competitive sports’ days hit the new track er · oxes this week. 270, 272, 159 & 335; blue :...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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Summer Fayre

helps hit the target

The Sports Days certainly had a mix of weather to contend with—from the heat on the Monday for the Juniors; to the 90 minutes of drizzle for Key

Stage One, it was a real mixed bag! Nothing phased our children though — an odd

tumble on the new track didn't deter anyone in their determination to score points for their house

team. The Junior sports hasn’t seen a ‘tie’ for a decade…

until Monday when the Blues and Greens came out on 802 points each— It made the final

Tug o’ War a really epic battle !!! Klara, the 10 foot character from Education City, was on hand to present the prizes to the winning

house in Key Stage 1. The Yellows were clear winners with 795 points—well done!

Our Early Years’ Sports’ Days are all-action competitions with the children being kept busy

throughout the event. We do not award an outright winner.

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch, it really makes a difference and creates a real-life feel to the sports meeting. Lovely comments were passed on to staff about the competition, the new facilities and how it was great to see that a bit of

rain didn’t put us off !!

Competitive Sports’

Days hit the new


The PTFA held their Summer

Fayre last Friday and were

delighted with the turn out from

our families. Thanks to all who donated items for the Fayre.

Major thanks for those parents, Y5 children & staff who manned the stalls.

Their combined efforts created a wonderful fayre for all to enjoy. The fundraising was also impressive,

with just under £1500 being raised on the day. There was no rest for the PTFA as they were run-

ning the Cafes at the Sports Days this week. With the takings from the cafes, the PTFA have reached their 2 year target for the all-weather

pitch & track… £25,000 in two years—what an



Year 1 Enterprise

If parents of children in Year 1 wants to buy a glossy, laminated picture of their child with Klara,

from Education City, please send in £1 to class teacher.

Key Stage One Results Reds 2nd Place 735 points Yellow 1st Place 795 points Blues 4th Place 685 points Greens 3rd Place 700 points

Key Stage Two Results

Reds 4th Place 713 points Yellows 3rd Place 802 points Blues = 1st = Place 874 points Greens = 1st = Place 874 points




Telephone : 375316

Fax : 370584 Website:


It was Class 10’s turn to hit the road to the East Coast on Wednesday.

Another terrific trip, made all the more fun by throwing Mrs Reynolds into the

sea on her last ever School

visit from Old


Monday : 8 children attending

the Calderdale Panathlon; 3.15—

6pm Informal Parents’ Drop-in

session and next year’s Y6 trip

meeting at 5.45pm.

Tuesday : 1.30pm & 6.30pm Leavers’

Concerts—tickets still available.

Wednesday : 6.30pm Leavers’ Concert—tickets

only. Very limited no of tickets still available

Thursday : End of Year Discos in school time

(Y6 extension to 3.30pm) : No cost

Friday : Last day of the school year.

Final assembly and farewell to Y6, Mrs Reynolds &

Mrs Rogerson.

Working alongside volunteers from

Cromwell Bottom; Parents & Grand-parents; Staff and Family Learning

staff the 60 children in Y4

have been design-ing & building Bird Boxes this week.

Great fun!!

FAREWELL MISS ZENAB : 6 years on from her first day at Old Earth, Miss Zenab, leaves us today for pastures new. Taking a new avenue, she is moving into ‘Incident Management’ Zenab started with us as an apprentice and quickly worked her way into school and has become invaluable as she works with children with additional needs. A hard working, positive & engaging young lady who will be sorely missed. Good luck. MONEY : Please could all parents check their ParentPay account to make sure all owed money is cleared by the end of term, thank you. RAFFLE PRIZES : From the Summer Fayre : White 276, 172, 179, 191, 270, 272, 159 & 335; Blue : 513, 436, 412, 495, 390 & 416 From Sports’ Days : Blue 686, 703 & 710; Pink 489 & 491; Yellow : 790, 896 & 637

Week 38

Issue 554

Friday 12th July


Monday : KS2 Sports Day;

Yorkshire in Bloom judging—

more info next week.

Tuesday : KS1 Sports’ Day; Y3 Tag Rugby

Wednesday : Early Years’ Sports’ Days;

Class 10 trip to Filey

Friday : Reports came home; Transition Day

This Week




Bird Box Enterprise in Y4

Class 10 in Filey

Reports home tonight

This evening you will have received your child’s annual written report—hopefully full of lovely comments and

maybe a few targets for next year. The report needs to come back into school before the end of term, please.

Year 6 : Now that you’ve reached ‘fossil’ status, you can keep yours forever!! We hope you’ll enjoy looking back at your time with us—something to enjoy when you’re older! Years N to 5 : Also in the envelope is a pamphlet outlining

some of the main things to expect in your next school year; plus a letter indicating which class you will be in come Sept.

INFORMAL PARENTS’ DROP IN SESSION If you want to pop in to say goodbye to one teacher and/or

hello to next year’s teacher, please feel free to pop into class between 3.15pm and 6pm on Monday. It’s a good time to

discuss your child’s report, too.

~~End of Year Disco~~ Next Thursday in school time

(Y6 extension to 3.30pm)

All children to bring their disco gear in

a bag (getting changed at lunchtime)

No cost—PTFA are paying for the disco

and the refreshments—thank you

The en


rising Y4

’s raised £


0 fo

r their

charity d



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A fun class 10 photo A soggy Mrs R !!

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