conduct a sortie aircrew roles & techniques conducting an imaging sortie 1 prepare conduct...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Conduct a Sortie

Aircrew Roles & Techniques

Conducting an Imaging Sortie





Bag & Tag


Conduct a Sortie

Sortie's Primary Goal - Quality Images

Safety - #1 Enroute Target Images Assessment Post-Sortie



CAP Form 104b

Conduct a Sortie

Safety - #1 IMSAFE applies to

entire crew– Watch for fatigue or

illness– Take breaks as needed– Speak up:

If you are feeling ill If you see something that

looks suspect If you are task saturated

– Instruct then explain




Conduct a Sortie

General Sortie Guidance

Preflight– Arrive early to prepare and check equipment– Discuss course, target area, terrain, weather, etc.– Stay fresh and alert– Review mission roles and procedures

During the Flight– Set up for initial approach– Review images before leaving the target area


Conduct a Sortie

Approaching the Target - 1

You may need to turn off the strobe lights so they will not affect the photos, particularly in low-overcast conditions

Review sortie objectives and crew communications, and set the audio panel and intercom for imaging pattern communications– MO records lat/lon

Double-check radio and navigational settings and check navigational equipment against each other (detect abnormalities or failures)


Conduct a Sortie

Approaching the Target - 2

Notify mission base and ATC (if applicable) on location and intended search procedures

Verify camera GPS connection and satellite lock At two miles out stabilize at ‘Target ID Pass’

heading, altitude and airspeed (90-100 knots)– This allows time for everyone to acclimate to flight

conditions – visibility, wind direction, turbulence, terrain


Conduct a Sortie

The ID Pass

Initial fly over– Target verification– Record lat/lon waypoint– Overview image

Assess photo conditions – go/no go Establish photo plan – altitude, angle, etc. Draw sketches as needed


Conduct a Sortie

Lights, Camera, Action!

1000’ AGL and 90 knots Final camera check – on,

GPS, lens cap Photo log and target cards

ready Photo window open Frame your shot Pre-focus – push halfway Take photo when target

moves through frame


Conduct a Sortie

Taking Photos - 1

Steady the camera As the aircraft approaches the point where you

intend to shoot, begin framing the shot When you near the shot point, you should pre-

focus on the target for faster camera response– Focus on an object that is currently the same distance

away as the target will be once you are lined up (i.e., in the same plane as the target)

Once the target moves into frame, press the shutter button the rest of the way down to take the picture


Conduct a Sortie

Taking Photos - 2

Take several photos on each leg of the pattern Keep the Photo Log keeper aware of what you are

shooting:– It is easier on the log keeper if you tell them when you will be

taking several photos per leg

– On each leg, tell the log keeper the following photos will be taken “looking east” or “looking northeast” or “looking between the northern-most buildings,” then call out “shot 1, shot 2, …..”

– This allows the log keeper to quickly and accurately log the photos


Conduct a Sortie

Using the Telephoto Lens

Use sparingly Zoom out to start to get panorama view Zoom in as needed to frame the shot

– More zoom impacts focus

Do not exceed 135mm


Conduct a Sortie

In Flight Assessment

Review the photos before leaving search area– Check for GPS coordinates

on pictures– Cross-check with photo log– If needed revisit target for

better photos– RTB when satisfied with

results– Use Playback Viewer w/

zoom to review photos


Selector:Info: ▼▲Pic: ◄►

Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Glare from closed window Wing included in photo


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Angle and Glare Strut in photo


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Lower window sill


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Strut


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Haze Strut


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Focus


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Too far away, too much sky


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Wheel


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Wing and strut in turn


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Overhead shot too low, too close, wheel


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid

Overhead holding camera vertically (note the “falling away” effect)

Too close Wheel


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Angle too low, not centered


Conduct a Sortie

Things to Avoid Overhead shot not centered


Conduct a Sortie

After the Sortie

Recheck and repack the camera bag

Check around the airplane for stuff

Make sure camera window is secured

Clean up windows, leading edges

Check if another sortie is planned


Conduct a Sortie

After the Sortie – con’t.

Download pictures from camera ASAP– Verify successful transfer

to computer– Do initial review of photos– Verify the geotagged data

is present– Delete pictures on media



Conduct a Sortie


Complete Debrief section of CAPF 104

– Results/Deliverables section – include details on sightings and non-sightings; photo number and areas

– Weather – unexpected weather; impact on search and photo capabilities

Remarks section– Pertinent or helpful

information not mentioned elsewhere

Sortie Effectiveness– Quantitative assessment


CAP Form 104

Conduct a Sortie

Debrief – con’t.

Attachments & Documents– Label docs with Mission and

sortie #– 104a – sketches and notes;

times & positions– 104b – photo log – complete;

matches with photos– Upload to WMIRS in pdf

format Final checks for all fields

complete– Hobbs times – including in/out

of grid– Clear and legible


Conduct a Sortie

Debrief - Verbal

Overview of sortie and observations Use 104 as debriefing framework Review photos Be honest, objective and comprehensive Rest and prep for next sortie – if required


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