consent agenda may 11, 2017children and families of iowa – jodi spargur-tate as of 12/31/2017,...

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Region 11 CEO Board

Consent Agenda

May 11, 2017

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Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2017

Children and Families of Iowa Conference Room 1111 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Board Members in Attendance: Pat Brown, Ben Bruns, Hollie Coons, Robert Denson, Amy Landas, Paula Martinez, Luke Nelson, Stacy Sime, Paul Smith, Carrie Theisen, Jeffrey Vroman, T Waldman-Williams, and Pat Wells.

Absent Board Members: Elisabeth Buck, Donald Fisher, Tom Hayes, Leslie McCarthy, Jim Mueller, and Jennifer Reha.

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members in Attendance: Craig Agan, Rosemarie Thiere, and Tony Timm (via phone).

Absent Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members: Mary Bontrager, and Craig Boylan.

Others in Attendance: Jeff Chamberlin (IES@DMACC), Jackie Norris (Goodwill), Cheryl Johnson (CFI), Robin Luke (DMACC), Diane Hernandez (IES@DMACC), Pat Wilkins (National Able Network), Pam Thompson (AARP), and Jodi Spargur-Tate (CFI).

Board Staff in Attendance: Angie Arthur ______________________________________________________________________ Welcome and Call to Order The quarterly board meeting was called to order at 7:37 a.m. by Chair Jeff Vroman (CIWDB) and Chair Rick Sanders (CEO Board), Quorum was established for CIWDB. Quorum was established for CEO Board.

Paula Martinez moved to add Action Item 17-4 to the agenda, seconded by Pat Brown. Voted and motion carried.

Consent Agenda T. Waldmann-Williams moved to approve the CIWDB’s Consent Agenda, seconded by Pat Brown.Voted and motion carried

New Business and Committee Reports

Planning and Operations Committee – Paul Smith No Action Items. The Planning and Operations committee has several topics it is discussing and pursuing.

Angie Arthur reported IWD continue to work on WIOA performance measures. Region 11 Statistics dated February 2017and Performance Measures dated 7/15 thru 6/16. Both reports appear to be in order.

Ticket to Work – Diane Hernandez Ms. Hernandez provided an update on the Disability Employment Initiative and Ticket to Work. Work with individuals with disabilities to developed and improve employment skills. Looking at ways to make the one stop center more accessible. A staff person has been hired that can speak American Sign Language. A committee is being formed at the one stop center to address access needs.

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Finance Committee – Luke Nelson Financial Summary Comparison document with definitions were included in the board packet. Children and Families of Iowa – Jodi Spargur-Tate As of 12/31/2017, 46.5% of total program budget has been spent. 25.4% spent on In-school youth, 6.8% spent on in-school WEP, 53.96% spent on out-of-school youth, and 18.75% spent on out-of-school WEP. A Final Monitoring Report for Fall 2016 dated January 5, 2017 was distributed for review. Only had one finding, An incorrect allocation of payment to Perry Chamber of Commerce. A payment made to Perry Chamber of Commerce for membership dues was charged 100% to Out of School Youth. This expense was to be charged to 50% Out of School Youth and 50% In School Youth. A corrective entry was completed while the monitor was on site and the issue was resolved. The total number of files pulled for audit were 34 dated from 7/1/2016 to 12/31/16. Central Iowa Workforce Development Board – Angie Arthur Reported that the large part of budget is spent on salary and fringe benefit expenses. CIWDB will have a shortfall of $10,000 - $20,000 for this fiscal year. CIWDB info is included in the board packet. Ticket to Work incentives earned are also reflected on the budget. The $50,000 available for training for individuals with disabilities, approved by the board, is noted. Iowa Employment Solutions@DMACC – Jeff Chamberlin 150 participants in Dislocated Workers, 75 participants in Sector Partnership grant program, 105 participants in the dislocated workers grant for John Deere. Lacking participants in adult program focused on refugees – Working with 4 participants with construction job shadowing, attending ESL classes, and bakery at HyVee. Many need language skills. A Final Monitoring Report for Fall 2016 dated January 19, 2017 was distributed for review. Two findings –Overpayment to participant of $6.48 and unsigned Menards receipts. The $6.48 overpayment was deducted from the participant’s transportation payment on 12/21/16, finding resolved. Two participants had unsigned Menards receipts for tools and/or welding equipment in their participants’ files. Each participant signed their receipts as proof they received the goods. A copy of the signed receipts has been placed in their files, issue resolved. Action Item 17-4 – Central Iowa Workforce Development Board Revenue Luke Nelson explained the CIWDB recommends an additional transfer of adult and dislocated worker

administrative funds from IES@ DMACC. Transfer from IES@DMACC to CIWDB - $10.000.

Paula A. Martinez made motion to approve Action Item 17-4 recommendation, seconded by Pat Brown. Vote and motion carried. A brief history given on obtaining fund by Angie Arthur, Jeffrey Vroman, Rick Sanders, and Ben Humphrey. Iowa receives $13.1 million for WIOA Adult /Dislocated Workers, and Youth. Ms. Arthur explained challenges with maintaining the budget for the CIWDB. The Executive Committee drafted a letter to Director Townsend sharing the challenges and asking for the flexibility in the utilization of funding for administrative functions and looking for solutions. Youth Committee – Paula Martinez Paula Martinez, Chair reported on the last meeting where the new Art Force director and staff member met with group to explain their program and what programs they offer as well as how they have been working with CFI. Children and Families of Iowa, Jodi Spargur-Tate reported youth programing is expanding and doing well. Programing updates provided in written report in the Board packet. Discussion held. Executive Committee – Jeff Vroman Executive Director Angie Arthur’s Report was provided in Board packet for review.

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Action Item 17-1 – 501(c)3 Non-Profit Designation

Angie Arthur reported the Drake University Legal Clinic is willing to handle non-profit application process,

which will be of an advantage/flexibility. Discussed the benefits of operation/opportunities, discussed

partnering with other regions, but programming, and fundraising questions. We do not want to be

competitive with other non-profits and focus on being partners. WIOA gets 10% for administrative cost and

90% for programs. IRS filing fee is $750, Iowa fee $30 and three (3) year predetermination.

The amended recommendation is that the Board approves preparation for applying for a non-profit designation with the Internal Revenue Services. Luke Nelson made motion to amend Action Item 17-1, seconded by Paul Smith. Vote and motion carried. Pat Wells made motion to approve amended Action Item 17-1 as noted above, seconded by Amy Landas. Vote and motion carried. Chair Vroman explained letter to Director Townsend drafted by the Executive Committee that was distributed for review by CIWD Board and CEO Board. Discussion held. Paula A. Martinez made motion to approve and send letter to Director Townsend and the State Workforce Development Board, seconded by Pat Brown. Vote and motion carried. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Action – Core Partner Representatives Action Item 17-2 – Local Plan Approval Process Angie Arthur gave background on Local Plan approval process request from DOL via IWD. There are 12 questions to address. The recommendation is that the Board authorizes the Executive Committee to review and approve on its behalf the Local Plan update due March 1, 2017. Paul Smith moved to approve recommendation for Action Item 17-2, seconded by Pat Brown. Vote and motion carried. Action Item 17-3 – Adult Education and Literacy Alignment Review Angie Arthur gave background on Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Alignment Review. It is to determine whether the AEL applications are consistent with their Local Plans. The Local board must submit a recommendation to the IDOE that evaluates alignment with the Local Plan. Review Committee is yet to be determined. The recommendation is that the Board authorizes a review committee led by a CIWDB member to review the applications and make a recommendation on behalf of the Board. Luke Nelson moved to approve recommendation for Action Item 17-3, seconded by Pat Brown. Vote and Motion carried. Competitive Selection of Region 11 One Stop Operator Angie Arthur explained that WIOA requires local workforce development boards choose a one stop operator. The CIWDB could apply as part of the competition. Wanted CIWDB and CEO to be aware of this WIOA requirement. Jeff Chamberlin shared there is no funding attached to it. Waiting for direction from the State.

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Disability Access Committee Angie Arthur shared that Leslie McCarthy with Iowa Rehabilitation is willing to chair the committee. Leslie McCarthy will be working with Diane Hernandez. Committee will be moving forward based on direction from State Workforce Development Board. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) – Rosie Thierer Ms. Thierer gave a brief presentation explaining the program and its services. Printed materials were included in packets for review by Boards. National Sponsors are AARP- Pat Thompson and ABLE Network. Pat Wilkins with ABLE attended via phone. In Iowa, Experience Works was recently replaced by ABLE. Ms. Thierer is willing to attend any group and organization to explain SCSEP, feel free to contact her. Training – CIWDB/CEO Expectations, Legislative Updates – Ben Humphrey, IWD (8:45 a.m.) Mr. Humphrey explained about the CEO Board – By Laws and responsibilities. There are templates for use. Executive Committee should review. State Workforce Board has a conflict of interest policy. CIWDB instituted its conflict of interest policy in May 2016. There is a revision of the State Board Structure with Governor’s Office for approval. Will be working on legislation next year to address the appointment process. You can obtain legislative information from the Iowa Legislative Service Agency. Mr. Humphrey will come back upon request. Announcements January 24, 2017 – CFI received the Leading the Way Award from United Way for their work with youth. February 24, 2017 - Planning and Operations will meet at One Stop Location at 8 A.M. May 11, 2017 – CIWIB/CEO Quarterly Board Meeting Adjournment at 9:41 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Paula A. Martinez, Recording Secretary

CIWDB Members in Attendance at Quarterly Board Meetings – Plan Year 2016

Name August 11, 2016 November 10, 2016 February 9, 2017 May 11, 2017

Voting Board Members

Pat Brown X X X

Ben Bruns Appointed X X

Elisabeth Buck X

Hollie Coon Appointed X X

Rob Denson X X

Donald Fisher X X

Tom Hayes Appointed X

Amy Landas Appointed X X

Paula Martinez Appointed X X

Leslie McCarthy Appointed X

Jim Mueller X X

Luke Nelson Appointed X X

Jennifer Reha Appointed X

Stacy Sime Appointed X

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Paul Smith X X X

Carrie Theisen X

Rosemary Thierer X Moved to Ex-Officio

Jeffrey Vroman Appointed X X

T. Waldman-Williams Appointed X X

Pat Wells Appointed X X

Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members

Craig Agan Appointed X X

Craig Boylan

Mary Bontrager

Rosie Thierer Transitioned X X

Tony Timm X X

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Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2017

Children and Families of Iowa Conference Room 1111 University Avenue, Des Moines, IA

Chief Elected Official Board Members in Attendance: Craig Agan, Doug Cupples, Rick Sanders,

and Bill Zinnel.

Chief Elected Official Board Member not in Attendance: Steve Van Oort.

Others in Attendance: Jeff Chamberlin (IES@DMACC), Jackie Norris (Goodwill), Cheryl Johnson (CFI), Robin Luke (DMACC), Diane Hernandez (IES@DMACC), Pat Wilkins (National Able Network), Pam Thompson (AARP), and Jodi Spargur-Tate (CFI). Board Staff in Attendance: Angie Arthur ______________________________________________________________________ Welcome and Call to Order

Rick Sanders (CEO Board), Quorum was established for CIWDB. Quorum was established for CEO Board. Craig Agan moved to add Action Item 17-4 to the agenda, seconded by Doug Cupples. Voted and motion carried. Consent Agenda Bill Zinnel moved to approve the Region 11 CEO Board’s Consent Agenda, seconded by Doug Cupples. Voted and motion carried New Business and Committee Reports Planning and Operations Committee – Paul Smith No Action Items. The Planning and Operations committee has several topics it is discussing and pursuing. Angie Arthur reported IWD continue to work on WIOA performance measures. Region 11 Statistics dated February 2017and Performance Measures dated 7/15 thru 6/16. Both reports appear to be in order. Ticket to Work – Diane Hernandez Ms. Hernandez provided an update on the Disability Employment Initiative and Ticket to Work. Work with individuals with disabilities to developed and improve employment skills. Looking at ways to make the one stop center more accessible. A staff person has been hired that can speak American Sign Language. A committee is being formed at the one stop center to address access needs. Finance Committee – Luke Nelson Financial Summary Comparison document with definitions were included in the board packet. Children and Families of Iowa – Jodi Spargur-Tate As of 12/31/2017, 46.5% of total program budget has been spent. 25.4% spent on In-school youth, 6.8% spent on in-school WEP, 53.96% spent on out-of-school youth, and 18.75% spent on out-of-

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school WEP. A Final Monitoring Report for Fall 2016 dated January 5, 2017 was distributed for review. Only had one finding, An incorrect allocation of payment to Perry Chamber of Commerce. A payment made to Perry Chamber of Commerce for membership dues was charged 100% to Out of School Youth. This expense was to be charged to 50% Out of School Youth and 50% In School Youth. A corrective entry was completed while the monitor was on site and the issue was resolved. The total number of files pulled for audit were 34 dated from 7/1/2016 to 12/31/16. Central Iowa Workforce Development Board – Angie Arthur Reported that the large part of budget is spent on salary and fringe benefit expenses. CIWDB will have a shortfall of $10,000 - $20,000 for this fiscal year. CIWDB info is included in the board packet. Ticket to Work incentives earned are also reflected on the budget. The $50,000 available for training for individuals with disabilities, approved by the board, is noted. Iowa Employment Solutions@DMACC – Jeff Chamberlin 150 participants in Dislocated Workers, 75 participants in Sector Partnership grant program, 105 participants in the dislocated workers grant for John Deere. Lacking participants in adult program focused on refugees – Working with 4 participants with construction job shadowing, attending ESL classes, and bakery at HyVee. Many need language skills. A Final Monitoring Report for Fall 2016 dated January 19, 2017 was distributed for review. Two findings –Overpayment to participant of $6.48 and unsigned Menards receipts. The $6.48 overpayment was deducted from the participant’s transportation payment on 12/21/16, finding resolved. Two participants had unsigned Menards receipts for tools and/or welding equipment in their participants’ files. Each participant signed their receipts as proof they received the goods. A copy of the signed receipts has been placed in their files, issue resolved. Action Item 17-4 – Central Iowa Workforce Development Board Revenue Luke Nelson explained the CIWDB recommends an additional transfer of adult and dislocated

worker administrative funds from IES@ DMACC. Transfer from IES@DMACC to CIWDB - $10.000.

Craig Agan made motion to approve Action Item 17-4 recommendation, seconded by Doug Cupples. Vote and motion carried. A brief history given on obtaining fund by Angie Arthur, Jeffrey Vroman, Rick Sanders, and Ben Humphrey. Iowa receives $13.1 million for WIOA Adult /Dislocated Workers, and Youth. Ms. Arthur explained challenges with maintaining the budget for the CIWDB. The Executive Committee drafted a letter to Director Townsend sharing the challenges and asking for the flexibility in the utilization of funding for administrative functions and looking for solutions. Youth Committee – Paula Martinez Paula Martinez, Chair reported on the last meeting where the new Art Force director and staff member met with group to explain their program and what programs they offer as well as how they have been working with CFI. Children and Families of Iowa, Jodi Spargur-Tate reported youth programing is expanding and doing well. Programing updates provided in written report in the Board packet. Discussion held. Executive Committee – Jeff Vroman Executive Director Angie Arthur’s Report was provided in Board packet for review. Action Item 17-1 – 501(c)3 Non-Profit Designation

Angie Arthur reported the Drake University Legal Clinic is willing to handle non-profit application

process, which will be of an advantage/flexibility. Discussed the benefits of operation/opportunities,

discussed partnering with other regions, but programming, and fundraising questions. We do not

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want to be competitive with other non-profits and focus on being partners. WIOA gets 10% for

administrative cost and 90% for programs. IRS filing fee is $750, Iowa fee $30 and three (3) year


The amended recommendation is that the Board approves preparation for applying for a non-profit designation with the Internal Revenue Services. Luke Nelson made motion to amend Action Item 17-1, seconded by Paul Smith. Vote and motion carried. Doug Cupples made motion to approve amended Action Item 17-1 as noted above, seconded by Bill Zinnel. Vote and motion carried. Chair Vroman explained letter to Director Townsend drafted by the Executive Committee that was distributed for review by CIWD Board and CEO Board. Discussion held. The CIWDB approved sending the letter to Director Townsend and the State Workforce Development Board. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Action – Core Partner Representatives Action Item 17-2 – Local Plan Approval Process Angie Arthur gave background on Local Plan approval process request from DOL via IWD. There are 12 questions to address. The recommendation is that the Board authorizes the Executive Committee to review and approve on its behalf the Local Plan update due March 1, 2017. The CIWDB approved Action Item 17-2. Action Item 17-3 – Adult Education and Literacy Alignment Review Angie Arthur gave background on Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Alignment Review. It is to determine whether the AEL applications are consistent with their Local Plans. The Local board must submit a recommendation to the IDOE that evaluates alignment with the Local Plan. Review Committee is yet to be determined. The recommendation is that the Board authorizes a review committee led by a CIWDB member to review the applications and make a recommendation on behalf of the Board. The CIWDB approved Action Item 17-3. Competitive Selection of Region 11 One Stop Operator Angie Arthur explained that WIOA requires local workforce development boards choose a one stop operator. The CIWDB could apply as part of the competition. Wanted CIWDB and CEO to be aware of this WIOA requirement. Jeff Chamberlin shared there is no funding attached to it. Waiting for direction from the State. Disability Access Committee Angie Arthur shared that Leslie McCarthy with Iowa Rehabilitation is willing to chair the committee. Leslie McCarthy will be working with Diane Hernandez. Committee will be moving forward based on direction from State Workforce Development Board.

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Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) – Rosie Thierer Ms. Thierer gave a brief presentation explaining the program and its services. Printed materials were included in packets for review by Boards. National Sponsors are AARP- Pat Thompson and ABLE Network. Pat Wilkins with ABLE attended via phone. In Iowa, Experience Works was recently replaced by ABLE. Ms. Thierer is willing to attend any group and organization to explain SCSEP, feel free to contact her. Training – CIWDB/CEO Expectations, Legislative Updates – Ben Humphrey, IWD (8:45 a.m.) Mr. Humphrey explained about the CEO Board – By Laws and responsibilities. There are templates for use. Executive Committee should review. State Workforce Board has a conflict of interest policy. CIWDB instituted its conflict of interest policy in May 2016. There is a revision of the State Board Structure with Governor’s Office for approval. Will be working on legislation next year to address the appointment process. You can obtain legislative information from the Iowa Legislative Service Agency. Mr. Humphrey will come back upon request. Announcements January 24, 2017 – CFI received the Leading the Way Award from United Way for their work with youth. February 24, 2017 - Planning and Operations will meet at One Stop Location at 8 A.M. May 11, 2017 – CIWIB/CEO Quarterly Board Meeting Adjournment at 9:41 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Paula A. Martinez, Recording Secretary

Chief Elected Official Board Members in Attendance at Board Meeting – Plan Year 2016

Name Aug. 11, 2016 Sept. 21, 2016

Conf. Call

Nov. 10, 2016 Nov. 21, 2016

Conf. Call

Feb. 9, 2017 May 11, 2017

Craig Agan X X X X X

Bob Brownell

Term Ended

Doug Cupples X

Chet Hollingshead X X X X Term Ended

Rick Sanders X X


Denny Stevenson


Term Ended

Steve VanOort

Bill Zinnel X

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Connect 2 Careers Program Demographics – Children & Families of Iowa

April 20, 2017 Number Current Participants Active, PPS & Fully Exited Status FY17:

125 Total Participants: 47.7% of total participants are in-school youth, 52.3% of total participants are out-of-school youth

43 Participants- Active Enrollment:

18 in-school youth, 25 out-of-school youth 42 Participants- Post Program Support:

11 in-school youth, 31 out-of-school youth 40 Participants - Fully Exited Program:

17 in-school youth, 23 out-of-school youth

Participant Age at enrollment: Active Participants (43): Post Program Participants (42): Exited Participants (40): 1- 14 year old 0- 14 year old 0- 14 year old 3- 15 year old 3- 15 year old 1- 15 year old 7- 16 year old 1- 16 year old 4- 16 year old 6- 17 year old 4- 17 year old 13- 17 year old 10- 18 year old 8- 18 year old 5- 18 year old 4- 19 year old 8- 19 year old 7- 19 year old 5- 20 year old 5- 20 year old 3- 20 year old 3- 21 year old 3- 21 year old 2- 21 year old 1- 22 year old 5- 22 year old 2- 22 year old 2- 23 year old 2- 23 year old 3- 23 year old 1- 24 year old 3- 24 year old 0- 24 year old

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Participant by Gender FY17: Active Participants (43): Post Program Participants (42): Exited Participants (40): Female: 20 Female: 19 Female: 18 Male: 23 Male: 23 Male: 22

Participant by Race FY17: Caucasian/White- 58 African American/Black-56 Latino- 4 Asian-3 American Indian-2 Native Hawaiian- 1 Native Alaskan- 1 Unknown- 0

Participant by Ethnicity FY17: Hispanic-39 Non-Hispanic- 85 Unknown-1

Participant by County FY17: Boone- 3 Dallas- 9 Jasper-4 Madison- 8 Marion- 7 Polk- 84 Story- 4 Warren- 6 **33.0% of youth are from counties outside of Polk County**

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FY17 Program Numbers:

Number of Participants moving into Post Program Services: 6 (March 1st- March 31st, 2017)

Number of Participants Fully Exited Program FY17: 40 Total Participants

Number of Participants Served (in addition to total participant #) FY17: 669 (Includes youth currently being served short time basis)

Number of Participants Presented to about C2C FY17: 3005 (up to current date)

Number of Participants in Enrollment Process: 4 (March 1st- March 31st, 2017)

Number of Referrals Received within the current Month: 6 (March 1st- March 31st, 2017)

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What has happened since last month in Region 11 Counties?

Boone County- - C2C Program staff will work directly with IVRS in Ames to provide workshop classes for the

Summer Career Camp on June 5th and June 26th. C2C Program staff will provide workshops addressing Community Services with Core Partner Programs in the Region, Resume building, Interviewing skills and customer service.

Dallas County-

-C2C Program provided a Strength Finders Assessment, Training and Workshop on March 24th and April 21st. This training was offered to the participants housed at the Woodward State Boys School Academy program. Total number of participants attending this first two part training was 17. C2C Program will offer this same two part training again for the Woodward State Boys School Academy program participants in June, July and August. The participants who are attending this training are in school participants who are looking for full time employment in Polk, Dallas, Story and Jasper Counties. Many of the participants will be connected with local employers who have positions to fill either part time or full time within the counties were they will be returning after completing the program. -C2C Program has office space located at the ISU extension office in Perry Iowa. Office hours are Wednesday and Friday from 10:00-2:00 p.m. Currently C2C Program has created three experiential learning opportunities for participants within the county, as well as created an ongoing partnership with Dallas County school district. -April Wyett, C2C NCRC Proctor will be offering the NCRC testing in partnership with Dallas County I-Jag and Iowa Workforce Development for Participants in the Dallas County Senior High School 12th grade on April 28th. There is purposed that there will be 12-15 participants completing the testing process this time. These participants are finishing their last year of High School and are preparing for the next phases in their lives. The participants who are attending the NCRC testing in May will all be looking to find full-time employment after completion of High School. -C2C Program Staff partnered with IVRS to get a participant enrolled in the Para-Educator course through AEA in Johnston. This participant is co-enrolled in C2C and IVRS and will begin the course beginning July 10th and is expected to be completed by August 11th. C2C Program staff will help this participant with TRN and help to purchase a laptop computer in order to completer her credential programming.

Jasper County- -C2C Program is trying to locate office space in order to have office hours in the community two times per week. C2C Program staff will be providing the Unlock Your Inner Professional Advanced Customer Service Training to the participants who are involved in the after HS alternative school programming. C2C Program staff will also begin offering this training in a two

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part session to the Newton Release Facility participants who are in the process of being released from the Department of Corrections.

Madison County- -C2C Program is providing a Strength Finders Assessment, Training and Workshop to the

participants enrolled in the BRIDGES alternative School program on April 12th and April 24th. Total number of participants attending this first two part training is 9. C2C Program will offer this same two part training again for the BRIDGES alternative school program participants in June, July and August. The participants who are attending this training are out of school participants who are looking for full time employment in Madison County. Many of the participants will be connected with local employers who have positions to fill either part time or full time. -C2C Program staff currently have office space and hours in the Madison County Cares Offices. C2C Program staff are in the office every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00-2:00 p.m. Currently C2C Program has co-enrolled to participants with IVRS services and C2C Program services since office hours began. C2C Program staff are working with three referrals to enroll in the C2C Program.

Marion County- -C2C Program have office space and hours at the Knoxville library every Monday from 10:00-2:00. C2C Program staff have received nine referrals for services into C2C Programming and three referrals have been enrolled. C2C Program staff currently work with the Marion County Children’s Committee to partner services and stay involved in functions within the community. C2C Program staff will participate in the Job Fair that is being planned for May and June in Marion County.

Polk County- - C2C Program staff will also begin offering this training in a two part session to the Iowa Correctional Institute for Women in Mitchellville Iowa. These participants are in the process of being released from the Department of Corrections and transitioning into the Women’s Fresh Start Program in Des Moines, Iowa. -C2C Program staff are working in conjunction with the Youth Build Program at Evelyn Kay Davis Center for Working Adults to help with the recruiting, interviewing and enrollment process for the next co-hort of the Youth Build Program which begins on June 30th. The participants who are enrolled in the Youth Build Program are also enrolled in the C2C Program. -C2C Program staff are partnered with Des Moines Public Schools to offer the opportunity for 45 students to enter into any Drivers Education program and have the program fees paid with an outside grant that the C2C Program received again for FY18. This grant opportunity has been offered FY17 and total of 24 participants completed a Driver’s Education program and received their Drivers Permit.

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-C2C Program staff attended the Youth Opportunity Job Fair held at East High School on April 12th. The Job fair helped the C2C Program staff connect with over 200 students looking to have support during the next phases of their lives.

Story County-

-C2C Program staff will work directly with IVRS in Ames to provide workshop classes for the Summer Career Camp in Nevada, Iowa on June 10th and July 10th, Story City on June 19th and July 17th and Ames, Iowa on June 14th and June 21st. C2C Program staff will provide workshops addressing Community Services with Core Partner Programs in the Region, Resume building, Interviewing skills and customer service.

Warren County- -C2C Program staff are working in partnering with We Lift, IVRS and the Goodwill Connection Center to offer Job Readiness classes with the High School Junior and Senior class students at the Warren County High School. -C2C Program staff will attend and have a booth set up at the Community Block Party Reading Fair called Roll-n-Read on May 7th from 3-5 pm at Banner Lakes State Park in order to support literacy partnering with the local Warren County Care and School District members. -C2C Program staff hold office hours at the We Lift offices on Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00.

Intern: -C2C will hold off on bringing new interns to the program until the program has relocated to their new office at 1011 Park Avenue. We have begun seeking interns to begin with the program mid-July and are anticipating it to be program participants or partner participants and will look to have the experience as an experiential learning component.

At CFI: -Career Planner Lela Scott will return from maternity leave on Wednesday April 12th. -CFI is in the process of interviewing for the FT position as Career Planner. Interviews will be scheduled for the week of April 24th- 28th. The ad is posted on Indeed.Co

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Outside Grant Funding FY17: -OPUS Grant- $5,000.00 -OPUS Grant- $2,000.00 -Wells Fargo- $5,000.00 -Best Buy Foundation- $7,000.00 -West Des Moines Partnership $500.00 -State Farm Agency $14,500.00

FY17 Finances: -As of March 31st, 2017 the amount spent out of total budget is $317,814.00. This equals 68.4% of total Program budget being spent. Of that $317,814.00 spent, $98,526.00 was spent on In-school youth, $21,934.00 was spent on in-school WEP, $219,288.00 was spent on out-school and $61,215.00 was spent on out-school WEP. -Remaining budget balance left to spend for FY16 is $147,166 .00

C2C Participant Goals Achieved FY17: ($1,200.00) -27 C2C participants have achieved at least one of the designated education or employment goals for FY17 (beginning 07-01-2016). All goals take at a minimum of 3 months to complete. Total amount paid to participants for Goal completion for FY17 is $1350.00.

Remedial Basic Skills /Tutoring Service for C2C Participants: ($0) -C2C currently has no participants involved in any RBS/Tutoring Services during this reporting period.

Individualized Skills Training for C2C Participants: ($18,317.28.00) -C2C Program has helped afford 9 C2C participants with tuition and or book assistance in order for them to attend post-secondary education for the fall 2016. Post-secondary educations are being paid for at the following colleges and/or universities. DMACC, Simpson, ISU. Central College and UNI.

TRN Assistance: ($1,334.20) -8 total participants have received transportation assistance from the C2C Program during FY17. Two participants receive TRN monthly in order to attend college and will continue to receive TRN until their degrees are completed. The other 5 participants receive TRN to get back and forth to work daily. The total paid for TRN for C2C participants for FY17 is $1,230.20

OBA Completion: ($200.00) 20 Participants have successfully completed the OBA process and received an incentive for completion. The total paid for OBA completion for FY17 is $190.00. As of FY18, the C2C Program will no longer incentivize the OBA completion.

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FAS Participant Payments: ($3,117.48) -13 C2C Program participants received FAS assistance during FY7. Total paid for FAS payments is $3,117.48. Those payments received help to pay utility bills, cell phone bills, rental expense, car repairs, household items and a car seat for a child.

DPC Payments: ($800.00) -One Participant received Dependent Care Assistance to help cover her daycare costs for her child until her State childcare Assistance took effect. The total paid for DPC for FY17 is $800.00

Street Cred Studios: ($5,760.00) -Career Planner Heather Brooks is in charge of overseeing the staff currently employed with Street Cred Studios at Art Force Iowa who are also enrolled in the C2C Program. - There have been a total of 9 employees successfully complete the Street Cred Studios programming since the initial start date. C2C Programming pays for the first two weeks of wages for all new employees within Street Cred Studios. All Street Cred Studios employees have prior criminal histories as well as are older out of school participants. -The Street Cred Program is currently hiring for a new position. -All Street Cred Studio employees are also co-enrolled in the Connect 2 Careers Program.

-The total paid for Street Cred Studios employee who successfully completed the trainings in SUG is $5760.00.

- Beginning FY18, all Participants enrolled in C2C Programming and also employed FT in the Street Cred Studios Program will be paid as an experiential learning services instead of as an skill upgrade (SUG).

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What’s coming in 2018?

-The “Unlock Your Inner Professional” Customer Service Training curriculum will be completed and workshops will be offered to outside community partner agencies, schools, re-entry facilities and within the Connect 2 Careers Southside Family Service Center. This curriculum provides an enhanced skill set into the Customer Service Training as well as understanding ones inner professional and how to understand your professional versus non-professional self and the effects in the workplace. -The C2C Program will be moving into the new location which will be called the Southside Family Service Center. The move for the program and staff is scheduled to begin June 1st. -The C2C Program will offer to community agency partner participants Low cost to Free CPR/1st Aid/ AED Training and Certification beginning in August 2017 as part of the Monthly Calendar events for the Southside Family Service Center. -The C2C Program will offer the community agency partner participants Free Vision Screening as well as help receiving glasses (if needed) beginning in August 2017 as part of the Monthly Calendar of Events for the Southside Family Service Center. -The C2C Program will be offering a three part boot camp to community agency partners, regional employers and schools. This boot camp will consist of the Unlock Your inner Professional Customer Service Training, Strength Finder Assessment and Training and finished with a Job Fair involving employers who have open positions within Region 11 within specific job fields. Each three part Boot Camp will focus on a specific job field, with specific participants who are looking to have a career within the specified job field. The Boot Camps will focus on the high in demand job fields as identified within the Region 11 Local Plan. Those fields include: Healthcare, Finance, Advanced Manufacturing, Trades & Transportation and Construction. The Boot Camps will also be part of the monthly Calendar of Events for the Southside Family Service Center. The Boot Camps will also be offered within all of the eight counties served within Region 11. -The C2C Program will be planning a Grand Opening and celebration for the new Southside Family Service Center sometime in August. -The C2C Program will focus on engaging 10 new employers within the Region 11 outer counties who will revise their application and hiring process to open the opportunities to gaining a better understanding of employing participants with significant barriers to employment.

Page 19

C2C Participant Success Story:

-All youth/young adults who enter C2C have a unique story to share, and benefit from different aspects of C2C. The following is a story of a C2C participant, which is somewhat representative of a number of the youth/young adults the program is serving: Ben’s Story Ben was referred to the Connect 2 Careers in the late summer of 2015. His mother was friends

with another service provider who thought Ben could be a good fit for our program. When we

first met Ben he had graduated from high school, but was not sure what he wanted to do. He

previously held one position selling watches at a kiosk in a mall, but was no longer in the

position. He shared he struggled with motivation, and had no clue what he wanted to do for a

career. After talking with Ben we decided he would be a good fit for our Lift Off training

program. Lift Off is a partnership between the Connect 2 Career program and Children and

Families of Iowa. Together, we held a paid 3 month training program where out of school youth

received training in entrepreneurship, marketing, screen printing, graphic design, job readiness

skills, certifications in CPR and 1st Aid and customer service. Throughout the training Ben came

out of his shell to become a leader amongst his peers. For his work experience, Ben was placed

at Raygun. His supervisor was so impressed with his work, they decided to hire him after the

training concluded. Our graphic design instructor was struck by Ben’s artwork and encouraged

him to think about a career in graphic design. Ben thought it through, and decided a career as a

graphic designer would be for him. He is currently finishing up his first year at DMACC in their

visual arts program, and still working part-time at Raygun. He is receiving his best grades

throughout his academic career, and looking at potential internship and volunteer

opportunities for this summer. He has yet to decide if he wants to finish out his education at

DMACC, or transfer to a four year university. We are so proud of Ben and all of his hard work.

We can’t wait to see how he is going to light up our world!

Page 20

Region 11, IES @ DMACC Director Report

May 2017

During the third quarter of the year Iowa employment solutions has continued to see an increase in the number of

individuals enrolling as members to the one stop center. In the first 9 months we saw a slight increase of individuals.

We continue to work with individuals to provide core and staff assisted core services. These services emphasize job

search assistance, resume building and interviewing skills.

The Region 11 Adult and Dislocated Worker service provider (IES @ DMACC) has continued to reach out to all members

that come into the center. There has been an increased effort to inform the individuals of opportunities with

apprenticeships, on the job training, and skill upgrades. The information provided also explained the various workshop

and job search assistance that is available at the center. We further explained that there were several opportunities

through WIOA and or GAP/PACE funding for additional skills training at no cost to the participants.

IES has enrolled more individuals into the intensive and training level services than in previous years. This is mostly due

to the fact that we have had additional funds from the 3 grants that we are implementing. They are the Job Driven

apprenticeship Grant in which we have enrolled 150 dislocated workers, the Sector partnership Grant in which we have

enrolled 76 dislocated workers and the John Deere Grant in which we have enrolled 71 individuals. We have enrolled

105 individuals into the Adult and Dislocated Worker formula programs. Unfortunately Iowa Workforce Development

has chosen not to ask for the extension of the Sector Partnership Grant which will cost our region approximately

$550,000 in monies that could/would have been spent on dislocated workers. While we will experience a loss in

employees (not fully determined at this time) Region 11 will not allow the participants that are enrolled in this grant to

go without services. Our concern is that we have not been informed of our PY17/FY18 budget and with the turmoil in

Washington DC we may not hear for some time yet. This aspect of our overall budget will have an impact in our staffing


On a positive note IES at DMACC did receive an extension and additional funding for the John Deere grant and will be

receiving an increase in Disability Employment Initiative grant funding. This will soften the effects of the Sector

Partnership grant however any decrease in formula funding will impact our overall funding and staffing.

We have put in a request to move $75,000 back from the Adult program to return it to the Dislocated Worker program.

$125,000 dollars were moved to the adult program from the Dislocated Worker program. The intent of moving the

funding was to establish a pilot project with the refugee community. The process of getting the funds approved through

IWD and then the board was much more lengthy than anticipated. This late start that we got combined with the

difficulty we experienced recruiting from the refugee community has left us with far fewer expenditures than

anticipated. We will still use $50,000 toward services to the adult population however we will use the $75,000 funds for

dislocated worker services for individuals that have lost their employment by no fault of their own. Region 11 has a

genuine concern that since the Sector Partnership Grant extension is not applied for there will not be enough funding in

the first quarter of PY 17 to assist participants that are currently enrolled in the Dislocated Worker program. With the

movement of these funds back to their original purpose (DW) region 11 should be able to carryover some funds to help

cover those costs in the first quarter.

Diane Hernandez will provide an update on the Disability Employment Initiative and the Ticket to Work program.

Page 21

Mission – To build a quality workforce for today and tomorrow.

Executive Director’s Report

May 2017

Board Membership and Certification

Three new CEO board members have been appointed to the Region 11 CEO Board.

Orientations with the new members and a meeting including current members are

completed. Ben Humphrey attended orientation to present on CEO board issues.

Reach out to Board of Supervisor Chairs in Dallas, Madison and Warren counties.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

WIOA rules released by the DOL on June 30th. Further guidance has been released in

the areas youth, adults/dislocated workers, and procuring a one stop operator. More

guidance is expected.

Attended WIOA webinars and read various articles/informational pieces regarding

WIOA. Participated in a DOL and industry webinar series on immigrants, Federal

budget, one stop operator selection, short-term programs, American Job Center

branding, and local MOUs.

Attended webinar by the State of Iowa on alignment review of the Adult Education and

Literacy applications with local plans. Recruited committee to perform the AEL review

as well as participating in the review.

Participating in the monthly WIOA Director meetings.

Many hours put in on working with the core partners as well as participating in a creating

format for referral reporting in Smartsheet web-based software.

Participation in the WIOA Implementation review performed by Iowa Dept. of Education

on Region 11. Core partners attended this full day review.

Work Groups

Meeting with core partner group twice a month. Continue to work on referral process

and using LEAN to reduce duplication of services for individuals. Also have discussed

the referral process and tracking for Region 11. Arranged a discussion with Jane Fogg

regarding homeless and access to the workforce system in Region 11.

Sits on Income Cabinet for United Way. Participated in cabinet meetings and annual

income review process.

Cliff Effect Work Group – Participated in work group that pulled together information,

discussed data, reviewed advocacy, and determined next steps for how to best eliminate

and address the cliff effect with childcare subsidies. Attended Opportunity Summit Day

on the Hill.

Skills to Compete – CIWDB is a supporting organization of the coalition. Attended Skills

to Compete Day on the Hill.

Page 22

Mission – To build a quality workforce for today and tomorrow.

Housing, Homelessness, and Transportation Work Group – Remains a member.

Joined the Central Iowa Works Offender Re-entry Task Force.

The core partner business services groups had an initial meeting on November 4th to

better collaborate in working with employers. Became the facilitator for this group that

meets twice a month. Initial goals have been established. Group has developed a

brochure and is presenting to the May 11th quarterly board meetings.

Drafted a data collection paper with input from Elisabeth Buck for the Planning and

Operations committee. This document will help work with organizations to discuss and

find more region specific data.

Iowa Workforce Development

Attended WIOA director meetings and conference calls.

Facilitated letter from CIWDB Chair to Director Townsend and the State Workforce

Development Board

Planned and attended with core partners for the Region 11 in-service training on

February 20th. Joint training for IWD, Title I providers, IVRS, ABE, and IDB.

Disability Initiatives.

Shared information with CIWDB about Ticket to Work and Region 11 Ticket to Work results.

Regularly participated in the Disability Employment Initiative leadership meetings.

Met with Diane Hernandez and Leslie McCarthy in regards to establishing a Disability

Access Committee. Recruited committee members based on state guidance and


Drafted Ticket to Work white paper to share with CIWDB and CEO Board.

Non-Profit Designation

Met with Chip Lowe and Brian Shea with the Drake Legal Clinic.

Reviewed proposed by-laws and articles of incorporation.

Discussed WDB as a 501(c)3 with Dot Fallihee from Workforce Development Council

Seattle King County

Discussed WDB as a 501(c)3 with Randy Johnson from Workforce Development Inc. in

Rochester MN.

Discussed WDB as a 501(c)3 with Erica Mulberger from Central Pennsylvania

Workforce Development Center.

Networking and Education Opportunities

Attended the Story County Advanced Manufacturing Sector Partnership meeting.

Connected the group to Joe Collins at the state to help with their process.

Met with Brenda Dryer at the Ames Chamber of Commerce. She is new to her role.

Also connected her with some region resources.

Regularly attended the Des Moines Metro Economic Development Practitioners meeting.

Regularly participated in the Central Iowa Works Funding Collaborative. Also

participated in strategic planning session for Central Iowa Works.

Met with Lisa Shipley the chair of the Polk County Employers Council of Iowa.

Met with board members and committee members to discuss questions on programs, etc.

Page 23

Mission – To build a quality workforce for today and tomorrow.

Regularly attended the Association of Iowa Workforce Partners board meetings. Also

serving on the AIWP policy committee.

Attended AIWP annual conference in March. Volunteered to help run a re-entry

simulation for a pre-conference session.

Attend the Opportunity Summit quarterly update sponsored by the United Way that

outline several poverty, workforce, and education efforts for Dallas, Polk, and Warren

counties. Focus of summit was affordable housing.

Attended the League of United Latin American Citizens of Iowa legislative breakfast.

Attended the reverse career fair in Des Moines. It focused on placement for individuals

with disabilities.

Met with Nick and Lynn Kuhn (Justice League of Food), Mark Phillips (Polk County

Continuum of Care), and Mary Schlader (Project Iowa) to discuss new training program

Nick and Lynn want to create. Focus is on training individuals with pay for culinary skills.

Met and strategized with Peter Orazem, an ISU professor. Discussed data collection

and reports that would be useful for Region 11. Peter is currently working on potential

reports. Working with students to conduct research with available public data sources.

Page 24


Printed: 5/3/2017

Disability Age



Total New





Ratio of


Members to



# Male

of New




Ratio to



# Female

of New




Ratio to







# Disabled

of New







% of



Age 18-

23 of



Age 24 -




Age 24-

54 of




Age 55



% 55 and

Above of



Dubuque 1 351 654 53.7% 198 56.4% 151 43.0% 26 7.4% 49 14.0% 238 67.8% 64 18.2%

Decorah 1 109 173 63.0% 64 58.7% 45 41.3% 15 13.8% 14 12.8% 74 67.9% 21 19.3%

Mason City 2 336 550 61.1% 175 52.1% 160 47.6% 52 15.5% 36 10.7% 220 65.5% 80 23.8%

Spencer 3 & 4 135 377 35.8% 74 54.8% 61 45.2% 21 15.6% 21 15.6% 74 54.8% 40 29.6%

Fort Dodge 5 178 218 81.7% 109 61.2% 68 38.2% 22 12.4% 24 13.5% 116 65.2% 38 21.3%

Webster City* 5 15 61 24.6% 8 53.3% 7 46.7% 2 13.3% 2 13.3% 3 20.0% 10 66.7%

Marshalltown 6 405 284 142.6% 248 61.2% 156 38.5% 33 8.1% 67 16.5% 288 71.1% 50 12.3%

Waterloo 7 559 731 76.5% 294 52.6% 265 47.4% 58 10.4% 64 11.4% 391 69.9% 104 18.6%


Carroll 8 78 147 53.1% 43 55.1% 35 44.9% 9 11.5% 6 7.7% 58 74.4% 14 17.9%


Davenport 9 715 1061 67.4% 400 55.9% 314 43.9% 69 9.7% 87 12.2% 530 74.1% 98 13.7%

Cedar Rapids 10 649 1643 39.5% 347 53.5% 301 46.4% 80 12.3% 73 11.2% 449 69.2% 127 19.6%

Des Moines 11 1480 2327 63.6% 824 55.7% 654 44.2% 186 12.6% 140 9.5% 1121 75.7% 219 14.8%

Sioux City 12 605 470 128.7% 341 56.4% 264 43.6% 53 8.8% 84 13.9% 431 71.2% 90 14.9%

Council Bluffs 13 339 354 95.8% 185 54.6% 154 45.4% 40 11.8% 43 12.7% 243 71.7% 53 15.6%

Creston 14 89 153 58.2% 45 50.6% 44 49.4% 9 10.1% 9 10.1% 63 70.8% 17 19.1%

Ottumwa 15 380 321 118.4% 222 58.4% 157 41.3% 42 11.1% 59 15.5% 271 71.3% 50 13.2%

Burlington 16 300 731 41.0% 183 61.0% 117 39.0% 26 8.7% 43 14.3% 199 66.3% 58 19.3%

Total 6723 10255 65.6% 3760 55.9% 2953 43.9% 743 11.1% 821 12.2% 4769 70.9% 1133 16.9%

6723 10255 <====Check 3760 2953 743 821 4769 1133 <====Check

* = NEG/NDWG Nat'l Emerg Grant transition center only.

(x) = closed office

Month of October New Member Stats was adjusted/updated 12/7/2016 based upon receipt of a corrected report. UI and Active Members contained within this report remained as it was published.


Month of: February 2017

Total Membership


Integration Membership Report MONTHLY 2-2017 Month-Feb 2017 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 1 of 4Page 25


Printed: 5/3/2017



Total New


Dubuque 1 351

Decorah 1 109

Mason City 2 336

Spencer 3 & 4 135

Fort Dodge 5 178

Webster City* 5 15

Marshalltown 6 405

Waterloo 7 559


Carroll 8 78


Davenport 9 715

Cedar Rapids 10 649

Des Moines 11 1480

Sioux City 12 605

Council Bluffs 13 339

Creston 14 89

Ottumwa 15 380

Burlington 16 300

Total 6723


* = NEG/NDWG Nat'l Emerg Grant transition center only.

(x) = closed office

Month of October New Member Stats was adjusted/updated 12/7/2016 based upon receipt of a corrected report. UI and Active Members contained within this report remained as it was published.


Month of: February 2017

Total Membership

Education Veteran



% of










% of






Dipl or


Some College






College "17

& Abv"

Veteran % Ratio




% Ratio




29 8.3% 198 56.4% 85 28 11 19 5.4% 5 1.4%

10 9.2% 72 66.1% 16 10 1 10 9.2% 2 1.8%

40 11.9% 191 56.8% 80 20 5 25 7.4% 3 0.9%

15 11.1% 80 59.3% 23 12 5 15 11.1% 4 3.0%

23 12.9% 99 55.6% 41 14 1 15 8.4% 1 0.6%

0 0.0% 9 60.0% 5 0 1 2 13.3% 1 6.7%

129 31.9% 201 49.6% 62 10 3 23 5.7% 3 0.7%

71 12.7% 331 59.2% 103 44 10 28 5.0% 3 0.5%

6 7.7% 47 60.3% 20 5 0 6 7.7% 2 2.6%

74 10.3% 424 59.3% 156 50 11 47 6.6% 12 1.7%

70 10.8% 344 53.0% 146 68 21 45 6.9% 3 0.5%

249 16.8% 747 50.5% 312 137 35 91 6.1% 22 1.5%

127 21.0% 312 51.6% 136 22 8 40 6.6% 9 1.5%

68 20.1% 194 57.2% 57 17 3 23 6.8% 8 2.4%

10 11.2% 50 56.2% 26 3 0 7 7.9% 2 2.2%

73 19.2% 226 59.5% 57 18 6 14 3.7% 1 0.3%

35 11.7% 194 64.7% 57 13 1 17 5.7% 1 8.0%

1029 15.3% 3719 55.3% 1382 471 122 427 6.4% 82 1.2%

1029 3719 1382 471 122 427 82 <====Check

Month of October New Member Stats was adjusted/updated 12/7/2016 based upon receipt of a corrected report. UI and Active Members contained within this report remained as it was published.

Integration Membership Report MONTHLY 2-2017 Month-Feb 2017 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 2 of 4Page 26


Printed: 5/3/2017



Total New


Dubuque 1 351

Decorah 1 109

Mason City 2 336

Spencer 3 & 4 135

Fort Dodge 5 178

Webster City* 5 15

Marshalltown 6 405

Waterloo 7 559


Carroll 8 78


Davenport 9 715

Cedar Rapids 10 649

Des Moines 11 1480

Sioux City 12 605

Council Bluffs 13 339

Creston 14 89

Ottumwa 15 380

Burlington 16 300

Total 6723


* = NEG/NDWG Nat'l Emerg Grant transition center only.

(x) = closed office

Month of October New Member Stats was adjusted/updated 12/7/2016 based upon receipt of a corrected report. UI and Active Members contained within this report remained as it was published.


Month of: February 2017

Total Membership


Hispanic % RatioRace-

AIAN*% Ratio


Asian% Ratio





% RatioRace-

HNPI**% Ratio



16 4.6% 3 0.9% 2 0.6% 55 15.7% 5 1.4% 261 74.4%

9 8.3% 1 0.9% 1 0.9% 1 0.9% 0 0.0% 99 90.8%

33 9.8% 5 1.5% 8 2.4% 26 7.7% 0 0.0% 257 76.5%

18 13.3% 2 1.5% 1 0.7% 2 1.5% 0 0.0% 117 86.7%

16 9.0% 2 1.1% 0 0.0% 18 10.1% 0 0.0% 140 78.7%

0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 15 100.0%

123 30.4% 15 3.7% 39 9.6% 42 10.4% 1 0.2% 216 53.3%

55 9.8% 10 1.8% 2 0.4% 163 29.2% 2 0.4% 363 64.9%

9 11.5% 1 1.3% 0 0.0% 5 6.4% 1 1.3% 63 80.8%

87 12.2% 10 1.4% 4 0.6% 158 22.1% 2 0.3% 458 64.1%

69 10.6% 6 0.9% 11 1.7% 126 19.4% 1 0.2% 436 67.2%

186 12.6% 22 1.5% 59 4.0% 366 24.7% 9 0.6% 877 59.3%

153 25.3% 39 6.4% 13 2.1% 43 7.1% 4 0.7% 351 58.0%

49 14.5% 9 2.7% 5 1.5% 24 7.1% 5 1.5% 236 69.6%

13 14.6% 1 1.1% 0 0.0% 2 2.2% 0 0.0% 69 77.5%

71 18.7% 9 2.4% 1 0.3% 35 9.2% 12 3.2% 259 68.2%

31 10.3% 9 3.0% 5 1.7% 52 0.0% 2 0.7% 202 67.3%

938 14.0% 144 2.1% 151 2.2% 1118 16.6% 44 0.7% 4419 65.7%

938 144 151 1118 44 4419

*American Indian/Alaska Native=AIAN **Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander

Integration Membership Report MONTHLY 2-2017 Month-Feb 2017 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 3 of 4Page 27


Printed: 5/3/2017



Total New


Dubuque 1 351

Decorah 1 109

Mason City 2 336

Spencer 3 & 4 135

Fort Dodge 5 178

Webster City* 5 15

Marshalltown 6 405

Waterloo 7 559


Carroll 8 78


Davenport 9 715

Cedar Rapids 10 649

Des Moines 11 1480

Sioux City 12 605

Council Bluffs 13 339

Creston 14 89

Ottumwa 15 380

Burlington 16 300

Total 6723


* = NEG/NDWG Nat'l Emerg Grant transition center only.

(x) = closed office

Month of October New Member Stats was adjusted/updated 12/7/2016 based upon receipt of a corrected report. UI and Active Members contained within this report remained as it was published.


Month of: February 2017

Total Membership

Referrals to/CoEnrollments PJ MSFW Seasonal Initial ServPlan ACTIVE







als to




ve to











als to




ve to
















# New Members

with Initial

Services Plan

Total # of





177 50.4% 50 14.2% 6 1 3 1537

56 51.4% 22 20.2% 1 0 2 646

189 56.3% 73 21.7% 4 1 3 1611

74 54.8% 34 25.2% 0 0 0 906

90 50.6% 28 15.7% 1 1 3 1019

13 86.7% 8 53.3% 0 0 1 144

171 42.2% 28 6.9% 5 2 7 1846

306 54.7% 69 12.3% 10 3 0 3618

41 52.6% 18 23.1% 0 1 4 395

335 46.9% 85 11.9% 12 1 4 3392

342 52.7% 133 20.5% 3 1 9 3169

749 50.6% 185 12.5% 31 7 8 5792

269 44.5% 73 12.1% 4 2 8 2586

120 35.4% 35 10.3% 2 3 1 1494

47 52.8% 18 20.2% 0 0 0 601

128 33.7% 18 4.7% 4 0 8 1821

133 44.3% 36 12.0% 3 0 1 1452

3240 48.2% 913 13.6% 86 23 62 32029

3240 913<====Check86

23 6232029

Integration Membership Report MONTHLY 2-2017 Month-Feb 2017 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 4 of 4Page 28

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