components of christmas tree on well

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Components of Christmas Tree on Well



    Although not part of subsurface equipment ,the Chr is tmas tree is us ual ly the f i rs t comp onent

    encountered by a workov er/comp let ion crew. The Christmas tree is a series of valves,

    flanges, choke body and connectorsthat al low th e contro l led f low of prod uced f lu ids.

    Applications usually dictate what type of Christmas tree will be needed.There are many differentdesigns and complexi t ies of Chr is tmas trees. Simple units, such as a pump jack setup, may

    consist of a stuffing box with

    no valves. Complex tress may have numerous

    master and wing valves. Factors taken into

    account in tree design include pressure, surface

    environment and temperatures, other types of

    produced fluids, down hole envoronment, fluid

    temperatures and economics.

    The tree should be lubricated on a regular

    schedule. Good maintenance minimizescomplications during production. It also leads to

    smoother repair and removal.The basic components of the Christmas tree

    include the following:

    PRESSURE GAUGE: Pressure gauges al low

    wel l pressures to be m oni tored.Tubing pressure

    and casing or annular pressures are monitored with

    these gauges.

    GAUGE FLANGE (CAP): Provides a seal for the

    top of the tree and has provisions for a pressure

    gauge. When th is f lange is remov ed, it prov ides

    access to the tubing.


    valve is used to shut o f f pressure and al low access to wel l for wire l ine, coil tubing,

    workover, etc, units to be rigged up.

    FLOW TEE (CROSS, TEE):The f low tee is used so th at too ls may be run into the hole

    whi le allowing prod uct ion to the f low l ine.

    WING VALVE:A wing valve is used to shut off the well for most routine operation s. These are

    the easiest to replace in case of damage or cutting out of the valve.

    CHOKE:The choke controls the amount of flowdesired from the well.

    MASTER VALVES:master valves arethe main shut off valves. They are open most vof the

    wells life and are used as little as possible, especially the lower master valve.

    TUBING HANGER: A tubing hanger suspends or supports the tubing string, seals off the casing

    annulus, andal lows f low to the Chi rstmas tree.

    CASING VALVE:The casing valve gives access to the annulus between tubing and casing.

  • 7/27/2019 Components of Christmas Tree on Well


    CASING HANGER: A sl ip and seal arrangement that s uspends, and seals o ff , the casing

    in the casing bow l .

    CASING: Casing is a pipe string that supports the wellbore to prevent it from caving in and

    prevents communication from one zone to another.

    TUBING:A pipe string that contains andallows the flow of fluid produced by the formation.

    During a rig move in and rig up, extremme care must be taken not to damage the tree.

    Carelessness at this point could prove fatal to rig and/ or personnel.

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