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Post on 26-Jun-2020






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“The Collapse of the Old Order”

Soviet Union - Nazi Germany - Fascist Italy

Nationalist SocialistsCommunists Fascists

Notecard: ListName 8 different types of governments:

Notecard: ListName 8 different types of governments:

Dictatorship Constitutional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Militarist Pure Democracy Representative Democracy Fascist Communist

Stalinist RussiaJoseph Stalin rose to power in Communist Party, absolute dictator by 1929. Aim was to industrialize/modernize Soviet Union. Instituted 5 Year Plans to do so.

5 Year Plans1st 5 Year Plan = Goal to quintuple electricity and heavy industry production… in 5 years.

Communist Party/Government created industries and cities from nowhere. Trained millions of peasants to work in factories, mines, offices.

Resembled a nation at war, only without fighting. Huge environmental change (roads, canals, farmland, etc).


What is it? Consolidating small, private farms into large collectives. Farmers work on commonly-owned fields. Each collective gave government a fixed amount of food. Peasants couldn't withhold food supplies.

Resistance came in the form of Kulaks, “fists” wealthier peasants reluctant to give up property.

Stalin ordered “liquidation” of kulaks, 8 million arrested. Many executed, others sent to slave labor camps. Famine swept through soon after.

2nd 5 Year Plan = Focused on heavy industries that could produce arms. 1927-1937 Soviet metal/machine production up 14-fold. Food rationed, consumer goods scarce.

Stalin’s PurgesThrough the NKVD (secret police) Stalin created a “climate of fear and suspicion”.

Throughout the 1930s many top Soviet generals, officials, and officers were assassinated/executed per Stalin’s orders. Millions upon millions were sent to the Gulags (labor camps).

Worth the Price?

Although millions paid with their lives, Soviet production reached unprecedented levels.

By late 1930s, Soviet Union was the 3rd largest industrial power. Those looking in from the outside seemed to think it would be worth any price.

Stalinist Russia Graphic Organizer

Complete all sections using the Modern World History Textbook.

Rise of Fascism

Russian Revolution and Great Depression left much of the world in disarray. WWI losers blamed ethnic minorities for their problems. Radical politicians played off of citizens’ fears. Promised to stop spread of communism, while adopting a single party-format and secret police to do their bidding.

Mussolini’s Fascist Italy

First nation to been taken by Fascism. Unemployed vets/violent youths.

Fasci di Combattimento (fighting units) = Demanded action/bullied politicians.

Benito Mussolini used orating skills to rise to head of Fascist Party in Italy.

by 1921, 300,000 members. Eliminated political opposition.

Mussolini used mass communication and advertising tactics to increase persona.

Would be like a dictator on social media. #becauseisaidso

Hitler’s Nazi GermanyAfter a failed attempt at a coup, he manipulated his way to position of Chancellor. Used emergency powers to become dictator. Began Third Reich -

State-control of nearly everything. Eliminated political opponents. Deprived Jews of citizenship and civil rights.

Hitler’s Plan

As outlined in Mein Kempf (his memoirs) = Repeal the humiliation/military restrictions of Treaty of Versailles. Annex all German-speaking territories. Gain living space (Lebensraum) from Poland and USSR.

AppeasementHitler began militarization of Germany, withdrew from League of Nations. Allies did nothing. Italy invaded Ethiopia, Nazis annexed Austria. Allies did nothing. Hitler demanded a German-speaking section of Czechoslovakia be given to Germany. Allies signed Munich Agreement.

Nazis soon invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939, agree to split Poland between them. September 1st, 1939 - Nazis invade Poland. Begins WWII.

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