S. McManus (134) Virginians in England. by Peter Wilson Coldham (146) The Tale of a Census Taker, by Katharine Bruce Jones (261) 78 (1990):15-32 Genealogical Research on Fanilies of the District of Columbia Erma Miller Angevine 78 (1990):33-38 Rescuing an Early-American Artisan-Diarist from Anonimity Ralph A. Pugh 78 (1990):39-49 Étienne Cabet: A Genealogical Test of Graphoanalysis Lloyd W. Gundy 78 (1990):50-54 More Gold-Rush Wagon Trains James L. Hansen 78 (1990):55-58 Bible Records / Family Records Warren-Vaughn-Ellison Bible, by Patsy Robinson (55-56) Andrews-Manning Bible, by Norman R. Peters (56) Thomas-Morgan-Jones-Lewis-Reid Bible Record, by Mary Williams (57-58) David Robinson Bible Record (58) 78 (1990):85-97 The English Origin of John Hunting (1602-1689) of Dedham, Massachusetts Robert Charles Anderson 78 (1990):98-114 Backtracking Through the Burned Counties: Bonds of Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia and the Carolinas GeLee Corley Hendrix 78 (1990):115-134 Colorado's "Mother Cawker" and Her Offspring Bettw D. Peters 78 (1990):135-146 Feast or Famine: Problems in the Genealogical Use of The Famine Immigrants and Germans to America Gordon L. Remington 78 (1990):169-181 [Correction 79:140] Howerton to Overton: Documenting a Name Change Thomas W. Jones 78 (1990):182-203 [See also 80:36-56] Thomas Harris, Sawmiller of Hartford, Connecticut Gale Ion Harris

78 (1990):204-212 Seamen's Protection Certificate Records for Genealogical Research Ruth Dixon 78 (1990):213-220 Immigrants to America from Beerfelden Parish, County of Erbach, Germany Thomas H. Hutzelman 78 (1990):245-261 Finding River People on Western Waters Ann H. Peterson 78 (1990):262-278 Tracing Free People of Color in the Antebellum South: Methods, Sources and Perspectives Gary B. Mills 78 (1990):279-298 David German (1796-1867) and Family of Shelby County, Indiana John L. German 78 (1990):299 From Marshfield, Massachusetts, to Pitt County, North Carolina Elizabeth Pearson White

Volume 79 (1991) 79 (1991):5-18 Certification of Genealogists: A Consumer Report Helen F. M. Leary 79 (1991):19-32 [Corrections 140] Drakes of Isle of Wight County, Virginia: Reconstructing an Immigrant Family from Fragile Clues Charles E. Drake 79 (1991):32, 55, 137, 267, 288 Notes Purchase of a Slave - by a Slave, by Lewis Bunker Rohrbach (32) Yesteryear's Child Brides (55) Other Broken Families (137) Westward Immigrants (267) Naval Apprenticeship: George H. Duren (288) 79 (1991):33-55 Genealogical Research in Oregon Connie Lenzen 79 (1991):56-58 Bible Records / Family Records Tonkin Bible, by Irving E. Gaskill (56) Naylor Bible, by Irving E. Gaskill (57) Hunter-Ebright Bible, by Irving E. Gaskill (58) 79 (1991):59 In Praise of the Unrecorded Deed Roberta Monk Holsclaw 79 (1991):85-99 Problematic Parents and Potential Offspring: The Example of Nathan Brown Marsha Hoffman Rising 79 (1991):100-122 Genealogical Research in Indiana John D. Beatty 79 (1991):123-127 East Anglian Immigration to New England in 1637: A Hypothesis John Plummer 79 (1991):128-137 Documenting Victims of the Holocaust: A Case Study for Jewish-American Researchers Gary Mokotoff 79 (1991):138-139 (Cont. from 74:294, cont. to 80:287) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 79 (1991):140 Additions and Corrections "Railroad Records for Genealogical Research," by Wendy L. Elliott, 75:271-277 (140) "Drakes of Isle of Wight County, Virginia: Reconstructing an Immigrant Family from Fragile Clues," by Charles E. Drake, 79:19-32 (140) "Howerton to Overton: Documenting a Name Change," by Thomas W. Jones, 78:169-181 (140) 79 (1991):165-182 Americans Down Under: Adventurers in Australian Goldfields of the 1850s Nick Vine Hall

79 (1991):183-193 Numbering Your Genealogy: Sound and Simple Systems Joan Ferris Curran 79 (1991):194-206 Revisiting William Young of Essex County, Virginia - All of Them! Katharine E. Harbury 79 (1991):207-217 Naval-Records Research in the National Archives Craig Roberts Scott 79 (1991):218-220 U. S. Military Marriages in Florida, Cuba, and the Canal Zone, 1894-1912 Donna Rachal Mills 79 (1991):245-252 Probability Analysis and the Ancestral Place of Origin James Hennessy 79 (1991):253-267 Pilfrims, Farmers, and Ranchers: Marks and Brands as a Genealogical Source Kathleen W. Hinckley 79 (1991):268-282 John Bond vs. John Bond: Sorting Identities via Neighborhood Reconstruction GeLee Corley Hendrix 79 (1991):283-288 The Genealogical Use of Social History: An Italian-American Example Shanon DeBartolo Carmack 79 (1991):289-295 American Arrivals in London, 1656-67 Peter Wilson Coldham 79 (1991):296 Updates: Kobels of Pennsylvania Harold L. Smeltzer

Volume 80 (1992) 80 (1992):5-35 [Additions and Corrections 145, 211-212] "Verry Slitly Mixt": Tr-Racial Isolate Families of the Upper South - A Genealogical Study Virginia Easley DeMarce 80 (1992):36-56 Thomas Herris, Merchant of New England: Reassembling a "Split Identity" Gale Ion Harris 80 (1992):57-70 [Additions 81:218] The "Forgotten" Census of 1880: Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes Ruth Land Hatten 80 (1992):70, 144, 184, 203, 210, 286 Notes Northeasterners Buried in Arkansas, by Sharron S. Ashton (70) Migration: Old Northwest and Midwest to Texas (144) Marriage and Mortality (184) Wanted! (203) Tangling the Branches of a Family Tree (210) California Settlers, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (286) 80 (1992):89-114 [Corrections 212, 297] Research in Georgia Robert Scott Davis, Jr. 80 (1992):115-133 In Search of "Mr. Ball": An Exercise in Finding Fathers Elizabeth Shown Mills and Sharon Sholars Brown 80 (1992):134-144 The Bicentennial of a Bible: Subscribers of 1792 Erma Miller Angevine 80 (1992):145, 211-212 Updates Tri-Racial Isolate Families of the Upper South, 80:5-35 (145, 211-212) Research in Georgia, 80:89-114 (212) 80 (1992):165-184 Beckwith Improvements: Repairing and Refining Compiled Genealogies Gordon L. Remington 80 (1992):185-193 Dominique Guérin of New Orleans: Two Men? Or One Man with Two Households? Shirley Chaisson Bourquard 80 (1992):194-203 Howells of Muskingum County, Ohio: Correlating and Interpreting Evidence to Reconstruct a Family Carmen J. Finley 80 (1992):204-210 African-Americans Impressed for Service on the Nashville and North Western Railroad, October 1863 Gale Williams Bamman 80 (1992):213-218 Bible Records / Family Records Thomas Gwinn Family of Massachusetts and Washington, D. C., by Jane Donovan (213-215 [Addition 81:218]) Oaklry-Kenyon-Seiler Families, by Irving E. Gaskill (216-218) Evans Family, by William Arbour Maybury (218) 80 (1992):245-264 [Addition and Correction 81:218] The John Skelton-Catharine Hepler Family: From the Shenandoah to the Midwest Earl F. Skelton

80 (1992):265-279 Agustina and the Kelkers: A Spanish West Florida Line Del E. Jupiter 80 (1992):280-286 Illuminating Manuscripts: The Interrelationship of Maps and Text in Genealogical Research Honor Conklin 80 (1992):287-297 (Cont. from 79:139, cont. to 81:56) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 80 (1992):297 Additions and Corrections "Research in Georgia," by Robert Scott Davis, Jr., 80:89-114 (297)

Volume 81 (1993) 81 (1993):5-18 Deafness-focused Records for Genealogical Research Thomas W. Jones 81 (1993):18, 23, 45, 138, 177, 193, 269, 282, 292 Notes Contraband of War, by William J. Utermohlen (18) And ... an Amazing Hall!, by Mary McCampbell Bell (23) California Settlers, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (45, 138) A Matter of Viewpoint, by Marsha Hoffman Rising (177) Passport of Dr. Jean Baptiste Chopin, 1864 (193) A Seventeenth-Century Straightjacket!, by Ann Smith Lainhart (269) Notes on Color Classifications Cited within U. S. Federal Censuses (282) Norwegian-Born Residents of the United States: 1850-1930 (292) 81 (1993):19-23 A Maze of Halls in Taunton, Massachusetts: Correlating Land Descriptions to Prove Identity Marsha Hoffman Rising 81 (1993):24-45 Looking at Legends - Lumbee and Melungeon: Applied Genealogy and the Origins of Tri-racial Isolate Settlements Virginia Easley DeMarce 81 (1993):46-50 Finding "Missing Men" on Early Census Records: The Example of Thomas Russell Ruth Land Hatten 81 (1993):51-55 [Additions 82:216-220] In Praise of Errors Made by Census Enumerators Alycon Trubey Pierce 81 (1993):56-63 (Cont. from 80:297) Genealogical Gleanings in England Peter Wilson Coldham 81 (1993):85-98 Indexing Family Histories Patricia Law Hatcher and John V. Wylie 81 (1993):97-125 [Addition 218] Research in Tennessee Gale Williams Bamman 81 (1993):126-138 In Search of the Unappreciated Past: The Ruffin-Cornick Family of Virginia C Bernard Ruffin, III 81 (1993):139-140 (Cont. from 74:173, cont. to 82:58) Genealogical Gleanings in Scotland David Dobson 81 (1993):141 Bible Records / Family Records The Edmead-Gosden Bible, by Robert D. Reckert (141) 81 (1993):165-177 Using Named Lands to Extend Family Lines: As Illustrated by Wheatley's Content William S. Carley 81 (1993):178-193 French Communities in Ohio: Origins, Interrelationships, snd Resources Cameron Allen

81 (1993):194-212 Finding Truth in a Family Tradition: Sumner Antecedents of Demsey S. Goodman Helen F. M. Leary 81 (1993):213-215 Bridal Names and Other "Inconsequential" Details: A Statistical Glimpse of Legal Laxity in North Carolina Helen F. M. Leary 81 (1993):216-217 Deceased Americans Recorded by the U. S. Consul at Panama: January 1850 to December 1851 Peter E. Carr 81 (1993):218, 293-296 Updates The "Forgotten" Census of 1880: Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes, 80:57-70 (218) Bible Records: Thomas Gwinn Family, 80:213-215 (218) The John Skelton-Catharine Hepler Family, 80:245-264 (218) Research in Tennessee, 81:97-125 (218) Some Americans in the Danish West Indies, 74:27-44 (293-296) 81 (1993):245-256 Finding Origins for Immigrant Females: Chicago's Bertha Roeseke and Her Unremembered Mother Daisy Schwander 81 (1993):257-269 Records of the Poor in Pre-Twentieth-Century New England Ann Smith Lainhart 81 (1993):270-282 "To My Daughter and the Heirs of Her Body": Slave Passages as Illustrated by the Latham-Smithwick Family Curtis Brasfield 81 (1993):283-292 Family Reconstitution as a Means of Individual Identification: Ole Andersen Kolvien of Voss, Norway Gerald M. Haslam 81 (1993):297-301 Liverpool, England, Census of 1871: American Officers and Crew aboard Ships in Port Judith Stephenson Dobzynski

Volume 82 (1994) 82 (1994):5-16 The Notarial Acts of Québec: Their Genealogical Value and Use John P. DuLong 82 (1994):16, 130, 254, 268, 291, 298 Notes Even Deserters Used a Notary! (16) The Physical Examination of Recruits, by Elizabeth Shown Mills (130) A Point of View, by Annarose Sleeth Bowers (254) On Getting to the County Courthouse, by Gale Williams Bamman (268) Migration - A Virtual Experience, by William B. Saxbe, Jr. (291) Free Paper - 1797: Onach Kampae Oneyda, by GeLee Corley Hendrix (298) 82 (1994):17-31 Proving a Maternal Line: The Case of Frances B. Whitney Connie Lenzen 82 (1994):32-49 Applying the Preponderance-of-the-Evidence Principle to a Southern Frontier Problem: William Medders of Alabama Elizabeth Shown Mills 82 (1994):50-56, 144-145, 216-220, 296 Updates Pitfalls in Genealogical Research: Michael Mumper Reexamined, 77:5-21 (50-56) Umbilical Lines and the mtDNA Project, (144-145) More Praise for Census "Errors", 81:51-55 (216-220) Genealogical Research in Virginia, 82:179-206 (296) Testing Popular Lore: Marmaduke Swearingen a.k.a. Blue Jacket, 82:165-178 (296) 82 (1994):57 Bible Records / Family Records The Temple-Myrick Bible, by Anne Scabery Anderson (57) 82 (1994):58 (Cont. from 81:140) Genealogical Gleanings from Scotland David Dobson 82 (1994):85-96 How to Be a Family Health Historian Anita A. Lustenberger 82 (1994):97-113 Files of the Eugenics Record Office: A Resource for Genealogists Thomas H. Roderick, V. Elving Anderson, Robert Charles Anderson, Roger D. Joslyn and Wayne T. Morris 82 (1994):114-130 Medical Holdings in the National Archives: Patient Records Prior to World War II Craig Roberts Scott 82 (1994):131-143 A Genetics Resource Guide for the Family Health Historian Joan Kirchman Mitchell 82 (1994):165-178 [Corrections 296] Testing Popular Lore: Marmaduke Swearingen a.k.a. Blue Jacket Louise F. Johnson 82 (1994):179-206 [Correction 296] Genealogical Research in Virginia Eric G. Grundset

82 (1994):207-215 The Four Fathers of Amzi Leach: Analysis of Conflicting Evidence Thomas W. Jones 82 (1994):221-222 An Erroneous Record and a Lesson to be Learned Gary B. Mills 82 (1994):245-254 Tracking a Soldier Between Enlistment and Discharge: The Example of Private Charles Plucker Elizabeth Kelley Kerstens 82 (1994):255-268 Challenging the Obvious Conclusion: Which John J. Jordan Did Alexander Produce? Gale Williams Bamman 82 (1994):269-291 From the Rhineland to the Chesapeake: The German-American Rupperts of Nineteenth-Century Baltimore Gary B. Ruppert 82 (1994):292-295 [Corrections 230] The Association of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia Jeanne Brooks Gart 82 (1994):297-298 The NGSQ "Black Dutch" Project

Volume 83 (1995) 83 (1995):5-16 What Is "the Preponderance of the Evidence"? Christine Rose 83 (1995):17-31 The Children of Calvin Snell: Primary versus Secondary Evidence Thomas W. Jones 83 (1995):31, 38, 59, 123, 126, 179, 191, 214, 292, 300 Notes Last Surviving Pensioners of the Revolutionary War, 1891, by Sue Brown (31) Flogging and Branding, 1857 (38) Free Paper: Daniel Mann (Marr?), by GeLee Corley Hendrix (59) Irregular Marriages, by George Remington and Julia M. Case (123) California Emigrants, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (126) Thwarting the Laws That Part "True Lovers", by Joanna McDaniel (179) Another Genealogical Opportunity to Identify Heirs via Analysis of the Law and Tracking of the Land (191) African Americans Elsewhere (214) American Deaths in Panama, 1856, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (292) U. S. Border Patrol Deaths, 1924-29, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (300) 83 (1995):32-38 When Original Evidence Disagrees: Is Mother Geneviéve a Greslon or a Fontaine? Joy Reisinger 83 (1995):39-43, 230 Updates The Paxson Brothers of Pennsylvania: A Reassessment of the Evidence, 71:193-216 (39-43) The Association of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, 82:292-295 (230) 83 (1995):44-53 Maryland Land-Patent Records, 1671-80: Correlated Evidence Identifying Transported Convicts Peter Wilson Coldham 83 (1995):54-59, 124-126, 301 Bible Records / Family Records The Palmer Bible, by Leonard H. Smith, Jr. (54-56) The Barnes-Rizer Bible, by Carl B. Barnes (57-59) The Hickman-Brown Bible, by Anne Seabury Anderson (124-126) The Ensminger-Robinson Bible, by Irving E. Gaskill (301) 83 (1995):85-95 Numbering Your Genealogy - Special Cases: Surname Changes, Step Relationships, and Adoptions Madilyn Coen Crane 83 (1995):96-111 Using "People Finders" to Track Individuals Not Cited Therein: The Example of Georgia'sSaunders Worthington Lee Hendrix Smoak 83 (1995):112-123 New Light on Francis1 Plummer of Massachusetts: A Test of Tradition and Conventional Wisdom John Plummer 83 (1995):127-142, 199-214 Free African-Americans in Pre-Civil War "Anglo" Alabama: Slave Manumissions Gleaned from County-Court Records Gary B. Mills 83 (1995):165-179 Fundamental Common-Law Concepts for the Genealogist: Marriage, Divorce, and Coverture George R. Ryskamp

83 (1995):180-191 Law of the Land v. Copycat Genealogies: What Proves Asahel Drake's Parentage? Gordon L. Remington 83 (1995):192-198 The Taliaferro-French Connection: Using Deeds to Prove Marriages and Parentage Margaret R. Amundson 83 (1995):215-216 Guidelines for the Use of Credentials and Postnomials in Genealogy The Association of Professional Genealogists 83 (1995):245-267 Matthew Cowlin (1840-1925): Ancestral Poetry as Clues to an Immigrants Origins Mary Alice Benedict Grindol 83 (1995):268-276 Forging Links in a Surveyor's Chain: Samuel M. Scroggins of Missouri and Tennessee Marsha Hoffman Rising and Gale Williams Bamman 83 (1995):277-292 Alaska's Native Population: Sources for Genealogical and Historical Research Gretchen L. Lake and David A. Hales 83 (1995):293-300 Panunzio's Deportation Cases of 1919-20: A Neglected Source and an Index Sharon DeBartolo Carmack

Volume 84 (1996) 84 (1996):5-16 A Name Switch and a Double Dose of Joneses: Weighing Evidence to Identify Charles R. Jones Thomas W. Jones 84 (1996):16, 27, 38, 101, 114, 126, 133, 199, 222, 260, 306 Notes Efficiency in the U. S. Post Office: 1858, by Claire Prechtel-Kluskens (16) African American Naturalization, 1872, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (27) California Migrants, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (38) Misplaced and Unindexed Pension File, by Norman R. Peters (101) A Complex Divorce, by H. Daraleen Wade (114) Epidemics: Year after Year, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (126) A Consequence of Mixed Marriages, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (133) Attention: Revolutionary War Researchers, by Marie V. Melchiori (199) McQueen of the Creeks, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (222) Cherokee Citizenship Petition: William Blyth (and Others), by Rachal Mills Lennon (260) The Last Civil War Widow's Pension? (306) 84 (1996):17-27 Widows, Stepkin, and Support Networks: Clues to the Unknown Father of Miranda (Taylor) Morris William M. Litchman 84 (1996):28-38 [Correction 223] Lost Boys and Imprudent Young Men: Using U. S. Consular Despatches from Hawaii to Track Nineteenth-Century Prodigals Gordon L. Remington 84 (1996):39-47 American Seamen Certificates of Citizenship: 1815 Christopher A. Nordmann 84 (1996):48-49 Guidelines for Responsible Editing in Genealogy Elizabeth Shown Mills, Gary B. Mills, Jane Fletcher Fiske, David L Greene, Robert Charles Anderson, Henry B. Hoff, Harry Macy, Jr., and Sandra Hargreaves Luebking 84 (1996):50, 305-306 Bible Records / Family Records The John G. Wallace Bible, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (50) The Rourk-Griffin Bible, by Brent D. B. Rourk (305-306) 84 (1996):85-101 Interconnecting Bloodlines and Genetic Inbreeding in a Colonial Puritan Community: Eastern Massachusetts, 1630-1885 John M. Kingsbury 84 (1996):102-114 Immigrant Women and Family Planning: Historical Perspectives for Genealogical Research Sharon DeBartolo Carmack 84 (1996):115-126 The Knot System: A Numeric Notation of Relationship Knud Højrup 84 (1996):127-133 Heredity and Health: Basic Issues for the Genealogist William B. Saxbe, Jr. 84 (1996):165-181 Common-Law Concepts for the Genealogist: Real-Property Transactions George R. Ryskamp 84 (1996):182-199 Resolving Conflicts Between Records: A Spurious Moseley Bible Warren L. Forsythe

84 (1996):200-218 Raising Heretical Questions About Accepted "Facts": Altmans of Colonial Pennsylvania Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer 84 (1996):219-222 (Cont. from 75:58) Some North Americans in the Old Parochial Registers of Scotland Kip Sperry 84 (1996):223 Updates Lost Boys and Imprudent Young Men: Using U. S. Consular Despatches from Hawaii to Track Nineteenth-Century Prodigals, 84:28-38 (223) 84 (1996):245-260 Migrants and Mill Hands: The Wardrobes of Lawrence, Massachusetts Sandra MacLean Clunies 84 (1996):261-274 Maximizing Probate Research: An Analysis of Potential, Using English Records from Cornwall Ronald A. Hill 84 (1996):275-304 [Addition and Correction 86:60] White Claims for Indian Depredations: Illinois-Missouri-Arkansas Frontier, 1804-32 Marsha Hoffman Rising

Volume 85 (1997) 85 (1997):5-24 Corralling a Family's Woods Colts: Some Strassers (Strawsers) of Ohio Cameron Allen 85 (1997):24, 59, 115, 119, 139, 218, 221, 223, 294 Notes An Unindexed Union Civil War Pension File, by Norman R. Peters (24) "Real Sons" of the Confederacy, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (59) J. Nash of N. Y.: A Death Abroad, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (115) Naturalizations of Africans: Mobile County, Alabama, 1868, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (119) Introducing Hannah Hale, by Rachal Mills Lennon (139) Salt Lake City's First Officers, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (218) A Frontier Murder, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (221) Israel Greffen: An African American Abroad, by Bo Lindwall (223) Female Identification: An Enigmatic but Useful Record, by Elizabeth Shown Mills and Gary B. Mills (294) 85 (1997):25-38 An African-American Odyssey Through Multiple Surnames: Mortons, Tapps, and Englishes of Kansas and Missouri Rudena Kramer Mallory 85 (1997):39-47 [Correction 87:303] Numbering Your Genealogy: Multiple Immigrants and Non-Emigrating Collaterals John H. Wray 85 (1997):48-55 Updates William Young Revisited - Yet Again, by Randolph Currie (48-55) 85 (1997):56-59 "Removed to Parts Unknown": Excerpts from Virginia's Final-Pension-Payment Vouchers Alycon Trubey Pierce 85 (1997):85-93 Name Changes Within the Melting Pot: The Search for "Frances Vera Gilmore" of Detroit Linda Bennett Johnson 85 (1997):94-115 Family Reconstruction by Filling the Inside Straight: Joseph Walling of Sussex County, New Jersey William B. Saxbe, Jr. 85 (1997):116-119 A Census Concensus: 1840, Warren County, Missouri William M. Litchman 85 (1997):120-125 Concerns for the Family Health Historian Thomas H. Roderick and Darlene G. McNaughton 85 (1997):126-128, 224-226 Bible Records / Family Records The Rencher-Jones Bible, by David E. Rencher (126-128) The Hays-McCullough Bible, by Leroy W. Gardner (128) Ira Topping Bible, by Donald A. Wise and John Hawkins Bryce (224-225) James Chase Topping Bible (225-226) 85 (1997):129-139 Loyalist Refugee Petitions in British West Florida, 1776-77 Rachal Mills Lennon 85 (1997):165-194 [Correction 86:60] Southeastern Indians Prior to Removal: An Introduction to Research and Resources Rachal Mills Lennon

85 (1997):195-218 [Correction 86:60] Details, Details, Details: Reviewing Existing Scholarship for Alcock Origins Patricia Law Hatcher 85 (1997):219-221 William Roberts of Maryland: Sidelights from the British Public Records Office Peter Wilson Coldham 85 (1997):222-223 Cast a Wider Net: A Correction of the Marriage Date of David and Agnes (Linville) Hindman of Pennsylvania Christine Crawford-Oppenheimer 85 (1997):227 Board for Certification of Genealogists Abandons the Term Preponderance of the Evidence 85 (1997):245-275 From Agustina to Ester: Analyzing a Slave Household for Child-Parent Relationships Del E. Jupiter 85 (1997):276-294 The Family of Melchior Kim and the Pittsburgh Glass Industry Patricia Kim Friend 85 (1997):295-311 Wagonmasters Serving the Union During the Civil War Claire Prechtel-Kluskens

Volume 86 (1998) 86 (1998):5-18 A Conceptual Model of Genealogical Evidence: Linkage between Present-Day Sources and Past Events Thomas W. Jones 86 (1998):18, 93, 115, 133, 137, 224, 305 Notes Vermont Scholar Lists, by Betty Bandel (18) Guidelines for Use of Trademark Symbols: Family History Library, by Kip Sperry (93) Intruders West of the Cumberland Mountains, 1804, by Marsha Hoffman Rising (115) Lord Dunmore's Conditional Manumission and Indentureship, by the Editors (133) California Bound, 1849, by Myrtle Stevens Hyde (137) Whites Among the Cherokee: Ellington and Rush, by Marsha Hoffman Rising (224) Nineteenth-Century Attitudes Toward Marriage (305) 86 (1998):19-36 Heritage Books and Family Lore: A Jackson Test in Missouri and Idaho Connie Lenzen 86 (1998):37-49 Undocumented Genealogies: To Trust or Not to Trust?; Lessons from Several Strains of Wheat Arliss Shaffer Monk 86 (1998):50 Standards for Sound Genealogical Research 86 (1998):51 Standards for Use of Technology in Genealogical Research 86 (1998):52 Standards for Use of Records Repositories and Libraries 86 (1998):53-54, 134-137, 218-222, 306-307 Notes and Documents Dr. Williams's Library (London) and Some Americans in England's Nonconformist Records, by Kip Sperry (53-54) War and Marriage: Some Reasons for Deportation in Hispanic North America, by George R. Ryskamp (134-137) Signature, Penmanship, and Name Variations: Identifying Reverend Mr. Jacob Ware, by Kay Rockett (218-222) Gleanings from Scotland: Palatine Possibilities, by David Dobson (306-307) 86 (1998):55-59, 223-224 Bible Records Joh. Philip Albert Bible, by Irene A. Hardman (55-58) Robert Stockton Bible, by Clifford C. Neilson (58-59) Charles Waugh Family Bible, by Alan R. Harney (223-224) 86 (1998):60 Updates "White Claims for Indian Depredations: Illinois-Missouri-Arkansas Frontier, 1804-32," by Marsha Hoffman Rising, 84:275-304 (60) "Details, Details, Details: Reviewing Existing Scholarship for Alcock Origins," by Patricia Law Hatcher, 85:195-218 (60) "Southeastern Indians Prior to Removal: An Introduction to Research and Resources," by Rachal Mills Lennon, 85:165-194 (60) 86 (1998):87-93 Soundexing Multi-Ethnic Computer Databases: A Proposed Solution Gary Mokotoff 86 (1998):94-115 One Family, Two Surnames: The Hunt Alias Molloy Family of Illinois and Missouri Diane Renner Walsh 86 (1998):116-133 Going Beyond the Database - Interpretation, Amplification, and Development of Evidence: South Carolina's COM Index and Several James Kellys GeLee Corley Hendrix

86 (1998):138-139 Guidelines for Book and Media Reviews Thomas W. Jones 86 (1998):140-147 Griffith's Valuation - An Essential Irish Source Now Indexed on CR-ROM: A Review Essay George B. Handran 86 (1998):166-188 Overcoming Irishness in Boston: Anna (Anglin-Pettengill) Merritt's Climb to "Respectability" Marya Myers 86 (1998):189-203 Three John Strothers: But Which One Died in Georgia? Edward L. Strother 86 (1998):205-217 Graphoanalysis and James "Major Jim" Ball: A Genealogical Test of a Psychological Tool Irene Lambert 86 (1998):247-270 Federal Records for Southeastern Indiana Research, 1774-1931 Rachal M. Lennon 86 (1998):271-282 Johns and Thomases: Using Named Farmland to Sort Identities Among Norrises of St. Mary's County, Maryland Corrine Hanna Diller 86 (1998):283-305 Guarded Pasts: The Lives and Offspring of Colonel George and Clara (Baldwin) Bomford Nancy Simons Peterson

Volume 87 (1999) 87 (1999):6-15 A Right to Bear Arms?: An Examination of Commercial Offerings for "Hernserson of St. Laurence, Scotland" Helen Hinchliff 87 (1999):15, 42, 54, 184, 198, 294, 302 Sidelights Burial Patterns - Not!, by Brenda Burna Kellow (15) But the Name's the Same - A Cautionary Tale, by Susan Winchester (42) Slave Manumissions: Ceasor of Houston and Johnston, by the Editors (54) Slave Manumissions: Andrew Jackson Davis, by Christopher A. Nordmann (54) Missing Military Rolls: Revolution and the war of 1812, by the Editors (184) A Printer's Lament: Benjamin Franklin on the Tailed S, by the Editors (198) Thomas Edison on Englishmen (294) Ancient Assyrian Ancestry, Anyone?, by the Editors (302) 87 (1999):16-30 Correcting Local History: The Identity and Origin of Dr. Moses Baker Sr. of Braintree, Massachusetts Mark Choquet 87 (1999):31-42 Genealogical Treasures in an Account Book: The Identification of Francisco Xavier de Lomba Claire Mire Bettag 87 (1999):43-54, 146-150 Notes and Documents Nineteenth-Century Death Records: How Dependable Are They?, by William B. Saxbe Jr. (43-54) Quaker Preparartion for the 1752 Calendar Change, by Gordon l. Remington (146-150) [Addition 303] 87 (1999):55-60 Bible and Family Records Aaron Clark Family Record, by Brooks Wrampelmeir (55-59) Cawley-Clewell-Harmon Bible, by John H. Oden III (60) 87 (1999):85-116 Genealogical Research in Missouri Pamela Boyer Porter and Ann Carter Fleming 87 (1999):117-145 [Correction 303] Too Many Possibilities and Not Enough Records: Finding Parents for Naomi (Sears) Rider of Dutchess County, New York Ruth Gormley Pickard 87 (1999):165-184 Working with Historical Evidence: Genealogical Principles and Standards Elizabeth Shown Mills 87 (1999):185-198 [Correction 89:299] Identification Through Signatures: Using Complex Direct Evidence to Sort Colwills of Cornwall Ronald A. Hill 87 (1999):199-205 Resolving Conflicts in Direct Evidence: Identity and Vital Dates of Mary Kittrell Helen F. M. Leary 87 (1999):206-216 Discovering Identity Through Indirect Evidence: Elizabeth Jones of Bristol, Rhode Island Marya Myers 87 (1999):217-240 [Corrections 89:299] Rebutting Direct Evidence with Indirect Evidence: The Identity of Sarah (Taliaferro) Lewis of Virginia Margaret R. Amundson

87 (1999):261-271 George Washington and the Genealogist Jack D. Warren Jr. 87 (1999):272-294 The Fletcher Legends: Using Family Stories to Develop a Family History Doris J. Woodward 87 (1999):295-302 Historical Hoodwinks Checking the Authenticity of Cited Documents: A Finley-Hess Hoodwink in Colonial Pennsylvania, by Carmen J. Finley (295-302) 87 (1999):303 Updates "Numbering Your Genealogy: Multiple Immigrants and Non-Emigrating Collaterals," by John H. Wray, 85:39-47 (303) "Too Many Possibilities and Not Enough Records: Finding Parents for Naomi (Sears) Rider of Dutchess County, New York," by Ruth Gormley Pickard, 87:117-145 (303) "Notes and Documents: Quaker Preparartion for the 1752 Calendar Change," by Gordon l. Remington, 87:146-150 (303)

Volume 88 (2000) 88 (2000):5-31 Genealogical Research in Rhode Island Maureen A. Taylor 88 (2000):32-49 "Proving" Illegitimacy: Amie, the Daughter of the King's Favorite, Piers de Gaveston - Not That of His Wife Paul C. Reed 88 (2000):49, 121, 178, 200, 292 Sidelights Things Have Changed - Or Have They?: Liquor, Lotteries, Idle Youth, and Guns, by William B. Saxbe, Jr., and Amy S. Giroux (49) Half a Million Acres: A Northern Deed for Southern Land, by John W. Bornholdt (121) Girl: Evolution of the Word (178) State Aid for Widows, by Gail Williams Bammon (200) A Model Irish Ancestor: Timothy Hurly, by June Riedrich Zublich (292) 88 (2000):50-56, 293-298 Notes and Documents Helgoland in the North Sea: Dources for Family Research, by Siegfried Bandholt and John H. Wray (50-56) Building Context around Biological Facts: A Process Illustrated by the Backcountry Birth of George F. Ring, by John Philip Colletta (293-298) 88 (2000):57-59 Bible Records Davis-Curry Bibles, by Helen Robinson (57-59) 88 (2000):87-110 Pre-Revolutionary French Marriage Evidences: A Durel-Le Brun Example Robert de Berardinis 88 (2000):111-121 Merging Identities Properly: Jonathan Tucker Demonstrates the Technique Thomas W. Jones 88 (2000):122-143 The Y Chromosome in Genealogical Research: "From Their Ys a Father Knows His Own Son" Thomas H. Roderick 88 (2000):165-178 Cherchez la Femme! Looking for Female Ancestors Kay Germain Ingalls 88 (2000):179-200 Teasing the Silent Woman from the Shadows of History: Mary Fitzhugh (Stuart) Fitzhugh of Virginia Barbara Vines Little 88 (2000):201-224 Mother, Thy Name is Mystery! Finding the Slave Who Bore Philomene Dorat Rachal Mills Lennon and Elizabeth Shown Mills 88 (2000):225-228 Was She Really Alice Fling? Righting a Wrong Identity Kay Haviland Freilich 88 (2000):247-265 Writing the Family History: Creative Concepts for a Lasting Legacy Sandra MacLean Clunies 88 (2000):266-292 Biblical Namesakes: The North Country's Enoch Phillips and His Tribe June Riedrich Zublich

88 (2000):299-308 Viewpoints Rethinking the Writing of Family History: Memory, Interpretation, and Thematic Frameworks, by Noeline J. Kyle (299-

Volume 89 (2001) 89 (2001):6-15 Ancestral Occupations and the Impact of the Workplace on Daily Life: An Application of the Science of Toxicology Charles E. Healy 89 (2001):16-28 Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree: Parents for the Village Blacksmith, Nathaniel F. Sullivan of North Carolina Jeffrey L. Haines 89 (2001):29-50 A Castle on a Hill? Edwards Lore, Empirical Evidence, and and the Real Helen Law of Aberdeen, Scotland Helen Hinchliff 89 (2001):51-57 Viewpoints "Cajuns" and Neo-Ethnicity: Concerns of an Acadian-American Genealogist, by Winston De Ville (51- 89 (2001):58-63 Review Essay: Tennessee Atlas of Historical County Boundaries Gale Williams Bamman 89 (2001):85-97 [Addition 299] An Interracial Suit for Inheritance: Clues to Probable Paternity for a Georgia Freedman, Henry Clay Heard Sherman Ruth Randall 89 (2001):98-112 Organizing Meager Evidence to Reveal Lineages: An Irish Example - Geddes of Tyrone Thomas W. Jones 89 (2001):112, 135, 138 Sidelights Records "off the Beaten Path": The Georgia Will of Edward Price of Philadelphia, by Elizabeth Shown Mills (112) Free-Black Deaths from Antebellum Newspapers: Johnson, Nat, and Good, by Ann H. Peterson and Myrtle Stevens Hyde (135) Details, Details, Details! Gilbert Cope on the Importance of Being Precise (138) [Correction 299] 89 (2001):113-132 "Through the Furnace of Affliction": A Connecticut Family and the New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1853 Hobson Woodward 89 (2001):133-135 Bible Records John Lynde Greene Sr. Bible, by George Linden Greene (133-135) 89 (2001):136-139, 235-237, 287-298 Notes and Documents Descriptive List of Journals, Diaries, and Other Contemporary Record Books in Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land- Warrant Application Files, by Marie Varrelman Melchiori (136-138) Standards for Sharing Information with Others, by the National Genealogical Society (139) Can Researchers "Prove" the "Unprovable"? A Selective Bibliography of Efforts to Genealogically Document Children of Master- Slave Relationships, by Gary B. Mills (235-237) The Original Soundex Instructions, by Tony Burroughs (287-298) 89 (2001):165-207 Sally Heming's Children: A Genealogical Examination of the Evidence Helen F. M. Leary 89 (2001):208-218 Review Essay: The "Scholars Commission" Report on the Jefferson-Hemings Matter: An Evaluation by Genealogical Proof Standards Thomas W. Jones

89 (2001):219-233 Review Essay: Can the "Character Defense" Survive? Measuring Polar Positions in the Jefferson-Hemings Controversy by the Standards of History Joshua D. Rothman 89 (2001):259-273 A Classic Census Problem - Identifying Fathers Before 1850: John Bulson of Orange County, New York Amy Larner Giroux 89 (2001):274-286 Were Those Ancestors Really English? A Reconsideration of Welsh Immigration in America John Rowlands 89 (2001):299 Updates "An Interracial Suit for Inheritance: Clues to Probable Paternity for a Georgia Freedman, Henry Clay Heard Sherman," by Ruth Randall, 89:85-97 (299) "Sidelights: Details, Details, Details! Gilbert Cope on the Importance of Being Precise," 89:138 (299) "Rebutting Direct Evidence with Indirect Evidence: The Identity of Sarah (Taliaferro) Lewis of Virginia," by Margaret R. Amundson, 87:217-240 (299) "Identification Through Signatures: Using Complex Direct Evidence to Sort Colwills of Cornwall," by Ronald A. Hill, 87:185-198 (299)

Volume 90 (2002) 90 (2002):6 In Memoriam: Dr. Gary Bernard Mills 90 (2002):7-36 Research in Pennsylvania Kay Haviland Freilich 90 (2002):37-64 [Addition 236] Call Names, Dits, Frenchifications, Noms de Guerre, Particles, Patronymics, Phonetics, Surname Compounds, and Translations! Intercultural Name Changes in America, as Illustrated by the Offspring of Marie Catherine Horn Robert de Berardinis 90 (2002):65-73, 136-141 Notes and Documents "Madame X": Virginie Amélie "Mimi" Avegno (Mme. Gautreau) and a Family Note to Art History, by Robert de Berardinis (65-68) Check the Original! Two Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Part 1: Hardy of South Crolina - A "Discreet" Omission to Hide an Indiscretion, by John Anderson Brayton (69-71) Part 2: Mallory-Blunt of Virginia - A Miscopied Name Blocks a Line, by Shana Elizabeth Proffitt (71-73) Some Scandanavians on the Chesapeake: Naturalizations in the Baltimore City Court, 1867-1906, by Eric G. Grundset (136-141) 90 (2002):87-98 The de Lema Dilemma: Exploring the Compexities of Spanish Naming Patterns George R. Ryskamp 90 (2002):99-110 Historical "Truth," Clothed and Naked: The "Peculiar Ways" of Judith (Bowen) Freeman Arnold William B. Saxbe Jr. 90 (2002):111-135 Teaming Oral History with Documentary Research: The Enslaves Austins of Missouri's "Little Dixie" Douglas S. Shipley 90 (2002):142-143 NGS Standards & Guidelines Guidelines for Publishing Web Pages on the Internet (142-142) Guidelines for Genealogical Self-Improvement and Growth (143) 90 (2002):165-190 Jane Johnson, Found! But Is She "Hannah Crafts"? The Search for the Author of The Bondswoman's Narrative Katherine E. Flynn 90 (2002):191-210 Linking Children to Parents with a Surveyor's Chain: The Sibleys of New Salem, Massachusetts Helen Schatvet Ullmann 90 (2002):211-223 Common Roots for the Lees of Virginia? Colonel Richard of Northumberland and John of Nansemond Neil D. Thompson 90 (2002):224-235 Questionable Honor: An Analysis of the 1835 Cherokee Census ("Henderson Roll") Lathel F. Duffield 90 (2002):236 Updates "Call Names, Dits, Frenchifications, Noms de Guerre, Particles, Patronymics, Phonetics, Surname Compounds, and Translations! Intercultural Name Changes in America, as Illustrated by the Offspring of Marie Catherine Horn," by Robert de Berardinis, 90:37-64 (236) 90 (2002):247-256 Family Record-Keeping: A Rich and Diverse Heritage Jerome E. Anderson

90 (2002):257-269 Examining and Analyzing the Family Bible Marsha Hoffman Rising 90 (2002):270-272 The Family Bible of Abner Gay of Pownal and Dundas, Prince Edward Islan Robert Charles Anderson 90 (2002):273-281 An Old LITTELL Family Bible Alvy Ray Smith 90 (2002):282-284 Only Dates, No Names: The McCoon Family Record Edward H. L. Smith III and Henry B. Hoff 90 (2002):285-288 Bible Record of Daniel Harper of Meigs County, Ohio: Revolutionary War Pension Aplication Files Revisited Patricia Law Hatcher 90 (2002):289-295 A Misleading Bible Record: Identifying David4 Mumper's Mother Helen Hinchliff 90 (2002):296 Taylor Family Record Cherry Fletcher Bamberg 90 (2002):297-300 Looking for the Family Bible: Eleven Places to Check Sharon DeBartolo Carmack 90 (2002):301-303 The National Genealogical Society's Digital Bible Archives Project Cyndi Howells 90 (2002):303 Orphaned Bible and Family Record Rescue Project Dereka Smith 90 (2002):304-316 Bible Records Folger Family Record: Nantucket to Ohio 1812 (304-305) Shinn-Reed-Green of Columbus, New Jersey (306-307) Easton Family Slaves in 18th-Century Rhode Island (307) The Baker Family of Swansea, Massachusetts 1768-1900 (308-309) Nathaniel Abraham Venable Henderson of Texas (310-311) George Avery and Mary Sanborn of Plainfield, New Hampshire (312-316)

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