connected dominating sets in disk graphs with bidirectional links

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Connected Dominating Sets inDisk Graphs with Bidirectional Links

My T. Thai and Ding-Zhu Du

Abstract— In this paper, we study the Connected DominatingSet (CDS) problem in disk graphs. The CDS problem has asignificant impact on an efficient design of routing protocols inwireless networks. This problem has been studied extensively inunit disk graphs, in which each node has the same transmissionrange. However, in wireless ad hoc networks, the transmissionranges of all nodes are not necessary equal. In this paper,we introduce the CDS problem in disk graphs and present aconstant approximation algorithm which can be implemented asa distributed algorithm.

Index Terms— Connected dominating set, independent set, diskgraphs, wireless ad hoc networks.


IN wireless ad hoc networks, there is no fixed or pre-definedinfrastructure. Nodes in wireless networks communicate

via a shared medium, either through a single hop or multihops.Although there is no physical backbone infrastructure, a virtualbackbone can be formed by constructing a Connected Domi-nating Set (CDS). Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), asubset V ′ ⊆ V is a CDS of G if for each node v ∈ V , v iseither in V ′ or adjacent to some node in V ′ and the subgraphinduced by V ′ is connected. With the help of the CDS,routing is easier and can adapt quickly to topology changesof a network. To reduce the traffic during communicationand simplify the connectivity management, it is desirable toconstruct a Minimum CDS (MCDS).

The MCDS problem has been studied intensively in UnitDisk Graphs (UDG), in which each node has the sametransmission range. The MCDS problem in UDG has beenshown to be NP-hard [1]. To build a CDS, most of currentalgorithms first find a Maximal Independent Set (MIS) I ofG and then connect all nodes in I to have a CDS. Themost relevant related work are in [2], [3]. In [2], Wan et al.proposed the first distributed algorithm with a performanceratio of 8. Later, Li et al. proposed a better algorithm witha performance ratio of (4.8 + ln 5) by constructing a Steinertree when connecting all nodes in I [3].

However, in practice, the transmission ranges of all nodesare not necessary equal. In this case, an ad hoc network canbe modeled using a directed graph G = (V,E). The nodesin V are located in a Euclidean plane and each node vi ∈ Vhas a transmission range ri ∈ [rmin, rmax]. A directed edge(vi, vj) ∈ E if and only if d(i, j) ≤ ri where d(i, j) denotes

Manuscript received September 22, 2005. The associate editor coordinatingthe review of this letter and approving it for publication was Dr. Stefano Buzzi.

M. T. Thai and D.-Z. Du are with the Dept. of Computer Science andEngineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (e-mail: {mythai,dzd}

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2006.03024.

the Euclidean distance between vi and vj . Such graphs arecalled disk graphs. An edge (vi, vj) is bidirectional if both(vi, vj) and (vj , vi) are in E, i.e., d(i, j) ≤ min{ri, rj}. Inother words, two nodes vi and vj are adjacent if vi is in thedisk Dj centered at vj with radius rj and vj is in the diskDi centered at vi with radius ri. In this paper, we only studythe MCDS problem in disk graphs where all the edges in thenetwork are bidirectional. In this case, G is undirected.

The MCDS problem in Disk Graphs with Bidirectionallinks (DGB) is NP-hard since the MCDS problem in UDG isNP-hard. In this paper, we present a constant approximationalgorithm for computing a minimum CDS in DGB. Thisalgorithm is a centralized version but it can be implementedas a distributed algorithm. We also show a size relationshipbetween an MIS and a CDS in DGB. The analysis of thisrelationship can help us to study the CDS problem in generaldisk graphs, where both unidirectional and bidirectional linksare considered.


In this section, we present a constant approximation algo-rithm for the CDS problem in DGB and analyze its perfor-mance ratio. Let k =


rmin. We first introduce the following

lemma:Lemma 1: In a DGB, every node is adjacent to at most

K independent nodes, where K = 5 if k = 1, otherwise,K = 6(3�log2 k� + 2).

Proof: When k = 1, a DGB is a UDG. Thus the lemmaholds. When k > 1, choose a node u with radius ru = rmax,i.e. node u has the largest transmission range. Taking u as thecenter, draw a number of regular triangles as shown in Fig. 1.First, draw a disk centered at u with radius uB = rmin. Place6 regular triangles with edge length rmin around u. Second,draw a disk centered at u with radius uE = 2rmin. Place18 regular triangles with edge length rmin. Fig. 1 shows 3of such 18 triangles, � ABD,� ACD, and � BDE. Next,draw a disk centered at u with radius uH = 4rmin. Place 18regular triangles with edge length 2rmin. Fig. 1 shows 3 ofthese 18 triangles, � CEG,� CFG, and � EGH . In thiscase, since rmax = 4rmin, we stop. If rmax > 4rmin, we candraw another disk centered at u with radius 8rmin and place18 regular triangles with edge length 4rmin. In general, forl ∈ [1, �log2 k�], draw 18 regular triangles with edge length2l−1rmin. Thus the total number of triangles is 6+18�log2 k�.Now we show that every pair of nodes vi and vj that areadjacent to u and lie in the same triangle is connected. It istrivial for the regular triangles with edge length rmin since

1089-7798/06$20.00 c© 2006 IEEE





















Fig. 1. On the proof of maximum number of independent neighbors.

d(vi, vj) ≥ rmin. Assume that vi, vj lie in the triangle �EGH , we have ri and rj greater than or equal to 2rmin.Otherwise, ri and rj cannot be adjacent to u. But d(vi, vj) ≤2rmin, hence vi and vj are connected. In general, let vi and vj

lie in the same triangle with edge length 2l−1rmin, ri and rj

must be greater than or equal to 2l−1rmin in order to connectto u. But d(vi, vj) ≤ 2l−1rmin, hence vi and vj are connected.

Now, we prove that there exist two nodes vi and vj lyingin two different triangles such that vi and vj are independent.Without loss of generality, let vi lie in � CFG and vj lie in� EGH . Let node vi lie at vertex C. Then a part of � EGHis not inside the disk centered at vi with radius uC. Let choosevj in that part. It follows that vi and vj are independent.

Note that after placing all triangles around u, we have 6 arcsleft nearby the boundary of the disk centered at u with radiusrmax. Fig. 1 shows one of 6 arcs, that is, an arc FH . Weclaim that all nodes lying in this arc form a clique. Let vi andvj lie in this arc. Then ri and rj of corresponding disks mustbe greater than or equal to 4rmin. Note that FH = 4rmin.Hence d(vi, vj) ≤ 4rmin. This follows that all nodes in eacharc form a clique.

We have 6 + 18�log2 k� + 6 areas. Hence, the maximumnumber of independent neighbors of a node in DGB is atmost 6(3�log2 k� + 2) when k > 1.

A. Algorithms

Our algorithm has two phases. First, we construct a maximalindependent set I that satisfies this property:

Lemma 2: Any pair of complementary subsets of the MIShas a distance of exactly two hops.

The algorithm in [2] satisfies Lemma 2. Hence we can usethis algorithm for our first phase.

In the second phase, we need to find a set of connectors Bthat can connect all nodes in I . Let a black node be a node inI and a blue node represent a node in B. Since in the DGB,

any node is adjacent to at most K independent nodes, we canfind a set of blue nodes given a set I of black nodes by usinga Steiner tree, which is a tree interconnecting all nodes in I .The nodes in the Steiner tree but not in I are called Steinernodes. To reduce the size of a CDS, we need to find a Steinertree with a Minimum number of Steiner Nodes (MSN). Wecan define this problem as follows:

Definition 1: Steiner Tree with MSN: Given a graph G =(V,E) and a set of nodes V ′ ⊆ V called terminals, constructa Steiner tree T for V ′ such that the number of Steiner nodesis minimum.

Define a black-blue component as a connected componentof the subgraph induced only by black and blue nodes,ignoring connections between blue nodes. Given a maximalindependent set I of G, we can interconnect all nodes in Ias follows. We first color all nodes in G but not in I white.Initially, we have |I| black-blue components. At each iteration,we can find a white node that is adjacent to the most black-blue components and color it blue as shown Algorithm 1. Theset of blue nodes, i.e., set B, interconnects all black nodes inI .

Algorithm 1 Second PhaseB = ∅for j = K to 2 do

while There exists a white node v adjacent to at least jblack nodes in different black-blue components do

B = B ∪ {v}end while

end forReturn B

B. Theoretical Analysis

The CDS in our algorithm is a union of set I and set B. Toanalyze the performance ratio of our algorithm, we first showa size relationship between an MIS and a CDS. Denote OPTas an optimal CDS and opt as the size of OPT , we have:

Lemma 3: In a DGB, the size of any maximal independentset I is upper bounded by Kopt.

Proof: Since I is an MIS, by Lemma 1, no node inOPT can dominate more than K nodes in I . Thus the lemmafollows: |I| ≤ Kopt.

Now, we compare the size of set B to opt. Recall that Bis a set of blue nodes. In other words, B is a set of all theSteiner nodes. Let T ∗ be an optimal tree when connecting agiven set I and C(T ∗) is the number of the Steiner nodes inT ∗, we have this following lemma:

Lemma 4: The size of B obtained from our second phaseis at most (2 + lnK)C(T ∗).

Proof: Let n = |I| and p = |B|. If n = 1, then thelemma is trivial. Assume that n ≥ 2, thus C(T ∗) ≥ 1. Letvj , j = 1...p be the blue nodes in the order of appearancein the second phase. Let ai be the number of the black-bluecomponents after v1, ..., vi turns blue. Since every black-bluecomponent contains a black node which is adjacent to a Steiner


node of T ∗, there exists vi which is adjacent to at least ai

C(T∗) .Thus we have:

ai+1 ≤ ai − ai

C(T ∗)+ 1

Hence we have this following recurrence:

ai ≤ ai−1 − ai−1

C(T ∗)+ 1

≤ ai−1

(1 − 1

C(T ∗)

)+ 1

≤ ai−2

(1 − 1

C(T ∗)



1 − 1C(T ∗)

)+ 1

≤ ...

≤ a0

(1 − 1

C(T ∗)



(1 − 1

C(T ∗)


≤ a0

(1 − 1

C(T ∗)


+ C(T ∗)

For the last step in the above recurrence, we note that the

second term∑i−1


(1 − 1



is the geometric series and it

will converge to C(T ∗). After i = C(T ∗) ln a0C(T∗) iterations,

the number of black-blue components will be:

ai ≤ a0

(1 − 1



+ C(T ∗)

≤ e−i

C(T∗) + C(T ∗)≤ 2C(T ∗)

Therefore, the total number of blue nodes is bounded asfollows:

|B| ≤ i + 2C(T ∗) ≤ C(T ∗)(lna0

C(T ∗)+ 2)

|B| ≤ C(T ∗)(lnn

C(T ∗)+ 2) ≤ (2 + lnK)C(T ∗)

Theorem 1: The approximation ratio of our proposed algo-rithm is (K + 2 + lnK)opt where K = 5 if k = rmax

rmin= 1,

otherwise K = 6(3�log2 k� + 2)Proof: : This results directly from Lemma 3 and Lemma

4: |CDS| = |I| + |B|≤ (K + 2 + lnK)opt

In practice, we expect that k is very small since thetransmission ranges of all nodes in a network should beslightly different.

Corollary 1: If the maximum and minimum transmissionranges are bounded, then our algorithm has an approximationfactor of O(1).


In this paper, we have studied the Connected DominatingSet (CDS) problem in Disk Graphs with only Bidirectionallinks (DGB). The disk graphs can be used to model wirelessad hoc networks where the nodes have different transmissionranges. We have proposed an approximation algorithm and

shown that the obtained CDS is within a constant factor of theoptimal CDS. In particular, the algorithm first finds a MaximalIndependent Set (MIS) and then connect all nodes in the MISusing the Steiner tree. This algorithm can be implemented asa distributed algorithm which we cannot show here due to thespace limitation.

When nodes in a network have different transmissionranges, a node u can communicate directly to node v butnode v might not be able to communicate directly back to u.It is our interest to study the CDS problem in general diskgraphs where both unidirectional and bidirectional links exist.One simple way is to find a dominating set and then use adirected Steiner nodes algorithm to connect them. Note thatthe CDS in this case is directed. Hence we need to find astrongly connected CDS to help the routing.


[1] B. Clack, C. Colbourn, and D. Johnson, “Unit disk graphs,” DiscreteMathematics, vol. 86, pp. 165–177, Aug. 1990.

[2] P.-J. Wan, K. M. Alzoubi, and O. Frieder, “Distributed construction onconnected dominating set in wireless ad hoc networks,” Mobile Networksand Application, vol. 9, pp. 141–149, Apr. 2002.

[3] Y. Li, M. T. Thai, F. Wang, C.-W. Yi, P.-J. Wang, and D.-Z. Du,“On greedy construction of connected dominating sets in wireless net-works,” special issue of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing(WCMC), 2005, to appear.

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