conservation of fresh water ecosystems of pakistan

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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“A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself.”- Laura Gilpin - From The Rio Grande, 1949

“Conservation of Fresh water

Ecosystems of Pakistan.”

What are the freshwater sources in Pakistan?

There are number of freshwater recourses in Pakistan. Pakistan owns a land scape with many Lakes such as Jheel saif ul malook and Shandoor lake.They provide a freshwater habitat to a number of biodiversity. There are 5 different rivers present in Pakistan, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi ,Sutlej and The Indus River. Many glaciers in northern mountains melt with rivers providing a very pure start to the rivers and forming a fresh water source.

How Rainforests are affected by Fresh water ?

Rainforest present at the banks of rivers get pure water and good moist soil for their proper growth. Riparian woodlands in Pakistan give support to a large number of trees and forests. The Indus River being the most important part of Pakistan drainage system provides water to a numerous amount of mangrove forests on its bank. The woodland holds such type of woods which are important for the furniture industry such as: Kikar, Mulberry and Sheesham

How economy of Pakistan is connected with fresh water schemes?

Economy of Pakistan is mostly consisting of agriculture which means that Freshwater is not only necessary for Habitats but also for Agriculture and Economy. The freshwater is also used in irrigation of the farming land .The canal schemes provide pure and Fresh water to the fields resulting in healthy and fertile soil and better Farming. Fresh water is also important for the Fishing Industry and in fish Farms as well. The Jhelum and Indus rivers provide fresh water to the lands. Most of the farming land are also located near the Indus river.

Daily use of fresh Water :-In our cities and developed areas we also use fresh water in our homes and Offices and in factories as well. We use freshwater as Tap water for washing , Bathing, cleaning .We use water to for our home gardens. Public parks use them for fountains and public washrooms. In our chemical laboratories, many experiments are done with fresh water . Our factories uses them for cooling the pipelines and for mixing main other chemical in their products. So, freshwater is an essential part of our lives and is used for different purposes.

Why? Where? When? Who? and How? is damaging the freshwater?

• Freshwater pollution is mostly occurring because of Industries.

• They take fresh water for their own use and get the dirty and polluted water(with harmful chemicals) drain back into the rivers causing atmospheric and aquatic pollution.

• The algae formed on the surface of water does not allow the sunlight to pass through , rain also gets acidic and water is deoxygenated causing marine life to be at the edge of extinct.

• Eg: the blind dolphin.

Agriculture can also cause pollution as the waist of farming animals are drained into the cannels leading to the river. Farmers adds nitrate fertilizers to increase crop yield. These types of chemical are drained into the river causing heavy freshwater pollution. The same water is sometimes used again for farming which is not good for human health as well as for the plants. It also causes water borne diseases .

In our daily life as well we misuse and waste the fresh water more then anything. We leave our taps open when cleaning the washroom although it is not necessary .We do not close taps when brushing and after watering the plants the water is still running. Much of our actions are causing water sacristy in Africa and other countries at an extreme rate. Wetlands are demolishing at a very high rate which is not favorable t any cost.

What can be the solutions?

Start with your own self , stop wasting the water. Close taps when you are brushing your teeth.

Close the shower when you are putting up soap and shampoo. When you are done with watering plants do not leave the tap open, close it tightly so that even a single drop is not wasted. When cleaning your washrooms and cars, keep a bucket of water with you so that the taps are closed and when you will need more water you can refill it. Try to develop a habit of using less water for every work.

We can start working with a water and habitat conserving organization like WWF. We can campaign about water sacristy and can aware people with the problems faced by the people of such area. We can even help them to learn new and better ways to use water sustainably and live a sustainable life. We can visit factories where we can tell them how their drained small chemical particles are making a big gap in wildlife because of marine life destruction so they can use their money for constructing better drainage of their factory but not at least in the river near by.

For stopping the Agricultural freshwater pollution, a group of people can visit a small village or farm. Informing the farm owners to be more natural and do not add excessive nitrates which are causing rivers to be polluted as well as plants and people are also affected by the pollutants. The nitrates also causes acid rains so they might get to know something good and might plan a better drainage system .They might avoid adding nitrates to the soil. There are many organizations who are aiming to stop any type of illegal trade of marine life such as water turtles . Governments of the countries are joining hands with these welfares and have put fines on polluting the environment.

“ It is completely necessary to Develop the habit of conserving the water for our Ecosystem. One of the

most attractive Element in Pakistan.”

Thank YouA presentation by


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