concepts of maternity nursing by dr. aida abd el-razek

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Concepts of Maternity Nursing


Dr. Aida Abd El-Razek

OutlineDefinition of terms.Causes of maternal mortality.Maternal and child health

nursing.The goal of maternity care.

Role of the nurse in modern maternity care.

Causes of maternal morbidity.Definitions of vital statistics.

Obstetric The word "Obstetric" is derived from

the Latin verb, “obstare" which means "to stand infront " and by implication "to protect”

It is the art and science which deals with human reproduction.

The branch of medical science which deals with childbirth and concerns with the care of the female from conception, pregnancy, labor and post- partum to the completion of the pregnancy period until the reproductive organs return to non pregnant state.

It is concerned with the phenomena and management of pregnancy, labor, and puerperium under both normal and abnormal circumstances

GynecologyGreek word: Gynecos means female Olgy: means study (Science)It is the branch of medicine which deals with

diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the pathology of the female reproductive system

Ethical Dilemmas


an ethical dilemma is a situation in which no solution seems completely satisfactory .

Maternal and child NursingBranch of Nursing which deals

with the care of mothers and children, it emphasizes the preventive and primitive aspect.

Maternity Care

WHO expert committee, identified Narrow sense, consists in the care of the pregnant female, her safe delivery her post - partum care and examination, the care of her newly born infant and the maintenance of lactation.

In the Widder sense, it begins much earlier, it includes measurements which aid in the promotion of the health and wellbeing of the young people who are potential parents and help them to develop the right approach to family life and to place the family in the :community, guidance in mother craft and in problems associated with infertility and family planning.

The goal of Maternity Care

To keep human reproduction a normal physiologic process.

To protect the mother and her baby from the many hazards to which they may be subjected.

To provide physical and emotional support throughout the period of reproduction.

Role of the Nurse in Modern Maternity Care:

Care provider Researcher Counselor Teacher Collaborator Advocator: (an advocate is one who speaks on

behalf of another).

Maternal Mortality

It refers to deaths that result from childbearing, that is, the underlying cause of woman's death is the result of complications of pregnancy childbirth or the preperium.

Causes of Maternal Mortality

Hoemorrhageic disorders of pregnancy


Reduction in Maternal Mortality :

1. Medical management has improved (blood & plasma transfusions & antibiotics) (Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance) (Anaesthesia management).

2. Development of training and education programs in O.B. & maternity care.

3. Better hospital facilities.

4. Change in attitudes of physicians nurses and parents.

5. Antepartal care.

6. Development of Maternal & child health programs.

Maternal Morbidity

Many women- survive after pregnancy, abortion, childbirth and unsafe induced abortion in spite of experiencing the same kinds of complications which cause the death of others.

They may suffer temporary or permanent disability or ill health as a result of these complications which-include.

-Medical conditions: Anemia.High blood pressure

Gynecological conditions: – vaginal fistula.–Chronic incontinence and urinary tract infection.

- Chronic pelvic infection.

– Infertility.– Uterine prolapsed.– Stenosis of the vagina.– Nerve damage which may lead to loss of

sensation, paralysis or foot drop.– Chronic pain and exhaustion.– ( STDs) and HIV/AIDS.

Reproductive health State of complete physical,

Mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or deformity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.

Reproductive health care includes

Widely available family planning services. – Effective maternal care and safe motherhood.– Effective control of reproductive tract

infections including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

– Prevention and management of infertility.– Elimination of unsafe abortion.


It is that branch nursing concerned with the provision of physical, mental and social nursing care to women during the maternity cycle

i. e during pregnancy, labor and the perperium.


Branch of nursing concerned with the provision of nursing care to women who have reproductive tract diseases.

- Birthrate: The number of birth per 1000 population. Also known as the crude birthrate.

- Marriage rate: The number of marriages per 1000 total population.

- fertility: The number of births per 1000 women aged 15 through 44 years.

- Maternal mortality rate: the number of Maternal

deaths resulting from the reproductive process per 100,000 live births.

Infant mortality rate:

The number of deaths before the first birthday per 1000 live births.

Prenatal mortality:

All stillborn infants whose gestational age is 28 weeks or more, plus all neonatal deaths Under 7 days per 1000 births.

Neonatal: The period from birth through the 28 day of life.

Neonatal Death rate: The number of neonatal deaths per 1000 live births.

Stillbirth or fetal death: .A death in which the infant of 20 weeks or more gestational age dies in utero prior to birth.

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