committee for ballarat 14/15 annual report

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Committee for Ballarat is a member based organisation advocating for the future of the region.


Annual Report2014 -15


Introducing our new brand

We were delighted to launch our new brand in October 2014 which was developed following a detailed Brand Strategy Review process featuring a series of engagement workshops with members, staff and stakeholder groups supported by an online survey.

Our brand essence and values are vision, engagement, strategy and influence… evidence of how we use these can be found embedded within this report.

Using simple lines and circles as markers on a map, our new visual branding represents Committee for Ballarat as a nucleus of ideas, ‘charged and brimming with leading concepts and energy’. It also suggests ‘reaching out to all around us’, promoting inclusion of our wider region.

We are a visionary membership body that provides progressive and innovative leadership with a strategic long-term focus. Being a member gives you a voice in helping shape the future of Ballarat and the region, leaving a proud legacy for the generations to follow.

03Who we are / Contents

Our Role as Thought Leaders

ContentsOur Region

Ballarat region’s population is currently around 170,000. This is projected to increase by 96,200 to 266,200 by 2051*. *Source: Victoria in Future 2015.

Our work covers Ballarat and Western Region, extending north to include the Hepburn and Central Goldfields Shires, south to include the Golden Plains Shire, and west to include the Rural City of Ararat and the Pyrenees Shire.

The key industries in Ballarat driving economic growth are manufacturing, tourism, health and community services, education and retailing. Along with the banking/finance sector and government services, these industries are strengthening Ballarat’s role as a regional service provider.

Thinking Ahead

We employ intellectual rigour and strategic thinking to solve the problems we face now and into the future.

We use vision, strategy, engagement and influence to help create a better future for Ballarat and the Western Region.

• We tackle the social, economic and environmental issues of our time and envision innovative ways to address them.

• We employ intellectual rigour and strategic thinking to solve the problems we face now and into the future.

• We connect and engage with stakeholders and members, involving and informing the community and seeking expert advice.

• And we use our influence and connections to guide and progress key projects and programs of that are of benefit to our region.

Our strategic long-term focus transcends short-term political cycles and our non-partisan position enables us to effectively advocate for sustainable, responsible and dynamic development in our region.

We work collaboratively to achieve our vision with the three tiers of government, key stakeholders from across the region and Committees for Cities & Regions.

02. Overview Introducing our new brand

03. Who we are / Contents

04. Celebrating 10 years

08. A message from our Chair and CEO

10. Our work

11. How we work

13. Jobs & Connectivity

18. Ballarat West Growth Zone

20. FastTrack Ballarat

22. Sustainability & Innovation

28. Sustainable Living

30. Community & Health

34. Brand Ballarat

36. Leadership Ballarat + Western Region

39. Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program

40. Revitalising the ACU-Hospitals-Lake Wendouree Precinct

42. Maximising eHealth Technology

44. Our members


46. List of members

47. New members

48. Member events

52. Connect Networking

53. Governance

54. Board

55. Board sub-committees

57. Financial Performance

58. Financial report



A special evening to celebrate, reflect and think aheadIt was our pleasure to celebrate Committee’s 10-year anniversary with over 200 members and guests at our special dinner held at Mercure Ballarat on Friday 26 June 2015.

MCJulieStaffordsharedsomewonderfulanecdotesabouttheverybeginningsofCommittee, giving great insights into why Ballarat so desperately needed this kind of organisation and reminding us about how founding member the late Peter Davies asked the question, “Will people be inspired to get up and take action?” and challenging us to always ask, “Has that got enough wow?”

We were privileged to acknowledge and recognise members who started the journey with us 10 years ago. It was also an opportunity for us to recognise and thank all members for their willingness to come together and volunteer countless voluntary hours to help shape solutions for issues facing our city and region. It’s this passion and enthusiasm to drive change that has fuelled our work and purpose.

At the beginning, and always, our members are the soul of our organisation.



Foundation Executive MembersWe acknowledge and thank our foundation Executive members for their loyal and unwavering support. In doing so we highlighttheirpersonalcontributionandfinancialinvestmentinbeingpartofthesolutionanddemonstratingimportantcivic leadership.

Members from all other categories

The continuous and loyal support of members has been fundamental to our success. In celebrating 10 years of achievement we encourage the members who began the journey with us to embrace the successes and we acknowledge the crucial role that they have played.

Ballarat Health Services

City of Ballarat

Federation University

Mars Chocolate Australia

Sovereign Hill

St John of God Hospital Ballarat

Telstra Country Wide

Ararat Rural City Council

Avis Ballarat

Ballarat Clarendon College

Ballarat Grammar

Ballarat Holden

Ballarat Oncology & Haematology Services

Bendigo Bank

BJT Legal

Eclipse Ford

Eureka Concrete

FMP Group

Foley Wilson & Co

G Gay & Co Home Hardware

Golden Plains Shire Council

Haymes Paint

Hepburn Shire Council

Integra Group

JG King Building Group

JK Personnel

Kaufmann Property Consultants

Lake Imaging

MaxiTrans Australia Pty Ltd

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd

McDonald’s Family Restaurant

Mercure Ballarat

National Australia Bank

Powercor Australia

PRD Jens Gaunt

Pyrenees Shire Council

Radio Ballarat

Ray White Ballarat

Red Lion Hotel

Sargeant Transport

SED Consulting

Selkirk Group of Companies

SkillsPlus & BRACE

Telstra Shop

TGM Group

The Courier

UFS Dispensaries

WM Flynn Pty Ltd



06 Highlights Overview

A video to capture and tell our great story so far We were delighted to launch a video at the 10 year dinner that celebrates our proud history and ourachievementsthathavebeenmadepossibleonlythroughthecontribution–financialandpersonal – of our members.

View the full-length presentation here...

Deer Park Bypass “This was a project for its time… incredibly exciting for the City, incredibly exciting for the State andmasterfullyperfectforCommitteeforBallaratasit’sfirstmajorproject…”

Watch the story here…

Water “Our City was down to 6% water supply in reservoir levels. Without the timely construction and activation oftheGoldfieldsSuperpipewewouldhaverunoutofwater.TheSuperpipeisaninsurancepolicytofuture-proof Ballarat’s water supply for generations to come. As well as that, the initiative of large-scale stormwaterharvestingusingLakeWendoureeasastorageanddistributionpointsawtherefillingofthelake and will ensure it never runs dry again…”

Watch the story here…

Ballarat West Growth Zone “BWGZ is the engine room for growth in Ballarat – growth in industry, employment and opportunity. Committee members provided an enormous amount of intelligence and commercial background into the planning of the project and Committee was the glue that held the major players together…”

Watch the story here…

FastTrack Ballarat “The regional rail link was and still is a key objective, as it should be for City of Ballarat and everyone in Ballarat. It’s the major lifeline from Ballarat to Melbourne. Ultimately thelineneedsfullduplicationandwithpersistentadvocacywecanbeconfidentthiswillbeachieved. We must keep the pressure up to ensure the Regional Rail Link and the Ballarat Station Precinct are completed in a timely fashion…”

Watch the story here…

Thinking Ahead


A campaign to build pride in our great city and region, ‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’The evening concluded with a special viewing of the trailer of a new video product developed as a result of work by our Brand Ballarat Project Team. ‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’ aims to capture the hearts and minds of the community and business sectorsandsendamessageofpositivityandconfidence,showcasingBallaratandourregion like you’ve never seen it before. The trailer will be advanced into a TVC campaign to be launched in 4Q 2015… stay tuned!

Watch the trailer here…

Leadership Ballarat + Western Region (LBWR) “ThiswastheveryfirstprojectofCommitteeforBallaratandithasbeenananchorproject for the past 10 years. LBWR is enhancing the potential within the community. It’s increasingdiscretionaryeffort.It’shelpingpeopledevelopnetworksandfasttrackintocommunity involvement. And it’s providing huge additional resources towards the leadership of our community.”

Watch the story here…

Young Adult Empowerment (YAE) Program “Members demonstrated their passion about youth issues. In particular there was a real concern about youth unemployment and, as a collective, members thought they could makearealdifference.YAEwasaprogramtoempoweryoungpeoplebygivingthemconfidence,lifeskillsandjobreadyskillstoentertheworkplace.Itwasaveryexcitingprogram and we achieved amazing results.”

Watch the story here…

The Future “Let’sallbefierceadvocatesforthiscity,regionanditsfuture.Smallbusiness, young entrepreneurs, developing thought leaders in various sectors... together we can regenerate the pride in Ballarat. We must stamp our image and attractiveness in the Victorian community. Now is our time!”

Watch the story here…

Introduction Reaching our 10 year milestone provides an important opportunity to look back and look forward.

Highlights of the Year Celebrating 10 Years At a special dinner held in June we recognised the important contributions of those who were there at the start of the journey and those who have driven our agenda so passionately for the past 10 years. To read more go page 4.

Introducing Our New Brand Following a detailed brand strategy review process we were delighted to launch our new ‘look’ in October 2014. Outcomes of the strategic review process are clearly articulated with brand essence and values, a new visual look, a new website, revamped communications and marketing materials. Going forward, this positions us as a progressive and innovative organisation that is tackling the important issues of our time. To read more see go to 2 and 3.

Launching ‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’ We were excited to launch the trailer for a high quality video product that showcases what is great about Ballarat boasts and build pride in our city. To read more go to page 7.

Our Members

We are really proud that our agenda is driven by our members and we sincerely thank them for their ongoing support of our work and being part of the long-term vision for Ballarat and our region. A full list of members for 2014-15 can be found on page 46.

Congratulations to Executive Members Congratulation to Alstom on winning Gold in the Transport, Defence and Construction Technology Award at the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards in May. Congratulations also to St John of God Ballarat Hospital on reaching 100 years of service to Ballarat and our Regional Community.

Fee Review Following a review undertaken by our Membership & Communications (MAC) Committee, the Board approved a modest 2.4% increase in membership fees effective from the start of the 2015-16 membership year aligned to movements with the Consumer Price Index (CPI - All Groups weighted median). There had not been any increase in membership fees since 2011.

Community Membership As part of our commitment to ensuring we have a diverse membership base, we provided opportunities for six Community Member positions for the period January 2015 to December 2016 and called for applications from appropriately experienced and qualified persons with the vision and passion to participate in and support Committee’s activities. A list of our Community Members can be found on page 46.

A message from our Chair and CEO

We adopt a strategic long term focus that transcends short term political cycles. Our non-partisan position enablesustoeffectivelyadvocate for sustainable, responsible and dynamic development in our region.

John Kilgour, CEO

08 Overview Chair and CEO Message

”Ballarat’s voice is being heard. Budget announcements this year start to address the need for key infrastructure and jobs to keep pace with projected population growth in our region.

Judy Verlin AM, Chair


Committees for Cities & Regions This network provides the opportunity to share ideas and best practice and highly valued professional networking opportunities. We both attended the two conferences held over the past year.

Conference: Cairns, October 2014 This was a great opportunity to network with like-minded organisations around Australia and New Zealand where we discussed major projects and initiatives of mutual benefit. Our membership and operational structures are considered a good model and a number of the emerging ‘Committees for’ organisations are basing their business model on ours. At this gathering we held lengthy discussions about sustainable funding options and the importance of not relying on Government funding for recurrent expenditure as it has the potential to influence the agenda of committees. A key highlight of the trip was the visit to James Cook University campus and the tour of their world-class Dentistry facilities.

Conference: Melbourne, March 2015 We visited CSIRO to learn about high-tech scientific developments and undertake a site inspection of the recently completed Margaret Court Arena. We had the opportunity to establish key contacts at CSIRO as we explored advanced material manufacturing. CSIRO is involved in advanced discussions with the City of Ballarat and Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM) in exploring innovative opportunities for R&D with the Bio-Economy Innovation Centre proposed for the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) Precinct.

Operational Matters Financial Position We are pleased to report that the Secretariat has continued to work to contain operating costs and improve revenue streams. For full details of our financial accounts see page 50.

Office Relocation In March 2015 Committee relocated to Ballarat Tech Park

Central within the old Brewery Building at the Federation University SMB campus. We now have an office that presents a contemporary, distinctive design in keeping with Committee’s new brand and values. Following an extensive review the Board acknowledged the significant benefits to be

derived from the move, including a collaborative work hub, shared amenities and meeting and conference facilities supported by technology services and equipment.

VRCLP Secretariat We continued to auspice the Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program (VRCLP) Secretariat throughout this reporting period. As an Incorporated Association now, the VRCLP Secretariat will operate as a stand-alone entity and is no longer aligned to any one of the 10 regional entities effective 1 July 2015 in line with their strategic direction and the new round of State Government funding. Committee for Ballarat has met all contractual obligations with RDV upon expiry of our current funding agreement on 30 June 2015. Committee has been a key player in securing a further four years of State Government funding – a total of $8 million – for the ten VRCLP programs. We have expressed concern to the VRCLP Board about its proposed new funding arrangements based on an ‘equitable funding split’

that will result in a reduction of $80,000 in funding for the LBWR Program during this period. The proposed arrangement does not take into consideration the different needs of each of the ten programs related to size, content, delivery and servicing the alumni programs. Committee is currently engaged in negotiations with the State Government to execute the new four-year contractual agreements effective January 2016.

Staff Vision and Values Workshop A series of Vision and Values workshops and a series of team building exercises were conducted in 2014, facilitated by Garry Trotter from SED Consulting. This resulted in staff developing a set of agreed values that we all embrace in our day-to-day activities: recognition, inclusion, respect and visionary.

Staff During 2014-15 we welcomed back Adele Nairn from maternity leave (Membership and Communications) following the safe arrival of Emmi in 2013. Steph Wallace (LBWR) took maternity leave and we were delighted to hear of the safe arrival of Holly. And with the expiry of our contractual arrangement in hosting the VRCLP we farewelled Executive Officer Katrina Baddeley from our team. We thank both Stephanie and Katrina for their valued contribution to Committee and wish them every success for the future.

What’s Ahead

Process Fitness Review We will undertake a Process Fitness Review (health check). Pitcher Partners has been engaged to conduct the review which will include an independent assessment of project and task team model as well as the processes and governance structures that we operate within. This will ensure our work remains relevant and structured in accordance with our role and purpose. The findings and recommendations will provide an excellent platform for our ongoing strategic work and the updating of the 5-year Strategic Action Plan .

Revised Strategic Action Plan Following the tabling of the findings and recommendations of the Process Fitness Review, we will be revising our 2013-18 Strategic Action Plan in conjunction with the Board and our members.

Chair Elect, Janet Dore Janet will assume the role of Chair at the AGM on 6 October 2015. Janet will retire as CEO of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) in July 2015 and she has held an array of senior positions within the public sector. She started her career in Australia in local government as an urban planner working in several Melbourne councils. In 1994 Janet was appointed as the first CEO of the newly amalgamated City of Ballarat and in 1999 she was appointed General Manager (CEO) of Newcastle City Council. In addition Janet has held a wide range of directorship positions and we look forward to her bringing a wealth of experience to the role of Chair.

Judy Verlin AM, Chair John Kilgour, CEO

This is my final Annual Report as Chair of Committee for Ballarat. I would like to extend my thanks to our Members for their support and enabling us to achieve some beneficial outcomes for Ballarat and the region.

I am also excited about the future. With the continuing support of our members and under the stewardship of Janet Dore (who will assume the role of Chair after the October 2015 AGM) I know that Committee will continue to drive the changes necessary for the sustainable growth and development of our regional communities.

Judy Verlin AM, Chair


Sally Kennedy participating in a team building exercise as part of the staff workshop

Our Work

Our Work How we work 11

How we work

Our Strategic Drivers

Creating our agenda


We identify the big social, economic and environmental issues of our time and envision innovative ways to address them.


We connect and engage with stakeholders and members involving and informing the community and seeking expert advice.


We employ intellectual rigour and strategic thinking to solve the problems we face now and into the future.


We use our influence and connections to guide and progress key programs of benefit to the region. Evidence of how we influence can be found embedded within the ‘Our Work’ section of this report.

Key Issue Process 2015

This annual member engagement exercise ensures that our agenda is 100% driven by our members. Our annual Key Issues Workshop was held in May and we also conducted an online member survey, allowing all members to have input to our work.

Within the context of our region’s projected significant population growth we asked our members to identify their top three issues, to prioritise actions to move these issues forward and to identify any gaps in our work… “What critical interventions and influences are required across the economic and social agendas to ensure Ballarat and region continued to enjoy the lifestyle we have today?”

Key issues identified by our members in 2015

Job creation and aligning skills with industry needs

Transport linkages

Attracting and clustering new innovation investment

Decentralising government departments

CBD revitalisation

Brave visionary leadership

The key issues identified by our members will provide the focus areas for our work over the next one to three years under our realigned Strategic Drivers:

Jobs & Connectivity

Community & Health

Sustainability & Innovation

12 Our Work

State Election Strategy - 2014

State Election Forum – Candidates from the Seat of Ripon

In collaboration with the Ararat Regional Business Association (ARBA) Committee hosted this forum in Ararat in October 2014. This forum provided a great opportunity for members to hear directly from the Ripon Candidates on their election platform in tackling the key issues and challenges confronting our region. The forum positioned the importance of the BEWZ as a priority regional project and was the first opportunity to expose Committee as a lead agency within the regional network. The function also introduced Committee to the ARBA members and was a valuable demonstration of support for the Ararat Rural City Council Mayor Cr Paul Hooper. The forum was moderated by Committee Chair Judy Verlin AM and included the opportunity for questions from the floor. The candidates were: Rod May (Greens), Daniel McGlone (Labor), Louise Staley (Liberal) and Scott Turner (Nationals). The panel was made up of Cr Paul Hooper (ARCC), Graeme Foster (ARBA) and Andrew Eales (The Courier).

Maintaining Momentum – Key Conversations

To maintain momentum, follow-up on election commitments made and continue to push forward on our agenda, briefing papers were prepared and meetings were held by Chair, Judy Verlin AM, CEO John Kilgour and select members of the respective Project Teams with the relevant Ministers. The input and impact of having Project Team members engaged in these meetings cannot be understated. It adds considerable weight and credibility to the positioning of key projects and asks of Government by having a membership advocacy body, local government and business come together collectively with a united voice. The outputs of these meetings have been fed back into the respective Project Teams for discussion and review of any actions that can and need to be undertaken.

Details of these meetings can be found embedded within the ‘Our Work’ section of this report.

State Budget – May 2015

The 2015-16 State Budget focused on delivery of the new State Government’s election promises. Built around the theme ‘For Families’, it delivered a $1.2 billion operating surplus with investment in key projects and services that support families in challenging economic times. Key areas of focus for this investment include capitalising on new growth opportunities, creating jobs, developing a highly skilled workforce, improving transport linkages and supporting diverse industries to create liveable cities and regions. The major relevant announcements of the 2015 State Budget impacting on Ballarat and the greater region can be found throughout the ‘Our Work’ section of this report and a brief summary can be found on our website …

Federal Budget – May 2015 The major relevant announcements of the 2015 Federal Budget impacting on Ballarat and the greater region can be found throughout the ‘Our Work’ section of this report and a brief summary can be found on our website …

In the lead up to the State election in November 2014, we launched our State Election Strategy document, Advancing Ballarat & Western Region – Preparing for Growth. Following the official declaration of the election result we released a report card detailing the funding commitments against the priorities listed in the document.

Read the report card and the strategy document here:

Jobs & Connectivity

Jobs & Connectivity

Better connectivity will improve productivity, create sustainable jobs, drive prosperity and build better communities across our region.”

1 Promoting regional developments that will stimulate investment and business opportunities leading to sustainable employment, economic growth and community wellbeing.

2 Advocating better physical and virtual connectivity to increase productivity and business opportunities for our regional and rural communities.

Key Issues

The following issues were identified by members as part of our Key Issues Process:

The Issue Our Vision

15,000 new jobs are needed in our region by 2030 to support our region’s projected population increase.

We need to lock in sustainable employment such as the BWEZ and the relocation of a major State Government Department to Ballarat’s CBD.

Our current transport infrastructure does not support increased productivity.

We need an integrated approach to transport planning that will deliver better transport infrastructure and connectivity.

Freight costs are already a major barrier for business attraction and retention and they are projected to double by 2030*.

The BWEZ is strategically located to host major commercial hubs that service the entire state of Victoria.

There are gaps in our current education offerings due to the changing nature of industry and jobs.

We need to think differently and create new pathways to employment with skills aligned to business needs.

There is a lack of meaningful high level career pathways.

We need to adopt an innovative approach to learning with partnerships established between schools and industry.

More and more people are commuting by rail to Melbourne for business, social and recreational connections, however there are significant gaps in our rail service.

We need to future proof our rail services to match projected population growth through early planning and staged investment by successive State Governments.

Black spots in our regional and rural communities are significant barriers to growth and development.

We need to fund mobile towers to improve mobile coverage and deliver a more reliable service across our region.

Our Focus

13Our Work Jobs & Connectivity

14 Our Work Jobs & Connectivity

Thought Leaders

The following articles form part of a series of opinion pieces by Committee for Ballarat Chair, Judy Verlin AM.

Let’s make the most of the CBD Published 14 November 2014, The Courier, Ballarat We need white collar jobs in our CBD to boost our economy and inject vibrancy into the heart of our city… As a community we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revitalise our wonderful city through major projects such as the development of the Civic Hall site and the revamp of the Ballarat Station Precinct…

Western Highway upgrades open up opportunities for our region Published 16 April 2015, The Courier, Ballarat The recent funding announcement by the state and federal governments of $43 million for Western Highway upgrade works has not attracted the attention it deserves… these works are an important part of an integrated transport master plan for the region that CFB has long been advocating for…

Future-proofing our transport needs Published 1 November 2014, The Courier, Ballarat Our regional communities rely on access to the Victorian capital Melbourne and beyond for our business, social and recreational connections… We live in a beautiful and highly liveable part of Australia and more and more people want to move here. With the associated increase in pressure on our road and rail infrastructure, we need long-term planning to future-proof our transport needs…

FastTrack Ballarat - a modern commuter rail service Published 18 July 2015, The Courier, Ballarat While the Regional Rail Link was envisaged to be the silver bullet for regional rail there is quite obviously a number of teething problems being experienced particularly by our local Ballarat commuters. As the Premier has acknowledged the frustrations being experienced by fewer carriages, extreme over-crowding, timetable changes and delays is simply not good enough. We all agree!...

To read all of these opinion pieces in full go to

Addressing Youth Unemployment

Regional Jobs Forum, Ballarat in Focus

Hosted by the Minister for Employment, the Hon Jacinta Allan and the Minister for Regional Development, the Hon Jaala Pulford, Committee supported this forum together with the State Government and City of Ballarat on 30 April 2015. The forum brought together diverse business and industry sectors including manufacturing, health, education,

agribusiness, trades, tourism, professional services, employment agencies and local government to identify barriers and practical opportunities and actions that will address the barriers and provide clarity around opportunities leading to improved business success and sustainable jobs growth. Since the forum, Regional Development Victoria has identified focus areas based on the feedback from forum participants… To read more go to

Federation College Ballarat selected for P-Tech School Pilot Program We welcomed the announcement that will see the introduction of Australia’s first Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-Tech) in Ballarat and Geelong. P-Tech is an innovative approach to education based on collaborative partnerships between education and industry based on the successful IBM model in the US.

To read more go to

Black Spot Funding to Connect the Region

The physical and virtual connectivity of our region has been a key focus of Committee’s work in recent years and we have supported local regional Shires and Councils in the Central Highlands Region in our advocacy to the State and Federal Governments and Telstra for funding.

We welcome funding announcements made on 25 June 2015 by the Federal Government and Telstra for the installation of mobile towers across our region as part of a $340 million investment in regional and rural Australia.

To read more go to

List of towns in the Central Highlands region to receive funding for mobile black spot coverage over the next three years, subject to appropriate Town Planning approvals:

Golden Plains: Dereel, Steiglitz Hepburn: Bullarto, Denver, Eganstown, Glenlyon,

Leonards Hill, Lyonville, Moorabool, Blackwood Northern Grampians: Marnoo A, Marnoon B, Wallaloo East, York Plains Pyrenees: Landsborough, Landsborough West, Moonambel Southern Grampians: Culla, Mirranatwa, Muntham, Nareen, Pigeon Ponds, Victoria Valley

Deputy Premier the Hon James Merlino launching the $500 million Regional Jobs & Infrastructure Fund

Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education & Training announcing P-Tech funding in Ballarat

Research, Education, Training and Consultancy

Collaboration with Federation University Committee has signed an MOU with Federation University to collaborate in the areas of research, education and training and consultancy. This will include exploring opportunities to undertake collaborative activities and projects, including: research and consultancy including sustainable living, sustainable regional development, regional connectivity and the changing demography of our region; and Education and Training including development and delivery of accredited training programs and specialised short-courses that meet the needs of innovative sustainable regional development.

Working Towards an Integrated Transport Plan

Regional Network Development Plan Community consultation on Victoria’s first ever long-term strategy for regional public transport will take place over three months and will be a critical part of the development of the Regional Network Development Plan which will be finalised for consideration as part of the 2016-17 Budget. The Regional Network Development Plan will set out priorities for regional public transport services, infrastructure and investment over the next 20-30 years.

The Plan will deliver a coordinated regional public transport network where train, coach and bus services work together to get people where they need to go. The Plan will also consider infrastructure upgrades, network extension and rolling stock, including next generation high capacity regional trains to cater for peak demand. Our written submission to the State Government will be made in September 2015.

To read more go to

Regional Transport Advisory Group Congratulations to Committee Chair Judy Verlin AM and Chair Elect Janet Dore on their appointment to this Advisory Group.

A Regional Transport Advisory Group has been established to assist the State Government during the consultation process for the Regional Network Development Plan. This group will drive engagement with local communities and Councils and is made up of representatives from all regions across Victoria.

Murray Basin Rail Project

Map: Murray Basin Rail Project, the Transport Initiative, Business Case – August 2015 (State Government)

This project is focused on upgrading and standardising lines from Geelong to Mildura, Manangatang, Sea Lake and Murrayville and reopening the existing unused standard gauge connection between Maryborough and Ararat.

Committee’s position is that it must also consider leveraging further opportunities and efficiencies that can be gained from the investment being made in the Murray Basin Rail Project. This includes not only delivering missing links in our freight network to key ports and markets by supporting future development of an intermodal facility (road, rail & air) at the proposed Freight - Logistics hub at the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) but also providing the opportunity to improve our overall regional connectivity.

Ballarat Aviation Emergency Services Hub at Ballarat Airport

A delegation from Ballarat – Committee’s CEO John Kilgour with the City of Ballarat Mayor, Councillors and CEO – visited Avalon Airport with Emergency Services Victoria in March 2015 to inspect the ‘Whisper Jet’ water bombers before their return to the USA and Canada.

Victoria has a long history of devastating natural disasters and has recently undergone major reform of emergency management policy to better prepare, prevent, and respond to disasters. Establishment of an Aviation Emergency Services Hub at Ballarat Airport with multi-agency, all-hazard response capability is considered a key project for regional Victoria and the State as a whole. Aircraft are critical to bushfire response contributing up to 69% of total effort in fire containment with Large Air Tankers (LATs) identified as the future of fire response for Victoria for the next 20-30 years. At present, there is no facility in regional Victoria that can accommodate LATs and emergency services without restriction. Ballarat Airport is uniquely positioned as the preferred location where LATs can reach Victorian and interstate hotspots within a critical 30 minute response time. The seasonal use of aircraft means air movements are low and any impact on noise is only at the time of emergency response with levels still falling within current ANEF guidelines. Committee has contributed to and supports City of Ballarat’s feasibility study in seeking an investment of $32 million to deliver a multi-agency operations centre, runway upgrades, hanger and new aprons to cater for up to six Rotary Air cranes and three next generation Large Air Tankers. Without this investment the Victorian regional community is at risk.


16 Our Work Jobs & Connectivity

Our Influence

Key Conversations

We have held discussions with:


• Charles Spanjer, Director Property Development, Major Projects Victoria (MPV) – regular meetings were conducted in progressing the activation of the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) with Expressions of Interest being sought for Stage 1 development of 10 lots covering 60 hectares. MPV’s role is to facilitate the sale and development of land for and on behalf of State and local Government

• Marc Boxer, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Minister for Planning – in progressing plans for the development and activation of BWEZ, the Master Plan for the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct and establishment of the planned Emergency Services Hub at Ballarat Airport

• Lachlan Bruce, Rob Jones and Diana Tremigliozzi, Regional Development Victoria – in positioning key projects including FastTrack Ballarat, the Master Plan for the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct and positioning projects outlined in our Advancing Ballarat & Western Region – Preparing for Growth State Election Strategy document in the lead up to the State Election in November 2014

• Former Premier, the Hon Denis Napthine and former Minister for Roads and Public Transport, the Hon Terry Mulder – regarding BWEZ, the Ballarat Railway Station Master Plan and FastTrack Ballarat

• The Hon Luke Donnellan, (both as Minister and former Shadow Minister for Roads, Roads Safety & TAC) – regarding Stage 1 development of the Western Link Road, funding for establishment of the Freight - Logistics Hub at BWEZ and seeking bi-partisan support of the relocation of VicRoads to Ballarat

• The Hon Jacinta Allan (both as Shadow Minister for Regional & Rural Development, Regional Cities and Agriculture and as Minister for Public Transport) – in positioning key projects including establishment of the Bio-Economy Innovation Centre at BWEZ and funding towards the Freight - Logistics Hub at BWEZ

• The Hon Jaala Pulford (Minister for Regional Development & Agriculture) – in launching the $500 million Regional Jobs & Infrastructure Fund and conducting the Regional Jobs Forum in Ballarat (April 2015) with follow-up actions emanating with local Government and Regional Development Victoria

• Mr Adem Somyurek (former Shadow Minister for Technology, Manufacturing & Services) – on the importance of Alstom as a major employer in this sector for Ballarat and providing briefings on the Stage 1 activation of BWEZ including an overview of establishing a Bio-Economy Innovation Centre

• The City of Ballarat Mayor Cr John Philips and CEO Anthony Schinck together with local members, Geoff Howard (Member for Buninyong) and Sharon Knight (Member for Wendouree) and Joshua Morris (Member for Western Victoria) – monthly meetings and updates

• Louise Staley (Member for Ripon) – with BWEZ located in the seat of Ripon meetings were also conducted during the year

• Central Highlands Region Mayors and CEOs including Mayor Cr Des Phelan and CEO Rod Nicholls (Golden Plains Shire), Mayor Cr Kate Redwood AM and CEO Aaron van Egmond (Hepburn Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Tatchell and CEO Rob Croxford (Moorabool Shire), Mayor Cr Rob Vance, Cr Tanya Keogh and CEO Jim Nolan (Pyrenees Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Hooper and CEO Andrew Evans (Ararat Regional Shire) and Mayor Cr Wendy McIvor and CEO Mark Johnson (Central Goldfields Shire) – in keeping up to date with the key issues and challenges confronting local government across our region and how Committee can lend support with its advocacy work


• CEO VicRoads, John Merritt – in pushing for the relocation of VicRoads to Ballarat

• Grant Wiltshire, Executive Office RDA Grampians

• Stuart Benjamin, Chair RDA Grampians

• Mark Wild, CEO Public Transport Victoria

• Theo Taifalos, CEO V/Line

Committee Chair Judy Verlin AM and former Premier the Hon Denis Napthine


In the Media

We contributed to discussions in the media about issues impacting on our region’s future…

ABC Radio

Interview on the Ballarat Jobs Forum (April)

Power FM

Interview on the Ballarat Jobs Forum (April)

WIN TVInterview on the BWEZ Major Projects Victoria

Breakfast Briefing (Feb)

Ballarat West Growth Zone (BWGZ)

18 Our Work Jobs & Connectivity

A Committee for Ballarat Project

This project is focused on driving the agenda for jobs and economic growth by advocating for a highly competitive, productive and innovative Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ). The BWEZ is critical to drive sustainable employment and economic growth in the region. It will target industry sectors that have the potential to address the $1.9 billion of escape expenditure annually in Ballarat. It is also strategically located to host major commercial hubs that service the entire state to address freight costs that are already a major barrier for business attraction and investment.

Watch our members reflect on the journey of the Ballarat West Growth Zone project

Our Focus

1. Developing the BWEZ into Victoria’s premier innovation, freight, logistics and employment precinct.

2. Making the BWEZ competitive so that it becomes the first choice for businesses considering setting up, relocating or expanding in the region for the long term.

3. Substantially improving transport access to reduce freight costs and improve productivity for industry and manufacturers across our region.

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To continue to monitor the construction of Stage 1 of the Western Link Road which is critical to the activation and commercialisation of the precinct.

• $38 million was committed in the 2014 State Budget for Stage 1 of the Western Link Road (the Northbound section). Contracts for construction have been awarded and work has commenced and is progressing well. Access was provided into the Boulevard in mid-February.

To continue to advocate the early activation and commercialisation of the BWEZ, working closely with City of Ballarat and Major Projects Victoria (MVP) – the developer – to push for the earliest possible release of land and occupancy (Stage 1) with a focus on the early installation of head works.

• $30.2 million was committed in the 2014 State Budget for trunk infrastructure to enable activation and occupancy of the BWEZ.

• Up to 60.1 hectares of land – Stage 1 – was released.

• EOI for occupancy (Stage 1) closed in December 2014 – all leads for new and existing business are being referred to City of Ballarat or MPV who have reported to Committee that they are encouraged by the response.

To push for funding to establish a major 16ha freight-logistics hub at the BWEZ.

• $9.13 million was committed in the 2014 Federal Budget for site preparation, internal roads, major trunk infrastructure and installation of services to the freight-logistics hub.

To improve transport access across the region.

• $43 million (combined State and Federal) funding was committed in the May 2015 Budget for bridge strengthening works to support HPFVs on the Western Highway from Ballarat to the Port of Melbourne.

What’s Ahead

1. We will be strongly focused on securing funding as soon as possible for Stage 2 Western Link Road (Remembrance Drive to Carngham Road section). We have started positioning Stage 2 with the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, the Hon Luke Donnellan. No formal funding commitments have been made yet by the State Government or VicRoads.

2. The BWGZ Project Team has a watching brief on the construction of Stage 1 Western Link Road – it is expected that Stage 1 will be completed by 4Q 2015 (Northbound Section) and the end of 2016 (Southbound Section) .

3. We anticipate a formal announcement regarding tenancy of BWEZ Stage 1 to be made by end 3Q 2015.

4. We will be pushing for key trunk infrastructure funding to support the activation of Stage 2 land release.

5. Our task team will have a watching brief on the two-year bridge strengthening project. While some preliminary work has been done the project will not go to tender until 4Q 2015.

6. We will be pushing for the establishment of a state-wide emergency response centre at the airport as part of the national grid.

Project Team

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the work of the BWEZ project team during the past 12 months.

Chair: Judy Verlin AM (Chair Committee for Ballarat) Members: Jeremy Cowan (Mars Chocolate), Bill Gitsham (UGL), Nick Grylewicz (Integra), Ewen Nevett/ Michael McCarthy (VicRoads – ‘observer’), Jeff Pulford (City of Ballarat), Ron Selkirk (Appleseed Consulting), Greg Veal (bankmecu), Glen Walker (Sargeant Transport), David Wright (Colliers International), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support) Major Partners/Stakeholders: City of Ballarat, Major Projects Victoria, VicRoads


Source: Echelon Planning, City of Ballarat 2014

BWEZ Stage 1 Development Plan

Fast Track Ballarat

20 Our Work Jobs & Connectivity

A Committee for Ballarat Project

This project is focused on improving train travel between Ballarat and Melbourne for current users and future-proofing our rail service through early planning and subsequent interventions by successive State Governments. We are concerned about current service inadequacies, the fast-growing pressure on our service and the lack of long-term planning to match the projected increase in demand.

Watch our members reflect on the journey of the Fast Track Ballarat project

Our Focus

1. Driving the agenda to improve rail infrastructure that will improve rail links within our region including access to Melbourne.

2. Campaigning to improve the frequency and reliability of our rail service and achieve reliable mobile connectivity for the entire journey.

3. Investigating what improvements will be delivered by the completion of the $4.2 billion Regional Rail Link (RRL).

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To deliver mobile connectivity on regional rail services.

• $40 million was committed in the 2014 State Budget that will give passengers free WiFi by installing wireless connections to all V/Line trains travelling between major regional centres and Melbourne – this is to be delivered via towers, not satellite, at no extra cost to the ticket – as well as to fix blackspots (refer page 14).

To deliver Rowsley passing loop (near Bacchus Marsh)

• $14.2 million was committed in the 2014 State Budget for the passing loop to be constructed and for additional car parking at Ballan Station with construction to commence late 2015.

To secure funding for a second platform at Bacchus Marsh.

• No funding has been announced yet.

To push for additional rolling stock.

• $257 million was committed in the May 2015 State Budget for 21 new VLocity train carriages to be built by Bombardier in Dandenong.

To push for a review of Ballarat's bus network by Public Transport Victoria (PTV).

• Committee is currently engaged in discussions with PTV about planning for an improved bus network for Ballarat to coincide with the completion of the Regional Rail Link and an integrated timetabling for the bus and train network to make sure the service meets the growing transport needs of Ballarat and the greater region.


What’s Ahead

1. We will continue to push for the delivery of additional services: at least one per hour during peak commuter periods by June 2016, two additional services per hour during peak commuter periods by June 2018 and one additional service per hour during non-peak periods by June 2018.

2. We will continue to place pressure on the Minister for Public Transport, the Hon Jacinta Allan for the State Government to conduct a feasibility study into the staged duplication of the Ballarat to Melbourne line. Specifically we will push to achieve funding commitments by December 2016 to produce a strategic/business case for the electrification of a separate Melbourne-Melton line, duplication of Melton to Wendouree lines and provision of further additional rolling stock. This will provide the case for duplication of lines between Ballarat and Melbourne and achievement of modestly rapid, frequent and reliable services, after which implementation timelines can be established.

3. Construction of the passing loop at Rowsley is due to commence October 2015. The FastTrack Project Team has a watching brief on this work planned for completion April, 2016.

4. We will continue to push for funding for a second platform at Bacchus Marsh and a series of passing loops (to be identified in the study) and the extension of platforms.

5. We will continue to push for additional rolling stock.

6. The construction of a train holding facility is being considered as part of the BWEZ freight-logistics hub development – the FastTrack Ballarat Project Team has a watching brief on this.

Duplication of the Ballarat to Melbourne line

The importance of the rail link for the region’s economic and social prosperity cannot be overstated. It not only provides a link to Melbourne for our residents and businesses, it equally provides the opportunity for those in Melbourne and centres such as Melton to travel to Ballarat for business, education and tourism. While the Regional Rail Link makes future provision for the electrification of a dedicated line from Southern Cross Station to Melton, this is still approximately 10-15 years away. We acknowledge that the duplication of the rail line is a costly infrastructure project but believe it is one that could be staged over the next 30 years. We will continue to put pressure on the State Government to start planning for this project.

Regional Rail Link Project

While we acknowledge and welcome the early completion of this $4.2 billion project in April 2015 that provides dedicated regional rail and metro rail lines between Ballarat and Southern Cross Station, the promised benefits have not yet been realised for Ballarat commuters and there are significant issues to address to fix this. We will continue to put pressure on the State Government to deliver the benefits promised, specifically shorter travel time and more reliable service and more peak services for regional lines.

Project Team at 30 June 2015

at 30 June 2015

Chair: Ian Fry (Ballarat ICT) Members: Nick Beale (ODP Associates), Angela Carey (Fairfax Media), Tony Chew (Community Member), Torben Fink-Jensen (Alstom), Daniel Moloney (Grounded Communications), Judy Verlin AM (Chair, Committee for Ballarat), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support

An initiative of

Supported by

State Government taking delivery of an

Xtrapolis trains at Alstom, Ballarat, in

August 2014


Sustainability & Innovation

• Inspiring our community to live sustainably.

• Promoting sustainable development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the liveability of future generations.

• Promoting innovation across all sectors that will encourage and support sustainable social and economic growth for our region.

• Working with key partners to transition Ballarat and region into a new economy based on new technologies, innovation and creativity.

• Positioning Ballarat with a competitive advantage in bio-resources sector.

• Supporting and encouraging diversity of business for existing and new investment opportunities.

The Issue Our Vision

Water resources in our region are limited and will be further stretched with our growing population

We need a secure and sustainable water strategy for our region to support growth and investment.

Our energy needs are growing and, with significant environmental challenges related to carbon emissions, fossil fuel is not a sustainable option.

We want to position Ballarat as a leader in sustainable energy and achieve funding to evaluate alternative energy sources such as bioenergy.

Our region is facing significant environmental challenges in the areas of waste management with our landfill facilities at capacity and not a sustainable option.

We need a sustainable solution to regional waste management by driving R&D and innovation through technology… this will result in new industries, new jobs and new ways of living.

Economic drivers are changing and our ‘old economy’ (eg manufacturing) is not sustainable.

We want to diversify the economy and support transition to advanced manufacturing so we are ready for the future.

Climate change. We will communicate and strongly advocate on climate change initiatives that support sustainable environmental, social and economic growth in our region.

There is a need for long-term planning for our significant projected population growth.

We need to prepare for growth by ensuring our civic leaders apply long-term/strategic planning.

Our Focus

Key Issues

The following issues were identified by members as part of our Key Issues Process:

Innovative solutions to environmental challenges in our region will enable growth and investment to support our community’s future economic and social wellbeing.

Our Work Sustainability & Innovation

Sustainability & Innovation


Thought Leaders

The following article forms part of a series of opinion pieces by Committee for Ballarat Chair, Judy Verlin AM.

Planning will Keep our City Great Published 7 February 2015, The Courier, Ballarat

We live in a great city. Ballaratians are proud of our great lifestyle, our beautiful environment and our caring and connected regional community. Change is ahead. And change is hard, especially when it involves something that is so well loved. But it also offers great opportunities. Attracted by our enviable lifestyle, more and more people want to live here… So how can we make sure that Ballarat is a city that embraces positive change? And how can we do so while protecting our heritage and all the things we love best?...

To read the full article go to

We have published position statements on critical issues affecting our region, including the opportunities and challenges.

Climate Change As the introduction of a carbon tax was being positioned as a precursor to a carbon trading scheme that will inevitably drive the cost of fossil fuel derived energy up, we will work with the City of Ballarat and surrounding shires in their efforts to introduce bio-energy as a complementary source of energy for both industrial and residential consumption. In addition, we will work with all stakeholder groups on identifying emerging risks and opportunities associated with sustainable environmental management, living with a changing climate and actively contribute to any proposed changes in regulatory frameworks. While climate change will present some challenges, it will also provide opportunities to innovate and to lead the way…

Population Growth With Ballarat region’s population projected to increase significantly, we support regional development and investment that will consolidate Ballarat’s position as the Capital of Western Victoria as our regional communities look to Ballarat to meet their higher order retail, service, business, institutional, entertainment, recreation and cultural needs. We advocate for planned economic growth and diversification to create a ‘high tech’ and knowledge-base regional economy...

To read both statements in full go to

Committee supports Preliminary Ballarat Strategy

The Preliminary Ballarat Strategy was released by the City of Ballarat in November 2014 for public comment. The Ballarat Strategy is designed to underpin decision making about land use in Ballarat over the next 30 years. On behalf of our members Committee made a formal submission to Council commending them on this initiative and supporting the adoption of the Strategy. As well as our submission we were actively involved in the Strategy development through representation of our Chair Judy Verlin AM on Council’s steering group.

The Strategy will give Council and Council officers the discretion and power to make timely, efficient, effective and consistent decision making. It will also give developers a clearly articulated structure to work within and the confidence to invest. Delivery of the strategy will require strength and continuity of leadership and we will continue to offer Council our full support in this regard.

To read our submission go to

Council approved the Preliminary Ballarat Planning Strategy in June 2015. The principles of the strategy will now be embedded in the Ballarat Planning Scheme and Municipal Strategic Statement.

Sustainability & Innovation


Committee Contributes to Draft Economic Strategy

In September 2014 City of Ballarat commenced work on the updated Economic Strategy 2015-19. The Strategy aims to provide a framework for Council’s vision and objectives for Ballarat’s current and future economy. In preparing the Strategy Council sought input from various stakeholder groups through extensive consultation to ensure the aspirations of both the Ballarat community the economic players within our community are reflected.

Committee contributed to the development of the Draft Strategy during the past year through participation on the Economic Strategy Expert Reference Group by its Chair and CEO. The Expert Reference Group provided appropriate sectorial input supporting the development of the Strategy by identifying relevant issues and opportunities and prioritising strategies and

initiatives to address them.

The Draft Economic Strategy is completed and will be

launched in September 2015.

Renewable Energy Targets

Collaboration with Federation University

Proposed federal government changes to the Renewable Energy Targets (RET) could impact significantly on our renewable energy sector. Committee is liaising with Federation University to prepare a research paper that will take a long-term view and focus on the economic and social impact of the proposed changes throughout the Ballarat region. Committee’s advocacy work will then focus on the cross benchers in the Senate who will have significant influence on any legislation.

Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and R&D Testing Facility This precinct will enable World class R&D and business innovation that will generate $215 million in investment, create 900 jobs and deliver $89 million in estimated value add*. *Source: Essential Economics BWEZ Economic Assessment

Ballarat aspires to be a world leader in a bio-economy based future through the development of a Bio-Economy Industry Cluster consisting of academic, industry and non-government organisations working in collaboration. It will drive Ballarat’s competitive advantage in bio-resources to position Victoria and Australia as the knowledge centre and leader in the bio-economy space and increase our global competitiveness. Within 10 years this centre will create the next generation of high value, high skill jobs for the future and generate at least $215 million in new investment, helping transform the economy of Victoria and supporting the development of an emerging industry that will help transition of the Ballarat economy to advanced manufacturing. link to BWGZ Project

Our Work Sustainability & Innovation


Waste-to-Energy Project

This innovative project will use waste currently sent to landfill to produce higher value products including energy, recyclables and other products and materials. This will significantly reduce landfill and carbon emissions. Further, with direct connection to industry within the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ), it will provide businesses with access to a low cost and secure energy source. The concept is also an enabler for growing a clean tech industry in Western Victoria. The Victorian Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM) will support industry participants and advanced waste management and resource recovery through R&D, trials, commercialisation and market deployment of high-end processes, materials and products. VCAMM will provide a critical link between establishing emerging bio-waste energy harvesting technologies and opportunities generated by manufacturing, universities and manufacturing research industries. link to BWGZ Project

IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Consultancy work was undertaken by IBM in October 2014 as the result of a $500,000 grant awarded to City of Ballarat, Ballarat Technology Park and Ballarat ICT.

To read the full IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Ballarat report go to

Driving Innovation through Technology

Collaboration with Federation University Committee will form a collaborative working group with Federation University’s Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation to consider the use of technology as an enabler for business in driving R&D in our region.

Ballarat’s Water Future (formerly Living Ballarat Project)

The Ballarat’s Water Future strategy document, ‘Help Shape our Water Future’ was released in 3Q 2014. Foundation projects have been established including Stormwater Harvesting and Integrated Water Management Framework (which integrates the planning of water systems into the planning for construction or redevelopment of buildings and precincts in local growth areas) led by the City of Ballarat and Central Highlands Water respectively.

Greening Ballarat Strategy ‘Greening Ballarat’ through local water management will enhance the urban forest in the CBD. According to a recent study, Ballarat currently has 17% tree canopy coverage in urban areas. The Greening Ballarat Strategy proposes to increase this figure to at least 40% by 2040.

The Living Ballarat Project was established to help guide Ballarat, our water industry, associated sectors and the community through the transformation of the way urban environment and water cycle systems are planned for, designed and managed. It involved the co-design with key stakeholders and the local community of a framework that integrates planning of water systems, into planning for construction or redevelopment of buildings, neighbourhoods, and precincts in the City of Ballarat and neighbouring growth areas.

Minister for Water, the Hon Peter Walsh, launching Ballarat’s Water Future

Strategy in August 2014

Our Influence

Key Conversations

We have held discussions with:


• In the lead up to the State election we met with the (then Shadow) Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, the Hon Lisa Neville seeking funding from the Regional Waste Levies for a Waste-to-Energy Facility and a Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and R&D Testing Facility in Ballarat. We have been invited to make a submission supporting the Government’s position paper on this issue.

• We also met with the Minister for Industry and for Energy and Resources the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio about the point above.

• The Hon Lisa Neville (both as Minister and former Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water) – representations were made on the establishment of the Bio-Economy Innovation Centre at BWEZ, the Federal Government’s plans for a reduction in the Renewable Energy Targets (RET) and the implications for the renewable energy sector in our region. In May 2015 we met with the Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Anthony Carbines to further progress these discussions and position use of the Regional Waste Levy to fund a ‘proof of concept’ pilot at BWEZ for the waste-to-energy project

• David Lattina and Justin Hanney, Department of Premier & Cabinet – regarding key projects being advocated in our State Election Strategy Document, Advancing Ballarat & Western Region – Preparing for Growth

• The City of Ballarat Mayor Cr John Philips and CEO Anthony Schinck together with local members, Geoff Howard (Member for Buninyong) and Sharon Knight (Member for Wendouree) and Joshua Morris (Member for Western Victoria) – monthly meetings and updates

• Craig Ondarchie (Shadow Minister for Investment, Jobs & Trade) – meetings and representations on the status of key projects

• Louise Staley (Member for Ripon) – with BWEZ located in the seat of Ripon meetings were conducted

• Central Highlands Region Mayors and CEOs including Mayor Cr Des Phelan and CEO Rod Nicholls (Golden Plains Shire), Mayor Cr Kate Redwood AM and CEO Aaron van Egmond (Hepburn Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Tadgell and CEO Rob Croxford (Moorabool Shire), Mayor Cr Rob Vance, Cr Tanya Keogh and CEO Jim Nolan (Pyrenees Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Hooper and CEO Andrew Evans (Ararat Regional Shire) and Mayor Cr Wendy McIvor and CEO Mark Johnson (Central Goldfields Shire) – in keeping up to date with the key issues and challenges confronting local government across our region and how Committee can lend support with its advocacy work


• John Beurle, Business Development Manager, Victorian Centre for Advanced Material Manufacturing (VCAMM) – regular meetings were conducted with to support the establishment of the Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and Waste-to-Energy facility at BWEZ. VCAMM’s plays a vital facilitation role with local Government in determining what a Bio Economy Innovation Centre may look like and the potential R&D component and supply / value chain opportunity for this project


We have made the following submissions:

• Ballarat Planning Strategy

• Draft Victoria Park Preliminary Draft Master Plan

• City of Ballarat - Draft Economic Development Strategy

• City of Ballarat – Draft Affordable Housing Strategy

• Civic Hall (Council determination and Phase 1 of Participatory Design Process)

The Committee for Ballarat CEO also made presentations to the following organisations and groups:

• Civil Contractors Federation, Ballarat – update to members on key issues, challenges and opportunities in the region

• Bendigo Bank, Ballarat – update to customers on Committee for Ballarat key projects

• Proudly Frankston, Frankston – establishing a ‘Committees for’

• LBWR Program Day, Bacchus Marsh (Moorabool Shire)

• 5th Victorian Major Projects Conference, Melbourne (combined presentation with the CEO – City of Ballarat) on the Ballarat West Employment Zone project

The Committee for Ballarat CEO is also a member of the Federation Business School Advisory Board


In the Media

We contributed to discussions in the media about issues impacting on our region’s future…


Interview with Judy Verlin AM on the State Election and funding commitments to

Ballarat (Nov)


Interview in the lead up to the State Budget



Interview on Regional Development funding


ABC TV7.30 Report: Interview with Judy Verlin AM on

relative funding commitments to regional

cities Ballarat and Bendigo (Nov)



This project is focused on driving innovation around environmental issues including a secure water supply, waste management and alternative sources of sustainable energy. We want to achieve funding to evaluate bio-energy or similar R&D business that will drive innovation.

Watch our members explain our role in securing a sustainable water supply for the region

Our Focus

1. Ensuring a secure and sustainable water supply that will support our projected population growth.

2. Managing and reusing our waste, particularly green waste, reducing our use of landfill and identifying opportunities to support biotechnology and innovative solutions.

3. Securing affordable energy solutions to sustain and attract business in an increasingly expensive energy environment.

4. Influencing political and community attitudes on issues around sustainability and preserving our natural environment.

A Committee for Ballarat Project

Our Work Sustainability & Innovation

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To contribute to delivering an Integrated Water Cycle Management Framework under the Living Ballarat Project.

• The Living Ballarat Water Strategy was completed in 3Q 2014 – see details below.

To advocate for sustainable water supply solutions in new industrial and residential developments in the region including the adoption of stormwater harvesting and re-use to supplement fresh water requirements.

• This was largely achieved through the Living Ballarat Project especially in relation to the Ballarat West Growth Zone (BWGZ) and the Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ).

To push for funding to establish a new Bio- Economy Innovation Centre at the BWEZ that will drive innovation and R&D capability in the region and attract investment. This includes a centre of excellence in waste-to-energy products that will deliver an innovative solution for our regional waste management.

• No formal funding has been announced from the State or Federal Government.

• An MOU has been executed between the City of Ballarat and the Victoria Centre for Advanced Materials Manufacturing (VCAMM) and the findings and recommendations from the IBM Smarter Cities report were tabled at Council.

• City of Ballarat is working on a business case for the waste-to-energy manufacturing facility.

To raise the profile and influence community and political attitudes on the inevitable adoption of indirect potable re-use.

• Through the Living Ballarat Project, Central Highlands Water successfully conducted an aquifer recharge “proof of concept” pilot, which will enable the adoption of indirect potable re-use.

Sustainable Living


What’s Ahead

1. A key focus will be the significant work to be done around bioenergy, particularly in relation to the BWEZ. There is also an opportunity to work collaboratively with key stakeholders including Cultivate Agri-Business Central Highlands Forum (formerly CHAF). For bioenergy projects to get off the ground, there needs to be a common understanding of the cost/benefit of the bioenergy solution by the various levels of government. We will continue to actively support City of Ballarat and VCAMM in advocating for funding to establish a Bio-Economy Innovation Centre and R&D Testing Facility at the BWEZ, accelerating the development of the emerging industry and facilitating technology transfer and collaborative projects.

2. The Living Ballarat Water Strategy requires ongoing focus by the Project Team. The Committee Secretariat will continue its representation on the Ballarat Water Future Project Control Board and will:

a. Continue to advocate for sustainable water supply solutions in new industrial and residential developments in the region – especially in the BWGZ and BWEZ – including the adoption of stormwater harvesting and re-use to supplement fresh water requirements. This was largely achieved through the Living Ballarat Project, however it is important that we maintain a watching brief to ensure that momentum is maintained and the project delivers on its objectives.

b. Advocate for the earliest possible implementation of water sensitive urban design principles for small towns in the region, particularly to secure effective and efficient wastewater treatments and secure high quality water supplies. There have been some achievements in this area through the Living Ballarat Project, and the launch of the Greening Ballarat Strategy however it is important that we maintain a watching brief to ensure that momentum is maintained and the project delivers on its objectives.

3. We will raise the profile and awareness of inevitable adoption of indirect potable re-use, starting with opinion pieces in the local media .

Project Team

at 30 June 2015

Chair: Peter Tadgell (TGM Group) Members: Lauren Burch (City of Ballarat), Tony Chew (Community Member), Craig Hurley (Federation University Australia), Jeff Haydon (Central Highlands Water), Lisa Kendal (Cultivate), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Cr Sebastian Klein (Shire of Hepburn), David Sanders (Smart Options) Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support, Douglas Wycherley (McCain Foods), Jim Xais (McCain Foods) Major Partners/Stakeholders: City of Ballarat, Central Highlands Water, Hepburn Shire, Golden Plains Shire, Regional Sustainability Alliance, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority

“In the field investigating Renewable Energy Opportunities”

Over the last 12 months, the Sustainable Living task team conducted a number of sites visits to gain a better appreciation of investments being made in our region in the

renewable energy sector. Visits included Meridian Energy operations at Mt Mercer which focused on the wind farm sector, and also Berrybank Farm operated by Charles IFE Pty Ltd where the team investigated their operations centred on waste to energy. The Mt

Mercer wind farm is established on 2,600 hectares and the 64 operational turbines produce enough electricity to power all of Ballarat. The entrepreneurship displayed by

the Charles family in setting up Berrybank Farm and the Total Waste Management System more than 20 years ago is impressive. The farm presently has 20,000 pigs

producing a daily average of 320,00 litres of slurry, the equivalent of a town with a population of 70,000 people. The plant recovers humic solids for compost /

fertiliser, recyclable and mineralised water, and also Biogas, which runs a cogeneration energy system powering the farms’ operations.

Community & Health

Community & Health


Better health and wellbeing for all residents will lead to more liveable communities across our region.”

• Promoting and celebrating active and responsive citizenship

• Strengthening regional leadership

• Building healthier communities by improving the physical and social health of residents

• Promoting Ballarat as a vibrant and progressive regional city

• Upselling our city and region as a great place to live and work

Our Focus

Key Issues

The following issues were identified by members as part of our Key Issues Process:

Our Work Community & Health

Key Issues

The Issue Our Vision

Our community is facing the challenge of an increasing gap in our social health with growing levels of joblessness, youth disengagement, homelessness and a lack of affordable housing.

We need to contribute to initiatives that foster vibrant, diverse, connected and inclusive communities.

Our CBD is lacking in vibrancy, our buildings and spaces are underdeveloped and there is a lack of Grade A office space.

We need redevelopments that capture the uniqueness and heritage of our existing buildings to generate vibrancy in the heart of our city and meet the needs of today’s generation.

There is a lack of coordination between key players in master planning processes.

We need an integrated approach to master planning that involves key players and delivers the best possible overall outcomes for the wider community.

The demand on our existing health infrastructure and services is growing and will only get worse as our ageing population increases.

We want to create innovative ways to deliver quality health services to our growing regional community with a focus on technology enabling greater levels of in-home care and reducing dependency on existing infrastructure and services.

Community & Health

Thought Leaders

The following articles form part of a series of opinion pieces by Committee for Ballarat Chair, Judy Verlin AM.

Let’s make the most of the CBD Published 14 November 2014, The Courier, Ballarat We need white collar jobs in our CBD to boost our economy and inject vibrancy into the heart of our city… As a community we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revitalise our wonderful city through major projects such as the development of the Civic Hall site and the revamp of the Ballarat Station Precinct…

United vision is essential for the major sports and entertainment precinct in North Ballarat Published 28 February 2015, The Courier, Ballarat The development of a major sports and entertainment precinct in North Ballarat has started. $30 million in funding has been committed by the State Government and planning is already under way. But we don’t have a united vision and we don’t have an integrated master plan. We have key players working collaboratively but also in isolation due to the lack of a united approach to planning. And while we support these individual plans, as things stand we face the risk of fragmented development that will result in the site not achieving its full potential…

To read both of these opinion pieces in full go to

Aged Care

We are promoting an aged care service that offers choice in affordability and accessibility. We are developing a clear position on aged care that addresses the projected increased demands on infrastructure and delivery of services. We are advocating innovative ways to use technology for ‘at home’ care and reduce dependency on existing health infrastructure.

Youth Unemployment

YAE (Young Adult Empowerment) Program YAE is a past initiative of Committee for Ballarat with five successful pilot programs conducted over an 18-month period between 2012 and 2013. With no further funding made available by the Federal Government through the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR), the YAE program was in hiatus. A sustainable funding model is now being persued with VET funding committed by the State Government in June 2015. BGT Education & Training (BGT) has been selected to deliver the revised YAE program under an agreed partnering arrangement. As a provider of the Youth Connections Program, and previous programs including the Jobs Pathway Program and Youth Pathways, BGT has in-depth knowledge and competency in engagement with, and the provision of education and training services to young people, including marginalised youth, and to engage with young people from all backgrounds. This experience and knowledge is immediately transferable to selection and recruitment of participants in the YAE program.

BGT has now completed the program design – the new YAE program will include an additional vocational training component targeted to

commence in 2016 subject to securing funding arrangements from State and Federal Governments and philanthropic sources.

Watch our members reflect on the journey of the YAE program

Affordable Housing

Rising house prices has led to stronger demand for rental properties, both increasing rental costs and displacing lower income households from more affordable accommodation. A shortage of affordable rental properties has increased demand for both social housing and housing support services. City of Ballarat has engaged with housing organisations and other relevant stakeholders to look at the provision of social housing within its municipality and determine how this should take place. Feedback from the Affordable Housing Workshop held in September 2014 was that the role of local government in facilitating affordable housing should include: providing strong leadership in setting the housing agenda; ensuring solid planning mechanisms; facilitating and initiating partnerships that bring together stakeholders to collectively address housing issues; providing information to promote understanding of key characteristics and trends relating to the municipality; and contributing funds or resources.

Committee will continue to work with key stakeholders in seeking sustainable housing options for those marginalised in our community.

Peter Doherty Science Award 2014

This Award is an initiative of Committee for Ballarat and Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty. Offered annually to students in Years 9 and 10 in State secondary schools it encourages excellence and innovation in scientific thought and activity.

We want to congratulate the 2014 winners and finalists and thank everyone who entered.

2014 Winners

Ballarat Secondary College East Campus: Mia Delmage and Jasmine Gauci – ‘The effect of a solute on the boiling point of water’

2014 Communication Award

Phoenix P-12 Community College: Emiley Cody and Ally Dennis – ‘The Power of Suggestion’

2014 Finalists

Ballarat Secondary College East Campus: Georgia Baron and Gabi Dumesny – ‘Inattentional Blindness’

Phoenix P-12 Community College: Casey Hamilton-Bayly and Lucy Whitfield – ‘The Dirt on Hand Sanitiser’


2014 Winners Mia Delmage and Jasmine Gauci are

presented with their award by Federation University

32 Our Work Community & Health

Our Influence

Key Conversations

We have held discussions with:


• Kate Jenkins (Human Rights Commissioner)

• The Hon John Eren (both as Minister and former Shadow Minister for Sports & Recreation, Volunteers, Tourism and Major Events) – in securing funding for the Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat (including the Ballarat Basketball Centre); securing a $8 million funding commitment to upgrade ‘Blood on the Southern Cross’ at Sovereign Hill; discussing plans for the 160th Anniversary of Eureka at M.A.D.E; and discussing our application for funding for the VRCLP and the 10 regional community leadership program providers including LBWR

• The Hon Jacinta Allan (as Shadow Minister for Regional & Rural Development, Regional Cities and Agriculture) – in securing $8 million funding for the VRCLP and the 10 regional community leadership program providers including LBWR

• Senator Fiona Nash (Senator for NSW, Assistant Minister for Health, Deputy Leader of the Nationals in the Senate) – in opening the new Balanada Close Medical Student Accommodation Project with Melbourne University (Committee provided support for the Federal Government funding application)

• The City of Ballarat Mayor Cr John Philips and CEO Anthony Schinck together with local members, Geoff Howard (Member for Buninyong) and Sharon Knight (Member for Wendouree) and Joshua Morris (Member for Western Victoria) – monthly meetings and updates

• The Shadow Minister for Health and Federal member for Ballarat (the Hon Catherine King) – bi-monthly meetings and updates

• Central Highlands Region Mayors and CEOs including Mayor Cr Des Phelan and CEO Rod Nicholls (Golden Plains Shire), Mayor Cr Kate Redwood AM and CEO Aaron van Egmond (Hepburn Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Tatchell and CEO Rob Croxford (Moorabool Shire), Mayor Cr Rob Vance, Cr Tanya Keogh and CEO Jim Nolan (Pyrenees Shire), Mayor Cr Paul Hooper and CEO Andrew Evans (Ararat Regional Shire) and Mayor Cr Wendy McIvor and CEO Mark Johnson (Central Goldfields Shire) – in keeping up to date with the key issues and challenges confronting local government across our region and how Committee can lend support with its advocacy work

Sharon Knight MP, Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water the Hon Lisa Neville, City of Ballarat Mayor Cr John Philips and CEO Anthony Schinck

The Minister for Public Transport the Hon Jacinta Allan

Committee supported the ‘Back the Bid’ campaign for Ballarat to host Bahrain in the lead up to AFC Asian Cup 2015 in Australia.


In the Media

We contributed to discussions in the media about issues impacting on our region’s future…

Power FM

Interview on White Ribbon Day (Nov)

ABC Radio

Interview on the relocation of VicRoads

to Ballarat (Dec)

ABC RadioInterview on Ballarat Crime Statistics (Nov)


Brand Ballarat

A Committee for Ballarat Project

Our Work Community & Health

This project is focused on capitalising on our unique attributes and upselling Ballarat and region as a great place to live, work and visit.

Our Focus

1. Developing a compelling story about Ballarat and the region that we can use to engage with key stakeholder groups including the three tiers of government.

2. Promoting Ballarat and the region as a thriving and innovative regional centre to attract capital investment that will facilitate social and economic growth.

3. Influencing strategic planning to deliver a thriving major events precinct centred around community use, regional entertainment and elite sport.

4. Planning for the revitalisation of Ballarat’s CBD to ensure development aspires to deliver a vibrant and contemporary destination.

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To develop a compelling story about Ballarat and the region.

• A narrative was created.

• A ‘teaser product’ – a trailer for a high quality TVC campaign –was developed and launched at Committee’s 10 Year Dinner on 26 June 2015.

• The trailer was used to attract support to create a ‘full product’

• An MOU has been executed between Committee and City of Ballarat outlining respective contributions with City of Ballarat investing up to $50,000 to cover production of the TVC and music rights with Mushroom Records for a period of 12 months.

To push for the development of the Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat.

• $31.5 million was committed in the May 2015 Budget towards the development of the Precinct – there is a $9 million Federal funding shortfall (not supported in the last RDA funding round.)

• We have been working with the Ballarat Basketball Association, North Ballarat Football Club and the Ballarat Ag Society on respective Master Plans and funding support.

To push for the development of the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct as part of the revitalisation of the CBD.

• The Ballarat Railway Station Precinct Master Plan was released in June 2014.

• $25 million was committed in the May 2015 State Budget towards development of the Precinct – this funding will cover the development of a Major Convention Centre and public promenade.

To progress the Participatory Community Design Process (PCDP) for the Civic Hall site as part of the revitalisation of the CBD.

• Committee for Ballarat is represented on a Partnership (Consultative) Group that was established to provide recommendations to Council .

To push for the relocation of a State Government Department as part of the revitalisation of the CBD.

• While the previous State Government had committed to relocating VicRoads to Ballarat, the new State Government is yet to make a determination in relation to a possible move despite strong representation by Committee.

Our Performance 2014-15

35What’s ahead

1. Following the successful production of the ‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’ trailer, production has commenced on the full video product and media campaign with an expected launch date in 4Q 2015. In the months ahead we will be seeking funding for the full media campaign in staged phases.

2. We will continue to work with key stakeholders on developing an integrated Master Plan for the Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat.

3. We will continue to work with City of Ballarat and Regional Development Victoria on redeveloping the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct.

4. We will continue to contribute to the Participatory Community Design Process for the Civic Hall site which will involve supporting the development of Master Plans for five concepts by 3Q 2015 followed by the development of three full concept designs by 2Q 2016.

5. We will continue to advocate for a Government Department (it does not need to be VicRoads although a lot of preliminary planning has already been done) – a planned meeting with CEO of VicRoads John Merritt in June 2015 was postponed and we are currently considering options for how best we engage and position with Government.

‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’ – A Compelling Story about Ballarat and the Region

The Background In developing a compelling story and narrative about Ballarat and the region, a narrative was developed that aims to capture the hearts and minds of the local community and beyond. Using the narrative as a ‘brief’, a local production company Mass Motion was engaged to produce a high quality video to bring the narrative to life. A key part of the brief was the importance of engaging the community, business, influencers and innovators and celebrating what makes our city and region special and unique and showcasing Ballarat like they’ve never seen it before.

The Narrative “Ballarat. A caring and connected regional community. Proud of our enviable lifestyle. Full of ideas and vision. Optimistic about our future. As we look to build our future we draw on our unique and rich foundations…”

To read the full narrative go to

The Trailer To view the trailer for ‘Ballarat, the Moment is Now’ go to

Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat

Committee’s role is to support City of Ballarat to achieve a world-class facility at the Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat. This funding, which will be made available in the 2015-16 Budget, will not cover all the proposed works. Master planning exercises for the Basketball Association and North Ballarat’s facilities are complete and will form a good basis for the Master Plan for the precinct. City of Ballarat is working closely with both the Basketball Association and North Ballarat Football Club.

Master Plan for Victoria Park The development of a Master Plan for Victoria Park is an important step in the decision-making process for the Agricultural and Pastoral Society which, in turn, is critical to any future planning for the Major Sports and Entertainment Precinct at North Ballarat. The Master Plan will include a space for the Pony Club and the Agricultural and Pastoral Society. City of Ballarat has developed a Terms of Reference for the Victoria Park Master Plan and it is expected that the Master Planning process will be completed by the end of June.

Revitalisation of Ballarat’s CBD

Development of the Ballarat Railway Station Precinct The cost of the Goods Shed redevelopment and State Government contribution is $25 million, generating 140 jobs in the initial stage, and facilitate private sector investment of up to $40 million.

Relocation of a State Government Department to Ballarat’s CBD The relocation of Government Department will bring a lot of white collar jobs to the City and is critical for Ballarat’s CBD revitalisation. Both City of Ballarat and Committee for Ballarat see this as a key priority. Relevant shadow ministers were briefed prior to the election and local members have also been fully briefed. This continues to be a major priority for Committee. Correspondence has been forwarded to the Premier and meetings have been conducted with the Minister for Roads.

Project Team

at 30 June 2015

Chair: Steve Coltman (Adroit Insurance) Members: Liz Crothers (Bold Communication), Andrew Eales (The Courier), Peter Eddy (Ballarat Basketball Association), Bill Mundy (Telstra Country Wide), Mark Patterson (North Ballarat Sports Club), Anthony Schinck (City of Ballarat), Jane Smith (M.A.D.E), George Sossi (Ballarat Regional Tourism), Judy Verlin AM (Chair Committee for Ballarat), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support

The Premier the Hon Daniel Andrews with

Sharon Knight announcing $25 million to support the

development of a Major Convention Centre in the

Goods Shed.

The Provincial Hotel which has recently been renovated by private operator Darren Fraser.

Leadership Ballarat + Western Region



A Committee for Ballarat initiative

The Leaders Forum program is a thriving community leadership program that supports the development of sustainable and connected communities by inspiring active and responsive citizenship. LBWR is focused on inspiring and mobilising emerging leaders in our regional communities and strengthening community capacity. We proudly note that our program is now in its 10th year.

“I feel that I am a better leader now, not just a manager. I have a renewed confidence in my abilities and those of my team and this has impacted on not only myself as an individual, but on my organisation and in turn my community.”

Michelle Whyte, Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre

“The program offers a diverse range of experiences and stretches your thinking, challenging your values and broadening your horizons. This perspective has unlocked a new outlook on leadership and the future of this community and solidified my desire to live, work and grow in this community.”

Nick Clare, Mars Chocolate Australia

Our Focus

1. Providing a high quality leadership program that strengthens regional leadership.

2. Catalysing active citizenship.

3. Providing ongoing professional and personal development of our Leaders in Action.

4. Contributing to the implementation of initiatives that foster the social and economic development of vibrant communities.

5. Promoting the active participation of young people in our community.

leadershipballarat + western region

LEADERS inaction

LEADERS inaction

Leaders Forumballarat + western region

Our Work Community & Health

Measuring the impact of LBWR in our community

We mapped the impact of LBWR from 2006 to 2011 with the results reported in ‘What is the impact of LBWR?’ by Mark Hogan and Onur Ekinci.

To read the report go to

Return on Investment of our Leaders in Action volunteers

With a total of 270 graduates to date, our LBWR Leaders in Action volunteers contributed an estimated Return on Investment of more than $8 million over the past ten years with $1.5 million over the last year, supporting more than 190 community organisations.

leadershipballarat + western region

LEADERS inaction

LEADERS inaction

Leaders Forumballarat + western region

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements

To provide quality community leadership development opportunities.

• Secured State Government funding for Victorian Regional Community Leadership Program (VRCLP) – $8 million over four years.

• 30 participants graduated from the 2014 Leaders Forum Program.

• Contributed to the inaugural VRCLP combined program day that attracted 120 participants from across the state.

• Hosted a 3-day trip to Canberra in May 2015 as part of the Leaders Forum Program, focused on the themes of government, lobbying and advocacy.

To activate citizenship. • Hosted a leadership graduation dinner featuring disability advocate Stella Young as our guest speaker (vale Stella).

• Hosted a business leaders lunch ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ featuring World Vision CEO, Rev Tim Costello and a ‘Leading Change’ lunch in partnership with Women’s Health Grampians.

• Hosted free community forums on Social Enterprise and Road Safety.

• Told our stories through the campaign themes for International Volunteers Day, ‘Hope’, and National Volunteers Day, ‘Live Happy’.

To provide professional development opportunities for our program alumni.

• Hosted leadership development professional opportunities: ‘Unlock Success’ with Belinda Fyffe; ‘Leading Teams’ with Ray McLean; ‘Strong Clubs - Strong Volunteers – Strong Leaders’ in partnership with Sports Central; and a Wellbeing Workshop with Alison Shirley.

To contribute to the implementation of initiatives that help build vibrant communities.

• Hosted Rug Up Ballarat Winter Festival which attracted 2,900+ attendees, raised $3,700 for Breezeway and resulted in 375 stars being woven for a campaign to stop Violence against Women. The festival was the result of collaboration between artists and community groups and featured Pitcha Makin’ Fella’s exhibition, a giant indoor family-friendly creative play space and provided Ballarat residents with a warm place to be in winter.

• Created connections between community organisations working to eradicate Violence Against Women and workplaces through: act@work, White Ribbon Day and City of Ballarat Charter Champions.

• Contributed to and shared our networks by becoming a member of the Next Steps Committee – an initiative of Ballarat Neighbourhood House with a focus on employment for disadvantaged members of the community.

To develop partnerships to promote active youth participation across the region.

• Sponsored the City of Ballarat B-YOU (Youth) Volunteer Award and were delighted to congratulate the winner Chandler Pearce.

• Presented on community leadership to City of Ballarat Youth Council.

• Collaborated with LIA to engage with young people and program providers to provide mentoring, youth education, employment and training and social enterprise opportunities via our Social Traders Community Forum.

• Invited Corporal Mark Donaldson VC (via Committee for Ballarat) to speak to a group of Year 12 leaders.


Celebrating 10 years of LBWR

Ten years ago LBWR was established by local leaders to ensure that our community continues to have people willing to step up, lead and make a difference locally. It is with great pride that we celebrate the many people who have shaped our flagship community leadership program since 2005 and give thanks for the impact it continues to have within our community. We were delighted to present these inaugural awards to Bruce Morgan, Lynne McLennan, Judy Verlin AM, Bill Wood and Adrian Ohlsen for their commitment and contribution to the development of LBWR since the beginning in 2005.

To read our Celebrating Community Leadership publication (published in The Courier 12 February 2015) go to

LIA Community Impact Personal Journeys

By sharing our stories we can show how volunteering and community leadership are accessible for all. Together we can shape and connect a community that supports us now and into the future. We continue to share our stories via social media and on our website... go to … : @LeadershipBWR : /LeadershipBallaratWesternRegion

38 Our Work Community & Health

What’s Ahead

1. We will capture and share data about the impact of the diversity on program over the past 10 years. We will capture data to measure how scholarships contribute to the diversity of the program.2. We will capture data to measure benefits of the Leaders Forum program back into the workplace.3. We will look collaborate with alumni as part of advisory groups. Supported by the State Government

Community Leadership Awards 10-year Leaders in Action Party

“If we each make an effort to play a part in someone else’s world then together we make a difference.” - Cassie Lindsey, Mentor

“It is a great feeling to know that by lending your expertise and enthusiasm you can help build a better future.” - Andrew Eales, Advocate

“Leaders come from all walks of life. As a leader you need to empower people to stand up and advocate for what they believe in.” - Deb Milera, Coach

Ballarat International Foto Biennale Exhibition

Watch Committee for Ballarat members reflect on the journey of LBWR

39Victorian Regional Community Leadership Programs (VRCLP) Secretariat Inc

This report has been prepared by EO Katrina Baddeley

The VRCLP Secretariat is the peak body representing 10 member organisations that deliver more than 200 program days to over 300 participants annually. The programs develop leaders that embrace diversity and understand the interrelationship between business, community and government.

Our Focus

1. Demonstrating the impact of RCLPs2. Raising the collective profile of RCLPs3. Building the capability of RCLPs4. Supporting the sustainable strategies and collaboration of RCLPs

VRCLP to Become a Stand Alone Entity

VRCLP was established as in Incorporated Association in 2013 and in February 2015 the Board agreed to move to being an independent entity for the next round of Government funding in accordance with Committee for Ballarat’s agreement with the State Government.


at 30 June 2015

Chair: Amanda Hennessy (Leadership Great South Coast) Members: Kim Scanlon (Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program), Amanda McClaren (Fairley Leadership, Goulburn Murray), Barry Rogers (Gippsland Community Leadership Program), Rosemary White (Leaders for Geelong), Sofia Fiusco (Leadership Ballarat + Western Region), Julie Slater (Community Leadership Loddon Murray), Jo Bourke (Leadership Wimmera), Cheryl Rix – until January 2015, Rod Robinson – March 2015 (Northern Mallee Leaders), Lisa Linton (Rivers and Ranges Community Leadership Program)

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements

To gain bi-partisan support for a further four years funding prior to State elections.

• Both sides of Government committed to another four years of funding prior to the elections, with the Labor Government committing to an increased amount of $2 million – an overall commitment of $8 million to the 10 regional community leadership programs and the State Secretariat.

To gain support for equal distribution of funds as well as realise a streamlined application process and agreements of new funding round.

• The VRCLP Board committed to equal distribution in February 2014 and this was reiterated once the funding announcement was made in February 2015. All programs realise the following benefits: 3:1 matching; ability to include in-kind support in acquittals; more streamlined and consistent agreements in place for this funding period.

To work towards gaining DGR status for each program’s use.

• Following the successful establishment of the state-wide donation account, we worked with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) to establish a sub-account for each CLP to use to apply for grants/donations that require DGR status.

To develop the ability for programs to have a VRCLP combined program day.

• Our inaugural combined program day was held in September 2014 – all 10 CLPs were represented with over 120 people in attendance including current participants, graduates and staff.

To hold the annual VRCLP conference.

• Over 30 delegates were in attendance at our annual member conference held in Shepparton – this year our theme was ‘Leading into Complex Futures’ where we planned for the future, held a panel discussion with representatives from corporate, philanthropic and government and explored the world of mindfulness.

To provide key support to the newly formed Rivers and Ranges CLP.

• RRCLP commenced their first program in July 2014 with 11 participants from diverse backgrounds graduating in June 2015.

• VRCLP facilitated RRCLP’s strategic planning day in 1Q 2015.

Annual VRCLP conference in Shepparton

in July 2014.

Proudly support by Regional Development Victoria

Supported by the State Government

RAHP Project

(Revitalising the ACU-Hospitals-Lake Wendouree Precinct)


A Committee for Ballarat Project

This project is focused on the development of an iconic health and education precinct will attract high-quality professionals to meet our future health and education needs. An enlivened health and education precinct has the capacity to reposition Ballarat and the region in the minds of prospective residents, businesses, investors, students and workers.

The ‘Health and Education Precinct’ covers the area around the Australian Catholic University’s Ballarat Campus, Ballarat Health Services, St John of God Hospital Ballarat, Ballarat Clarendon College’s Mair Street campus and the south-east area of Lake Wendouree.

Our Focus

1. Enabling development of this area as an iconic precinct so that it is highly attractive, liveable and commercially viable.

2. Embracing the benefits of accelerated growth in the health and education professions in this precinct as a major services hub for Ballarat and Greater Western Region.

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To contribute to the development of a Health and Education Precinct Structure Plan and that this be incorporated it into the Ballarat Strategy (CBD Revitalisation).

• The Ballarat Health and Education Precinct Structure Plan is now being developed by City of Ballarat with community engagement / stakeholder workshops conducted in June 2015. The PSP will guide future growth, development and investment from both the public and private sectors. It will build on existing studies including Council’s economic development strategy which positions Ballarat as Western Victoria’s regional centre for health and community services. It will also determine how could and should the precinct grow and develop in the future the PSP is being developed based on findings and recommendations emanating from Committee’s RAHP feasibility study prepared in 2013.

To seek funding from local and State Governments (Regional Development Victoria) for development of the Precinct Structure Plan.

• $150,000 in local government funding was secured for this work to be undertaken and City of Ballarat is proceeding with the design phase – being able to present a design and visually articulate the precinct will assist in mounting a compelling economic argument to secure further funding from the State Government.

To review the project’s exit strategies in February 2015.

• In February, the task team assessed whether it had met its objectives and it was agreed that the project continues so that we can ensure funding is obtained (see point above) and that the PSP development is assured.

To secure representation on Council’s Project Steering Committee to continue the focus on attracting and retaining health and education professionals.

• To support attraction and retention of professionals in this sector, City of Ballarat has now finalised and introduced its new ‘residence pack’ while continuing to engage through participation on the RAHP task team for key issues emanating from the development of the Precinct Structure Plan through the Co-Design Workshop process.

Our Work Community & Health


What’s Ahead

The Project Team will discuss the outputs of the Co-Design Workshop (see below) and agree on key elements of the Precinct Structure Plan. A preliminary Ballarat Health and Education Precinct Presentation document outlining preliminary thoughts and ideas to come out of the workshop is available for public viewing and comment at…

Creating a Vision for the Health and Education Precinct

Co-Design Workshop to develop a Precinct Structure Plan

As a result of the findings and recommendations of a feasibility study conducted by Committee in 2013, City of Ballarat conducted a Co-Design Workshop on 16 and 17 June 2015 with key stakeholders and the community to assist Council in developing a Precinct Structure Plan for the Health and Education Precinct.

The area of influence in the precinct includes:

• The high quality residential neighbourhoods and tree-lined streetscapes.

• Linkages to the CBD, the railway station and Lake Wendouree precincts and the Queen Elizabeth Health Centre focused on Ascot Street.

• Resolving the successful connection to these above areas through defining the relationship between each of them and how this might be represented and strengthened.

• Linkages need to take into consideration all modes of transport.

Vision and Structure Plan Currently, forecast growth, development and redevelopment in the study area are not guided by a ‘vision’ of the future precinct. This can lead to ad hoc development. The development of a vision and structure plan needs to reflect all uses and user groups and be endorsed for the purpose of collaborative planning and decision making.

Protecting the Neighbourhood Character Increasingly, traditionally residential properties are being converted into health and allied health facilities. This impacts traffic management, parking, residential character and sense of community. The reduction of 24-hour activity and ‘natural surveillance’ in streets has led to a perceived decrease in personal and community safety after business hours.

Land Use Diversity Lack of land use diversity and accommodation types makes it difficult to meet the demands of a local medical and educational workforce. This constrains workforce attraction and retention efforts.

Pedestrian Friendly Presently the ‘car is king’. To create a precinct that accommodates the many users safely will require the development of strong connections and friendly treatment of intersections that facilitate the safe and easy movement of pedestrians into, out of and around the area.

Alternative Transport The walking and cycling experience in Mair and Drummond Streets is particularly poor. More can be done to accommodate emerging and popular alternative forms of transport including public transport.

Place and Way Finding Part of creating a sense of place is not only the integration of public spaces with existing and new developments but also an easily recognised visual representation of the place. This includes way-finding mechanisms that facilitate easy and safe movement throughout the precinct.

Project Team at 30 June 2015

Chair: Michael Krieg (St John of God Ballarat Hospital) Members: Robert Burns (Ballarat Clarendon College), Ian Dreher (Regional Development Victoria), Joe Fleming (Australian Catholic University Ballarat Campus), Natalie Reiter (City of Ballarat), Andrew Rowe (Ballarat Health Services), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support Major Partners/Stakeholders: Ballarat Health Services, St John of God Ballarat Hospital, Australian Catholic University Ballarat Campus, Ballarat Clarendon College, City of Ballarat, Regional Development Victoria

Options: What could Mair Street become in the future?

Maximising eHealth Technology


A Committee for Ballarat Project

This project is looking at improving health outcomes, supporting patients and reducing demand on existing health infrastructure and services by looking at world-best practice in eHealth technology to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions for our region.

Our Focus

1. Exploring opportunities for using eHealth technology to improve delivery of heath services in our region.

2. Improving access to appropriate care when and where it is needed in our region and keeping it cost effective.

3. Reducing the demand on hospital services.

4. Improving the sharing of patient care information between care providers to improve the patient journey.

Our Performance 2014-15

Goals Achievements As a result of our advocacy and support we have played an influential role in the following…

To establish a working group. • A diverse task team and stakeholder group was established in December 2013 and engaged for a period of 18 months under the auspices of Committee and Grampians Medicare Local.

To identify areas of focus following the evaluation of the environmental scan on ‘How can technology improve the delivery of health services in the Grampians region?’

• Four key areas of focus have been identified and opportunities for implementing pilot programs are now being progressed:

- Aged Care: significant improvement could be made in the areas of transfer of care and medications

- Secure Messaging: there is scope for expansion in the use of eReferrals to allied health professionals and eReferrals from GP to specialist and GP to hospitals

- Telehealth: this opens up a range of opportunities for both healthcare professionals and patients – appropriate equipment, interoperability of systems and training are the keys to its success

- Training: should be confined to MeT projects in secure messaging and aged care – training in these areas would largely focus on change management.

Our Work Community & Health


What’s Ahead

As part of the Federal Government’s health care agenda, the Medicare Local model was replaced by Primary Health Care Network on 1 July 2015. Given our partnership with Grampians Medicare Local, the MeT project has been put on hold until October 2015. In the meantime we will hold discussions with the Western Victoria Primary Health Network to discuss our objectives and goals as well as the role they will play in the area of eHealth.

Regional eHealth Innovation – Continuing the Journey

A series of two business forums were conducted in 2014-15 to continue to promote and explore opportunities in this sector.

Telstra Health Division and Grampians Region Stakeholders Forum

This forum was co-hosted by Grampians Medicare Local and Committee for Ballarat who have a shared vision for improved patient outcomes and see the eHealth space as one avenue to achieve this which led to the formation of the MeT Project. The forum discussed several general issues of concern around eHealth in the region.

In December 2014, Committee for Ballarat and Grampians Medicare Local facilitated a Grampians Region forum with Telstra Health Division CEO, David Doolan and former State Government Minister, Bronwyn Pike. The forum brought together regional health professionals to hear Telstra’s plans for this growing Division of its operations following the acquisition of companies such as Argus Connect, TCM, iCare and Connecting Care which are all operating in our region. A key focus centred around practical issues such as product availability, interoperability and appropriate business processes.

Australian Information Industry eHealth Forum

Hosted by Committee for Ballarat in association with the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and Federation University Australia, a further forum was held in May 2015 focused on how different areas within the Australian Healthcare Industry are working to deliver best possible outcomes within funding and resource constraints. This included exploring common commitments to drive value for money from healthcare investments. Chair of the MeT Project Team Dr Helen Thompson introduced the work being done by the team and included key note addresses by Katerina Andronis, Director, Life Sciences and Health Care Industry, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Alison Hardacre, CEO and Co-Founder of HealthKit and winner of the 2013 Health Industry iAward and Kate Nolan, Director, Information Management at Ballarat Health Services.

Project Team at 30 June 2015

Chair: Dr Helen Thompson (Federation University Australia), George Fong (until Oct 2014) Members: Trevor Adem (Beaufort Skipton Health Services), Andrew McPherson (Grampians Medicare Local), Ross Davey (Argus Connect), George Fong (Lateral Plains P/L), Tanya Hahne (Grampians Medicare Local), Meredith Johnson (Grampians Medicare Local), Gary Layton (Royal Flying Doctor Service), Kate Nolan (Ballarat Health Services IT Director), Robyn Reeves (Ballarat Community Health), David Ryan (Grampians Health Alliance), Diane Sartori (St John of God Ballarat Hospital), Chris Scott (Wimmera Health Care), Pat Standen (Department of Health), Dr Helen Thompson (Federation University Australia), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support.

Andrew McPherson (Grampians Medicare Local), Bronwyn Pike

(Telstra Health Division) Committee CEO John


Our Members


Why become a member?

Membership provides the opportunity to make a real difference in our community. Members are given a voice in helping shape the future of Ballarat and region and securing sustainable prosperity and leaving a proud legacy for the generations to follow.

1. Thinking Ahead Members have the opportunity to contribute to discussions with key players on issues that affect our region and help envisage innovative ways to address them.

2. Influence Members have the opportunity to influence decisions about future developments in the region by getting involved in strategic discussions and projects.

3. Leadership Members belong to a group of leaders who willingly pools their knowledge and experience to drive positive change in our region. With this vital collective insight, Committee for Ballarat has become an indispensable source of advice to government.

Our Membership

Our membership is made up of most of the leading organisations from across the region, including local governments, large companies who have made a major investment in Ballarat and smaller businesses and individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

Benefits of Membership As well as having a voice and the opportunity to contribute to our work, members enjoy benefits such as member-only events such as Round Table Dinners, 1st Friday Breakfasts, the annual Chair’s Lunch and regular business events. They are also eligible to join the Connect Networking group (see page 52). A report on each of these can be found within the ‘Our Members’ section of this report.

Member Recruitment and Retention As part of our ongoing strategic focus on recruiting, we continued to engage in conversations with existing and potential members to reinforce our message.

Our Members Membership 45

Membership brings people together to work to be part of the solution and help create a better Ballarat and region.David Canny, Red Lion Hotel

Hear from our members on why they are involved with CfB and the benefit membership brings to their organisation

Alstom – Torben Fink-Jensen*

Ballarat Health Services - Andrew Rowe*

Central Highlands Water – Paul O’Donohue*

City of Ballarat – Cr John Philips*

Federation University - Prof Todd Walker*

Mars Chocolate Australia – Jeremy Cowan*

Sovereign Hill – Prof Terry Lloyd*

St John of God Hospital, Ballarat – Michael Krieg*


Adroit Insurance Group – Steven Coltman

Ararat Rural City Council – Andrew Evans

Australian Catholic University - Joe Fleming

Avis Ballarat - Darren Rix

Ballarat Basketball Association Inc – Peter Eddy

Ballarat Clarendon College - Robert Burns

Ballarat Grammar - Peter Hunt

Ballarat Holden - Chris Alizzi

Ballarat Oncology & Haematology Services

- Prof George Kannourakis

Ballarat Regional Tourism – George Sossi

Ballarat Regional Industries – Cliff Barclay

Ballarat Turf Club – Lachlan McKenzie

Bank of Melbourne – Elees Pabst

Bendigo Bank - Luke Rieniets*

BJT Legal - Stephen Byrne*

Bolton’s Office National – Alex Campbell

Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd – Toni Griffith

CE Bartlett Pty Ltd - Keith Bartlett

Colliers International – David Wright

Craig's Royal Hotel - John Finning

Dennis Family Homes - Peter Martin

Eclipse Ford - Gerald Meagher

Eureka Concrete - Troy Beaston

Findlay Engineering – Chris Findlay

FMP Group - Graeme Dixon

Foley Wilson & Co - Brendan Foley

G Gay & Co Home Hardware - David Gay

Goldacres Trading – Roger Richards

Golden Plains Shire Council - Rod Nicholls

Grampians Medicare Local – Andrew McPherson

Haymes Paint - Rodney Walton*

Heinz & Partners - Graham Hills

Hepburn Shire Council – Aaron van Egmond

Integra Land – Nick Grylewicz

JK Personnel – Jennifer Kelly

Lake Imaging - John Livingston

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd – David Matthey

M.A.D.E – Jane Smith

MaxiTrans Australia Pty Ltd - Paul Buttler

Mulcahy & Co Accounting Services - James Mulcahy

National Australia Bank – Matt McCabe

Nicholson Construction – Richard Nicholson

North Ballarat Football Club - Mark Patterson

Novotel Forest Resort Pty Ltd – Jessie Sheehan

People @ Work & Gforce – Michelle Williams

Powercor Australia – Richard Scholten

PRD Jens Gaunt - Neil Jens & Brenden Barclay

Pyrenees Shire Council – Jim Nolan

Radio Ballarat - John Fitzgibbon

Ray White Ballarat - Trevor Booth & Phillip Lee

Red Lion Hotel – David Canny

RSM Bird Cameron - Daryl Powell

Sargeant Transport Pty Ltd – Glen Walker

SED Consulting - Tony Irish

Sixty-One Design – Stefan Batstra

Telstra Country Wide - Bill Mundy*

Telstra Shop - Simon Gilbert

TGM Group - Andrew Harman

The Courier – Eugene Duffy

The Forge Pizzeria – Tim Matthews

Toll Express – John Rudden

UFS Dispensaries - Lynne McLennan*

UGL Rail – Bill Gitsham*

WDEA Employment – Angela Harris

WM Flynn Pty Ltd - Peter Flynn

YMCA Ballarat Inc – Colin Hunt


Tony Chew

Peta Clark

Samantha Davies

Janet Dore*

Robert Hook

Doug Lloyd

Jen Pollard

Judy Verlin AM*

Scott Williams*


* Board Member # Associate Member

June 2015

Ballarat Community Health – Robyn Reeves

Mercure Ballarat – Iain Gunn

bankmecu Limited –Paul Tant

BGT Employment – Garry Doyle

Harwood Andrews Lawyers – Don Robinson

J G King Building Group – John King*

McDonald’s Family Restaurant – Laurie Nigro

Selkirk Group of Companies – Jock Selkirk

SkillsPlus & BRACE – Sue Cattermole


AICD – Joe Beatty#

Australian Industry Group – Jim Dannock#

Appleseed Consulting Pty Ltd - Ron Selkirk

Ballarat Agricultural & Pastoral Society – Gerard Ballinger

Bold Communication - Liz Crothers

Commerce Ballarat – Jodie Gillett#

Cultivate Agribusiness – Lisa Kendal#

Designscope – Kim Percy & Morgan Williams

Elmstone Property Group – Stuart Benjamin

Fenix Performance Solutions – Stewart Howe

Inspire HQ - Angela Connor

Kaufmann Property Consultants - Mike Kaufmann

ODP Associates – Nick Beale

Premier PR - Joanna Stevens

VECCI – Joe Agius#

Vicwest Community Telco – Chris Prehn


HONORARY Prof David James

List of Members, June 201546 Our Members

List of Members

At 30 June 2015. To view the current list of members go to

Alstom – Torben Fink-Jensen*

Ballarat Health Services - Andrew Rowe*

Central Highlands Water – Paul O’Donohue*

City of Ballarat – Cr John Philips*

Federation University - Prof Todd Walker*

Mars Chocolate Australia – Jeremy Cowan*

Sovereign Hill – Prof Terry Lloyd*

St John of God Hospital, Ballarat – Michael Krieg*


Adroit Insurance Group – Steven Coltman

Ararat Rural City Council – Andrew Evans

Australian Catholic University - Joe Fleming

Avis Ballarat - Darren Rix

Ballarat Basketball Association Inc – Peter Eddy

Ballarat Clarendon College - Robert Burns

Ballarat Grammar - Peter Hunt

Ballarat Holden - Chris Alizzi

Ballarat Oncology & Haematology Services

- Prof George Kannourakis

Ballarat Regional Tourism – George Sossi

Ballarat Regional Industries – Cliff Barclay

Ballarat Turf Club – Lachlan McKenzie

Bank of Melbourne – Elees Pabst

Bendigo Bank - Luke Rieniets*

BJT Legal - Stephen Byrne*

Bolton’s Office National – Alex Campbell

Castlemaine Goldfields Ltd – Toni Griffith

CE Bartlett Pty Ltd - Keith Bartlett

Colliers International – David Wright

Craig's Royal Hotel - John Finning

Dennis Family Homes - Peter Martin

Eclipse Ford - Gerald Meagher

Eureka Concrete - Troy Beaston

Findlay Engineering – Chris Findlay

FMP Group - Graeme Dixon

Foley Wilson & Co - Brendan Foley

G Gay & Co Home Hardware - David Gay

Goldacres Trading – Roger Richards

Golden Plains Shire Council - Rod Nicholls

Grampians Medicare Local – Andrew McPherson

Haymes Paint - Rodney Walton*

Heinz & Partners - Graham Hills

Hepburn Shire Council – Aaron van Egmond

Integra Land – Nick Grylewicz

JK Personnel – Jennifer Kelly

Lake Imaging - John Livingston

McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd – David Matthey

M.A.D.E – Jane Smith

MaxiTrans Australia Pty Ltd - Paul Buttler

Mulcahy & Co Accounting Services - James Mulcahy

National Australia Bank – Matt McCabe

Nicholson Construction – Richard Nicholson

North Ballarat Football Club - Mark Patterson

Novotel Forest Resort Pty Ltd – Jessie Sheehan

People @ Work & Gforce – Michelle Williams

Powercor Australia – Richard Scholten

PRD Jens Gaunt - Neil Jens & Brenden Barclay

Pyrenees Shire Council – Jim Nolan

Radio Ballarat - John Fitzgibbon

Ray White Ballarat - Trevor Booth & Phillip Lee

Red Lion Hotel – David Canny

RSM Bird Cameron - Daryl Powell

Sargeant Transport Pty Ltd – Glen Walker

SED Consulting - Tony Irish

Sixty-One Design – Stefan Batstra

Telstra Country Wide - Bill Mundy*

Telstra Shop - Simon Gilbert

TGM Group - Andrew Harman

The Courier – Eugene Duffy

The Forge Pizzeria – Tim Matthews

Toll Express – John Rudden

UFS Dispensaries - Lynne McLennan*

UGL Rail – Bill Gitsham*

WDEA Employment – Angela Harris

WM Flynn Pty Ltd - Peter Flynn

YMCA Ballarat Inc – Colin Hunt


Tony Chew

Peta Clark

Samantha Davies

Janet Dore*

Robert Hook

Doug Lloyd

Jen Pollard

Judy Verlin AM*

Scott Williams*


* Board Member # Associate Member

June 2015

Ballarat Community Health – Robyn Reeves

Mercure Ballarat – Iain Gunn

bankmecu Limited –Paul Tant

BGT Employment – Garry Doyle

Harwood Andrews Lawyers – Don Robinson

J G King Building Group – John King*

McDonald’s Family Restaurant – Laurie Nigro

Selkirk Group of Companies – Jock Selkirk

SkillsPlus & BRACE – Sue Cattermole


AICD – Joe Beatty#

Australian Industry Group – Jim Dannock#

Appleseed Consulting Pty Ltd - Ron Selkirk

Ballarat Agricultural & Pastoral Society – Gerard Ballinger

Bold Communication - Liz Crothers

Commerce Ballarat – Jodie Gillett#

Cultivate Agribusiness – Lisa Kendal#

Designscope – Kim Percy & Morgan Williams

Elmstone Property Group – Stuart Benjamin

Fenix Performance Solutions – Stewart Howe

Inspire HQ - Angela Connor

Kaufmann Property Consultants - Mike Kaufmann

ODP Associates – Nick Beale

Premier PR - Joanna Stevens

VECCI – Joe Agius#

Vicwest Community Telco – Chris Prehn


HONORARY Prof David James

We were delighted to welcome the following new members in 2014-15.

At 30 June 2015. To view the current list of members go to

New Members

Corporate Gold

Ballarat Community Health – Robyn Reeves (Certificate accepted by Trent Loader)


WDEA Employment – Angela Harris

Ballarat Basketball Association Inc – Peter Eddy (certificate accepted by David Stuchberry)

People & Work & Gforce – Michelle Williams

Findlay Engineering – Chris Findlay

Small Business

Elmstone Property Group – Stuart Benjamin

Inspire HQ – Angela Connor

Ballarat Agricultural & Pastoral Society – Gerard Ballinger


AICD – Joe Beatty

Australian Industry Group – Jim Dannock

Commerce Ballarat – Jodie Gillett

Cultivate Agribusiness – Lisa Kendal


Peta Clark

Samantha Davies

Robert Hook (renewed)

Tony Chew (renewed)

Doug Lloyd (renewed)

Jen Pollard

47Our Members New Members

Chair’s Lunch


”Round Table Dinners are our signature event and feature a keynote address by one of Australia’s most prominent leaders.

Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson Monday 18 May 2015 Sovereign Hill

Around 40 Executive Members and their guests attended this annual lunch at Sovereign Hill. Senator Ronaldson delivered an emotional address to attendees about the spirit of ANZAC.

Round Table Dinners

RoundTableDinnersareabenefitofmembershipandhavebecomeamust-attendeventontheBallarat calendar. We are proud of the high-calibre speakers we have attracted for our members. Drawnfromawiderangeofbackgrounds,theyareexpertsintheirfieldwhodeliverengagingandthought-provoking addresses. These dinners also provide a great opportunity for members and their guests to network with peers, gain and exchange ideas, extend their lateral thinking and generate business interactions.

The Value of our Equine Industry in the Region The Payne Family Thursday 13 November 2014 Sponsored by:

This special RTD was held in at the Ballarat Turf Club and featured iconic local racing family, the Payne family and MC Rob Gaylard. In the lead up to the Ballarat Cup this provided members and guests with a rare opportunity to hear from members of the family who helped make racing what it is in our region. We celebrated the region’s increasingly important equine industry which contributes more than $59 million annually to the local economy and employs more than 2,100 people. A backyard success story with their beginnings in Miners Rest, the centre of our region’s equine industry, the Payne family has had considerable success over many years with well over 2,000 wins and 8 out of 10 children involved in the industry as jockeys, trainers and strappers. Michelle has been dubbed the leading female rider in Victoria and is currently in career-best form.

100 Years of ANZAC Corporal Mark Donaldson VC Thursday 26 March 2015 Mercure Ballarat Sponsored by:

We commemorated the anniversary of 100 years since the Gallipoli landings with a very special Round Table Dinner. Members and guests heard from our special keynote speaker Corporal Mark Donaldson VC who spoke passionately about the ANZACs from WW1 and how the spirit of ANZAC lives on in all who serve today. Corporal Donaldson enlisted in the Australian Army in 2002 and as part of the Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment he was deployed on operations to East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. An incident in Afghanistan led to him being awarded the Victoria Cross, Australia’s highest military honour for an act of bravery in wartime. MC Bruce Roberts welcomed over 180 members and their guests. The evening featured members from the 8th/7th Battalion, the Royal Victoria Regiment, the local Australian Army Cadets and RSL Ballarat as well as the Federation University Pipe and Drum Band.

Our Members Events

Chair’s Lunch


Level 4, 17 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat 3350 • PO Box 743 Ballarat 3353

P 03 5332 1240 • E admin@committeeforballarat.comR und Table


100 years of ANZAC

Committee for Ballarat

R und TableDINNER

1st Friday Breakfasts


During the year we invite a small group of our members to meet informally over breakfast with Committee Chair Judy Verlin AM and CEO John Kilgour. The aim is to update members on Committee activities, build stronger relationships among members and provide networking opportunities with the discussion focusing on successes and challenges.

Regular 1st Friday Breakfasts Breakfasts were held on: 5 September 2014 and 6 March 2015.

Bank of Melbourne Business Forum Breakfast Mike Day, Founding Partner Roberts Day Friday 12 December 2014 Craig’s Royal Hotel

This forum brought together Committee members and guests together to hear about the critical issues that will support the delivery of key projects enabling long-term social and economic growth in Ballarat and the greater region. Mike Day is leading expert who has been responsible for delivering an array of urban renewal projects and new towns throughout Australia, New Zealand and the UAE. Mike shared his views on Ballarat’s vision for 2040, the Preliminary Ballarat Strategy and proposed works. He was excited about the excellent broad vision for Ballarat and presented an array of ideas and opportunities to bring this through to reality. We aknowledge and thank Bank of Melbourne for their sponsorship of this event.

Roberts Day is a renowned Planning, Design and Place Consultancy.

Ballarat West Employment Zone (BWEZ) Project Briefing Major Projects Victoria and City of Ballarat Friday 6 February 2015 Craig’s Royal Hotel

Committee for Ballarat facilitated a Breakfast Briefing attended by 65 members and guests where Major Projects Victoria (the developer) and City of Ballarat provided an update on theBWEZ Project, including the expressions of interest process following the Stage 1 release of up to 60.1 hectares of land.

To read more about the BWEZ Project go to

Our Members Events


New Brand Launch and Cabaret Show

7 October 2014

Following a detailed brand strategy review process we launched our new brand in style at the Spiegeltent in Ballarat…

To read more, go to page 2

State Election Forum Ripon Candidates (Ararat)

28 October 2014

This forum provided a great opportunity for members to hear directly from the Ripon Candidates on their election platform in tackling the key issues and challenges confronting the region…

To read more go to ‘Our Work’ page 11

Key Issues Workshop

22 May 2015

At our annual Key Issues Workshop we asked members to identify their top three ‘key issues’ and we then workshopped actions to move these issues forward...

To read more, go to ‘How we Work’ page 11

Regional eHealth innovation forum

12 May 2015

This forum was hosted by Committee for Ballarat in association with the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and Federation University Australia…

To read more, go to ‘Maximising eHealth Technology’ on page 43

Draft Budget and Council Plan Luncheon Briefing

With City of Ballarat

5 June 2015

This luncheon provided members with the opportunity to hear from City of Ballarat Mayor Cr John Philips about the Draft Budget and Council Plan.

Budget 2015/16









Connect Networking

Our Focus Our focus is to increase the knowledge and skills of office professionals so that they are better equipped to provide increased levels of support to business executives and their organisations. Benefits of membership include personal and professional development opportunities, information sharing, increasing knowledge/awareness (particularly of organisations, projects and activities in Ballarat and the region) and networking.

Funding has been allocated in the 2015-16 Budget for continued support of the group.

Judy Verlin AM Appointed as Patron of Connect Networking Connect Networking was delighted that Judy Verlin AM accepted our invitation to be Patron of the association. Judy is an outstanding role model for Connect Networking members. She has had an illustrious career and is extremely active in the broader community. Following more than ten years in local government, including periods as Mayor of City of Ballarat, Judy was appointed Chair of Committee for Ballarat in October 2012. In January 2013 Judy was made a member of the Order of Australia (AM) for her significant service to the Ballarat community and later that year was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Ballarat (now Federation University, Ballarat) for her service to the Ballarat community.

Membership Member organisations currently participating in Connect Networking: Ararat Rural City Council, Ballarat Health Services, Ballarat Regional Tourism, Bendigo Bank, BGT Employment, BJT Legal, CE Bartlett Pty Ltd, Central Highlands Water, City of Ballarat, Federation University Australia, Foley Wilson & Co, Grampians Medicare Local, Hardwood Andrews Lawyers, Heinz & Partners, Inspire HQ. Kaufmann Property Consultants, Lake Imaging, Mars Chocolate, MaxiTRANS Australia, Nicholson Construction, Pyrenees Shire Council, Ray White Ballarat, RSM Bird Cameron, St John of God Hospital Ballarat, SED Consulting, Sovereign Hill, UFS Dispensaries

We welcome interest from other Committee member organisations.

Activities in 2014-15 “B Savvy” – Presenter Dana Lunn (Harwood Andrews) provided an update on IT communication tools and file storage, including a range of applications that could be used in the workplace.

Surviving the Christmas Season – Guest speaker Damien Adler, Psychologist and Director of Mind Life Clinic, presented a practical approach to managing stress and the vital importance this has on health and wellbeing.

In the Swim – A site visit to the Ballarat Lifestyle and Aquatic Centre provided Connect Networking members with the opportunity to understand the processes involved with the pool construction as well as learn more about the role that the YMCA plays in our regional community.

My Leadership Journey – Sharon Knight MP shared her inspiring personal journey from young mum to State Parliamentarian, highlighting the importance of community leadership.

Planning Committee Convenor: Gayle Adams (Committee for Ballarat) Members: Anne McConnell (St John of God Ballarat Hospital), Glenys Foy (City of Ballarat), Tracey Rayner (Nicholson Construction), Susan Scott (Federation University Australia), Faye Shepperson (Grampians Medicare Local)

To read more about Connect Networking go to …

52 Our Members Connect Networking

The Connect Networking group on a site visit at the new 50 metre pool in Ballarat.

An association for office professionals from Committee for Ballarat member organisations.



BoardAt 30 June 2015

Governance Board

”Youcan’tbuytheskills and knowledge that sit around our Board table. Chair Judy Verlin AM

Scott Williams LBWR Committee Chair

The following Board Members retired during the year and we thank them for their valued contribution to Committee: Professor David Battersby AM, Steven Coltman, Tony Stone and Greg Veal.

Torben Fink-Jensen Alstom Transport

John King JG King Building Group

Judy Verlin AM Chair

Janet Dore Chair Elect


Lynne McLennan Deputy Chair

UFS Dispensaries

Bill Mundy Telstra Country Wide

Michael Krieg St John of God Hospital Ballarat

Luke Rieniets Bendigo Bank

Prof Terry Lloyd Sovereign Hill

Prof Todd Walker Federation University

Stephen Byrne BJT Legal

Andrew Rowe Ballarat Health Services

Paul O’Donohue Central Highlands Water

Cr John Philips Mayor, City of Ballarat

Rodney Walton Haymes Paint

Jeremy Cowan Mars Chocolate Australia

Bill Gitsham UGL Rail

Thank You


At 30 June 2015

Board sub-committees

FARM (Finance, Audit & Risk Management) Committee

This committee provides advice to the Board on all matters related to finance, statutory reporting, audits and risk management to ensure Committee meets its responsibilities in these areas.

Chair: Luke Rieniets (Bendigo Bank) Members: Stephen Byrne (BJT Legal), Graeme Dixon (FMP Group), Brendan Foley (Foley Wilson & Co), Robert Hook (Community Member), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint) Observers: Sandra Campbell (RSM Bird Cameron), Lynne McLennan (Deputy Chair Committee for Ballarat), Judy Verlin AM (Chair Committee for Ballarat), Scott Williams (Chair LBWR Committee), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Sofia Fiusco (EO LBWR), RSM Bird Cameron, Secretariat Support

Governance Committee

This committee ensures that the Board is performing at optimal levels, engaging and involving its members and planning for leadership succession.

Chair: Judy Verlin AM (Chair Committee for Ballarat) Members: Lynne McLennan (UFS Dispensaries), Paul O’Donohue (Central Highlands Water), Don Robinson (Harwood Andrews Lawyers), Greg Veal (bankmecu), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support

MAC (Membership & Communications) Committee

This committee provides advice to the Board on attracting and retaining a broad membership base and communicating effectively about Committee’s work.

Chair: John King (JG King Building Group) Members: Liz Crothers (Bold Communication), Phillip Lee (Ray White Ballarat), Tony Stone, Judy Verlin AM (Chair Committee for Ballarat), John Kilgour (CEO Committee for Ballarat), Committee for Ballarat Secretariat Support

LBWR (Leadership Ballarat + Western Region) Committee

This committee oversees the strategic development of LBWR including program content and delivery and active citizenship activities undertaken by the program alumni, Leaders in Action.

Chair: Scott Williams (Scott Williams Consulting) Members: Gayle Boschert (LBWR 2007, Grampians Regional Health), Angela Carey (LBWR 2006, Fairfax Media), Tony Chew (Learning Partner), Cassie Lindsey (LBWR 2009, Women’s Health Grampians), Kay Macaulay (Australian Industry Group), Bobby Mehta (LBWR 2012, UFS Dispensaries), Norman Prueter (LBWR 2012, Pyrenees Shire), Nicole Roberts (LBWR 2011, Sovereign Hill), Rodney Walton (Haymes Paint: Ex-Officio CfB), John Kilgour (CEO, Committee for Ballarat: Ex-Officio CfB) and Sofia Fiusco (EO, LBWR)


Financial Performance


Committee for Ballarat IncorporatedFinancial Report

As at 30 June 2015


Statement by Members of the Committee 59

Income Statement 60

Balance Sheet 60

Statement of Changes in Equity 61

Statement of Cash Flows 61

Notes to the Financial Statements 62

Detailed Income Statement 66

Statement by Members of the Committee


1. PresentsatrueandfairviewofthefinancialpositionoftheCommitteeforBallaratIncorporatedasat 30 June 2015 and its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards, mandatory professional reporting requirements and other pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board.

2. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Committee for Ballarat Incorporated will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

3. The Committee for Ballarat Incorporated has operated in accordance with its rules and the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Committee and is signed for and on behalf of the Committee by:

Chairman – Judy Verlin AM

Secretary – John Kilgour

Signed at 15 September 2015 At Ballarat






Revenues from Ordinary Activities 2 1,239,576 1,180,648

Expenses from Ordinary Activities 3 (1,224,392) (1,085,567)

NetProfitfromOrdinaryActivities 15,184 95,081




Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 4 857,072 960,236

Receivables 5 290,003 396,651

Other Current Assets 6 2,084 -

Total Current Assets 1,149,159 1,356,887

Non-Current Assets

Property, Plant and Equipment 7 31,008 21,172

Total Non-Current Assets 31,008 21,172

Total Assets 1,180,167 1,378,059

Current Liabilities

Payables 8 78,084 77,413

Tax Liabilities 9 13,382 27,211

Employee Entitlements 25,636 19,005

Income in advance 417,768 629,817

Scholarship Funds 33,588 28,889

Total Current Liabilities 568,458 782,335

Non-Current Liabilities

Employee Entitlements 4,758 3,957

Total Non Current Liabilities 4,758 3,957

Total Liabilities 573,216 786,292

Net Assets 606,951 591,767

Members’ Funds

RetainedProfits 606,951 591,767

Total Members’ Funds 606,951 591,767


Income Statement

Balance Sheet


As at 30 June 2015




Total Equity at the Beginning of the year 591,767 496,686

Profitfortheyear 15,184 95,081

TotalEquityattheEndoftheYear 606,951 591,767





Receipts from Customers 1,235,985 1,160,546

Payments to Suppliers (1,351,103) (1,157,984)

Interest Received 35,063 30,872

Interest Paid (1,692) (1,111)

Cashflowsprovidedbyoperatingactivities 10 (81,747) 32,323


Proceeds from sale of equipment 545 -

Payments for Property, Plant & Equipment (21,962) (482)

(21,417) (482)

Net increase in cash held (103,164) 31,841

Cash held at the beginning of the year 960,236 928,395

Cash held at the end of the year 4 857,072 960,236


Statement of Changes in Equity

Statement of Cash Flows





Notes to the Financial Statements


Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

a) Basis of Presentation.

Thisfinancialreportisaspecialpurposefinancialreportpreparedinordertosatisfythefinancialreportingrequirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Victoria). The Committee has determined that the Association is not a reporting entity.

Thefinancialreporthasbeenpreparedonanaccrualsbasisand is based on historic costs and does not take into account changingmoneyvaluesor,exceptwherestatedspecifically,current valuations of non-current assets.

Thefollowingsignificantaccountingpolicies,whichareconsistent with the previous period unless stated otherwise, havebeenadoptedinthepreparationofthisfinancialreport.


b) Income Tax.

The Association has prepared its income tax returns by reference to the application of the principle of mutuality to the revenue and expenses of the Committee. The principle of mutuality is a common law principle arising from the premisethatindividualscannotprofitfromthemselves.Accordingly, receipts from members are deemed to be mutual income and not subject to income tax. Expenses in connection with mutual activities are therefore not deductible for taxation purposes. All other receipts and paymentsareclassifiedinaccordancewithtaxationlegislation.

c) Property, Plant and Equipment.

Officeequipmentiscarriedatcostless,whereapplicable,any accumulated depreciation.

Thecarryingamountoffixedassetsisreviewedannuallybymembers of the Committee to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount of these assets.

The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of expected netcashflowswhichwillbereceivedfromtheasset’semployment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cashflowshavenotbeendiscountedtotheirpresentvaluesin determining the recoverable amounts.

Thedepreciationamountofallfixedassetsaredepreciatedover the useful lives of the assets to the Association commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use.


d) Revenue.

Revenue is accounted for on an accrual basis when it is earned.

e) For the purposes of the balance sheet, statement of cash flows,cashincludescashonhandandinbanksandtermdeposit investments.

f) Leadership Ballarat and Western Region received some in-kind payments during the year from sponsors which are notreflectedintheaccounts.Thiswaswithrespecttocatering, guest speakers, learning partners and room hire on those program days and it is estimated that there was $67,620 of in-kind payments made to the organisation for thefinancialyear.

g) Funding in Advance includes memberships for the 2015-16 financialyearandalsograntsthatrelatetothe2015-16financialyearfortheLBWRprogram.

h) DuringthefinancialyeartheCommitteereceiveddonationsto Peter Davies Scholarship Fund amounting to the value of $8,150.

i) Auspiced funding represents funding that was received by the organisation which was subsequently paid to the relevant organisations as part of the funding agreement.

Note 2 Revenue

Note 3 Profit from Ordinary Activities

Note 4 Cash Assets

2015 $

2014 $

Operating Activities

Memberships/Course Fees 583,437 637,292

Grant Funding 372,050 389,898

Auspiced Funding 116,110 -

Sponsorships 49,273 57,550

Other Income 83,643 65,036

1,204,513 1,149,776

Non-Operating Revenue

Interest Received 35,063 30,872

35,063 30,872

Total Revenue 1,239,576 1,180,648

2015 $

2014 $

Expenses include:

Depreciation 9,216 9,311

Doubtful Debts (14,225) 14,225

Salary & Wage Expenditure 545,715 555,406

2015 $

2014 $

Cash at Bank – Committee for Ballarat 168,262 246,457

Investment Accounts 565,749 553,865

Online bank accounts 1,207 -

Cash at Bank 66 67

CashatBank–YAEProject - 2,815

Cash at Bank – VRCLPS 121,788 157,032

857,072 960,236



Note 5 Receivables

Note 6 Other Current Assets

Note 7 Property Plant and Equipment

2015 $

2014 $

Trade Debtors 290,003 410,876

Less Provision for Doubtful Debts - (14,225)

290,003 396,651

2015 $

2014 $

Prepaid expenditure – Rental Bond 2,084 -

2,084 -

2015 $

2014 $

Leasehold Improvements 19,967 -

Less Accumulated Depreciation (2,496) -

17,471 -

OfficeEquipment 70,493 87,833

Less Accumulated Depreciation (56,956) (66,661)

13,537 21,172

31,008 21,172

Movements in carrying value

Balance at beginning of year 21,172 30,001

Additions 21,962 482

Depreciation Expenses (9,216) (9,311)

Written down value of assets disposed of (2,910) -

Closing balance at end of year 31,008 21,172

Note 8 Payables

Note 9 Tax Liabilities

Note 10 Cash Flow Information

2015 $

2014 $

Credit Card 2,565 3,049

Sundry Creditors 75,519 74,364

78,084 77,413

2015 $

2014 $

GST Payable and other tax payables 13,382 27,211

13,382 27,211

2015 $

2014 $

Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to

Operating surplus 15,184 95,081


Depreciation 9,216 9,311

Doubtful Debts (14,225) 14,225

Loss on sale of assets 2,365 -

Changes in assets and liabilities

Decrease/(Increase) in Receivables 120,873 (61,909)

(Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments (2,084) 1,477

(Decrease) Income in Advance (212,049) (28,684)

Increase in Creditors 671 9,987

(Decrease) in GST Payable (13,829) (8,319)

Increase (Decrease) in Employee Entitlements 7,432 (2,645)

Increase in Scholarship Funds 4,699 3,799

Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities (81,747) 32,323

Note 11 Events Subsequent to Balance Date

As part of the new funding arrangement the VRCLP were required to establish a separate legal entity for the organisation. Per the original agreementthefirstroundofgrantfundingreceivedfromthegovernmentwouldbeauspicedbytheCommitteeforBallarat.Asatthe1stJuly2015theVRCLPwillbeoperatingasastandalonelegalentity,assuchtheywilltakeoverallaspectsoftheirfinanceoperationssuchthatallrevenues,expensesandcashatbankwillnolongerberecordedinthefinancialrecordsoftheCommitteeforBallarat.



2015 $

2014 $


Members' subscriptions

- Executive 155,800 198,695

- Corporate Gold 53,400 55,420

- Corporate 230,975 215,390

- Small Business 19,258 22,055

Sponsorships 49,273 57,550

Auspiced Funding 116,110 -

Funding Grants 372,050 365,000

Round Table 12,682 16,107

Course Fees 124,004 145,732

Interest – Bank 35,063 30,872

YAEFunding - 24,898

Leadership Dinner 2,691 7,427

Sundry Income 68,270 41,502

1,239,576 1,180,648


Accounting 21,200 25,100

Advertising 19,073 5,574

Advocacy Costs 622 8,006

Annual Report 5,389 5,442

Audit Report 5,320 4,550

Auspiced Funding 106,759 -

Bank charges 702 741

Brand Strategy 15,677 20,953

Catering 6,405 7,314

Chair and related expenses 15,660 10,067

Consulting Fees 34,703 30,330

Conferences and seminars 17,198 5,090

Depreciation 9,216 9,311

Doubtful Debts (14,225) 14,225

Employee Entitlements 7,431 (2,646)

Detailed Income Statement


2015 $

2014 $

Graduation/Leadership Dinner 16,170 16,355

Insurance 6,558 16,368

LBWR Retreats (opening and closing) 25,148 19,832

Legal Costs 3,424 667

LIA Expenses 10,226 9,254

Lossonsaleoffixedassets 2,365 -

Meeting & Conference Costs 17,069 18,696

Member Informal Meetings 3,411 -

OfficeSupplies&Stationery 6,322 13,440

Participant Assessments and Coaching - 2,000

Payroll Tax 4,906 -

Postage 2,050 2,275

ProgramDinner/10YearCelebration 11,328 4,762

Project Development:

- Community Events 15,967 32,142

- Ballarat West Growth Zone - 90

- Revitalising ACU-Hospital-Lake Precinct - 7,532

- Maximising eHealth Technology 699 274

- Brand Ballarat 7,000 -

- Fast Track Ballarat 162 -

- Key Issues 1,636 11,746

- Connect Networking 3,592 3,652

- VRCLP 4,545 -


- Peter Davies Scholarship 5,050 1,111

- Peter Doherty Award 880 -

Recruitment Costs 5,445 1,643

Relocation Costs 8,372 -

Rent-Office 53,384 49,912

Repairs & Maintenance 20,756 15,593

Room Hire 9,428 3,967

Round Table Dinners 73,775 78,856

Salaries & Wages inc Superannuation 545,715 555,406

Speaker Fees & Expenses 5,893 8,367

Subscriptions 7,254 4,155



2015 $

2014 $

Sundry Expenses 8,143 6,194

Telephone 14,738 16,703

Travelling Expenses 47,280 34,552

Website Expenses 10,330 1,878

YAEProgramCosts - (1,553)

VRCLPS Expenses 14,241 5,641

1,224,392 1,085,567

NetProfitforYear 15,184 95,081


Crowe Horwath West Vic is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a Swiss verein. Each member of Crowe Horwath is a separate and independent legal entity. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation other than for the acts or omission of financial services licensees.

Independent Auditor’s Report to the members of Committee for Ballarat Inc.

Report on the financial report

We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a special purpose financial report, of Committee for Ballarat Inc. (the Association), which comprises the balance sheet as at 30 June 2015, the income statement, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, and the certification by members of the committee on the annual statements giving a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the association.

The committee’s responsibility for the financial report

The Committee of Committee for Ballarat Inc. is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial report, and has determined that the basis of preparation described in Note 1, is appropriate to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic) and is appropriate to meet the needs of the members. The committee’s responsibility also includes such internal control as the committee determines is necessary to enable the preparation and fair presentation of a financial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those Standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the association’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial report, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the association’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In conducting our audit, we have complied with the independence requirements of Australian professional ethical pronouncements.



Auditor’s opinion

In our opinion, the financial report presents a true and fair view, in all material respects, the financial position of Committee for Ballarat Inc. as at 30 June 2015 and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the financial statements and the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic).

Basis of accounting and restriction on distribution

Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 1 to the financial statements, which describe the basis of accounting. The financial report has been prepared to assist Committee for Ballarat Inc. to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). As a result, the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose.



Ballarat Victoria Dated this 15th day of September 2015


Suite 6, Ballarat Tech Park Central, 106-110 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat 3350 • PO Box 743 Ballarat 3353

P 03 5332 1240 • E

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