computer awareness programme in rural areas

Post on 14-Sep-2014






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Education, including formal education, public awareness and training should be

recognized as a process by which human beings and societies can reach their fullest potential.

Education in critical for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of

the people to address environment and development issues. While basic education provides

the under pinning for any environmental and development education, the letter needs to be

incorporated as an essential part of learning.

Both formal and non-formal education is indispensable to changing people’s attitudes so

that they have the capacity to asses and address their sustainable development concerns. It is

also critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills

and behaviour consistent with sustainable development and for the effective public

participation in decision-making. To be effective, environment and development education

should deal with the dynamic of both the physical/biological and socio-economic

environment and human development, should be integrated in all disciplines, and should

employ formal and non-formal methods and effective means of communication.

Education is basic necessity. It prepares, widens and allows exposure to the entire

world through the mind. A sound education implies better quality of thought, which results in

superlative quality of life. In A.P almost 90% of the schools are located in the villages.

Independent studies show that over 91% of the rural schools at elementary level are

controlled by the government.

Education is a portal for betterment. Understanding education in A.P with out delving

deeper into the popular of A.P, great advances and surges have been made in some areas.

While some states considerably lag in their progress.

Just imagine what our world would be like Without Computers! It’s a fact that a solid

computer education is essential in today’s modern world. A Computer Education helps to

prepare business professional to perform at their peek, as nearly every aspect of commerce

and business now rely heavily on computers. Computer education schools can provide

knowledge that is vital to conducting business, or just functioning day – to day in our modern


Computer education means gaining a through education in the use of computer

technologies that affect us in all aspects of our daily life. Students are given the hands on

computer experience, knowledge , and skills that can qualify graduates for careers in


business, education, commerce, mechanics, technology, healthcare and nearly other field. As

well as being an important tool of business, computer education essential for managing

personal finance paying bills, and other household chores.

Computer education schools of all types offer computer courses to meet community

needs programme of study in computer education are found in community colleges and adult

continuing education, technical and vocational schools, universities and even online course

study. Students can option for a single course to bone up on basic skills, or enrol in advanced

post-graduate degree programs that can cover many computer – related subjects.

There is a difference between city and village student not in terms of brain or

development but their initial environment, skills, learning ability, availability of

infrastructure, and access to different facilities. All of these must be considered while making

the curricula which should not be different but how it is going to be taught would make the

difference. Encourage the genuine rural students who are interested in education and make

them competent

These are innovative and successful examples of schools running in rural India. It is

the time to replicate such efforts as our country and its rural population is very vast which

means one of two stories of these kinds won’t make any difference. Instead of this large

number of such schools are required in rural India. It is also absolutely mandatory to evaluate

the success of the schools and students at each and every level. Timely assessment will throw

light on present problems and achievements. Let us try to build a solution around these

problems which will resolve the overall issues of rural education in A.P.

The essential goals of providing education in the rural sector of A.P are to:

To create a platform for education to rural dwellers.

To encourage children to pursue and continue studying higher, education/further


Provide learning, guidance and wisdom to scholars looking to research and develop


Experimenting with new methods of teaching.

Creating a learning environment that fosters intelligence, a thirst for knowledge and a

stress-free space to be nurtured.



Monetary benefits and incentives are little or non-existent. Incomes are meagre and

barely sufficient to maintain. This subsequently leads to poor attention spans for

teachers and by default, the students suffer.

Lack of infrastructure is another driving concern. Most educational ‘centres’ lack

basic facilities for teaching and activity such as computer labs and play-grounds and

in some cases, even clean toilets.

Inadequate transport facilities and options for students from neighbouring or far off


Quality of rural education provided is improving on a daily basis, and yet, its basis

standard is very less and in addition to it, students are forced to travel long distance with out

access to clean drinking water and toilet facilities. Quality of education provided by the staff

of such education canters is dismal and not quite surprising, given the contributing factors.

Guides lack the motivation and encouragement to perform better than their

circumstances. More often than not, appointed teachers play truant and do not full fill their

basic tasks as a knowledge provider.




The overall study objective is to formulate a broad planning and development framework

setting out guidelines and standards for more effective and comprehensive planning for

pedestrians at different levels of planning, based on which conceptual pedestrian plans would

be prepared for application and assessment of board impacts and implementation mechanisms

of the pedestrian planning proposals.

To understand the technical awareness of rural area students.

To study the Business Development Strategies of wave InfoTech.

To establish or strengthen training programmes that meet the needs of environment

and development with ensured access to training opportunities, regardless of social

status, age, gender, race or religion

To provide the infrastructure and books to the students for the schools in the rural



It is the general outline of what the study will cover.

Scope defines the parameters of an object or a theory process and activity describing

either future, current or past knowledge or statements of descriptive activity, experience etc.

Scope always unless of the unlimited nature will define specific boundaries.

The study of the project restricted only to karimnagar and Kurnool only.

To create awareness regarding technical education in the rural areas.



Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field

of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a

branch of knowledge. It typically encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model,

phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.

A Methodology does not set out to provide solutions but offers the theoretical

underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods or so called “best practices”

can be applied to a specific case. My research methodology requires gathering relevant data

from the specified documents and compiling databases in order to analyze the material and

arrive at a more complete understanding.

This project will utilize both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, but it is

rooted in a qualitative position that recognizes the importance of locating the research within

a particular social, cultural and historical context. It also takes seriously the social

construction of these contexts and the identities participants construct within them.

A qualitative evaluation shall be utilized for this research project leveraging

subjective methods such as interviews and observations to collect substantive and relevant


Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field

of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a

branch of knowledge.

Research is not confined to science and technology only. There are vast areas of

research in other disciplines such as languages, literature, history and sociology. Whatever

might be the subject, research has to be an active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry

in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events, behaviors and theories. Applying the

outcome of research for the refinement of knowledge in other subjects, or in enhancing the

quality of human life also becomes a kind of research and development. Research is done

with the help of study, experiment, observation, analysis, comparison and reasoning.

Research is in fact ubiquitous.

Research methodology is a way to find out the result of given problem on a specific

matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In methodology, researcher uses

different criteria for solving or searching the given research problem. Different sources use

different types of methods for solving the problem. If we think about the word methodology,


it is the way of searching or solving the research problem. In research methodology,

researcher always tries to search the given question systematically in our own way and find

out all the answers till conclusions. If the research does not work systematically on problems.

There would be less possibility to find out the final result. For finding or exploring research

questions, a researcher faces lot of problems that can be effectively resolved with using

correct research methodology. The process used to collect information and data for the

purpose of making business decisions.


Research design is important primarily because of the increased complexity in the

market as well as marketing approaches available to the researchers. In fact, it is the key to

the evolution of successful marketing strategies and programmers. It is an important tool to

study buyer’s behaviour, consumption pattern, brand loyalty, and focus market changes. A

research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study.

According to Kerlinger, “Research Design is a plan, conceptual structure, and strategy of

investigation conceived as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.

A research design is the detailed blue print used to guide a research study toward its

objectives. The process of designing a research study involves many interrelated decisions

the most significant decision is the choice of research approach, because it determines how

the information will be obtained.


The task of data collection begins after problem has been identified. While deciding

about the method of data collection to be used for the study the researcher should keep in

mind two types of data collections

1. Primary Data

2. Secondary Data


Raw data is also known as primary data is a term for data collected from a source.

Raw data has not been subjected to processing or any other manipulation, and are also

referred to as primary data. Raw data is a relative term Raw data can be input to a computer

program or used in manual procedures such as analysing statistics from a survey. The term


can refer to the binary data on electronic storage devices such as hard disk drives is also

referred to as low-level data). A distinction is sometimes made between data and information

to the effect that information is the end product of data processing. Raw data that has

undergone processing are sometimes referred to as "cooked" data. Although raw data has the

potential to become "information," extraction, organization, and sometimes analysis and

formatting for presentation are required for that to occur.


Paper-pencil-questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the

researcher time and money. People are more truthful while responding to the questionnaires

regarding controversial issues in particular due to the fact that their responses are anonymous.

But they also have drawbacks. Majority of the people who receive questionnaires don't return

them and those who do might not be representative of the originally selected sample

Web based questionnaires : A new and inevitably growing methodology is the use

of Internet based research. This would mean receiving an e-mail on which you would click on

an address that would take you to a secure web-site to fill in a questionnaire. This type of

research is often quicker and less detailed. Some disadvantages of this method include the

exclusion of people who do not have a computer or are unable to access a computer. Also the

validity of such surveys are in question as people might be in a hurry to complete it and so

might not give accurate responses.

Questionnaires often make use of Checklist and rating scales. These devices help

simplify and quantify people's behaviors and attitudes .A checklist  is a list of behaviors,

characteristics, or other entities that the researcher is looking for. Either the researcher or

survey participant simply checks whether each item on the list is observed, present or true or

vice versa. A rating scale is more useful when a behavior needs to be evaluated on a




Face to face interviews  have a distinct advantage of enabling the researcher to

establish rapport with potential participants and therefor gain their cooperation. These

interviews yield highest response rates in survey research. They also allow the researcher to

clarify ambiguous answers and when appropriate, seek follow-up information. Disadvantages

include impractical when large samples are involved time consuming and expensive

In my project, primary data collection method is used. To collection of information

we used


Face to face interview

Telephone interview


Secondary data is data collected by someone other than the user. Common sources of

secondary data for social science include censuses, organizational records and data collected

through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. Primary data by contrast, are

collected by the investigator conducting the research. Secondary data analysis saves time that

would otherwise be spent collecting data and, particularly in the case of quantitative data,

provides larger and higher-quality databases that would be unfeasible for any individual

researcher to collect on their own. In addition, analysts of social and economic change

consider secondary data essential, since it is impossible to conduct a new survey that can

adequately capture past change and/or developments.

As is the case in primary research, secondary data can be obtained from two different

research strands:

Quantitative: Census, housing, social security as well as electoral statistics and other

related databases.

Qualitative Semi-structured and structured interviews, focus groups transcripts, field

notes, observation records and other personal, research-related documents.

In this secondary data my project mainly involves

company websites


past reports of other companies,



Qualitative data is information which does not present itself in numerical form and is

descriptive, appearing mostly in conversational or narrative form. It rely on gathering

information from the clients, field demonstrations, structured interviews, analysis of

documents and materials. Qualitative data is a categorical measurement expressed not in

terms of numbers, but rather by means of a natural language description. In statistics, it is

often used interchangeably with "categorical" data. Qualitative methods are ways of

collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with drawing

statistical inferences. They provide a more in depth and rich description.


Quantitative data refers to the numerical facts and figures that are collected during a

research investigation or field of study. The data and or observations are then analyzed and

used to interpret a situation or event. Data is measured on a numerical scale such as a

histogram, chart etc.

Quantitative data is a numerical measurement expressed not by means of a natural

language description, but rather in terms of numbers. However, not all numbers are

continuous and measurable. For example, the social security number is a number, but not

something that one can add or subtract. Quantitative methods have come under considerable

criticism.  In modern research, most psychologists tend to adopt a combination of qualitative

and quantitative approaches, which allow statistically reliable information obtained from

numerical measurement to be backed up by and enriched by information about the research

participants' explanations.

Quantitative data is basically data measured on a numerical scale. It can be analyzed

by using statistical methods and the results can be displayed using charts, histograms, tables

and graphs.


Telephone interviews are less time consuming and less expensive and the researcher

has ready access to anyone on the planet who has a telephone. Disadvantages are that the

response rate is not as high as the face-to- face interview but considerably higher than the

mailed questionnaire. The sample may be biased to the extent that people without phones are

part of the population about whom the researcher wants to draw inferences.

Qualitative data collection methods play an important role in impact evaluation by

providing information useful to understand the processes behind observed results and assess

changes in people’s perceptions of their well-being. Further more qualitative methods can be

used to improve the quality of survey-based quantitative evaluations by helping generate

evaluation hypothesis; strengthening the design of survey questionnaires and expanding or

clarifying quantitative evaluation findings. These methods are characterized by the following


they tend to be open-ended and have less structured protocols (i.e., researchers may

change the data collection strategy by adding, refining, or dropping techniques or


they rely more heavily on interactive interviews; respondents may be interviewed

several times to follow up on a particular issue, clarify concepts or check the

reliability of data

they use triangulation to increase the credibility of their findings (i.e., researchers rely

on multiple data collection methods to check the authenticity of their results)

generally their findings are not generalizable to any specific population, rather each

case study produces a single piece of evidence that can be used to seek general

patterns among different studies of the same issue

Regardless of the kinds of data involved, data collection in a qualitative study takes a

great deal of time. The researcher needs to record any potentially useful data thoroughly,

accurately, and systematically ,using field notes, sketches, audiotapes, photographs and other

suitable means. The data collection methods must observe the ethical principles of research.


The qualitative methods most commonly used in evaluation can be classified in three

broad categories: 

in-depth interview

observation methods

document review

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Data collected has been analysed and interpreted by using

simple percentage method and finally the data is presented in graphs and charts. The method

used is random sampling method.

SAMPLE SITE: The survey was conducted in Karimnagar, Kurnool districts.

DESIRED SAMPLE SIZE: A simple size of 50 schools was specified

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: Structured questionnaire


There is good technical awareness among rural students.



The Survey was limited to KURNOOL, KARIMNAGAR Dist. only. The Study

covers technical educational awareness to rural areas

. The respondents were less interested in answering the questionnaire, as they felt that it was

an interruption to their regular work. The number of respondents was limited to 50 only.

Some of the respondents are not open in giving their opinions. This is normal in any field


Research was limited to KURNOOL AND KARIMNAGAR Dist. only.

With minimum time it is impossible to get adequate data




New product introductions and their adoption, particularly in case of new-to-the-

world products often takes a very long time. Customers are sometimes suspicious, even doubt

full about adopting new products


The adoption of an innovation requires that an individual or a group of consumers

decide buying a new product










Need Recognition

Information search

Brand Evaluation


Post purchase evaluation


The chances of a product’s adoption and subsequent diffusion are largely dependent on its

nature. The rate at which the diffusion of an innovation takes place is a function of the

following 10 factors:

1. Type of Target Group

2. Number of People Involved in Decision-making

3. Extent of Marketing Efforts Involved

4. Need Fulfillment

5. Compatibility

6. Relative Advantage

7. Complexity

8. Observability

9. Triability

10. Perceived Risk


Time is an important component of new product diffusion and concerns the time of

adoption of a new product by consumers considering, whether consumers are earlier or later

adopters and the rate of diffusion, that is, the speed and extent with which individuals and

groups adopt the new product.


There are five categories of adopters classified by time of adoption:

1. Innovators.

2. Early Adopters.

3. The Early Majority.

4. The Late Majority.

5. Laggards.



Innovators constitute, on an average the first 2.5 per cent of all those consumers who

adopt the new product and are technology enthusiasts


Early adopters tend to be opinion leaders in local reference groups and represent, on

an average the next 13. 5 per cent who adopt the new product.


The early majority tend to be deliberated and cautious with respect to innovations and

represents 34.0 per cent.


The late majority (34.0 per cent) are somewhat doubtful about innovative products.

They are conservative, wary of progress, rely on tradition and generally adopt innovations in

response to group norms and social pressure, or due to decreased availability of the previous

product rather than positive evaluation of the innovation.


Laggards represent the last 16.0 per cent of adopters. Like innovators, they are the

least inclined to rely on the group’s norms. Laggards are tradition bound, tend to be dogmatic

and make decisions in terms of the past.


1. Early adopters

2. Later adopters

3. Non-adopters



Rate of diffusion of a new product refers to the cumulative level of adoption of an

innovation over time among groups.

Culture may have an important influence on the diffusion of innovation. Two

concepts are worth considering in this regard: cultural context and cultural




An educational institution is a place where people of different ages gain an education,

including preschools, childcare, elementary schools, and universities.

India, with more than a billion residents, has the second largest education system in

the world (after China). Experts estimate that 38 percent of its current population is under the

age of 15. But counter to the image of India as a youthful engine of economic growth where

many urban-based citizens work in some of the best technology-centered jobs in the world.

The small proportion that do persist through primary and secondary schooling, the quality of

instruction varies widely, depending on the region of the country and whether one is enrolled

in a State-supported public school or a fee-based private school.

Despite the highly inefficient delivery of public services, high levels of teacher

absenteeism and non-teaching activity, many Indian students remain motivated to succeed on

the college entrance exams. The high level of competition for entry into the Indian Institutes

of Technology, the Indian Institutes of Management and other top institutions is enough to

spur millions of students to achieve at remarkably high levels, particularly in the areas of

science and mathematics. The increased demand for higher education is not currently being

met: only ten percent of the age cohort is actually enrolled in higher education. But in a

country with such a large population, ten percent enrollment amounts to 9 million students,

resulting in 2.5 million new college graduates a year. These numbers driven by the private

sector opportunities abroad, and increasingly, back in India, will continue to ensure India’s

prowess in delivering high-quality technical manpower.

Historically, Indian education has been elitist. Traditional Hindu education was

tailored to the needs of Brahmin boys who were taught to read and write by a Brahmin

teacher. Under British rule from the 1700s until 1947, India’s education policies reinforced

the pre-existing elitist tendencies, tying entrance and advancement in government service to

academic education. Colonial rule contributed to the legacy of an education system geared to

preserving the position of the more privileged classes. Education served as a "gatekeeper,"

permitting an avenue of upward mobility only to those with resources.

Post-primary education has traditionally catered to the interests of the higher and

upwardly mobile castes. In the nineteenth century, post-primary students were

disproportionately Brahmins; their traditional concern with learning gave them an advantage


under British education policies. By the early twentieth century, several other castes realized

the advantages of education as a passport to political power and managed to acquire formal




Wave InfoTech, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, A.P’s No 1 Corporate Training Institution,

Wave InfoTech Organizing collection of technology projects that contain lesson plans and

resources for teachers that can used to integrate technology into curriculum at Institutional


Wave InfoTech is a Govt.of A.P Registered Organisation, D.O.E&T Govt. of A.P

Recognized Organization. Wave InfoTech was certified by ISO 9001-2008 Organisation.

We provide professional training in software, Hardware and Development, Training

Modules is Technical based (Smart Classes) and Industrial oriented with special emphasis on

communication skills and motivation, which has been yielding very high results. The Asset of

the Institution is Satisfied Students with our quality education and dedication of work.

Very first time Wave InfoTech introduces Techno Education (Smart Classes) room

the last few years in the twin cities and its all branches in A.P, Wave InfoTech (An ISO 9001-

2008 Company) is renowned name in the field of technical education. Imparting education

with latest technologies (smart classes) in to the Cities, Semi Urban, Urban and Rural areas,

and organization becomes pioneer in this Industry.


I would like to bring your kind notice that, we have been allotted various

computer training programmes from time to time from different wings of corporate

Companies, Staff members of Bank Employees etc., and successfully completed the same to

the satisfaction of the allotting authorities.


In the era of Globalization, the IT sector has been witnessing an enormous

growth. To facilitate this, there is an ever growing demand for the IT professionals to meet

the requirements of this sector. The knowledge gained in academics institutions is not

adequate to meet the industry requirements, hence there is an urgent need to hone up skills by

undergoing coaching that is industry relevant.


Whether is Techno Education (Smart Classes) at Institutional Level going in

A.P? Keeping this in MIND we have established a computer Institute named as Wave


InfoTech. All the Directors themselves are the Teaching Faculties have more than 8 years of

experience in this field. Wave InfoTech offering the courses, which are in grate demand.

Wave InfoTech trains the students to meet the global standards. Apart from importing

computer Courses we also training the students like spoken English, Communication skills

and personality development Course, which enables the students to become successful in

spite of cut throat competition. A team of Veteran and versatile teaching faculty who trained

in the local Computer Institutions and who are well known in our twin cities are committed

and dedicated to make Students dreams come true.



Name of the Institute : Wave InfoTech

Business Type : Training, Development & Placement

Product / Service : Techno Education, Software, Hardware, Animation,

Accounting, Web Development, School IT Projects

Address : # 9-34/7, first Floor, Beside R.S Brothers, Near Megha

Theatre, Lalitha Nagar, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad -60

No of Employees : 8


Wave Strength is its strong Placement record. Wave InfoTech has dynamic

Professional Placement Counsellors / Assistants who are its pillars. Wave InfoTech has tie –

Up with Corporate Clients and placed many of them in various organizations the credit goes

to its placement desk.



1. The Candidate must complete all compulsory projects during the course and should

submit them on time.

2. The candidate should have 90% attendance in his/her classes during the course and

should punctual to classes.

3. The candidate should have attended all the placement meets conducted by Wave

InfoTech and its channel Partner. The candidates should be willing to work for 3

months in any establishment/ Company initially for going experience at a normal

salary. A Candidate will consider for regular appointments in the same establishment /

Company or in any other establishment / Company only after completion of the

mandatory 3 months work experience period.

4. The candidate should communicate with Wave InfoTech on a regular basis on his

requirements and accomplishments.

5. Every candidate will be extended five. Job options with in Six Months, out of which

he/she has to get placed in at least one. If he /she fails to get placed then he/she will

not are eligible for further placement assistance.

6. After getting placement every student must provide a letter starting the facts about

his/her Employment.

7. As per the Industrial trend and based on the Competence and technical skills, the

Candidate will be offered placement with reasonable salary.


The aim and objective of this traditional method of teaching is not sufficient to supply

the knowledge bank is not enough. One of my mentors suggest me invest more in learning. It

is best way to enrich you. The computer technology is a complete discipline like other

subjects like computer software and hardware. Now a day I am spending a lot to more about

technology. Here I want to share some of my new experience in with new cutting edge.

Programming methodology is a key point to solve all types of IT related problems.

After extensive study & Research Wave InfoTech has revised special training

modules for the rural educated unemployed taking into account their impoverished

background, lakh of infrastructure, rural psychic, survival hardship, rural/ urban community

setup, family compulsion, early marriages, lack of English Communication skills which are

withholding even a bright rural/urban student from getting himself employed. What a

rural/urban educated unemployed youth needs is.


1. Specialized training according to his qualification

2. Self Confidence

3. English Communication Skills

4. Capacity to sustain, low paid jobs in the formative few months to gain Experience

5. Professional approach in Employment

6. Dedication to the job & the skills acquired

7. Perseverance in the skills until goal is achieved

8. Personality development.

Our faculty trained and is from rural background who can understand the problems of the

rural youth, given special training technology. The unique training programmes includes,

other than the employment oriented training programmes, spoken English, personality

development, career counselling, Interview techniques, Placement assistance.



Wave InfoTech a specialized training institute for unemployment rural youth has well

established with experienced, expert training team. Faculty to train the candidates for taking

up jobs not only in rural but also in the near by town and cities. Depending on the demand in

the job market Wave InfoTech is offering the following courses.

S.No Course Offered Minimum


Duration of Training(in Months)

1. Desktop Publishing 8th & Above 3 Months

2. Web Designing 10th & Above 3 Months

3. 2D Pre Production 10th & Above 3 Months

4. 3D Pre production animator 10th & above 4 Months

5. 3D Animation Production 10th & above 3 Months

6. Classical Animation 10th & above 3 Months

7. Advanced 3D animation 10th & above 3 Months

8 Computer Hardware 10th & above 3 Months

9. Computer Networking 10th & above 3 Months

10. Data Entry Operator 10th & above 3 Months

11. CAD Operator 10th & Above 3 Months

12. Domestic BPO 10th & above 3 Months

13 Banking & Accounting 10th & Above 3 Months

14. Tally 10th & Above 3 Months

15. Customer Care Executive Inter 3 Months



Wave InfoTech has sufficient Infrastructure and Man Power to start its Academics in

any District at a short notice of 7 Working Days. Training given as MOU.

Wave InfoTech has given professional with job oriented training, Trainees were very

much satisfied.

Class would be Four Hours/ per day/ 7 Days a Week.

For Residential Training Rs.2000/- per Month / Per Candidate will be charged for

Boarding (Break fast, Lunch & Dinner) and Lodging.

Free Spoken English Course with Course Material.

Free Personality Development Classes.


Wave InfoTech has wide range of Network has branches/ Channel Partners are

presently running its Programmes in the following canters.

1. Hyderabad - 1 (Head Office)

2. Khammam - 2 Branches

3. Guntur - 2 Branches

4. Vijayawada - 2 Branches

5. Kakinada - 1 Branch

6. Visakhapatnam - 1 Branch

7. Vijayanagaram - 1 Branch

8. Kurnool - 2 Branches

9.Markapuram (Parkas Dist.) - 1 Branch

10.Chittor - 2 Branches

11. Karimnagar - 2 Branches



1.Does your school have a computer lab and infrastructures?



















As per above diagram majority of respondents 80% of respondents answered that almost all

the schools in the rural areas does not have proper labs and infrastructure in their schools but

only 20% of them are having infrastructure and computer labs in their schools.

2.How many computers are there in your School, If yes then specify______?


2 to 4 5 to 7 8 to 100













2 to 460%

5 to 740%



As per above graphs we can understand that only 4 schools are having 5 to 7

computers in the labs and 6 schools are having 2 to 4 computers and rest of them does not

have the computers in their schools in their areas.

3.Does Your School have a proper computer faculty?


















As comparing from above graphs we can observe that only 40% of schools are maintaining

proper computer faculty in their schools and 60% schools are not maintaining well faculty

and rest of schools does not have even faculty.


4.How many students are there in your school?

150-200 200-250 250-3000














Through the survey made from the schools only 20% schools are 250 to 300 students

in the schools and 48% of schools are having about 150to 200 students and 32% having only

200 to 250 students.

5.How many students are aware about computer courses?


Few students15%

none of them85%



From the above chart we can clearly we can observa that 85% of students were not

aware of computer knouledge and 25% of were aware of it.

6.How many computer books are there in your school?


No Books80%

Few Books20%



From the survey report I came to know that 20% of schools are having books

regarding to the computers and rest of the schools does not have books and study materials to


7.Do you know about our project before?






As per above mentioned graph, 60% of schools are not aware of the particular

projects are available to them which are offered by some of the companies and only 40%

respondents schools are aware of the this type of projects that are offering by them


8.Is the cost of our project is affordable by you?


      Yes it’s is af-fordable


     No it’s very high30%



As per above graph 70% of schools says our project cost is affordable because the

company is providing computers, infrastructure, books & faculty support to them and at

present scenario every one are aware of the computers and whole technology is depend on the

computer knowledge so they thought we need to also provide such infrastructure in their

schools and rest of the schools says our project cost is very high.

9. Did any other company offered this type of projects earlier?






According to my survey school management says before our company offered this

project other companies offered this type of project. 40% of schools know about the project

60% of schools doesn’t know about the project

10. Are you interested in this project and Are you going to sign for agreement?



Interested but need some time


Not interested33%



As per above graph 11% of schools interested in this project and going to sign for

agreement 56% of schools are interested but they need some time for sign the agreement

and remaining 33% of schools are not interested in this project



The awareness about the technical knowledge is lacking in rural areas.

The rural people are unable to afford for the technical education.

The rural people are unable to adopt to the new changes easily.

The literacy rate in Kurnool and Karimnagar is low.

The staff in rural areas are not enough aware of the technical knowledge to teach the



wave InfoTech should collaborate with the government, as there are many students

studying in government schools.

Wave InfoTech should approach the government schools as a service provider rather

than a business organization.


According to survey the researcher came to know that most of the rural schools did

not have the technical knowledge . They don't even have computers in their schools

Since the concept is new the acceptability is not easy

It takes time to change the perceptions of the rural schools to adopt to new concept

Since the rural area students are not technical aware researcher's hypothesis is not





1) Does your school have a computer lab and infrastructures?a) Yes b) No

2) How many computers are there in your School, If yes then specify______?a) 2 to 4b) 5 to 7c) 8 to 10

3) Does your school have a good computer faculty?

a) Yes b) No

4) How many students are there in your school?

a) 150 to 200b) 200 to 250c) 250 to 300

5) How many students are aware about computer courses?

a) Few students b) None of them6) How many computer books are there in your school?

a) No books availableb) Few books are availablec) Enough books are available

7) Do you know about our project before?a) Yes b) No

8) Is the cost of our project is affordable by you?a) Yes it’s is affordableb) No it’s very high

9) Did any other company offered this type of projects earlier?a) Yes b) No

10) Are you interested in this project and Are you going to sign for agreement? a) Interested b) Interested but needs some timec) Not interested




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