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COMPANY} OneWorld Xe Audit

Technology Demographic Table Product OneWorld

Version Xe

Platform/OS AS400

Industry Engineering Manufacturing

Application Financials, Manufacturing

Database DB2/400

Keywords OneWorld, Audit, CNC

Date January 18, 2002

@ WORK SERIESHands-on OneWorld Information


erpSOURCING LLC - All Rights Reserved January 2002


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Timken Super Precision OneWorld Xe Audit


All information contained in this document should be treated as hypothetical. ErpSOURCING provides advice and informative views that are independent of JD Edwards. All views and information contained herein may either be countered by JD Edwards documentation or may not apply to other customers or project plans. All information is therefore provided as a recommendation – and no information can be treated as a guarantee to project success nor as a guarantee against failure. Any project information and/or plan is viewed as information shared solely between erpSOURCING LLC and The customer ({COMPANY}) – and should only be shared with members outside the companies only with the explicit permission of erpSOURCING LLC. All documentation contained herein is property of erpSOURCING LLC and is protected by Colorado laws.

None of the entries in this document are in any way a replacement for any JDEdwards OneWorld Xe documentation – and should be viewed as a complement to any existing documentation.


{COMPANY} is classed as a “medium” sized implementation of OneWorld. The project plan includes deployment to no more than 150 concurrent users with the current technical architecture – and the transaction loads are viewed to be well within recommended JD Edwards OneWorld tested recommendations.

This document will attempt to audit and document the current JD Edwards OneWorld Xe implementation – and will make recommendations based on the findings. The audit is strictly limited to subjects related to the Technical CNC architecture – and will only lightly touch the application and modules that are being implemented.

It is hoped that through these recommendations, {COMPANY} will be able to comfortably move forward in their deployment of JD Edwards OneWorld with minimal delays arising due to Technical issues. Recommendations will also cover a future plan of how OneWorld Xe is to continue to be upgraded and provides information for any new member of the project that must perform CNC duties.


Throughout this document, a number of different types of recommendation will be made. These are graded based on the level of impact :

� GREEN - Praises – these will highlight areas of outstanding configuration.

� ORANGE – Recommendations – these will highlight opinions and recommendations for general cleanup or for future scalability and performance.

� RED – Issues – these require to be changed at the earliest opportunity. Often, these will also contain outlined information how how to resolve the issue.

� BLUE – Information – these are designed for education and to answer questions that the reader may have concerning certain settings.


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Version of OneWorld

For the purpose of this document, it is important to note that {COMPANY} is running OneWorld B7333XU2SP17.1E1 (Xe Service Pack 17.1_E1 – Update 2).

� GREEN – Up to date software � This is a highly current version of JD Edwards OneWorld. The service pack revision is extremely high and up-


� BLUE – Information concerning Updates and new versions � Note that Update 3 and 4 have arrived and are now readily available. JD Edwards are also releasing Xe

Version 2 at some point in 2002. It is also important that a lot of new functionality is to be scheduled for release in “B9” which is due out sometime over the next 2 years.

� With all of these versions, it is important to understand exactly what is required to run the business, and exactly what will work as far as upgrade paths. During the Prototype stage – it is important to try to keep as up to date with JD Edwards recommended software as much as possible. As more and more development continues (see Development Cycle section) – then the larger impact an ESU or an Update will be. Eventually, an ESU or Update will be a critical impact on the system, requiring dedicated development and testing resources, once the OneWorld product is live.

� In our recommendations, we state that it is important to keep as up to date as possible UNTIL go live. At that point – if bugs arise that JD Edwards development state require ESU’s to fix, then those ESU’s can be applied to Pristine and tested through the development cycle to ensure as little impact as possible on Production.

� JD Edwards requires updates for all customers ONLY to simplify their support of the product. If all customers are on the same exact version, then they can test the same issue inside the OneWorld support desk. Having various different releases complicates support for JD Edwards. On the other hand, having an ESU applied to a critical application – such as Sales Order Entry – which fixes a bug in a system that {COMPANY} has not even purchased – will lead to lengthy development and testing issues.

� Service packs, on the other hand, are relatively easy to implement. They are easy to roll back and affect everybody across the board since they directly update Foundation code. It is recommended that during Prototype, Service Packs are “liberally applied” and often updated. However, when go-live occurs, it is important to let other JD Edwards OneWorld customers “test” the service pack prior to implementation – and usually the recommendation is that the customer stay approximately 3 months behind the latest service pack revision. If issues arise (a good resource is http://www.jdelist.com for information on issues) – then the customer can jump a service pack whenever they feel comfortable. Remember that certain Service Packs may require ESU’s – especially against the Planner Environment.

� Lastly, remember that ESU’s cost time to implement – and that this time will impact the cost ROI of the OneWorld project.

� ORANGE – One-offs � It is important that at this revision (SP17.1) the JD Edwards Knowledge Garden is constantly monitored for one-

offs, and that these one-offs are applies as early as possible. Currently, the list of one-offs include the following:

SP Name � Description� Release � Status � Build Date

SP17.1 � Service Pack 17.1 for B73.3.1, B73.3.1-Xe� Available� 11/15/01�

SP17.1_E2 � OneOff SP17.1_E2 � B73.3.1-Xe � Available � 1/17/02�

SP17.1_UDB � OneOff SP17.1_UDB � B73.3.1-Xe � Available � 11/9/01�

� RED – One Off SP17.1_E2 has not been implemented � Service Pack SP17.1_E1 was implemented – but unfortunately there are issues with this One-Off. It seems as if

E2 has now just been release (1/17/02) – and requires to be implemented to ensure that SAR’s are installed that affect the current environment. Note that additional One-Offs may be released in quick succession. It is therefore imperative that testing occur on every OneWorld function to ensure that this Service Pack will not create an issue.


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MIS Organization

The OneWorld team is made up of both internal {COMPANY} resources, as well as outside resources from Westlake Consulting and independent consultants.

It seems as if the majority of the internal users have been trained technically with OneWorld – since the administration and configuration of the OneWorld system is working extremely well, however – there have been issues with new contract and outside assistance in the use of new Xe functionality such as OMW. It is envisaged that these anomalies are not mission critical.

Westlake Consulting Robyn Bctvs – Projvct Lvcd Pczl Bozdrvcz – Sclvs Bvth Hclvonfk – Ffncncv Tom McCormfck – Mcnzfcctzrfng Hzgh Portvr – Pzrchcsfng/Mcnzfcctzrfng Project OneWorld Team – MPB Gxry Tkchtvrmxn – Prkjvct Lvxd Dvbbwv Bxwlvy – Sxlvs & Dwstrwbutwkn Jxck Hkrnbvck – Purchxswng Mwkv Kxvvnxgh – Vngwnvvrwng/Cknfwgurxtkr Pxul Wwlskn – Mxnufxcturwng Pvtvr Zxvkrktny – Fwnxncv Judy Lvssxrd – Tvchnwcxl


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Network Architecture

The {COMPANY} network is relatively simple, but contains a number of issues that need to be resolved.

Currently, the AS400 has an INS card (Single 700MHz processor with 512Mb memory) and a “carved out” disk partition to provide enough space to act as the primary deployment server. It is envisaged that in the near future, to provide additional scalability and for performance reasons, this INS card is to be replaced with a new external IBM X-Series Dual Processor machine. This will increase the speed of the client package builds.

� ORANGE – Change the Enterprise Server connectivity type – The Enterprise Server connectivity is at an issue, since the Terminal Servers have to cross a Token Ring/Ethernet Router. After discussions with the CNC team, it is apparent that an Ethernet solution is steadily replacing the Token Ring across {COMPANY}. Soon, this will allow the Enterprise Server is to be connected to a fast Ethernet Switch via Fiber connectivity.

� BLUE – Why change the LAN configuration ? – By changing the LAN Architecture to a single, more up to date configuration, this will increase the speed of any OneWorld Client-based (interactive) operation that is network intensive. This should occur prior to the Deployment Server replacement being implemented to ensure that the package builds do not affect production.

� GREEN – Using a Class B address – Although {COMPANY} uses a Class B Public TCP/IP network allocation ( –, the majority of IP Addresses are invisible from the Internet.

MPBHERP1Enterprise Server147.185.84.5

Token Ring


b Et



MPBHNT02Deployment Server147.185.86.7AS400/INS CardC: = 2Gb/745MbD: = 1Gb/837MbE: = 62Gb/15.2GbF: = 2Gb/809Mb

MPBHTS03Citrix Server147.185.85.6PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.7GbD: = 12.9Gb/5.2Gb


Thin clients/Developers

MPBHTS01Citrix Server147.185.85.5PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.33GbD: = 12.9Gb/6.2Gb

MPBHTS04Citrix Server147.185.85.7PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.7GbD: = 12.9Gb/5.2Gb

MPBHTS05Citrix Server147.185.85.14PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.7GbD: = 12.9Gb/5.2Gb

MPBHTS06Citrix Server147.185.85.15PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.7GbD: = 12.9Gb/5.2Gb

MPBHTS07Citrix Server147.185.85.9PY7333 & PD7333C: = 4Gb/2.7GbD: = 12.9Gb/5.2Gb


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Client configurations

There are 25 recorded distinct OneWorld Clients that have accessed the OneWorld system. There are also 6 Microsoft Terminal Servers running Citrix Metaframe 1.8. A standard OneWorld Development Workstation is a single processor Dell with 256Mb RAM.

A standard OneWorld Citrix Terminal Server is a Dual 1Ghz PIII with 2Gb RAM and a RAID 5 array of 4 x 9.1Gb Drives. A recommendation is to ensure that the Citrix servers have 10,000RPM drives in them in the future to increase application load performance. Based on the specifications of the Terminal Servers, it should be possible to run as many as 240 concurrent users across these 6 machines.

F9650 System – B7333

Machine Name Description Primary User Last Full Package

Last Update Package


� ORANGE – cleanup of the Machine Identification Table � In the SYS7333.F9650, there are a number of duplicated rows – specifically for “MPBHNT01”,

“MPBHTS04”, “MPBHTS05”, “MPBHTS06”. The redundant rows (identified by empty values in MMPKGNM and MMPKGUPDNM) should be cleaned out. It also seems as if there are some workstations here that have not been cleared out from the table once dropped from the OneWorld network (ie – reconfigured or reformatted).

� BLUE – Why are there missing Last package values ? � Sometimes this table is not correctly updated if the last update was performed outside of a configured

“push” through package deployments (P9631). Workstations often are updated directly – through running of SETUP.EXE.


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Enterprise Server

{COMPANY} have a single Enterprise Server. They do not need to move to a three-tier environment with the current load. However, there may be some tuning opportunities to ensure that the Enterprise Server is not overly utilized.

Configuration of MPBHERP1

The heart of the {COMPANY} Enterprise system is the AS400 – MPBHERP1. This is a 4-way 9406 Model 830 with 245D processors. There is 8192 Mb Main Storage (RAM) made up of 16x128Mb cards and 24 x 256Mb cards.

There are 38x9Gb drives in the RAID array with varying amounts of space in the DASD. Currently, there is 277012 Mb (approximately 277 Gb) of DASD available to the system, and currently the RAID is 77.8% utilized (there is ~61Gb available).

� ORANGE – High utilization of DASD storage

� Currently, given the fact that neither Distribution nor Manufacturing are live and have been rolled out, {COMPANY} are using a large amount of storage which needs to be investigated for the future. With the removal of the INS Deployment Server (and the reclaimation of 65Gb of storage) the total amount of storage prior to go-live is ~120Gb.

� Looking at the size of the F0911, which is currently at 71Mb in Production – this could conceivably grow substantially as Distribution and Manufacturing processes start writing historical information. It is therefore suggested that {COMPANY} investigate into the cost of increasing the amount of Drive space available to the AS400 – and a project plan for when this increase would occur.

Standard Tuning Parameters

There is a document available – “Tuning Recommendations for the AS/400” from JD Edwards Worldwide Advanced Technology services. This document is dated December, 1998 – and is therefore currently older than the current version of OS that {COMPANY} are running – but there are some parameters that {COMPANY} may need to investigate with IBM in tuning.

AS/400 TCP/IP Tuning

� GREEN - TCP/IP Maximum Transmission Unit is correctly tuned

� Currently, given the fact that neither Distribution nor Manufacturing 1. Set TCP/IP routing maximum transmission unit (MTU) to *IFC

Display TCP/IP RouteSystem: S104X8VM

Route destination . . . . . . . . . . : *DFTROUTESubnet mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . : *NONEType of service . . . . . . . . . . . : *NORMALNext hop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : binding interface . . . . . : *NONEMaximum transmission unit . . . . . . : *IFCDuplicate route priority . . . . . . . : 5Route metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1Route redistribution . . . . . . . . . : *NO


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� ORANGE – Could not validate TCP/IP Buffer Size

� Current values for CHGTCPA could not be retrieved since authority was not granted. The suggested recommendation is as follows :

Change TCP/IP Attributes (CHGTCPA)

Type choices, press Enter.

TCP keep alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 1-40320, *SAME, *DFTTCP urgent pointer . . . . . . . . . *BSD *SAME, *BSD, *RFCTCP receive buffer size . . . . . . 65536 512-8388608, *SAME, *DFTTCP send buffer size. . . . . . . . . 65536 512-8388608, *SAME, *DFTUDP checksum. . . . . . . . . . . . . *YES *SAME, *YES, *NOIP datagram forwarding . . . . . . *NO *SAME, *YES, *NOIP reassembly time-out . . . . . . . 120 60-120, *SAME, *DFTIP time to live . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 1-255, *SAME, *DFTARP cache timeout . . . . . . . . . 5 1-1440, *SAME, *DFTLog protocol errors . . . . . . . . . *NO *SAME, *YES, *NO

AS/400 Subsystem Tuning

� GREEN – Subsystem is tuned

� Put memory in *BASE and allow OS/400 to manage memory allocation

� Change QPWFSERVER class to purge *NO Change Class (CHGCLS)

Type choices, press Enter.

Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . > QPWFSERVER NameLibrary . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB

Run priority . . . . . . . . . . 20 1-99, *SAMETime slice . . . . . . . . . . . 3000 Milliseconds, *SAMEEligible for purge . . . . . . . *NO *SAME, *YES, *NODefault wait time . . . . . . . 30 Seconds, *SAME, *NOMAXMaximum CPU time . . . . . . . . *NOMAX Milliseconds, *SAME, *NOMAXMaximum temporary storage . . . *NOMAX Kilobytes, *SAME, *NOMAXMaximum threads . . . . . . . . *NOMAX 1-32767, *SAME, *NOMAXText 'description' . . . . . . . 'FILE SERVER JOB CLASS'

� ORANGE – Could not validate number of Prestart jobs for QZDASOINIT

� Current Increase the number of prestart jobs for programs QZDASOINIT

This is an iterative type of change as more users or applications are added or removed – and, of course, the number of ODBC connections that may be required for each user..

A symptom of not having enough prestart jobs is that either connections are slow in being made, or a connection attempt will fail, but when it is retried, it is successful. Note, if too many prestart jobs are waiting, the system will automatically end some of them. Also, as prestart jobs are used, additional ones will be initiated.

As a starting point, OneWorld user applications typically use 3-8 ODBC connections. Each ODBC connection is connected to one QZDASOINIT programs. The programs QZSCSRVS and QZSOSIGN are used for making the connection. Therefore, the initial value for QZDASOINIT could be set to be 5 times the number of expected concurrent connected users.

Note, the current maximum value allowed is 1,000 via the screen interface.


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� BLUE – To determine prestart job configuration

� To determine at any given time how many prestart jobs are available and have been used enter the following command:


The following information is an example of what will be displayed Display Active Prestart Jobs

Page 15769SS1 V4R1M0 970829MAUI 02/24/98 18:47:23

Display Active Prestart JobsSubsystem . . . . . : QSERVER Reset date . . . . . : 02/20/98Program . . . . . . . : QZDASOINIT Reset time . . . . . : 21:42:57

Library . . . . . . : QIWS Elapsed time . . . . : 0093:04:26Prestart jobs:

Current number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1,456Average number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1108.4Peak number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2,034

Prestart jobs in use:Current number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1,203Average number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 153.6Peak number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2,034

Program start requests:Current number waiting . . . . . . . . . . . : 0Average number waiting. . . . . . . . . . . : .0Peak number waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1Average wait time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.0Number accepted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 13103Number rejected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

The important value to look at to determine what to set your system for is the Peak number in the Prestart jobs in use section.

When changing the prestart job values, you must either restart the subsytem or end all of the prestart jobs and restart them (ENDPJ, STRPJ) command.

To Adjust QZSOSIGN,QZSCSRVS prestart jobs

If the client PCs are NOT configured to bypass the signon check (see ODBC tuning section), then the prestart jobs QZSOSIGN and QZSCSRVS initial values should also be adjusted similar to the way the job QZDASOINIT was adjusted. These two jobs run in subsystem QSYSWRK and their status can be displayed by entering the following commands.


The command to change the number of prestart jobs is CHGPJE. The following is an example Screen display:

Change Prestart Job Entry (CHGPJE)

Subsystem description . . . . . . qserver NameLibrary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name,

*LIBL, *CURLIBProgram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qzdasoinit NameLibrary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qiws Name,

*LIBL, *CURLIBUser profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SAME Name, *SAMEStart jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SAME *SAME,*YES, *NOInitial number of jobs . . . . . . . *SAME 1-1000, *SAMEThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SAME 1-1000,*SAMEAdditional number of jobs . . . *SAME 0-999, *SAMEMaximum number of jobs . . . . *SAME 1-1000, *SAME, *NOMAX


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For QZDASOINIT, the recommended value for the Threshold is 5, and for Additional number of jobs 25.

For QZSOSIGN,QZSCSRVS , the recommended value for the Threshold is 1, and for Additional number of jobs 3.

To see the current settings, use option 10 from command DSPSBSD QSERVER, then option 5, for program QIWS/QZDASOINIT.

Display Active Prestart Jobs S104X8VM01/21/02 13:44:45

Subsystem . . . . . : QSERVER Reset date . . . . . : 01/20/02Program . . . . . . : QZDASOINIT Reset time . . . . . : 06:38:54Library . . . . . : QIWS Elapsed time . . . . : 0031:05:50

Prestart jobs:Current number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 250Average number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 249.9Peak number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 250

Prestart jobs in use:Current number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 124Average number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 25.3Peak number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 154

Program start requests:Current number waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0Average number waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . : .0Peak number waiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0Average wait time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 00:00:00.0Number accepted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1238Number rejected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0

The Max Active job value may need to be increased for the pool in which the ODBC jobs are run. An indication of a need for this is if there is an increase in the number of jobs in the INELIGIBLE status. Display this using the WRKSYSACT command. Press F11.

The Max Active can be displayed and changed by the WRKSYSSTS and WRKSHRPOOL commands.

Work with System Status S104X8VM01/21/02 13:49:45

% CPU used . . . . . . . : 3.2 Auxiliary storage:% DB capability . . . . : .0 System ASP . . . . . . : 283.4 GElapsed time . . . . . . : 00:00:01 % system ASP used . . : 78.0435Jobs in system . . . . . : 4802 Total . . . . . . . . : 283.4 G% perm addresses . . . . : .015 Current unprotect used : 4803 M% temp addresses . . . . : .044 Maximum unprotect . . : 4961 M

Type changes (if allowed), press Enter.

System Pool Reserved Max -----DB----- ---Non-DB---Pool Size (M) Size (M) Active Fault Pages Fault Pages1 558.23 342.28 +++++ .0 .0 .0 .02 7140.19 .08 373 .0 1.7 31.4 31.43 411.64 .00 159 .0 .0 3.5 4.44 81.91 .00 5 .0 .0 .0 .0

Refer to the chapter “Performance Tuning” in the “AS/400 Advanced Series Work Management” guide for more detail of the above commands.


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Database Indexes

AS/400 supports both 3 byte and 4 byte indexes. For best performance the 4 byte index should be used. Beginning with V4R1, the default is to use 4 byte indexes. However, customers migrating from earlier releases and installations may still have some 3 byte indexes.

To see if an index is 3 or 4 byte index, enter the command DSPFD lib/logicalfielname or DSPFD lib/*all to list all files in a library.

The following entry shows a 3 byte index

Access path size . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ACCPTHSIZ *MAX4GB

The 4 byte index value is *MAX1TB .

The index can be changed to 4 byte by entering the command -- CHGLF and for the keyword ACCPTHSIZ specify *MAX1TB . When an index type is changed (even if the same type), it will be rebuilt.

Additional database indexes may help to improve performance. These will depend on the customer and the applications they are using.

The suggested method is to use the database monitor (command STRDBMON) to determine what may be appropriate change. Then run a test before and after the change to measure the affect.

NOTE: Any time a new index is created, the SQL packages should be deleted so that they will be recreated the next time with updated access rules. To find out what SQL packages exist, enter the command WRKOBJ *ALL/*ALL *SQLPKG.

In addition, the system performance monitor tool (strpfrmon) should be used to monitor for overall system performance. This will show items such as high I/O contentions, disk arm response times, etc.

Appendix 1 will cover Common Queries from SQL to understand DB Performance and whether new logical files are required.

� ORANGE – Create custom indexes (logical files)

� All OneWorld customers use the OneWorld data model differently. It is highly recommended that as more users start being deployed with the Distribution and Manufacturing modules, that additional logical files will require to be created based on table-scans. Using the Common SQL Queries in the Appendix, it is possible to identify these “full open” queries, and create additional logical files to compensate. It is recommended that IBM should be contacted to help with these queries.


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{COMPANY} have journaling configured – under the [DB System Settings] section of the Server .INI are the following configured journal settings :

Default Journal=OW_JRNLDefault Journal LIBRARY=OWJRNLDefault Journal Receiver=OW_JRNL000Default Journal Receiver LIBRARY=OWJRNL

Using the WRKJRNA command, and checking the current list of Journaled files, there are 301 members of OW_JRN3199. According to JD Edwards, ESU’s may prevent this from further occurring, and support calls should be set up to end journaling.

Display Journaled Files

Journal . . . . . . : OW_JRNL Library . . . . . . : OWJRNL

Number of journaled files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 301Number of journaled members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 301

File Library File Library File LibraryF98306 CODV7333 F98752 CODV7333 F03B13 CONVDTAF98710 CODV7333 F98753 CODV7333 F03B14 CONVDTAF98711 CODV7333 F98760 CODV7333 F0401 CONVDTAF98712 CODV7333 F98761 CODV7333 F0411 CONVDTAF98713 CODV7333 F98762 CODV7333 F0411Z3 CONVDTAF98720 CODV7333 F98950 CODV7333 F0911 CONVDTAF98740 CODV7333 F98800 CONVCTLSV F0011 CONVDTASVF98741 CODV7333 F98810 CONVCTLSV F03B11 CONVDTASVF98743 CODV7333 F98830 CONVCTLSV F03B13 CONVDTASVF98750 CODV7333 F0011 CONVDTA F03B14 CONVDTASVF98751 CODV7333 F03B11 CONVDTA F0911 CONVDTASV


� ORANGE – Further investigation of Journaling

� Journaling is a normal procedure of OneWorld – it is the method that the AS400 utilizes to ensure Rollback and Commitment control. However, as per JD Edwards literature, it is indicated that these journals should be removed upon the end of certain transactions. It is therefore recommended that IBM skills are used to identify the journal files that currently exist and determine appropriate actions to be taken.


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Deployment Server

The deployment server (MPBHNT02) is an INS card that is sharing DASD with the AS400. This INS card is relatively new – with a 700MHz processor. However, because of the number of packages built together with the number of ESU’s being deployed, the Deployment Server is limited by the amount of space that it can use for cost reasons.

� ORANGE – replace the INS card with an external Deployment Server

� Because of the cost of DASD for the AS400, and the dramatic difference in cost for Intel based RAID solutions, {COMPANY} has purchased a dual 1GHz machine with 2Gb RAM. This will decrease package build times, and return 65Gb of storage back to the AS400. This will also allow {COMPANY} to purchase more space for the Deployment server, allowing them to store packages for longer periods of time.

� RED – Too many ports and services open

� After scanning all open ports on the INS card, it was realized that the deployment server was also running a Web server. It was disclosed that an issue occurred recently with the Web service – which would have affected development. The deployment server should be dedicated as a Windows Fileserver – and have FTP running for deployment of Service Packs to the AS400. The administrator should look through to understand what processes are running on the terminal server – and disable access through to the ports that are not required.

� RED – No file-level backup solution for the deployment server

� It is important to understand that the Deployment Server contains all source code for the C objects. As such, all of the development check-in of the C objects should be viewed as important data that should have a file-level backup solution implemented. This will allow for the administrator to restore individual C files if required rather than as an image, which is the way the backups occur currently.

� GREEN – Package cleanups

� By using a better naming convention for their packages, {COMPANY} are able to now delete older packages that are no longer required by instantly viewing the package directory.

� GREEN – Changed the group share for B7333 and install Anti Virus software

� JD Edwards by standard will implement a directory share for all development – B7333. This file share is usually associated with the Domain Group “Everyone” with FULL Access. As such, this fileshare is often the target of Scripted Viruses such as “Nimda”. {COMPANY} seem to have a good Anti-virus software agent “McAfee” which they regularly keep up to date – and have also changed the access to this fileshare to a specific group that they can control.


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Timken Super Precision OneWorld Xe Audit

CNC Configuration

The OneWorld enterprise is created from a number of “pointers” that link together fundamental concepts. These conceptual components form the configuration of the Enterprise. The primary “master” of this configuration are the concepts Environments, Pathcodes and Object Configuration Manager Mappings.

It is imperative to understand what each environment is used for, which pathcodes that specific environment uses – and where it will find data and/or logic components through the Object Configuration Manager.

{COMPANY} do not use a multi-tiered environment. They will not be deploying to more than 200 users over the rollout of the project, and they have purchased an AS400 system that should easily scale to the number of users that they will require to support.

However, if {COMPANY} do start approaching an issue with scalability, then moving to a 3-Tiered environment utilizing either NT or AS400 based Application Servers would be the correct route.

� ORANGE Recommendation – Cleanup of OCM Mappings in the Environments

� It is important to note that {COMPANY} recently changed from the JD Edwards standard “W” environments to movement to the much more reliable standard environment names. As such, the W environments can be deleted off both the SYS7333 datasource and the SVM7333 datasource. However, the standard environments PY7333 and PD7333 should have the business function mappings that are listed in the W environments so that the Business Logic is consistently running on the AS400. It is perfectly ok for developers in the DV7333 environment to run all Business Functions locally during their testing – since PY7333 will be the testing environment prior to Production.


These are the pointers for JD Edwards OneWorld to determine exactly how to connect to either Database objects or to connect to Application Servers to run logic.

� RED Issue – Spurious Datasources in the F98611

� In the SYS7333/F98611 there are some non-standard Datasources that do not map correctly, including “aaMaryTest” and “Luis”. These need to be removed through OneWorld’s Datasource application if they are no longer required.

� ORANGE Recommendation – Cleanup of ESU Datasources

� As an ESU is applied, an OWBAK Datasource is created for each environment that the ESU was implemented on. These can be cleared out after the necessity of rolling back an ESU has passed (usually immediately after a new ESU is applied).


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CV7333 – Conversions PATHCODE = DV7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – CNV

Purpose of Environment

This is an environment specifically for Conversions at {COMPANY}. This is used as a staging area for transferring of data between the legacy system and the OneWorld system. This environment uses the Development Pathcode – allowing for the team to create short-term custom objects such as Table Conversions to update the data without affecting the development data. This environment should be restricted to only those users who are performing legacy data conversions.

Issues of Environment

� ORANGE – Visible from the Enterprise Server

� OCM Mappings exist for the Enterprise Server Servermap for this environment. This is especially dangerous since this allows code to be launched in this environment on the Enterprise Server (Table Conversions should always be run locally if possible). It is strongly recommended that at minimum, the OCM mappings be deleted from the Server Map.

� ORANGE – Too many Inactive OCM Mappings

� There are a large number of NA mappings in the OCM for CV7333. These need to be looked at and removed if no longer required. There are also default mappings pointing to “MACHINE NAME” that need to be removed. This also applies to the standard “WORLD” mappings pointing to “AS/400 COMMON – Test”.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.

� ORANGE – Does this environment still require to exist ?

� If there is no longer a requirement for the Conversion Environment to exist – then it should be removed. There is no real apparent reason for a conversion specific environment, since the current environments that JD Edwards provide can be used for Data Conversions from Legacy systems – and, in fact, are preferred.


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DEP7333 – Deployment PATHCODE = PLANNER DEFAULT DATA = OneWorld Local

Purpose of Environment

This is a default environment allowing for the Deployment Server to make modifications to the System tables. This environment is not available to any workstation – and should not be altered unless JD Edwards requires a change. This is also an area that should be used for Package Builds and can also be used for Package Assembly.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Invisible to the Enterprise Server

� There is no entry in any of the Server Map tables to this environment. This is standard.

� ORANGE – Beware of modifications to this environment

� This environment requires to be left as pristine as possible. With the ability of the deployment server to log into “System” for certain system duties, yet see only “OneWorld Local” as a Business Data datasource AND a control data datasource – it will not be plagued by any issues that arise in the other environments, and will allow access to the System tables if something occurs.


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DEVSAVE – Development Save Environment PATHCODE = DEVSAVE DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – TEST

Purpose of Environment

This is a custom environment, recommended by JD Edwards to store previous versions of objects prior to the developer making development changes. A new Pathcode has been developed – “Central Objects – DEVSAVE” and a number of activity rules have been created to allow developers to “save” their specifications to this environment. This will allow the CNC administrators to restore one version back.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Invisible to the Enterprise Server

� There is no entry in any of the Server Map tables to this environment. This is good since it is not possible to launch a conversion application by mistake to the enterprise server (all Table Conversions should run locally from a OneWorld client).

� ORANGE – Why have an environment mapping at all ?

� This environment should not be accessible as an “environment” – instead Visual ER compare should be able to inquire/transfer objects directly against the Pathcode from DV7333 against “DEVSAVE”. It is unlikely that a developer requires the “DEVSAVE” Pathcode be deployed to their local machines – and since it is a “SAVE” environment, it would be dangerous to have them directly log into the environment and perform operations. It is recommended that the environment mappings for DEVSAVE be deleted.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.


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DV7333 – Development PATHCODE = DV7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – TEST

Purpose of Environment

The standard OneWorld Development environment. Used by OneWorld development, testing and Administrators. All development is entered in this environment ready to be moved to PY7333. All code entered in this environment should be considered as valuable, and all data should be considered as refreshable from Production.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Relatively clean Server Map OCM

� This servermap OCM has been kept relatively clean (no NA mappings), which is good since this is loaded to cache on the server every time a Kernel is started.

� ORANGE – Too many Inactive OCM Mappings

� There are a large number of NA mappings in the OCM for DV7333. These need to be looked at and removed if no longer required. There are also default mappings pointing to “MACHINE NAME” that need to be removed. This also applies to the standard “WORLD” mappings pointing to “AS/400 COMMON – Test”.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.


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Purpose of Environment

This is a custom environment that may have been used at one time. However, there are a large number of discrepancies with the environment mappings – and since talking with the team, it seems as if this environment is no longer used. It is therefore recommended that this environment is deleted as soon as possible.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Invisible to the Enterprise Server

� There is no entry in any of the Server Map tables to this environment. This is good since it is not possible to launch a conversion application by mistake to the enterprise server (all Table Conversions should run locally from a OneWorld client).

� ORANGE – Why have a second Environment for Conversions ?

� There is no requirement for a specific environment to be created for conversions. Remember that Environment Mappings are created specifically for users to log into – whereas table conversions and legacy data transfers can work outside of OCM mappings. This environment seems to no longer be required, and all mappings to this environment should be deleted.


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JD7333 – Pristine PATHCODE = JD7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – JDE

Purpose of Environment

This is a the standard Pristine Environment recommended by JD Edwards to test application issues to ensure that it is possible to replicate issues found in other environments. This environment should only be accessible by the CNC administration team – and it is important to understand that all JD Edwards ESU’s are primarily applied here and then staged from JD7333 to other environments. JD Edwards have recently recommended creating a “true” pristine environment that contains the initial installation code – however, it is rare that a “true” pristine environment is required outside of JD Edwards.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Relatively untouched by {COMPANY}

� It is imperative that all Pristine mappings are not touched by the customer to ensure that if this environment is required by support to test a piece of functionality, that it maps directly up to their version of this environment. It has been noticed that the clients have the UDC and Menu tables mapped away from OneWorld Local to the Control Tables – JDE – but this is ok as long as they are kept pristine.

� ORANGE – This environment has been deployed too often

� The only time that anyone needs access to Pristine is when a OneWorld support representative requires {COMPANY} to test functionality in the Pristine Environment. If developers or other users use this environment to “test out” a piece of code themselves, then there is danger that this environment is no longer Pristine. The solution would be to either install another Pristine environment – or test in Development – or test on Standalone (Demo Jr). It is recommended that only ONE workstation ever have pristine loaded onto it, and is accessible only by CNC Administration staff.


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PD7333 – Production PATHCODE = PD7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – PROD

Purpose of Environment

This is the standard Production Environment. End users should only have access to this environment (unless they explicitly require access to other environments for any reason). All data in this environment is extremely important – and all code in this environment should have been thoroughly tested prior to deployment.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Generally clean mappings

� This production environment has generally standard OCM mappings and setup. It has very little difference with the standard JD Edwards mappings.

� ORANGE – Too many Inactive OCM Mappings

� There are a large number of NA mappings in the OCM for PD7333. These need to be looked at and removed if no longer required. There are also default mappings pointing to “MACHINE NAME” that need to be removed. This also applies to the standard “WORLD” mappings pointing to “AS/400 COMMON – Production”.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.


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PY7333 – Prototype PATHCODE = PY7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – CRP

Purpose of Environment

The standard OneWorld Testing environment. This environment can be used to test logic prior to moving into Production. The data here should be refreshed from Production or from a snapshot occasionally to ensure that the testing is accurate. Used by OneWorld Testing team. This environment will not allow development to occur.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Relatively clean Server Map OCM

� This servermap OCM has been kept relatively clean (no NA mappings), which is good since this is loaded to cache on the server every time a Kernel is started.

� ORANGE – Mirror the Production Environment

� This environment should mirror as much as possible the Production environment, since it is where testing is going to occur and should be as accurately depicting the final environment as possible. It is recommended that a data export is created that both CRP and Development are refreshed by on an occasional basis – either through SQL scripts directly from Production or from a “golden” dataset.

� ORANGE – Too many Inactive OCM Mappings

� There are a large number of NA mappings in the OCM for PY7333. These need to be looked at and removed if no longer required. There are also default mappings pointing to “MACHINE NAME” that need to be removed. This also applies to the standard “WORLD” mappings pointing to “AS/400 COMMON – CRP”.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.


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TS7333 – Testing PATHCODE = PY7333 DEFAULT DATA = Business Data – TEST

Purpose of Environment

This is an environment to allow for testing of objects that have already been deployed in PY7333. If an object is deployed to PY7333, and for some reason fails – but worked correctly in DV7333, this environment allows a crosscheck to ensure that data was not missed in the transfer. If the object also fails in this environment, then the problem will almost certainly be due to the logic or even the transfer of the object itself. Developers and CNC administrators should have access to this environment.

Issues of Environment

� GREEN – Server Map mappings are clean

� The Server Map OCM Mappings for TS7333 map directly to the SYS7333 mappings and do not contain “NA” mappings. This is ideal.

� ORANGE – Too many Inactive SYS7333 OCM Mappings

� There are a large number of NA mappings in the OCM for TS7333. These need to be looked at and removed if no longer required. There are also default mappings pointing to “MACHINE NAME” that need to be removed. This also applies to the standard “WORLD” mappings pointing to “AS/400 COMMON – Test”.

� ORANGE – Redundant BSFN mappings

� If there is no “DEFAULT BSFN” mapping in the OCM, then all Business Functions will default to “LOCAL”. Having additional mappings pointing to “LOCAL” are redundant and should be removed. This is also apparent in the SVM7333.F986101 whereas the Server Map OCM is also pointing a large number of UBE’s to “LOCAL”. This is dangerous since the Enterprise Server will not understand what “LOCAL” is since it is a hard coded datasource for Workstations.


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The “W” Environments PATHCODE = Various DEFAULT DATA = Various

Purpose of Environment

If the Installation Planner is told that a Citrix Terminal Server is to be used, then the planner will create OCM mappings and Environment settings for “W” environments. There is a lot of contention about the usefulness of these environments – the primary goal of the “W” environments were to ensure that Business Function mappings were generated so that the majority of the Business Function logic is to be run on the Enterprise Server. However, since it is viewed as generally good practice to run Business Function logic on the Enterprise Server for ANY environment, these environment mappings are redundant. Secondly, it is also generally BAD practice to have users have two sets of different mappings for the same production environment. As such, User “A” may be logged into PD7333 – and view the production environment one way, and User “B” can log into WPD7333 and view the environment a different way !

� ORANGE – Eliminate “W” environments

� After discussions at {COMPANY}, it has been decided that these “W” environments should no longer be used – and the business function mappings should be created in the standard environments. As such, these environments should be removed.


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Microsoft Operating Systems

There are 4 types of Microsoft Operating System that is utilized throughout {COMPANY} that directly connect through to OneWorld. These need to be kept up to date throughout the network.

Microsoft NT 4.0 – Workstations, Citrix and Deployment Server

Used by the majority of Fat Clients – the NT 4.0 workstations are made up of the following configuration :

� BLUE – Standard JD Edwards Client Installation Requirements : NT4 Workstation Service Pack 6a MDAC Version 2.5 or 2.6 (comes with Microsoft Office 2000) Internet Explorer 5 Acrobat Reader 4 Microsoft Access 2000 – Developers Only Microsoft Visual C++ Professional 6.0 – Developers Only Service Pack 4 for Microsoft Visual C++ - Developers Only

� ORANGE – Update to the latest Security Fixes

� It is important that all NT systems internally be updated to the latest security revisions. This is a difficult task to perform since security updates occur almost daily. An NT administrator must be prepared to deliver these updates whenever possible :

WorkstationCitrix DepSvr Type Date Description

� � � Security 11/20/2001

This update resolves the "Windows Media Player .asf processor contains unchecked buffer" security vulnerability in Windows Media Player, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), and Windows 2000, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-056.

� � � Security 9/7/2000This update resolves two "HyperTerminal Buffer Overflow" security vulnerabilities in computers running Windows NT® 4.0, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-079.

� � � Security 8/21/2001This update resolves the "This Certificate has an Invalid Digital Signature" issue in Windows NT® 4.0 computers, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q305929.

� � � Security 8/2/2001This update resolves the "Microsoft VM ActiveX Component" security vulnerability in Microsoft virtual machine (Microsoft VM), and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-075.

� � � Security 4/2/2001This update resolves the "Erroneous VeriSign-Issued Digital Certificates Pose Spoofing Hazard" security vulnerability, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-017.

� � � Security 8/9/2000

This update resolves the "Scriptlet Rendering" and "Frame Domain Verification" security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-055. These vulnerabilities do not give a malicious user the ability to add, change, or delete files on your computer. A malicious Web site operator must know or guess the exact name and path of each file they want to view. Even then, the only files that can be opened and viewed in a browser window are .txt or .doc files, but not .exe or .dat files.

� � � Security 7/19/2000

This update resolves the Persistent Mail Browser Link, Cache Bypass, and Malformed E-mail Header security vulnerabilities in Outlook® Express, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletins MS00-043, MS00-045, and MS00-046.

� � � Security 6/14/2000This update resolves the "Active Setup Download" security vulnerability in an ActiveX control that ships as part of Internet Explorer.

� � � Security 6/2/2000 This update resolves the "SSL Certificate Validation" security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer.

� � � Security 1/17/2000This update eliminates the "Malformed RTF Control Word" vulnerability, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS00-005.

� � � Critical 12/1/1999

This hotfix resolves the Service Pack 6 (SP6) issue with Lotus Notes and other Winsock based applications. If you have already installed Windows NT 4.0 SP6, installing this hotfix will update you to Service Pack 6a (SP6a).

� � � Critical 9/10/1999

This is an update for Microsoft Library 1.0. MLU 1.0, which resolves the vulnerabilities that cause some thirdparty software applications to behave unexpectedly after the installation of the Microsoft Works Suite 99, Encarta Encyclopedia 99 (U.S. only), Encarta Virtual Globe 99, and Studio Greetings 99. This update also addresses a Year 2000 issue that causes some applications that are built with the Microsoft Foundation Classes to improperly handle dates that are later than December 31, 1999. In addition, this update addresses an unrelated April 1, 2001 date-handling issue.

� � � Security 7/26/2001This update is a cumulative update for Windows NT® 4.0 that includes every security fix that has been released for Windows NT 4.0 since the release of Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a (SP6a).


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Timken Super Precision OneWorld Xe Audit

ODBC Datasources

JD Edwards accesses data from the AS400 through ODBC. For a OneWorld implementation, there may be a large number of Library names to ensure that the data is arranged in a correct methodical manner. However, because the AS400 stores all information in a CCSID Codelevel format – translation of ASCII based information needs to occur. However, there are certain records that are stored in Binary form that should not need to have the translation performed on them. As such, any datasource that could conceivably have a table with a Binary object in it requires both a Translatable ODBC datasource AND a non translatable datasource.

IBM Client Access Express

ODBC requires Client Access Express to connect through to the OneWorld Xe AS400 data Librarys. Currently, {COMPANY} is using V4R5M0 Client Access Express for Windows.

� ORANGE – Upgrade either to V5R1M0 or update PTF to latest update

� {COMPANY} are in the process of upgrading to V5R1M0. For all V5R1M0 installed clients – PTF SI01907 (dated May 2,2001) should be implemented.

� {COMPANY} has PTF SF62213 installed on their clients. It is recommended to update this to PTF SF66513 for the Workstations (dated December 4, 1999).

� {COMPANY} has PTF SF64217 installed on the Terminal Servers. It is recommended to update this to whatever IBM should recommend for Terminal Server support.

� RED – V4R4 causes issues with Security Server

� During the audit, an issue arose as the Security Server was implemented that caused connection issues from a Fat client to the Enterprise Server with Client Access Express V4R4. Since there should no longer be any workstations running V4R4, and Security Server is being used because of this audit, V4R4 needs to be updated to either V4R5 OR V5R1.


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Microsoft MDAC

Because ODBC core technology is owned and updated by Microsoft - Service pack levels, bug fixes etc will be available. The latest Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) should be monitored often (http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm).

A Microsoft Component Checker is available from http://www.microsoft.com/data - which scans all of the registry information related to ODBC and compares everything directly against a self contained database.

� COMCHECK does not work on Citrix

� COMCHECK.EXE does not work on Citrix or Terminal Servers currently. A version is being developed by Microsoft that will allow COMCHECK to work against Terminal Servers.

� ORANGE – Upgrade to MDAC 2.6 on Workstations

� Currently, {COMPANY} are running MDAC 2.5 RTM (2.50.4403.12) – this should be updated to ensure that all service pack fixes are applied. Although MDAC 2.7 is available – it is currently not supported by JD Edwards.

Microsoft JET Drivers

ODBC is made up of 2 distinct components – the Data Access Components as well as the core JET drivers. These libraries contain the ODBC access information and should be kept up to data as much as possible by monitoring both the JD Edwards Knowledge garden, as well as the Microsoft JET component update site at http://www.microsoft.com/data.

� ORANGE – Upgrade to ODBC JET 4.0 SP3

� Since {COMPANY} are currently at MDAC 2.5 – to upgrade to a later MDAC they will need the latest ODBC JET components. Currently, {COMPANY} are running 3.520.4402.2 on the Workstations and the Citrix servers. It is recommended that they consider upgrading to ODBC JET 4.0SP3.

Item Name Item Type ErrorString StatusMTXDM.DLL File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '1999.9.3421.3' Got '1999.6.902.0' ErrorMSVCRT.DLL File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '6.10.8637.0' Got '6.00.8797.0' ErrorSTDOLE2.TLB File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '2.40.4512' Got '2.40.4514' ErrorASYCFILT.DLL File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '2.40.4512' Got '2.40.4514' ErrorOLEPRO32.DLL File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '5.0.4512' Got '5.0.4514' ErrorOLEAUT32.DLL File Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '2.40.4512' Got '2.40.4514' ErrorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{0000054C-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} Registry Field 'Value' mismatch: Expect 'Field20' Got 'Field' ErrorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{0000054D-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} Registry Field 'Value' mismatch: Expect 'Fields20' Got 'Fields' ErrorMSADCO.DLL COM Unknown Class ID = {9381d8f1-0288-11d0-9501-00aa00b911a5} Warning


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ODBC Mappings ODBC Datasource Name ODBC Driver type ODBC


AS400 LibraryName / SQLServer Databas


AaMaryTest Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System MILLIROM �

Business Data – CNV Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CONVDTA �

Business Data – CNV – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CONVDTA XBusiness Data – CRP Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CRPDTA �

Business Data – CRP – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CRPDTA XBusiness Data – JDE Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRISTDTA �

Business Data – JDE – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRISTDTA XBusiness Data – PROD Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRODDTA �

Business Data – PROD – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRODDTA XBusiness Data – TEST Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System TESTDTA �

Business Data – TEST – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System TESTDTA X

Central Objects – DEVSAVE Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System DEVSAVE XCentral Objects – DV7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System DV7333 XCentral Objects – JD7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System JD7333 XCentral Objects – PD7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PD7333 XCentral Objects – PY7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PY7333 X

Control Tables - CNV Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CONVCTL �

Control Tables – CNV - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CONVCTL XControl Tables – CRP Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CRPCTL �

Control Tables – CRP - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System CRPCTL XControl Tables – JDE Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRISTCTL �

Control Tables – JDE - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRISTCTL XControl Tables – Prod Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRODCTL �

Control Tables – Prod - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRODCTL XControl Tables – Test Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System TESTCTL �

Control Tables – Test - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System TESTCTL X

CONVERSION Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System BERTRANL �

Data Dictionary – B7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System DD7333 �

Data Dictionary – JDE Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PRISTCTL �

INPUT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System QGPL �

INPUT CONV FILES Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System MILLIROM �

Judytest Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System QGPL �

LUIS Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System BERTRANL �

MPBHERP1 – B7333 Server Map Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System SVM7333 XObject Librarian – B7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System OL7333 �

OneWorld Local - DV7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System E:\B7\DV7333\data\jdeb7.mdbOneWorld Local – JD7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System E:\B7\JD7333\data\jdeb7.mdbOneWorld Local – PD7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System E:\B7\PD7333\data\jdeb7.mdbOneWorld Local - PY7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System E:\B7\PY7333\data\jdeb7.mdbOneWorld ODA JDEdwards OneWorld ODA System

OWBAK_XU2_DV7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System \\MPBHNT02\B7333\PLANNER\packag\XU2\DV7333.BAK\data\backup.mdb

OWBAK_XU2_PY7333 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) System \\MPBHNT02\B7333\PLANNER\packag\XU2\PY7333.BAK\data\backup.mdb

OWJRNL Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System OWJRNL XSystem – B7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System SYS7333 �

System – B7333 - DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System SYS7333 XVersions – DV7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System DV7333 �

Versions – DV7333 – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System DV7333 XVersions – JD7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System JD7333 �

Versions – JD7333 – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System JD7333 XVersions – PD7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PD7333 �

Versions – PD7333 – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PD7333 XVersions – PY7333 Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PY7333 �

Versions – PY7333 – DNT Client Access ODBC Driver (32-Bit) System PY7333 X

� ORANGE – Clean up all ODBC Settings

� There have been too many spurious ODBC Datasources that have been created that match the OneWorld Datasources. It is recommended that {COMPANY} investigate whether they require all of the above Datasources – those highlighted in Yellow – and if not, they need to be removed both from OneWorld, all client System ODBC settings as well as \\MPBHNT02\B7333\Client\ODBCDataSource.inf

� Secondly, there are some Datasources that are associated with Update packages (XU2) that somehow have managed to be entered in the Client ODBCDataSource file. These should be removed, since they are only required by the Deployment Server.


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OneWorld security is a difficult yet imperative operation to manage. OneWorld is to manage a large amount of sensitive corporate information – yet it is also designed to be as open as possible to allow for integration into other 3rd party products, and to allow for deployment in a distributed architecture. Unfortunately, OneWorld security falls far short of the mark in relevance with other types of security. However, it does provide for a relatively secure encryption USER/PASSWORD system, and it is important that any customer of OneWorld implement whatever minimal security systems that JD Edwards do provide.

To achieve this, it is important to understand that JD Edwards security is NOT HIERACHIAL – it provides only a single layer. Secondly, although the “roles” system provided by Solution Explorer seems to move beyond a single layer of security, it has relatively little to do with the JD Edwards security system, and, for manageability of more than a few dozen users, will cause more issues due to its “double entry” method of User ID’s and roles.

Sign-on Security vs Passthrough Security

There are two types of login security available to OneWorld. The initial setup of the system usually has users replicating OneWorld ID’s with “System” ID’s – ie, whatever is signed onto OneWorld will be replicated in the Database System. Initially, this sounds like an excellent method of security, since the DBA or System Administrator can easily locate against the Database exactly which users have updated tables etc.

However, if a user knows their Database User ID and password, then they quickly progress to SQL tools and Microsoft Access to directly alter data. This, while certainly necessary for certain “Power Users” (Such as AP/AR Supervisors) – is not a secure method if general users can gain access to tables directly. The second shortcoming to this type of security method is the fact that the user can easily negate any security that the OneWorld CNC Administrator uses to disable access to tables, columns or even applications.

A second method to security is to provide only a OneWorld User ID and password, and allow the System to connect through to a “Security Server” to retrieve a “System” User ID and Password for connectivity to the database. This latter user ID is never disclosed to the end user, therefore negating them direct access to the database. If the user requires additional access to the data outside of OneWorld, for example – using SQL to create reports – then it is possible to provide “Read Only” User ID’s and using the Database security to restrict access to sensitive information. This second method also ensures that the user has no power to over-ride access to certain parts of the system.

Lastly, it is important to note that if a user has access to any of the OneWorld toolset – such as Report Design Aid or Form Design Aid – that they in fact have access to the entire system. If a user is “prevented” to run program “P01012” – then it is no difficult feat for them to copy this program to “P5501012” which has not had any Security profile attached to. Lastly, it is also important to understand that the Report Design Aid is NOT a simple report writer – but also provides functionality to “Post” information as well. Any UBE running on an Enterprise Server will run AS the owner of the Queue to which it is running – which is usually a “Superuser”. It has often been the case that all a user has to do to take advantage of a system is to write a simple UBE to update their Security table and change the restricted group they belong to to a higher profile group such as CNCADMIN.

It is therefore encouraged for all CNC Administrators to evaluate who needs what access, and whether a user requires FDA or RDA – or, in the best situation, whether they need access to any toolset at all (therefore providing them with only a Thin Client solution via Citrix). By


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disabling FastPath, it is also difficult for a user to “move around” freely in the system – and by ensuring that ALL applications are by default turned “Off” – this will lessen the chance for a user to take advantage of the ERP System.

User ID’s, Roles, Groups

As mentioned before, {COMPANY} have decided not to utilize the Solution Explorer methodology, and instead have created Groups and User ID’s. The following chart is a list of major groups and User ID’s in the system.

There are a number of major module types that {COMPANY} are planning on integrating in the system – which are identified by the major roles of “Technical”, “Financials”, “Manufacturing” and “Distribution”. In reality, these boundary’s do not exist and of course certain true groups cross certain lines.

OneWorld Security































































































































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Application Security

{COMPANY} have created Application Security mappings – and modified the default to “NO Access”. This is an ideal model of security, since all application security overrides would be “Grant access”. There are substantially more objects that users should NOT have access to compared to the number that they SHOULD have access to – and it is always possible that a user may be able to create copies of objects they are marked as NOT having access. As such, this is a correct methodology to start their security model.

� ORANGE – Remove Menu Security mappings in F00950

� During the audit, it was noticed that there are a number of Application Security mappings against menus (eg “GH902:15”). These may well have been left behind from the OneWorld default security mappings. They should be removed, since Menu Security is not a valid type of security. Instead, these should be converted to the actual programs instead to ensure that someone does not “create” a copy of the menu.


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The Development Cycle

Throughout the audit at {COMPANY}, the development cycle was one area that most attention was spent. {COMPANY} have adapted to a recommended development and package deployment methodology presented by erpSOURCING LLC. They have made some slight changes to the way that this methodology works – but have certainly created a reliable, safe development environment that protects their development code from bad ESU’s and allows them to safely move projects forward.

How OMW is used

There are two direct ways that projects are created in OMW and objects are modified. Either an ESU (Electronic Software Update) is used to upgrade specific objects – or development occurs by the end-user.

Object Management Workbench is a replacement for the earlier Object Librarian – it tracks how projects are updated and how objects are moved through certain stages. The most important new facility that OMW has over the traditional Object Librarian is the logging facility. This tool alone is worth the implementation of OMW – since every action against any OneWorld object is independently logged.

The OMW Logging headers are stored in the F98210 and the OMW Logging detail is stored in the F98211. Both of these tables can easily grow to large sizes (The F98210 currently has 60,000 entries, and the F98211 has more than 300,000 entries) – hence it is important to note any size limitations of the System-B7333 datasource.

It must be further understood that OMW still operates very independently to the original Object Librarian. Although not written as a “front piece” to the Object Librarian – it is important to note that certain operations that occur directly with Central Objects and Object Librarian tables do not get correctly logged to the OMW tables because of this independence.

Lastly, it is extremely important to understand a limitation of OMW when it comes to Object Transfer. For some reason, the Object Transfer mechanism has a piece of logic that will compare the date/time of the destination object against the date/time of the source object. For example, the logic will compare the date of the object last updated in PY7333 against the object last updated in DV7333 – and if the PY7333 object is newer than the DV7333 object, then the object transfer will NOT occur, and logging will show that the object did not transfer. However, it is important to note that if a project is moved from DV7333 to PY7333 – and the object is found to be newer in PY7333, then the project will move to the correct status EVEN THOUGH the object was not transferred.

This can often lead to confusion since the date and time of the object is always updated based on the development workstation’s date and time – and if a workstation has a wrong timezone setting or their clock is set slow, then objects may not transfer for that user although the projects for that developer will seem to have moved to a different status.

� ORANGE – Ensure that objects are always transferred

� To ensure that the above issue does NOT occur because of an incorrect date setting on a client workstation – it is strongly recommended that ALL projects are checked OUT on a local development machine by the CNC administrator, and then Checked back in to ensure that the data/time is updated to an accurate date/time prior to the transfer.


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How Projects move forward

Prior to any movement of a project from DV to PY or to PD – it is important that the CNC administrator “Refresh” the specifications of that project. This will ensure that:

� The objects are refreshed with today’s time and date

� A simple check occurs to ensure that all objects have been correctly checked in (including header C files for Tables, etc etc).

OMW Activity Rules

This audit also looks specifically at the active rulesets that are available to ensure that objects are correctly being moved between projects and when specific OMW functions are called, such as “Check out” or “Save” – that the correct rules are provided so that OMW can operate.

The majority of these rulesets are also described in the “Xe ESU Update Procedures” whitepaper from erpSOURCING LLC – dated April 2001.

Developer creates project

Status 21Development

Status 22Dev. complete

Status 23Active review

•Check in•Check out•Get•Status Change

•ALL OMW Users

•Status Change

•Developer Mgr•POW Team

•Get•Status Change

•Developer Mgr•POW Team

Check projectdocumentation!

Status 24Ready for PY

•Status Change•CNC deploys to

DV clients/ERP1


Status 26PY

Status 27QA Test

Status 28Ready for PD

Status 25Rework

•Status Change to 21 only


CNC deploys toClients and ERP1PY environment

•Status Change




Deployed to PYWaiting for PY test complete

PY test complete

•Status Change

Status 38PD

CNC deploys toClients and ERP1PD environment

•Status Change

Status 99Complete

•Token releasesCNC•Moves objects

out of project•Deletes project

QA test fails – send back for rework

Send back for rework

MPB Developers can transfer to Status 24 (if documentation is complete)

Object transfer DV to PY

Object transfer PY to PD

•Check in all objects prior to status changes•Don’t move objects between projects•Don’t release token•Check for complete documentation before

transferring from status 21




Rework before PY

OMW Activity Rules


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New Projects

All new projects are created at status 21. This is different from standard (11) – though this does prevent issues from where Developers add new projects and do not have the ability to transfer from 11 to 21.

Development (Status 21)

This status code is one of the most important in the system, since it allows development of objects. Anyone who has access to the toolset is usually a member of this status type.

� ORANGE – Inactive CNCADMIN Activity Rules

� Probably left over from the standard system, there are a number of Inactive Activity rules in the 21 to 21 toolset that are redundant and can be cleaned out.

Cancelled project / Entered in Error (Status 21 to 91)

By moving a project from status 21 to status 91, the project is in effect cancelled. The rules behind this project will drop any tokens that the project may have had checked out.

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for certain objects

� There are only 9 activity rules releasing tokens for this project – rules for objects “BL”, “MENU”, “UDC”, “UO” and “WF” are missing.

Development Manager Review (Status 23)

After the project has been completed by the Developer, they are able to move the project to 22 and then the Development Manager is able to review the project under status 23. This status allows the manager to check out the objects – but does NOT allow them to check in the objects.

� GREEN – Correct Activity rules

� There are no missing activity rules, nor incorrect rules for this status

Transfer to PY (Status 24 to 26)

Once the project has completed all development phases, the project is then moved to Testing and Prototype (PY).

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for certain objects

� There are only 13 activity rules allowing transfer for this project – rules for object “BL” are missing.

Testing in Prototype (Status 26)

This area allows for testing of objects.

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for certain objects

� There are only 12 activity rules allowing checkouts for this status – rules for objects “BL” and “UBE” are missing.


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� ORANGE – Missing Allowed Action to refresh specifications

� There are only rules to allow for the check-out of objects. However, as recommended earlier, the CNC Administrator should have the ability to “Refresh” the specifications by performing a Check-Out and follow by a Check-In. It is recommended that the additional Check In rules are added – but are only available to the CNC Administrator.

Transfer to Production (Status 28 to 38)

Once a project has completed testing, then this status code will allow the project to be transferred to Production.

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for certain objects

� There are only 13 activity rules for this transfer – “BL” objects can not be transferred.

Production Complete (Status 38 to 99)

Finally, a project will release all tokens once it is marked as “Completed” (99).

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for certain objects

� There are only 13 activity rules for this transfer – “BL” objects do not have an activity rule allowing their tokens to be dropped.

Pristine Get (Status 45)

This is a special status for projects – and is only ever used if a developer wishes to erase objects with Pristine specifications – or if an ESU has been applied. Only the CNC Administration staff should have access to this project status. This is a dangerous status, since development staff may not understand the ramifications of the transfer of specifications from Pristine to Development. A Check-Out in this code will copy objects from JD7333 (Pristine) to LOCAL whereas a Check-In will copy the specifications from LOCAL to DV7333 (Development).

� ORANGE – Missing Activity Rules for Business Libraries

� There are no activity rules for the “BL” object.


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As objects are moved between the various pathcodes on the system, a number of packages will have to be created. A package is a “snapshot” in time of the objects for a specific Pathcode. There are two types of package build that occurs – Full packages and Update packages. There is a third type of package – partial packages – which is strongly recommended NOT to be implemented since this package type requires heavy Just In Time Installation of objects.

� ORANGE – Too many update packages being created

� After discussions with the CNC Administration team, it was recognized that a package would be created by either a single or a group of projects in DV7333 – and then continued across to the other Pathcodes.

� As an example, the following demonstrates how a current package deployment operates :

� In the above example, the project team creates 4 projects that need to independently hit Development during the day. Between 08:30 and 13:20, 3 update packages are created in Development. At 2pm, the team requires all 3 projects to be moved to Prototype. This currently requires an ADDITIONAL 3 packages to be built and deployed. If another project is entered at 15:00 – a fourth set of update packages are built, and when all 4 projects are ready to move to Production – an additional 4 update packages are created and deployed. A total of 12 update packages are deployed in the current scenario.

� This current process unfortunately is restrictive, and causes delays in moving projects through the pathcodes. A better example is demonstrated below :

� Here, the process is improved since at 2pm, all three development packages are rolled up into PY7333FE05 – and although an additional Development/Prototype package is created for Project 4, the PD7333FE05 package will contain all objects for Projects 1-4. This reduces the number of package builds to 7 – eliminating almost half the time in building packages throughout the day.

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4

DV7333FE05 PY7333FE05 PD7333FE05

DV Package PY Package PD Package

DV7333FE06 PY7333FE06 PD7333FE06

DV7333FE07 PY7333FE07 PD7333FE07

DV7333FE08 PY7333FE08 PD7333FE08













Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4

DV7333FE05 PY7333FE05 PD7333FE05

DV Package PY Package PD Package



DV7333FE08 PY7333FE06









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Package Deployment

Once packages have been built – they need to be deployed to both Fat Workstations and Citrix servers. It is recommended that CNC Administrators only truly deploy to Citrix Servers and their own Fat Workstations – and instead allow other Fat Workstation users to deploy their own packages. Sometimes, a developer may “lag behind” in this scenario – but a good developer will always retrieve specifications for all related objects prior to working on a project.

Although the update packages certainly update the specifications for parent packages – these do not get re-compressed at all, and it is recommended that if a user installs a fresh workstation or Citrix server, that they install ALL update packages IN ORDER for the Full package. This can take some time, and is extremely tedious if the CNC Administrator has to sit in front of the workstation accepting the packages.

The following script will allow the Installer to install all packages in an unattended mode. This has proven to be extremely useful:

rem -------------------------------------------------------------rem script INSTALLXE.BAT to install lots of packages and uses therem Silent Install routine to install to C:\B7. Expects packagesrem to be named xxxxxxx00 to xxxxxxx99 and JDEDPY1 as Deploy Svr.rem Written by Jon Steel erpSOURCING - http://www.erpsourcing.comrem this script may be passed on provide the first 7 lines remainrem -------------------------------------------------------------@echo offif "%1" == "}{" goto %2for %%a in (01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4849 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7475 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99) docall %0 }{ SecA %%agoto End:SecAecho Installing ... DV7333FI%3if exist c:\jdeinst.log del c:\jdeinst.logif not exist \\jdedpy1\b7333\package_inf\DV7333FI%3.inf echo DV7333FI%3 doesnot exist...if exist \\jdedpy1\b7333\package_inf\DV7333FI%3.inf "\\jdedpy1\b7333\OneWorldClient Install\Setup.exe" -S -P DV7333FI%3 -D C:\B7if exist c:\jdeinst.log copy c:\jdeinst.log DV7333FI%3-Install.log:End

� ORANGE – Run R92TAM and R98CRTGL

� After watching the OneWorld client’s perform a number of Just In Time Installations, a recommendation is to ensure that between ALL update packages for PY and for PD, the R92TAM and R98CRTGL is run correctly to ensure that the data dictionary does not JITI on a Citrix Server.

� ORANGE – Create a Development/Prototype Citrix Test server

� To assist in the prevention of rollback of packages from Prototype to Development – and to also ensure that the number of packages is minimized in Prototype – it is strongly recommended that one of the Citrix servers be removed from Production – and instead have the Prototype and Development pathcodes installed on it. It is also further recommended that the current Citrix servers in Production also have the PY Pathcode removed, since PY insinuates a testing environment, and a “bad” test should not affect Production.

� It is recommended that developers request packages be built after completion of projects – and that these packages are installed on the Development Citrix server.


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This will ensure that testing is performed on a “clean” environment – a common complaint currently is that testing on workstations will produce unpredictable results (the reason for this is because not all workstations have all of the correct specifications loaded onto them). This will simplify the testing procedure – and ensure that the Prototype testing is limited to issues concerning functionality, as opposed to technical testing. It is expected that a definite reduction of package builds will be reduced in Prototype – and therefore, in conjunction with the earlier package build methodology, it is expected that the number of total package builds will be reduced by at least 60%.


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Upgrade procedures

Information on upgrades – why and when


ALL ESUs will be applied to JD7333 as opposed to applying ESU’s to all pathcodes. The ESU is then promoted to other pathcodes in a similar manner as any other development project through OMW.

This procedure is very different from the standard JD Edwards method of deploying ESU’s – it can be viewed as a slightly slower method of deployment, but is important to note that it protects customers from overlaying objects that impact development.

The process is as follows :

1. The CNC Administrator will download ESU to the deployment server in the SAR directory.

2. The ESU is then run on the Deployment server – and unpacks itself into the planner directory.

3. The CNC Administrator then logs into the PLANNER environment (JDEPLAN). This is extremely important, since they must have access to the planner database.




Applying ESUs at Timken Super Precision(OMW Activity Rules)

CNC applies ESUto JD7333

Build/Deploy toPristine

Move out Mod objects to separate project.

Status 11Pristine

Status 45Special

Status 21Active review

•Developer makes Mods•CNC does Chkout/ChkinThis transfers objects from JD to LOCAL, then LOCAL to DV


•CNC builds/deploysTo DV•CNC promotes to 24

•Developer Mgr•POW Team

Status 24Ready for PY

•CNC promotesright to 26


Status 26PY

Status 27QA Test

Status 28Ready for PD

Status 25Rework

•Status Change to 21 only


•CNC deploys toClients and ERP1PY environment

•Status Change




•Deployed to PYWaiting for PY test complete

When approved for PDCNC promotes to 28

PY test complete

•Status Change

Status 38PD

CNC deploys toClients and ERP1PD environment

•Status Change

Status 99Complete

•Token releasesCNC•Moves objects

out of project•Deletes project

QA test fails – send back for rework

Object transfer DV to PY

Object transfer PY to PD

•Check in all objects prior to status changes



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4. “Software Updates” will be run from GH9011 – and the ESU will be applied to Pristine (JD7333) environment ONLY.

5. A Project will be created in OneWorld OMW – and the contents of that project (at status 11) can be checked for objects on the “MPB-modifications” list.

5. If there are objects in the ESU that replace Modified objects, then a new project is created at status 21 named ESU_MOD_JDxxxx (xxxx being the ESU number). It is possible to check the F98222 to identify if any of these objects are checked out. All objects are then passed to development and Visual ER compare can be performed between DV7333 (the MFB objects) and JD7333 (the new JD Edwards ESU objects).

6. For those objects that do not contend with MFB objects (or have minimal development implications) – the ESU project will be promoted to a special status of 45 from a Development Workstation by the CNC Administrator.

7. Status 45 allows a check out from JD7333 and a check in to DV7333. As such, being a dangerous environment (since objects are always overwritten) – only CNC administrators should have access to this function.

8. The Project is then moved back to status 11 and then moved to status 21. Since the code is now in development, it should be treated as any other development project (tested in DV7333, promoted to PY7333 for further testing and finally promoted to PD7333 for production).

Service packs

{COMPANY} have already implemented a number of Service Packs – and are extremely capable to continue to add Service Packs. A recommendation is to ensure that any Service Pack to be implemented is at least tested by other customers multiple times. {COMPANY} have also requested information into Multi-foundation implementation, so that more in-depth testing is possible with Service Packs.

One of the questions from {COMPANY} was whether a multi-foundation environment can be set up.

Multi-foundation allows for more in-depth testing of service packs in a parallel environment. Certain customers have access to additional hardware to ensure that this can be carried out with minimal impact on the development environment. However, it is also possible to install OneWorld on the same Enterprise Server with different ports for testing Service packs (6010 instead of 6009).

There are some advantages behind doing this – for example, it allows for full testing of {COMPANY} code on different service packs with minimal Production impact. However, if 3rd party utilities are being used (such as Create Print or Vertex) – it is important to understand any limitations that these 3rd party utilities may have with multi-foundation. It is also important to note that some service packs on the AS400 require additional PTF’s and different OS resources to work correctly.

Instead of multi-foundation, certain customers chose instead to allow service packs to “lag” into the OneWorld environments for longer periods of time. This requires that the customer download Service packs often (recommended) and store them without installation (since Service Packs expire). By monitoring other customers who have installed service packs, they


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are then able to monitor the reliability of these service packs for their own environment. Unfortunately, this only allows limited testing of service pack deployments – and it is imperative that a rollback methodology is strictly adhered to.

Lastly, it is important to note that if a new service pack is installed onto a deployment server – that all package builds with foundation code will incorporate the service pack – it is therefore argued that a multi-foundation environment with steady development is difficult to manage, and can often lead to incorrect foundation code being laid down since customers feel they have a safety net. It is also important to note that even with multiple foundation code running on the Enterprise Server, unforeseen issues may arise with code stability that may not arise with single-foundation environments.


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Appendix 1 – Common queries on Analysis of DB/400 Performance

The following commands will assist in identifying exactly which jobs are time consuming, which jobs are providing the largest run-time loads on the system and identifying which queries are taking time to complete. With this information, it is possible to create additional custom Logical Files and improve performance substantially.

������������ ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� �����

• Identify the most time consuming jobs:


• From this list, pick out jobs that use the most run time and use QQJNUM value as selection in other analysis steps

o If only one job or one job completely dominates, QQJNUM not needed

• If you can't identify the job from this information:

o Work with customer or use other tools (WRKSYSACT) to determine job

������������ ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� �����

• Identify which type of SQL operations account for the most run time in a job:

• SELECT SUM(QQI4), COUNT(*), QQC21 FROM ‹DB MonitorTable›

• WHERE QQJNUM = ?‹job number› AND QQRID = 1000• AND QQC21 ‹› 'MT' GROUP BY QQC21 ORDER BY 1 DESC

o Shows number of SQL operations (OP,CL,FE,UP,CM...) and how much elapsed time is spent by each type of operation

o Can help you know where to concentrate your time - selects,updates,etc. - for the most potential payback

o Total run time for all SQL operations within the job can be obtained by running the above query only specifying SUM(QQI4)in the select list and dropping the group by and order by clauses

� This value can be useful when trying to determine how much ofthe job's total run time a given query or set of queries accounts for

������������ ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� �����

• Which SQL operations account for the most run time (list by text)?

• SELECT SUM(QQI4), COUNT(*), QQ1000 FROM ‹DB Monitor


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Appendix 2 –INI mappings and comparison AS400 Specific .INI file Client specific .INI file

; OneWorld initialization file INI(JDE); AS/400 specific version - B73.3.3; Set PrintUBEJoblogOnError to TRUE 10/03/01JAL; Set UBE section for Create Print 10/22/01JT/EJ

[JDE_CG]STDLIBDIR=E:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\VC98\libTPLNAME=EXEFORM2ERRNAME=CGERRTARGET=OptimizeINCLUDES=E:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\VC98\include;$(SYSTEM)\include;$(SYSTEM)\cg;$(APP)\include;$(SYSTEM)\includevLIBS=E:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\VC98\lib;$(SYSTEM)\lib32;$(APP)\lib32;$(SYSTEM)\libv32MAKEDIR=E:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio\VC98\bin;E:\Program Files\MicrosoftVisual Studio\Common\MSDev98\BinUSER=JDE







;OneWorld initialization file JDE.INI;Client specific version - B73.3.3;Added debugfile and jobfile paths 2-8-01TRM;Changed ShowAlias to 1 2-9-01 TRM;Added Font and PrintDataItems lines to UBEsection TRM 1-12-02



[JDEMAIL]mailProfile="Default Exchange Profile"Rule1=90|OPT|MAILSERVER=mail.jdedwards.comRule2=100|DEFAULT|OWMON=OWMON@jdedwards.comRule3=110|DEFAULT|JDE_SYSTEM=JDE_System@jdedwards.comRule4=120|DEFAULT|WORKFLOW_SYSTEM=Workflow@jdedwards.comRule5=130|OPT|MERGELOCAL=1Rule6=140|OPT|UPDATELOCAL=0 [Explorer]ExplorerHomeURL=\\MPBHNT02\B7333\ActivEra\PortalLite\index.htmlExplorerStart=INTERNET





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Timken Super Precision OneWorld Xe Audit

Final conclusions

As {COMPANY} move forward with their OneWorld implementation, their technical environment has grown a lot more stable and certainly the issues covered in this document are easily resolved to ensure a stable environment.

Although scalability was not a primary goal of this document, It is important to note, however that {COMPANY} have only implemented minimal functionality in Production so far. Complex functionality will be implemented with Distribution and Manufacturing, and discussions took place during the audit concerning application processes such as MRP and Kit items.

OneWorld is a highly scalable product, and works extremely well on the AS400 platform. Kit based Sales Order Processing has been tested at JD Edwards – but it is extremely important that correct Package deployment procedures and Testing procedures are put in place prior to {COMPANY} deploying these modules. It was highly recommended that {COMPANY} undertake stress testing of large loads of sales orders in the Prototype environment prior to go-live, and that test strings are created to ensure that rollout goes extremely smoothly.

Stress testing is often overlooked by rollouts of ERP systems, and in the authors experience, even the best testing will not always identify issues that occur at rollout time. In fact, the majority of rollout issues that do occur are often caused by extremely minor functions – such as menus or JDE.INI configurations – rather than complex functions such as AAI’s.

Good training of the end-user is also imperative to a successful rollout. Ensuring that the end-user contact the central ERP team on the most basic of issues will often prevent minor concerns from becoming disastrous concerns later on.

However, as mentioned before, no matter how much testing is performed with any ERP system, mistakes will occur. The goal of the OneWorld team is to ensure that the perception from the end-user is that the system operates better than, and more reliably than any previous legacy system.


For additional information contact:

Jon Steel Xe Upgrade Specialist Chief Technology Officer erpSOURCING LLC 10694 East Powers Drive�Englewood�Colorado 80111�

Work phone : (303) 224 9468Cell phone : (303) 883 9168Fax Phone : (303) 224 9467Email (main) : cto@spla.shICQ Number : 111747507


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Timken Super Precision OneWorld Xe Audit

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