computer security problems

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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COMPUTER SECURITY PROBLEMS. Engelber Ruiz Lien Ly Period 3. Computer security. 12 years ago, computer and network security was not at all well known. Today, most people are aware or know about the need of computer and network security, but not sure what is really means. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Engelber RuizLien LyPeriod 3

Computer security

12 years ago, computer and network security was not at all well known.

Today, most people are aware or know about the need of computer and network security, but not sure what is really means.

Internet security is something that has become more and more needed over the last few years. As viruses become smarter and stronger, we need higher protection.

What is computer security Is information security as applied to

computers and networks. Computer security involves providing

appropriate levels of : Availability, confidentiality, integrity, auditability and non-repuldiablity.

Media stories

•Without proper wireless network security precautions in place, you can easily have valuable personal data stolen, your computers infected with spyware and crashed, or just be randomly harassed.

“ A router change is just a joke for a serious hacker. Since March 25, my life has been turned upside down by an aggressive hacker. I have lost the ability to communicate with friends and family, as doing so would place them in danger. First Facebook, then losing Yelp which at 300 reviews was my social connection. My passwords were repeatedly disabled - making me a security risk receiving notes like - "Please refrain from logging in for 72 hours". A Trojan Horse with Remote Access connected to my Skype and

Photo Booth on my MacBook Pro (!). Viruses included remote keyboard control and key logging. How did this get so far? I was recuperating from surgery on April 12, and it just got way out of hand. I sent the MBP out for wiping in May, and my IPhone 5 was taken hostage and remotely jail broken. 3 weeks later, it all resurfaced, and now my equipment is at a hired investigator. A nightmare. A malicious, diabolical issue cosing thousands.....”—maureen0123

Why do we need computer security?

Computer security is what keeps your computer safe from virus and people trying to hack into the information you have on your computer while you are online

Without computer security, online banking, trading, purchasing may be insecure.

Having computer security helps prevent credit card and identity thief.

Virus : Piece of code that automatically reproduces itself. It’s attached to other programs or files, but requires user intervention to propagate.

Common computer security issues

Hacking : In computer networking, hacking is any technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of network connections and connected systems.

Unauthorized users Misrepresentation

of spoofing Unauthorized

invocation of services

Corruption of functions or operations

Denial of service SPAM Hacking

Types of computer security threats

Goals of computer security

• Guarantee that the data is what we expect.• The information must just be accessible for authorized people.• Computer should work without unexpected problems.• Guarantee that only authorized people get access to resources.

Protect Your Passwords

Here are a few principles for creating strong passwords and keeping them safe:

* The longer the password, the tougher it is to crack. Use at least 10 characters; 12 is ideal for most home users. * Mix letters, numbers, and special characters. Try to be unpredictable – don’t use your name, birthdate, or common words. * Don’t use the same password for many accounts. If it’s stolen from you – or from one of the companies with which you do business – it can be used to take over all your accounts. * Don’t share passwords on the phone, in texts or by email. Legitimate companies will not send you messages asking for your password. If you get such a message, it’s probably a scam. * Keep your passwords in a secure place, out of plain sight.

Requiring everyone to select and use a good password

Setting appropriate password aging parameters

Using third-party authentication.

Running updated anti-virus software

Setting restrictive file access permissions

Limiting privileges to the minimum needed to get the job done

Some proven system security measures

Firewalls Network

authentication measures

Appropriate network architectures

Limiting services that run

Intrusion detection Vulnerability


Proven network security measures

Cryptography Firewall Antivirus software

In addition, usershave to practice

“Safecomputing” Not opening

attachments Not downloading

from unsafe websites

Avoiding scams

How to achieve security

CrytographyThe art of protecting information by transforming it (encrypting it) into an unreadable format.

Cryptography is used to protect e-mail messages, credit card information, and corporate data.

Computer and information security continue to grow in importance

The gap between attackers’ capabilities and ability to defend against them is widening

Defense in depth ( multi-tiered defenses) work best

Always weigh costs versus benefits when considering security measures

Neglecting security is the worst thing you can do


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