comparison of gfrg with conventional systems

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Chapter 1


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+eing an emerging economy with rapidly rising per capita energy consumption

and an increased dependency on energy imports$ India is eposed to internationalenergy mar'et %olatility and energy insecurity" As the ur!an housing sector o rapidly

ur!ani4ing India is acing a massi%e shortage o aorda!le housing$ in order to

address inclusi%e growth in the country$ %arious aorda!le housing schemes are !eing

 planned !y the Go%ernment o India in its i%e year plans" ,owe%er all such policies

and schemes$ coming with hety in%estments$ all silent upon energy consumption and

conser%ation" The report o the high le%el tas' orce on aorda!le housing chaired !y

eepa' are'h in 6227 deined the concept o aorda!le housing in terms o si4e o 

tenement$ multiples o household income and in terms o percentage o household

income or rented accommodation" In this report$ an aorda!le house inEconomically 8ea'er 0ection (E80) or Low Income Group (LIG) category is

deined as a unit with a carpet area !etween 22 and :22 s3 eet$ with the cost not

eceeding our times the household gross annual income and E;I/rent not eceeding

<2 percent o the household=s gross monthly income"

E%idently$ such a nationally accepted !enchmar' also deined the capital cost

components associated with aorda!le housing$ !ut o%erloo'ed the actors related to

sustaina!ility and the associated recurring cost sa%ings"

The !uilding sector in India consumed 69 percent o the total primary energy

demand in 6229" This energy consumption in aorda!le housing is small compared to

high income residences$ commercial and institutional !uildings" ,owe%er$ the

demand or aorda!le housing constitutes a!out 95 percent o the housing mar'et in

India and hence orms a signiicant share o energy consumption in the household

energy sector in the uture"

The threat o climate change caused !y the increasing concentration o 

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is pushing the whole world into a catastrophiccrisis situation with uni%ersal concern" The need o the 61 st  century is or energy

eicient and eco&riendly products" The !uilding industry accounts or <2> o #* 6

emissions" +uilding construction causes #*6  emissions as a result o em!odiedenergy consumed in the production o energy intensi%e !uilding materials and also the

recurring energy consumption or cooling and heating o indoor en%ironment"

0igniicant studies ha%e !een carried in Indian contet !y The Energy and

Resources Institute o India (TERI) which promotes and deines the concept o green

 !uildings through its own !uilding rating system named GRI,A (Green Rating or 

Integrated ,a!itat Assessment) ?:@$ adopted as the national rating system or green

 !uildings !y the Go%ernment o India since 622"

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,owe%er the GRI,A guidelines gi%e a sustaina!ility scoring ramewor' only and

eclude the economic cost and comort parameters that may !e associated with

energy eicient inter%entions or ormulating a more holistic sustaina!le rating

system achie%a!le !y the aorda!le housing sector" The +ureau o Energy Eiciency

(+EE)$ which is a statutory !ody set up under the pro%ision o Energy #onser%ation

Act 6221$ launched the Energy #onser%ation +uilding #ode (E#+#) in 622 ?@

which sets minimum standards or energy eicient design$ construction and retro&

itting" GRI,A has < criteria !ased upon which rating o a green !uilding proBect is

 perormed$ o which the E#+# ma'es up three criteria (criteria :$ 1 and 1<)" +ut the

 primary target o the E#+# is limiting energy consumption o ,CA# systems that

consume a!out 2&<5 percent o operational energy in mechanically %entilated


#onsidering this gap in the study o energy eicient inter%entions or aorda!lehousing with naturally %entilated interior en%ironment in hot countries$ the gi%en

research eplores a model or meeting a threeold target o impro%ing lie cycle

energy consumption$ minimi4ing cost and decreasing the percei%ed discomort inside

such housing units"

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Lie cycle assessment (L#A) is a techni3ue which is deined !y the International

0tandardi4ation *rgani4ation as to measure the en%ironmental aspects and impacts o 

 product systems$ rom raw material ac3uisition to inal disposal$ in accordance with

the stated goal and scope as in I0* 1<2<2 ?7@" .or !uilding industry$ L#A measures

the o%erall impact o a !uilding and its components on the en%ironment in three

dierent phases - the construction or the pre&use phase$ the operation or the post&occupancy phase and the demolition phase o the !uilding in a cradle&to&gra%e

analysis" *ut o these three phases$ the energy consumption in the third$ i"e" the

demolition phase is negligi!le compared to the irst two phases" ,owe%er relati%e

energy consumption in the irst two phases depends upon the unctional type o 

 !uilding$ choice o materials and the choice o %entilation or the interior 

en%ironment" ast studies on comparing L#A or %arious types o residential

 !uildings ha%e shown that in case o a single amily residential unit$ the right choice

o materials in the pre&use phase with a slight possi!le increase in em!odied energy

may lead to %ery high amount energy sa%ing in the use&phase ?9@?12@" It has also !een

seen that there eists a linear relationship !etween the operational energy use and the

total energy use in a !uilding lie span$ !ut a similar relation is not applica!le with the

em!odied energy o the !uilding" ,ence a solar house or a passi%e house pro%ed to !e

more energy eicient rom lie cycle energy point o %iew compared to a house !uilt

with the commitment to use Dgreen materials ?11@" Thereore$ while choosing

materials in the pre&use or the construction phase$ the numerical %alue or em!odied

energy should not !e the sole criterion or introducing green inter%entions in whole

liecycle perspecti%e o the !uilding"

;oreo%er$ in Indian contet$ the concept o aorda!le housing is gi%en !ynaturally %entilated !uildings$ since the cost o air conditioning adds considera!ly to

the operation and maintenance cost$ ma'ing it !eyond aorda!ility limits or the

middle and lower income groups" As a result$ the pre&use phase is an important target

 phase or energy eicient inter%entions or our aimed group o !uildings$ ha%ing an

immense potential to pro%ide an optimal thermal comort during the !uilding=s use&


The gi%en study eplores walling material inter%entions which orm an important

actor or heat gain inside naturally %entilated !uilding in predominantly hot climates"

The gi%en methodology can !e etended to study the perormance o other !uilding

elements in a sustaina!ility ramewor'"

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*rdinary !ric'wor' 615 mm thic' eternal and 115mm thic' internal walls with1K: mortar !onds and 1K< sand cement plaster"

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• 0olid plain cement concrete (##) in&situ wall with 622 mm thic' plastered eternalwall and 122 mm thic' internal wall with 1K< sand cement plaster

• 615 mm thic' eternal and 115 mm thic' internal ly ash !ric' walls with 1K: mortar  !onds and 1K< sand cement plaster

• +ric' ca%ity wall with 115mm thic' eternal and internal !ric'wor' with 1K: mortar  !onds and 1K< sand cement plaster and an air gap o 2mm in !etween

• Autocla%ed aerated concrete (AA#) !ric' walls 622mm thic' with 1K: mortar !ondsand 1K< sand cement plaster$ !oth or eternal and internal walls

• Glass i!re reinorced gypsum (G.RG) rapid walling system ?15@$ consisting o glass

i!re reinorced gypsum !oard panels 16<mm thic' with hollow ca%ities in illed !y

reinorced cement concrete or structural strength !oth or eternal and internal walls"

The walling system does not re3uire plastering"

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Chapter 2






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Fi$3re (& Typical Cross Section of GFRG !anel

Rapid wall Definition

G.RG is the a!!re%iation or glass i!re reinorced gypsum" It is the name o a new !uilding panel product$ made essentially o gypsum plaster$ reinorced with glass i!res$ and is also

'nown in the industry as Rapid wall" This product$ suita!le or rapid mass&scale !uilding

construction$ was originally de%eloped and used since 1992 in Australia" G.RG is o 

 particular rele%ance to India$ where there is a tremendous need or cost&eecti%e mass&scale

aorda!le housing$ and where gypsum is a!undantly a%aila!le as an industrial !y&product

waste" The product is not only eco&riendly or green$ !ut also resistant to water and ire"

G.RG panels are presently manuactured to a thic'ness o 16< mm$ a length o 16m and a

height o m$ under careully controlled conditions" The panel can !e cut to re3uired si4e"

Although its main application is in the construction o walls$ it can also !e used in loor and

roo sla!s in com!ination with reinorced concrete" The panel contains ca%ities that may !e

illed with concrete and reinorced with steel !ars to impart additional strength and pro%ide

ductility" The panels may !e unilled$ partially illed or ully illed with reinorced concrete as

 per the structural re3uirement"

G.RG !uilding panels are

 presently manuactured as Rapid

wall$ or the typical dimensions

and material properties descri!ed

in the manual" Typical

dimensions o a G.RG !uilding

 panel are 16"2m "2m2"16< m$ as shown in .ig"1"




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.ig"1 K 8orlds= largest load !earing lightweight panel !eing used in Australia


Rapidwall panel is world=s largest load!earing lightweight panels" The panels are

manuactured with si4e 16 m length$ m height and 16< mm thic'ness" Each panel has <7

modular ca%ities o 62 mm 9< mm m dimension" The weight o one panel is 1<<2 'g

or <2 'g/s3m" The density is 1"1<g/cm$ !eing only 12&16> o the weight o compara!le

concrete /!ric' masonry" The physical and material properties o panels are as ollowsK

8eight& light weight <2 g/ s3m

Aial load capacity 1:2 'N/mO 1: tons/ mP#ompressi%e strength "6 g/cm6

Qnit 0hear strength 52"92 'N/m.leural strength 61"65 'g/cm


Tensile 0trength 5 N/ muctility <

.ire resistance < hr rating withstood 22&12222 #

Thermal Resistance R 2": /8

DQ DCalue 6"758/;6  Thermal conducti%ity 2":1

Elastic ;odulus 222&:222;pa0ound transmissionO0T#P <2

8ater a!sorption J 5>

The %ertical and lateral load capa!ility o Rapidwall anel can !e increased manyold !y inill o concrete ater placing reinorcement rods %ertically" As per structural

re3uirement$ ca%ities o wall panel can !e illed in %arious com!inations (0ee .ig"6")


8all to wall ML=$ MT=$ M= angle Boints and hori4ontal wall Boints are made !y cutting

o inner or outer langes or we! appropriately and inill o concrete with %ertical

reinorcement with stirrups or anchorage" Carious constructio n Boints are illustrated in



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.ig"< G.RG em!edded with R## micro !eams and R## screed concrete

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Concrete infill

Ater inserting %ertical reinorcement rods as per the structural design and clamps

or wall corners are in place to 'eep the wall panels in perect position$ concrete o 16 mm

si4e aggregate will !e poured rom top into the ca%ities using a small hose to go down at

least 1"5 to 6 m into the ca%ities or directly pumping the concrete rom ready mi

concrete truc'" .or small !uilding construction$ concrete can !e poured manually using aunnel" .illing the panels with concrete is to !e done in three layers o 1m height with an

inter%al o 1 hr !etween each layer" There is no need to use %i!rator !ecause gra%itational

 pressure acts to sel compact the concrete inside the water tight ca%ities"

Em5edded RCC tie 5eam all aro3nd at each level floor8roof sla5&

An em!edded R## tie !eam to loor sla! is to !e pro%ided at each loor sla! le%el$

as an essential re3uirement o national !uilding code against earth 3ua'es" .or this$ we!

 portion to re3uired !eam depth at top is to !e cut and remo%ed or placing hori4ontalreinorcement with stirrups and concreted"

Rapidwall for floor8 roof sla5 in com5inationwith RCC

Rapidwall or loor/roo sla! will also !e

cut to re3uired si4e and mar'ed with notatio n"

.irst the wall Boints and other ca%ities and

hori4ontal R## tie !eams are in& illed withconcrete then wooden plan' o 2" to 2"<5 m

wide is pro%ided to room span !etween the wallswith support where%er em!edded micro !eams

are there inally roo panels will !e lited !y

crane using strong sling tied at mid&diagonal point$ so that panel will loat perectly hori4ontal

(0ee .ig"5)

.ig 5 .loor/roo panel

Each roo panel is placed o%er the

wall in such a way that there will

 !e at least a gap o <2 mm" This is

to ena!le %ertical rods to !e placed

continuously rom loor to loor and pro%ide monolithic R##

rame within Rapidwall"

8here%er em!edded micro&!eamsare there$ top langes o roo panelare cut lea%ing at least 65mm

 proBection" .ig : K #utting o top lange

.ig K Reinorcement


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Reinorcement or micro&!eams is placed and weld mesh as reinorcement is placed (.ig

)" #oncrete is poured or miro&!eams and R## sla!" This results in the em!edded R##

micro !eams and 52 mm thic'ness screed concrete !ecoming a series o DT !eams"

Erection of wall panel and floor sla5 for 3pper floor

The ollowing day$ erection o wall panels or the upper loor can !e arranged"Certical reinorcement o loor !elow is pro%ided with etra length so as to protrude to

2"<5 m to ser%e as start up rods and lap length or upper loor" (0ee .ig"7)

*nce the wall panels are erected on

the upper loor$ %ertical

reinorcement rods are pro%ided$

door/window rames ied and R##

lintel cast" Then concrete is illed

where re3uired and Boints are illed"

Then R## tie !eam all around are

concreted" Roo panel or upper 

loor is repeated same as groundloor" .or e%ery upper loor the same

method is repeated"

.ig 7 K Erection o upper loor panel

Finishin$ wor9 

*nce concreting o ground loor roo sla! is completed$ on the <t h

 day$ wooden plan's with support props in ground loor can !e remo%ed" .inishing o internal wallcorners and ceiling corners etc can !e done using wall putty or special plaster !yeperienced * plasterers" 0imultaneously$ electrical wor'$ water supply and sanitarywor'$ loor tiling$ mosaic or mar!le wor's$ staircase wor' etc can also !e carried out"E%ery upper loor can !e inished in the same way"

-onolithic RCC framed str3ct3re inside Glass Fi5er Reinforced Gyps3m !anel%

In Rapidwall !uilding an em!edded monolithic$ thin R## ramed structure is

ormed !y i) !ottom R## plinth !eams$ ii) %ertical columns o inilled ca%ities$ iii)

%ertical wall corner Boints i%) inter&connected hori4ontal R## tie !eams$ integratedwith %) em!edded R## micro&!eams and R## screed in all loors" In eect this R##

rame is moulded inside the G.RG anel" (0ee .ig" 9)

.ig 9 K;onolithic

R## ramed structure

Testing o Rapidwall in Australia and !y TianBin Qni%ersity$ in Shandong ro%ince$ #hina

ound that(+e l(erl re)i)(nce o$ (+e concre(e $ille! GFRG #ll) co-e $ro- (#o

!i$$eren( c(ion) *i i0 (+e )+er re)i)(nce o$ (+e R&i!#ll n! ii0 (+e l(erl re)i)(nce

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o$ in(ernl rein$orce! concre(e core)1as per the paper pu!lished !y u&.ei 8u and Uiangin RILE; 622(1) .

The strength o !uilding to ta'e care o aial load and lateral/ leural/ shear loads

rom wind or cyclone or earth3ua'es is due to the com!ination o insid e R## rame and

Rapidwall anel" 0ince the reinorced steel also encased within the G.RG panel$ it is

 protected rom corrosion"

Rapidwall 53ildin$8 ho3sin$ is cooler

#on%entional !uilding materials li'e concrete ha%e high thermal conducti%ity and

low thermal resistance" #on%entional concrete roo and walls radiate heat inside the

 !uilding" ,ea%y electrical energy is to !e used to maintain indoor comort le%el" There

will !e high electric energy or heating the indoor during winter"

In contrast Rapidwall panel ha%e low thermal conducti%ity and high thermal

resistance" A comparati%e research study !y ;ohd eter a%is et al in 6222 in Qni%ersiti

utra ;alaysia$ 0elangor$ ound that in summer indoor temperature o Glass .i!er 

Reinorced Gypsum anel !uilding is cooler !y 5 to : degrees #elsius as compared to

concrete !uilding (6)" The high thermal resistance o Rapidwall will 'eep interiors cooler 

in summer and warmer in winter$ sa%ing su!stantial recurring energy use"

Rapidwall is ener$y efficient

Low energy consumption or mass production o !uilding material and reduced

use o recurring energy or operational use is %ery critical to achie%e car!on emission

reduction to sa%e the en%ironment and ight glo!al warming" This is the need o the


The main raw material is calcined superior 3uality gypsum plaster with puritymore than 92>" Gypsum plaster$ also called laster o aris$ is produced !y calcining

natural mineral gypsum roc' (#a0*<6,6*) or !y calcining industrial waste !y&product

gypsum a%aila!le a!undantly in India at %arious locations across the country" The use o 

ad%anced low energy !ased green V cleaner technology in reprocessing / recycling theraw material into G.RG panels consumes %ery low energy and helps to protect theen%ironment" En%ironmental protection is economically priced now through car!onemission reduction (#ER) trading under yoto rotocol lin'ed through special mar'etmechanism (#; & #lean e%elopment ;echanism)"

This ma'es Rapidwall anel mass production %ery suita!le to meet the challengeo aorda!le housing or the depri%ed" According to the ;inistry o ,ousing$ Go%t o India in ec 622 ur!an housing shortage has !een estimated at a!out 6<" million units at

the end o the 12t h

 .i%e ear lan (622:&2) and 99> o the shortage pertains to theeconomically wea'er sections and low income groups"

Rapidwall is for afforda5le 63ality ho3sin$

Access to ade3uate shelter at aorda!le cost !y low income section and common people is %ery important or India or inclusi%e de%elopment"" The !ooming o real estateand construction industry has indeed shot up the cost o construction due to the e%er 

increasing cost o cement$ steel$ !ric's$ ri%er sand$ concrete materials and la!our cost" In

this situation$ sae and good 3uality housing will !ecome unaorda!le to all the sections"

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-aterials8 items Rapidwall 23ildin$ Conventional Savin$ in :


Cement 1: tons 6"55 tons 52"7Steel 1722 'g 69 'g 5"6

River sand 62 cum 7" cum :

Granite metal 7 cum 56"<: cum 6"5:

2ric9s & 5622

GFRG !anel 522s3m &

Water 52222 ltr 622222ltr 5

23ilt Area 1< s3m 15<"<5s3m 7

/a5o3r 79 mandays 1622 mandays :"59

Constr3ction Time 61 days 162 days 76Total Wei$ht of  12 tons <92 tons :5


Constr3ction Cost Rs 1"65 la'hs Rs 17"6 la'hs 6"<>

Em5odied ener$y 76961 615<22 :1"5in 9Wh

Ta!le 1K #omparison o Rapidwall %s con%entional !uilding

.ses of Rapidwall

The most %alu!le use o Rapidwall is its use as load !earing wall in multi& storey

construction in com!ination with R##" Rapidwall can also !e used as non load

5earin$ and partition wall in RCC framed str3ct3res% IIT ;adras has recentlyde%eloped method o iing panel in !etween R## columns$ !eams and loor sla! with

clamping system" +y this panel can !e ied to loor sla! and panel at !ottom using

screws$ which will !e em!edded within looring and s'irting" At top clamps will !e

ied to panel and ceiling sla! or !eam" *n sides also clamped at !ottom to R##

column$ loor sla! and panel" lastering o walls can also !e sa%ed there!y sa%ing time

and cost" I this is ta'en into account at design stage itsel$ dead load reduction o more

than 52> can !e made"This will sa%e in oundation$ R## columns and !eams$ in turn

steel and concrete" This will ma'e su!stantial sa%ings in cost o construction "

RCC Col3mns; 5eams with Rapidwall floor and walls in hi$h rise 53ildin$&

*ne o the leading architects !ased in ;um!ai proposed an inno%ati%e method o 

construction o high rise !uilding with R## columns and !eams to ta'e load$ while

 panel is to !e used or walls and loor sla! with micro !eams" .or this specially

designed shuttering or R## columns and !eams will !e in position in such a way that

wall panel and loor sla! panel o ground loor will !e in position" #oncreting o 

columns$ !eams$ inill o re3uired ca%ities$ micro !eams$ and screed will !e done

simultaneously" This process will !e repeated on each upper loor" 8alls o each loor 

construction will !e done along with rising up structure" It is estimated that this

method will reduce 52> dead load which will reduce su!stantial steel and cement$ 7>

increased carpet area and sa%ing o :2&2 > time"

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Scattered small and row ho3ses&

Wuality small houses and row houses or low income and common people which can

resist natural disasters at aorda!le cost is essential or inclusi%e de%elopment"

,ousing o the masses as well as other segments along with inrastructure alone will

determine growth and de%elopment o the society or the nation" *ne +, housing

rom 22&522 st at aorda!le cost X Rs :22&22/ st can !e a reality with Rapidwall"

At a time when the real estate mar'et is on the downslide due to the economy in

recession$ many !uilders who ha%e em!ar'ed on mega residential schemes may ind

aorda!le housing as a catalyst to tide o%er the recession period" It need not mean that

they need to !uild houses or low income or middle class alone$ !ut with structures

 !uilt at aorda!le cost using Rapidwall and carry out superior inish to meet the

re3uirement o up mar'et and luury segment may !e a good solution and response "

8hile pro%ide more comorta!le li%ing $ this will also sa%e energy $ contri!ute to

en%ironmental protection and ight glo!al warming"

#onstruction o compound wallKRapidwall can !e used or construction o compound wall and security wall"

Gypsum !ased wall plaster and wall putty will !e alternati%e to cement plaster or 

interior walls and ceiling" This will sa%e ri%er sand $ cement and water" It will also

 pro%ide ine inish" Gypsum !ased wall putty will !e superior product than currently

mar'eted !rands o wall putty" These products will also !e %ery useul to the real

estate and housing industry"

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RTIFICATIOSystem in Brief 

Glass .i!re Reinorced Gypsum (G.RG) anel 'nown as Rapidwall is a !uilding panel made&up o 

calcined gypsum plaster$ reinorced with glass i!ers" The panel was originally de%eloped !y G.RG

+uilding 0ystem Australia and used since 1992 in Australia or mass scale !uilding construction" Now$ these panels are !eing produced in India and the technology is !eing used in India"

The panel$ manuactured to a thic'ness o 16<mm under careully controlled conditions to a length

o 16m and height o m$ contains ca%ities that may !e unilled$ partially illed or ully illed with

reinorced concrete as per structural re3uirement" Eperimental studies and research in Australia$

#hina and India ha%e shown that G.RG panels$ suita!ly illed with plain reinorced concrete

 possesses su!stantial strength to act not only as load !earing elements !ut also as shear wall$

capa!le o resisting lateral loads due to earth3ua'e and wind" G.RG panel can also !e used

ad%antageously as in&ills (non&load !earing) in com!ination with R## ramed columns and !eams

(con%entional ramed construction o multi&storey !uilding) without any restriction on num!er o storeyes" ;icro&!eams and R## screed (acting as T&!eam) can !e used as loor/ roo sla!"

The G.RG anel is manuactured in semi&automatic plant using slurry o calcined gypsum plaster 

mied with certain chemicals including water repellent emulsion and glass i!re ro%ings$ cut$ spread

and im!edded uniormly into the slurry with the help o screen roller" The panels are dried at a

temperature o 65o# !eore shiting to storage area or the cutting ta!le" The wall panels can !e cut

as per dimensions V re3uirements o the !uilding planned"

It is an integrated composite !uilding system using actory made prea! load !earing cage panels V

monolithic cast&in situ R# in illed or walling V loor/roo sla!$ suita!le or low rise to mediumrise (single to 12 storeys) !uilding"

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ClassicationClass – 1 – Water resistant grade – GFRG panel for external walls, inwet areas and /

or as oor and wall formwork for concrete lling.Class – 2 – General Grade – GFRG panels for structural application ornon–structuralapplication in dry areas. Tese panels are general unsuita!le for use aswall or oorformwork andClass – 3 – Partition Grade – GFRG panel as non–structural internalpartition wallsin dry areas only.

Application GFRG panels may generally !e used in following ways"

i#$s load %earing &alling – &it ca'ities lled wit reinforced concrete issuita!lefor multi – storeyed ousing. (n single or two storeyed construction,te ca'itiescan remain unlled or suita!ly lled wit non – structural core llingsuc asinsulation, sand, )uarry dust, polyuretane or ligt weigt concrete.


$s partition walls in multi storeyed frame !uildings. *anels can also

!e lledsuita!ly. +uc walls can also !e used as cladding for industrial !uildingsor sport

facilities etc.

iii# $s compound walls / security walls.

i'#$s oriontal oor sla!s / roof sla!s wit reinforced concrete micro!eams andscreed -T!eam action#. Tis system can also !e used in inclinedconguration,suc as staircase waist sla! and pitced roong.

Dimension  Typical imension of GFRG !uilding panel are 01.2m x 3.2m x 2.014m5ac 0.2m segment of te panel contains four cells. 5ac cell is 162mm

wide and014mm tick -see Fig.0#.

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ec!anical "roperties #unlled panels$ % &ased on test results'

-echanical !roperties ominal #al3e Remar9s

Qnit weight 2"< 'N/m6

;odulus o elasticity$ E 522 N/mm6


Qni&aial compressi%e strength$ uc 1:2 'N/m (<" ma)

0trength o!tained rom

longitudinalcompression / tension testswith

Qni&aial tensile strength$ Tuc < - 'N/m

ri!s etending in thelongitudinal


Qltimate shear strength$ Cuc 61": 'N/m

*ut&o&plane moment capacity$ Ri!

6"1 'Nm/m parallel to span$ ;uc

*ut&o&plane moment capacity$ Ri!

2"77 'Nm/m

 perpendicular to span$ ;uc $ perp

;ohr hardness 1":

*ut&o&plane leural rigidity$ EI$ Ri!

"5 1211 Nmm6/m

 parallel to span

*ut&o&plane leural rigidity$ EI$ Ri!



/m perpendicular to span

#oeicient o thermal epansion$ #m 1612&:mm/mm/o#

1"2> K 1 hr A%erage water a!sorption !y

8ater a!sorption weight > ater certain hours o  "75> K 6< hrs


.ire resistance K

1<2/1<2/1<2 minutes

#0IR*$ Australia/ I0

729K1990tructural ade3uacy / integrity /


0ound transmission class (0T#) <2 d+ I0* 121<2&K6212Y

IS3 454657':2545 7 Acou)(ic) 77 L,or(or% -e)ure-en( o$ )oun! in)ul(ion o$ ,uil!ing

ele-en() 77 Pr( ': Me)ure-en( o$ i-&c( )oun! in)ul(ion

Source: GFRG/R&i!#ll Buil!ing S(ruc(url De)ign Mnul 

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Structural Design

The design capacities are !ased on limit state design procedures$ considering$ the ultimate limit

state or strength design$ treating the "2 m high G.RG !uilding panel as the unit material and

considering the strength capacity as o!tained rom the test results" The design should !e such that

the structures should withstand saety against all loads (as per rele%ant Indian 0tandards) li'ely to

act on the structure during its lietime" It shall also satisy the ser%icea!ility re3uirements$ such aslimitations o delection and crac'ing" In general the structure shall !e designed on the !asis o the

most critical limit state and shall !e chec'ed or other limit states"

etailed design Guidelines are gi%en in DQse o Glass .i!re Reinorced Gypsum (G.RG) anels

in +uildings & 0tructural esign ;anual prepared !y IIT ;adras and pu!lished !y +;T#" It

may !e o!tained on re3uest rom +;T#"

Eperimental studies and research ha%e shown that G.RG anels$ suita!ly illed with reinorced

concrete$ possess su!stantial strength to act not only as load !earing elements$ !ut also as shear 

wall$ capa!le o resisting lateral loads due to earth3ua'e and wind" It is possi!le to design such

 !uildings upto 12 storeys in low seismic 4one" (and to lesser height in high seismic 4one)"

,owe%er$ the structure needs to !e properly designed !y a 3ualiied structural engineer"

;anuacture o GR.G anels with increased thic'ness (152 mm - 622 m) with suita!le lange

thic'ness can acilitate design and construction o taller !uildings"

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Transportation Te GFRG panels are transported from factory tosite,

generally troug trucksor

trailers. Te panels are kept in a 'ertical positionusing

7stillages8 so as to a'oidany

damage during transportation. Te panels afterreacing

te site are taken outfrom

trucks using cranes. Forklifts can !e used for easier mo'ement of panels from one

area to anoter.Construction  Te foundation used in te construction is con'entional and is designed generally as

strip footing depending upon te soil condition.

For superstructure – plint !eams are cast all around te oor, were walls a'e to!e erected. Te superstructure is entirely !ased on prefa!ricated panels. Te procedure mainly include xing of wall panels and roof panels using mecanical means,prefera!ly a crane and lling te re)uired 9oint wit reinforced cement concrete asper structural design.

&aterproong is an essential re)uirement of te construction at di:erent stages.

etailed guidelines for waterproong is re)uire to !e followed wile constructingte !uilding.

(imitation of )se ; Te sorter span of sla! -oor / roof# sould !e restricted to 6 m.; (s ideal if te same oor / roof is replicated for all oors in multi storeyed structure.

For any 'ariations, structural designer needs to !e consulted.; <ur'ed walls or domes sould !e a'oided. (n case it is essential, use masonry /

concrete for tat particular area.; Te electrical / plum!ing drawing sould !e suc tat most of te pipes go troug

te ca'ities -in order to facilitate minimum cutting of panel#

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7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 32/83

f t!e System

*reen Tec!nology (t makes use of industrial waste gypsum. oes notneed any

plastering. =ses muc less cement, sand, steel and watertan

con'entional !uilding. (t consumes muc less em!odied

energy  and less car!on footprint.

+educed &uilt area *anels !eing only 014 mm tick, for te same carpetarea, te !uilt

up area and te !uilding footprint is muc less tancon'entional

!uildings. Tis is particularly ad'antageous in multi storeymass ousing.

,ersatility *anels can !e used not only as walls !ut also as oors,roofs and

 staircase.Speed of Construction =sing te system, te construction of a !uildingcan !e 'ery

fast compared to te con'entional !uilding. >ne !uildingof two storeyed -total 0?@0 s)ft wit four ats# wasconstructed in ((T Aadras in one mont.

(ig!tness of structures  Tese panels are 'ery ligt weigt only 43 kg/m1.5'en after

lling some of te ca'i&ringing safety against ties wit

concrete, te o'erall !uilding weigt is muc less,contri!uting to signicant eart!-ua.e forces reductionin design eart)uake forces and sa'ings in foundation ando'erall !uildingscost especially in multi – storeyed !uildings.

anufacturing "lants *resently two plants are working in (ndia"0# Rastriya <emicals and Fertiliers Bimited,

7*riyadarsini8, 5astern 5xpress Cigway, +ion,Aum!ai.

1# F$<T – R<F %uilding *roducts Btd., F$<T <ocin i'ision

<ampus, $m!alamedu, Doci -Derala#.

 Te panels manufactured at te a!o'e plants are !asedon te tecnology transferred troug colla!oration witGFRG %uilding +ystem, $ustralia.

%AT*< under *erformance $ppraisal <ertication +cemeas e'aluated te *anel manufactured at R<F Aum!ai andFR%B <ocin and issued *$< Eo. 022@+/1200 and *$< Eo.022?+/1201 respecti'ely. -$'aila!le for download from%AT*< we!site www.!

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 33/83

Constructed at IIT Madras Camus! "n one mont# durat"on$

Few 23ildin$ Constr3cted in India are&

i) Residential !uildings at Qdipti arnata'a owner ;r" 0atish Rao$ !uilt !y

,arsha %t" Ltd"$ Qdipi$ +angalore"ii) Qtility +uilding or onar' Railways at ;adgao$ 0outh Goa$ !uilt !y ,arsha

%t" Ltd"$ Qdipti$ +anga&lore"

iii) Residential !uilding at Qdipti !y ,arsha %t" Ltd"

i%) storey residential !uilding at #alicut !y N;0 Rapidwall #onstruction

#ompany$ #alicut (621<)"

%) Two storeyed !uilding at IIT ;adras"

%i) Residential !uilding at R#. ;um!ai"

;odel house at #ochin

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Case study building

The case study is a low income group housing comple located in the RaBarhat

area$ an eastern metropolitan etension o ol'ata" The region comes under su!&

tropical warm humid climate 4one owing to its latitude and proimity to the sea"

<a) (!)

Fi$3re ( & (a) .ront side %iew and (!) !ac' side %iew o !uilding !loc's

Fi$3re 1 & Typical loor plan o a M0tarlit= housing !loc' highlighting the !edroomin the south&west oriented unit$ simulated or hourly internal temperature

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The case study buildings, as shown in figure 1, were built in an affordable housing scheme

named ‘Starlit Housing’ and delivered by the State Housing Board in 2011. The buildings have been

occupied since then by low income group of residents. Each block is a four storied building and the

entrance of each is oriented in the east-west direction in the site plan. Each floor has one-bedroom

units, four in number, oriented in the four different intercardinal directions. The study took a south-

west oriented unit as case example for carrying out simulations, as shown in figure 2.


For simulating the internal room temperatures in the case study unit, the study used the DEROB-

LTH software originating from the University of Texas at Austin, USA and further developed by the

Department of Energy and Building Design at the Lund University, Sweden. The software uses the

Crank-Nicholson’s Difference method for heating diffusion equations in walls and the Gauss-Seidel

method is simultaneously used to solve the temperature difference in nodes. Nodes are assigned to

walls and windows for energy transmission. The hourly internal temperature simulation has been

validated in several past studies.

Figure 3 - DEROB model showing the bedroom whose internal temperature has been simulated withalternative building materials

Choice of orientation - The south-west corner was chosen for simulation. The chosen

orientation is due to the sun path from east to west via south in the northern hemisphere, and the west

facing rooms having maximum discomfort during the daytime due to excess glare from sunlight.

Choice of date - The chosen day for hourly indoor temperature simulation is March 20th

 of a

typical year from the Meteonorm climate database fed in the DEROB-LTH software. This is the spring

equinox day in the northern hemisphere with equal days and equal nights which indicates the onset of 


Parametric modelling – The DEROB program can handle upto eight volumes and upto hundred

walls. Due to these modelling limitations, only one of the units has been modelled and the internal

temperature in the south-west facing bedroom has been simulated as shown in the Figure 3.

The parametric simulations have been run in a closed window scenario assuming 30 percent

absorptivity for the walls and the roof, which is the highest absorptivity for white painted surface [18].

Simulations have been carried out for a ground floor unit using the standard RCC roof, single glazed

windows and plywood doors.

Material database – The material databases for simulation have been derived from for  flyash,

for autoclaved aerated concrete, for GFRG rapid wall and the rest from the DEROB-LTH database.

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average outdoor temperature for 21st

 June, which marks the summer solstice or the peak of summer, did not fall in the

temperature range for which the adaptive thermal comfort equation, used in this study, is applicable. Hence this date could

not be taken for the study. Instead the spring equinox day occurring on 20th

 March was assumed for demonstrating the

thermal comfort performance of the building walling materials in terms of number of discomfort hours. This particular

shortcoming was addressed by introducing two indicators of thermal discomfort – “number of discomfort hours” andcumulative of the degrees above the neutral operative temperature on the particular day given by “degrees of discomfort”.

Flyash bricks were seen to excel in both the thermal performance indicators. The simulated temperatures for June 21st


discomfort hours round the clock for almost all the materials, the Tneutop in such case being assumed from the upper limit of 

the Toutdm for the equation (1), which is 30.5 degC. Hence these results were not shown in the study. However the

comparative ranking of various walling materials on

rhermal comfort on this day based upon the “degrees of discomfort” indicator followed a trend similar to 20th


The comparative performance assessment for thermal comfort for various walling materials in the given study is

also dependent upon the specific heat, density and thermal conductivity of the walling materials. These three physical

properties are often seen to vary with the manufacture of the material and the proportion of its composites. The

thermal properties of AAC blocks for example are largely dependent upon the proportion of flyash in a block. Hence

these results are subject to variations depending upon changing material compositions and properties. Thus the targetof the given study is to delineate a methodology for sustainability assessment of various walling materials based upon

the available data inputs.

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Chapter 4

Manufacturer’s Standards



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Scope of Assessment

0cope o assessment included conormance o manuactured panelto the speciied re3uirements or use in !uilding construction asK

i) Load !earing wall panel

ii) 0hear 8alliii) .loor/ roo sla!

2asis of Assessment

Assessment o the suita!ly o panels manuactured at .R+L$ #ochin as

load !earing wall$ shear wall$ loor/ roo sla! is !ased on

%ii) 0atisactory test results o testing o the samples drawn rom

manuacturing line o .R+L plant or dimensions$ weight$

compressi%e strength$ water a!sorption$ leural strength and ireresistant %is&Z&%is re3uirements contained in the speciication or 

Glass i!er Reinorced Gypsum +uilding anel"

%iii) #onstruction o the two room single apartment using the panelsas wall unit and roo sla!s construction"

i) G.RG/Rapidwall +uilding structural esign ;anual$ de%eloped !y IIT$ ;adras"

) Wuality Assurance scheme ollowed !y the #ertiicate holder or  process control"

i) #onstruction ;anual or +uilding using G.RG/ Rapidwallanels"


The panel may !e used generally in the ollowing waysK

1) As lightweight load !earing walling in !uilding (single or dou!lestorey construction) up to two storey constructionK the panel may

 !e used with or without non&structural core illing such asinsulation$ sand polyurethane or lightweight concrete"

6) As high capacity %ertical and shear load !earing structuralwalling in multi&storey constructionK the panel core shall !e illedwith reinorced concrete suita!ly designed to resist the com!inedeect o lateral and gra%ity loading"

) As partition inill wall in multi&storey ramed !uildingK anel

may also !e illed suita!ly"

<) As ,ori4ontal loor/ roo sla!s with reinorced concrete micro !eams and screed (T&!eam action)

5) As pitched (sloped) rooing

:) As cladding or industrial !uilding) As compound wall


Special Aspects of 3se&

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 42/83

1) The !uilding to !e constructed using G.RG panelmanuactured in accordance with the speciications prescri!edin this A# shall !e designed !y #ompetent 0tructuralEngineers on the !asis o G.RG/ Rapidwall +uilding0tructural esign ;anual$ de%eloped !y IIT$ ;adras" It is

ad%isa!le to get design o important proBects %etted !y IIT;adras initially on mutually agreed terms"

6) lum!ing and Electrical ser%ices shall !e go%erned !y the pro%isions and details gi%en in the #onstruction ;anualde%eloped !y the manuacturer"

) G.RG !uilding systems should !e constructed only with

technical support or super%ision !y 3ualiied engineers and

 !uilders$ !ased on structural designs carried out to comply

with pre%ailing standards this is applica!le e%en or low&rise

and aorda!le mass housing to pro%ide saety o structures"<) It is strongly recommended that structural engineers and

 !uilding designers associated with G.RG panel construction

should !e thoroughly amiliar with the %arious structural

aspects outlined in the esign ;anual" It is also recommended

that Architects and #onstructions Engineers who underta'e

G.RG/ Rapidwall !uilding design and #onstruction gain

amiliarity with the properties and materials$ characteristic o 

G.RG and its application and construction system"

/imitation of .seK

i) #annot !e used or wall with circular or higher cur%ature

ii) #lear span shall !e limited to 5m or residential !uildings$ or non residential !uildings$ the span shall !e limited to asspeciied in esigns ;anual"

Scope of Inspection = 0cope o inspection included the %eriication o 

 production$ perormance and testing acilities at the actory

including competence o technical personnel and status o 3uality

assurance in the actory"


7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 43/83


Raw -aterials

<i? hosphogypsum - 0hall !e [ 92> purity as #a0*<<ii? Glass Ro%ing - E glass shall !e [ 97> purity<iii? Ammonium #ar!onate - 0hall !e o 99"1<> purity as N,<#*

-an3fact3rin$ processhosphogypsum which is a !yproduct o phosphoric acid plant is

calcined in calciner at 1<2&1522  # at the rate o 15;T/hr o 

calcined plaster" This calcined plaster is stored in product siloha%ing capacity o 652;T"The plaster is then transerred to !atch hopper !y screw

con%eyors and through Entoleter in wall panel manuacturing


This area consists o : casting ta!les ha%ing dimensions o m

16m$ one cra! ha%ing mier and glass ro%ing deli%ery system isor deli%ering slurry and glass ro%ing or three ta!les" The

chemicals are added in water V mied and then plaster is added

V mied to orm slurry"

*ne layer o slurry is laid on the ta!le !y the cra! ollowed !y a

layer o glass ro%ing" This glass ro%ing is em!edded in to the

slurry with the help o screen roller"

Another layer o slurry is poured ollowed !y a layer o glass

ro%ing this layer is pushed inside the ri!s with the help o 

temping !ar" .inally a layer o glass ro%ing is laid or the top aceo the wall panel"

Ater getting inal Gilmore wall panel is lited rom the castingta!le to A#R*+A rame and shited to dryer or drying" The wall

 panel is dried at a temperature o 65*

# or :2 minutes"Ater drying$ the wall panel is either shited to storage area or onthe cutting ta!le" The wall panel is cut as per dimensionssupplied !y the consumer and the cut pieces are transerred tostillages which are specially made or transporting wall panel"

The li3uid eluent generated during manuacturing process is

recycled !ac' in the system or manuacturing o new wall


The solid waste which is generated while manuacturing wall

 panels is recycled !ac' to the calciner ater crushing and

separating plaster V glass ro%ing in recycle plant"

The a!o%e system is a !atch process" 0i wall panels can !e

manuactured in eight hour shit per ta!le" 0imilarly$ : wall

 panels can !e manuactured in eight hour shit with : ta!les"

.low diagram o the system showing the manuacturing process

is attached herewith"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 44/83

The a!o%e system is a !atch process" 0i wall panels can !e

manuactured in eight hour shit per ta!le" 0imilarly$ : wall

 panels can !e manuactured in eight hour shit with : ta!les"

.low diagram o the system showing the manuacturing process

is attached herewith"

Inspections @ Testin$ are done at appropriate stages o  manuacturing process" The inspected panels are stored V pac'ed to ensure that no

damage occurs during transportation"

Constr3ction @ wor9manship

<i? Rapidwall for rapid constr3ction

+uilding shall !e designed on the !asis o esign ;anualY !y a3ualiied structural Engineer" As per the !uilding plan and design$

each wall panel shall !e cut at the actory using an automatedcutting saw" oor/window/%entilator and \openings or A# unitetc" shall also !e cut and panels or e%ery loor mar'ed as per the

 !uilding drawing" anels are %ertically loaded at the actory onstillages or transportation to the construction site on truc's" Thestillages shall !e placed at the construction site close to theoundation or erection using crane with re3uired !oom lengthor construction o low$ medium and high rise !uildings" anelsshall !e erected o%er the R## plinth !eam and concrete isinilled rom top" All the panels shall !e erected as per the

 !uilding plan !y ollowing the notation" Each panel shall !eerected le%el and plum! and shall !e supported !y lateral props to'eep the panel in le%el$ plum! and secure in position" Em!eddedR## lintels shall !e pro%ided where%er re3uired !y cutting openeternal lange" Reinorcement or lintels and R## sunshadesshall !e pro%ided with re3uired shuttering and support"

<ii? Concrete infill

Ater inserting %ertical steel reinorcement as per the structural

design and clamps or wall corners are in place to 'eep the wall panels in perect position$ concrete ha%ing 16mm aggregate shall !e poured rom the top into the ca%ities using a small hose to godown at least 1"5 to 6m into the ca%ities or directly pumping theconcrete rom ready mied concrete truc'" .or small !uilding

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 45/83

construction$ concrete can !e poured manually using a unnel"

.illing the panels with concrete shall !e done in three layers o 

1m height with an inter%al o 1 hour !etween each layer" There is

no need to use %i!rator !ecause gra%itational pressure acts to sel 

compact the concrete inside the water tight ca%ities"

<iii? Em5edded RCC tie 5eam all aro3nd at each floor8roof sla5level

An em!edded R## tie !eam is pro%ided at each loor sla! le%elas an essential re3uirement$ we! portion to re3uired !eam depthat top shall !e cut and remo%ed or placing hori4ontalreinorcement with stirrups and then concrete to !e illed%

<iv? GFRG panel for floor8roof sla5 in com5ination with RCC

G.RG panel or loor/roo sla! shall !e cut to re3uired si4e andmar'ed with notation" .irst$ wall Boints$ other ca%ities and

hori4ontal R## tie !eams are in&illed with concrete then

wooden plan' 2" to 2"<5m wide shall !e pro%ided to room span

 !etween the walls with support where%er em!edded micro !eams

are there and then roo panels shall !e lited !y crane" Each roo 

 panel shall !e placed o%er the wall in such a way that there will

 !e a gap o at least <2mm" This is to ena!le %ertical rods to !e

 placed continuously rom loor to loor and pro%ide monolithic

R## rame within Rapidwall" 8here%er em!edded micro&!eams

are there$ top langes o roo panel shall !e cut lea%ing at least

65mm proBection" Reinorcement and weld mesh is placed or 

micro !eams and then concrete shall !e poured or micro !eams

and R## sla!"

<v? Erection of wall panel and floor sla5 for 3pper floor

Certical reinorcement o loor !elow shall !e pro%ided withetra length so as to protrude to 2"<5m to ser%e as start up rodsand lap length or upper loor" *nce the wall panels are erected

on the upper loor$ %ertical reinorcement rods$ door/windowrames ied and R## lintels shall !e casted" Then concretewhere re3uired and Boints shall !e illed" Thereater$ R## tie

 !eams all around shall !e concreted"

<vi? Water proofin$

The A# holder shall pro%ide to the client details o water  prooing treatment re3uired at dierent le%els o constructionsuch as oundation$ sunshade and looring etc"

<vii? Finishin$ wor9  

*nce concreting o ground loor roo sla! is completed$ wooden

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7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 47/83

Tests done in independent la5oratory

S%o% !arameters Test -ethod Re63irement Res3lts

O5tained1" imensions +;+A #&

Length K6211 16"26m 8ithin speciied

,eight "25m tolerancesThic'ness #lause 12"<"6 16<mm

6" 8ater #ontent #lause 12"<" Less than 1> 0atisactory

" 8eight #lause 12"<"< <2 'g/m6

<<"12 'g/m6

<" 8ater #lause 12"<"5 ;a" 5> !y 1"51> (A%g")

a!sorption weight5" #ompressi%e #lause 12"<": ;in" 1:2 1:<"52 'N/m

strength 'N/m (A%g"):" .leural strength #lause ;in" 6"1 'N/m 6"157 'N /m

12"<"/12"<"7 (A%g")" .ire resistance #lause 12"<"12 < hr rating 0atisactory



7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 48/83

Chapter 5

Standards @ orms 5y



For India

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 49/83


S%o% !arameters to Re63irement Specified Test -ethod Fre63ency of  

5e inspected Testin$

A% Rapidwall8GFRG !anel1" Cisual 0hall !e ree rom deects li'e As per +;+A *nce in e%ery ten

Appearance crac's$ corrugations$ ripples$ #&K6211 panelsstains$ poc'mar's$ loose corners #lause12"<"1

etc"6" *%erall Length V height shall !e within #lause12"<"6 *nce in e%ery ity

imensional tolerance limit o ]mm V panels

Tolerances thic'ness mm to 2mm" Eternal 0'in 0hall !e ] mm (General /8ater #lause12"<"6 *nce in e%ery ity

thic'ness resistance grade) panels

tolerance ;in 7mm artition grade

<" Internal Ri! 0hall !e ] 6mm (General /8ater #lause12"<"6 *nce in e%ery itythic'ness resistance grade) panels

tolerance 0hall !e ] 5mm (artition grade)5" #a%ity 8idth V 0hall !e ] mm (General / 8ater #lause12"<"6 *nce in e%ery ity

epth Tolerance resistance grade) panels

0hall !e ] mm (artition grade):" Qne%enness 0hall !e less than 1mm (0ide A) #lause12"<"6 *nce in e%ery ity

0hall !e less than mm (0ide +) panels" anel weight 0hall !e <2 g/m^ ] :> (#lass 1 *nce in e%ery ity

V 6) #lause12"<"< panels

0hall !e <2 g/mm^]15>

(#lass )7" 8ater #ontent 0hall !e less than 1> (measured #lause 12"<" *nce in e%ery ity

immediately ater drying panels

 process)9" 8ater 0hall !e less than 5> !y weight #lause 12"<"5 *nce in e%ery ity

A!sorption Rate (ater 6< hrs o immersion in panels

water)12" Certical Load 0hall !e more than1:2 'N/m *nce in e%ery ity

 !earing capacity (General / 8ater resistance #lause 12"<": panels

(#ompressi%e grade)

strength) 0hall !e more than 92 'N/m(artition grade)

11" *ut o plane 0hall !e more than 6"1'N/m *nce in e%ery ity.leural capacity (General /8ater resistance #lause 12"<"/ panels(.leural grade) #lause 12"<"7

strength) 0hall !e more than1" 'N/m

(artition grade)

16" D Q Calue 0hall !e 6"758/;^ # I0<:K1972 *nce in a year or  1" Thermal 0hall !e 2":1 8/m # I0<:K1972 when the

#onducti%ity () compositionchanges and

1<" 0ound 0hall !e <2 (0T#) I0* 1<2&K199: initially at the timetransmission o appro%al

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 50/83

15" ura!ility A%erage compressi%e strength #lause12"<"9 *nce in a year or  i"wetting V shall not !e less than "56 when the

drying  N/mm6


ii" 0alt spray 0hall not suer any apparent changes and

damage ater 62 cycles initially at the time

1:" .ire Resistance 0hall withstand 22&12222# #lause12"<"12 o appro%alater <hr 

2% Raw -aterials1" #alcined i"0hall !e more than 92> as As per i"*nce in a day

Gypsum #alcium 0ulphate #ompany ii" *nce in a shitii" #om!ined moisture shall not 0tandard

 !e more than :"6>6" Ammonium 0hall not !e less than 99"1<> as As per *nce on deli%ery at

#ar!onate purity #ompany site


" Glass Ro%ing These raw materials are perormance !ased" Test #ertiicates pro%ided !y

<" +0&9< ; the manuacturers are %eriied at the time o deli%ery"

5" Retarder &52

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 51/83


Specification for

Glass Fi5re Reinforced Gyps3m 23ildin$ !anel

Ta5le of Contents(%   SCO!E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1>

1%   A!!/ICATIO %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% 1>

>%   REFERECED DOC.-ETS %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %% 1>

)%   DEFIITIOS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1>

<"1"   0TAN)AR) G.RG 5ANEL  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6

<"6" 8ATER  R E0I0TANT G.RG ANEL """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6<

<""   EUTERNAL 0IN  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6<

<"<"   I NTERNAL R I+  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6<

<"5"   #ACIT  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 65

<":"   5ANEL LENGT,  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 65

<""   5ANEL T,I#NE00   """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 65

<"7"   5ANEL ,EIG,T  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 65

<"9"   A AN) + 0I)E  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6 5

*%   GRADE C/ASSIFICATIO %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%% 1*

+%   STADARD DI-ESIOS %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% 1*

:"1"   5R*)Q#T #*)ING """"""""""""" """""""""""""""" """""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """"""""""""""" """""" 6:

'% !ERFOR-ACE RE.IRE-ETS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1+

"1"  A55EARAN#E 

R EWQIRE;ENT  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6:

"6"  )I;EN0I*NAL  

T*LERAN#E0  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6:

""   8ATER  #*NTENT  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6

"<"   5ANEL 8EIG,T  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 67

"5"   8ATER  A+0*R5TI*N R ATE  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 67

":" CERTI#AL L*A +EARING #AA#IT """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 67

"" *QT&*.&LANE .LEUQRAL #AA#IT """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 67

%   -ARIG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1B% .A/IT0 S0STE- AD .A/IT0 COTRO/ !ROCED.RES %%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1B

(,% .A/IT0 !ROCED.RE 20 STATISTICA/ SA-!/IG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1B

12"1"   GENERAL  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 69

12"6"   0A;5LING  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 69

45.2.4. S-&ling $or Rou(ine Te)() """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 69

45.2.2. S-&ling $or Fle8url Te)() """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1

12""  #RITERIA *. 

#*;5LIAN#E   """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1

12"<"   TE0T ;ET,*)0  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6

45.6.4. A&&ernce In)&ec(ion................................................................. '2

45.6.2. Me)ure-en( o$ Di-en)ion) n! Fl(ne)) ................................... '2

12"<"6"1 Apparatus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 52/83

12"<"6"6 ;easurements """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6

45.6.'. Me)ure-en( o$ W(er Con(en( ...................................................

12"<""1 Apparatus """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

12"<""6 Test procedure """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

12"<"" #alculation o Results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

45.6.6. Me)ure-en( o$ Den)i(% .............................................................. <

12"<"<"1 Apparatus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

12"<"<"6 Test procedure """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

12"<"<" #alculation o Results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

45.6.9. Me)ure-en( o$ W(er A,)or&(ion R(e ....................................... 5

12"<"5"1 Apparatus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5

12"<"5"6 Test procedure """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5

12"<"5" #alculation o Results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5

45.6.. Me)ure-en( o$ "er(icl Lo!7,ering C&ci(% ........................ 5

12"<":"1 Apparatus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :12"<":"6 Test procedure """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :

12"<":" #alculation o results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :

45.6.;. Fle8url Ben!ing Te)( .................................................................. :

12"<""1 Apparatus """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

12"<""6 Test procedure """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7

12"<"" #alculation o results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7

45.6.<. Al(ern(i*e Fle8url Ben!ing Te)( ............................................... 9

12"<"7"1 Apparatus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <2

12"<"7"6 Test procedure """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <2

12"<"7" #alculation o results """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <1

45.6.= Dur,ili(% Te)( ........................................................................... <1

12"<"9"1 8etting and drying test """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <1

12"<"9"6 0alt spray test """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<1

45.6.45 Fire Re)i)(nce Te)( ..................................................................... <1

12"5" TE0T R E*RT """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <6

((% C.TTIG; "AD/IG; STORAGE AD DE/I#ER0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )1

11"1" #QTTING """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <611"6" ,ANLING """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <6

11"" 0TA#ING """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <6

11"<" R*TE#TI*N .R*; 8EAT,ER  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

11"5" ELICER """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" <

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 53/83



Glass Fi5re Reinforced Gyps3m <GFRG? 23ildin$ !anel


This document orms the product speciication or manuactured G.RG panels designedor use in the construction industry or walling$ ceilings$ suspended loor ormwor' and

 partitions" The speciied technical and mechanical property re3uirements reer to theinished product$ that is$ the inal manuactured G.RG panel dried and ready or installation" 0peciied also is the 3uality control procedure and the associatedmechanical tests necessary to ensure an accepta!le 3uality o the inished G.RG panel


1 A!!/ICATIOThis speciication is intended or use !y licensed manuacturers o G.RG to ensure auniorm$ 3uality controlled glo!al product suita!le or its intended purpose" The detailso this document also assists the end users$ such as engineers$ architects and !uilders$

 !oth in their designs using G.RG_

 and in speciying the physical properties o theG.RG panel in their contract documents"


The ollowing documents are reerred to in this speciicationK &

  Report !y IIT$ ;adras on Testing o G.RG panel dt69th ;arch$6216

G.RG/Rapidwall +uilding 0tructural esign ;anual$IIT ;adras

I0* 922<"1 Wuality ;anagement and Wuality 0ystem Elements$ art 1KGui!eline)


.or the purpose o this speciication the ollowing deinitions applyK &

&# Standard GFRG !anel

G.RG panel is a actory manuactured walling product used in the construction industry

to pro%ide ha!ita!le enclosures or residential$ commercial and industrial !uildings" The

16<mm thic' hollow&core panels are machine&made using ormulated gypsum&plaster 

reinorced with chopped glass&i!re" A typical cross&section and isotropic %iew o the

wall panel is shown in .ig"1"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 54/83


#a%ity   4        9

Gypsum Glass

   T   h   i  c   '  n  e  s  s

 plaster Internal i!re

        1        6        <


Eternal   4         9


(a) #ross&section

.ig"1 0tandard G.RG panel

*ater Resistant +,R+ -anel

8ater resistant G.RG panels are

appearance" ,owe%er the ingredients

speciically$ to pro%ide water resistance !athrooms or laundries$ etc"

the same as ordinary G.RG  panels ino the water resistant G.RG are modiied

when used eternally or in wet areas such as

.ternal kin

The two 1mm thic' aces ma'ing up the panel are collecti%ely deined as eternal s'ins

as shown in .ig"1"

Internal Rib

The 62mm thic' ri!s inside the panel connecting the two eternal s'ins are called internal

ri!s as shown in .ig"1"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 55/83


The internal hollow cores inside the panel are called the c*i(% as shown in .ig"1"

-anel 3engthThe panel length is the maimum hori4ontal dimension o a single wall without %ertical

 Boint as indicated in .ig"1"

-anel Thickness

The panel thic'ness is the distance !etween the eternal aces o the two eternal s'ins$ as

shown in .ig"1"

-anel 4eight

The panel height is the maimum %ertical dimension o a single wall without a hori4ontal Boint"

5 and 6 ide

The smoother side o the G.RG panel cast against the machine !ed in the manuacturing

 process is called the A side" The + side is screeded and is relati%ely rougher than A side"

+R57. 135I,I15TI8N

G.RG panel is supplied in three grade classiicationsK&

1)" #lass 1 & 8ater Resistant grade - panels that can !e used or eternal walls$ in wetareas and/or as loor and wall ormwor' or concrete illing

6)" #lass 6 & General grade - G.RG panels that can !e used structurally or non&structurally in dry areas" These panels are generally unsuita!le or use as wall or loor ormwor' and

)" #lass & artition grade - G.RG panels that can only !e used as non&structural

internal partition walls in dry only areas"

T5N75R7 7I.NI8N

The current nominal manuactured dimensions o each G.RG panel areK &

• Length 16$262 mm

•,eight 252 mm$ and

• Thic'ness 16< mm

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 56/83

-rod9ct 1oding

G.RG panels are coded using the ollowing con%entionK&

G.RG T0& L , ate and place o manuacture

anel height

anel length

anel thic'ness

V classiication

R registered


8here panel type is indicated as MG= or general grade$ M8= or water resistant grade or M=or partition grade" .or eample a 8at er resist ant l grade panel made in R#.$ Tro m!ay p

lant in #hem!ur $ ;um!ai 61st .e! 6212 is coded asK & GFRG (1)G4(1>4


-.R,8R5N1. R.:;IR..NT


The two eternal aces o G.RG panels should !e ree rom deects such as corrugations$

ripples$ poc'mar's$ stains$ loose corners$ crac's or any other deects which would

ad%ersely aect a painted decorati%e surace inishes"

It is a re3uirement that paint can !e directly applied to the A&side o G.RG without the

need or etensi%e rendering or plastering" The 3uality o inish on the +&side o the panel

can !e controlled !y the operation o the inal screeding in the manuacturing process" Theap pear ance r e3u ir ement s o n the + &side ar e u sua lly d ecid ed t hro ugh negotiation

 !etween the manuacturer and its client" ,owe%er$ the minimum re3uirements or the +&

side are that a "5mm teture coating or a trowelled&on coating will co%er all the deects"

%2 7imensional Tolerances

The manuactured dimensional tolerances or a ull si4ed G.RG panel shall satisy

Ta!les 1 and 6K&

Ta!le 1" *%erall imensional Tolerance

Length ,eight Thic'ness Nominal length Nominal height Nominal thic'ness

]mm ]mm I to -2 mm

Ta!le 6 #ross&sectional imensional Tolerance

anel #lassiicationEternal 0'in Internal Ri!

#a%ity 8idth#a%ity

Thic'ness Thic'ness epthGeneral Grade

 Nominal Nominal Nominal NominalV

Thic'ness Thic'ness 8idth epth8ater Resistant

] ]6 ]< ]Grade

 Nominal Nominal Nominalartition Grade ;inimum 7 Thic'ness 8idth epth

]5 ]A ]

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 57/83

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 58/83

-anel *eight

The weight o the dried and empty hollow core G.RG panel shall satisy Ta!le K&

Ta!le Empty anel


anel #lassiication  Nominal 8eight Tolerance

(mm) ('g/m6) >

#lass 1$ 16< mm thic'  <2 ]:>

#lass 6$ 16< mm thic'  <2 ]:>

#lass $ 16< mm thic'  <2 ]15>

%$ *ater 5bsorption Rate

The water a!sorption rate or water resistant grade G.RG panels shall not !e greater than 5> !y weight ater 6< hours o immersion in water when tested in accordancewith #lause 12"<"5" No test is needed or other grades o G.RG panels"

%' <ertical 3oad 6earing 1apacity

8hen tested in accordance with #lause 12"<":$ the cross&sectional compression strength o

the panel shall satisy the minimum re3uirements as gi%en in Ta!le <"

Ta!le < Acceptance criteria or compression strength

;inimum compression strength ('N/m)

General or water  artition grade

resistant grade

1:2 92

89t!of!-lane ,le9ral 1apacity

8hen tested in accordance with #lause 12"<" or 12"<"7$ the out&o&plane leural strength

o the panel shall satisy the minimum re3uirements as gi%en in Ta!le 5"

Ta!le 5 Acceptance criteria or leural strength

;inimum .leural 0trength per meter width

General or 8ater artition GradeResistant Grade

6"1 'Nm 1" 'Nm


Each manuactured G.RG panel shall !e clearly mar'ed with the ollowing particularsK

• roduct code in accordance with #lause :"1

• The manuacturer=s name$ address and trademar'

• Wuality chec'ed mar' and identiication o the chec'er and

• 0igns or pac'aging and transportation"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 59/83

:;53IT> >T. 5N7 :;53IT> 18NTR83 -R81.7;R.

Wuality o the inished product is assured !y a proper 3uality control system$ it is needed to

demonstrate the compliance with this speciication and to supply products that conorm to

the ull re3uirements o this speciication" Generally$ one o the ollowing our 3uality

 procedures shall !e adoptedK&

• E%aluation !y means o statistical sampling

• The use o a product certiication scheme

• Assurance using the accepta!ility o 3uality system and

.or reerence a procedure or statistical sampling is pro%ided in #lause 12 o thisspeciication"

:;53IT> -R81.7;R. 6> T5TITI153 5-3IN+

+eneral0ampling and the esta!lishment o a sampling plan should !e carried out in accordance with

#lause 12"6


Sampling for Routine Tests

Three G.RG panels should !e randomly selected rom a !atch o panels or tests

descri!ed in 0ections12"<"1to12"<":" Grouping o panels to orm a !atch shall ollow the

ollowing rulesK &

1)" E%ery 522 panels o same grade classiication orm a !atch$ when there is no

%ariation in mi design$ ingredient materials$ manuacturing conditions$ and dryer 


6)" Two dierent grade classiications i s into two dierent !atches e%en when the

num!er o panels in a !atch is less than 522

)" 8hen the ingredients o gypsum$ glass i!re$ water and any other additi%es changes$new !atch should !e ormed whene%er such a change ta'es place" The same

 principal o orming a dierent !atch applies when any other change is made in themanuacturing and drying process such as change o recipes or any other acti%itythat may aect the property or 3uality o the inished panels and

<)" 8hen signiicant %ariations eist in the manuacturing process that may aect the

3uality or properties o the panels$ such as signiicant %ariation in the 3uality o 

 plaster$ !atch is ormed with a much smaller num!er o panels depending on the

magnitude and etent o %ariations" .orming !atch is on daily (or shit) !asis in

such 'ind o situations$ i"e" panels produced in the same day (or shit) are

considered as a !atch"

Three test sample plates (562572) are to !e cut rom each selected panel" The

 positions or cutting these three test plates are shown in .ig"" Two dierent test

specimens are to !e cut rom each test plate in accordance with the layout o .ig"<" The

specimens shall !e machine cut to the dimensions with a tolerance o not more than]6mm"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 60/83

ositions or cross&sectional

dimension chec' 




522 562 522


522 562




.leural test sample

Routine test sample plates

ositions or cross&sectional dimension chec' 

.ig" ositions o sampling


Compression test



Water content test 5y

5 72mmdryin$ oven and Water

a5sorption test specimen

1*,>,, 22mm


.ig"< etailed dimensions o test specimens

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 61/83

10.2.2. Sampling for Flexural Tests

The leural strength o a panel largely depends on the 3uality$ 3uantity and distri!ution

o the glass&i!ers in the panel" The leural strength test may !e conducted o%er a much

longer inter%al and when any %ariation (such as 3uality$ 3uantity or distri!ution) in

glass&i!re ta'es place in the manuacturing process" *ne set o leural tests consisting

o three test specimens shall !e conducted on one cluster o panels" anels are grouped

as one cluster i they areK

1)" ;ade in the same si&month period o time when nothing changes in the

manuacturing process or 

6)" ;ade with a same !atch o glass i!er" 8hen an old !atch o glass&i!re is used upand a new !atch o glass&i!re is used or production$ the panels made with new

 !atch o glass i!er are considered as a new cluster" Any other change that is madeto the glass i!er such as change o supply source$ change o !rand$ change o 3uantity or 3uality o glass i!er$ change o i!er strand length and means o distri!uting i!er$ etc" shall ma'e a dierent cluster o panel"

The three test specimens shall !e cut rom three dierent panels selected randomly romthe same cluster" 0pecimen shall !e cut at least one meter away rom the %ertical sides o 

the panel and shall !e cut in such a way as shown in .ig" and .ig"5"




Test specimen 250



2850 or 3050

       1       0       0       0

.ig" 5 lan %iew o leural test specimen

1riteria of 1ompliance

The !atch or cluster o panels is deemed to satisy the perormance re3uirements o #lause

i all the test specimens selected in accordance with #lause 12"6 pass all the tests

descri!ed in #lause 12"<" *therwise it is considered to !e non&compliant"

anels that do not comply with the re3uirements or partition grade must not !e used or 

 !uilding purposes and shall !e destroyed" anels that do not satisy the general grade or 

water resistant grade may !e downgraded to partition grade i they pass the speciication

or partition grade"

It is generally recommended that the samples !e representati%e o the 3uality o all the

 panels in the same !atch or cluster" In other words$ the whole patch or cluster o panel ails

the 3uality chec' and cannot !e used i the samples ail any o the tests o #lause 12"<"

,owe%er$ i it is Budged that the ailed sample does not represent the 3uality o the whole !atch o panel$ and the manuacturer intends to use some or any panel in that !atch

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 62/83

or cluster$ then all the tests in #lause 12"< shall !e repeated to that !atch or cluster such that

the 3uality o the panels are pro%ed" An accepta!le way o repeated tests is that the num!er 

o test panels is dou!led and all the repeated tests pass the perormance re3uirements"

*nly the panels that pass all the 3uality chec's can !e mar'ed as 3uality chec'ed"

Test ethods

La!oratories that underta'e the tests shall generally satisy A0ISO/IEC17025-1999:

Generl Re@uire-en() $or (+e Co-&e(ence o$ Te)(ing n! Cli,r(ion L,or(orie). Test

e3uipment and de%ices shall satisy the rele%ant re3uirements and !e cali!rated regularly to

a local or international standard"

 Appearance Inspection

E%ery inished panel shall !e %isually inspected in accordance with #lause "1"

Measurement of Dimensions and Flatness

The o%erall and cross&sectional dimensions as well as latness shall !e measured rom

the selected test panel (selected in accordance with #lause 12"6"1) to satisy #lause "6

in any part o the panel"


The tools used or measurements shall satisy the ollowing re3uirementsK&

1)" The o%erall panel dimensions o length$ height and thic'ness shall !e measured

to accuracy within 1"2mm and

6)" The other dimensions shall !e measured to within 2"5mm"


The length o the panel shall !e measured at the positions o 1d$ 6e and and theheight o the panel shall !e measured at the positions o a<$ !5 and c:$ as shown in

.ig":a" The thic'ness o the panel shall !e measured at the 16 positions o 1 to : and a

to "

As shown in .ig"$ the cross&sectional dimensions shall !e measured at si dierent

 positions o a$ !$ c$ <$ 5$ and :$ as shown in .ig":a" 0i separate measurements shall !e

ta'en at each o the a!o%e si positions$ as shown in .ig":!"

The latness shall !e chec'ed at the positions o a6a66$ a66!6$ !6!66$ !66c6$ a<$ !5 and


7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 63/83

a ! c


1 a1 a11 !1 !11 c1 d

1000 1000

2 a6 a66 !6 !66 c6 e




3 a a ! ! c  

550 500

  5 !

1000 5000 5000 1000

(a) ositions o o%erall dimension measurements

(!) #ross&sectional measurement points

.ig": imensional measurements

Measurement of Water ontent 

The water content shall !e tested or the selected panels against #lause "" 0ampling

o the test specimen shall !e made in accordance with #lause 12"6"1" o not treat the

edges and suraces o the specimens nor damage the specimens"

This test measures the loss o water o the specimen ater drying in a standard o%en" It

is com!ined with the measurement o density and water a!sorption tests" 0hould the

samples ater conditioning ta'e up moisture then the panel was o%er coo'ed (calcined)

in the dryer and ails the test"

45.6.'.4 A&&r(u)

Air circulating o%enK The net space a%aila!le inside the drying o%en shall not !e less

than 62222:2" The o%en shall ha%e a temperature control at <2]6`# and a

humidity control at 52]6>"+alance or scale& with a capacity o 5'g and an accuracy o 2"5g"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 64/83

Te)( Proce!ure

1)" 8eigh each original specimen and record their weights

6)" #ondition the specimen (or specimens) to constant weights$ within 2"1> o the

dried weight$ at a temperature o <2]6`#$ in an atmosphere ha%ing a relati%e

humidity o 52]6>" This can !e done !y drying the specimen or 6< hours initially

and weighing the specimen then drying or another < hours each time and weighing

the specimen until the dierence o the two consecuti%e weights o the specimen iswith 2"1> o the dried weight and

)" 8eigh the dried weight # o each specimen to within 2"5g"

Clcul(ion o$ Re)ul()

The weight loss o the indi%idual specimen in percent with respect to its dried weight

# is the water content o the specimen"

Measurement of Densit! 

ensity o the panel shall !e measured rom the specimens immediately ater the water 

content tests and !eore water a!sorption tests" #are shall !e ta'en to pre%ent damagingthe specimens in the measurement so that it does not aect the water a!sorption test"


Ri$ht4an$le r3lerK with an accuracy o within 1 mm"

Te)( &roce!ure

Ta'e the ollowing measurements rom each specimenK&

The our dimensions as shown in .ig" measured to within 1mm$ where  4 and 2

are the lengths o the two %ertical sides$ respecti%ely$ and  B4  and B2 are the

hori4ontal dimensions that is perpendicular to the %ertical side measured with aright&angle ruler"



,1   ,6


.ig" imensions or density measurement

Clcul(ion o$ re)ul()

The density " (weight per surace area) o a specimen is calculated !y


" H

  1   6  B1   B6 6 6

where # is the weight o the specimen measured at step o 12"<""6 anddimensions 4$ 2$ B4 and B2 are shown in .ig""

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 65/83

10.".#. Measurement of Water A$sorption Rate

The specimens tested or density is immediately used or water a!sorption rate"


+alance& same as 12"<""1"

8ater !ath or containerK enough room to immerse the three specimens and 'eep themseparated and ele%ated rom the !ottom o the !ath with minimum spaces o


Te)( &roce!ure

1)" Immerse the specimens lat in a !ath o water at a constant temperature o 

61]2"5`# with a head o 65 mm o water o%er the top o the sample" The sample

should !e positioned in the water !ath ele%ated one inch a!o%e its !ase

6)" Remo%e the specimens rom the !ath ater 6< hours o immersion$ wipe ecesswater rom the suraces and edges o the specimens and weigh immediately towithin 2"5g"

Clcul(ion o$ re)ul()

The percentage o weight gain with respect to the dried weight o each specimen

calculated is the water a!sorption rate"

Measurement of %ertical &oad'$earing apacit! 

The test specimen as sampled in accordance with #lause 12"6"1 is shown in .ig"7 and

the test set up is shown in .ig"9$ where a uni%ersal compression test machine shall !e




20       T     #     p $

        1        2        0

.ig"7 #ross&section o compression test specimen

-laten of





pecimen (

       2       5       0

T%in &'#er o( )*ic+-

settin, p&'ster to

ens*re ' (irm

cont'ct it% p&'ten

.ig"9 #ompression test set up (Ele%ation)

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 66/83


.niversal compression machineK the test machine shall !e cali!rated

Te)( &roce!ure

1)" ;easurement o imension - the width B o the test specimen is measured at the

waist o the specimen as shown in .ig"9" The measurement shall !e ta'en on !oth

the ront ace and the !ac' ace o the specimen and an a%erage %alue used

6)" lacing o 0pecimen - the test specimen shall !e placed at the centre o the platenon the test machine" Qnder no circumstance should any part o the specimen !e

 placed outside the perimeter o the platen o the test machine

)" #apping&the top and !ottom aces o the test specimen shall !e capped with a thin

layer o 3uic'&setting plaster (such as dental paste) to ensure irm and uniorm

contact with the platen" The strength o the applied plaster shall not !e lower than

that o the test specimen at the time o testing

<)" Loading - Apply the compression load gradually in a rate not greater than 12'N per 

minute until it reaches the pea' load and then drops at least 62> o the pea' load"The maimum applied load (pea' load) F  indicated !y the testing machine shall !e


Clcul(ion o$ re)ul()

The unit strength o a specimen is reported as & H  F 

 in a unit o 'N/m$ where F  is

 Bthe pea' load$ in 'ilo newtons$ and B is the width in meter at the waist o the specimen"

,le9ral 6ending Test

The leural test set up is shown in .ig"12"

./3 ./3 ./3

.o' (rom

&o'in, 'c+

'in Stee& be'm

in s*pport 4o&&er  

Secon'r# s*pport

Stee& be'm

Test specimen 12

in s*pport isplacement 4o&&er measurement s*pport


.ig"12 .leural test set up

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 67/83


As the specimen is one meter wide$ it is important or the load and reaction orce rom

the supports to !e distri!uted e%enly along the width o the specimen" The point load

rom a load Bac' is applied to a main distri!ution !eam that then distri!utes the load

e3ually to two secondary distri!ution !eams" The load is inally transmitted rom the

secondary distri!ution !eams to the top ace o the test specimen as an e%enly

distri!uted line load"

The minimum ultimate leural strength o the main distri!ution !eam shall !e 12'Nm"

The secondary distri!ution !eam shall !e 1222mm long with a minimum leural

rigidity EI  o 51211


To ensure a good contact and e%en distri!ution o load$ a thin layer o 3uic'&setting

 plaster (such as dental paste) shall !e applied !etween the !ottom ace o the

secondary !eams and the contact surace o the specimen"

The specimen shall !e supported irmly with one pin support and one roller support as

illustrated in .ig"11" The pin support is composed o two steel plates o 1222mm

long122mm wide minimum12mm thic' and a 1m long steel roller !ar with a

minimum diameter o 2mm" The steel !ar is ied to the !ottom plate (such as !y

welding) and the top plate Bust sit on top o the !ar to ensure ree rotation" The roller 

support shown in .ig"11(!) is similar to the pin support ecept that some smaller steel

roller !ars o a!out 12mm diameter and 1222mm long are pro%ided underneath the

 !ottom steel plate to ensure !oth ree rotation and longitudinal mo%ement"

The loading Bac' shall ha%e a minimum load capacity o 62'N" The displacement

transducer shall ha%e a minimum tra%el distance o 122mm"

The measurement or data ac3uisition in%ol%es !oth the applied load measured rom the

load cell and displacement rom the displacement transducer at the mid&span" The

accuracy o measurements shall !e within 2"1'N or load and 2"5mm or displacement"

.or tests in #hina$ guidelines or the test apparatus and methodology shall ollow G+

52156&96K National standard or tests o concrete structures"

Te)( &roce!ure

1)" ;ar' the positions o support line (centre line position o the roller !ar) on the

 !ottom o the specimen$ and load line (centre line position o the secondary

distri!ution !eam) on the top o the test specimen

6)" 0et up the pin and roller supports

)" Apply a thin layer o 3uic'&setting plaster on top o the supporting steel plates and

then place the test specimen on top o the two supports" 8aite a ew minutes or the

 plaster to set

<)" Apply a layer 3uic'&setting plaster on top o the test specimen at the position o thesecondary distri!ution !eams and place the secondary distri!ution !eams in

 position" Allow the plaster to set

5)" 0et up the rest o the loading system (main distri!ution !eam and its support$ etc")

and loading Bac'

:)" lace the displacement transducer under the test specimen at the mid&span" A pieceo small plate (a!out 62mm62mm6mmthic') shall !e glued onto the tip o the

transducer to pre%ent it rom going into a crac' i the crac' happens to occur at the

 position o the displacement measurement point

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 68/83

)" Load the Bac' under displacement control in a strain rate o not greater than5mm/minute until the load passes the pea' and drops at least 52> o its pea' load 7)"

In the mean time o applying loading$ record the test data at suicient num!er o test points to produce a load %s" displacement cur%e (as illustrated in .ig"16)" An automatic

data ac3uisition system is recommended that can record the complete test cur%eautomatically" I manual record is used$ one data point (a pair o load and displacement

readings) shall !e ta'en at a displacement increment o not more than 1"5mm"

Clcul(ion o$ re)ul()

The maimum moment capacity o a specimen is gi%en !y

 M u H1#L6    1

( F  I S0 L7 :


# H the unit weight o the panel which is typically 2"<'N/m6

 F H the irst pea' load rom the load %s" displacement cur%e as eplained in more  detail !elow$ in 'N

S H the weight o the load distri!ution system including the main and secondary 

distri!ution !eams$ in 'N and

 L H the span which is 6"5m"

The irst pea' load is the applied load at which the irst maBor crac' occurs (usually

accompanied with a clear sound o !rea'ing)" Two typical cases to identiy the irst

 pea' load are illustrated in .ig"16" This irst pea' load may not !e the maimum load

as shown in .ig"16(!)"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 69/83

   T  o   t  a   l   l  o  a


   ,   (   k   N   )

!,irst peak






0 10 20 30 0

id!span deflection



,irst peak7

         ,         (         k         N         )



       l      o      a       d 3

2         T       o         t       a         l



0 10 20 30 0 50 !0 70id!span deflection


.ig"16" Typical out&o&plane !ending test results

5lternatie ,le9ral 6ending Test

8hen the test rame and e3uipment re3uired or the test as descri!ed in 0ection 12"<" are

not a%aila!le$ the test pro%ided in this section can !e used as an alternati%e or the leural

 !ending test" The test set up is shown in .ig"1" +loc's o weight are used as load in this

test instead o a loading Bac'"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 70/83

Tot'& ei,%t ,

One co&*mn o( 

ei,%t$ inim*m 7 6'p beteen co&*mns

co&*mns '&on, sp'n minim*m 50

.'#er 2

.'#er 1

Test specimen 120

in s*pport4o&&er 



.ig"1 Alternati%e leural test set up


The supporting systems o the test specimen and the displacement measurement

transducer are the same as that descri!ed in 0ection 12"<""

All the weight !loc's shall ha%e an e3ual si4e and weight and !e cali!rated to an

accuracy o within ]1"2> o the weight" The maimum weight o each !loc' is

generally re3uired to !e less than 12'g in order to ha%e enough num!er o !loc's to

 pro%ide an e%en distri!ution o load on top o the specimen (in an area o 65221222)$

unless it can !e shown that the hea%ier !loc's will not ad%ersely aect the e%en

distri!ution o load" The si4e o the !loc's shall also !e restricted such that at least

columns o weight with a minimum gap o 52mm !etween columns can !e distri!uted

e%enly along the span o the specimen$ as shown in .ig"1"

.or tests in #hina$ guidelines or the weights can !e ound in G+ 52156&96"

Te)( &roce!ure

1)" ;ar' the positions o support line (centre line position o the roller !ar) on the

 !ottom o the specimen

6)" 0et up the pin and roller supports

)" Apply a thin layer o 3uic'&setting plaster on top o the supporting steel plates and

then place the test specimen on top o the two supports" 8aite a ew minutes or the plaster to set

<)" lace the displacement transducer under the test specimen at the mid&span" A piece

o small plate (a!out 62mm62mm6mmthic') shall !e glued onto the tip o the

transducer to pre%ent it rom going into a crac' i the crac' happens to occur at the

 position o the displacement measurement point

5)" ut the weight !loc's row !y row$ column !y column and layer !y layer on to the

specimen as shown in .ig"1$ starting rom the mid span o the specimen and

ensuring the e%en distri!ution o weights on the whole surace area o 65221222

:)" In the mean time o applying loading$ record the test data at suicient num!er o

test points to produce a load %s" displacement cur%e (as illustrated in .ig"16)" *ne

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 71/83

data point (a pair o load and displacement readings) shall !e ta'en at a

displacement increment o not more than 1"5mm"

Clcul(ion o$ re)ul()The maimum moment capacity o a specimen is gi%en !y

;u H 1 (w )L6 



# H the unit weight o the panel which is typically 2"<'N/m6

 $ H ./L$ . in 'N is the irst pea' load (total weight) rom the load %s" displacement cur%e as eplained in 0ection 12"<"" and

 L H the span which is 6"5m"

The irst pea' load may not occur eactly at a time when a whole layer o load is applied"

In that case$ the load distri!ution at ailure is not uniorm and the maimum moment shall

 !e calculated !ased on the actual distri!ution o the load"

D3ra5ility Test

Wettin$ and dryin$ test

ut the panels through 62 cycles o wetting and drying at room temperature o 22#"

Each cycle consist o 6< hours o wetting ollowed !y 6< hours o drying"

;easure the a%erage compressi%e strength at the end o 62 cycles"

Salt spray test

Em!ed a 16mm dia$652mm reinorcing rod in the concrete illed in ca%ity" Ater days

curing$ hung the same in a salt spray cham!er or 6 wee's"

*!ser%e any apparent damage to the panel and to the reinorcement"

 Fire Resistance test

The ire resistance test on G.RG panel (Rapidwall) shall !e conducted using a !low torch(!urning 'erosene as uel)" The !lue lame temperature shall !e measured and shall !e in

the range o 222  # to 12222#" The !lower tip o the !low torch shall !e 'ept at adistance o a!out 52 mm rom one ace o the !uilding panel (si4e 22 22 16< mm)so that the !lue lame shall directly hit the panel continuously" The panel shall !e eposedto such a state or continuation duration o < hours" The other ace o the panel shall !e

 pasted with a thermocouple to monitor the temperature continuously"

Record the temperatures (2#) at 2 minutes inter%al during the test period o < hours or 

the hollow G.RG panel and the G.RG panel illed with ;62 concrete the results"At the end o the test$ no damage or crac's should !e o!ser%ed !eyond the spot where he

lame was directly hitting the ace o the panel"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 72/83

1;TTIN+? 45N73IN+? T8R5+. 5N7 7.3I<.R>

This part o speciication is only applica!le within the actory !eore deli%ering to end&users" .or the

transport and storage o panel outside the actory$ reerence shall !e made to speciication or 

transport$ storage and installation"

19tting#utting shall !e made with speciic machine and impact tools such as hammer shall not !e used or 

cutting or remo%ing part o the panel" All cutting shall !e made in accordance with the drawings and

re3uirements pro%ided !y the client" Generally the ollowing re3uirements are applica!leK &

1)" Tolerance to !e ]1mm

6)" *penings to !e partially cut in the actory$ lea%ing a!out 122mm at the corner to !e cut ater 

installation o the panel

)" amage to corners shall !e limited to within 12mm12mm and

<)" ;etal closure studs (# channels) are itted to the edges o a panel immediately ater


4andling,andling o panel shall !e made with speciic machinery" ;o%ement o panel shall !e reasona!ly

slow and care shall !e ta'en to pre%ent undue sagging$ crac'ing or damage to the panel especially at

the sides$ edges and corners" The damaged panel or part o the panel must not !e used and shall !e

remo%ed and destroyed" The R+0 .riction Liting Faws must not !e used in the actory as e%ery ri! in

the G.RG panel can !e clamped only once"


G.RG panels shall !e neatly stac'ed to a%oid panel distortion$ damage or moisture ingress" This can

 !e achie%ed !y stac'ing %ertically on support etending the ull length o the panel or a irm$ clean

and lat surace not suscepti!le to moisture" It shall also !e 'ept ree o any dirt$ oil or other oreign


8hen %ertically stac'ed in open air$ panels shall !e protected rom collapse caused !y strong wind" A

good practice is stac'ing panels inside a 0tillage with its sta!iliser legs etended"

-rotection from *eather 

All panels shall !e 'ept dry preera!ly !y !eing stored inside a !uilding and under co%er" 8here it is

necessary to store the panels outside$ it shall !e stac'ed o the ground in accordance"


G.RG panels are usually pac'ed and loaded on speciically designed stillage and deli%ered !ysuita!le truc's" Etreme care must !e ta'en in loading$ transportation and unloading to ensure the

saety and protection o the panels rom damage due to collision or collapse o the panels" #are

shall !e eercised to a%oid eceeding the maimum allowa!le height o %ehicles applica!le to a

speciic road in a speciic area" All general grade panels shall !e protected rom rain with a plastic

mem!rane" rotection rom rain or water resistant grade panels is generally not re3uired"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 73/83

Chapter 5

Structural Tests Results

Conducted by


7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 74/83


G0!S.- WA// !AE/S

Glass i!er reinorced gypsum (G.RG) wall panel is made essentially o gypsum

 plaster reinorced with glass i!ers" The panels are hollow and can !e used as load

 !earing walls" The hollow cores inside the walls can !e illed with in&situ plain or 

reinorced concrete"

This paper presents guidelines or the use o G.RG wall panel as a lateral load

resisting component in !uildings !ased on a numerical analysis procedure to

arri%e at its capacity estimation under aial compression$ compression with in&

 plane !ending and shear" Cariation o !uc'ling load o unilled G.RG wall panels

or %arious widths is reported" The aial load carrying capacity o 1"26 m wide

and 6"75 m high wall panel$ o!tained rom the numerical analysis and the testresults are compara!le or this load case" 8hile assessing the aial load capacity

or design under compression$ a minimum possi!le eccentricity (causing out&o&

 plane !ending) is accounted or" An engineering model is proposed to assess the

strength o unilled and concrete illed G.RG wall panels in multi&storied

 !uilding system su!Bected to lateral load such as earth3ua'e"


In a high seismic intensity 4one$ resistance o !uildings to earth3ua'es is oten ensured

 !y adopting structural systems where seismic actions are assigned to structural walls (shear 

walls)$ designed or hori4ontal orces and gra%ity loads while columns and !eams are designed

only or gra%ity loads" 0tructural walls pro%ide a nearly optimum means o achie%ing the

important o!Becti%es$ %i4"$ )(reng(+ )(i$$ne)) and !uc(ili(%" +uildings !raced !y structural walls


1 h Research 0cholar$

6 roessor$ 0tructural Engineering i%ision$

epartment o #i%il Engineering$ Indian Institute o Technology ;adras$ #hennai :22 2:$ India"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 75/83

are in%aria!ly stier than ramed structures$ reducing the possi!ility o ecessi%e deormations

under small earth3ua'es" The necessary strength to a%oid structural damage under moderate

earth3ua'es can !e achie%ed !y properly detailed longitudinal and trans%erse reinorcement"

0pecial detailing measures need to !e adopted to achie%e$ dependa!le ductile response under 

maBor earth3ua'es (aulay and riestley$ 1996)"

Glass i!er reinorced gypsum (G.RG) wall$ a new composite wall product 'nown as



 in the industry$ is made essentially o gypsum plaster$ reinorced withchopped glass i!ers" The glass i!ers a!out 22 - 52 mm long are randomly distri!uted inside

the panel s'ins and ri!s in the manuacturing process" The i!er content is 2"7 'g/m6" The 162

mm thic' panels are hollow and can !e illed with in&situ plain or reinorced concrete to increasethe strength" A typical cross section o the panel is illustrated in the .ig" 1"

   T   h   i  c   '  n  e  s  s  H   1   6   2  m  m

   9   <  m  m



62mm thic' we!

Gypsum laster 

1mm thic' lange


Reinorcement !y chopped glass i!ers

.igure 1" #ross section o G.RG wall panel

8u and are (622<) ha%e carried out aial and shear load tests on G.RG wall panels o 

standard 6"75 m height" The width o panel specimens was 1"26 m or aial load tests$ 1"56 mand 6"26 m or shear load tests" They ha%e reported that under aial load$ un$ille!  G.RG wall

 panels ailed due to plaster crushing$ irrespecti%e o the eccentricity o aial load" The concre(e

 $ille! specimens all ailed due to !uc'ling and leural tensile !rea'ing o the G.RG walls" The

ailure load was go%erned !y the eccentricity and support conditions" The compressi%e strengtho unilled wall panels was go%erned !y the plaster strength and that o concrete illed panels was

go%erned !y out&o&plane !uc'ling" The aial load carrying capacity o concrete illed wall

 panels was only aected !y the aial load eccentricity and support conditions" The ailure modeor shear load specimens o concrete illed walls was due to the longitudinal tearing o the G.RG

 panels$ which is %ery dierent rom the ailure mode o a traditional R# wall" As a result$ the

shear strength is go%erned !y the strength o the G.RG panels and was not aected !y the

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 76/83

strength o the concrete inill" Typical shear ailure modes or unilled panels and concrete illed

 panels are shown in the .ig" 6"

(a) Qnilled panel - (!) Qnilled panel -   (c) #oncrete illed panel - 

 Digonl crc>) En! cru)+ing "er(icl crc>ing 

.igure 6" Typical ailure modes or G.RG wall panels su!Bected to shear

(Wu n! Dre 2556)

8u (622<) has reported that there are two types o shear ailure modes in a !uilding

constructed with G.RG walls" The irst mode is the shear ailure o the panel itsel$ and the

second is shear sliding at the interace o a wall and the loor sla!" The continuity o longitudinal

reinorcement at the hori4ontal Boint may aect the shear strength o !oth the ailure modes"

;echanical properties o the G.RG panel$ as reported !y 8u and are (622<) are shown

in Ta!le 1" Aial load capacity o wall panels against !uc'ling are estimated and shown in the

Ta!le 6 and the in&plane lateral load !uc'ling capacity is shown in Ta!le 5" It is ound that the

oisson=s ratio o the wall panel is approimately e3ual to 2"6 rom eperimental results" The

modulus o elasticity o the panel considered is 222 ;a"

Estimation of GFRG Wall !anel Capacities

In the present study an attempt is made to estimate or design purposes the capacities o 

G.RG wall panels under (i) Aial loads$ (ii) Aial load with out&o&plane !ending (iii) *ut&o&

lane !ending capacity (i%) Aial load and in&plane !ending moment and (%) #apacity o wall

 panel due to shear load"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 77/83

Ta!le 1" ;echanical roperties o G.RG +uilding anel Wu n! Dre 25560

-echanical !roperty Characteristic #al3e Remar9s

Qnit 8eight <2 'g/m6

Qni&aial #ompressi%e 1:2 'N/m

Qnilled 0ingle lea G.RG0trengthanel"Qni&aial Tensile 0trength 5 'N/m

Elastic ;odulus 222 - :222 ;a#oeicient o Thermal 16 12

&: mm/mm/


Epansion8ater A!sorption J 5> +y weight ater 6< h

o immersion

Thermal Resistance 2": m6 /8 Qnilled anel

0ound transmission 67 Qnilled panel

coeicient <5 #oncrete illed panel

.ire Resistance Le%el [ h .or 0tructural ade3uacy

Aial /oad Capacity

8hile assessing the aial load carrying capacity o the wall panels a minimum

eccentricity causing out o plane !ending is accounted or" As per standards such as I0 <5:

(6222)$ the design o reinorced concrete walls should ta'e into account the actual eccentricity o 

the %ertical orce su!Bected to a minimum %alue o 2"25 times the wall thic'ness (  (: mm or (  H

162 mm)" According to masonry design codes such as I0 1925 (197)$ the design o a wall shall

consider appropriate eccentricity$ which in no case shall !e ta'en to !e less than ( /6< (5 mm or ( 

H 162 mm)"

In the case o wall panels supporting loor sla!s rom one side$ the eccentricity to !e

considered should !e more than the minimum %alues indicated a!o%e" It is recommended that a

%alue o minimum eccentricity e3ual to ( /: (62mm or (   H 162 mm) shall !e considered

conser%ati%ely" Additional %alue o eccentricity may !e considered when the out o plane

 !ending is eplicitly in%ol%ed"

The characteristic %alues o aial compressi%e strength o G.RG wall panels are o!tained

rom the compression test results on 6"75 m ull height panel su!Bected to eccentric loading" In

general$ it is conser%ati%e to assume pinned&pinned condition as shown in .ig" " It may !e noted

that or design purposes$ the characteristic %alues should !e di%ided !y partial saety actor 1""

.inite element analysis o the wall panel$ using plate&shell elements to model !oth langes

and we!s$ was carried using the 0A 6222 NL sotware" These numerical analysis results are

compared in Ta!le 6 with the eperimental results reported !y 8u and are (622<)" It is seen

that the numerical results are compara!le with the eperimental results or the 1"26 m panel" The

aial load carrying capacity o the unilled G.RG panels o widths 1"56 m and 6"26 m$ estimated

 !y inite element analysis are also shown in the Ta!le 6"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 78/83

Ta!le 6" Aial Load #arrying #apacity o Qnilled G.RG 8all anels

Width of 3merical analysis Res3lts <9? Eperimental Res3lts <9?

!anel <m? e H , e H +mm e H 1, mm e H , e H 1, mm


1"26 1" 1:7" 157"1 16"< - 1::" 119": - 1::"A

1"56 6<5" 656"< 62"1 -    - 

6"26 67" 19": 22"2 -    - 

e H Eccentricity

YY 8u and are (622<)



6752 mm

.igure " Eperimental set& up or inned&inned panels

The same inite element model was used to estimate the elastic critical !uc'ling load o 

the wall panel$ and the results are listed in Ta!le or dierent widths o the wall panel" These

results indicate %alues much higher than those shown in Ta!le 6$ conirming that !uc'ling is not

a li'ely mode o ailure$ as e%idenced !y the testing (which showed crushing o plaster)"

Ta!le " +uc'ling Load Calues 8hen the 8all is 0u!Bected to only Aial Load

Width of GFRG Wall !anel <m? 23c9lin$ /oad !cr <9?

1"26 :66

1"56 96:

6"26 16

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 79/83

O3t4of4!lane 2endin$ Capacity

The out& o&plane leural strength o 162 mm thic' G.RG wall panel without illing is

shown in Ta!le <" .rom the test results$ it is ound that illing without reinorcement does not

impro%e the out&o&plane moment capacity o the panel"

Ta!le <" *ut&o&plane leural capacity o Qnilled / #oncrete illed anel without 0teel


!roperty Ri5s parallel to span Ri5s perpendic3lar to span*ut&o&plane moment

6"1 2"77capacity ('Nm / m)

In4!lane 2endin$ Capacity

G.RG wall panels can !e used as load !earing walls in multi storied !uildings capa!le o 

resisting airly large lateral load" Each wall can act as a shear wall resisting %ertical load$ in& plane !ending and shear" In%aria!ly$ such a wall shall !e inilled with reinorced concrete" The

ollowing simpliied procedure may !e used to calculate the ultimate in&plane leural strength o 

concrete illed G.RG wall panel"

# Assess the stress distri!ution along the cross section o the wall panel !ased on linear 

elastic assumption"

σ =  P  ± M %(1)

 A  I 

6" +ased on the stress distri!ution rom the E3" 1$ there are two dierent cases to !e


(a)" The whole cross section is under compression or there is no tensile stress in the cross

section ( 2) compare the maimum %alue o M = in the cross section with the

compressi%e strength o wall panels gi%en in Ta!le 1" I the calculated stress is less than

the design compressi%e strength o the wall$ the design is sae otherwise redesign is


(!) I tension eists in the cross section ( J 2) go to step "

The unilled and concrete illed G.RG wall panel without continuous reinorcement in

the cores is not a!le to transmit tension !etween loors$ thereore case (!) is notapplica!le to unilled or concrete illed G.RG wall panel without continuous longitudinal


ii) 8hen tension eists in the cross section$ the leural strength can !e calculated

using the ollowing assumption"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 80/83

7) The contri!ution o the panel to ultimate strength in tension and compression is

neglected and the system is treated as illed concrete with concrete eecti%e only in

compression and the reinorcement !ars in tension"

9) Tension reinorcement (ull length !ars) are assumed to act as un!onded !ars with

constant stress$ limited to 92 ;a in the entire tension 4one (assuming lac' o !ond !etween the inilled concrete and the wall panel)"

The assumed stress distri!ution across the cross section o a G.RG wall panel is shown

in .ig"<" .rom the test results$ it has !een ound that there is practically no !ond !etween

concrete and G.RG wall panel" It is assumed that all reinorcing !ars are su!Bected to same

stress and that this stress is limited to the ollowing %alue !ased on the studies in prestressed

concrete section with un!onded tendons"

P u

M u 0.42x u


D–x u  x u


T C u= 0.36f ck bx u

 x i 

.igure <" 0tress istri!ution across the G.RG 8all anels under Aial Load and in&plane

+ending ;oment"

Tensile stress in steel rod$

 $  )(   = A2

2"75 $ c>  6

+ in N/mm  A H122I  )(  J


,!  & L

E3uating orcesKn

 P u


 $ c>



 $  )(∑

 A )(i i=1

where A )(i is the area o the i(+

 !ar located at a distance 8i rom the

centre" E3uating moments$




 M u  = $  )(  © A )(i ( D / 6 − 8i )+ 2": $ c>  8u ( D / 6 − 2"<6 8u ) (<)i=1

where 8i is considered to !e positi%e i it is on the tension side o the mid depth"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 81/83

.rom the E3s" and <$  the %alue o  8u  and A )(i can !e determined !y trial and error"

Alternati%ely$ P u   M u interaction cur%es may !e generated or a gi%en panel with inill concrete

( $ c> ) and gi%en area o steel per ca%ity ( A )( )" 0uch an interaction diagram (using non&dimensionalcoordinates) has !een generated and is shown in .ig" 5" The %alue o  &/$ c>  can !e o!tained romthis diagram and the suita!le !ar reinorcement can !e identiied" It may !e noted that minimumeccentricity re3uirement should !e satisied"






     b    D

,%1*   c     k

p8fc9 H ,%,,*     /     f     u

    P,%1, p8fc9 H ,%,(



,%,* p8fc9 H ,%,(*

,%,,p8fc9 H ,%,1

, ,%,( ,%,1 ,%,> ,%,) ,%,* ,%,+

 M u /f ck  bD2

.igure 5" Interaction diagram or panel su!Bected to aial load P u and in&plane !ending

moment$ M u

Shear Capacity of !anels

8u and are (622<) ha%e reported that in all o the shear load tests on unilled panels$

there were %isi!le <5` shear crac's$ de%eloped !eore the pea' load was reached$ as shown in

.ig"6(a)$ and shear strength %aries rom 19"1 'N/m to 6<"5 'N/m" Qsing strength o materials

approach$ the capacity o unilled panels under shear load can !e assessed as ollows" , H

#apacity o unilled panel under shear load H 6I J (  $  σ ( 

K cosθ  Lwhere , H 8idth o wall panel$

H Inclination o crac' with respect to hori4ontalais$ (  $  H Thic'ness o lange o the wall panel$

 (  H ermissi!le tensile strength o wall panel"

This capacity wor's out to 9 'N/m or a G.RG panel o 1"26 m width"

7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 82/83

23c9lin$ Capacity 3nder In4!lane Shear /oad

The possi!ility o !uc'ling ailure under shear loading was in%estigated in the

 present study through numerical analysis using 0A 6222 NL" The results o!tained are

shown in Ta!le 5$ corresponding to (+ree widths o wall panel" The %alues o lateral load

o!tained (6:6 to 59: 'N) are signiicantly higher than the capacities reported !y 8u andare (622<)" ,ence it is clear that !uc'ling mode o ailure is unli>el% to occur not only

under aial load !ut also under shear loading or the unilled G.RG wall panels"

Ta!le 5" In&lane +uc'ling #apacity due to )+er  Load alone

Width of Wall !anel <m? 23c9lin$ /ateral /oad #cr <9?

1"26 6:6

1"56 <65

6"26 59:


Aial load carrying capacity o unilled G.RG wall panels$ o %arious widths

when su!Bected to eccentric loads$ is estimated using numerical analysis" The lateral load

carrying capacity o panels is also estimated" A simpliied procedure has !een suggested

or assessing in&plane leural strength o concrete illed wall panels" .or a gi%en orce

demand$ reinorcement re3uired or a concrete illed G.RG wall panels can !e o!tained

using interaction diagram that has !een de%eloped" Qsing simple approach$ the capacity

o unilled panels under shear load is estimated" It is also esta!lished !y comparing the

results o inite element !uc'ling analysis with the a%aila!le eperimental results$ that

ailure o the G.RG wall panel does not occur due to !uc'ling$ on account o in&plane

aial and shear loads$ as the critical loads are much higher than the actual capacities"


I0K <5:&6222$ lain and Reinorced concrete & #ode o ractice$  Bureu o$ In!in S(n!r!)$ New

elhi$ India"

I0K 1925&197  #ode o ractice or 0tructural use o Qnreinorced ;asonry  Bureu o$ In!in

S(n!r!)$ New elhi$ India"

aulay T"$ and riestley ;"F"N"$ 1996" 0eismic esign o Reinorced #oncrete and ;asonry


 o+n Wile% H Son)$ New or'$ Q0A"

0A 6222 NL" 0tructural Analysis rogram (0tatic and ynamic .inite Element Analysis o


Co-&u(er) n! S(ruc(ure) Inc"$ +er'eley$ #A$ Q0A"

8u$ "." and are$ ;" "$ 622<" DAial and 0hear +eha%ior o Glass .i!er Reinorced Gypsum 8all

anelsK Tests" ournl o$ Co-&o)i(e) $or Con)(ruc(ion A0#E$ 7 (:)K 5:9&57"

8u$ " ."$ 622<" DThe eect o longitudinal reinorcement on the cyclic shear !eha%ior o glass i!er 

reinorced gypsum wall panelsK Tests" Engineering S(ruc(ure) EL0ECIER$ 6:


7/23/2019 Comparison of GFRG with Conventional Systems 83/83


Rapidwall anel pro%ides a new method o !uilding construction in ast trac'$

ully utilising the !eneits o prea!ricated$ light weight large panels with modular

ca%ities and time tested$ con%entional cast&in&situ constructional use o concrete and steel

reinorcement" +y this process$ man power$ cost and time o construction is reduced" The

use o scarce natural resources li'e ri%er sand$ water and agricultural land is signiicantlyreduced" Rapidwall panels ha%e reduced em!odied energy and re3uire less energy or

thermo&regulation o interiors"

Rapidwall !uildings there!y reduce !urdening o the en%ironment and help to reduceglo!al warming" Rapidwall use also protect the li%es and properties o people as these

 !uildings will !e resistant to natural disasters li'e earth3ua'es$ cyclone$ ire etc" Thiswill also contri!ute to achie%e the goal o much needed social inclusi%e

de%elopment due to its %arious !eneits and ad%antages with aorda!ility or low income

segments also" .ast deli%ery o mass dwelling/ housing is %ery critical or reducing huge

ur!an housing shortage in India" Rapidwall panels will help to achie%e the a!o%e multiple


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