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Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Overview of Free ModSecurity by Comodo

Comodo a leading internet security providers who recently launched ModSecurity in order to avoid security breaches. Ultimate aim of this Free ModSecurity software is to secure websites from attacks.


What is ModSecurity?

Modsecurity is a security platform, it is also known as web application firewall engine which by default provide little bit security. To provide complete security comodo introduced the security platform with some free modSecurity rules.

How secured your web applications?

Comodo ModSecurity helps in providing overall security to the web applications and websites. Comodo is a security software provider who offers security software with regular updates that fliters threats on daily basis to monitor and protect your businesses.

Steps to install ModSecurity

Step-1 - Signing-up for Comodo Web Application Firewall

Step 2 - Login to Admin Console

Step 3 - Download rule sets and deploy on to server

1. Using the plug-in for automatic download and deployment of rule set updates

2. Downloading the Agent

3. To install the web hosting control panel on to the server

Steps to install on to the server

Step 1

1. Checking for Apache and its version:

2. Checking for LiteSpeed and LiteSpeed mod_security

3. Checking for Nginx

4. Checking for prerequisites:

5. Check for web hosting control panel (cPanel, Plesk, standalone etc)

6. Check for required Perl modules:CWAF will check for Perl modules and install them if required

Step 2

i. Select the web platform:

Step 3

i. Enter login credentials for Comodo Web Application Firewall

ii. Using CWAF Agent to Download and Deploy the Rule Sets

iv. Downloading the Agent

v. To install the agent on to the server

vi. Required for installation in standalone mode

vii. Download latest rules set

Get Free ModSecurity rules from comodo Now at

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