comiparative biology of intracellular parasitism · a classification and terminology....

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MICROaIIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1985, p. 298-337 Vol. 49, No. 30146-0749/85/030298-40$02.00/0Copyright © 1985, American Society for Microbiology

Comiparative Biology of Intracellular ParasitismJAMES W. MOULDER

Department of Molecula'r Genetics and Cell Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637

INTRODUCTION.2.......o..................... ........ ooo.. ooo.o ..0oo.98ENTRY.300o.oo.o o0oo.... .0000004000.:.o. o o o.o~ooo..o.o... ... ...0

Classification and Termlinology of EntryMechanisms.300...o.. o .. .....

Modes of Entry... ..o....o . ,o .....300Bde .. 4..4.4.. ..00 ... 0. 04 000.0Mirsorda...cro.....sporidia.301..... 0.0....0..000.000. .... .... O4 ....:oo*0Malarial o..0000ooos ... 301T*ypanosomnacruzi.302..4 .......... ..o..4 .4 .... .---.o4 ....... o.oOShigellaflexneri.o..o...4000.............. -- ..oooss..a*....o. **o* ..302Rickettsiae ..302........... ... 00....... ..0 .....0 ........ o.o6 ........ *.......0*00*600Chlamydiae ....................................................... ..303

General Aspects of the Entry of Intracellular Parasites into Host Cells .................:eo.304Attachment of intracellular parasites to host cells......... ..... .........0...304Diver-sity of entry mechanisms.........................s.000404ooee.305Entry mechanisms in establishment of intracellular .o.oo.306

SURVIVAL ...306o o o - ..oo.oo . ... ooo.......o... ... .. .o.o ... 0How Host Cells Kill Parasites Intr'acellularly.,. .oo. ..o. .306Evasion of the Lethal Consequences of Phagosome-Lysosome Fusion...o. .o.o... ... .oooo.oo.o306

Adaptation to a host cell without lysosomes ...o.oo.oooo.ooooob.. .oo-o-o.. ....306Escape m h paosm......from........o..thephagosome..306.....o.. 4o. OO ... oo ooO

T.. r z ........ ooo.ooocruzi.306o.o. .o .o. . . o . o.oooo.o.oooo.,o..o..o...o.o.0Riktsaickettsiae.306ooo.o .o . ooo. ..o.....o. .o.oooo o-ooo- o -oooo o.... 0

Resistance to lysosomalenzymes.-... o..oo . ....-o-o...oooooo-306Leishmanias.................. 0000000000O.0000..*. ..6--0-0-.. 0306Coxiellaburnetii.. . . .oo.-oo........o--o-o .ooooo.o ...o...307

Prevention of phagosome-Iysosome fusion..6.....oo...........oo-... o-iod ...o....-307M. psittaci ..o..ooooooooooooo....o.o.o.o.oooooooo.308Legionellapneumophila... --- ... o.oo-o.,,. ....... o.... .....309

Diversity of mechanisms for evading phagosome-lysosome fusion...i....-oooooooooo.......o.3, oooo . . o-o....- ... .o.o .o.o.o .o .oo.o .o o. .o..oo4Modes ofMu..ltipl..ication. .. .... ...309Bdellovibrios...... ...oooo..oooooo. oo309Coxiellaburnetii..... ..o..oooooooo..ooooo..o . .oo. .. .. .ooooo..ooooo. .... o. ..311Chlamydiae............. .... .... ..o.o.ooooooooo.o.o..o..oooooo.. o.. .312Malarial sts ..oo...parasites...312.o...o..o ..oo . .oo. oo. o o oo.o - o ........ 1

Ge~neral Aspects of the Multiplication .of Intracellular Parasites....oo..... oo. of host activities o.oooo..oo#oooo..oo.ioo . ......oo .-ooooooo.313Modfficatihn of host cell membranes. .........oo..o.... i.o ..314Regulation of onset and cessatilon of intracellular multiplication..................o..o.oooo314Synthesis of unique parasite constituents

PRESERVATION OF HOSTFUNCTION..............oooooo..oo.o316Preservation of Function in Acute Infection of Host Cells inCulture....316Preservation of Function in Persistent Infection of Host Cells in Culture..-.,-.........o ..o..o316

Coxiellab-...-urnetu.- o,o ..oo.oo ..oooooooo ...oo.316R. rickettsii....oo..oo.ooooo. . ooooooo-o. .... oooo-oo-oo-o.. ..316C. ..316Chiorella and H. .......iridis.."...o....'ooiooo'oo.......o..o,. -oo 317

Do Intracellular Parasites Really Preserve Host Cell Function?..,.......9 ooo.ooooooo 317RELEASE.317.....o.oo.. ..oo.. .......toooooo-ooooo.o.o-.oooooo.o.1

Patterns of Release.........o.ooooooo... -ooioo ....o.o.. bacteriovorus....o.....o.....oo.."oio. . o. i.a..'.317ooooo.o.o.*oooooooo.o....o. oooooo.. o ..o1C.---i---i- --I -318---I

Malarial parasites.............. 318


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General Aspects of Release............................................................................. 318Incomplete release ............................................................................ 318Modification of intracellular parasites at time of release ..........................................................318

TRANSIT............................................................................ 318Cell-to-Cell Transit............................................................................ 318

Transfer without intervention of an extracellular phase ...........................................................318Transfer via an extracellular phase ............................................................................. 319

Host-to-Host Transit ............................................................................ 319Adaptations that Facilitate Transit............................................................................ 320

Differentiation into specialized reproductive and infectious forms ..............................................320Utilization of arthropod vectors............................................................................ 320Other adaptations ............................................................................ 320

EVOLUTION OF INTRACELLULAR PARASITISM ..................................................................321Convergence and Divergence Among Intracellular Parasites ........................................................321

Convergence ............................................................................ 321Divergence ............................................................................ 321

Transition from Extracellular to Intracellular Life ....................................................................321Possibility of large evolutionary jumps............................................................................ 321Possibility of gradual adaptation............................................................................ 321Relatives of intracellular parasites among modern extracellular parasites ....................................322

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OBLIGATE AND FACULTATIVE INTRACELLULAR PARASITES .........322Growth of Facultative Intracellular Parasites in Host Cell-Free Media...........................................323Unique Uses of Facultative Intracellular Parasites .....................................................................323

CELL CULTURES INFECTED WITH INTRACELLULAR PARASITES AS MODELS OFINFECTIOUS DISEASE............................................................................ 323

Limitations of Cell Culture Models ............................................................................ 323Dosage ............................................................................. 323Architectural complexity ............................................................................ 323Hormones, growth factors, antibodies, and lymphokines .........................................................323

Contribution of Cell Culture Models to the Comparative Biology of Diseases Caused byIntracellular Parasites ............................................................................ 324

Host range............................................................................ 324Host injury ............................................................................ 324Immune response ............................................................................ 324

CONCLUSION............................................................................ 325ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................ 325LITERATURE CITED............................................................................ 325

There are more ways to choke a cat thanfeeding it hot butter

INTRODUCTIONThe dictionary (150) says that the comparative approach is

... . characterized by the comparison of things that havedeveloped divergently from a common origin or of thingsthat have developed convergently from different origins or ofboth ...." Therefore, a comparative examination of intra-cellular parasitism means asking how the present state ofaffairs came to be. It means looking at this highly successfulway of life from an evolutionary point of view, which,according to Julian Huxley (209), is to ask of each structureor process examined not only "What is it?" and "What doesit do?" but also, "Where did it come from?"Of the several kinds of long-term associations between

unlike organisms (390), the parasitic relationship is mostsimply defined as a food-getting habit in which one organism,the parasite, uses a second organism, the host, as a source offood. Intracellular parasites spend most of their lives withinhost cells. Obligate intracellular parasites have adapted sowell to life inside cells that they no longer multiply outside ofthem, whereas facultative intracellular parasites still multi-ply in nonliving media. However, since most facultativeintracellular parasites occupy intracellular habitats withintheir natural hosts, the distinction may not be terriblyimportant.

I have prepared this review on the framework of severalassumptions. The inside of a potential host cell is a hostile,uninviting environment (282, 283). Nevertheless, at manytimes in the evolutionary past, organisms of diverse originhave adapted to intracellular habitats (284). This is becausehost cells represent largely unexploited food sources, sothat, if a parasite adapts successfully to an intracellularniche, it may thrive unimpeded by interspecies competition.Because the concept of unity in biochemistry implies that, atfirst approximation, the insides of all cells are more or lessalike, evolutionary transition to intracellular parasitism maybe looked on as the solution of a set of common problems(284): (i) how to get inside of host cells; (ii) how, once inside,to keep from being killed; (iii) how to multiply intra-cellularly; (iv) how to maintain host functions essential forparasite multiplication; (v) how to get new generations ofparasites out of the host cells in which they were made; and(vi) how to get from old host cells to new ones. Since theseproblems were confronted at different times by organisms ofunlike phylogeny, few general solutions have emerged, andthe comparative analysis of intracellular parasitism consistsmainly of identifying lines of both convergent and divergentevolution in which similar ends have been achieved bydifferent means.

This review does not pretend to be an encyclopedia ofintracellular parasitism. The host parasite systems I havedescribed here are ones with which I am familiar and about

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which information of comparative value is available. Theinteraction of intracellular parasites with immune hosts hasnot been considered (for discussion of the voluminous liter-ature on this subject, see reference 106). Most of the time, Iwill be concerned with the interaction of procaryotic andeucaryotic intracellular parasites with the cells of vertebratehosts. However, when comparison appears to be enlighten-ing, interactions in which the parasite is a virus and the hostis an invertebrate animal, a plant, or even a procaryote willalso be discussed. Because many intracellular parasitescause serious disease in humans and their domestic animals,the medically oriented investigator is in danger of becomingso preoccupied with these parasites alone that he forgets thatintracellular parsitism is ubiquitous and that illuminating andinstructive phenomena may be found in unexpected places.

ENTRYEntry into host cells is the activity of intracellular para-

sites that lends itself most readily to the comparative ap-proach. The translocation of an intracellular parasite fromthe outside to the inside of a host cell is a dramatic eventwith a clear beginning and end that may be described andquantified with relative ease, but as the parasite goes deeperinto its host cell and further into its reproductive cycle, thereis generally less information and more confusion.

Classification and Terminology of Entry Mechanisms

A few intracellular parasites make holes in the envelopesof their host cells and a few rely entirely on endocytosis byhost cells to achieve their entry, but most of them enter bymechanisms requiring some kind of participation by bothhost and parasite. Description of entry mechanisms requiresa classification and terminology. "Entry" will be usedinclusively and noncommitally to describe all movements ofparasites from the outside of the host cell to the inside.These movements will be classified in a hierarchy of sixdichotomies. Figure 1 diagrams this classification and givesexamples of each category, each of which will later bediscussed in some detail.The most direct way for one organism to get inside another

is to punch a hole and go in through the hole. Since a term todescribe this mode of entry is not available, I suggest"diacytosis." The Greek prefix dia means through, particu-larly with the connotation of through and out on the otherside. Diacytosis has the additional advantage of parallelconstruction with its opposite "endocytosis" (a relativelynew word itself) which was constructed from the Greekprefix endo meaning in, with the strong connotation of takingin, and the self-explanatory suffix, -cytosis. From the pointof view of this discussion, the distinguishing feature ofendocytosis is that the parasite enters in a host-derivedmembrane without disrupting the integrity of the host cell.How the parasite manages to pull off this seemingly contra-dictory trick is the basis of all subsequent bifurcations in theclassification.Host cells do not appear to internalize intracellular para-

sites readily unless either host or parasite has made someevolutionary adaptation that facilitates uptake. The basis ofthe next dichotomy is which partner in the host-parasiteunion has made the adaptation. Thus, I will distinguishbetween parasite-specified and host-specified endocytosis(73). This brings up another fuzzy but still useful dichotomy,that of professional and nonprofessional phagocytes (332).Cells other than the neutrophils and the monocytes of theblood and the macrophages of the tissues are regarded as

nonprofessional phagocytes. These cells are not usually verygood at endocytosis, and when a nonprofessional phagocyteefficiently takes up an intracellular parasite, it is almostalways because the parasite has made an adaptation thatpromotes entry; that is, it is an example of parasite-specifiedendocytosis. As will be seen, such adaptations may beactive, as in rickettsiae, or passive, as in chlamydiae. On theother hand, the professional phagocyte embodies a numberof adaptations that make it capable of ingesting with ease awide variety of encountered particulates. When an intracel-lular parasite is the object ingested, we have an example ofhost-specified endocytosis.

Parasite-specified endocytosis may be split into two typesaccording to the presence or absence of specialized organel-les of attachment and entry, and it is useful to subdivide thelatter type further on the basis of whether or not the parasiteexpends energy in getting inside its host cell. Host-specifiedendocytosis, uptake of intracellular parasites by professionalphagocytes, may be separated in a somewhat parallel wayinto a type that depends on specialized ligands (antibody orcomplement) to bind parasites to the phagocyte and one thatdoes not. There is good reason to believe that the molecularmechanisms of parasite-specified and host-specified endo-cytosis are not the same. In particular, the host-derivedmembrane that surrounds the ingested parasite may bespecifically modified in parasite-specified uptake.The overriding consideration in drawing up this classifica-

tion was the relative contribution of host and parasite toentry. A line drawn through Fig. 1 from upper left to lowerright roughly approximates a gradient down which hostactivity increases and parasite activity decreases.

Modes of Entry

Bdellovibrios. The soil-inhabiting bacteria of the genusBdellovibrio (65, 346, 350, 393, 394) are paradigms ofdiacytosis. The extremely small and highly motile bdel-lovibrio "attacks" a susceptible bacterial cell, makes a holein the cell wall, and goes in through the hole to lodge in theperiplasmic space. There, it immediately kills its host,breaks down the host macromolecules, and uses them toproduce a brood of parasites which are released when theempty shell of the parasitized bacterium lyses. It has beenargued that, since bdellovibrios lie intramurally and notintracytoplasmically, they are not intracellular parasites atall. One can even argue further that the bdellovibrios are noteven parasites but are instead predators, much like thearthropod parasitoids (174). However, the bdellovibrios pro-vide fascinating material for a comparative biology of intra-cellular parasitism precisely because they are so peculiar.

In a mixture of parasites and potential hosts, the bdel-lovibrio moves about at high velocity (100 cell lengths per s),propelled by a long, thick polar flagellum. It collides vio-lently with both susceptible and nonsusceptible bacterialcells, but it attaches permanently only to susceptible ones.The point of collision and attachment is always the endopposite the flagellum. Some observers (364, 373) believethere are specialized organelles of attachment and penetra-tion at that end, but others (1, 66) doubt their existence.Immediately after a productive collision, the bdellovibriospins rapidly about the point of attachment in a arm-in-socket-like movement. The host wall bulges out, an enlarg-ing "pore" appears, and within minutes the bdellovibriosqueezes in through the hole, perhaps propelled by itsflagellum. The cell wall closes up behind the invader to leavea scar at the entry site, the cytoplasmic membrane separates

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from the wall, and the bdellovibrio ends up in an intramurallocation.

Here, the host is clearly passive and the parasite active.Bdellovibrios enter ultraviolet (UV)-killed (425) and heat-killed (183) hosts at undiminished rates, but anything thatinhibits their motility (395, 425) or their ability to synthesizeprotein (395) also inhibits attachment and entry. Just how thehole in the wall is made is not entirely certain. The bdel-lovibrio probably uses both mechanical (391, 393) and enzy-matic (113, 207) forces. A number of bdellovibrio enzymesexpressed at time of attachment probably facilitate forma-tion of the entry pore and stabilization of the hostbacterium's cell envelope (401, 402, 403) (see also section,"Multiplication").

Microsporidia. The microsporidia provide another equallygood but more complicated example of diacytosis (62).Microsporidians are protozoa of the subphylum Microspora.They are distantly related to malarial parasites, toxo-plasmas, and coccidians, all of which are sometimes looselyreferred to as sporozoans. There are over 500 namedmicrosporidian species, making them one of the largestgroups of parasites. All are obligate intracellular parasites,their hosts range from protozoa to people, and they fre-quently kill their hosts. Pasteur discovered the firstmicrosporidian almost 150 years ago, Nosema bombycis, theagent of silkworm disease.

Details of the microsporidian life cycle vary widely,depending on the particular host and parasite (427). Startingwith an extracellular spore, its sporoplasm (nucleus plus alittle cytoplasm) is injected into a host cell through anevaginating polar tube. Intracytoplasmically, the sporoplasmthen develops into a meront (a large vegetative form), themeront divides repeatedly, and its progeny are distributed toother cells of the host by unknown means. One or 2 daysafter initial infection of the host, some of the merontsundergo sporogeny to produce a new generation of sporeswhich are released extracellularly to complete the life cycle.Most of the microsporidian spore is filled with a complex

apparatus whose function is to inject the sporoplasm into anew host cell (426). On appropriate stimulation, water entersthe spore, its internal hydrostatic pressure rises, and theinstrument of injection, the polar tube, is turned inside-outwith enough force to penetrate the cytoplasmic membrane ofthe target (249). Then the sporoplasm is transferred from thespore through the polar tube into new host cell. The pene-trating power of the evaginating polar tube is so great that itmay go right through other spores in its path. When the hostcell's cytoplasmic membrane is punctured by the polar tube,the two structures fuse, thus preventing leakage of the host'scytosol. Although the penetration event itself is well docu-mented by light (440) and electron (440, 442) microscopicobservation, little is known about the stimulus that triggersit, other than that displacement of Ca24 is involved (441).How does the microsporidian spore recognize a susceptiblehost cell, and how does it avoid premature or nonproductivedischarge of its sporoplasm? These questions cannot beanswered at the pesent time.

Malarial parasites. Malarial parasites furnish the best-understood example of parasite-directed endocytosis (32, 33,134, 236, 367). The host cells are erythrocytes, perhaps themost metabolically limited and least phagocytically compe-tent of all host cells inhabited by intracellular parasites, andthe parasites have evolved complex organelles of entry.Malarial parasites (141) belong to the genus Plasmodiumwhich is a part of the subphylum Apicomplexa, along with anumber of other obligately intracellular protozoa such as

Eimeria and Toxoplasma. These sporozoans enter host cellsby mechanisms similar, but not identical, to those used bymalarial parasites. Reptiles, birds, and mammals are hostsfor many different species of Plasmodium, but most of thework on mode of entry has been done with the monkeyparasite Plasmodium knowlesi. However, enough has beendone on entry mechanisms in several other species ofPlasmodium, human and otherwise, to suggest that they donot differ radically from that of P. knowlesi.

Malarial parasites pass through a complex life cycle thatinvolves asexual and sexual stages, a mosquito and a verte-brate host, and two distinct phases in the vertebrate host,one occurring in the liver and the other in the bloodstream(141). However, of the several kinds of plasmodium-host cellencounter needed for each turn of the life cycle, only one hasso far been studied: the entry of a merozoite liberated fromone erythrocyte into another. This is not because thisparticular host cell-parasite interaction is so important: it isthe only one it has been technically feasible to study.The invasive blood form is the merozoite. Along with the

usual organelles such as nucleus and ribosomes, themerozoite contains a number of subcellular structures thatappear to play specific roles in attachment and entry.Merozoites adhere to their host cells by means of a thick cellcoat (33, 272). This cell coat, which arises during schizogonyand is immunologically of parasite origin, is an acidic glyco-protein that surrounds the merozoite with erect filaments (94by 20 nm). Although any portion of the merozoite surfacesticks to erythrocytes, adhesion is succeeded by invasiononly when attachment is by means of the apical complex, astructure made up of polar rings, which give the complex itsshape, and the interconnected secretary vesicles (rhoptriesand micronemes) (32).When the filamentous coat of the merozoite attaches to the

plasma membrane of the erythrocyte at the site of the apicalcomplex, there immediately ensues a spasmodic bending ofthe erythrocyte about the merozoite, the erythrocyte mem-brane invaginates, and the merozoite moves with a rotatingmotion into the resulting cavity (34, 103, 234, 272). The hostcell membrane then fuses behind the merozoite so that it lieswithin the erythrocyte, surrounded by a membrane of pre-sumably host origin (253). During these movements, whichtake less than 1 min, the merozoite coat is modified so that itcan no longer be detected and the rhoptries and micronemesappear to be emptied of their contents (5). There is afundamental difference between this entry mechanism andthe two already described. The plasma membrane is neverbreached. With considerable help from the invadingmerozoite, the host cell engulfs the parasite and seals it off ina vacuole.

Despite much effort to find them out, the mechanismsresponsible for the series of events I just described remainobscure. It is likely that the invagination of the erythrocytemembrane at point of contact with the apical prominence isbrought about at least in part by the action of a proteinsecreted by the rhoptries (220, 221, 335). It has been postu-lated that this protein is similar or identical to the proteinfound in the dense granules of P. Iophurae which is unusualin that 70% of its residues are histidines. When the isolatedhistidine-rich protein is added to erythrocytes, it cups themat low concentration and lyses them at high. Unfortunately,the protein present in the rhoptry has not been identified orisolated. The erythrocyte membrane is altered duringplasmodial entry as evidenced by loss of membrane proteinsand the appearance of membrane-bound channels leadinginto the cytoplasm, but it never breaks down. The source of


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the energy that moves the nonmotile merozoite into theinvaginated cavity in the erythrocyte has not been identified,and the origin of the signal for fusion of the erythrocytemembrane behind the entering merozoite is not known.Entry, but not attachment, of the malarial parasite is inhib-ited by treatment of merozoites with cytochalasin B (273).

Several lines of evidence suggest that merozoites anderythrocytes recognize each other by means of specificreceptors on the surface of each reactant. In mammalianmalarias, the kind of host cell invaded is severely limited;only reticulocytes, mature erythrocytes, and platelets are

susceptible. Although initial contact of the merozoite withthe erythrocyte is by means of its filamentous coat, theremust also be additional receptors in the region of the apicalprominence, but their chemical nature is unknown. Twomajor surface proteins of the human erythrocyte have beenimplicated as possible receptors for P. falciparum. Erythro-cytes deficient in glycophorin resist parasite entry (315),antibodies to glycophorin (319) or the purified protein itself(423) block invasion, and surface proteins of P. falciparumbind to glycophorin (320). However, liposomes containingband 3 also prevent infection of human erythrocytes with P.falciparum (307). Erythrocyte receptors for the human ma-laria P. vivax may be related to the Duffy blood group

antigens (275). The evidence for such a relation is thatindividuals of West African heritage usually do not have theDuffy antigens Fya, Fyb, and Fy3 and are insusceptible toinfection with P. vivax, whereas Duffy-positive people are

readily infected.Trypanosoma cruzi. T. cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease,

belongs to the subphylum Sarcomastigophora, superclassMastigophora (the flagellated protozoa). Unlike other mem-bers of the genus Trypanosoma, such as the agents ofAfrican sleeping sickness, T. cruzi has a prominent intracel-lular stage in its life cycle (55). True bugs of the familyReduviidae (assassin bugs) are infected by feeding on indi-viduals containing motile trypomastigotes in their blood. Inthe hind gut of the bugs, the trypomastigotes develop intoepimastigotes which in turn given rise to a nlew generation oftrypomastigotes which are shed in bug feces to enter new

hosts by entering the bite wounds or by penetrating thenmucosa of the mouth or eye,, the favorite biting sites of theassassin bugs. Once in the bloodstream of the human hosts,they do not multiply but instead invade a variety of host cellssuch as heart muscle cells, endothelial cells, and macro-

phages. Then, within the intracellular habitat, they differen-tiate into nonmotile amastigotes which multiply extensivelyto produce more amastigotes and some new trypomastigotesas well. Both forms enter new host cells, and, in addition,the trypomastigotes infect more reduvid bugs to completethe life cycle.

Trypomastigotes enter mouse macrophages, HeLa cells,L cells, and calf fibroblasts, whereas epimastigotes entermacrophages but only attach to the other potential host cells(303). Arnastigotes are infectious for macrophages and othercultured cells, but their interaction with these cells has notbeen studied in detail. Endocytosis appears to be the mech-anism of entry. Host and parasite membranes do not fuse,and host cell membranes do not dissolve at point of parasitecontact. Cytochalasin B, an inhibitor of microfilament func-tion (94), inhibits the ingestion of epimastigotes (9, 303),trypomastigotes (303), and amastigotes (262).The nature of the receptors on mouse macrophages that

bind either epimastigotes or trypomastigotes is not known.Treatment of macrophages with proteases abolishes bothattachment and ingestion of culture forms (303) but not

bloodstream forms (8). Receptors for the C3b component ofcomplement and the Fc portion of the antibody molecule donot appear to be involved (8, 303), but fibronectin, a ubiqui-tous mammalian cell surface protein, binds specifically totrypomastigotes, and antibody to fibronectin blocks theentry of trypomastigotes into rat fibroblasts (312). Proteasetreatment of mouse macrophages or L cells also inhibits theuptake of amastigotes from mouse spleen (262).

Shigella flexneri. The genus Shigella comprises four spe-cies of gram-negative, nonmotile bacteria (family Enterobac-teriaceae) that produce acute diarrheal disease in humans(354). Although shigellae grow in simple synthetic media andare therefore to be considered facultative intracellular para-sites, their ability to produce diarrheal disease depends onpenetration of the epithelial cells of the colon wall, multipli-cation therein, and spread to other cells (127, 128, 232). Theentry of S. flexneri into potential host cells has been studiedmore thoroughly than that of the other Shigella species.There is no evidence for the participation of pili or other

specialized organelles of attachment in the entry of S.flexneri into host cells (144). However, treatment of S.flexneri with UV light, heat, or the antibiotic kanamycininterferes with its entry into the Henle 407 line of humanintestinal epithelial cells in vitro (161), which is good evi-dence for the active participation of shigellae in host cellentry. Although the Henle 407 cells are nonprofessionalphagocytes, they internalize S. flexneri by a mechanismstrongly resembling phagocytosis, and uptake of S. flexneriis inhibited by treatment of host cells with cytochalasin B orinhibitors of energy metabolism known to inhibit phago-cytosis in macrophages (162). It has been concluded thatvirulent shigellae induce their uptake by host cells (161)which, in the terminology of Fig. 1, would constitute anothercase of parasite-directed endocytosis.

Genetic analysis has shown that virulence in S. flexnerirequires the participation of all of a number of chromosomalloci, but the nature of their participation is largely unknown(144). At least one locus seems to be involved in thesynthesis of lipopolysaccharides with a partictilar 0-repeatunit (144). Virulent strains of S. flexneri also contain a140-megadalton plasmid (359). Strains lacking this plasmidfail to enter HeLa cells and gain this ability when the plasmidis introduced. Anucleate minicells of S. flexneri containingthe virulence plasmid enter HeLa cells and synthesize sev-eral outer membrane polypeptides, one or more of whichmay well participate in the binding of S. flexneri to host cells(163).

S. sonnei, S. flexneri, and enteroinvasive Escherichia colialso contain entry-associated plasmids in the 120- to 140-megadalton range. Although the three plasmids are clearlydifferent, they share enough homologous sequences to sug-gest that they have evolved from a common ancestor (163).

Rickettsiae. Members of the genus Rickettsia are small,gram-negative, obligately intracellular bacteria (445, 446,449). They cause a number of important human diseases inwhich the etiological aigents are spread from one host toanother by arthropod vectors. In their natural hosts, rickett-siae preferentially enter the endothelial cells lining the smallblood vessels, and most of the host damage incurred inrickettsial infections stems from the parasitization of thesecells. One of the first important studies of the entry of atiynonviral intracellular parasite into host cells was carried outwith the agent of scrub typhus, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi,and mouse lymphoblasts (86), buit in recent years the host-parasite system consisting of R. prowazekii, the agent oflouse-borne typhus, and mouse fibroblasts (L cells) has been

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more frequently studied. The two rickettsial species appearto get inside of host cells by similar mechanisms, and thefollowing description of rickettsial entry draws upon resultsobtained with both cell culture models.

R. tsutsugamushi and R. prowazekii readily enter profes-sional and nonprofessional phagocytes both in vivo and invitro by a mechanism resembling phagocytosis. They areinternalized within a phagosomal membrane from whichthey quickly escape (22, 341), and their internalization isinhibited by cytochalasin B (436). Entry of rickettsiae intohost cells is achieved by the interaction of viable rickettsiaewith viable host cells. When host cells are made nonviablewith heat Qr UV light, they do not ingest infectious rickett-siae (436), and, when the rickettsiae are similarly inacti-vated, they do not enter host cells (436). Oxytetracycline,which is rickettsiocidal, also inhibits the entry of R. tsu-tsugamushi (85).

Several activities of R. tsutsugamushi and R. prowazekiiare dependent on a constant supply of glutamate which isoxidized with concomitant phosphorylation of adenosinediphosphate (ADP) (47). Host cell entry is one of theseactivities. When either the scrub or louse-borne typhus agentis deprived of glutamate, its ability to get inside host cells isdrastically reduced (49, 86). All of these observations fit theconclusion that rickettsiae enter host cells by parasite-directed endocytosis.Another glutamate-dependent in vitro activity of R.

prowazekii is the lysis of the erythrocytes of a number ofmammalian species, those of the sheep being most com-monly used (49, 51). Lysis of erythrocytes by R. prowazekiifurnishes an enlightening model system for studying entry ofrickettsiae into host cells. Hemolysis occurs only when thericke,ttsiae attach to the erythrocyte membrane (333), andthe effect of inhibitors on hemolysis closely parallels theireffect on entry into L cells. R. prowazekii also attaches toerythrocyte stromnata (464), thus furnishing an even simplermodel in which it may be demonstrated that cholesterol is apart of the erythrocyte receptor for rickettsiae (334) and thathemolysis is accompanied by the release of free fatty acidsand lysophosphatides by a phospholipase A whose origin(host or parasite) has not been determined (4,1, 463). Itappears that a similar phospholipase A activity is alsoinvolved in the entry of R. prowazekii into L cells, althoughrelatively high multiplicities of infection are needed to dem-onstrate the release of fatty acids and lysophosphatides fromthe L-cell plasma membrane (462). At this high ratio ofrickettsiae to host cells, the integrity of host cell membranesis destroyed, and the L cells die before the start of rickettsialmultiplication. Cytochalasin B-treated L cells are killed evenmore readily than untreated ones, thus demonstrating thatonly attachment, and not entry, is required for immediaterickettsial toxicity. Phospholipase A is also involved in entryof R. rickettsii into host cells (432).

Chlamydiae. Chlamydiae are gram-negative procaryotesthat live as obligate intracellular parasites in a wide range ofhosts (290, 361). There are two species, Chlamydia psittaciand Chlamydia trachomatis, which is further subdivided intothe mouse, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), and tra-choma biovars. C. psittaci is most frequently a parasite ofbirds and nonhuman mammals, although humans, cold-blooded vertebrates, and invertebrates may be infected. Incontrast, C. trachomatis, with the exception of the mousebiovar, is strictly a human parasite. In mammals and birds,both species produce infections of the eye, the urogenitaltract, the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, and probablyother sites as well. There are two chlamydial cell types, the

elementary body and the reticulate body, and the alternationof these two cell types constitutes the chlamydial develop-mental cycle. Elementary bodies never divide. Their role isto carry the infection from one host cell to another, wherethey reorganize into reticulate bodies which multiply bybinary fission. Reticulate bodies do not infect new host cells.Instead, they reorganize into a new generation of elementarybodies to complete the developmental cycle. The outermembrane proteins of elementary bodies are more highlycross-linked with disulfide bonds than are those of reticulatebodies (see section, "Multiplication" for fuller discussion),and these structural differences may well account for manyof the biological differences between the two chlamydial celltypes.Wherever they have been observed, morphological as-

pects of the entry of C. psittaci and C. trachomatis into bothprofessional and nonprofessional phagocytes are similar(136, 187, 239). Single elementary bodies attach to theplasma membrane of the host cell, are enveloped by micro-villi, and enter the host cell cytoplasm within the confines ofa membrane-bound vacuole. In these respects, the chlamyd-ial mechanism of entry does not differ significantly fromthose just described for T. cruzi, S. flexneri, and R.prowazekii, but in other respects it is different. First, chla-mydial internalization by either professional or nonprofes-sional phagocytes is not inhibited by cytochalasin B (151,229), although it is inhibited by cytochalasin D (438). Sec-ond, entry of chlamydiae into host cells is not prevented byinactivating the elemnentary bodies with UV light (70, 240) orby inhibiting their synthesis of macromolecules with antibi-otics (230, 289).

Large inocula of chlamydiae are immediately toxic to hostcells in vitro. When L cells (289) or macrophages (230, 239,470, 471) are incubated with high multiplicities of elementarybodies, they lose membrane integrity and die long beforeonset of chlamydial multiplication. The resemblance ofimmediate chlamydial toxicity to that of rickettsiae is onlysuperficial. Rickettsiae need only to attach to host cells andelaborate phospholipase A to be immediately toxic, butchlamydiae must both attach and enter. The actual penetra-tion of the host cell cytoplasmic membrane by large numbersof chlamydial elementary bodies is the lethal event.Although the several chlamydial species and biovars share

a grossly similar cytochalasin B-insensitive entry mecha-nism, in their adaptation to different intracellular habitats,they have evolved different ways of getting inside host cells,so that a single uniform description of chlamydial entry is notpossible. C. psittaci strains are generally more invasive thanthose of C. trachomatis. They have a wider host range andinfect a greater variety of host cell types. Of the two C.trachomatis biovars that infect humans, LGV is more inva-sive than trachoma (42). These differences are reflected incell cultures, where entry behavior has been almost exclu-sively studied. The 6BC and Cal 10 strains of C. psittacihave been used in most entry studies. Other C. psittacistrains may behave differently (96, 388). C. psittaci rapidlyenters a variety of cultured cell types, including both mac-rophages and nonprofessional phagocytes. The LGV biovarbehaves much like C. psittaci except that it infects macro-phages very inefficiently (229, 230), and the trachoma biovarenters a limited range of cultured cells and only with somedifficulty, a difficulty that does not prevent it from being ahugely successful human pathogen (362).

(i) C. psittaci. C. psittaci organisms attach to L- cells atefficiencies 10 to 100 times greater than those observed withinert particles of similar size or noninvasive bacteria such as


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E. coli K-12 (73). The rate of attachment is dependent onmultiplicity of infection and temperature of incubation (71,136). The efficiency of attachment decreases at high multi-plicities, but saturation of the L-cell surface with respect toassociation with chlamydiae has not been achieved (71). Therapid rate and high efficiency of attachment of C. psittaci tononprofessional phagocytes such as L cells have led to thehypothesis that this organism has evolved a surface ligandwith high affinity for some normal, ubiquitous component ofhost cell surfaces (parasite-directed endocytosis) and thatinternalization of C. psittaci is the end result of specificbinding between host and parasite receptors (73). The sur-face of C. psittaci is very hydrophobic and bears a netnegative charge, due mainly to the presence of carboxylgroups (365, 422). The ability of C. psittaci to attach to Lcells is destroyed by mild heating (70) and periodate oxida-tion (422) but it is unaffected by detergents, proteases, orantibiotics that inhibit synthesis of chlamydial macromole-cules (73, 289). The capacity of L cells for binding C. psittaciis destroyed by proteases such as trypsin, and the regener-ation of binding capacity is blocked by cycloheximide (70). Lcells treated with periodate or acetic anhydride have reducedcapacity to attach C. psittaci, but treatment of L cells withformaldehyde is without effect (181). Pretreatment of L cellswith wheat germ agglutinin, a lectin specific for N-acetylglucosamine residues, has been reported to blockattachment of C. psittaci (244), but this finding has not beenconfirmed by others (181). All in all, these results suggestthat proteins, possibly glycoproteins, are essential parts ofboth hypothesized receptors, but efforts to link attachmentto specific proteins on host and parasite surfaces have beeninconclusive.

(ii) LGV biovar of C. trachomatis. In its interaction withcells in culture, LGV resembles C. psittaci in rate and inefficiency of association with host cells (73). As in C.psittaci-L-cell interactions, heating LGV reduces its capac-ity to attach to L cells, and trypsinization of L cells destroystheir ability to attach LGV (73). These points of similaritysuggest a single evolutionary origin for entry mechanisms inLGV and C. psittaci. However, since these two kinds ofchlamydiae probably branched off the family tree early inchlamydial evolution (285), it is equally likely that their entrymechanisms originated independently and that resemblancesrepresent convergent evolution within the intracellular hab-itat.

(iii) Trachoma biovar of C. trachomatis. In nature, thetrachoma biovar causes disease only in humans, and theinfection is largely limited to the columnar epithelial cells ofthe eye, the urogenital tract, and the respiratory tract. Inculture, only a few cell lines make satisfactory hosts. Mostinvestigations on entry mechanisms have been done withHeLa 221 cells and McCoy cells (a heteroploid mouse line).The trachoma biovar infects even these cells so lackadaisi-cally that special entry-promoting procedures are used toachieve efficient isolation of these chlamydiae fromt clinicalspecimens. The most efficient of these procedures, centrifu-gation of the inoculum onto the host cell monolayer (102),appears to act by circumventing natural entry mechanismsrather than by enhancing their effectiveness (6, 15, 18, 240).For this reason, only studies in which the trachoma biovarwas allowed to interact with host cells in the absence ofcentrifugation will be considered here.The trachoma biovar associates with cells in culture in

ways that set it apart both quantitatively and qualitativelyfrom LGV and C. psittaci. Attachment and ingestion aremuch less efficient. At best, 10-fold-fewer host cells are

infected int the absence of centrifugation than in its presence(240), and so few cells are infected by the new generation ofelementary bodies released from initially infected cells thatessentially a one-step infection is obtained. The same heattreatment that destroys the ability of C. psittaci and LGV toattach to host cells has no effect on the trachoma biovar, anddigestion of host cells with trypsin does not keep them fromassociating with chlamydiae of the trachonia biovar (240).However, pretreatment of host cells with neuraminidase,which does not destroy their ability to attach LGV and C.psittaci, inhibits attachment of the trachoma biovar (45, 46,231). Pretreatment of host cells with polycations such asdiethylaminoethyl-dextran stimulates the entry of the tra-choma biovar but not that of the other two kinds of chla-mydiae (231, 384). These results suggest that, if specificchlamydial sites do indeed bind to specific sites on the hostcell surface, then the receptors for both host and parasite arequalitatively different for the trachoma biovar than for theother chlamydiae. The observations that neuraminidasetreatment of host cells blocks trachoma binding and that,under certain circumstances, treatment of host cells withwheat germ agglutinin has a similar effect (46, 386) suggestthat sialic acid residues may be a part of the host cellreceptor.Because chlamydiae are so good at getting inside host cells

with what appears on the surface to be a minimum expendi-tute of effort on their part, there has been considerablespeculation as to how they do it. The zipper mechanism(152), originally proposed to explain immune phagocytosisby macrophages, and receptor-mediated endocytosis (314,317), the process whereby a variety of proteins and peptidesare taken into cells, have both been suggested as possiblemechanisms of chlamydial entry (73, 385, 386, 438).

General Aspects of the Entry of Intracellular Parasites intoHost Cells

Attachment of intracellular parasites to host cells. Relationsbetween parasites and their hosts are seldom promiscuous.Even the most pugnacious of parasites, Bdellovibrio, attacksonly gram-negative bacteria (395), and the most voracious ofhosts, the macrophage, ingests some bacteria and leavesother alone. This selectivity on the part of both host andparasite is the basis of the phenomenon of recognition. It isgenerally assumed that intracellular parasites and host cellsrecognize each other through the interaction of complemen-tary structures on their surfaces, although the specific ex-amples of entry just presented reveal how little is knownabout these postulated receptors. They probably evolved bymolecular tinkering (211), using the tools at hand for newjobs. The parasite receptor could have started out with someother function in the ancestral extracellular parasite, and, atsome later time, a survival advantage to getting inside a hostcell selected for parasite structures that bound more andmore efficiently to host cells. In a similar fashion, thereceptors on host cells must have evolved to perform func-tions that had nothing to do with host-parasite interactionsand were then subverted to a new parasite-binding function.Except for the professional phagocytes, host cells have beenunder no pressure to evolve better ways of recognizingparasites. Indeed, the expected adaptation would be one oflessened reactivity, as may have occurred with erythrocytesand malarial parasites (275).Some intracellular parasites are motile and some are not.

The nonmotile ones must of necessity attach to host cells onrandom contact, but for the motile parasites there exists the

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TABLE 1. Mode of entry and subsequent fate of selected intracellular parasitesIntracellular parasite

Characteristic aEG3E a30E

2 E zE- E

Parasite has specialized entry organelles + + + +b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Parasite makes hole in host cell envelope + + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Parasite enters nonprofessional phagocytes - C - + + 0 + + 0 + + + +Parasite enters in host-derived vacuole 0 0 + + + + + + + + + +Parasite entry inhibited by cytochalasin B - - + + + + + - + + + odParasite expends energy during entry + + + + - - + - + + 0 0Parasite escapes vacuole after entry - - 0 0 0 + 0 0 + + 0 0Vacuole fuses with lysosomes - - - 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 + 0

a Both promastigotes and amastigotes.b Conflicting reports.C No record of test.d Entry inhibited by cytochalasin D.

possibility that they are led to suitable host cells by chemo-taxis. Such an event has never been documented, but thedemonstration that chemotactic stimuli guide cholera vibriosto the intestinal mucosa (132, 133) suggests that it might bewell to look for a similar phenomenon with motile intracel-lular parasites, such as the malarial merozoites and sporo-zoites.

Diversity of entry mechanisms. Why attachment is fol-lowed by entry in some host-parasite systems and not inothers (such as the Mycoplasma-host cell interaction [336])remains a mystery. Entry is clearly a problem distinct fromattachment, and in solving it intracellular parasites haveshown so much evolutionary diversity that few generaliza-tions can be made. Table 1 summarizes the entry character-istics of the seven intracellular parasites just described in theprevious section, together with those of four others notpreviously mentioned (Toxoplasma gondii, Leishmaniadonovani, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Coxiellaburnetii). The last two characteristics listed will be discussedin the next section.

It has been concluded that one of the most fundamentaldifferences between eucaryotes and procaryotes is that theformer engage in endocytosis and the latter do not (389).Such a difference goes a long way toward explaining whyprocaryotes have never been observed to serve as hosts forcytoplasm-dwelling organismal intracellular parasites, butno such eucaryotic-versus-procaryotic dichotomy emergesfrom examination of Fig. 1 and Table 1. Eucaryotic entrymechanisms cannot be uniquely set off from procaryoticmechainisms and vice versa.Even among taxonomic groups of lesser breadth, common

properties of entry mechanisms are hard to find (cf. thesporozoans Microsporidium, Plasmodium, and Toxoplasma;the trypanosomatids Trypanosoma and Leishmania; and thegram-negative bacteria Shigella, Rickettsia, Coxiella, andChlamydia spp.). At present, evolutionary modification ofan ancestral entry plan is discernible only within a singlegenus, for example, Plasmodium or Chlamydia. The familyEnterobacteriaceae should be fertile ground for unearthingevidence of evolutionary change on a larger scale. Thisgroup of closely related gram-negative rods contains at leastfour genera of facultative intracellular parasites (Esche-

richia, Shigella, Salmonella, and Yersinia). It is unfortunatethat the information needed to compare their modes of entryhas never been assembled.On the basis of the information at hand, it must be

concluded that adaptations enabling one cell to get insideanother have arisen many times among many different kindsof microorganisms and that there is no recognized exampleof evolutionary progression from primitive entry mecha-nisms to more advanced ones. Of the various entry modesdefined in Fig. 1, parasite-directed endocytosis is the mostfrequent and the most varied, at least among the examples ofTable 1. Such a result might have been predicted because theparasite is the point at which selection for efficient entryoperates. By similar reasoning, it might also have beenexpected that diacytosis as a mode of entry would have beenmore frequently represented than it is. Perhaps the ratherelaborate structural or enzymatic requirements of successfuldiacytosis have limited its occurrence, whereas endocyticmechanisms are already present, ready to be exploited, inpotential host cells. Intracellular parasites must "direct"their host cells to engulf them inma number of different ways.For example, malarial parasites produce specialized entryorganelles and secretions, but the oth,r eucaryotic parasitesof Table 1, although of equal size and complexity, do not.Again, among the procaryotes, rickettsiae and shigellaeexpend energy in gaining entrance to their host cells, butchlamydiae and C. burnetii do not. Although the entry ofmost of the intracellular parasites of Table 4 is blocked bycytochalasin B, an inhibitor of microfilament function (94),entry of chlamydiae is not interfered with. This puzzlingobservation may have been resolved by the recent findingthat cytochalasin D, an even more powerful inhibitor ofmicrofilament function, inhibits the entry of C. trachomatis(biovar LGV) into HeLa cells (438). It is possible thatcytochalasin B is not an effective inhibitor of the microfil-ament-dependent endocytosis of objects as small as elemen-tary bodies (313), although other explanations are not ex-cluded.When macrophages ingest intracellular parasites in the

same way they phagocytize other microoranisms, this ishost-directed phagocytosis (Fig. 1). Of the organisms ofTable 1, L. donovani, mycobacteria, and T. cruzi


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epimastigotes probably enter host cells in this way, althoughit is impossible to discount unequivocally all parasite contri-bution to entry. Unfortunately, the general lack of preciseunderstanding of how macrophages attach and ingest objectsin the absence of antibody or complement (378) also extendsto intracellular parasites. Macrophages ingest some intracel-lular parasites more rapidly in the presence of antibody thanin its absence, but I know of no case in which antibody orcomplement is an absolute requirement for entry.Entry mechanisms in establishment of intracellular symbi-

oses. Because I was familiar only with intracellular orga-nisms that lead parasitic lives, it took me quite by surprise tolearn a few years ago that the establishment of intracellularsymbiosis between the freshwater coelenterate Hydra viridisand algae of the genus Chlorella resembles in many ways thephenomena I have just been describing (328). Algalsymbionts are more readily ingested by the digestive cells ofthe coelenterate than are other algae or latex spheres. Thissuperior efficiency of entry is destroyed by heating the algalsymbionts or by treating the hydra cells with trypsin orconcanavalin A. In the terminology of Fig. 1, the entry ofChlorella into H. viridis could be either "parasite directed"or "host directed" because both members of the symbiosisare supposed to benefit from the association. Other intracel-lular symbioses (see references 79, 93, 329) probably furnishstill other instructive examples of how one cell gets insideanother.


For an intracellular parasite to evolve a way of gettinginside a desirable host cell without providing for its survivalonce inside would be like jumping out of the frying pan intothe fire. Therefore, successful intracellular parasites havecome up with a number of different strategies to avoidgetting burned up in the intracellular habitat.

How Host Cells Kill Parasites Intracellularly

Ingestion of a potential pathogen that has made no provi-sion for intracellular survival sets off a series of events thatusually result in the death of that pathogen (111, 199). Theseevents include an increased consumption of oxygen thatleads to the appearance of hydrogen peroxide, superoxideradical, and other oxygen-derived radicals, together withactivation of myeloperoxidase. Lysosomes fuse with thepathogen-containing phagosome and release their acidhydrolases (glycosidases, proteases, and lipases). Lyso-zyme, lactoferrin, and cationic proteins may also be active.Polymorphonuclear leukocytes exhibit all of these potentialmicrobicidal activities, macrophages exhibit most of them,and nonprofessional phagocytes exhibit probably only thelysosomal enzymes.Polymorphonuclear leukocytes rarely serve as hosts for

intracellular parasites (some Ehrlichia species are excep-tions [343]), but many different kinds of intracellular para-sites thrive within macrophages, where they must success-fully resist any and all of the many microbicidal mechanismsthat macrophages possess (see reference 331), but the onlysurvival mechanism that has been described in a wideenough variety of parasite-host cell combinations to permit acomparative approach is evasion of the lethal consequencesof the fusion of lysosomes with parasite-containingphagosomes.

Evasion of the Lethal Consequences of Phagosome-LysosomeFusion

Since lysosomes are almost universal constituents ofeucaryotic cells, it is no wonder that intracellular parasiteshave evolved more than one way of dealing with them.

Adaptation to a host cell without lysosomes. The lysosome-free (173), mature, non-nucleated erythrocyte is the host cellfor many Plasmodium species and other hemosporidia (141),as well as for members of the families Bartonellaceae andAnaplasmataceae (order Rickettsiales) (345), which are ob-ligate or facultative intracellular gram-negative bacteria thatcause serious and sometimes widespread disease in peopleand in a variety of wild and domestic mammals (344).Parasitism of a lysosome-free host cell is a wonderfullysimple way to avoid lysosome-phagosome fusion. However,the overwhelming majority of these erythrocyte-dwellingparasites live in other, lysosome-containing cells at somestage in their life cycles or are thought to have descendedfrom ancestors that first lived in non-erythrocytic cells.Therefore, primary adaptation of an extracellular parasite toan erythrocytic host, although an entirely logical strategy,has probably played no important part in the evolution ofmechanisms for intracellular survival.Escape from the phagosome. A second way for an intracel-

lular parasite to avoid the consequences of lysosome-phagosome fusion is for it to escape from the phagosomesoon after it enters the host cell. Two quite unrelatedintracellular parasites, the protozoan T. cruzi and the pro-caryotic rickettsiae, have made this adaptation. There issome evidence that it may be even more widespread.

T. cruzi. When trypomastigotes of T. cruzi are taken intounstimulated mouse macrophages, they remain inphagosomes for at least 1 h after entry but are free ofphagosomal membranes and multiplying in the cytoplasm at24 to 48 h (271, 303). Epimastigotes, on the other hand, donot escape from phagosomes and are killed and digested(303).

Rickettsiae. Although the first observation of rickettsialescape from phagosomes was with the agent of murinetyphus (R. typhi) in human peripheral blood monocytes (22),most subsequent observations have been on the scrub ty-phus agent (R. tsutsugamushi) in either peritonealmesothelial cells of mice (nonprofessional phagocytes) (117)or polymorphonuclear leukocytes (professional phagocytes)(340, 341). In all of these host-parasite interactions, therickettsiae enter host cells in membrane-bound vacuoles butare free in the cytoplasm a short time later, perhaps in aslittle as 30 min. It has been suggested that phospholipase A,which has also been implicated in alteration of the host cellplasma membrane during rickettsial entry, may also beresponsible for dissolution of the phagosome membraneduring rickettsial escape (462).

Resistance to lysosomal enzymes. Another way to avoidbeing killed and digested by lysosomal enzymes is to becomeresistant to their action. Several intracellular parasites,including Yersinia pestis (396), Salmonella typhimurium(75), Coxiella burnetii, and the genus Leishmania, havemade this adaptation. The latter two parasites are discussedin detail.

Leishmanias. Leishmanias belong to the same family as T.cruzi (Trypanosomatidae) (2, 78). Humans and other verte-brates are the hosts for numerous Leishmania species. Moststudies on intracellular survival have been done with thehuman parasites L. donovani and L. mexicana. L. donovanicauses a severe and often fatal visceral leishmaniasis (kala

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azar) in the tropics and near-tropics of both hemispheres. Inits broad aspects, the life cycle of L. donovani resemblesthat of T. cruzi. People are infected by the bite of sand flies(Phlebotomus). Extracellular, flagellated promastigotes pro-duced in the invertebrate host are phagocytized by macro-phages in which they differentiate into nonflagellated amas-tigotes which multiply intracellularly. They are released toinfect other macrophages or to be taken up in the blood mealof another sand fly, in which they give rise to a new gen-eration of promastigotes, thus completing the life cycle. Inculture, leishmanias enter both professional (41, 78) andnonprofessional (245) phagocytes by a cytochalasin B-sensitive mechanism (9).

It was first shown for the in vitro systems of L. mexicanaand mouse macrophages (11) and L. donovani and hamstermacrophages (80, 81) that amastigotes enter their host cellsin phagosomes which fuse with secondary lysosomes andthat the leishmanias survive and multiply in the resultingphagolysosomes. These results have been confirmed withother Leishmania-macrophage systems (246). Fusion of pri-mary lysosomes with phagosomes containing amastigotes isalso without effect on survival or multiplication of theparasite (77). That leishmanias behave similarly in vivo wasshown by infecting hamsters with L. donovani and thenisolating and observing infected macrophages from the ham-sters' bone marrow (104).How do leishmanias survive and multiply in the presence

of lysosomal enzymes? There are several possible answers,not necessarily mutually exclusive. First, Leishmania spp.may have evolved an enzyme-resistant cell surface (80).Surface glycoproteins appear to be critical to this kind ofadaptation (82). Second, Leishmania spp. may secrete en-zyme inhibitors or inactivators (11). In support of thishypothesis, the excretion of carbohydrate-rich moleculesbearing large negative charges has been observed in severalLeishmania species (110). These excretory factors inhibitsome, but not all, of the acid hydrolases of the lysosome. Ithas also been suggested that ammonia produced by thehighly active leishmanial proteases may accumulate in theleishmanial phagolysosome, thus raising the pH and inacti-vating the lysosomal enzymes, which have exceptionally lowpH optima (89, 330).That leishmanias may not be completely indifferent to

lysosomal enzymes is suggested by the observation thatpoly-D-glutamic acid inhibits the fusion of secondarylysosomes with L. mexicana-containing phagosomes (seereference 168) and that L. mexicana grows faster in poly-D-glutamic acid-treated macrophages than in untreated ones(10).

Coxiella burnetii. Coxiella burnetii, a gram-negativeobligately intracellular procaryote, is the sole representativeof a genus formally classified in the order Rickettsiales butwithout known phylogenetic kinship with other members ofthe order (29, 451). C. burnetii is of worldwide occurrence inticks and in mammals, particularly in cattle, sheep, andgoats. It is transmitted by aerosol from domestic animals topeople, in whom it causes the disease called Q fever (whichis seldom fatal but in a few cases causes severe endocarditis[29]).

C. burnetii has been grown in vitro in both professionaland nonprofessional phagocytes (29). It appears to enternonprofessionals such as L cells by a cytochalasin B-sensitive (O. G. Baca, personal communication), parasite-directed endocytosis (67), although the role of the enteringparasite seems to be more passive than that of Rickettsia.Once inside its host cell, C. burnetii remains and multiplies

within membrane-bound vacuoles which have the propertiesof phagolysosomes (7, 67, 68). They contain the lysosomalenzymes acid phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase, and theyhave a pH of about 5.0.How C. burnetii resists the attack of lysosomal enzymes is

not known, but there is no doubt that this organism hasbecome well adapted to the acidic environment of thephagolysosome. Intact cells of C. burnetii utilize glucose andglutamate very slowly at pH 7 (309, 310), but they transportand metabolize both substrates very vigorously at pH 5 andbelow (157, 158, 159). Furthermore, when the pH of C.burnetii-containing phagolysosomes is raised by the use ofbasic lysosomotrophic agents such as chloroquine, methyl-amine, and ammonium chloride, parasite multiplication isinhibited (158).

Prevention of phagosome-lysosome fusion. A final way toavoid the lethal consequences of phagosome-lysosome fu-sion is to keep it from happening at all. As with the otheravoidance strategies, this one has been adopted by aphylogenetically dissimilar group of intracellular microorga-nisms, among them being M. tuberculosis (24), C. psittaci(136), Legionella pneumonophila (202), Toxoplasma gondii(215), and chorella-like algae (188, 304).M. tuberculosis. The genus Mycobacterium (36) includes

the agents of two major human diseases, tuberculosis andleprosy, as well as a number of other pathogenic andsaprophytic species. Mycobacterium offers an interestingexample of adaptive radiation. As members of the genusentered new habitats and filled new niches, they evolveddifferent mechanisms of intracellular survival. The rat lep-rosy agent M. lepraemurium lives in phagosomes that havefused with lysosomes (19, 169), the leprosy bacillus M.leprae spends part of its intracellular residence inphagosomes and part free in the cytoplasm (23, 116, 277),and M. microti, a parasite of voles, and the human tuberclebacillus M. tuberculosis live in phagosomes that seldomprovoke lysosomal fusion (24, 169).Of all of these mycobacteria, the relation between M.

tuberculosis and lysosomes has been investigated by far themost exhaustively. Although human-virulent strains grow,albeit very slowly, in artificial media of simple chemicalcomposition, in their human hosts they multiply almostexclusively in macrophages (472). In vitro, M. tuberculosisreadily infects macrophages, but information on its mecha-nism of entry is surprisingly limited, considering the dili-gence with which other aspects of this host cell-intracellularparasite relationship have been studied.When mouse peritoneal macrophages ingest human-

virulent M. tuberculosis inactivated by gamma radiation,virtually all the bacilli-containing phagosomes fuse withferritin-labeled secondary lysosomes (24). In contrast, whenmacrophages ingest viable M. tuberculosis, signs of fusionare infrequent. Exposure to specific rabbit antiserum doesnot destroy infectivity, but when the antiserum-treated ba-cilli are ingested by macrophages, most of the phagosomesfuse with ferritin-labeled lysosomes (24). However, theantiserum-coated bacilli continue to multiply in the fusedphagosomes (25), thus showing that macrophage lysosomalenzymes do not inhibit the growth of M. tuberculosis. Itappears that this intracellular parasite has evolved not one,but two ways of evading the consequences of lysosomalfusion.A likely explanation for the reluctance of lysosomes to

fuse with phagosomes containing viable M. tuberculosis isthat mycobacterial products interact with lysosomal mem-branes and render them nonfusible. These products are


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probably the mycobacterial sulfatides, polyanionic trehaloseglycolipids that are associated with virulence in M. tubercu-losis (148). The sulfatides are readily taken up by lysosomes,

and exposure of mouse macrophages to small amounts ofsulfatides prevents or delays the fusion of lysosomes withyeast cells, which normally provoke a massive fusion reac-

tion (149). Continued study of the effect of various sub-stances on the fusion of labeled secondary lysosomes withphagosomes containing yeast cells revealed that otherpolyanions (dextran sulfate, poly-D-glutamate, suramin, andchlorite-oxidized amylose) also inhibit fusion (143, 168, 170,172), whereas chloroquine and other secondary and tertiaryamines promote it (170). Chloroquine reverses the fusioninhibition produced by polyanions or by viable M. tubercu-losis itself (170). When chlorite-oxidized amylose is coupledwith a fluorescent label, it combines only with lysosomesand not with phagosomes, indicating that the polyanionicsite of action is the lysosomal membrane (143). The obser-vation that polyanionic inhibitors of lysosomal fusion alsoinhibit saltatory lysosomal movements has suggested thatthese inhibitors act largely, but not necessarily exclusively,by limiting lysosomal movement, thus reducing the fre-quency of lysosomal-phagosomal collision (172).Ammonia, which freely enters the lysosomes, has an

unexpected effect on phagosome-lysosome fusion. In ac-

cordance with the effect of chloroquine and other amines,ammonia would be expected to promote fusion, but inactuality it inhibits it (147). This action of ammonia probablydoes not result from raising the intralysosomal pH, becausechloroquine also raises the pH.There is one set of observations that does not fit into a

picture of fusion/nonfusion being determined solely at thelysosomal membrane. Phagosome membranes around newlyingested yeast cells are tightly applied (171). However,treatment with polyanions causes the membranes to loosen,and this loosening is prevented or reversed by chloramphen-icol. This suggests that something is also being determined atthe phagosome membrane.

It has been suggested that M. microti avoids phagosome-lysosome fusion in mouse macrophages by raising the intra-cellular level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP)(251), but comparable experiments with M. tuberculosishave not been reported.

C. psittaci. When mouse fibroblasts (L cells) ingest infec-tious elementary bodies of C. psittaci (Cal 10), electronmicroscopic observation reveals no fusion of lysosomes withchlamydia-laden phagosomes, and in isopycnic centrifuga-tion of fractionated infected L cells, chlamydial phagosomesand lysosomes appear as two distinct peaks (136). Compa-rable observations have been made with the polyarthritisstrain of C. psittaci growing in bovine spleen cells (407) andwith an LGV biovar of C. trachomatis in hamster cells(BHK-21) (239). When C. psittaci is heat inactivated beforeits ingestion by L cells, lysosomes promptly fuse with thechlamydial phagosomes (136). L-cell phagosomes containingantibody-coated C. psittaci also fuse with lysosomes (136).Since infectivity may be recovered by diluting the antibody-coated chlamydiae, the crucial effect of antibody is probablymodification of the elementary body surface, not destructionof infectivity. When L cells ingest C. psittaci in the presenceof multiplication-inhibiting concentrations of chlorampheni-col, there is no phagosome-lysosome fusion for at least 30 h(136), indicating that the ingested C. psittaci need to neithermultiply nor synthesize protein to prevent fusion. Therefore,the studies on inhibition of phagosome-lysosome fusion in Lcells suggest that "the ability of the chlamydial cell to

prevent the host lysosomal response was afforded by someintrinsic architecture of the parasite already present at timeof entry" (136).

This suggestion is supported by investigations on chla-mydial inhibition of lysosomal fusion in mouse peritonealmacrophages. As followed with ferritin-labeled secondarylysosomes and electron microscopy, intact elementary bod-ies of C. psittaci (Cal 10) do not trigger phagosome-lysosomefusion, but heat-treated and antibody-coated chlamydiae do(471). Isolated cell walls of elementary bodies, which areingested as rapidly as intact chlamydiae (244), do not pro-voke fusion of lysosomes with the phagosomes in which theyenter macrophages, but if the walls are heated before inges-tion, they no longer inhibit fusion (108). Although chlamydialreticulate bodies are noninfectious, they are ingested bymacrophages, whereupon reticulate body-bearingphagosomes are fused with lysosomes (58). Thus, it appearsthat the feature of elementary body architecture responsiblefor fusion inhibition is absent from the reticulate body,although lysosomes are not observed to fuse with chlamydia-laden vacuoles long after all elementary bodies have differ-entiated into reticulate bodies (407). When macrophages areallowed to ingest mixtures of C. psittaci elementary bodiesand either yeast cells or E. coli, inhibition of fusion withlysosomes is restricted to the chlamydia-containingphagosomes; there is no generalized, host cell-wide interfer-ence with fusion (107).With M. tuberculosis, bacterial products, probably

sulfatides, are thought to modify lysosomal membranes andthus inhibit fusion. In contrast, with C. psittaci, at some asyet undetermined point in the entry process, some elementof the elementary body wall appears to modify the mem-brane of the phagosome in which it is contained. When thephagosome membranes are isolated from macrophages thathave ingested either infectious or heat-killed C. psittaci,their protein content is very similar, but there are smalldifferences (474). Whether or not these differences deter-mine the intracellular fate of chlamydiae remains to be seen.

Legionella pneumophila. L. pneumophila is the best char-acterized of a group of closely related gram-negative bacillithat have been isolated from freshwater lakes and streamsand from domestic water supplies (56, 200, 238, 404). L.pneumophila infects people by the aerosol route to producetwo clinically distinct diseases, an often fatal pneumonia(legionnaires' disease) and a mild, nonpneumonic illness(Pontiac fever). The organism does not grow in ordinarybacteriological media, but it does grow in special mediadesigned to meet its exacting, but not complex, nutritionalrequirements (see section, "Difference Between Obligateand Facultative Intracellular Parasites"). In cell culture, itlives as an intracellular parasite. The mode of entry of thelegionnaires' disease agent into host cells has not beenstudied in detail, but it enters and grows in both professional(human monocytes [203]) and nonprofessional (human em-bryonic lung fibroblasts [469]) phagocytes.

In monocytes from peripheral human blood, L. pneumo-phila multiplies in phagosomes with membranes of novelstructure; they become studded with host ribosomes 4 to 8 hafter infection (201, 203). Lysosomes prelabeled withthorium dioxide do not fuse with phagosomes containing livebacteria, and there is no sign of acid phosphatase activity inthese phagosomes (202). However, if the legionnaires' dis-ease bacteria are killed with Formalin before being ingestedby monocytes, phagosome-lysosomes fusion is not inhibited,and host ribosomes do not associate with phagosome mem-branes (201, 203). Erythromycin, which inhibits protein

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synthesis by intracellular L. pneumophila (204), fails toreverse the inhibition of lysosomal fusion and does notinterfere with the formation of ribosome-studded phagosomemembranes (201, 202). When the bacteria are coated withantibody, inhibition of fusion is partially overcome, althoughthe entry and intracellular multiplication of antibody-coatedorganisms is not hindered (202).As with chlamydiae, some structural feature of the unal-

tered bacterial surface, already present at the time of entry,appears to modify the membranes of phagosomes containingL. pneumophila. However, the correlation between inhibi-tion of lysosomal fusion and formation of the novel ribo-some-studded phagosomal membrane suggests that thismechanism of fusion is different from those evolved byeither C. psittaci or M. tuberculosis.

Chlorella-like algae. The H. viridis-Chlorella symbiosisresembles the bacterial pathogen-vertebrate host cell rela-tion, not only with respect to entry, but also with respect tosurvival. Viable symbiotic algae are ingested by thegastrodermal digestive cells of the coelenterate, each algalcell within a single vacuole, and phagosome-lysosome fusiondoes not occur (188, 304). However, nonviable algae arequickly digested. The hydra-alga symbiosis takes on addedinterest with the report that H. viridis is the host formicroorganisms strongly resembling chlamydiae, althoughwithout the genus-specific chlamydial antigen (305). Thesechlamydia-like organisms grow within vacuoles insideectodermal epitheliomuscular cells where they do not pro-voke lysosomal fusion. However, in gastrodermal cells,organism-containing vacuoles fuse with lysosomes, and thechlamydiae-like organisms are digested. The many resem-blances between the relation of H. viridis with its symbiontsand parasites and the relation of intracellular bacterial patho-gens with their vertebrate host cells may provide a wealth ofinteresting material for future students of the comparativebiology of intracellular parasitism.

Diversity of mechanisms for evading phagosome-lysosomefusion. Mechanisms for evading phagosome-lysosome fusionhave evolved on the same pattern as already described forentry mechanisms: the appearance in different intracellularparasites of different solutions to a common problem. Evenwhen two organisms initially appear to handle the problem inthe same way, as in inhibition of lysosomal fusion in M.tuberculosis and C. psittaci, further study shows that theyachieve the same end by different means.

MULTIPLICATIONAfter an intracellular parasite enters a host cell, it must not

only survive in the intracellular environment, but also ex-ploit the resources of that environment for its own multipli-cation without destroying, at least not immediately, hostfunctions vital to parasite multiplication. Reproduction ofthe parasite and preservation of host functions are, ofcourse, simultaneous and inseparable events. However, Iwill attempt to separate them for ease of discussion, al-though I will not always succeed. First, let us look at themultiplication of some representative intracellular parasitesand then see if there are any generalizations to be made.

Modes of MultiplicationBdellovibrios. Multiplication of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus

in the intraperiplasmic space of a gram-negative bacterialhost furnishes a model of simplicity against which othermodes of intracellular multiplication may be profitably com-pared. There are no host defenses to overcome and no host

functions to preserve because bdellovibrios kill their hostsand stop host metabolism soon after entry. Bdellovibriomultiplies in a closed system in which the parasite uses whathost resources are available at the outset and no more,whereas the other intracellular parasites to be comparedwith Bdellovibrio grow in open systems in which parasitemultiplication is probably dependent on the continued abilityof the host cell to obtain nutrients from the extracellularenvironment and to convert them into forms that the parasitecan use (350).Host cells such as E. coli are lethally damaged soon after

bdellovibrio attachment (259, 349, 424). Flagella stop beat-ing, cytoplasmic membranes are damaged, respirationceases, and synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) stops. Within 30 min, the infected E.coli changes from a rod to a sphere called the bdelloplast, thestructural unit of bdellovibrio reproduction in which growthand multiplication of the parasite takes place in the spacebetween the swollen wall and the contracted protoplast ofthe host (346). The entry-associated breakdown of peptido-glycan by glycanase (401) is terminated by the action ofanother bdellovibrio enzyme that hydrolyzes N-acetylgroups from the peptidoglycan (402), thus making it an unfitsubstrate for glycanase. Bdellovibrio enzymes also bringabout the addition of diaminopimelic acid (356) and long-chain fatty acids (403) to the bdelloplast wall. Other bdel-lovibrios that subsequently encounter the bdelloplast cannotmake holes in the deacetylated peptidoglycan, and so thefirst bdellovibrio on the scene does not have to share theresources of the host cell with latecomers.

Next, protected from outside interference and with theentry pore sealed (by mechanisms unknown) to prevent lossof solubilized host material, the bdellovibrio efficiently con-verts host macromolecules into parasite macromolecules.Bdellovibrios grow normally on heat-killed host cells (183) orin complex media supplemented with host cell extracts (198,338), so it is unlikely that they depend on their hosts foreither degradative or synthetic enzymes or for generation ofmetabolic energy. Some host macromolecules, notably sev-eral outer membrane proteins (99), may be transferred intactfrom host to bdellovibrio, but most often host polymers arebroken down to monomers at rates consistent with thesynthetic needs of the parasite. For example, host DNA issplit into 500-kilodalton pieces by an endonuclease, and thenan exonuclease hydrolyzes off deoxyribonucleosidemonophosphates which are incorporated directly into para-site DNA (259, 351). Similar mechanisms probably exist forbreakdown and resynthesis of RNA and protein (184). Dou-ble-labeling experiments show that monomers produced bybreakdown of host polymers are incorporated directly intobdellovibrio polymers with little or no modification (184,228, 259, 348).The major source of energy for bdellovibrio multiplication

is the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generated by aerobicoxidation of amino acids, glutamate in particular, liberatedby hydrolysis of host protein (185). This energy is utilizedwith exceptional efficiency (347), an efficiency much greaterthan that achieved by host-independent bacteria growing inrich media and actually approaching the theoretical limitexpected of an organism using energy solely for the poly-merization of monomers. The basis of this high efficiency isnot fully understood. The direct conversion of host-derivedmonomers into parasite polymers, such as the use of host-derived nucleoside monophophosphates for synthesis ofDNA and RNA (348), contributes to the observed efficiencybut does not fully explain it (346, 350).


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TABLE 2. Multiplication of intracellular parasitesSalient features Bdellovibrio Coxiella Rickettsia Chlamydia Plasmodium

Experimental hosts

Location of multiply-ing unit

Mode of division

Yield (no. of new in-fectious units) perhost cell

Length of reproduc-tive cycle

Damage to host cells

Energy source

Independent synthe-sis of macromol-ecules

Phosphorylation lev-el at which hostnucleosides are in-corporated intonucleic acid

Special features

Gram-negative bac-teria, usually E.coli


Fragmentation of fil-ament

4 to 20

4 h

Damage is immedi-ate and lethal

ATP from aerobicoxidation of aminoacids liberatedfrom host proteins

Yes. Protein, RNA,and DNA synthe-ses in heat-killedhost cells

Monophosphatesfrom breakdownof host nucleic ac-ids

Host is a procaryote

Chicken embryos, Chicken embryos, Chicken embryos,eucaryotic celllines (L cells,Vero cells)


Binary fission

Up to 1,000

Several days

Morphologically evi-dent damage isminimal. Damageat a low multiplic-ity not well stud-ied

ATP from aerobicoxidation of gluta-mate, also glucose

Yes. Protein, RNA,apd DNA synthe-ses in host-freeparasites

Probably mono- anddiphosphates fromhost pools

Developmental cyclewith endospore-like and vegetativecell types

eucaryotic celllines (L cells)

Cytoplasm (free)

Binary fission

100 to 1,000

3 to 5 days

At high multiplicityof infection dam-age is immediateand lethal. Dam-age at low multi-plicity not wellstudied

ATP from oxidationof glutamate. Nocatabolism of glu-cose. Transportand limited use ofexogenous ATP

Yes. Protein synthe-sis in host-freerickettsiae. Proteinand nucleic acidsyntheses in cyclo-heximide-treatedhost cells

Mainly monophos-phates frpm hostpools. Host pyrim-idine nucleosidesnot used

Only R. tsutsugamu-shi does not needa C02-enriched at-mosphere forgrowth. Develop-mental cycle notdemonstrated

eucaryotic celllines (L cells,HeLa cells)

Cytoplasmic vacuole

Binary fission

10 to 1,000

2 to 3 days

At high multiplicity,damage is immedi-ate and lethal. Atlow multiplicity,host cells maycontinue to multi-ply

No net synthesis ofATP from exoge-nous substrates.Transport and useof exogenous ATPfor macromoleculesynthesis

Yes. Protein andRNA syntheses inhost-free chlamy-diae. Protein,RNA, and DNAsyntheses in cyclo-heximide- and em-etine-treated hostcells

Triphosphates fromhost pools used tomake RNA (andDNA?). Host py-rimidine deoxynu-cleosides not used

Developmental cyclewith infectious andreproductive celltypes

Erythrocytes frominfected birds andmammals. Eryth-rocytes cultured invitro

Cytoplasmic vacuole

Segmentation ofmultinuclear form

6 to 20

1 to 3 days

Host is a nonmulti-plying cell. Dam-age evidenced byalteration of eryth-rocyte membraneand breakdown ofhemoglobin

ATP from substrate-level phosphoryla-tion accompanyingglycolysis of glu-cose to lactate.Aerobic oxidationin dispute. Limiteduse of exogenousATP

Yes. Host-free plas-modia make pro-tein, RNA, andDNA as shown byisotope incorpo-ration and by lim-ited growth anddevelopment

Purine nucleosidesof host pools in-corporated intonucleic acid; py-rimidine nucleo-sides are not.Phosphorylationlevel unknown

Parasite is a eucary-ote. Metabolicstudies limited toone stage in lifecycle (erythrocyticstage)

While all these biochemical events are going on, a newgeneration of bdellovibrios is being made. The invadingbdellovibrio, which has left its flagellum behind upon entry,becomes a filament which grows in length until the foodsupply is exhausted or DNA synthesis i$ terminated (346).At that time, flagella reappear, tnd the filament breaks upinto unit cell lengths, about four for each E. coli cell andseveral times that number for larger hosts (109, 219). Lysisand release of progeny is brought about by the appearance ofa new parasite enzyme th,at hydrolyzes the deacetylatedpeptidoglycan of the bdelloplast (401). The entire life cycle

of Bdellovibrio, from attachment to lysis, takes about 4 h.Enough is known about four other intracellular parasites,

three procaryotes and one eucaryote, to make worthwhilecomparisons of their multiplication with that of the bdel-lovibrios. The available information is summarized in Table2 and discussed in some detail for each parasite.

Coxielka burnetii. In cultures of L cells, green monkeykidney (Vero) cells, and several macrophage-like lines de-rived from mouse tumors, C. burnetii multiples by binaryfission in enormous cytoplasm-filling vacuoles that have theproperties of phagolysosomes (7, 28, 67) and contain even-

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tually 1,000 or more new Coxiella cells. However, morpho-logically evident damage to these host cells is minimal, andpersistent infections in which both host and parasite keep onmultiplying have been maintained for several nmonths (28, 30,68). It is obvious that C. burnetii need not injure its hosts toreproduce.As pointed out in the previous section, intact cells of C.

burnetii utilize glutamate, glucose, and tricarboxylic acidcycle intermediates very slowly or not at all at pH 7 and veryvigorously at pH 5 and below, almost certainly an adaptationof life in the phagolysosome (158, 159). ATP generated bythe aerobic oxidation of glutarhate is probably the chiefsource of energy for C. burnetii, although glucose and thetricarboxylic acid cycle acids may also serve as energysources (158).Although host-free multiplication has not been achieved,

intact C. burnetii synthesizes DNA, RNA, and protein fromappropriate monomieric intermediates at pH 4.5 (but not pH7) and in the presence of glutamate. Parasites grown in eitheryolk sac (160) or baby hamster kidney cells (475) incorporatelabeled glutamate or leucine into protein when incubatedwith the other naturally occurring amino acids in a highK+-low Na+ medium. Leucine incorporation continues formany hours, and the newly synthesized protein may amountto 15 or 30% of the total protein of the incubated C. burnetii.Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicates that at least 24different polypeptides are synthesized by host-free C.burnetii. Addition of exogenous ATP does not increase therate of glutamate incorporation into protein (160). Someyears ago it was found that pH 7 extracts of C. burnetiisynthesize RNA from the four nucleoside triphosphates withphosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase as an energy-generating system (214). With the discovery of the acid-loving nature of the parasite, incorporation of labeled uridineinto the cells of intact, host-free C. burnetii has beenobtained at pH 4.5 and in the presence of glutamate (475).Little is known about the host-independent synthesis ofDNA except that, again only at pH 4.5 and with glutamate as

energy source, labeled thymidine is incorporated into para-site DNA (160). The level of phosphorylation at which C.burnetii captures host riucleosides for its own syntheticneeds is not known. However, C. burnetii extracts makenucleoside triphosphates from the corresponding nucleosidemono- and diphosphates (84).

In host-free intact cells of C. burnetii, sustained synthesisof any one of the three major macromolecules is dependenton continued synthesis of the other two (475). Proteinsynthesis is immediately halted by rifampin (inhibits procar-yotic RNA synthesis [138]), which confirms an earlier sug-gestion that C. burnetii messenger RNA is unstable (100),uracil incorporation into RNA is reduced by chlorampheni-col (inhibits procaryotic protein synthesis [138]), probablybecause transcription enzymes are not synthesized, andinhibition of DNA synthesis by hydroxyurea (138) slowlyreduces the rate of leucine incorporation into protein.

Rickettsiae. Soon after entry, rickettsiae escape fromphagosomes (see section, "Survival") and multiply by bi-nary fission (363) in the host-cell cytoplasm. Some cells of R.rickettsii (the agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever) alsomultiply within host cell nuclei. The yield of infectiousrickettsiae per host cell varies from about 100 for R. rickettsiito more than 1,000 for R. prowazekii and R. tsutsugamushi.The smaller yield of R. rickettsii is due to early release ofrickettsiae from host cells (see below). Peak intracellularrickettsial populations are reached 3 to 5 days after infection(465, 466). Although most metabolic studies have used R.

prowazekii (louse-borne typhus) or R. typhi (sometimescalled R. mooseri), the agent of flea-borne typhus, the onemajor metabolic difference among the various rickettsialspecies appears to be that only R. tsutsugamushi (scrubtyphus) does not require an atmosphere enriched in carbondioxide for intracellular growth (226). High tnultiplicities ofrickettsiae rapidly kill host cells by disrupting their plasmamembranes (see section, "Entry"). At the lower multiplici-ties of infection used for metabolic experiments, R. akari(rickettsial pox) growing in L cells produces more visualevidence of host cell injury and inhibits synthesis of hostDNA more severely than does R. typhi (452). Under thesame conditions, R. rickettsii (376) is more damaging than R.prowazekii (377). It is not known if injury to host cells isessential for multiplication of rickettsiae, as it is for that ofbdellovibrios. The observations that R. tsutsugamushi mul-tiples in L cells only when they are suspended in a mediumthat supports active L-cell proliferation (196) and that volecells infected with R. rickettsii multiply indefinitely in cul-ture (406) strongly suggest that it is not. However, a prote-ase-associated activity of R. rickettsii that is essential forparasite multiplication may result in host cell injury (434).

Rickettsiae obtain most of their metabolic energy bycoupling the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP with theoxidation of glutamate via the tricarboxylic acid cycle,mainly to aspartate, carbon dioxide, and ammonia (47, 445,456, 473). Glucose is not catabolized by either intact cells(310) or extracts (88). Exogenous ATP may fulfill the energyrequirement for some rickettsial functions but not for others.Labeled amino acids are incorporated into rickettsial pro-teins with energy obtained from glutamate oxidation; butadded ATP is needed for maximum rates of incorporation(50). Exogenous ATP inhibits the hemolysis of sheep eryth-rocytes (see section, "Entry") by undamaged rickettsiae(51), but it promotes their hemolysis by damaged rickettsialcells (51, 457). In a similar vein, active transport of lysineinto rickettsial cells oxidizing glutamate is inhibited by bothcyanide and dinitrophenol; but exogenous ATP reversesonly the inhibition caused by cyanide and not that caused bydinitrophenol (381). Rickettsial activities in which oxidativephosphorylation accompanying glutamate oxidation cannotbe replaced by supplying ATP from the outside are probablyenergized by a proton motive force (125) rather than bydirect utilization of ATP (381, 473). Outside ATP is broughtinto the rickettsial cell by a membrane-located transportsystem in which a molecule of internal ADP is exchanged fora molecule of external ATP (458), whose energy is madeavailable by the action of a membrane-bound adenosinetriphosphatase (473).

Host-independent synthesis of rickettsial macromoleculeshas been demonstrated both with isolated rickettsial cellsand with rickettsiae growing in host cells. Host-free rickett-siae exhibit a low rate of incorporation of labeled methionine(52) and glycine (50) into rickettsial protein. Maximnum ratesof incorporation require the presence of all naturally occur-ring amino acids, ATP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,coenzyme A, a high K+-low Na+ medium, and the concom-itant oxidation of glutamate. At an even lower rate, labeledacetate is incorporated into lipids (48). Rickettsial synthesisof proteins and nucleic acids in infected host cells may bedemonstrated by using the antibiotic cycloheximide, whichinhibits synthesis of protein and DNA in eucaryotes but notirn procaryotes (138). In experiments patterned after thosefirst done with chlamydiae (12, 13), the incorporation oflabeled amino acids or adenine into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fractions of nonmultiplying (irradiated) L cells in


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which rickettsiae were growing was measured at severalintervals after infection in the presence and absence ofcyclohexamide (448, 452). Under these conditions, thecyclohexamide-resistant incorporation amounts to as muchas 50% of the incorporation observed in its absence. Forsynthesis of nucleic acids, rickettsiae appear to rely on host-derived nucleoside monophosphates or to synthesize themonophosphates de novo. AMP is transported into rickett-sial cells without hydrolysis (27, 454). Intact cells andextracts degrade ATP only as far as AMP (454), and hosturidine and thymidine pools are not directly converted to thecorresponding nucleoside phosphates (455).

Chlamydiae. Chlamydiae reproduce by binary fission (136,186, 248) in membrane-bound vacuoles that do not fuse withhost lysosomes (see section, "Survival"). Over a period of 2to 3 days, the yield of new elementary bodies for eachinfecting one may vary from little more than 10 to almost1,000 (290). Of the two chlamydial cell types (see section,"Entry"), the mnultiplying reticulate bodies are more activemetabolically than the infectious elementary bodies. Mostbiochemical investigations have used C. psittaci, but thereseems to be no major metabolic differences between the twochlamydial species (C. psittaci and C. trachomatis). Al-though cultured host cells are quickly killed by contact withlarge numbers of elementary bodies (see section, "Entry"),they may survive infection with one to five elementarybodies per host cell in good enough condition to undergo a

limited number of divisions while at the same time ade-quately supporting chlamydial multiplication (44, 90, 197).However, persistent chlamydial infections in which bothhost and parasite multiply freely have not been obtained (seereference 291 for review). It seems most likely that host cellinjury need not accompany chlamydial multiplication, butfrequently does.

In adapting to the intracellular habitat, chlamydiae appear

to have evolved mechanisms for exploiting the energy-richcompounds of their hosts and at the same time to have lostwhatever energy-producing systems they might once havehad (279). Host-free chlamydiae have neither flavoproteinnor cytochrome respiratory enzymes (E. Weiss and L. A.Kiesow, Bacteriol. Proc., p. 85, 1965), they catabolizeglutamate, glucose, and pyruvate to a limited extent butwithout producing useful energy (444), and infected hostcells do not develop novel energy-generating mechanisms(146, 281). However, host-free reticulate bodies of C. psit-taci move ATP in and ADP out of their intracellular space

with a translocase similar to that of rickettsiae, hydrolyze itto ADP with a chlamydial adenosine triphosphatase, and use

ATP energy for macromolecular synthesis (178, 179).As with rickettsiae, host-independent synthesis of chla-

mydial macromolecules has been shown in both isolatedchlamydiae and chlamydiae-infected host cells. In a highK+-low Na+ medium and in the presence of ATP and 19unlabeled amino acids, C. psittaci reticulate bodies incorpo-rate labeled methionine into many proteins with molecularweights identical to those of chlamydial proteins made ininfected L cells (178). The incorporation is inhibited bychloramphenicol but not by cycloheximide. In the presence

of all four ribonucleoside triphosphates, reticulate bodies ofC. psittaci incorporate labeled guanosine triphosphate intoRNA (397), and elementary bodies of C. trachomatis makelabeled RNA from labeled uridine triphosphate (360). Syn-thesis ofDNA in isolated chlamydiae has not been reported.Host-independent synthesis of chlamydial macromoleculeshas been demonstrated with the cycloheximide techniquealready described for rickettsiae. In the presence of enough

cyclohexamide to inhibit more than 00% of the proteinsynthesis by L cells, C. psittaci iticdrporates labeled aminoacids into chlamydial protein (12, 13). Incorporation isniaintained at a high level as long as the L cells are viable,and it is inhibited by chloramphenicol and tetracycline(inhibits procaryotic protein synthesis [138]). Comparableexperiments (40) have been done with C. trachomatis andFL cells (derived from human alhnion) treated with emetine,another inhibitor of eucaryotic protein sydthesis (138). Theability of cyclohexamide to block L-cell synthesis of DNA,as well as that of protein, tllows the demonstration ofhost-independent incorporation of uridine into chlamydialDNA (13). Emetine, which also inhibits RNA synthesis inFL cells (145), has been used to show host-independentsynthesis of RNA by C. trachomatis (156).Chlamydiae readily incorporate most medium-supplied

nucleosides into DNA and RNA, but the pyrimidinedeoxyribonucleosides are utilized very poorly (416). C.psittaci has no detectable thymidine kinase of its own, and itgrows normally in thymidine kinase-deficient L cells (177,247). Chlamydiae probably make the most of the thymidinetnphosphate needed for DNA synthesis from uridine viathymidylate synthetase. C. psittaci uses guanine as a nucleicacid precursor but only in host cells with a hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyl transferase to elevate guanine to thenucleotide level (76). The utilization of nucleoside triphos-phates as nucleic acid precursors by host-free chlamydiaehas already been described. An equilibrium-labeling tech-nique has been used to show the same pattern of utilizationin infected host cells (175). Exogenous uridine and adenineare incorporated into C. psittaci RNA at rates consistentwith the chlamydiae drawing exclusively on the nucleosidetriphosphate pools of the L-cell hosts.As in C. burnetii, synithesis of chlamydial DNA, RNA,

and protein is interdependent. Chloramphenicol inhibitsRNA synthesis by C. trachomatis in FL cells (156), and withC. psittaci multiplying in L cells, addition of chlorampheni-col, rifampin, or nalidixic acid (inhibits procaryotic DNAsynthesis [138]) brings the synthesis of all three macromol-ecule classes to a halt within a few hours (415).

Malarial parasites. Studies on the biochemistry ofplasmodial multiplication have, like those on entry, beenalmost entirely restricted to the blood stages of these para-sites (reference 428 reviews some pioneering studies on thebiochemistry of exoerythrocytic stages). An erythrocyticmerozoite enters a new erythrocyte contained in aparasitophorous vacuole derived from the erythrocyte mem-brane (see section, "Entry"), and, always within the con-fines of an expanding parasitophorous vacuole, it grows andmultiplies by a process called schizogony (141). Over aperiod of 1 to 3 days, the small uninuclear merozoite growsinto a large schizont with 6 to 20 nuclei, which segments intoa new brood of merozoites that are released into the blood-stream when the parasitized erythrocyte disintegrates. Mostmetabolic studies have used P. falciparum cultivated in vitroin human erythrocytes (412, 414), P. knowlesi grown inmonkeys, P. berghei grown in rats and mice, P. gallinaceumgrown in chickens, and P. lophurae grown in ducks. Thereare significant metabolic differences among these parasites,particularly between the mammalian and avian malarias. Themetabolic activities of plasmodia have been observed insidethe erythrocyte (parasitized erythrocytes) or outside it (freeparasites). Both kinds of parasite preparation may be con-taminated with metabolically active host material such asimmature erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytemembranes, and vacuolar membranes which still enclose the

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pot-so-free parasite. The extent of this contamination wasnot fully realized by early investigators (myself included)whose work must, therefore, be interpreted with caution.Even recent investigations are not always without ambigu-ity. In consequence, many an important question aboutplasmodial metabolism is still begging an answer.Of the intracellular parasites of Table 2, only the erythro-

cytic stages of malarial parasites live in nondividing hostcells to which the classic test of host cell damage, inhibitionof multiplication, cannot be applied. However, growingmalarial parasites change and consume their erythrocytehosts to an extent exceeded only by the bdellovibrios. Thesurface of the parasitized erythrocyte is altered both struc-turally and functionally (3, 367, 413), presumably to make abetter habitat for the parasite, and its hemoglobin is exten-sively degraded (discussed below).One of the few undisputed facts of plasmodial metabolism

is that glucose is the preferred energy source for everyspecies examined (193, 194, 367). Erythrocytes parasitizedwith P. berghei and P. lophurae actually catabolize glucoseat rates exceeding its rate of entry into unparasitized hostcells. The plasmodia have solved this dilemma by bringingabout an increase in the rate at which glucose enters theparasitized erythrocyte (299, 371). The related blood-dwelling Babesia rodhaini brings about a similar change inits mouse erythrocyte host (195). A second undisputed fact isthat malarial parasites catabolize glucose mainly to lacticacid (193, 194, 367). ATP is probably synthesized by sub-strate-level phosphorylation, but this has not been demon-strated directly. Beyond this, little is known for sure. Mam-malian malarias produce little else but lactic acid fromglucose, whereas avian malarias also generate organic acidsand carbon dioxide, possibly by the citric acid cycle or otheras yet undefined aerobic routes. However, it is even arguedwhether or not malarial parasites actually consume anyoxygen at all (cf. references 194 and 367).

It is not easy to demonstrate an unequivocal host-independent synthesis of protein by a eucaryotic parasitelocated inside a eucaryotic host (selective inhibitors are notavailable), but there is no reason to believe that the protein-synthesizing machinery of the host is needed to makemalarial protein (194, 366, 367). In parasitized erythrocytes,amino acids for synthesis of parasite protein come fromeither the outside (plasma) or the inside (hemoglobin). P.krowlesi needs medium-supplied methionine and leucine forgrowth in monkey erythrocytes, and it concentrates theseamino acids (and others as well) from the medium (137, 266,267, 327). Nevertheless, 80% of the methionine in P.knowlesi protein still comes from hemoglobin (137), which isprobably the most important source of amino acids formalarial parasites. Hemoglobin is taken into the ingestiveorganelle of the parasite (4, 357) where it dissociates intoglobin and malarial pigment, an iron-porphyrin complex ofdisputed structure (194, 367). The globin is then hydrolyzedto free amino acids by a plasmodial protease(s) (372). Thatthe globin-derived amino acids are incorporated into malarialprotein is shown by labeling the hemoglobin before infectingthe erythrocytes (137, 400).

Plasmodia make nucleic acids independently of theirhosts. For example, mouse erythrocytes (which synthesizeno nucleic acids) infected with P. berghei incorporate 32pinto DNA and RNA (453), duck erythrocytes (which havenuclei and make nucleic acids) parasitized with P. lophuraeincorporate 32p into parasite DNA without its passingthrough intermediates of the host cell nucleus (437), and P.gallinaceum freed from chicken erythrocytes continues to

make DNA (85). Free parasites of P. lophurae incorporatelabeled orotic acid (410) and adenosine (369) into nucleicacids, as do monkey erythrocytes containing P. knowlesi(368). Malarial parasites do not make their own purines andmust obtain them from outside sources as free bases or asnucleosides, whereas they synthesize pyrimidines de novoand, with the exception of orotic acid, do not incorporateexogenous pyrimidine bases or nucleosides into malarialnucleic acids (194, 225, 367). A possible role for exogenousATP in plasmodial metabolism is suggested by the require-ment of ATP for the survival of free parasites of P. lophuraein an in vitro system that supports development of multinu-cleate forms from uninucleated ones but does not permit netmultiplication (408, 410, 477) and by the depletion of ATPstores in erythrocytes infected with mammalian (57) andavian (409) malarias.

General Aspects of the Multiplication of IntracellularParasites

Exploitation of host activities. All organisms grow andmultiply by dissimilating food to yield energy and syntheticintermediates and from them synthesizing DNA, RNA,protein, and other cell constituents. If we believe in the unityof biochemistry, then we must also believe that these pro-cesses are basically the same in the intracellular parasite andin its host cell. Therefore, there are three broad areas of hostcell activity, any or all of which the enterprising intracellularparasite may divert to its own ends. They are synthesis ofintermediates, generation of energy, and synthesis of mac-romolecules.Of all of the intracellular parasites, only the viruses are

supposed to exploit host cell macromolecules. However, P.berghei grown in mouse erythrocytes contains mouse super-oxide dismutase, whereas P. berghei from rat erythrocyteshas the corresponding rat enzyme (118, 119). If it turns outthat these host enzymes are really functionally associatedwith P. berghei and not just adventitiously absorbed, thenthe possibility of other host enzymes being appropriated byother parasites must be considered. The transport of pro-teins into eucaryotic cells by endocytosis is well known (317,378); the situation with procaryotic cells is less satisfactory.So far, only the chlamydiae appear to be totally dependent

on their host cells for ATP and other energy-rich molecules(178, 179). However, partial dependency has been demon-strated in rickettsiae (50-52) and suspected in malarial par-asites (408, 410, 411) and microsporidia (443). Utilization ofexogenous ATP requires the presence in an intracellularparasite of a membrane-located ATP-ADP transport system,which has so far been demonstrated only in rickettsiae (458)and chlamydiae (179). The occurrence of this enzyme sys-tem, found otherwise only in mitochondria (460), in intracel-lular parasites of only the most distant phylogenetic kinship(290) is a fine example of convergent evolution at themolecular level. In transporting and directly utilizing host-derived nucleoside monophosphates, bdellovibrios (348) andrickettsias (27, 454, 456) are exhibiting a parallel but lessenergy-efficient adaptation. On the basis of an admittedlysmall number of species examined, it appears that onegeneral adaptation to the intracellular habitat is the exploi-tation of the energy stored in the phosphate bonds of thenucleic acids and nucleoside phosphates of the host cell.There seems to be no grand pattern in the choice of energy

source by intracellular parasites. It is true that Bdellovibrio(185), Coxiella (158, 159), and Rickettsia (53) preferentiallyutilize glutamate, but this amino acid is also the favorite


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substrate of many free-living saprophytic bacteria (233).What possible sense is to be made of the observations thatPlasmodium catabolizes glucose but not glutamate, thatRickettsia does just the opposite, and that Coxiella usesthem both?

It is a truism that the host cell supplies intermediates to theintracellular parasite. That this supplier-consumer relation isa peculiar one is less widely appreciated. The host cell maybe at the same time the environment in which the parasitelives, the source of synthetic intermediates, and a competi-tor with the parasite for some of these same intermediates(176, 280, 282, 283). Competition has been most studied in C.psittaci and L cells. Chlamydiae and host cells sometimescompete on an even footing, as when C. psittaci incorpo-rates uridine into its rRNA at a rate consistent with freeaccess to the ribonucleoside triphosphate pools of the L cell(175), but it completes poorly with the L cell for thymidine(177). Only in the presence of exceptionally high externallevels of the nucleoside, and with the host cell synthesizingthe deoxyribonucleoside phosphates of thymine, do thechlamydiae incorporate even traces of thymidine into theirDNA. A more complicated case of host-parasite competitionis provided by L-isoleucine, which neither host nor parasitecan synthesize (176). L cells ingest C. psittaci in the absenceof this amino acid, but neither host nor parasite divides untilisoleucine is added. The denser the infected L-cell popula-tion, the higher the concentration of amino acid needed toset both L cells and C. psittaci to multiplying, and at noisoleucine level does one start dividing before the other.When cycloheximide is added to block incorporation ofamino acids into L-cell protein, C. psittaci grows inisoleucine-deficient media on the small amount of the aminoacid liberated by the breakdown of host protein, whichshows that it is not the absolute concentration of isoleucinethat controls initiation of chlamydial multiplication but thelevel at which the parasite is able to compete effectively withits host.There is no reason to believe that competition between

host and parasites is unique to chlamydiae, although data arescarce. R. typhi (455), Toxoplasma gondii (321), and P.berghei (63) also have difficulty in incorporating thymidineinto DNA, probably because, as with chlamydiae, theycannot phosphorylate the nucleoside and cannot competeeffectively for host-made thymine deoxynucleoside phos-phates. Conversely, Toxoplasma gondii growing in humandiploid fibroblasts incorporates virtually all added uracil intoits own DNA because it has an active uridine phosphorylaseand its host cell does not (324). It is probably no coincidencethat the two parasites of Table 2 which make use of hostmacromolecules as a major source of synthetic intermedi-ates, the bdellovibrios and the malarial parasites, are theonly ones that do not have to compete with host cells that arealso trying to multiply.An interesting example of competition between two dif-

ferent intracellular parasites is the exclusion of R. rickettsiifrom its tick host Dermacentor andersoni by nonpathogenicrickettsiae, a competition that may determine the geographicrange of R. rickettsii (64). This interspecific competitionprobably occurs at the level of the host cell, not the entirehost.

Modification of host cell membranes. Of the parasites ofTable 2, only the rickettsiae multiply in the main intracellularspace of the host cell (see section, "Survival"). The othersare all segregated in spaces enclosed by membranes of hostorigin. The space and the membrane are called differentthings in different host-parasite associations; I will call them

the vacuole and the vacuole membrane. In bdellovibrio-hostbacterium interactions, the intraperiplasmic pocket, which isthe functional equivalent of the cytoplasmic vacuole ineucaryotic hosts, has an enclosing membrane whose func-tion is to keep host-derived nutrients from diffusing beyondthe reach of the growing parasite, but in Coxiella, Chla-mydia, and Plasmodium infections, the vacuole membranepresents an additional barrier through which all materials forparasite growth must pass before actually encountering theparasite surface. Because the vacuole membrane increasesperhaps 10- to 100-fold in mass and surface area as theparasites grow and divide, it has occurred to many that, asthe membrane is enlarged, it may be modified by the parasitebrood it encloses in such a way as to better provide for thegrowth needs of those parasites.

That the vacuole membrane can be different from theplasma membrane of the host cell from which it originates(see section, "Entry") is well established. However, exactlywhat the differences are, how the parasite brings them about,and how they contribute to parasite multiplication are sel-dom obvious. The vacuole membrane of P. lophurae tightlysurrounds the parasite when it is artificially liberated from itshost cells, and when the parasite grows extracellularly, thevacuole membrane grows proportionally and participates inthe uptake of food by the ingestive vacuole (235, 237). Invacuole membranes, the number and distribution of mem-brane proteins are not those expected of erythrocyte mem-branes (236, 268, 370). Evidence for modification of othervacuole membranes is more indirect. For example, C. psit-taci appears to modify its vacuole membrane so as toprevent fusion with lysosomes (see section, "Survival"),and it must be assumed that, if this parasite is to use hostnucleoside triphosphates, they must be transported througha modified vacuole membrane as well as the chlamydialmembrane (286).

Intracellular parasites also change the outer membranes oftheir host cells, usually in ways that appear to be beneficialto the parasites. By deacetylating peptidoglycan, bdel-lovibrios render their host immune to further infection (402).In a comparable fashion, L cells persistently infected with C.psittaci are also immune to superinfection because theirsurface proteins have been altered to make them incapableof associating with exogenous chlamydiae (292, 293). Malar-ial parasites bring about a number of changes in the surfaceproperties of infected erythrocytes (reviewed in reference413). In some species, permeability to glucose is increased(299, 371). Schuffner's dots, long known to appear onerythrocytes infected with P. vivax, have been shown byelectron microscopy to be small invaginations in the eryth-rocyte plasma membrane and are thought to be involved inpinocytosis (3). P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes haveknoblike protrusions which cause them to stick to thecapillary endothelium, thus bringing about the sequestrationof mature-stage parasites in the capillary bed that is charac-teristic of falciparum malaria (252, 421). Some workers haveconcluded that the knobs contain P. falciparum antigens(224, 301), one of which is reported to be homologous withthe histidine-rich protein implicated in entry of P. lophurae(222, 223), whereas others have suggested that these anti-gens represent newly exposed or chemically modified eryth-rocyte components (155).

Regulation of onset and cessation of intracellular multipli-cation. How does the intracellular parasite know when it hasreached an intracellular site that will support growth andmultiplication? How does it avoid abortive turn-on? Ageneral indication that intracellular parasites have evolved

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suitable control mechanisms is the frequency with whichthey undergo morphological transformation on entering hostcells; that is, there are morphologically distinguishable ex-tracellular tradsit forms and intracellular reproductive forms(see section, "Transit"). Of the five intracellular parasitesdescribed in this section, only the rickettsiae do not conformto this pattern (Table 2).The intracellular parasites of Table 2, other than Bdel-

lovibrio, live in vertebrate host cells in which the majorintracellular cation is K+ and the predominant cation inextracellular fluids is Na+. Because extracellular develop-ment of P. Iophurae (408) and synthesis of macromoleculesby host-free Coxiella burnetii (475), R. prowazekii (50, 52),and C. psittaci (178) proceed optimally in high K+-low Na+media, it is possible that a high concentration of K+ favorsonset of intracellular multiplication (perhaps in concert withparasite-specific factors) or that high Na+ levels inhibit theinitiation of multiplication. In a comparable way, the facul-tative intracellular bacterium Y. pestis (the plague bacillus)and the closely related Y. pseudotuberculosis respond tochange from a medium high in Na+ and Ca2+ to one high inK+ and Mg2+ by shifting from extracellular to intracellularpatterns of metabolism and growth (59-61).

Infectious, flagellated bdellovibrios do not make DNA(338, 356), and although structural modification of hostmembranes begins as early as 20 min after entry into thebacterial host, DNA synthesis and filamentous growth donot start for another 40 min (259). These observations havebeen interpreted to mean that bdellovibrios must be in theintraperiplasmic space for about 1 h before they becomeresponsive to a signal for starting DNA synthesis that isreceived only in that habitat (346, 355).The dependency of both catabolic and anabolic processes

in host-free Coxiella burnetii on the low pH of theintraphagolysosomal environment has already been de-scribed. This dependency appears to be a real mechanism forlimiting the metabolic activities of the parasite to thephagolysosome (and not just a coincidence). Raising theintraphagolysosomal pH of infected cells inhibits the multi-plication of Coxiella burnetii (158), and intracellularprocaryotes (Rickettsia and Chlamydia) that do not live inphagolysosomes optimally catabolize the common substrateglutamate at pH 7, not pH 4.5 (160). Amastigotes of L.mexicana, which also live in phagolysosomes, optimallycatabolize glucose, glutamate, and other substrates at neu-tral, not acid, pH (167), but with glucose as energy sourcethey incorporate more leucine into protein at pH 4.75 than atpH 7.4 (K.-P. Chang, personal communication). A develop-mental cycle for Coxiella burnetii has been proposed inwhich an endospore-like cell type alternates with a vegeta-tive cell type (263). If continued investigation substantiatesthis suggestion, then the stimulus for transition between theendospore-like form and the vegetative form may prove tobe the low pH of the phagolysosome.As already stated, rickettsiae either generate their own

ATP by oxidative phosphorylation of glutamate via thetricarboxylic acid cycle (47) or take up ATP from the hostcytoplasm by means of an ATP-ADP transport system (458).The relative contribution of each potential source of ATP torickettsial energy needs is probably decided by adenylate-dependent (ATP > ADP > AMP) regulation of a key enzymein the tricarboxylic acid cycle, citrate synthetase (325, 459).Extracellularly, the rickettsiae need ATP for getting insidehost cells (see section, "Entry"), the adenylate concentra-tion outside the host is low, citrate synthetase is active, andATP is produced via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In-

tracellularly, citrate synthetase is inhibited by the highadenylate levels, and the rickettsiae turn to the host cell fortheir ATP.

In Chlamydia, the signal for initiation of multiplicationappears to be provided by host-generated reductants in theintracellular environment. Unlike most procaryotes, chla-mydiae have no peptidoglycan layer in their cell envelopes(35, 142), and the rigidity of the elementary body wall residesin large disulfide bond-linked complexes of the major outermembrane protein (37, 178, 182, 302, 398). When elementarybodies enter host cells, the cross-linked complexes arereduced to the monomeric state (T. P. Hatch and G. Hood,Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1984, K13, p. 149).Three lines of evidence suggest that this reduction increasesthe permeability of the elementary body envelopes to ATPand other nucleoside triphosphates which they need forreorganization into multiplying reticulate bodies. They are asfollows: (i) host-free reticulate bodies, but not elementarybodies, transport ATP and other nucleoside triphosphates(178, 179); (ii) isolated elementary bodies synthesize RNAfrom exogenous nucleoside triphosphates, but only afterthey have been treated with the reducing agent mercapto-ethanol (397); and (iii) studies with liposomes made fromchlamydial outer membrane complexes suggest that intactouter membanes have pores large enough to accommodatenucleoside triphosphates, but only when care is taken toavoid the formation of disulfide bond-linked complexes (37).

After the malarial merozoite penetrates the host erythro-cyte, it discards the organelles associated with entry anddifferentiates into a uninuclear trophozoite which grows intoa mature schizont with many nuclei. Such drastic morpho-logical changes must be the result of complex metabolicactivity set in motion by a stimulus received in theintraerythrocytic environment. Merozoites of P. lophuraedeveloping extracellularly (237) must receive and respond toa similar stimulus, but no one knows what it is.

After a period of multiplication that varies from hours todays in different host-parasite systems, the end of thereproductive phase is often heralded by the differentiation ofsome multiplying forms into infectious transit forms, al-though some parasites, such as chlamydiae (136, 187, 248),continue to produce both cell types for many hours. Themorphological aspects of this differentiation have been welldescribed for plasmodia (3) and chlamydiae (136, 187, 248),but only for the bdellovibrios is there any hint of underlyingmechanisms. -When filamentous, growing bdellovibrios areprematurely released from host bacteria, they complete oneround of DNA replication and then fragment into infectiousforms in the absence of external sources of carbon for energyor of any special stimulating factor (356). It appears that, forthe prematurely released bdellovibrios, the signal for cessa-tion of multiplication and onset of differentiation is removalfrom their normal habitat and that, for the bdellovibrios leftundisturbed in the intraperiplasmic space, the correspondingsignal is exhaustion of a regulatory component (356). Ex-haustion of a metabolite or inactivation of a regulator is alsothe best guess as to what controls differentiation of schizontsinto merozoites and reticulate bodies into elementary bod-ies.

Synthesis of unique parasite constituents. In attempting acomparative treatment of the metabolic processes underly-ing multiplication of intracellular parasites, I have ignored asignificant body of information on how each of these orga-nisms synthesizes many substances unique to its particularspecies. Some, such as the histidine-rich protein of malarialparasites (220, 221) and the glycanase of bdellovibrios (401),


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may have appeared as positive adaptations to intracellularlife. Others, such as the folates (87, 123) and lipids (192, 256,337) made by chlamydiae and malarial parasites, were prob-ably already being synthesized by the free-living ancestors ofthese organisms. In the path toward adaptation to theintracellular habitat, there appears to have been no drifttowards loss of individuality.

PRESERVATION OF HOST FUNCTIONPredators kill their prey and eat them on the spot, whereas

parasites only slowly consume their living hosts. Hosts areeither not killed at all or only after reproduction of theparasites and dissemination of their progeny are assured(382). A good illustration of this principle is the history ofmyxomatosis in Australia (121). In the middle of the 19thcentury, wild European rabbits were introduced into thatcontinent, whereupon they soon became devastating pests.One hundred years later, myxoma virus, which causes anearly 100% lethal infection in European rabbits, was delib-erately liberated as a potential agent of biological control.Enormous numbers of rabbits were killed, but in the courseof a few years the original highly lethal virus was replaced byviruses of lesser lethality that were more efficiently transmit-ted by their mosquito vectors and were, therefore, morelikely to survive.

Preservation of Function in Acute Infection of Host Cells inCulture

Of the five intracellular parasites of Table 2, only thebdellovibrios are predacious; that is, only they kill theirhosts (= prey?) and consume them. Malarial parasites par-tially consume their erythrocyte hosts, but they depend oncontinued erythrocyte function to bring them nutrients fromthe outside. The other three, Rickettsia, Coxiella, and Chla-mydia, injure host cells to varying degrees depending on thenature of the host cell, the particular species and strain ofparasite, and the multiplicity of infection. However, for eachof these three infectious agents, there is at least one set ofconditions under which parasite and infected host cell mul-tiply simultaneously. This means that these parasites neednot impair host cell function to multiply, but it does notnecessarily mean that they have evolved ways to prevent it.At a constant multiplicity of infection, the rate at which an

intracellular parasite multiplies is probably the most impor-tant determinant of host cell injury and thus also of host cellpreservation. If intracellular parasites have indeed evolvedways of regulating their reproductive rates, a likely mecha-nism is one in which the parasite responds to changes in theconcentration of the constituents of the small molecule poolsof the host, changes which may at least in part be broughtabout by parasite activity (176, 278, 459). For example, inmouse fibroblasts (McCoy cells) treated with cycloheximideto suppress host-parasite competition, the rate of C. psittacimultiplication may be varied by changing the concentrationof leucine, valine, or phenylalanine (16).

Preservation of Function in Persistent Infection of Host Cellsin Culture

Persistent infections in which host and parasite coexist fora long time, sometimes for the lifetime of the host, areperfect examples of how parasites do not destroy hostfunctions needed for their continued existence. Althoughpersistent infections may be equally common in diseasescaused by either viral or organismal intracellular parasites,cell culture models of persistent infection have been studied

much more intensively with viruses (135, 255). Theorganismal infectious agents have followed an evolutionarycourse parallel to the one pursued by the viruses, so that, aswith viruses, two kinds of persistently infected host cellpopulations may be recognized (121). In carrier cultures, theparasite infects and multiplies in only a relatively smallfraction of the host cell population. The persistence of theparasite is assured, and all of the host cells are never infectedand destroyed. The persistent infection of McCoy cells witha trachoma biovar of C. trachomatis is an example of acarrier culture (241, 242). However, it is the other kind ofpersistent infection, the steady-state culture, that best illus-trates maintenance of host function in the presence of amultiplying population of intracellular parasites. In thesecultures, all or nearly all of the host cells are infected, largeamounts of infectious agent are produced, and multiplicationof the host cell population is only minimally interfered with.

Coxiella burnetii. That C. burnetii persistently infectshumans has been shown by isolating the organism from theaortic valves in fatal cases of Q fever endocarditis and fromthe placentas of women who had Q fever as long as 3 yearsbefore childbirth (29). Therefore, it is not surprising that C.burnetii readily establishes persistent infections in a varietyof cell lines (28, 30, 68). No matter what the initial multiplic-ity of infection, all of the host cells become infected in a fewdays. Both C. burnetii and the host cells keep on dividing,and the infected cultures persist for months. How host celland parasite accommodate each other is not known. Incomparing persistent infection of L cells and Vero cells, itwas noted that the lysosomal response diminished with timein L cells but that there was no such diminution in Vero cells(28).

R. rickettsii. With the exception of Brill-Zinsser disease, arecrudescence of louse-borne typhus years after the originalinfection (383), persistent rickettsial infections do not seemto occur in humans, although such infections have beenpostulated to occur in nonhuman vertebrate hosts of rickett-siae. Early in the study of rickettsial growth in cell culture,it was observed that mouse lymphoblasts grow and dividefor several days after infection with R. tsutsugamushi (54),but long-term persistent infections have been described onlyfor R. rickettsii grown in a cell line derived from the tunicavaginalis of voles (406). All of the host cells become infected,but the only structural alterations are swelling of the roughendoplasmic reticulum and formation of electron-translucentvacuoles. In contrast, when Vero cells are infected underidentical conditions, they are all killed.

C. psittaci. Persistent infection of birds and mammals(including humans) frequently occurs in diseases caused byC. psittaci (362). When L-cell monolayers are infected witheven the lowest multiplicities of C. psittaci, the monolayersappear to be completely destroyed in a few days by succes-sive rounds of chlamydial multiplication and spread topreviously uninfected cells. However, in 2 to 4 weeks, a fewcolonies of L cells emerge from the ruins of the infectedmonolayers. All L cells in these colonies are infected with C.psittaci, and L-cell populations derived from one of thesecolonies may be maintained indefinitely in a persistentlyinfected state (287, 291-293). Survival of both L cells andchlamydiae is achieved by alternation of periods of host cellmultiplication during which the chlamydiae also multiply,but in an unusual covert manner that does not destroy thehost cell or materially slow its rate of division, with periodsof overt chlamydial multiplication in which large numbers ofinfectious chlamydiae are released, and most of the L cellsare destroyed. In covertly infected L cells, chlamydiae are

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not visualized by conventional staining, and the only signs ofinfection are resistance to superinfection with exogenouschlamydiae and alterations in cell surface proteins (292, 293).The shift from covert to overt mode of multiplication isaccelerated in cultures growing at high L-cell density andslowed in cultures growing in a rich medium (287). PerhapsC. psittaci is too easily transmitted and too destructive toestablish carrier-type persistent infections or steady-stateinfections such as those described for Coxiella burnetii andR. rickettsii. Perhaps a specific adaptation, the ability to shiftto a covert, nondestructive multiplying form, had to be madebefore C. psittaci could set up persistent infections. Persist-ent infections with C. psittaci are functionally analogous topersistent virus infections in which the viral genome isintegrated into the genome of its host, even though no suchintegration has occurred. This may be another example ofconvergent evolution in the common intracellular environ-ment.

Chlorella and H. viridis. The striking resemblance betweenthe establishment of a symbiotic relationship between thefreshwater coelenterate H. viridis and algae of the genusChlorella has already been noted (see sections, "Entry" and"Survival"). This relation also has many of the characteris-tics of a steady-state persistent infection. After the algae aretaken into host cells in individual vacuoles that do notprovoke lysosomal fusion, their cell division is brought intoharmony with that of their hosts so that the associationpersists without multiplication of one member of the symbi-otic pair outstripping that of the other (294). The number ofalgae per hydra varies with the need of the non-photosynthetic host for the help of its photosynthetic part-ners. In starved and illuminated hydra, there may be asmany as 25 algae in each host cell, but when H. viridis is fedand kept in the dark, the mechanism preventing phagosome-lysosome fusion is overridden, and all but as few as 3 algaeper hydra are either digested intracellularly or expelledintact (300). The principal factor regulating Chlorella multi-plication in starved H. viridis may be the concentration ofsulfate ion, which is essential for division of algal cells.Raising the concentration of sulfate ions doubles the numberof algae per host cell. There is also the possibility thatdividing host cells stimulate algal division or that nondivid-ing host cells inhibit it (261).

Do Intracellular Parasites Realy Preserve Host CellFunction?

There is no doubt that, under certain conditions, a numberof host cells and their intracellular associates adjust to eachother in ways that allow long-sustained multiplication ofeach. The doubt is about how this adjustment is broughtabout. Students of parasitism like to think of these adjust-ments as adaptations on the part of the parasite, adaptationsthat preserve its intracellular habitat. On the other hand,students of symbiosis like to think of what appear to be verysimilar adjustments as host adaptations that regulatesymbiont multiplication to the benefit of the host. In bothkinds of sustained two-party associations, the only kind ofregulatory factor established with any degree of plausibilityis the intracellular concentration of metabolites needed bythe parasite (= symbiont), and what controls these concen-trations is not known. Yet another explanation might be thatthe multiplicity of infection of host cells in intact naturalhosts is normally so low that impairment of host cell functionis never a problem and that there has consequently been no

selection pressure on intracellular parasites to come up withadaptations that favor maintenance of host cell functions.

RELEASEIf an intracellular parasite is to survive as a species, each

new generation of infectious progeny must find its way intonew host cells that provide environments suitable for multi-plication and continued dissemination of the parasite. Al-though the concepts of K- and r-strategies (254, 387) werenot formulated with single-celled, asexually reproducingorganisms in mind, intracellular parasites are indubitablyr-strategists. They are very small, and they colonize discon-tinuously distributed, unstable habitats (286). Migration oc-curs at every generation, and it is extremely wasteful.K-strategists are, in contrast, large, long-lived, and with abig investment in each offspring. Conventional r-strategistscounteract loss to predators by producing large numbers ofoffspring, and intracellular parasites similarly counteract thefailure of most released progeny ever to find suitable hostcells. "Migration" of intracellular parasites from one hostcell to another will be treated under the separate headings of"Release" and "Transit," although it is seldom clear wherethe one ends and the other begins.

Several different patterns of release may be visualized.After extensive parasite multiplication, infected cells maysuddenly burst open and release a new brood of parasites, orintact host cells may continuously shed infectious progenyover a considerable fraction of the entire period of parasitemultiplication. Infected cells may break open because ofintolerable mechanical or osmotic stress resulting from un-restricted parasite multiplication, or they may lyse becausethe parasite secretes a lytic enzyme at one particular stage inits growth cycle. In a similar fashion, continuous parasiterelease may represent a parasite-directed activity, or it maybe the adventitious result of normal membrane fluxes.

Patterns of ReleaseRelease has not been a favorite subject among students of

intracellular parasitism, but enough has been learned tosuggest that several, possibly all, of these hypotheticalpatterns of release have actually been evolved.

B. bacteriovorus. Bdellovibrios provide a simple model forrelease, just as they did for multiplication. Breakup of thefilamentous multiplying form into fragments is the signal forinduction of an enzyme(s) that lyses the bdelloplast bysolubilizing the amino sugars and diaminopimelic acid of thedeactylated host peptidoglycan (401-403). This enzyme lysesonly the bdelloplast in which it was synthesized. Lyticenzyme released into the medium does not attack unlysedbdelloplasts, probably because it does not penetrate theirouter membranes.

Rickettsiae. The release of rickettsiae from host cellsfurnishes a rare example of divergence among species thatalmost certainly share a comparatively recent evolutionaryancestor (295).Secondary chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with R.

prowazekii are packed with rickettsiae 72 to 96 h afterinfection, at which time some of the cells suddenly break up.Release continues for many hours. Electron microscopicstudies failed to elucidate the events leading to host celllysis. Cytopathic changes are only apparent late in theinfection, when the host cells have already begun to disin-tegrate (377). Bursting might be due to overburdening thehost cells with large numbers of rickettsiae or it might resultfrom the action of phospholipase A (461, 462), which has


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been firmly implicated in the entry of R. prowazekii into hostcells (see section, "'Entry").The interaction of chicken embryo fibroblasts or L cells

with R. rickettsii is initially much like infection with R.prowazekii, but as early as 10 h after infection intact hostcells begin to release infectious rickettsiae (465). Rickettsiaefail to accumulate in host cell cytoplasm, there is a substan-tial buildup of rickettsiae in the growth medium, and there isa rapid spread of infection to initially uninfected host cells.Again, electron microscopic examination did not define themechanism of release from intact cells. There is a loss ofplasma membrane integrity, but only late in infection afterextensive shedding of R. rickettsii has already occurred(376). Since phospholipase A also appears to play a role inthe entry of R. rickettsii (432), it may also be involved inrelease, although a mechanism for participation of thisenzyme in the release of either rickettsial species has notbeen proposed. Early release of R. rickettsii from host cellsmay be responsible for the rapid spread of infection charac-teristic of spotted fever.

R. tsutsugamushi offers what is probably yet a thirdpattern of rickettsial release, although it does resemble thatof R. rickettsii. As first seen by light microscopy (363) andlater by electron microscopy (117, 186), R. tsutsugamushi isextruded in projections from the surface of intact cells. Inperitoneal mesothelial cells from infected mice, rickettsiaeare seen at the free cell surface within evaginations of theplasma membrane, sometimes connected by a stalk to thehost cell (117). They are released still surrounded by hostcell membranes. These membrane-bound rickettsiae infectother host cells, but rickettsiae without membranes do not,Extracellular R. rickettsii is also sometimes surrounded byhost membranes, but only late in infection when most hostcells have already been infected (376).

C. psittaci. When C. psittaci grows in L cells, intracellularelementary bodies (the infectious chlamydial cell type) arefirst seen 15 to 20 h after infection (136, 187, 248). At thesame time, extracellular infectivity begins to rise, and thenumber of trypan blue-staining L cells (a measure of damageto the plasma membrane [217]) increases. This early appear-ance of extracellular infectivity could be due to eithershedding from intact cells or disintegration of a few earlydamaged host cells. However, the-great bulk of C. psittaciinfectivity is released 20 to 40 h after infection, when mostinfected cells are dying and breaking up. Lysosomal en-zymes released late in infection have been associated withhost disintegration and lysis (407). A protease made by C.psittaci in L cells may also facilitate release (392). Anelectron microscopic study of the shedding of thepolyarthritis strain of C. psittaci into the intestinal lumen oforally infected calves illustrates the potential comnplexity ofchlamydial release in intact hosts (101). Chlamydiae arereleased in three ways: (i) infected cells rupture and releasetheir contents, (ii) entire infected cells are extruded into theintestinal lumen, and (iii) small groups of chlamydiae arereleased enclosed in cytoplasmic fragments.

Malarial parasites. Merozoites of P. knowlesi are releasedwith sudden explosiveness from monkey erythrocytes con-taining mature schizonts (103). After the erythrocyte mem-brane vesiculates (the first visible sign of impending release),the erythrocyte swells and bursts within a minute.Merozoites appear to leave erythrocytes in the same orien-tation in which they entered, apical complex first, which hasinspired the suggestion that the mechanisms of entry andrelease may be the same (206). It has also been suggestedthat the accumulation of osmotically active substances in the

parasite vacuole may cause the rupture of host cells (32) orthat plasmodial proteases may take part in lysis of theerythrocyte membrane (372).

General Aspects of Release

Incomplete release. In cell cultures and in chicken em-bryos, release of intracellular parasites from host cells isfrequently incomplete. When attempts are made to separatethese organisms from the host cells in which they have beengrown, it is often found that more than half of the totalinfectious yield remains associated with intact host cells orhost cell debris from which it can be separated only bymechanical disintegration or enzymatic digestion (see, forexample, reference 475). It is not known if release is com-parably imperfect in natural infections or if incompleterelease is ever a limiting factor in the natural transmission ofdisease.

Modification of intracellular parasites at time of release.Many viruses are profoundly modified when their nucleo-capsids are enclosed by membrane-containing envelopesacquired as they bud from virus-modified patches of plasmamembrane (379). Although there seems to be no comparablewidely occurring mechanism among organismic intracellularparasites, some of them are also modified as they leave theirhost cells. The enclosure of R. tsutsugamushi in host mem-branes during release (117) most closely resembles viralenvelopment. It would be interesting to know if the exitingrickettsiae also acquire specific, parasite-modified portionsof the plasma membrane of their host cells. Coxiella burnetiicells released from baby hamster kidney cells by spontane-ous lysis or mechanical disruption show differences in incor-poration of precursors into macromolecules (475) which mayrepresent release-associated modification, although otherexplanations are possible. A final example of alteration atrelease has already been described in other contexts (seesections, "Entry" and "Multiplication"). In C. psittaci, theextensive disulfide bond cross-linking of the major outermembrane protein characteristic of extracellular elementarybodies occurs only when the elementary bodies pass fromthe relatively reducing intracellular milieu intQ the relativelyoxidizing exterior. Cross-linking may be essential for theinfectivity and durability of the chlamydia elementary body.

TRANSITTwo kinds of transit may be visualized: passage of an

intracellular parasite from one host cell to another, either ina cell culture or in a multicellular host, and passage from oneintact host to another. In both kinds of transit, intracellularparasites are r-strategists in that they rely on production oflarge numbers of offspring. However, most of them havealso evolved special devices, such as environmentally resist-ant transit forms or dependence on arthropod vectors, forincreasing the chances of successful passage from cell to celland from host to host.

Cell-to-Cell Transit

Transfer without intervention of an extracelullar phase.When C. trachomatis and C. psittaci infect L and HeLa cellsin multiplicities of one to five chlamydiae per host cell, theinfected cells continue to grow and divide, and often bothdaughter cells contain chlamydial inclusions (44, 197). Be-cause the multiplicity of infection of new cells in intact hostsis probably often very low, this mode of cell-to-cell transitmay offer a significant avenue of spred' for many intracel-

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TABLE 3. Transit-facilitating adaptations (no arthropod vector)Infectious forms

Parasite Multiplication cycle Reference(s)Cell to cell Host to host

Bdellovibrio Motile rod Motile rod 350, 393bacteriovorus T 4

Nonmotile filament

Chlamydiae Elementary -* Reticulate body Elementary body Elementary body 290body T 4

Reticulate body Elementarybody

Coxiella burnetii Sporelike Vegetative body Vegetative body Sporelike body 29, 263, 451body T 4

Vegetative body Sporelikebody

Microsporidia Meront Spore Meront Spore 308, 427t 4


Toxoplasma In cats In other mammals and birds Trophozoite, Oocyst, 131, 208, 308gondii merozoite pseudocyst


Gametes Sporozoite -* Trophozoitet 4 4 T4

Gametocytes Schizont Schizont - Pseudocyst


lular parasites, particularly in tissues with rapidly dividingcell populations.

Transfer via an extracellular phase. Consideration of thismode of transit in cell cultures evokes a feeling of deja vu.The infective cycle has been completed, we are just lookingat entry from a different angle, and little new can be said.Intracellular parasites released into the cell culture mediumappear to find new cells by random contact. Anything thatincreases frequency of contact, such as agitation of para-sites and host cells or increasing host cell density, usuallyincreases the chance of successful cell-to-cell transit. How-ever, the efficiency with which different intracellular para-sites turn random contact into successful entry varies tre-mendously, as I have already indicated above.

In intact hosts, intracellular parasites appear to spreadfrom cell to cell by the same general routes followed by otherpathogens (276). In brief, they move from cell to cell in thefluids covering epithelial layers and surrounding more deeplysituated cells. They may reach the bloodstream directly or,more often, by way of the lymphatic system.Some intracellular parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii,

a relative of the malarial parasites and a frequent parasite ofhumans, other mammals, and birds (120), T. cruzi (55), andavian strains of C. psittaci (270), infect a wide variety of hostcells, whereas others show a strong predeliction for growingin one organ or tissue, sometimes in a single cell type.Erythrocytic merozoites of malaria infect only erythrocytes(141), Rickettsia species grow almost exclusively in theendothelial cells lining the small blood vessels (449), thetrachoma biovar of C. trachomatis prefers the squamoco-lumnar epithelial cells of the genital tract and the conjunctiva(290), and S. flexneri multiplies chiefly in the epithelial cellsof the colon wall (127, 128), to give only a few examples. Itis not known whether these cells are reached with excep-tional efficiency or whether they provide exceptionally fa-

vorable intracellular habitats. Growth of M. tuberculosis(472) and Leishmania species (78) occurs mainly in macro-phages, although leishmanias also enter nonprofessionalphagocytes (245). Brucella abortus, a facultative intracellu-lar bacterium that causes abortion in cattle, grows preferen-tially in the bovine placenta because that tissue contains anunusually high concentration of erythritol, a growth factorfor Brucella abortus (316). Coxiella burneiii also growsluxuriantly in ovine placenta, and several major laboratoryoutbreaks of Q fever have been traced to experimeents withpregnant sheep with inapparent (but highly transmissable!)infections (29). However, why Coxiella burnetii has apredeliction for placenta is yet to be determined.

Host-to-Host Transit

Spread of infection from host to host can occur eitherhorizontally or vertically (153). In horizontal spread, theintracellular parasite passes postnatally fromn one individualto another. Transfer may be direct and Uncomplicated, as inthe contraction of Q fever (29) or psittacosis (270) byinhalation of parasite-laden aerosols or in the acquisition ofshigellosis by ingestion of fecally; contaminated food orwater (354). However, other intracellular parasites, such asPlasmodium, Rickettsia, and Leishmania, pass from host tohost only with the help of arthropod vectors.

In vertical transmission, one of the parents, usually themother, infects the offspring, either in utero or at the time ofbirth. When a pregnant woman has a genital infection withC. trachomatis (biovar trachoma), there is a strong possibil-ity that she will pass the infection to her child at parturitionso that it develops a chlamydial conjunctivitis or pneumonia(362). Toxoplasmosis is transmitted both vertically andhorizontally. In vertical transmission, Toxoplasma gondiifrom a pregnant woman with parasitemia passes across the


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TABLE 4. Transit-facilitating adaptations (with arthropod vectors)

Vertebrate host Arthropod host

Infectious forms Special-Parasite VetbaeInfectious form:ie n-Rfr

Multiplication cycleVertebrate Vetebrate Arthropod Multiplication cycle arthropod to fectious ence

cell to to vertebrate formvertebrate arhod

cel arthropodcell

Leishmanias Amastigote Amastigote Amastigote Sand flies Amastigote -* Promastigote Promastigote +a 3081I14

Amastigote Promastigote

Trypanosoma Amastigote Trypomastigote Amastigote Trypomastigote Reduviid Trypomastigote Trypomastigote + 308cruzi T 4 bugs 1 4

Amastigote Epimastigote14

EpimastigotePlasmodia Merozoite -* Gametocytes Merozoite Gametocytes Mosquitoes Gametocytes -* Gametes Sporozoite + 141I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

T Trophozoite Oocyst <- ZygoteI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Schizont Sporozoites

Rickettsiae No morphologically specialized cell types have Ticks, fleas, No morphologically specialized cell 0 449been demonstrated mites types have been demonstrated

a Leishmania promastigotes differentiate into an infectious stage that does not have a readily apparent morphological identity (358).

blood-fetal junction in the placenta and infects the late fetusto produce severe central nervous system damage or evenstillbirth (120, 130), whereas horizontal transmission toadults, probably by ingestion of oocysts from cat feces (131,208), usually results in only subclinical infection.

Adaptations that Facilitate Transit

In detail, adaptations that facilitate transit vary greatlyfrom parasite to parasite, but in general they are made bysplitting the conflicting demands of intracellular multiplica-tion and extracellular transit beween two or more pheno-types so that survival as a species is assured by alternation ofparasite cell types and often by alternation of host as well. Indifferent host-parasite systems, these alternations are calledby different names: growth cycle, developmental cycle, andlife cycle, for example. They most commonly consist ofdifferentiation into reproductive and infectious forms orutilization of arthropod vectors. Tables 3 and 4 summarizerepresentative transit-facilitating adaptations made by bothprocaryotic and eucaryotic parasites. Each has been de-scribed in more detail at the first text reference to thatparasite.

Differentiation into specialized reproductive and infectiousforms. This division is exemplified by the filaments andmotile rods ofBdellovibrio, the reticulate bodies and elemen-tary bodies of Chlamydia, and the schizonts and merozoitesof Plasmodium. Specialized infectious forms may attach toand enter host cells with unusual efficiency (such asmerozoites, elementary bodies, and motile bdellovibrios),they may resist extracellular inactivation to an unusualdegree (such as the pseudocysts and oocysts of Toxo-plasma), or they may do both (such as microsporidianspores). Specialized infectious forms have evolved with(Plasmodium, T. cruzi) or without (Chlamydia, Coxiella,Toxoplasma) accompanying adaptation to arthropod trans-mission. When an intracellular parasite uses an arthropodvector, a cell type specially adapted to infect the vector is

sometimes (malarial gametocytes, T. cruzi trypomastigotes)but not always (rickettsiae) produced. Specialized reproduc-tive forms are adapted to doing just that in the intracellularhabitat. The ability of reticulate bodies (but not elementarybodies) of C. psittaci to exchange a molecule of chlamydialADP for a molecule of host ATP (37, 178, 179) furnishes arare example of what reproduction-favoring adaptation maybe like.

Utilization of arthropod vectors. Special infectious formsfacilitate both cell-to-cell and host-to-host transfer, butarthropods only transport intracellular parasites from onehost to another. There are several advantages to having anarthropod vector. The parasite is not exposed to a hostilenonliving environment, it usually mutiplies manyfold in itsvector, thus augmenting the original population of parasitesthat infected the arthropod, and the feeding habits of thevector give the augmented population a more than randomchance of reaching a new host. There are many variations inthe details of arthropod transmission which can be illustratedby taking two extreme examples. The spotted fever agent R.rickettsii is a parasite of ticks in which it is passed fromgeneration to generation by the, transovarian route (64).People become accidental, blind alley hosts when theyhappen to be bitten by an infected tick. On the other hand,under natural conditions, human malaria requires the obli-gate participation of both humans and mosquitos (141).Plasmodia multiply asexually in people (merozoiteschizont) where they also produce sexual forms(gametocytes) that mature (gametes) and fuse (zygote --

oocyst) only in mosquitos in which large number of human-infectious forms (sporozoites) are produced.Other adaptations. Although chlamydiae are not known to

use arthropod vectors, C. trachomatis uses people as bothhosts and vectors; that is, it is sexually transmitted, a highlyefficient adaptation in which the sexual drives of the host areexploited for transmission of the parasite (362). The widedistribution of the legionnaires' bacterium L. pneumophila inaquatic habitats despite its exacting growth requirements in

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the laboratory (238, 404) has led investigators to search foran explanation of this paradox. It has been suggested thatlegionellae may use extracellular products of cyanobacteriaor other aquatic microorganismns as growth factors (405) orthat they may multiply and persist inside freshwater amoe-bae (189, 353) or ciliates (124). If proven, either mechanismof extracellular survival would be, in a broad sense, anotherexample of facilitation of transit.


Convergence and Divergence Among Intracellular Parasites

Convergence. It has been possible to describe adaptationto intracellular habitats by a variety of unrelated procaryoticand eucaryotic parasites within a single framework becauseof convergence, the evolution of similar adaptations amongdistantly related organisms living in similar environments(91). Time after time, the same end is achieved by differentmeans. For example, M. tuberculosis, C. psittaci, and L.pneumophila all have learned to avoid intracellular destruc-tion by not provoking phagosome-lysosome fusion (seesection, "Survival"), yet for each parasite the precise mech-anism of avoidance seems to be different. For two intracel-lular parasites sitting on different limbs of the phylogenetictree to share an adaptation of common origin, it would haveto be conserved as it was passed along by many intermediateorganisms in extracellular habitats, a most unlikely series ofevents.

Divergence. In large groups of intracellular parasites ofknown or presumed close evolutionary relationship, evolu-tionary diversification, or adaptive radiation (91), has oc-curred when parasites of common origin have adapted todifferent hosts and different ways of getting from host tohost. Several examples of adaptive radiation have alreadybeen described. However, since they were not designated assuch, a brief recapitulation may be useful.The genus Rickettsia comprises a large group of organisms

closely related genotypically (295) and with strong pheno-typic resemblances (449). They resemble each other closelyin patterns of metabolism, but they differ in modes of egressfrom host cells (see section, "Release") and in choice ofarthropod vector (see section, "Transit").The genus Plasinodium represents an even larger assem-

blage of intracellular parasites which are conventionallyrelated one to another largely in terms of their vertebratehosts (141), a classification that does n8t always fit recentestimates of genetic relatedness (264). There are metabolicdifferences among the erythrocytic stages of different spe-cies, but they are largely second-order: the grand pattern isthe same. Plasmodia all appear to enter erythrocytes by thesame general mechanism, and they have stuck with themosquito as their arthropod vector. Main differences appearin the life cycle, whether there are (P. vivax) or are not (P.falciparum) resting forms (hypnozooites) in hepatocytes(reviewed in reference 428), and in behavior of parasitizederythrocytes in the vertebrate vascular system, whetherthere ig (P. falciparum) or is not (P. vivax) retention of largeschizonts in the capillaries of the internal viscera (141).The two chlamydial speci,s, C. trachomatis and C. psit-

taci, show strong phenotypic resemblances down to thenmolecular level but only marginal genetic similarity (288).There are different entry mechanisms, but the separation isnot along species lines: the LGV biovar of C. trachomatisresembles C. psittaci more than the trachoma biovar of thesame species. Differences in chlamydial amino acid require-mehits are nicely explained by adaptive radiation. C. psittaci

needs only 8 (31) of the 12 essential amino acids of Eaglemedium (105), whereas the LGV and trachoma biovars of C.trachomatis require all 12 essential amino acids plus serine(311). Within a single species (C. psittaci), isolates of dif-ferent host origin do not have exactly the same amino acidrequirement, and within a single biovar (trachoma), strainsisolated from different human clinical conditions need dif-ferent sets of amino acids (17).

Several other groups of intracellular parasites, some fac-ultative and others obligate, would almost certainly providemore good examples of adaptive-radiation if only more wereknown about them. Leishmanias, legionellae, and the gram-negative enterics come readily to mind.

Transition from Extracellular to Intracellular Life

A parasite takes a bigjump in trading the extracellular wayof life for an intracellular one, a jump comparable toDarwin's (92) example of an animal learning to fly. On firstthought, they both appear to be discontinuous changes: flyor not fly, grow inside cells or not grow. If, as I have arguedin this review, success in the intracellular habitat depends ona number of independent adaptations, the likelihood of anyorganism making the jump does not seem great. For S.flexneri (127, 128, 163) and Y. pestis (61), in which theminimum number of these adaptations can be estimatedprecisely by genetic analysis, the number is four and six,respectively. Loss of any one of these results in loss ofvirulence which seems to be the same as loss of ability to liveintracellularly. However, since intracellular parasites haveevolved many times in many different phylogenetic lineages,we must conclude that it is not so hard to become anintracellular parasite after all. Perhaps the transition fromextracellular to intracellular existence is indeed a largeevolutionary jump, but the inside of a living cell is anenvironment that favors the occurrence of this unlikelyevent. On the other hand, it may be that the shift tointracellular life need not be as discontinuous as it firstappears. The two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.

Possibility of large evolutionary jumps. E. B. Ford has said,"There are a number of situations which tend to promoterapid evolution. One of these results fromn adaptation to anew and distinct habitat, in which, if a species can survive,powerful selection will be operating to promote appropritemodification to its new environment" (126). The "new anddistinct habitat" is the inside of a living cell, and "powerfulselection" is operating because only the would-be intracel-lular parasites that escape their host cells to reach andsurvive in new cells reproduce their own kind. It has beensuggested that species-poor, stressed environments favorthe survival of evolutionary novelties and perhaps evenenhance the likelihood of big evolutionary jumps (210). Inanother context (282, 283), I have pointed out the resem-blance of intracellular habitats to conventional extremeenvironments which are both stressed and species poor.There is at least one laboratory demonstration of how fastadaptation to intracellular life can occur (213). A gram-negative rod, probably a member of the bacterial familyEnterobacteriaceae, progressed from being a lethal parasitefor Amoeba proteus to being a required host cell componentof that protozoan in only 200 generations.Among the procaryotic pathogens, virulence genes may be

carried on either chromosomes or plasmids, which areextrachromosomal hereditary elements consisting of auton-omous, self-regulating DNA molecules that confer uniqueproperties on the host in which they reside (112). Acquisition


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of a plasmid carrying a gene whose expression improvesintracellular adaptation might well constitute a big evolution-ary jump. At least two of the five virulence determinants ofY. pestis (61, 122) and one of S.flexneri (359) are encoded byplasmid genes. Other intracellular parasites such as Coxiellaburnetii (257) and chlamydiae (250) also contain plasmids,but their contribution to successful intracellular life is notknown.

Possibility of gradual adaptation. A consideration of therelation of symbiotic algae to their hosts led to the conclu-sion that there is no sharp transition from extracellular tointracellular but rather a graded series of relationships (380).For example, algal cells are truly extracellular to fungal cellsin lichens, surrounded but not inside of host cells in some

alga-flatworm symbioses, and completely inside host cells inthe Hydra-Chlorella symbiosis. In host-parasite relation-ships, there are abundant examples of truly extracellular andtruly intracellular configurations, but examples of interme-diate topology are rare. Cryptosporidium is the best. It is an

intestinal sporozoan distantly related to Plasmodium, lessdistantly to Toxoplasma (298, 420). Unlike other spor-

ozoans, which all grow intracellularly, it multiplies attachedto its host cell but not truly inside. The cytoplasm of thecryptosporidian trophozoite is enclosed in four membranes,and the outer two appear to be of host origin (43, 326, 429).Cryptosporidia, therefore, seem to multiply intracellularlybut not intracytoplasmically, a situation roughly analogousto the intraperiplasmic location of bdellovibrios in theirhosts.The abruptness of the extracellular-intracellular transition

may also be smoothed out by preadaptation, the evolution-ary acquisition of a character with survival value in one

situation which is later of value for a different reason in a

different set of circumstances (91). What immediately comes

to mind is the frequently encountered adherence of extracel-lular bacterial pathogens to specific kinds of host cells (38).Both cholera vibrios and shigellae adhere to the intestinalmucosa, but only shigellae invade (128). If some rogue vibriodecides to invade the intestinal wall, it is already preadaptedfor the first step in entry, attachment.The unexpectedly good survival of the legionnaires' bac-

terium in freshwater habitats has just been offered (seepreceding section) as a possible example of an unusualtransit-facilitating strategy of an established intracellularparasite, but suppose that L. pneumophila is not an estab-lished parasite, that its true habitats are ponds, coolingtowers, and showerheads. Then, when it infects a human,this is a first-time contact for that legionella and all of itsprogenitors. Is it preadapted for intracellular life? Entry andsurvival adaptations have already been demonstrated (seesection, "Survival"). L. pneumophila enters nonprofes-sional phagocytes, and it does not provoke lysosomal fusionin professional ones. Which view of the legionnaires' bacte-rium is correct? The observation that only a small fraction ofthe legionellae ingested by primate alveolar macrophagessurvive and multiply intracellularly (212) can be interpretedeither way. It is the chicken-or-the-egg question all over

again.Passage from extracellular to intracellular habitats may be

eased in yet another way. It may be that an extracellularparasite needs to make only minimal adaptation to gain anintracellular entree and that additional adaptations are madethereafter. The familiar intracellular parasites described hereare all highly successful, fully adapted residents of host cells.Their less well-adapted ancestors will have been replacedlong ago by these more efficient descendents. This is a

frequent evolutionary argument (see, for example, reference339) which does not warrant elaboration, but it is worthwhileto ask if any known pathogen might serve as a paradigm.Neisseria gonorrhoeae might just fit the bill (265, 439). Thissexually transmitted gram-negative coccus first attaches tothe microvilli of columnar epithelial cells in patients withgonorrhea and in human fallopian tube organ cultures andthen to the larger surface areas of epithelial cells. Oncefirmly attached, the gonococcus multiplies extensively onthe host cell surface, and a very small fraction of theadherent organisms is taken into epithelial cells by whatappears to be phagocytosis (although these cells are notprofessional phagocytes). There they are to be found inmembrane-bound vacuoles that do not precipitate lysosomalfusion. Finally, the membrane-enclosed gonococci migrateto the basal portions of their host cells where they arereleased by cell lysis or extrusion of entire vacuoles, andinfection spreads laterally along the subepithelial connectivetissue. Whatever its present function in gonococcal infec-tion, this migration of the gonococci through the epithelialcells of the urogenital tract could conceivably provide ajumping off place for evolution of a strictly intracellularNeisseria sp.An incompletely adapted parasite could also get started on

intracellular life by being phagocytized by a macrophage andsurviving (preadaptation?) long enough to make furtheradaptations to intracellular life, even to the point of learninghow to enter nonprofessional phagocytes. The observationthat the exoerythrocytic forms of avian malaria, thought tobe the oldest of the malarias, inhibit liver macrophages whilethose of mammalian malaria prefer hepatic cells (141) mightbe interpreted as confirmation of this conjecture.

Relatives of intracellular parasites among modern ex-traceilular parasites. If intracellular parasites have actuallydescended from extracellular oines, then extracellular rela-tives of present day intracellar parasites should be recogniz-able (164). A case can be made for Rochalimaea quintana(450), the trench fever agent, being such a relative. R.quintana and the typhus rickettsiae engage in DNA-DNAhybridization to the extent of 25 to 33% (295). Like rickett-siae, the trench fever agent catabolizes glutamate but notglucose (447). Unlike rickettsiae, it grows on nonlivingmedia (431), but in association with eucaryotic cells it growsprofusely on their surfaces (269). T. cruzi offers an oppositekind of example. The genus Trypanosoma contains severalspecies infecting humans, all extracellular, blood-dwellingparasites except T. cruzi (83). The trypomastigote of T. cruziis morphologically similar to the blood forms ofT. brucei andT. gambiense, the agents of African sleeping sickness, butunlike these trypanosomes the T. cruzi trypomastigote doesnot multiply in the human bloodstream (Table 4).


Obligate intracellular parasites are restricted to an intra-cellular way of life, whereas facultative intracellular para-sites are not subject to this restriction: they also multiply inenvironments totally devoid of host cells. Obligate intracel-lular parasitism appears to be just one example of a broaderphenomenon. Microorganisms that have adapted to growthin extreme environments such as salt lakes and hot springsare also often restricted to those habitats (14). The restric-tion of some intracellular parasites to the intracellular habi-tat, which has many resemblances to conventional extremeenvironments (282, 283), may have a comparable explana-tion. In learning to grow inside host cells, obligate intracel-

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lular parasites have either gained new characters that areinimical to multiplication extracellularly or lost old charac-ters that are essential. Perhaps they have done both. Incontrast, facultative intracellular parasites have adapted tointracellular life without losing the ability to grow extra-cellularly.A number of writers, including myself, have spent much

time in speculating on why obligate intracellular parasites donot multiply outside of host cells. However, I have come tobelieve that undue preoccupation with this question is un-warranted because the answers are likely to be trivial andunrelated to the far more important question, why intracel-lular parasites, obligate and facultative alike, do grow insideof host cells.

Growth of Facultative Intracellular Parasites in HostCell-Free Media

The relatively simple growth requirements of many facul-tative parasites are consistent with the interpretation offacultative and obligate ways of intracellular life I have justgiven. For example, S. flexneri grows well in a syntheticmedium containing only aspartate, glucose, salts, nicotinicacid, and thiamine (115). Another facultative intracellularparasite, M. tuberculosis, the human tubercle bacillus, alsogrows in simple synthetic media. Glycerol and ammoniumsalts are sometimes all that are absolutely required, butasparagine, other amino acids, and biotin sometimes pro-mote more rapid growth (227). Even L. pneumophila, whichis often thought of as having exacting growth requirements,has been serially transferred in a defined medium containingonly inorganic salts and nine amino acids (399). It is clearthat these organisms are facultative, not obligate, intracellu-lar parasites because they have managed to adapt to lifeinside cells without material reduction in their biosyntheticcapabilities.

It is possible that some obligate intracellular parasiteshave so completely adapted to the intracellular habitat thatthey will be persuaded to multiply in cell-free environmentsonly when near-complete intracellular habitats are recon-structed in vitro. However, it is more likely that there is nodiscontinuity between the growth requirements of what arenow classified as facultative or obligate, that the dividing linewill shift with the state of the cultivation art, and thateventually there will be no more obligate intracellular para-sites. The dividing line has shifted, but not easily. Thirty-fiveyears ago, it was demonstrated that blood stages of themalarial parasite P. lophurae remained in good conditionoutside the erythrocyte for as long as 3 days and developedfrom small, mononucleated forms to large, multinucleatedstages in a growth medium containing erythrocyte extract,pyruvate, B vitamins, and ATP (408). However, despitelong-continued efforts, significant extracellular multiplica-tion of P. lophurae has still not been achieved (414). Al-though most mycobacteria grow in cell-free media, theleprosy bacillus, M. leprae, has obstinately resisted allefforts to grow it in vitro, efforts that have continuedunabated since soon after its discovery in 1873 (165). Incontrast, the agent of rat leprosy, M. Iepraemurium (20%DNA relatedness to M. leprae [26]), which remained anobligate intracellular parasite for many decades, has nowbeen grown in vitro in media containing salts, citrate,glutamate, glycerol, pyruvate, ot-ketoglutarate, hemin, cys-teine, and cytochrome c (97, 98, 296, 297).

Unique Uses of Facultative Intracellular ParasitesNothing I have just said should be taken as minimizing the

importance of propagating every intracellular parasite in

host cell-free media at the earliest opportunity. Host-independent cultivation provides large numbers of parasitesfree of host contamination for biochemical and immunolog-ical investigations. If the parasites grown outside of hostcells prove different from those grown inside, the differencesmay well provide valuable insights into the influence of theintracellular habitat on parasite genotype and phenotype.The ability to grow an intracellular parasite outside of thehost cell also provides an opportunity to analyze the pre-sumed multifactorial nature of adaptation to intracellularlife. If a parasite can be propagated only inside host cells,then loss of only one character vital to intracellular life islethal, that character cannot be identified, and no analysis ispossible. However, if the defective parasite can still growextracellularly, the lost character can be identified, and theanalysis can continue.


review were obtained with populations of infected host cellsmaintained in vitro, it is appropriate to ask what pertinencethese results have to naturally acquired infections in naturalhosts. In theory, cell cultures infected with intracellularparasites are valid models of infectious disease because, as afirst approximation, the effect of an intracellular parasite onits multicellular host is the sum of its effects on all infectedcells in that host. In practice, the usefulness of any particularmodel depends on just how good the approximation is.

Limitations of Cell Culture Models

Models are of limited usefulness when they fail to dupli-cate some essential element of the phenomenon being mod-eled. Several examples come to mind.

Dosage. Although, under natural conditions, most hostsare infected with very low doses of intracellular parasites,cell cultures are usually infected with unnaturally largeinocula to obtain uniformly infected host cell populations forwhich doubtful corrections for the activity of uninfectedcells need not be made. However, as with chlamydiae and Land HeLa cells, multiplicity of infection is often the domi-nant determinant of the outcome of the host-parasite inter-action in vitro. At very low multiplicities, the host cell is notcritically injured and may pass through several cell divisions(90, 44, 197), but at high multiplicities it is killed within a fewhours (289).

Architectural complexity. Cell cultures are either suspen-sions or monolayers of a single cell type, whereas intacthosts are collections of many cell types gathered together indifferent proportions in three-dimensional tissues and or-gans. If the fate of an infected host cell is influenced by thekind and number of adjacent cells, then the cell culturemodel may be inadequate. However, one architectural pa-rameter that may be studied in cell culture is populationdensity. The concentration of isoleucine needed to initiatemultiplication of C. psittaci in L cells increases with increas-ing L-cell density (176), and the regulation of overt chlamyd-ial multiplication in persistent infections ofMcCoy cells withC. trachomatis (240) and L cells with C. psittaci (287) is inpart a function of host cell density. There are probably morecomplex density-dependent regulatory relationships in intacthosts. Perhaps they can be studied in organ culture.Hormones, growth factors, antibodies, and lymphokines. In

the intact host, the behavior of an infected cell is modifiednot only by the other host cells in its immediate vicinity, but


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also by distant cells which secrete chemical signals that arecarried to it in the blood. These signals are the hormones andgrowth factors secreted by a variety of cell types, theantibodies secreted by B lymphocytes, and the lymphokinesliberated by T lymphocytes. An infected cell will not modelthe effect of a signal if the signal is not there. If the identityof the signal is known, it may be added to the cell culture. Astriking example of how the usefulness of cell culture modelsmay be extended in this way is the recent demonstration(discussed below) that interferon--y added to cultures of bothprofessional and nonprofessional phagocytes activates thehost cells so that the intracellular multiplication of a numberof parasites is inhibited.

Contribution of Cell Culture Models to the ComparativeBiology of Diseases Caused by Intracellular Parasites

If cell culture models are to contribute to the comparativebiology of infectious disease, they must reproduce the phe-nomenon being compared in enough different intracellularparasite-host cell systems to make the comparison worth-while. Within limits, both parasite virulence and host re-sistance may be modeled in cell culture. The followingexamples illustrate the value and limitations of cell culturemodels.Host range. If there is a correlation between host range in

vivo and in vitro, then the determinants of host range innaturally acquired infections may be analyzed in cell culture.The E strain of R. prowazekii has been attenuated bypassage in chicken embryo yolk sac so that it has a lessenedcapacity to infect humans and other animals (see reference129) and to grow in human macrophages (139). Reports of itsbehavior in cell culture are contradictory. The attenuatedstrain grows less luxuriantly than a virulent strain in amonkey kidney cell line (21), but it enters and multiplies inchicken embryo cells at the same rate as the same virulentstrain used in the other study (466). In L cells, the E straingrows as well as virulent R. prowazekii, but in severalmacrophage-like cell lines it does not grow as well as thevirulent strain (418).The relation between host range of chlamydiae and behav-

ior in cell culture was discussed in the section, "Entry". Inbrief recapitulation, natural infections with C. psittaci occurin many orders of birds and mammals, whereas people arethe only natural hosts for the trachoma and LGV biovars ofC. trachomatis. C. psittaci multiplies to high titer in manykinds of cell cultures, but the trachoma biovar multiplies inrelatively few cell types and with difficulty even in them.However, the LGV biovar spoils the correlation betweenhost range and in vitro behavior. Despite its limited naturalrange, it grows just about as well as C. psittaci in cellculture.

In malaria, the vertebrate range of P. knowlesi (275) and P.falciparum (69, 182) correlates well with the ability oferythrocytic merozoites to enter and multiply in erythro-cytes of different species maintained in vitro, this despite thefact that the first vertebrate cells to be invaded are thehepatocytes (by sporozoites), not erythrocytes. Recent suc-cesses in infecting cell lines and primary hepatocyte cultureswith sporozoites of rodent and human malarias (see refer-ence 260) will permit further test of the correlation. Takentogether, all of these findings suggest that some, but by nomeans all, of the determinants of natural host range may bemodeled in infected host cells cultured in vitro.Host injury. Damage to host cell populations maintained in

vitro by infection with Coxiella, Rickettsia, Chlamydia, and

Plasmodium species has already been noted (see sections,"Entry" and "Multiplication" and the summary in Table 2).In vitro host cell injury will now be reexamined by asking ifit helps to understand the pathogenesis of diseases caused bythese organisms in intact hosts. Not much is known aboutthe pathogenesis of Q fever (Coxiella burnetii) in humans,but the pathology of the disease in guinea pigs has beenstudied exhaustively (29). The main target is the liver, inwhich steatogenesis, glycogenolysis, increased protein andRNA syntheses, and increased phosphorylation of nuclearproteins occur. Although Coxiella burnetii multiplies exten-sively in L cells, host cell injury is minimal, and persistentinfections are easily established. Glucosamine incorporationis decreased in plasma membranes from infected guinea pigsand increased in membranes from infected L cells (258).Perhaps the use of hepatocyte cultures instead of L cellswould improve the correlation between in vivo and in vitroeffects of infection.The pathogenesis of rickettsial disease may be ascribed in

large part to infection of the endothelial cells of the vascularsystem (433). Although the effect of rickettsiae on host cellsin vitro has been studied in the past with fibroblastic linessuch as L cells, it has recently been demonstrated that bothR. rickettsii (374, 375) and R. prowazekii (435) enter culturedhuman endothelial cells in ways closely resembling the entryof these organisms into L cells. Therefore, it is likely thatendothelial cells are injured in vivo, at least in part, by themechanism already demonstrated in the L-cell model:plasma membrane damage by phospholipase A at the time ofrickettsial attachment (461, 462).

Unlike rickettsiae, chlamydiae infect a variety of cells intheir natural hosts (290). C. psittaci infects many kinds ofcells, C. trachomatis (biovar LGV) prefers lymphoid cells,and C. trachomatis (biovar trachoma) grows mainly insquamocolumnar epithelial cells, and the pathogenesis ofchlamydial disease cannot be broadly explained in terms of asingle host cell target. Like rickettsiae, chlamydiae damagehost cells during entry (see section, "Entry"). In vitro, themultiplicity of infection required for immediate host cellinjury ranges all the way from 10 in mouse peritonealmacrophages (M. Gardner, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc.Microbiol. 1977, D6, p. 70) to 500 for L cells (289). Thesensitivity of naturally infected host cells is unknown.

In malaria, there is no doubt as to the nature of the targetcell, and both the breakdown of hemoglobin and the alter-ation of the erythrocyte surface described in the section on"Multiplication" occur in parasitized erythrocytes main-tained in vitro (413). Even the binding of erythrocytesinfected with late stages of P. falciparum to the capillaryendothelium by means of the knoblike protrusions on theerythrocyte surface is reproduced in cultures of humanendothelial cells (421).The general conclusion is that with some intracellular

parasites, such as rickettsiae and malarial parasites, there isgood correlation between host damage in vitro and in vivoand that with others, such as Q fever organisms and chla-mydiae, there is not. In infections caused by the latter twoparasites, important determinants of pathogenesis may belacking in the cell culture model.Immune response. Many aspects of the interaction of

intracellular parasites with intact immune hosts are toocomplex to be reproduced in cell culture (see reference 106).However, two immune phenomena that can be studied invitro and are also of interest from the comparative viewpointare the effects of antibody and interferon--y on entry andmultiplication.

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With the aid of monoclonal antibodies and in vitro culturemethods, antibodies have been shown to block virtuallyevery stage in the malarial life cycle (see Table 4 for an

outline of the life cycle of malarial parasites). When sporo-

zoites of P. berghei, P. vivax, and P. falciparum invadehepatoma cells in vitro, their entry is blocked by species-specific monoclonal antibodies against the circumsporozoiteprotein (190, 191). The entry of merozoites of P. knowlesiinto cultured rhesus erythrocytes is inhibited by monoclonalantibodies to surface antigens of 66,000 (95) and 140,000(141, 274) molecular weight. It has been suggested that theseantibodies do not cover merozoite receptors for erythro-cytes, but that instead they agglutinate the merozoites beforethey encounter uninfected erythrocytes (274). Monoclonalantibodies to zygotes of P. gallinaceum block the infectivityof gametes for mosquitos either before (216) or after (154)fertilization. The target of the antibodies that block beforefertilization has not been identified, but the target of theantibodies that block transmission after fertilization is a

surface antigen of the zygote with a molecular weight of26,000 (154). It seems likely that antibodies that disrupt theseveral stages of the malarial life cycle act chiefly by bindingto surface antigens of the plasmodial cell and hindering itsentry into an appropriate host cell, although the possibility ofinhibition of intracellular multiplication cannot be ruled out.Antibody also neutralizes chlamydial infectivity for cell

cultures. Antibody against intact C. trachomatis (LGV) andC. psittaci blocks infection of nonprofessional phagocytes atthe attachment stage when elementary bodies attach spon-taneously (6, 18, 73, 438), but when the chlamydiae are

centrifuged onto host cell monolayers (see section, "En-try"), neutralization occurs at some stage beyond attach-ment (6), and the same antiserum that blocks attachment ofC. psittaci to L cells (nonprofessional phagocytes) acceler-ates its association with mouse macrophages (professionalphagocytes) (M. Gardner, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc.Microbiol. 1977, D6, p. 70). When the purified chlamydialmajor outer membrane protein (see section, "Multiplica-tion") is the immunizing antigen, neutralization of C. tra-chomatis (LGV) occurs after attachment and is independentof complement (74, 318). In contrast, neutralization of C.trachomatis (biovar trachoma) by antibody against wholechlamydial cells in baby hamster kidney cells is increased100- to 1,000-fold by the addition of fresh guinea pig serum

(205). This suggests that the chlamydiae are lysed in a

complement-dependent reaction, but other interpretationsare not excluded. It must be concluded either that more thanone chlamydial antigen induces neutralizing antibody or thatthe combination of the same antibody and antigen underdifferent conditions affects chlamydiae in different ways.The effect of antibody on the entry and intracellular fate of

rickettsiae in cultured host cells also depends on the kind ofhost cell and kind of rickettsia involved. For example,antibody blocks the entry of R. tsutsugamushi into chickenembryo cells (166) but increases it rate of entry into guineapig macrophages (342). Similarly, antibody is without effecton the entry and growth of R. prowazekii in chicken embryocells (468), but it facilitates its entry into human macro-

phages without enhancing subsequent intracellular destruc-tion (39). Finally, antibody increases the rate of entry of R.typhi into human macrophages (140) just as with R.prowazekii, but the combination of R. typhi with antibodyalso increases its rate of intracellular destruction. The tar-gets of neutralizing antibody for rickettsiae are not known.

Interferon-y, produced chiefly by T lymphocytes in re-

sponse to mitogens or antigens to which they have been

sensitized, in addition to inhibiting viral multiplication (218)also inhibits multiplication of many organismal intracellularparasites. A by no means complete list includes P.falciparum (306), Toxoplasma gondii (323), Coxiella burnetii(417), R. prowazekii (419, 467), and C. psittaci (72, 352). Asin inhibition of viral multiplication, interferon--y has no effecton host-free parasites, and, for maximum effect, must gen-erally be added to host cells before infection. However, aswas suggested some time ago (430), it is unlikely thatinterferon blocks viral and organismal intracellular parasitesby the same mechanism. It has recently been reported thatinterferon--y inhibits the growth of T. gondii by inducing thehost cell to degrade tryptophan, which is assumed to berequired by toxoplasmas (322). Continued study of howinterferon--y inhibits the growth of such a diverse group oforganisms will be most interesting. Are there different modesof action, one for each parasite, or is there one commoninterferon--y-sensitive step that bridges the procaryotic-eucaryotic discontinuity?

CONCLUSIONAny proper sort of review should have a conclusion, a

brief recapitulation of what the writer thinks is important andwhat he hopes his readers will agree with. The most impor-tant conclusion I can come up with is that there are nosweeping generalizations. Many microorganisms of diversephylogenetic beginnings have adapted to intracellular life,each in its own unique way, and the sometimes remarkableresemblances in behavior among intracellular parasites arebest ascribed to convergence in similar intracellular habitatsrather than to divergence from a common origin. Finally, itshould be remembered that adaptation to intracellular life,although by no means rare, is not easy. After all, mostparasites still live extracellularly.


I thank G. I. Byrne, K.-P. Chang, T. P. Hatch, I. W. Sherman, andE. Weiss for critical reading of the manuscript. The epigraph was oneof my father's favorite sayings.

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