conlusion of genre and action

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Conlusion of genre and action

Conlusion of genre and action

Genres are the discoursal aspects of ways of acting and interacting in the course of social events.

ContinuedDifferent issues discuss by Fair cloughStructure and organization of text , semantic relation between clauses and sentences.DisembeddingHabermass distinction between communicative and strategic actionSocietal informalization

Genre and textThe interdiscursive character of a text particular mix of genres, discourses and style.

Genres are realized in actional meanings and forms of text discourses in representational meanings and form.

ContinuedPublic sphere and dialogueideology

GenresGenre can be defined on different level of abstraction.Narrative is genre.Narrative, arguments , description and conversation are genres at high level of abstractionInterview or reports are less abstract than narrative and arguments.

Analyzing individual genresThe individual genres or interaction(ethnographic, interview , conversational narrative)What are people doing ?But here what are people doing discoursly?

examplesAttracting investment to Bakescaba

ContinuedAll genres are clearly purposive, clearly tired to broadly recognized social purpose, this is not true of all genres.What are the purpose of having chat with a friend?

Generic structurethe way in which elements of a text are arranged to match its purpose. This structure can be observed by readers, and writers will use this knowledge to structure their writing, depending on their purpose. See discussion text, explanation text, instruction text, narrative text, recount text.

ContinuedStandard call speechTo create professional imageImprove quality of processingAllows you to manage the call sequence and pace

SOCIAL RELATIONGenres as form of interaction constitute particular sort of social relation between interactants.Social relation are relations between social agents which can be of different types; organization , groups , individual.

ContinuedBrown and Gilman suggested two dimension.

COMMUNICATION TECHLONOLOGY The communication between organization and individual is high in bit social hierarchy(organization tend to exercise power over individual) and social distance organization operate on national ,regional or global scales where individual occupy specific locales)

ContinuedThe development of new communication technologies goes along with the development of new genres.

Dialogue and public sphere Informal conversation can be characterized in term of an unconstrained alteration of speaker turn.For example research on language and gender, there is unequal distribution of turn b/w women and men.

A general view of the generic structure of an argument is that it combines three movies.

The grounds are the premises of the argumentsThe warrant is what justifies the inference from the ground to the claimBacking , which gives support to the warrant

exampleGlobalization is often not giving goods to the south (ground)Globalization will give the good if change in global an national governance.(warrant)Globalization give the goods(backing)Change should be made in global and national governance

Social research issueOne issue in research on the transformation of new capitalism is changes in legitimation.people are concerned in social life, what they say or writeThe second issue is equivalence and difference. Laclau and mouffe identify with respect to political hegemony as the simultaneously operation of a

Semantic relations

Relation between sentence and clause

Higher level semantic relationLocal semantic relation b/w clauses and sentences. Global and higher level semantics relations stretches of the text or even whole textExample; problem-solution relationMany advertisements are built this relation

The needs attributed to the potential consumer the solution is product.(dry skin is the problem and A is the solution

Grammatical relationSemantic relation are realized in a range of grammatical and lexical feature of textParataxis; clauses are grammatically equal.

Hypotaxis; Not equal clause

legitimationNumber of strategies for legitimation.

According to van leeuwen

Types of exchange

Speech functionThe primary speech function distinguished are demand ,offer , question, statements.

Promotional cultureHabermass rather account of relationship b/w strategic and communicative action can be made term of concept of promotion and the view of contempory culture as "promotional cultureWernick ,the range of cultural phenomena which at least as one of their function serve to communicate a promotional message has become virtually co-extensive with our produced symbolic word.

THANK YOU By Anum Shahzadie

To Doctor USMAN :)

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