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Computational Methods for AstrophysicalApplications

Rony Keppens & Jannis Teunissen

Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics (CmPA), KU Leuven, BelgiumCentre for Mathematics and Informatics (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Lesson 1A: Course intro & overview

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Introducing both teachers

1 Introducing both teachers

2 Course Intro & Overview

3 Motivation for numerical astrophysics

4 A prelude: colliding stellar winds

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Introducing both teachers

Nimen Hao!

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Introducing both teachers

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Introducing both teachers

Jannis Teunissen

• Homepage (⇒ Master Computational Science, University of Amsterdam⇒ PhD in Computational Plasma Physics at CWI (2015)⇒ Postdoc at CmPA, KU Leuven, since July 2016⇒ Tenure-track at CWI, Multiscale Dynamics: October 2018

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Introducing both teachers

Rony Keppens

• (⇒ Mathematics at KU Leuven, Belgium⇒ PhD at High Altitude Observatory, NCAR Boulder & KU

Leuven (1995): studying p-mode interactions with sunspots⇒ Postdoc at Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics & at

FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics, The Netherlands⇒ Scientific Project Leader for Numerical Plasma Dynamics⇒ Previous affiliations with: Utrecht University,

Observatoire de Paris, Nanjing University• Full professor and Division Chair at CmPA, KU Leuven

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Introducing both teachers

bi li shi de te se: ‘shutiao’: gen helanren you shenme qubie?

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Introducing both teachers

Nimen she shei?

• women xihuan gen nimen liaotian yi xia, wei shenme nimencanjia women de ke ...

⇒ women ye baoqian: bixu yong yingwen liao yi liao, yinweiwomen de hanyu bijiao cha !

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Course Intro & Overview

1 Introducing both teachers

2 Course Intro & Overview

3 Motivation for numerical astrophysics

4 A prelude: colliding stellar winds

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 1

1 Day 1: Goals & program2 Motivation & context for

numerical simulations3 A prelude: simulating

colliding stellar winds

— truncation versus rounding errors

— ODEs & Finite Difference methods

— Runge-Kutta methods, stability,implicit methods— HANDS-ON solving ODEs

• installing and using MPI-AMRVAC (see

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 1

1 Day 1: Goals & program2 Motivation & context for

numerical simulations3 A prelude: simulating

colliding stellar winds

— truncation versus rounding errors

— ODEs & Finite Difference methods

— Runge-Kutta methods, stability,implicit methods— HANDS-ON solving ODEs

• installing and using MPI-AMRVAC (see

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 2

• Jannis: PDE types, numerical solution methods⇒ focus towards (scalar linear) hyperbolic PDEs

• Rony: Continue with scalar linear hyperbolic PDEs⇒ from single scalar to multiple linear hyperbolic PDEs

• HANDS-ON advect yourself with MPI-AMRVAC

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 3

• Rony: nonlinear (hyperbolic) PDEs⇒ single nonlinear hyperbolic PDE (Burger’s equation)⇒ beyond inviscid Burger’s equation (advection-diffusion

versus advection-dispersion)⇒ systems of nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs: isothermal hydro

• Jannis: FD, FV, FE solution strategy basics⇒ implicit advection treatments

• HANDS-ON solving nonlinear PDEs numerically

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 4

• Jannis: parabolic and elliptic PDEs⇒ applications and solution strategies

• Rony: The (hyperbolic) Euler equations of gas dynamics⇒ shocks and discontinuities, Riemann problem⇒ shock-capturing aspects, TVDLF scheme

• HANDS-ON heat equation/diffusion, Riemann problem for Euler

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 5

• Jannis: tips for writing your own solvers, validation & verification• Rony: gas dynamics continued

⇒ shocks in compressible hydro, instabilities(Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor), advanced hydrodynamicapplications in (astro)physics• HANDS-ON hydro simulations with MPI-AMRVAC

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Course Intro & Overview

Our course in a nutshell: Day 6

• Jannis: Electric discharges and fluid versus particle basedmethods for discharges• Rony: Magnetohydrodynamics and particle acceleration• HANDS-ON basic Particle-In-Cell simulations, charged particle

motion in EM fields

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

1 Introducing both teachers

2 Course Intro & Overview

3 Motivation for numerical astrophysics

4 A prelude: colliding stellar winds

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics


• Astrophysical research invariably involves numericsTheoretical astrophysics ≈ computationally aided research ApJ MNRAS A&A

• Trends to create virtual observatories, with a significantcode-based component, e.g. in International Virtual Observatory Alliance• numerical simulations used to interpret, analyse or predict

observations. Centres established, e.g.⇒

Space weather: Centre for Space Environment Modeling (CSEM)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• Compute impact Coronal Mass Ejection on Earth’smagnetosphere faster than real time

⇒ challenge (few days), range of scales– BATS-R-US code (block-adaptive tree solver Roe upwind

scheme) from Space Weather Modeling Framework– Gombosi, Tóth et al., Univ. of Michigan:

Centre for Space Environment movie

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• However, large differences in approach/needs. Search engines,data mining in huge archives, real-time data processing→ trendto use GRID technology. Not treated here.

Focus: efforts to use modern high performance codes inidealized or ‘realistic’ applications, motivated by astrophysics

Most info we receive from the sky is as electromagnetic radiation,static/dynamic models produced by software should be processedto synthetic observations (using known satellite/telescopesensitivity & plasma physics insights to yield images)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• techniques vary, recurring themes:⇒ borrow, improve and develop new algorithms in use for

Computational Fluid Dynamics. These model air flows aboutcomplete airplanes, trains, cars, . . .(example from COOLFluiD at Von Karman Institute)

⇒ exploit power of parallel computing (requiring codingefforts as memory/data is distributed over differentprocessors/CPUs: need to communicate data across networks),e.g. with MPI (Kunming course: Xia Chun)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• techniques vary, recurring themes:⇒ borrow, improve and develop new algorithms in use for

Computational Fluid Dynamics. These model air flows aboutcomplete airplanes, trains, cars, . . .(example from COOLFluiD at Von Karman Institute)

⇒ exploit power of parallel computing (requiring codingefforts as memory/data is distributed over differentprocessors/CPUs: need to communicate data across networks),e.g. with MPI (Kunming course: Xia Chun)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

National Supercomputer Centre at Guangzhou hosts Tian-He 2,Fastest supercomputer in the world from 2013 to 2015! (Top500 list)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• competitive research: internationally peer-reviewed calls⇒ PRACE: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

⇒ US Department of Energy: Advanced ScientificComputing Research

• many laboratory or astrophysics (plasma) applications!⇒ combustion & ignition, turbulence, supernovae explosions,

numerical relativity, circumstellar nebulae⇒ state-of-the-art: 3D simulations, wide range of length and

timescales, integrate (magneto)hydrodynamics with complexnuclear physics, chemistry, radiative losses, . . .

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

• competitive research: internationally peer-reviewed calls⇒ PRACE: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

⇒ US Department of Energy: Advanced ScientificComputing Research

• many laboratory or astrophysics (plasma) applications!⇒ combustion & ignition, turbulence, supernovae explosions,

numerical relativity, circumstellar nebulae⇒ state-of-the-art: 3D simulations, wide range of length and

timescales, integrate (magneto)hydrodynamics with complexnuclear physics, chemistry, radiative losses, . . .

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

Coding - Specific for Astrophysics

1 many general codes available(MPI-AMRVAC , ATHENA, FLASH, PLUTO, RAMSES,. . .)

verify source code access (open source versus binary executables)sometimes code only needs minor modifications⇒ but is difficult to get, understand, modify

2 Define geometry, initial and boundary conditions and resolutionneeds of the computational approach

Cartesian versus cylindrical grid, adaptive mesh refinement, . . .Discontinuities: shock capturing methods, turbulence: spectraldefine minimum spatial resolution, identify all timescales involved

3 Try to work dimensionless (SI versus cgs units cause of muchconfusion!): reformulate to order unity input/output ranges

4 Math on computers:avoid divisions, consider optimal ordering of arrays and loopscheck for positive arguments in

√x , ln , etc.

think about precision of floating point numbers (use double)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

Coding - Specific for Astrophysics

1 many general codes available(MPI-AMRVAC , ATHENA, FLASH, PLUTO, RAMSES,. . .)

verify source code access (open source versus binary executables)sometimes code only needs minor modifications⇒ but is difficult to get, understand, modify

2 Define geometry, initial and boundary conditions and resolutionneeds of the computational approach

Cartesian versus cylindrical grid, adaptive mesh refinement, . . .Discontinuities: shock capturing methods, turbulence: spectraldefine minimum spatial resolution, identify all timescales involved

3 Try to work dimensionless (SI versus cgs units cause of muchconfusion!): reformulate to order unity input/output ranges

4 Math on computers:avoid divisions, consider optimal ordering of arrays and loopscheck for positive arguments in

√x , ln , etc.

think about precision of floating point numbers (use double)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

Coding - Specific for Astrophysics

1 many general codes available(MPI-AMRVAC , ATHENA, FLASH, PLUTO, RAMSES,. . .)

verify source code access (open source versus binary executables)sometimes code only needs minor modifications⇒ but is difficult to get, understand, modify

2 Define geometry, initial and boundary conditions and resolutionneeds of the computational approach

Cartesian versus cylindrical grid, adaptive mesh refinement, . . .Discontinuities: shock capturing methods, turbulence: spectraldefine minimum spatial resolution, identify all timescales involved

3 Try to work dimensionless (SI versus cgs units cause of muchconfusion!): reformulate to order unity input/output ranges

4 Math on computers:avoid divisions, consider optimal ordering of arrays and loopscheck for positive arguments in

√x , ln , etc.

think about precision of floating point numbers (use double)

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

Testing - Verification and validation

“Very difficult” : Calder et al. (2002)‘On validating an astrophysical simulation code’

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Motivation for numerical astrophysics

Testing - Verification and validation

“Very difficult” : Calder et al. (2002)‘On validating an astrophysical simulation code’

Verification & Validationverify: solve the equations rightvalidate: solve the right equationsdevise experiment to compare: lab/simulation confrontationsvalidation tests for fluid instabilities: Rayleigh-Taylor anecdote

⇒ must consider error in experiment/measurementstate-of-the-art modeling: Type Ia supernovae and labexperiments: see

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

1 Introducing both teachers

2 Course Intro & Overview

3 Motivation for numerical astrophysics

4 A prelude: colliding stellar winds

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

Wolf-Rayet stages for massive O stars

• Wolf-Rayet stars (Charles Wolf/Georges Rayet 1867)⇒ unusually broad emission lines⇒ WN subtype of strong He and Nitrogen⇒ WC subtype with He and Carbon, Oxygen

• Massey 2003 (+Conti 1976): stages of massive O star evolution⇒ M reveals CNO cycle [WN], then He-burn [WC] at surface

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• Typical WC parameters: extreme luminosities, M, surface T

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

Modern views: direct imaging of dust shells

• cfr. Nature 398, 487, 1999: binarity: clue for dust form/survivein WR circumstellar environment! 2008 ApJ Tuthill et al• Cartoon view: dust can form in WCR (Tuthill et al. 1999)

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

WR 98a: WC9 + OB binary

• observations at 2.2 µm [Monnier et al, 1999]

⇒ second ‘pinwheel nebula’ discovered, archimedian spiralgives Porb ≈ 1.55 yr or separation of a = 4AU

⇒ Tuthill webpage WR98a views

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

Monnier et al. 1999; Williams et al. 1995:K-band photometry of WR98a shows period

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• wind-wind interactions depend on momentum flux ratio of winds

η ≡ MOBvOB

MWRvWR≈ 0.022 (WR98a)

⇒ WR dominates, supersonic (900 km/s, Mach 76 [WR])• Hendrix et al. 2016, MNRAS: 3D model for WR 98a to 1300 AU

⇒ Wind collision region: details to 1 % of a ∼ 4AU⇒ HD+dust: dynamic dust formation & redistribution⇒ synthetic infrared observations (Keck, ALMA, E-ELT)⇒ follow multiple periods & virtual photometry

• MPI-AMRVAC for HD+dust, SKIRT for synthetic views

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• solve coupled gas-dust equations (adiabatic)


∂t+∇ · (ρv) = Sint

ρ,WR−OB − Smixρ


+∇ · (ρvv) +∇p = fd + Sintρv,WR−OB − Smix



+∇ · [(p + e)v] = v · fd + Sinte,WR−OB − Smix



∂t+ ∇ · (ρdvd) = Smix



∂t+ ∇ · (ρdvdvd) = −fd + Smix

ρd vd

⇒ Epstein drag

fd = (1− α(T ))



ρpad(vd − v)

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• domain of size 320a× 320a× 140a⇒ 11 AMR levels, effective 81920× 81920× 24576⇒ internal boundaries for wind zones on Keplerian orbit⇒ tracers for identifying mixing zone between both winds


∂t+ v · ∇θWR = Sint



∂t+ v · ∇θOR = Sint


⇒ mixing used in heuristic model for dust insertion/creation

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

Wolf-Rayet binaries:3D mixing zone evolution [θOBθWR isosurface]

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

subgrid dust formation [local rate φ, geometric Din = 20 andDout = 213 AU]: gas to dust in (dynamically relocating) mixing layer

• values from observations (0.2% gas-to-dust, dust shell sizes)⇒ dust forms in high density regions with wind-wind mixing

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

top view on dust: dragged into OB wake spiral arm

• trailing-leading spiral arm asymmetries⇒ Kelvin-Helmholtz (shear-flow) fine structure on spiral arms

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• MPI-AMRVAC couples to Monte Carlo SKIRT code (UGent)

⇒ time evolution of gas and dust on block-AMR grid• SKIRT: can read in native ∗.dat format files from MPI-AMRVAC

⇒ Monte Carlo treats scattering/absorption/re-emission ondust, outputs: virtual (infrared) observations, convolved withinstrument specifics

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• object at 1900 pc• Keck [50 mas, 2.45 µm] or ALMA [6 mas, 400 µm] resolutions

(virtual views with SKIRT postprocessing of dust distribution) [20vs 2 pixel convolutions]

⇒ WR98a@Keck [2.4µm] vs WR98a@ALMA [400µm]⇒ KH substructure visible by ALMA, smeared by Keck⇒ leading/trailing arm asymmetries predicted

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• Virtual photometry: effect of orientation (face-on to edge-on)⇒ use 25 pixel radius on images to sum all flux values⇒ variation consistent with inferred 35◦ angle orientation [*]

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

3D simulations meet 3D printing!

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A prelude: colliding stellar winds

• Any Questions?⇒ Please enjoy the rest of this week with us!

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