combating the winter blues (website)

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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Our Agenda1. Agenda

2. Objectives

3. Introductions

4. Activity 1: Class discussion

5. Activity 2: Review vocabulary

6. Activity 3: Listen to a dialogue

7. Activity 4: Signs and symptoms of the winter blues, and how to overcome them

8. Activity 5: Case studies

9. Activity 6: Dictation

Workshop Objectives

1. To learn 8 new words

2. To learn the signs and symptoms of the winter blues

3. To learn what you can do to overcome the winter blues

• What is your name?

• Where are you from?


Join us in a group discussion

Activity 1

Do you like the winter?

Group discussion

How do you feel about the winter?

Group discussion

What do you do when you feel a little down?

Group discussion

Let’s review the vocabulary

Activity 2

Activity one: Vocabulary Review

Member of a nation

a potentially serious illness caused by lack of sunlight during the winter months

to put yourself in the way of something

a prevailing emotional tone or general attitude

to play a part in something

a mildly sad feeling in the winter months

to do with a particular season

to have the characteristics of something to increase or improve

Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)seasonal expose

moodwinter blues boost



Activity two: fill-in-the- blank

1. Outdoor activities may ________________ our levels of serotonin in the winter.

2. A lightbox can ______________ the rays of the sun.

3. What can I do to balance my ___________ in the winter.

4. Everyone gets the __________________ from time to time.

5. Many illnesses are ________________ . They may only happen in the winter or summer.

6. A bad diet may ________________ to worsening any illness.

7. We may need to __________________ ourselves to more sunlight in the winter.

8. ______________ may be a more serious illness than simple winter blues.

contributemoodS.A.D seasonal

winter bluessimulate expose


Let’s listen to a dialogue

Activity 3

What are some great fall activities that Johanna and Margarita discuss?

Listen to a dialogue: Johanna










Hi Margarita. How are you doing?Not so good. I just feel a little down for some reason, and I don’t know why.

Winter blues? What’s that?

That’s exactly how I feel. What can I do about it?

What do you have in mind?

There are a few things you can do to boost your mood.

Well, you could start by trying to expose yourself to more sunlight.

Hmmmm ….. Sounds like you’ve got a case of the winter blues.

Winter blues is a mild seasonal condition where people feel a little sad at this time of year. They may also feel a little irritable and lethargic.

More sunlight? How could that help me?

Well, for one thing it will increase your serotonin. This is a chemical in our brain that can boost our mood and make us feel happier.

Listen to a dialogue: Margarita







I’ll try that. Do you have any other ideas?

Sounds like great advice! Thank you.

Why is that?

Well, there is a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. This illness can be treated, but it can be a little more serious.

Yes. Your diet can also contribute to helping you feel better, so make sure you drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

How can it be treated?I am not sure exactly, but I believe that there is a device called a lightbox that simulates the rays of the sun ….

One more thing. Make sure you get enough rest. This is very important. But if this doesn’t work, you should talk to your doctor.

Hey, I heard about this. I think there’s a health seminar at the local rec centre about this. Would you like to attend with me?Sure, let’s sign up!

Let’s discuss symptoms of the winter blues

Activity 4Part A

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2. You may sleep too much

Usually the sleep is not sound because insomnia is another symptom

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5. You may feel a little angryWithout a reason you’re aware of

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Now, let’s discuss how you can beat the winter blues!

Activity 4Part B

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1. Be aware of the winter blues!You can’t fix something unless you know it’s broken!

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2. Stay warm outside

Remember to dress in layers!

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8. Start a new family tradition!

Photo© by Blaine Roberts. Used with permission

9. Join a support group

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Talking with others who are going through the same thing may be a great way to beat the blues

10. Take a vacation

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A vacation to a warm and sunny place may be just what the doctor ordered!

12. Seek medical help

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If you have tried the previous 11 suggestions, but you still feel down.

You may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D) -

- a common, but potentially serious condition caused by lack of sunlight.

12. Seek medical help

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Your doctor will be able to diagnose your condition and suggest therapies that will help you.

These therapies may include:A. Light therapyB. medication

The most important thing is that you communicate how you are feeling with your doctor!

Case studies

• Read the studies and answer the questions.

Activity 5

Case Study 1

Your best friend has been spending a lot of time inside since the first snowfall. She says it’s just way too cold to go outside.

What would you say to her?

Case Study 2

Cintia has been looking quite tired lately. When you ask her about this she says she doesn’t understand why she’s so tired; “I have been sleeping 12 hours a night for the last 2 weeks”.

Is this a problem? Why?

Case Study 3

Shamsun says she feels ok, but she just doesn’t feel interested in things that used to excite her; things like her job, working out and her friends, for example.

If Shamsun was your friend, what would you say to her?


• Write what you hear!

Activity 6

Dictation 1

The best way to beat the winter blues is to be aware of it!

Dictation 2

The winter blues has many symptoms including depression, insomnia and lethargy.

Dictation 3

If possible, taking a vacation to a warm and sunny place may be just what the doctor ordered to help you beat the winter blues and feel like yourself again!

Dictation 4

Beat the blues! Get outside and embrace the winter. If it’s cold, just make sure you dress in layers and keep moving. You’ll be surprised how warm you can feel outside in the cold.

Dictation 5

If your symptoms persist, don’t be afraid to see a doctor. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a serious illness, but it is very treatable. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you’ll feel well again!

Review: What did you learn today?

• 8 new words

• 10 ways to beat the winter blues

• Signs and symptoms of the winter blues

Thanks for attending.

See you next time!

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