
Post on 06-Jan-2016






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CONJUGATING. -AR VERBS (verbs that end with the letters – ar in their infinitive form) INTO THE PRESENT TENSE. ser= to be (irregular – er verb). soy= I am eres = you are es = he, she, you, it is somos = we are sois = y’all are son= they, it (plural), y’all are. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



(verbs that end with the letters –ar in their infinitive form)


ser= to be (irregular –er verb) soy= I am eres= you are es= he, she, you, it is somos= we are sois= y’all are son= they, it (plural),

y’all are

tener= to have (irregular –er verb)

tengo= I have tienes= you have tiene= he, she, you, it has tenemos= we have tenéis= y’all have tienen= they, it (plural),

y’all have

hablar= to talk (-ar verbs, p.105)

hablo= I talk hablas= you talk habla= he, she, you, it talks hablamos= we talk habláis= y’all talk hablan= they, it (plural),

y’all talk

contestar= to answer contesto= I answer contestas= you answer contesta= he, she, you, it

answers contestamos= we answer contestáis= y’all answer contestan= they, it (plural),

y’all answer

enseñar= to teach enseño= I teach enseñas= you teach enseña= he, she, you, it

teaches enseñamos= we teach enseñáis= y’all teach enseñan= they, it (plural),

y’all teach

llegar= to arrive llego= I arrive llegas= you arrive llega= he, she, you, it

arrives llegamos= we arrive llegáis= y’all arrive llegan= they, it (plural), y’all


necesitar= to need necesito= I need necesitas= you need necesita= he, she, you, it

needs necesitamos= we need necesitáis= y’all need necesitan= they, it (plural),

y’all need

sacar= to get saco= I get sacas= you get saca= he, she, you, it gets sacamos= we get sacáis= y’all get sacan= they, it (plural), y’all


tomar= to take tomo= I take tomas= you take toma= he, she, you, it takes tomamos= we take tomáis= y’all take toman= they, it (plural),

y’all take

usar= to use uso= I use usas= you use usa= he, she, you, it uses usamos= we use usáis= y’all use usan= they, it (plural), y’all


alquilar= to rent (page 51)

alquilo= I rent alquilas= you rent alquila= he, she, you, it

rents alquilamos= we rent alquiláis= y’all rent alquilan= they, it (plural),

y’all rent

andar= to walk ando= I walk andas= you walk anda= he, she, you, it walks andamos= we walk andáis= y’all walk andan= they, it (plural), y’all


comprar= to buy compro= I buy compras= you buy compra= he, she, you, it

buys compramos= we buy compráis= y’all buy compran= they, it (plural),

y’all buy

descansar= to rest descanso= I rest descansas= you rest descansa= he, she, you, it

rests descansamos= we rest descansáis= y’all rest descansan= they, it (plural),

y’all rest

dibujar= to draw dibujo= I draw dibujas= you draw dibuja= he, she, you, it

draws dibujamos= we draw dibujáis= y’all draw dibujan= they, it (plural),

y’all draw

escuchar= to listen escucho= I listen escuchas= you listen escucha= he, she, you, it

listens escuchamos= we listen escucháis= y’all listen escuchan= they, it (plural),

y’all listen

estudiar= to study estudio= I study estudias= you study estudia= he, she,you, it

studies estudiamos= we study estudiáis= y’all study estudian= they, it (plural),

y’all study

mirar= to watch miro= I watch miras= you watch mira= he, she, you, it

watches miramos= we watch miráis= y’all watch miran= they, it (plural), y’all


montar= to ride monto= I ride montas= you ride monta= he, she, you, it rides montamos= we ride montáis= y’all ride montan= they, it (plural),

y’all ride

pasar= to spend time paso= I spend time pasas= you spend time pasa= he, she, you, it

spends time pasamos= we spend time pasáis= y’all spend time pasan= they, it (plural), y’all spend time

pasear= to go for a walk paseo= I go for a walk

paseas= you go for a walk pasea= he, she, you, it goes

for a walk paseamos= we go for a walk paseáis= y’all go for a walk pasean= they, it (plural),

y’all go for a walk

practicar= to practice/play (sports)

practico= I practice/play practicas= you practice/play practica= he, she, you, it

practices/plays practicamos= we practice/play practicáis= y’all practice/play practican= they, it (plural),

y’all practice/play

preparar= to preparar preparo= I prepare preparas= you prepare prepara= he, she, you, it

prepares preparamos= we prepare preparáis= y’all prepare preparan= they, it (plural),

y’all prepare

tocar= to play (musical instrument)

toco= I play tocas= you play toca= he, she, you, it plays tocamos= we play tocáis= y’all play tocan= they, it (plural), y’all


trabajar= to work trabajo= I work trabajas= you work trabaja= he, she, you, it

works trabajamos= we work trabajáis= y’all work trabajan= they, it (plural),

y’all work

El fin.

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