community consultation - blackalls park flying-fox camp management

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Blackalls Park Flying Fox Camp Management Plan community engagement survey

6 June 2016

116 responses Survey hand-delivered to 270 households in immediate area ~ 41% response rate. Envelope included OEH Living with Flying Foxes brochure and reply paid envelope.

Q1: The noise when they are roosting or moving on and off the site to feed? Respondents were asked to use a scale to measure the impact (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q2: At what time/s of day is the noise most prevalent? Respondents were asked to select as many as applicable

Q3: The odour of their excrement? Respondents were asked to use a scale to measure the impact (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q4: The impact of flying fox excrement Respondents were asked to use a scale to measure the impact (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q5: How are you directly impacted? Respondents were able to select as many as applicable

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Q6a: Does the Blackalls Park Flying Fox camp impact you all year round?  Q6b. If seasonal or transitional, when have you noticed change/increase in their population?

Q7: How do flying fox numbers this year compare to previous years?

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Q8: Ensures the risk of transmission of diseases associated with flying foxes remains low? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q9: Does not harm the flying foxes? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q10: Has a low financial cost to residents and business in the area or Council ratepayers? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q11: Can be implemented quickly? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q12: Has a long-term solution? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q13: Does not disturb residents and businesses during implementation? Respondents were asked to use a scale to indicate the importance of identified actions for a Camp Management Plan (where 1= not important and 5 = extremely important)

Q15: How long have you lived at your current address?

Q.16 Considering your biggest area of concern and questions 1-13, what steps do you think Council could take to help you address these issues?

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