common misconceptions lesson 3 both sides look at the same evidence… both sides look at the same...

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Both sides look at the same evidence… Both sides look at the same evidence… … We just interpret it differently. … We just interpret it differently. Evolutionist Interpretation Creationist Interpretation



Lesson 3

Both sideslook at the


… We justinterpret itdifferently.

Evolutionist Interpretation

Creationist Interpretation

Now is the time for

for all good men

to come to the

the aid of their


So you think you’re not biased?

Now is the time for

for all good men

to come to the

the aid of their


So you think you’re not biased?

Now is the time for

for all good men

to come to the

the aid of their


So you think you’re not biased?

1. Everything must be explainable by purely natural processes.a) Atheistic evolution: There

is no God.b) Theistic evolution: There

is a God, but he does not intervene in nature.

2. Since there could be no other natural processes besides evolution, evolution is the only possibility.

1. A supernatural God created the universe. Though most things are explainable by natural processes, some things may not be.

2. God is powerful enough to use any method He chooses, including instantaneous creation.

PresuppositionsEvolution Genesis

3. Scientists are the final authority in everything. Which scientists? The ones that agree with you!

3. Authority.a) Recent Creation: The Bible

is the final authority in everything.

b) Gap Theory: The Bible is the final authority on everything except the age of the earth and the origin of death.

c) Progressive Creation: The Bible is the final authority only on spiritual matters.

PresuppositionsEvolution Genesis

4. Since evolution has never been seen in human history, it must be very slow. The universe and earth have to be billions of years old.

4. Creation does not automatically require any specific age.a) Recent Creation: The earth

is probably less than 10,000 years old.

b) Gap Theory & Progressive Creation: Because evolutionists must know what they are talking about, the earth has to be billions of years old.

PresuppositionsEvolution Genesis

5. Because a worldwide flood would cut billions of years off the time needed to produce the fossil record, there can never have been a worldwide flood.

6. Similarities between living things are due to common ancestry or chance.

5. The Flood.a) Recent Creation: One

worldwide flood.b) Gap Theory: Two

worldwide floods.c) Progressive Creation: No

worldwide flood.6. Similarities between living

things belonging to different kinds are due to common design.

PresuppositionsEvolution Genesis

Evidence May BeIncomplete

(Double page spread in Illustrated London News, June 24, 1922)

Artist’s conception of “Nebraska Man” (Hesperopithecus haroldcookii). It was based on a single tooth that later turned out to belong to an extinct pig.

Evidence May BeWithheld

Eugene Dubois and “Java Man”Because the skullcap shown above was found near a human-like thigh bone, Dubois claimed that both were from an “ape-man” known as Pithecanthropus. For thirty years he withheld the fact that nearby he had found two fully human skulls. Whatever “Java Man” was, it was man’s contemporary, not his ancestor.

To keep anybody from knowing about the human skulls, Dubois hid them under the floorboards of his house!

Evidence May BeFalsified

a. “Embryonic Recapitulation”We saw this in the last lesson.

b. Piltdown Man.

Fragments supposedly found in a gravel pit in England; despite obvious file marks, accepted as an ape-man for over 40 years

until the hoax was exposed.

Personal ExperienceI know a bee sting hurts; I know how to ride a bike.

What Does It Mean to“Know” Something?

Reliance on AuthorityI know when I was born because my mother told me;Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.

LogicI know 2 million + 2 million = 4 million, even though I’ve never counted that high.

Feeling or IntuitionI know she’s the one for me; I know God has called me to the ministry..

Wishful Thinking or Bluffing (lying!)I know my team is going to the Super Bowl this year; I know evolution is a fact!

If I am at Victoria falls, then I am at one of thehighest waterfalls in the world.


If I am at one of the highest waterfalls in the world,then I am at Victoria falls.


If evolution is true, then the universe and life would exist.


If the universe and life exist, then evolution is true.



The Invalid Logic of Evolution

How to Tell ScienceFrom Storytelling

1. WHO says they saw it? (WERE YOU THERE?) Is this supposed to be an eyewitness account? How reliable is the eyewitness?

2. WHAT did they actually see? How much is data, and how much is guesswork?

3. WHAT are they NOT telling us? What assumptions does it depend on? (E.g. evolution is the only possible explanation, the universe is billions of years old, etc.) How reasonable are the assumptions? Is there bias involved?

4. HOW could it be repeated and tested? If it can’t be tested, it’s not science.

5. How does this compare with the Word of GOD? He was there and knows what happened; the scientists were not, and are only guessing.

Science or Storytelling?

WHO said they saw it?Can I trust them?

WHAT did they actually see?

WHAT are they NOT telling me?

HOW could I test this and see if it’s true?

What does GOD have to say about it?

Change is Not theSame As Evolution

Evolution requires the appearance of totally new structures such as bones, eyes, arms, etc. It is an uphill process requiring change in the direction of increasing complexity – that is, SIMPLE TO COMPLEX.

Creation says that everything began at its best. It is a downhill process. There should be an overall trend leading toward deterioration – that is, COMPLEX TO SIMPLE.

Second Law Of Thermodynamics

Everything in the universe runs on energy.The Second Law says that energy used in a closed system (no outside influence) always moves toward disorganization and randomness. Everything proceeds toward equilibrium with its surroundings. In physics terms, entropy always increases.

Entropy can temporarily decrease in open systems when specific conditions are met, but the overall trend throughout the universe (which evolutionists say has to be a closed system) is toward deterioration.

The universe is falling apart!



For example: humans belong to Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata (Subphylum Vertebrata), Class Mammalia, Order Primates, Family Hominidae,

Genus Homo, Species sapiens

“Species” is a manmade classification. It is not the same as a Genesis “kind.” A kind may include several species and possibly multiple genera.

The BiologicalClassification System

Macroevolution vs.Microevolution

When most people say “evolution” they meanmacroevolution. This would require the addition of new genetic information to produce totally new structures (wings, bones, eyes, etc.) It has never been observed.

“Microevolution” is nothing more than minor variations within a kind. It happens all the time. (e.g. selective breeding). It would be more accurate to call it “microexpression” instead.

Selective Breeding

1.Limits to Variation. In every case a limit to variation is quickly reached, beyond which no further change is possible.

2.Reduced Viability. The selectively bred animals or plants require much more care in order to stay alive. They would quickly die in the wild.

3.Instability. When left to itself, the group reverts to its wild state within a few generations.

Does not add anything new; only emphasizes features already present.


The Giraffe Story

1. Other leaf-eaters survived. If they ate grass, short giraffes could havedone the same.

2. Adult males up to 19 feet tall, 1-2 feet higher than females.

3. Babies 12 feet tall when weaned.

4. There are no short-necked fossil giraffes.

5. Internal neck structures.

Why is a Giraffe a Giraffe?

The structures in the giraffe’s neck, as well as the body structures of every living thing, are present because DNA contains the information needed to put them there. Use and disuse of body parts has no effect on DNA and is not passed on to future generations. The only way to alter DNA is to damageit with drugs, radiation, and so on.

Or, why is a rose a rose, why is a bug a bug, etc.?

Why Mutations Are Harmful

Could we change the phrase



by replacing one letter or space at a time?Not if it had to make sense every step of the way.

If a series of mutations occurred in the DNA of some type of plant or animal it would soon reach a point where it no longer made biological sense.

Rather than an evolving line of living things, it would produce a corpse.

SICKLE CELL ANEMIANormal human DNA contains the instructions to produce red blood cells shaped more or less like doughnuts with the center flattened instead of cut out. They flow smoothly through blood vessels.

If a single DNA copying mistake occurs at exactly the wrong place, the blood cells assume a sickle shape. They may form clots in tiny blood vessels. This causes sickle cell anemia, a painful and possibly fatal disease.

A person who gets sickle cell from only one parent is immune to malaria. However, the species suffers.

(1) Malaria is curable but sickle cell is not; (2) Malaria does not damage the gene pool but sickle cell does.


”VESTIGIAL ORGANS”A function is now known for almost every organ in the human body.

Your ability to live without something doesn’t mean it’s useless. You can live without an eye or an arm, but that doesn’t make it a vestigial organ.


At the instant of conception, a baby receives all the genetic information it will ever have.

Even though there are superficial similaritiesbetween different animals at different stages of development, a competent embryologist can tell the difference at any stage.

The “gill slits” are neither gills nor slits; they are pouches from which the middle ears and a number of glands develop. The “yolk sac” contains blood cells, not yolk.

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