congregation ha’shofar...the pohlman family rochelle reich carol samsky julie sherman gail...

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November 2016

InsidePrayer Corner

..................... p. 2

Friday Noon

Study Group .......

......................p. 3

Ongoing Events

..................... p. 4

Social Action ........

......................p. 6

100th Anniversary

of Lou Pollock

Cemetery ...... p.8

Gift Shop

.................... p.10

Donations ..... p.11


Calendar ..... p.13

I always like to dedicate this month’s newsletterarticle to Thanksgiving – which I’ve spoken andwritten about in years past as the most Jewish ofAmerican traditions. This year, however, what Iwould like to do is express what it is, in part, thatI am thankful for this year. Namely, I am thankfulfor you. I am thankful for you as individualsbeing in my life, and I am thankful for thiscommunity.

There was a particularly poignant and emotionalmoment for me at the end of Yom Kippur. Forthose who attend the final service of the long fastday, Ne’ilah, there is a palpable sense of thecommunal spiritual efforts. There is a sense ofurgency, a sense of immediacy and a sense ofaccomplishment. Yet this year I was particularlystruck by our synagogue’s practice of peoplehaving a moment with family, with friends, orindividually, to be in front of the Torah scrolls inthe ark. And what struck me this year was therange of emotions I personally experienced –wishing blessings to someone who just welcomeda new grandchild, offering condolence to some-one who is recently bereaved, sharing the excite-ment with someone embarking on a major lifetransition, sharing the pain with someone with aterminal diagnosis, experiencing the uncertaintyof someone experiencing marital struggles, hold-ing space for the fear of someone facing financialstrain, celebrating with someone on a significantaccomplishment, and so on and so forth. Movingso quickly, in the span of 20-30 minutes, through

every conceivable emotion, ultimately led me toreflect upon just how thankful I am to have theopportunity to build community with you.

I am also thankful for the incredible manner inwhich so many of you have shown up to supportthe community in a myriad of ways – by volun-teering your hours, your skills, your presence,your finances. It is truly inspiring and a reminderthat we support one another for the sake of pro-viding a mechanism to build Jewish community.So as we move into the month of Heshvan, andwe have a bittersweet absence of the pressure andcelebration of Jewish holidays, and as we moveinto a month in the American tradition of culti-vating and acknowledging that for which we arethankful, I simply want to reiterate what an honorit is to be your rabbi and how thankful I am thatyou share your life with me.

The Most Jewish of American Traditions

By: Rabbi Justin Goldstein


November 24th

A monthly tour through the Siddur:

the meaning, significance, customs, laws,

history and choreography of prayer

Psalm 93, hashem malakh ge’ut lavesh – The previous seven psalms centered around the three major themes of Pesukei

D’Zimra – Creation, Exodus and Messianic redemption. Psalm 93 comes as a bookend, wherein the Earth is imagined as

praising God. That which is, from the human vantage point, seemingly firm and insurmountable is itself temporary in com-

parison to the Creator and the Torah. God is viewed as being eternal, as is God’s testimony. Psalm 93 then serves as a closing

to the series of Psalms which make up the middle part of Pesukei D’Zimra, and also serves as a segue into the final section

of the preliminary prayer service.

Next month …. ye’hi khavod hashem l’olam – an anthology of psalms


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Ongoing CBI Events

Meet the Midrash

Out of the texts of the Torah, the Rabbis created teachings bringing deeper meanings to the wisdom of the Jewish

people known as Midrash. Each week we will explore some of these teachings based on the weekly Torah portion.

We will gain not only an understanding of what the Rabbis were teaching, but how and why they were able to offer

these teachings. While there are many compilations of Midrash from different periods in Jewish history, we will

focus our studies on Midrash Rabbah. Wednesdays 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm


Hazak is a group of empty nesters who meet monthly for good food and conversation at local restaurants. The group

usually meets the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm, barring holiday conflicts. Anyone who is interested can

be added to the email list. Contact Sue Lerner.

Hasidishe Kiddushled by Rabbi Goldstein

Fill your heart and soul with Torah (and schnapps...) and join together to learn Hasidic thought and wisdom on parashat

ha'shavu’a. Last Shabbat of each month at 12:30 pm.

Living Torah with Rabbi Justin Goldstein

Timeless teachings for walking in the world. Start your day off with inspired learning and meaningful conversations.

Relevant and insightful lessons from the wellspring of Jewish wisdom. All are welcome, no experience necessary.

Thursdays 8:30 am at 75 N. Market Street, Asheville.

CBI Dinner and a Movie

Dinner and a Movie is on hiatus and will resume when more interest is generated.

For Information about Burial Plots

at Lou Pollock Memorial Park


Josh Tager

or Fred Lashley

Current rates: $750 CBI members;

$1,000 non-members

Rates will be increasing January 2017.

A Successful Rummage SaleBy: Bruce Brown

Thank you to everyone who participated in making this year’s Rummage Sale a success. We made over $6,600 net of expenses

and still have a couple of items that we are selling online that will hopefully increase this total. Todah Rabah to our hard

working volunteers.

Lee Avishai

Eva Blinder

Bruce Brown

Ali Climo

Barbara Crume

Wendy Feinberg

Shelley Fisher

Steve & Patti Frankel

Bob & Leslie Goldstein

Bill Golson

Barb Hall & Lee Berkwits

Mirja Holmboe

Davida Horwitz

Beth Israel

Norman & Tamar Katzwer

Carolyn Kayne

Cathy Kayne

Shirley Kayne

Robert Kline

Jay & Marlene Jacoby

Caren Kessler

Leonard Koenick

Barbara Laibson

Kathy McMullin

Deborah Miles

Melanie Miller

Puah Millsaps

Ira Naiman

The Pohlman Family

Rochelle Reich

Carol Samsky

Julie Sherman

Gail Shulimson

Mark & Marilyn Silberstein

Alan & Lorraine Silverman

JaneAnne Tager

Lisa Wiener

Della & Adina Weizman

Hanan & Goldie Weizman

Jan Zollars

The Confessions of aNobody

Sheldon Neuringer’s new book (and 2nd

novel) is now available on Amazon.

Click on the donate button at the left to pay your dues,

make a contribution, pay your Annual Appeal Pledge or

pay for your Ingles cards. This simple Web Check system

is a direct debit to your checking account and allows you

to send a message to the CBI office along with your pay-

ment. No need to write checks or make special trips to the


Making Donations to CBI Is Easier Than Ever


Habitat for Humanity Interfaith HouseBy: Alan Escovitz

For the 18th year, the local Interfaith Community is coming

together to help build another Habitat for Humanity house in

Buncombe County. Congregation Beth Israel’s volunteers

continue to have active roles in supporting Habitat’s annual

construction of the Interfaith House by contributing five work

days and a total of 146 volunteer hours in this effort.

Through Tikkun Olam, CBI provides an opportunity for our

congregants to put action into their Jewish values in bettering

the world. We are building bridges between different faiths

through good deeds. With our work toward social well-being

– our Jewish community stands shoulder-to-shoulder with

other faith-based groups to alleviate poverty, hunger, discrim-

ination and illiteracy.

This year’s home is being built for

Elizabeth Torres, who grew up in

Asheville and is thrilled about the

opportunity to own a Habitat for

Humanity home. She and her daugh-

ter, Sikoya, are delighted about the

prospect of moving from a very small,

temporary rental unit to a safe, perma-

nent and affordable home of their own. Elizabeth works full-

time for the State of North Carolina at the Julian F. Keith

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Black


Elizabeth and her daughter currently live in an aging 2-bed-

room apartment. The apartment complex was recently sold

and, pending extensive renovation, will be re-designated as

temporary housing. When their current lease expires this

summer it will not be renewed, so their living situation will

be uncertain from one month to the next. The

Torres family’s 3-bedroom/1.5-bath house is being

built in Shiloh and construction began in early Sep-

tember. Their future home will be the 18th Inter-

faith House, sponsored by a diverse coalition of

local faith congregations.

Our local Habitat homeownership and home repair

programs have provided for more than 1,250 adults

and children the strength and self-reliance they

need to build a better future.

Special thanks are extended to past CBI Habitat

volunteers who have contributed their time to the

annual Interfaith Home construction and this year’s

volunteers that include Alan Escovitz (co-coordi-

nator), Jeremy Samsky (co-coordinator), William

Golson, Steve Kayne, Bob, Caleb and Razi

Pohlman, Neal Appel, and Frank Goldsmith.


Manna Food Barrels

Thank you to everyone who donated food for the Manna Food Barrels. Our program was quite successful. We filled

the barrels once and had new ones delivered – a total of 6 food barrels were filled.

Feeding Those In Need on Thanksgiving

Please help those in need this Thanksgiving. CBI is accepting donations so that we can

purchase and donate turkeys to the Western Carolina Rescue Mission. Please send your

checks to the CBI office and mark them Thanksgiving turkey.

Deadline for contributions is November 18th so that we can purchase the turkeys and get

them to the Mission in time for Thanksgiving.

Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor’s Search for God

Walter Ziffer’s book, Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor’s Search

for God, will be published by Dykeman Legacy Press on March 6, 2017. CBI

has made arrangements with the publisher to pre-order the book in advance

of the publication date. Watch for ordering details in the near future.

Save the date – Sunday March 5, 2017. Walter will give a talk on his book

and will be doing a book signing. A reception will follow to celebrate Walter’s

90th birthday.

CBI Membership Directory

As chairperson of the Calendar/Directory I would like to thank my committee who worked so diligently to make this

a huge fundraiser for the Synagogue. First and foremost a huge thanks to the people who sold the ads: Laurie Chess,

Sally Gooze, and Barbara Hall. Thank you to Lee Avishai for keeping tabs on the ads sold, sizes and collecting of

funds, and a huge Todah Rabah to Liam Pohlman for creating ads, layout and typesetting of the entire Directory. This

fundraiser raised $13,600 !

Beth Appel

On Sunday, October 9th, we had good attendance at Lou

Pollock Memorial Park to mark the 100th anniversary of the

cemetery. Josh Tager organized the ceremony. Rabbi Goldstein

delivered remarks on the mitzvah that every Jewish community

undertakes in having a scared place to bury the deceased. Mayor

Esther Mannheimer read a Proclamation by the City of Asheville

marking the occasion. Betty Golden, Lou Pollock’s daughter,

told many stories about her dad and the history of the cemetery.

The program concluded with musical selections by Bob Deutsch

and the recitation of Kaddish.

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Lou Pollock Memorial Park

Election Day – November 8thBe Sure to Get Out and Vote!

Boray Perie HagafenBy: Ira Naiman

Today, Value Man will reach into the overflowing mail bag

and answer a question.

Dear Value Man,

I love your column (now you know why I picked this one).

There seems to be a predominance of red wines that are

discussed. How about some equal time for white wines.

Blanca Mondavi

Dear Blanca,

You are correct in your observation. Perhaps it’s because

many people start their wine journey with sweet whites

(moscato, white zinfandel, and Rieslings), venture into drier

(fruity but not sweet) whites (sauvignon blanc, chenin blanc

and chardonnay), then cross the road into reds. Much more

red wine is sold than white. However, there are many

wonderful and underappreciated white wines. The sweet and

fruity ones go well with spiced food. Remember what I said

several months ago, the best wine is the one you like to drink

(regardless of the color).

So Blanca, today we will explore two white wines. In your

honor we will look at two very good, but overlooked white

wines that you probably never heard of.

First up is a great food wine from Argentina. It’s called

Torrontes from the Los Alamos winery. These white grapes

are grown in the Andes mountains, as well as the lower areas

of Mendoza. It is fruity but not sweet. It has a light body

(meaning thinner, less viscous), lovely pale yellow color, and

a moderate alcohol level. Take a sip and you taste lemon peel,

citrus, peach, and a floral presence (taste and aroma). This

wonderful wine (a must to have on hand) was paired with my

wife’s chicken in honey mustard sauce, when we had recent

guests. When your guests’ eyes widen and you see big smiles,

you know you’ve chosen well. Catch it on sale (I love that

word) at Ingles in the South American wine section. Serve

this cold, around 45 degrees (5-6 hours in the refrigerator

before hand).

Now, to introduce a somewhat quirky, white grape called

Gewurztraminer. Because the name is a mouthful, people

often just call it traminer. Gewurztraminer is not a widely

grown grape, only about 20,000 acres worldwide. The Alsace

region (French/German border) grows about 7,000 acres, the

US (in Washington State and NY) about 3,200 acres, with the

rest spread over Italy, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and


Washington State’s Chateau Ste. Michelle makes an

outstanding traminer from its Yakima valley vineyards. Pour

this light golden liquid in a glass, swirl and sniff. Lychee

(think Chinese restaurant – kosher Chinese, of course),

grapefruit, rose petals and light smoke. Sip and you can taste

lychee, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, and cantaloupe. You will

never forget the flavor, it’s so unique. It tastes sweeter than it

is, so it pairs well with spicy, seasoned food. Chicken, meat,

fish, it can handle all comers. It needs to be served cold,

around 45 degrees (like the Torrontes mentioned above).

Chateau Ste Michelle’s traminer is in the value range (the

Alsatian versions are generally more expensive), and often

on sale (did I mention I love that word?) in Ingles. You can

find it in the other whites section where you can find pinot

grigio, chenin blanc and sauvignon blanc made in California,

Washington State and Oregon.

Well, Blanca, I hope this takes you on a road that you didn’t

know existed.

Until next time.

December Ha’Shofar Deadline –

November 10thI welcome your newsletter contributions, but

please, please respect the deadline of the

10th of the month.

~ Bruce


Refuah ShleimahWishing a speedy recovery to Jacquie Denio, Adele Rose, Natasha Wood.


To Caren Kessler, Caroline Manheimer, Rochelle Reich, Carol Samsky, Gail Shulimson,

Marlene Jacoby, Janice Brock, & Jan Zollars for staffing the Gift Shop

To Rabbi Goldstein, Jay Jacoby, Ira Naiman, Alan Escovitz, and Bruce Brown for their articles

to Ha’Shofar this month

To Liam Pohlman for her wonderful job designing the new 2016-17 CBI Membership Directory.

To Eric Scheffer of Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian Restaurant for his generous gifts of pizzas for Family Shabbat. Thank


To all of our Rummage Sale volunteers!

To Eleanore Fisher for the donation of a flower arrangement for the bimah on Yom Kippur in memory of her husband,

Lowell Fisher.

Many Thanks!

Ingles cards are a no-cost fundraiser for Beth Israel. Each month

CBI members and friends buy $14,000 worth of Ingles gift cards

to help raise $700 for Beth Israel – over $8,000 annually. Ingles

gift cards can be used at any Ingles store for groceries, pharmacy

items and gasoline. Sign up now to receive your Ingles cards auto-

matically each month. The office also keeps an inventory of Ingles

cards for immediate purchase. Contact the CBI office to get more

information and/or to participate at 252-8660 or admin@bethis-

Visit our Gift Shop

Regular Gift Shop Hours

Fridays from 11:45 am to 2:45 pm

Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm



QueSTIoNS? CoNTACT CARoL SAMSky 676-0765

Visit Our Gift Shop

Support Your Shul and Its Congregants!

Active Donor Directed FundsFor those members of

CBI who would like to

direct their financial

support toward a spe-

cific area within CBI,

these are the active

donor directed funds.

You are encouraged to

support the General

Fund with your dona-

tions, allowing the Board of Directors the

discretion to direct this support toward

areas of the most need.

** These funds are very active and in the

most need of regular contributions.

� ** Spiritual Life Fund – Support of

spiritual life programs and needs

� **Social Action Fund – Funds CBI’s

social action projects

� ** Chesed/Tzedakah Fund –

Supports the Bereavement Committee

and other Chesed related activities

� ** Ted Liebowitz Children’s Fund –

Provides scholarships for Bet Sefer

students and supports Bet Sefer


� ** Toby Cohen Minyan katan and

Junior Congregation Fund

� ** Family education Fund –

Supports family education program-


� Shorashim Teen Program Fund –

Supports CBI teen programs

� **Adult ed Fund

� Website/Computer/Tech Fund

� Cemetery Committee Fund –

Supports maintenance of CBI’s

Lou Pollock Cemetery

� Chevra kadisha Fund – Supports

efforts toward preparing the body of

the departed for Jewish burial.

� **Rabbi discretionary Fund –

Supports needs or causes the Rabbi

chooses to support

General Fund

Norm & Carrie Winkelman: in

honor of Shelley Fisher becoming

a U.S. citizen

Gerard & Thelma Uhler: in honor

of Shelley Fisher becoming a U.S.


Ann Karson

Allison Marks: in appreciation of

Shabbat honor

Shirley Kayne: in honor of Adina

Weizman becoming Bat Mitzvah

Shirley Kayne: in honor of Rick &

Laurie Chess and Hank & Kim

Teich’s new granddaughter

Iva M. Edwards: in honor of the

Feast of Tabernacles

Caren Kessler: in grateful apprecia-

tion of Barbara Lewin for her

many years of dedicated and

competent leadership as Chair of

the Liaison Committee

Eleanore Fisher: in memory of her

husband, Lowell Fisher

Ted Liebowitz Children’s Fund

Gerard & Thelma Uhler

yizkor Booklet

Lee Berkwits & Barbara Hall

Jan Zollars

Shirley Kayne

Mark & Robin Goldstein

Mirja Holmboe

Steve & Carolyn Kayne

Robert & Kathie Kline

Sid Tureff

Arnold Wengrow

Eva Blinder

Rabbi’s discretionary Fund

Larry & Diane Climo: in apprecia-

tion of Rabbi Goldstein

September to October

Mazel Tov !

November Birthdays01 Bob Deutsch

Laura Kaufman

04 Davida Horwitz

05 Michele Heller

Lael Gray

Jeremy Lerner

06 Jennifer Michalove

07 Joseph Mann-Stadt

Vivien Saron

Malkah Millsaps

Eliot Renick

08 Marc Rudow

09 Danielle Tocaben

Nancy Renick

10 Kim Teich

Steve Frankel

12 Wolff Alterman

17 Jan Zollars

Charlie Hume

18 Leo Gholson

23 Jordan Miller

Hannah Kirschenfeld

24 Jonathan Kayne

Adele Rose

26 Rendi Mann-Stadt

Tom Gholson

27 Jonah Hauser

Lisa Harnash

28 Jamie West

Ali Climo

30 Rick Chess

Brett Millsaps

05 Paul & Barbara Michalove, Lee Berkwits & Barb Hall, Walter Ziffer & Gail Rosenthal

12 Mike & Ilona Sena, Neil & Cindy Garroway

19 Bruce Brown & Brian Stone, Alan & Suzanne Escovitz

26 Larry & Marcia Schantz

November Kiddush Hosts

November Anniversaries20 Frank Goldsmith & Dee Cash

24 Larry & Marcia Schantz

Fred & Beth Barnet

Have You Tried Our Dip Jar?As you know, most of our programs are FREE and open to all. The Dip Jar resides on the piano in

the Social Hall alongside a donation jug. It is an easy way to make a $5 contribution to Beth Israel

by inserting your credit or debit card. Or feel free to leave a check or cash in the donation jug.

If you have enjoyed a program at CBI, please make a donation the next time you are in the building

(except on Shabbat).


Have you Tried out our

Web Check Payment System?CBI’s Web Check Payment system is being used by quite a few congregants. Try it out, if you haven’t already. It’s an

easy-to-use, NO FEE way to make any of your payments to CBI – Dues, Bet Sefer, Food Cards (Ingles and Scrips),

or Donations. This is a direct debit from your checking account. You just need your routing number and account number.

There is also a place for a memo entry so that you can indicate the purpose of your donation (in memory of, a particular

fund, etc.). Please make sure to fill in the memo box so that we can allocate your payment correctly.

We have contracted with a third party web check provider for this service. They have all of the necessary security issues

in place to handle sensitive account information data. Beth Israel Web Check Payments Online

1 2 3

8:30 am Living

Torah at 75 N.

Market Street


12:00 pm

Noon Study Group

6:00 pm Friday Night


6:14 pm Candles


9:30 am Shabbat

morning services

7:03 pm Havdalah

6daylight Sav-

ings Time ends

10:30 am Fam-

ily Education

3:00 pm Jewish


7 8

election day

Be Sure to



No Meet the

Midrash Class


Ha Shofar


No Living

Torah Class


12:00 pm

Noon Study Group

5:08 pm Candles


9:30 am Shabbat

morning services

and Youth Shabbat

5:57 pm Havdalah

1310:30 am Fam-

ily Education

14 15 16

No Meet the

Midrash Class


No Living

Torah Class

7:00 pm Board



12:00 pm

Noon Study Group

6:00 pm Friday

night Family Serv-

ice and Potluck

5:03 pm Candles


9:30 am Shabbat

morning services

5:52 pm Havdalah

2010:30am Family


2:00 pm Jewish


21 22 23

No Meet the

Midrash Class




No Living

Torah Class


No Friday

Noon Study Group

5:00 pm Candles


9:30 am

Shabbat morning

services and Ha-

sidishe Kiddush

5:49 pm


27No Family


28 29 30

12:00 pm Meet

the Midrash



CBI Office Closed.


November Yahrtzeits


Announced during services on october 29

01 (30 Tishrei) Jordan Miller for his mother, Rose Miller

November 4 & 5

05 (04 Cheshvan) Carl Eisdorfer for his mother, Fani Eisdorfer

06 (05 Cheshvan) Gail Shulimson for her mother, Isabel Shulimson

07 (06 Cheshvan) Teri Kayne for her husband, Louis Friedman

10 (09 Cheshvan) David Boas for his father, William Boas

10 (09 Cheshvan) Denise Pohlman for her father, Leslie Frye

10 (09 Cheshvan) Alan Escovitz for his mother, Dorothy Escovitz

November 12

14 (13 Cheshvan) Rochelle Reich for her mother, Toby Ruth Cohen

14 (13 Cheshvan) Henry Teich for his mother, Evelyn Rabkin Teich

14 (13 Cheshvan) Eva Blinder for her father, Joseph Blinder

16 (15 Cheshvan) Lauren Malinoff for her grandmother, Sara Lipman

17 (16 Cheshvan) Davida Horwitz for her father, Burnerd Horwitz

November 18 & 19

19 (18 Cheshvan) Alice Green for her father, Philip Kinberg

21 (20 Cheshvan) Laurie Chess for her father, Hyman Burstein

21 (20 Cheshvan) Esther Burstein for her husband, Hyman Burstein

21 (20 Cheshvan) Bob Deutsch for his father, Alfred Deutsch

23 (22 Cheshvan) Lillian Wellisch for her father, Samuel Rosenfeld

23 (22 Cheshvan) Abe Freedman for his brother, Manuel Freedman

24 (23 Cheshvan) Leslie Goldstein for her mother, Josephine Pete

24 (23 Cheshvan) Marilyn Friedman for her mother, Ida Schanzer

24 (23 Cheshvan) Julie Sherman for her uncle, Ira Goldenberg

25 (24 Cheshvan) Jordan Miller for his father, Hyman Miller

November 26

26 (25 Cheshvan) Robert Feirstein for his cousin, Charlie Book

27 (26 Cheshvan) Lillian Wellisch for her son, Michael Jon Wellisch

27 (26 Cheshvan) Patti Frankel for her mother, Suzanne Rabyon

28 (27 Cheshvan) Ira Naiman for his mother, Gloria Naiman

28 (27 Cheshvan) Eliot Renick for his father, Nathan Renick

29 (28 Cheshvan) Arlene Selman for her mother, Rose Ginsburg

29 (28 Cheshvan) Barbara Miller for her mother, Ruth Goodman

29 (28 Cheshvan) Norma Schulman for her father, Jack Yospin

May their memories be for a blessing.

Beth Israel Synagogue

Rabbi Justin Goldstein

Congregation Beth Israel

229 Murdock Avenue

Asheville, NC  28804

office Phone (828) 252-8660

Rabbi’s Phone (828) 252-9024

Fax (828) 252-8431


Synagogue office Hours:

Monday to Friday

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

For updated information visit our website at


Candle-lighting & Havdalah

Friday 11/4/2016 6:14 pm

Saturday 11/5/2016 7:03 pm

Friday 11/11/2016 5:08 pm

Saturday 11/12/2016 5:57 pm

Friday 11/18/2016 5:03 pm

Saturday 11/19/2016 5:52 pm

Friday 11/25/2016 5:00 pm

Saturday 11/26/2016 5:49 pm

RabbiRabbi Justin Goldstein

office AdministratorLee Avishai

executive CommitteeBruce Brown, VP Finance

and Ha’Shofar Editor

Della Simon, VP Education

Norman Katzwer, Secretary

Bob Deutsch, Legal Counsel

Marc Penansky, Past Pres.

Board Committee Chairs/Members

Alan Silverman, Membership

Eva Blinder, Spiritual/Ritual

Marlene Jacoby, Social Action

Sebastian Matthews, Adult Educ.

Robert Kline, Adult Education


Adam Kaufman

Tamar Katzwer

Roberta Wall

Non-Board Committee ChairsMeryl Goldstein, Chevra Kadisha

Jay Jacoby, Chevra Kadisha

Alan Escovitz, Habitat & Mission

Bruce Brown, Kitchen

Lauren Malinoff, Yahrtzeit

Caren Kessler, Liaison

Stephen Kayne, Dinner & a Movie

Jeremy Samsky, House/Grounds

Marc Penansky, House/Grounds

Josh Tager, Cemetery


Frank Goldsmith

Alan Escovitz

Marc Rudow

our Madrichim Help you Create

Personal and Meaningful Programs at CBIAt its core, the CBI Madrichim initiative is designed to engage each and every

member on a personal level; empower each of us to create the Jewish expe-

riences that are meaningful for us; and, in doing so, enhance our potential

for authentic Jewish expression. Success is when we realize that we benefit

as much by supporting another’s personal journey as we do from the program

itself. What is your passion or interest: a class, a club, a social action program,

a fundraiser, a tikkun olam project, a social event? Think about it. Then con-

tact one of the folks below and let us help you make it happen!

CBI MadrichimBruce Brown

Ali Climo

Sally Gooze

Caren Kessler

Alan Silverman

Mike Weizman

A Look Ahead !

Thanksgiving Day .................................................. November 24

Hanukkah First Candle.......................................... December 24

CBI Hanukkah Party.............................................. December 29

New Year’s Day ............................................................ January 1

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