conquest of paradise

Post on 20-May-2015






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Conquest of Paradise

A Coach Odom Production

The Aztec Capital of Tenochtitlan as it was.

The Inca City of Machu Picchu Today.

Who were the Aztecs?

-Lived in Central Mexico -A fierce, warrior culture -Very wealthy in gold. -Many tribes around the Aztecs were not fond of them.

Who were the Incas?

-Built cities in the mountains. -Had extensive trade networks and roads. -Built terraces into the mountainsides to farm. -Built elaborate rope bridges. -Lived in the Andes Mountains of Western South America.

Who were the Conquistadors?

-Spanish soldiers given permission by the King of Spain to conquer the New World. -Had to pay for equipment, but got to keep whatever they found. -Many of them were second and third sons of Noblemen, with no real chance at inheriting their father's titles. -Most were commoners looking for social advancement.

Cortes conquers the Aztecs

1519 - Hernan Cortes lands at Veracruz, Mexico. Proceeds to the Aztec capital. The Aztecs, thinking that he was the incarnation of the god Quetzlcoatl, welcomed him. 1520-1521 - After initially making friends with the Aztecs, Cortes turns on them. The Aztecs, weakened by a smallpox epidemic, a siege of the city and the technological advantage enjoyed by the Spanish, were defeated in 1521. Cortes levels the city of Tenochtitlan, rebuilding parts of modern-day Mexico City on its ruins.

Pizarro conquers the Incas

1532 - Pizarro lands near the Inca Empire on the West coast of South America. 1533 - Pizarro captures the Inca Emperor Atahualpa and holds him for ransom. Pizarro took the ransom, but had Atahualpa strangled anyway. He and his men looted and destroyed the Inca city of Cuzco. 1541 - Pizarro is assassinated by other Conquistadors who were trying to seize the city of Lima.

Other Spanish Adventures in the 1500s.

Francisco Coronado explored much of the Southwestern US looking for the mythical cities of Cibola, or El Dorado, the Seven Cities of Gold. He also fought with the Pueblo, Zuni, and Navajo after failing to convince them to become Christians. Hernando De Soto, who was with Pizarro in South America, explored much of the Southeast, at one point making a powerful enemy in the Choctaws, who eventually killed him in the mud flats of the Mississippi River. Ponce de Leon searched modern-day Florida for the mythical Fountain of Youth and Native American slaves.

Yet another Spanish adventure...

-In August 1519, Ferdinand Magellan and 237 men set sail in 5 ships from Spain to go around South America and across the Pacific. -The voyage across the Pacific took longer than expected, with many of the crew resorting to eating rats, boiled leather and sawdust. -Magellan reached the Philippine Islands in February 1521. He was killed by Phillippine Natives while trying to forcefully convert them to Christianity. -In September 1522, 18 of Magellan's 237-man crew returned to Spain, having completed the first round-the-world voyage.

The Crown takes control

Concerns over Cortes creating an independent empire in America prompted King Charles V of Spain to take direct control in the form of establishing the Viceroyalty of New Spain. After the conquest of the Incas, he established the Viceroyalty of Peru.

Spanish-American societyThere were four social classes in Spanish America: Peninsulares: Native-born Spanish. Held all of the most important government jobs.

Creoles: American-born to Spanish or Creole parents. Owned most of the productive land and businesses.

Mestizos: Mixed-race (Indian/Spanish): mostly low-level farmers.Mullatoes: Mixed-race (Black/Spanish): Just below Mestizos on the social scale.

Native Americans/African-Americans: slaves or social outcasts

Spanish Wealth

Gold and silver from the Americas poured into the Spanish treasury, Spain seemed destined to be THE world's first dominant power for a long time. But....

It was not to be...

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