comenius international meeting 25th february - 1st march 2013 sibiu, romania aleksandra kosecka ewa...

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25th FEbruary - 1st March 2013 Sibiu, Romania

Aleksandra Kosecka Ewa Ladrowska

Different advertisements promoting stereotypes and false images

TV, radio, the Internet and


Stereotypes on the Polish Stereotypes on the Polish TVTV

• Chauvinism and sexism in the Polish media is very common. Men have a greater opportunity to break through.

• Women in media are shown as humans dependant on men.

AXE Excite- even angels give up.

Why do these beautiful women want to do what men do? Do they envy us

what we already have? Yes! Mobilking mobile operator. Dear ladies, some things

are for real men.

Other examples of such behaviour are no less known in politics.

Popular people like the Prime Minister and MPs sometimes tell not nice and polite jokes about women on the air. Even though they are

public figures.

Disabled in media

Disabilities are not often exhibited in the media.


Fakes on the Polish TVFakes on the Polish TV

On TVOn TV, a lot of singers, actresses, models are , a lot of singers, actresses, models are idealized. This has an impact on young idealized. This has an impact on young people growing up. Many teens by watching people growing up. Many teens by watching MTV, Fashion TV, or other such programsMTV, Fashion TV, or other such programs,, develop a develop a complexcomplex about themselves. about themselves.

With or without With or without

a make-upa make-up

Wrong point of viewWrong point of view

many magazines many magazines showing showing

celebrities false celebrities false picture.picture.

Photoshop is TypicalPhotoshop is Typical

Idealizing stars on Idealizing stars on the covers of the the covers of the magazines is not magazines is not very unusual. It’s very unusual. It’s


Even in our childhood we are surrounded by various examples of stereotypes related to gender. Toys for

girls are strongly linked to home and housework duties and those for boys- to science.

• What’s more, laptops for girls have got 25 functions whereas the ones for boys 50 functions.

• A pink telescope designed for a girl has 5x

worse zoom than a black one.

Unfortunately, the situation does not look any better in an

adult life. 

Also on the Polish radio and the Internet we can find many false images associated with famous people, nationalities

or institiutions.

Recently in Polish media there has been a lot of controversy about two well-known broadcasters who offended women

because of their nationality. They

might be sentenced to three years imprisonment .

Especially before EURO 2012, Poland was shown as a racist country by some foreign

media. It turned out that in the last few years Poland has become more open for

foreigners than it was expected.

On the Internet we can also come across a lot of websites with information on how

one country perceives another. It’s a very common way to spread stereotypes.

Another good example of stereotypes is related to singles who are often portrayed as tatty and anti-social people whereas,

according to various studies, they are sociable people, well-educated with a good job, high salary and a great knowledge of foreign languages.


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