confluence of sports and entertainment to churn out management lessons sports entertainment...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Confluence of Sports and Entertainment to Churn

out Management LessonsSports Entertainment

Management LessonsRavi Kumar

IIM KozhikodePGDM 2015

The Winning way for Managers light up by Sports

Office politicsMake everyone feel part of the same team. No cliques, no favorites, no inner circles. Whatever the reality of the situation, it is enough that everyone feels that they are part of the same team and that no one is more favored than the other. Again, this is a platitude espoused by every office manager; sadly in 9 out of 10 offices it just isn't true.

Continuous EncouragementEveryone likes to feel appreciated, both when things are going well and when they are going badly. Ardley and Cox delivered encouragement at every possible opportunity, for both minor and major pieces of work. It makes a big difference and would translate well in a corporate environment.

ConsistencyThe start of the race is the most accelerated part and in the last leg it is the most fatigued. Similarly, a business will experience high growth and later stagnant growth, if they sustain that difficult period they become successful. For eg. Michael Bevan, Roger Federer and Mahendra Singh Dhoni

1Have Backup plans

As we can see in cricket, football or as a matter of fact in any sports. There is always Plan B if one bowler goes for a toss have another one to bowl. Same goes for the corporate managers to have contingency plans to face any adversities. For eg. Indian team have array of batsmen and bowlers on bench.



Consistency >> Backup Plans >> Encouragement >> Politics

Things at stake in the non-stop Rat Race

What have you done for me lately?:  No team has won more NBA titles than the Celtics.  Whether you’re talking Bill Russell, Larry Bird or Paul Pierce, they dominated for many eras.  But none of that matters right now—they’re a below average team at best, playing for a lottery pick. So they’re pretty low on the Boston sports pecking order at the moment.  

Similarly, your members aren’t going to keep rejoining based on what you did four years ago.  Your members want to know what will happen in 2014, not what happened in 2004.   So be sure to constantly deliver and communicate value—the only banner that people want to see in the Boston Garden is the next one, and you should be building toward that in your organization

Skate where the puck is going to be: 

That was Wayne Gretzky’s mantra: “Some players skate where the puck is, I skate where the puck is going to be.”   Consider that with your Board selection process.  Are you considering merging with a group?  Bring on a Board member who has done some work with bringing two organizations together.  Having technology troubles?  Bring on a tech-savvy board member.  Make sure your Board selections honor your organization’s future, not an individual’s past.

Know your role: When a ball is hit up the middle in baseball, you never see the shortstop and second basemen collide as they both go for it. That’s because they know exactly where the other one will be.  This kind of role definition is critical in any organization—know who is doing what.

Do not dwell on mistakes, and do not apportion blame:

In the James Bond movies this concept is reflected upon very well. Managers can learn from it how to avoid such slippery slopes and take the team and company forward.

Manthan of Entertainment

Glamour World and Management

Creative “Midas Touch”

Novelty is recent fad be it technology, entertainment, manufacturing. People love new experiences. For eg. PSY Gangnam song goes viral, Kolaveri etc. It’s because they were unusual as people never had experience such things before. Same goes for business also if we have to grown rapidly always innovate with process, services or products

Ways to be In Limelight and never miss the Flight 360 Degree Approach towards Networking: We can see how the people from different areas expertise required to make one small movie and best people generally available through contacts. Even in corporate world networking is must to cash in big time.

Celebrities and their Hard fought learnt management lessons

It’s Never too Late:

Akon's alleged three years in jail saw him begin to recognize his music abilities and develop an appreciation for his musical background. Now we all know where he is. Even in life of managers we should realize our abilities and utilize it to full potential to meet the goals.

Art anD fluidity:

Those who work in entertainment industry are accustomed to performing both under intense public scrutiny and tight deadlines. These skills can be looked upon by managers to have as it can be proved to be great asset to them in the daily management practices.




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