competition diet

Post on 03-Mar-2017






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Competition Steps-Fitness Modelling-Muscles-Bodybulding Diet & Exercise Plan

Cuban Cardio - 2017

Pre-Competition Model fitness physique-Bikini Fitness-Muscular fitness-bodybuilding Important Rules:

Would you like to live a dream be body proud like them? would you like to achieve the real desirable change in your body.

Without proper training nutrition and rest to support your goals and training, catabolic breakdown metabolisms. And hormones will be increase and much of your hard work will be damage at risk time wasted. to improve results, we need to get the most from hypertrophy, and anabolic building hormones.

Eat every 2/3hours: will prevent bloody sugar drop. When this is low our body goes into stress response and secretes cortisol, stress hormone floods the system, muscle tissues broken down and the immune system is compromised

Every time you eat a meal you raise your metabolic system this if you eat the same number of calories between 6-8 meals rather than 3, and you will burn more calories reducing more fat increasing lean define tone muscle tissues

Control insulin levels: Insulin is secreted by the pancreas when blood sugar level is raised high insulin block fat burning, additionally have a negative effect on other hormones including the anabolic hormone testosterone, primary important produce by the testes in males and ovaries in females, responsible for muscle development, by avoiding high glycemic carbs like sugars in the blood and consequently the insulin levels increase spike are prevented. If you want to burn fat and increase muscle development, raising your insulin levels would be completely avoided, important you may need to increase them only in recovery periods or in post workout depending of your type of natural body genetics and metabolic rate consult your doctor for insulin test or have a blood test to be more effective in your insulin level

Eat protein every meal: protein supplies the amino acid necessary for muscle grow by including proteins sources like fish, lean red meat, chicken, turkey, eggs and some high vegetables proteins like kales and spinach, water cress in every meal the constant replacement of amino acids keeps the body in a high nitrogen balance, this is the secret the ideal natural face for anabolic muscle development with highest thermic effect, protein digestion burns more calories than carbs and fat

Proteins requirements approximate when lifting or in resistance training females 1,8-2.4 g/kg of body weight, males 3-4g of proteins /kg of body weight.

Pre-Competition cont.Post workout consume a whey protein with high natural complex glycemic Carbs after a session of heavy training muscle break down and fibre tissues release high cortisol however heavy training sessions is important to provoke muscle development and grow for a response of new muscles fibre synthesis, by ingesting high glycemic a quick energy release like a banana along with a quality whey protein LA Muscle, which raise insulin levels this insulin at this face response will help to move the protein into your muscle where is necessary to recover repair develop and grow , muscle are more insulin receptive directly after a training session so consuming this combination will be ideal for quick effective muscle repair and body recovery including your brain fatigue and develop more muscle growth and enable insulin to be used as an anabolic hormone factor in this particular face in the training process.

Get 8-10 hours’ sleep deep uninterrupted; sleep is very important it’s the time for maximum total recovery repair development and growth, during this process the pituitary hormone releases and now the anti-catabolic hormone is at its highest and the cortisol at its lowest levels, this is the important face of the ultimate anabolic effective process, all you need is close eyes mind free release and let it go sleep deep sleep

The famous pre competition diet plan; normally 6-8-12 depend of your type of body metabolism and experience and training the aim is to be ready for the show time to be totally shredded with the minimum fat possible define tone sculpt solid symmetrical perfect body , muscle can still be built during this face but the most growth will have to be achieved during the training sessions this is more a maintenance face focus on perfect symmetric and sculpt where the diet rules are to keep to fallow is not a cheat meal or relaxing of season period is the time to shine and by really for shoe time

It is important to have a total overview of the body composition, fitness assessments, and health checks.

What to expect During your first workouts, your body will probably feel out of shape and tired. Once you completed training exercise session, the endorphins will increase, feeling good energise and strong you will ask yourself. Why haven’t been exercising before, this feels fantastic. very important Eliminate all junk food during the training programme . Review your aim training goals recorded in Steps 1. ____________________________________________________2. ____________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________

Think about what changes are necessary for you to achieve your goals. take action, to make those changes. When you focus just on results, you won’t see so much change. focus on change to see the results. the moment you starting to improve and visualise yourself inside your new process of body transformation, Take a look yourself before setback down the road, after you have made the decision to follow through on your commitment to improve, increase, and progression, Looking close to your future performance and achievements in the body

• Your skin is glowing• Fit define body, strong and solid • Endless energy • You will encourage and inspire different kind of people, colleges, family, friends and loved ones to take better actions to improving their health

Reduce alcohol, excess consumption suppresses the body’s ability to burn body fat. The body has no storage capacity for alcohol, the consumption of alcohol will almost completely limit he body use the fat for fuel. When alcohol is in the human system, the body will simply convert more of the food you normally eat into body fat. and for those who love drinks the challenge is to limit alcohol consumption to 0-2 drinks per week.

Your actions will take great outcome. Believe in yourself and know yourself, determination, discipline, altitude and character will lead to a life long healthy life, with amazing performance.

Aims and Goals Be realistic to your goal, resist the temptation to eat junk or be inactive. Your destiny relies on your determination, dedication and character each day, and be proud of yourself, you are who you want to be in life now, because you have accepted the rules the routines, and the concessions of certain pattern of habits and behaviours, adopting an specific way of life style when it comes to the discipline towards training programme, exercise and nutrition.

Your body will reflects those level of comfort. and in order to reach your goals and get to where you want to be, a new period and adaptation it will take to set of new habits and behaviours. and your Motivation is the bigger challenge in this period , determination and dedication, to be persistent in times of quit or setback, in times when you give up and don’t feel like exercising, feeling sticking to a punish diet and exercise plan.

• If you don’t quit , you will make a profound breakthrough in your total Body Transformation, a breakthrough that is necessary if you want to achieve your realistic dreams goals. Recognise that these times of setback and laziness are easily reversible and offer the greatest opportunities to improve and increase your performance, health and fitness levels, reduce body fat, increase weight loss goal effective quick. write down any negative real fact that has been confusing delating your fitness and weight loss goals. Review why on the training days the you have any sugar cravings, and don’t feel like exercising, or have any stress and doubts. change your views and attitude by asking your self:

1. I am a loser and quit? Am I getting closer to my goals?2. Will changing my views and attitude benefit me in achieving my aim goals?3. Do I want to be a loser or look good right now?

If necessary, keep safe your goals to purse at any times. you will realise the important benefits of becoming a winner. we all know we have to walk before we can run. we may fall many times, but that is just an evidence that we have to push our bodies boundaries to become better. but we have to keep challenge and pushing ourself to the limits and soon we will become champions. With each effort, pain and failure, we will are learning, by given the opportunity understanding to what it takes to reach our goals and success in the future competition. Never quit, don’t give up, never allow the temporary failures and setback and discourage you. Keeping focus in your goals with determination, dedication, motivation, and you will find ourself closer to reach your dream goals.

Training Progress Tracking WEEK 1:

• Aim to master the correct form for to perform each exercise and achieve the training days workouts.


• Energy levels will increase considerably and you will improve healthy life style and feel better.• Warning: the feeling or gaining temporary 1-2 kg weight gain due to muscle inflammation liquids and water retention due used to a new routine. this will disappear in few days.


• Don’t quit you will definitely see and feel your body looking solid and getting stronger. If you really want to burn fat, now is the time to stay focus, consistent and determinant.


• Starting to get more fit, better and your body measurements dropped, be impress to see a drastic weight loss of up to 1-3 kg and at least 1-2 inches off your waist and hips.


• See and feel results working fast and quicker especially in the gluteus and improvements in the core, arms, back, chest, and legs areas. This will be key motivation for the final body transformation.

WEEK 6-8:

• Show time, your ready CONGRATULATIONS! You have reached your goals achieving your dream, it’s time to prove it. optimal condition to take your to stage, photos, measurements and health and fitness test. If you have completely followed the rules and steps your whole body will be in top condition health and fitness.

Eat every 2 to 3 hours

7:00 - LA Muscle Oats with Natural Yoghurt

9:00 - 3 boiled Eggs & half of Cucumber

11:00 - LA Muscle Whey Protein 13:00 - Tuna & Broccoli

17:00 - Chicken Breast & Sweet Potato

15:00 - Vegetable Mixed Salad(Watercress and Spinach)

19:00 - Grilled Cod& Asparagus

Through out the dat drink a lot of water (1.5 - 2.0 litres)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Breakfast Fresh grapefruit juice 200ml

Ricotta and red pepper omelette with one toast

2-4 eggs whites, 25g ricotta, diced.30g red pepper. chopped. 1tbsp skimmed milk, 1tsp oregano. 1tsp low fat spread. Fresh ground pepper.1 slice granary bread.

Wiske together the egg white milk and pepper add the diced ricotta, red pepper and oregano. Heat a teaspoon of low fat spread in a pan pour in the omelette mixture and cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes, toast the bread and serve.

Fresh grapefruit juice or black coffee or green tea

Porridge topped with cinnamon

30g porridge oats made with water pinch of cinnamon

Mix together oats and water and heat slowly, sprinkle the cinnamon and topped with ½ apple

Fresh grapefruit juice 200ml plain coffee, green tea

1-2 boiled eggs with

Mix oats grains seeds free sugar muesli topped with pomegranate seeds 40g sugar free muesli. 100ml skimmed milk, 50g pomegranate seeds.

Lunch 2-4 rye crisp breads with anchovies and vegetables

1-2 tomatoes slice finely, 2 mushroom, sliced finely,15g anchovies, 1shallot diced finely

Spread the tomatoes over the mix together mushroom and shallot diced, and top with the anchovies, heat in a warm oven.

Spinach and watercress soup with tofu

300g spinach and watercress soup 30g tofu. 1wholemeal seeded roll,

Avocado, crab and mango salad

1 avocado, 100g mango, peeled, 1 tin of dresses crab,1 tomato,80g cucumber, ½ red onion, squeeze 1-2 lemon fresh juice, freshly ground pepper, 1 tbsp fresh mint,

Dice tomato, cucumber and onion, chop the peeled mango into cubes, peel and de stone the avocado, into a bowl, add a squeeze of lemon juice, and freshly ground black pepper and mix together, serve the crab with the salad and sprinkle finely chopped mint leaves on top.

Dinner oast chicken and mint sauce with roasted sweet potatoes, carrot, leeks, swede and onion mash

120g chicken lean clean,130g small sweet potatoes, 30g carrot, 30g swede cubed,1/2onion, 50g leeks sliced.1tbsp extra virgin olive oil, fresh ground black pepper, fresh mint.

Place the chicken and sweet potatoes in a roasting pan, add a little olive oil and place in a preheated oven, steam the carrot, onion, swede and leaks, mash the carrot, swede and onion in a bold and cover to keep warm serve the chicken topped with the mint sauce, sprinkle with black pepper and serve with the potatoes, vegetables, and mash leeks.

Linguine with wild mushroom served with mix detox salad

100g linguine, 4 large wild mushroom, sliced, 1-2 garlic cloves, crushed, 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil,1tbsp flat-leaf parsley

Salad detox 75g raw fennel,80g broccoli 2tomatoes, handful of watercress, squeeze of 1-2 lemon juice, 1tbsp olive oil,

Chop the all and mix all together in a bowl, add a squeeze of lemon and a teaspoon of olive oil, put the linguine in a boiled water, bring water back to boil again and cook for 7 minutes if dried and 2-3 minutes if fresh. In a pan soften the garlic in olive oil, turn up the heat and add the mushrooms. Cook until softened. Drain the pasta and add to the mushrooms and garlic sprinkle with parsley and serve with the salad.

Fish kebabs ;80g swordfish steak, cut into cubes, 80g halibut steak, cut into cubes, ½ lemon, 1 garlic cloves, crushed, ½ onion sliced. ½ green pepper, cubed, 5cherry tomatoes. 80g mixed salad leaves

Marinate the fish for 30 minutes in lemon juice and garlic, thread the fish onto skewers alternating with the pepper, tomatoes and onion, place under a grill until cooked and serve with the mixed salad leaves.

Snacks 1 orange, a handful of blackberries.150glow plain yoghurt with handful fresh strawberries and 3 chopped brazil nuts.

125g soya yogurt, 1 orange,2 rice cakes topped with peanut butter, 30g mackerel with 80g cucumber sticks and 1 tomato sliced fine

1-2 rye bread spread with 30g sardines, 1 apple, 1handful mix berries, 125g soya probiotic yoghurt, 2 plums.

Table 1

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast Fresh pomegranate juice 200ml. coffee, green tea

Kipper topped with a poached egg on a rice cakes

125g kipper, ½ lemon,1-2 eggs 1tbsp cider vinegar. Few springs of parley, 2 low salt rice cakes and slow fat spread

Grill the kipper, heat water in a pan and add the cider vinaigrette, when water is about to boil, add the egg and poach until the egg white is firm, remove the egg from the pan and place on top of the kipper, add a wedge of lemon and sprinkle with the parsley, toast the bread, add the spread and serve.

fresh apple juice 200ml coffee, green tea

smoked salmon and scrambled eggs with mushrooms and toast

2-4 eggs, 40g smoked salmon strips. 2tbsp milk.1tsp olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, 4 mushrooms ,1 slice rye bread.

Grill the mushrooms, whisk the eggs, milk and black pepper and add the salmon, heat the oil in a pan, pour in the eggs mix, stir and season with spike ground black pepper. Cook until scrambled. Toast 1 slice bread and serve.

Fresh mango juice

Sugar free mix oats and muesli topped with chopped almonds and dates

50g sugar free muesli 100ml skimmed milk 10g chopped almonds, 1 chopped date.

Fresh grapefruit or pomegranate juice 200ml

Porridge with linseeds and pumping seeds and blueberries

50g porridge made with water 5g ground linseeds and pumping seeds, 100g blueberries

Mix the porridge with water and heat slowly, pour into a bowl, top with linseeds, and blueberries, and serve.

Lunch Baked sweet potatoes with tuna mix beans and sweetcorn

200g sweet potatoes 100g reduced salt, sugar mix bean, 30g sweetcorn. 1 can tune spring water law salt

Bake the sweet potatoes, in the oven or microwave, heat the beans and sweetcorn separately and serve with the potato and topped with tuna

Spicy tomato and basil soup with roll

300g spicy tomato and basil soup, 1 brown seeded roll

Prawn and tomato salad

60g prawns, cooked and peeled, ½ tsp mustard organic, 2 tomatoes sliced, squeeze of lemon juice, freshly ground black pepper, 1tsp extra virgin olive oil, serve the prawns and the tomatoes with a dressing of mustard organic, pepper, olive oil and lemon,

Miso soup. 6 pieces’ salmon, tuna, sushi with 35g edamame beans.

Dinner Fresh orange mix lemon juice, coffee, green tea.

Tangy lemongrass chicken with salad

130 chicken Brest, cut into cubes. ½ tbsp. red curry paste, 1tbsp lemongrass, 2 kaffir lime leaves, 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1tbsp lime juice, 80g mixed salad leaves

Marinate the chicken Brest in the red curry paste and leave for 30 minutes in a pan or wok, heat the oil, add the garlic and soften. Stir in the chicken, fish sauce, lemongrass and lime leaves with 100ml water. cook slowly for about 15 minutes. serve together with the mixed salad

Grilled tuna steak with steamed sweet potatoes, courgettes and green beans,

120g tuna steak, 130g sweet potatoes, 80g courgettes, 50g green beans ½ lemon

Grill the tuna steam the sweet potatoes, courgettes and green beans, serve the tuna and drizzle lemon juice on top.

Turkey with pineapple rings, baked sweet potato and mixed salad

225g turkey steak, 2 pineapple rings, 80g mixed leaf salad, 200g jacket potato,

Bake the sweet potato in the oven or microwave, grill the turkey and serve topped with the pineapple along with the salad.

Grilled halibut steak with steamed mange tout, sweetcorn and creamed spinach

100g halibut steak, 80g mange tout, 90g spinach, 35g baby sweetcorn, 2tbsp buttermilk single cream low fat, freshly ground black pepper,

Light frill the halibut until cooked through and steam the mange tout and baby sweetcorn. Place the spinach in the pan with a little boiling water, and cook for 2 minutes, drain the water and stir in the cream, season with black pepper and serve

Snacks 2 crisp breads, with 30g mackerel, 1 apple, 1 pear pomegranate, 120g low fat Greek yoghurt,25g reduced fat cottage cheese with 1 celery and 1 carrot stick.

Vegetables juice 2 carrots 2 tomatoes 1 tbsp parsley, 1 apple, 1 pomegranate, 1 pear, 1 apricot.

25g tzatziki dip with 2 celery and 2 carrot stick, a handful of blueberries.

Vegetable juice mixed 2 carrots and 2 tomatoes 1 celery, 1tbsp parsley, 150g low fat greed yogurt, 6 brazil nuts, 1 apricot.

MONDAY • legs hamstring lower back gluteus• Good morning• Resistance band hamstring curl• Hypertension• Torso twist• Kettlebell sumó squat• One leg press• Adductor machine raise• Lying barbell hip extension• You can use variation using plate or kettlebell or dumbbell12-15 reps 3-6 sets

TUESDAY • upper body Abs• One arm seat row• Straight arm pulldown• One arm dumbbell Row• Standing shoulders press• Rear deltoid shoulders cable fly• Reverse pec deck fly• Bent arm lateral shoulder raise• Abs 200 any of your preferences12-15 reps 3-6 sets

WEDNESDAY • Kettlebells double swim warm up 16-20-24 kg 1-5 minutes swing• 1 - planks 1-5 minutes including side plank alternating Swiss ball plank and elevated feet on the bench plank single legs

and single arms• 2-Swiss ball jackknife including side plank with feet on Swiss ball• 3- barbell rollout -litle will rollout all directions and Swiss ball rollout• 4-slice out barbell rollout and litle weal barbell rollout• 5- Swiss ball lateral roll• 6- kettlebell wood chop alternating balls. Cable Kneeling stability reverse chops and standing wood chops.• 7- weighted Russian twists floor and decline bench with kettlebells or plate or dumbbell• 8- incline bench reverse crunch• 9-hanging legs Raise• 10- moon boots reverse suspension Abs hanging legs in the bar10-20 reps 4-6 sets

THURSDAY • legs abs• Lunge all direction• Legs press• Legs extension• Legs extension• Adductor machine reverse side• Legs press calf raise or in the machine• Abs exercises12-15 reps 3-6 reps

FRIDAY • Shoulder-Chest -Gluteus-Abs• Shoulder press• Bent over dumbbell fly superset with front extension• Upright row• Bent arm lateral shoulder raise• Chess press• Squat• Weighted Donkey kick• Lying barbell hip extension• Abs• 12-15 reps• 8-10reps 65% rest 10-20 sec or 1RM• 6-8 reps @ 75 % rest 10-20 sec or 1RM• 4-6 reps @ 85% rest 10-20 sec maximum 1RM• 15-20 reps @ 50% rest 10-20 sec maximum 1RM

SATURDAY Cardio of steppers machine- stair-stepper machine -running -rowing-cycling SUNDAY Rest Day

To learn more about the Cuban Cardio body Transformation Training, get the latest workout, fitness advice and join the master class and workshops, to keep in tune with the latest training method techniques, Contact Us or email and Get Fit With Latin Spirit!

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