communism (frederic)

Post on 20-Oct-2014






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Frederic Fong

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

What is CommunismCommunism was made by a German Philosopher named Karl Marx that wanted to think of a way of Governance, to let people to all have the same rights. SO he invented something called Communism. Communism has equal rights and all the people have equal money, food, and other everyday life things that a normal average person would have. But back then people didn’t have those rights. That’s why Karl Marx invented Communism so the poor could be like the Middle-class people and have all the equal rights ideally. But in China they would change the idea of Communism ideally and it would be different. They couldn’t actually go against the government or even speak an idea that they would like to share unless there are one of the people that are a High rank in the Communist Party If they do so it would end in a Death Sentence or Jail Sentence.(in the modern days)

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

A brief history of ChinaOn October 1st 1949 Communist Leader MaoZeDong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China

The Communist Party was founded in 1921 in Shanghai

In 1945 the leaders of the Nationalists and Communist parties. Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Ze Dong. Met in a series of talks and all decided together on a importance of Democracy.

General George Marshall organized the agreement to change the form of governance

Both the Nationalists and the Communist Parties started a civil war for which governance should be used

In 1949, the communists won and China turned into the PRC, or people’s republic of China. They were a communist country from the day on.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

How Communism works in China

Specifically in China MaoZeDong was the one that started to apply Communism to China around in the 1920 after the World War I it was the time where the people in China were fighting over for power. In China there was a sort of Communist Party similar to a President, But instead almost every single person in China is part of the Communist Party, there are a member. But they cannot change many things that the Higher Ranked people. The reason why MaoZeDong applied Communism to China is because at that time many people had no food and less wealth, while very few people had lots of wealth. So MaoZeDong was there hero to change it to Communism to let people all have the equal rights.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

How each rank works in Communism

In Communism there is a Chairman, and a Communist party. The Communist party is where one of the high ranked people in the party get to choose the decisions and see if everyone agrees. But sometimes this dosen’t always apply. They sometimes start a dictatorship where one of the people in the Communist party. Almost everyone can join the Communist Party but they have one of the least powers in the Communist Party.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

Impact on IndividualsIt impacts individuals by people because when in China they changed there form of Governance to Communism everything went better because people had all equal rights ideally. But before like from 1913-1949 there was a point where China became a Republic. But when they had Communism they get all the equal needs for everyone. Food, Money, Housing every basic need for their life.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

What are the Positive and Negative impacts

The Positive impacts is that they get the money from the rich people so they can have what everyday people need, food, water, house so they can live. And they all get to participate in the Communist Party. The negative impacts is that the Rich people loose money and they have to forcefully give it to the poor people.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

What is the role of the Chairman

The role of the Chairman is to make sure all the people in the Communist party decided on one decision then the Chairman looks carefully at it and sees if it can be applied. And sometimes he can change what he wants in the Communist Country.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

The role of the Communist Party

The role of the Communist party is to listen to one of the High ranked people in the Party and see if they can make changes. But sometimes one of the High ranked people think of an idea and the Lower-ranked people in the Communist Party cannot argue.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

What are the People’s rolesThe roles of the people in this particular Governance is where all the people do the job that they have the knowledge to possess it. This way that all people have fairness. But in China, it follows the same thing but China changed it into a Monarchy, which it is sort of Communism but at the same time Dictatorship. But in MaoZeDong’s time China was a complete Communist state like Karl Marx’s idea to all have fair and equal rights. That’s why everybody see’s MaoZeDong as a great hero who saved China. The roles that the people had is what type of knowledge the possessed, if they had the knowledge of an Engineer then they would be an Engineer. If they had knowledge of any sort of thing then they become that job.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

Communism in Varying Degrees

There are many different ways of Communism applying to different Countries. For example China used Communism in a good way to share all the resources with each other. But like in other countries it can be a different perspective of Communism.

Tuesday, 22 January, 13

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