columbia august 2010

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The August 2010 issue of Columbia features a photo essay and several articles illustrating that the Order’s first principle, today as in the past, is charity.




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A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 1

COLUMBIAa u g u s t 2 0 1 0 ♦ V o l u m e 9 0 ♦ N u m b e r 8


Knights of Charity: Then and NowFor 128 years, the Knights of Columbus hasembraced the virtue of charity above all.BY COLUMBIA STAFF

Civic ContributionsA brief history of the Knights’ contributions toU.S. society and beyond.

Building Homes, Building LivesKnights in the Philippines construct houses andprovide for the needs of poor villagers.BY ROY LAGARDE

Quenching Our Neighbors’ ThirstWells of Hope brings the gift of clean water toGuatemala.BY MIKE MASTROMATTEO




Building a better worldIn service to God and neighbor,Knights have a long tradition ofpracticing charity, in a spirit of unity.BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON

Learning the faith, living the faithThe moral law is fulfilled in our lifewith Christ.BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN


PLUS Catholic Man of the Month

Fathers for GoodThe value of price-less gifts.BYWILLIAM ATHANASIDY

Knights in Action

Columbianism by Degrees

Knights of Columbus NewsOrder sets charitable giving recordsin 2009 • Standard & Poor’s andA.M. Best renew top ratings forKnights of Columbus • Chaplainsvisit Rome, celebrate Year for Priests• City of Rome honors special rela-tionship with Order



6 9





An injured Haitian boy sits in a new wheelchair donated by the Knights ofColumbus. Through its partnership with the Global Wheelchair Mission, theOrder assisted victims of the nation’s January 2010 earthquake.


2 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

LOOKING AT THE WORLD, it cansometimes seem that modern culture isbased on opposition and contention —not communion. In the 17th century,the English political philosopherThomas Hobbes wrote that in its natu-ral state, human life is “solitary, poor,nasty, brutish and short.” Hobbes re-jected the idea that man naturally findshimself in community. In his view, mangives up something of his personal free-dom and individuality to enter a socialcontract for the sake of self-preservation. In more recent times, some influen-

tial thinkers have made it their goal torid the world of charity altogether.Rather than acknowledging that everyperson receives his being from, with andfor others, the 19th-century Germanphilosopher Friedrich Nietzsche sawman as inescapably alone. He vehe-mently opposed Christian values suchas generosity and mercy, attributingthem to a slave morality that espousedweakness and rejected power. He like-wise denied that loving relationships arefundamental to human nature. Rather,he said, the most basic relationships arethose of competition. In his book Onthe Genealogy of Morality (1887), Niet-zsche wrote that “the oldest and mostprimitive personal relationship” is “therelationship of buyer and seller, creditorand debtor: here person met person forthe first time, and measured himself per-son against person.”Ayn Rand, the 20th-century novel-

ist, was one of the heirs of Nietzsche’sideas. In her most notable work, AtlasShrugged (1957), the protagonist sum-

marizes the author’s philosophy withthese words: “I swear — by my life andmy love of it — that I will never livefor the sake of another man, nor askanother man to live for mine.”From the perspective of the Catholic

Church, however, the lack of com-munion we observe around us is a signthat the world is in need of redemp-tion. A one-sided emphasis on individ-ual rights and identity, over and againstcommunal duties, worsens rather thananswers this crisis. In his encyclicalCaritas in Veritate (2009), Pope Bene-dict XVI explained simply, “Thehuman being is made for gift,” addingthat the tendency of modern man tobelieve that he is radically independentfrom others “follows from being self-ishly closed in upon himself, and it is aconsequence — to express it in faithterms — of original sin” (34).As Catholics, we know that sin does

not have the last word. And in the faceof a world too often marked by antag-onism and division, the Knights ofColumbus has exemplified the princi-ples of charity, unity and fraternitysince its beginning. In this issue ofColumbia, we look at some of the ways— past and present — that the Orderhas practiced Christian charity. Indeed,through countless acts of service,Knights have helped to recover an un-derstanding of human nature based ongift and have worked to build a truecivilization of love.♦


We Are Made for GiftCOLUMBIA

Knights of Columbus Book Club — August 2010In his new book, American Cicero: The Life of Charles Carroll (ISI,2010), Bradley J. Birzer, associate professor of history at HillsdaleCollege, recalls the legacy of the only Catholic to sign the Decla-ration of Independence. As one of the Founding Fathers, CharlesCarroll overcame intense religious prejudice and was an intellec-tual force in the creation of the American Republic. Submit yourquestions and join the author for an online discussion in late Au-gust. Visit for more information.

PUBLISHERKnights of Columbus



Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D.SUPREME CHAPLAINDennis A. Savoie


EDITORIALAlton J. Pelowski

alton.pelowski@kofc.orgMANAGING EDITORPatrick Scalisi

patrick.scalisi@kofc.orgASSOCIATE EDITORBrian Dowling

brian.dowling@kofc.orgCREATIVE & EDITORIAL ASSISTANT



Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90)Apostle to the Young,

Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus,

Intercede for Us.________


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columbia@kofc.orgINTERNET SERVICE1-800-380-9995________

Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing)Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that anapplicant or member accepts the teaching authority of theCatholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires tolive in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.


Copyright © 2010All rights reserved________

ON THE COVERA photo illustration of the Order’s

charitable initiatives.


A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 3

THE PHRASE “In service to one, inservice to all” has long been a motto ofthe Knights of Columbus. It simplymeans that Knights take seriously the twogreat commandments of Jesus Christ: tolove God with our entire being, and tolove our neighbor as ourselves (cf. Mt22:37-40). A good explanation of whythis motto reflects the Order’s purposecomes from the Second Vatican Councildocument Lumen Gentium, which trulyserves as our mission statement:“The laity, by their very vocation,

seek the kingdom of God by engagingin temporal affairs and by orderingthem according to the plan ofGod. They live in the world,that is, in each and in all of thesecular professions and occu-pations. They live in the ordi-nary circumstances of familyand social life, from which thevery web of their existence iswoven. They are called thereby God that by exercisingtheir proper function and ledby the spirit of the Gospelthey may work for the sanctification ofthe world from within as a leaven” (31).The idea of working in this world

“as a leaven” is not a new concept forthe Knights. We know that we arecalled to be witnesses to Christ in ourfamilies, in our jobs and in our serviceto society. We know God’s plan andwill for us through an informed con-science, and cultivate such a con-science by being faithful to theChurch’s teachings. This requires soli-darity with our bishops and priests,something we have been committed tosince our founding by VenerableMichael McGivney.

For 128 years, the Order has been ledby its first principle, charity. Every day,people witness the work undertaken byKnights as members work in thousandsof communities around the world. Com-bined with unity — with our Churchand with our neighbor — charity pro-vides us with the means to fulfill Christ’sgreat commandments. This is what itmeans to be “in service to one, in serviceto all.” Lives filled with charity, motivatedby faith and hope, are what will makeChrist known to others.Reflecting on the Gospel story of the

Good Samaritan, Pope Benedict XVI

said in his July 11 Angelus address thatthe parable “must make us change ourattitude following the logic of Christ,which is the logic of charity: God islove, and worshipping him means serv-ing our brothers with sincere and gen-erous love.” He added that this passage“offers the ‘standard,’ which is the ‘uni-versal love toward the needy we en-counter by chance, whoever they maybe’” (cf. Deus Caritas Est, 25).It is this spirit of the Good Samaritan

that has always propelled the Knights ofColumbus. This is the reason why ourhistory is one of service: helping the wid-ows and orphans of the late 19th century;

providing necessities to the Americantroops in World War I regardless of theirrace or religion; publishing books on thecontributions of African-, Jewish- andGerman-American citizens four decadesbefore the civil rights movement; work-ing in support of Catholics in Mexicowhen the government there persecutedthe Church in the 1920s; protecting par-

ents’ rights to send their chil-dren to Catholic schools;helping the hungry in the cityof Rome during and afterWorld War II; adding thewords “under God” to the U.S.Pledge of Allegiance; pioneer-ing nationwide blood drives;promoting the dignity of peo-ple with intellectual disabilitiesthrough Special Olympics andother programs; supporting

mothers and their unborn childrenthrough our work with pregnancy re-source centers and our Ultrasound Ini-tiative; giving winter coats to poorchildren; providing mobility to peoplewith physical disabilities through wheel-chair distributions; providing food forfamilies in need; and in general, being aforce of love for our neighbors, whereverand whenever a need arises.In practicing charity, in a spirit of

unity, we lead by our witness, and webring to life Christ’s words in the Gospel,that all will know we are his disciples bythe way we love one another.Vivat Jesus!

In Service to One, in Service to AllKnights have a long tradition of

practicing charity in a spirit of unity

by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

Our first principle, charity,combined with unity, providesus with the means to fulfill the two great commandments

of Jesus Christ.


4 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

WHEN PUBLIC FIGURES defend amoral truth, they are likely to be ac-cused of imposing their religious beliefson others — as, for example, when apolitician defends unborn human lifefrom the evil of abortion. It is true thatreligious faith may clarify moral teach-ings and allow us to see their impor-tance in this life and in the life tocome. Nonetheless, many — if notmost — moral teachings are accessibleto human reason. How can this be?The answer lies in a correct under-standing of the moral law.As the Compendium of the Cat-

echism of the Catholic Church ex-plains, the moral law is notsimply a set of human rules but“a work of divine Wisdom” thatshows the way to true happinessand teaches us to shun thosethings that lead us away fromGod (415). St. Paul teaches thatthe demands of the moral law arewritten on the human heart by theCreator (see Rom 2:15). This share inGod’s wisdom is called “natural law,”which gives us an inherent sense ofright and wrong and forms the basisfor the rights and duties of individualsand communities (416).

THE OLD AND NEW LAWBecause of sin, not everyone clearly per-ceives the natural law (417). For thisreason, St. Augustine said, God “wroteon the tables of the law what men didnot read in their hearts.” The Ten Com-mandments summarize the moralteaching of the Old Testament, alsoknown as “the Old Law.” In this con-text, “old” does not mean outmoded,useless, or no longer true. Rather, itmeans that the moral teaching of theOld Testament was the first stage of therevealed law, which in turn was com-

pleted and fulfilled by the Gospel.The Ten Commandments express

moral truths known naturally by rea-son, thus verifying the natural law. Inlaying the foundations for the humanvocation to love God and neighbor,they are “a privileged expression of thenatural law” (Catechism, 2070; Com-pendium, 418). In teaching unchangingmoral truth, they are also a “tutor” thatprepared the way for the Gospel. TheOld Law, however, remains imperfect.While it teaches moral truth, it doesnot provide the strength of the HolySpirit (419).“The New Law,” which can be found

in the New Testament, especially in the

Beatitudes, was both proclaimed andfulfilled by Christ (420-421). Here theword “new” does not indicate a rupturewith the Old Law. Jesus said, “Do notthink I have come to abolish the law orthe prophets. I have come not to abol-ish but fulfill” (Mt 5:17). The Gospelis new because it originated in the per-son of Christ, the incarnate Son ofGod, whose teaching, death and resur-rection fully revealed the Father’s love.Through the Holy Spirit, believers

share in Christ’s risen life, aredrawn into intimacy with theFather and are enabled to loveothers as they are loved byChrist (420).Indeed, Christ came to

“justify” us in the power ofthe Holy Spirit. Justificationis God’s mercy at work tomake us holy by granting us

remission of our sins and a share inhis goodness. We are justified by thegrace of the Holy Spirit, which Christwon for us by his death and resurrec-tion. God freely gives us grace, a sharein his divine life that enables us to re-spond to his love and to live in hisfriendship. This is called “sanctifying”or “deifying” grace because it makesus participants in the life of the Trin-ity. This gift is supernatural because itcannot be learned or earned; it canonly be received from God. Sanctify-ing grace is “habitual” because we areto remain in the state of gracethroughout our lives (423).In addition, there are “actual” graces

We can come to see morality not as a grim duty, but as a response of praise

to the God of love

The 29th installment of SupremeChaplain Bishop William E. Lori’sfaith formation program addressesquestions 415-433 of the Com-pendium of the Catechism of theCatholic Church. Archived articles areat

God’s Salvation: Law and Grace

The moral law, rooted in divine wisdom and written on the human heart, is fulfilled in our life with Christ

by Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori

Saint Lawrence(d. 258)

Feast day: Aug. 10

Offered in solidarity with

Pope Benedict XVI


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rchby Fra Angelico (1387-1455) — Alinari / Art Resource, NY

that help us do God’s will in the variouscircumstances of our lives. Each sacra-ment also confers a special grace on us(424). Ultimately, God’s grace does notinfringe on our human freedom butfrees us to fulfill our deepest yearningsto share his life and love (425).

CALLED TO HOLINESSAlthough we cannot earn or merit eter-nal life, we can lead virtuous livesthrough God’s grace. In other words,once we are in the state of grace, Godfreely grants us his reward for a life ofvirtue. We are to strive for virtue notonly for ourselves, but to strengthen theentire Church (426-427). All the bap-

tized are called to holiness, that is, thefullness of love brought about throughintimacy with Christ (428).The Church helps us attain holiness

by teaching the truth of Christ andleading us to share in his saving lovethrough the sacraments. Filled with thegrace of the Holy Spirit, we can cometo see morality not as a grim duty, butas a response of praise to the God oflove. Among the Church’s teachings areprecepts that help us understand whatit means to be a practicing Catholic.These include: attending Mass on Sun-day and holy days of obligation, as wellas refraining from work or other activ-ities that might prevent us from wor-

shipping on those days; confessingone’s sins and receiving the sacramentof penance at least once each year; re-ceiving holy Communion at least oncea year during the Easter season; observ-ing the Church’s discipline with regardto fasting and abstinence; and helpingto provide for the material needs of theChurch according to one’s abilities(430-432).When our lives reflect the truth,

goodness and beauty of Christ’s love,people around us are drawn to theGospel and to the person of Christ(433). Indeed, all of us are calledboth to holiness and to the work ofevangelization.♦

cording to tradition, he told his tortur-ers, “This side’s done. Turn me overand have a bite.” He later became thepatron of the poor, comedians, chefsand the city of Rome.Fifty years after Lawrence died, the

Emperor Constantine built a smallchurch on the site of the saint’s execu-tion. Major additions occurred in thesixth and thirteenth centuries, and todaySt. Lawrence Outside the Walls is one ofthe seven pilgrim churches of Rome.Like St. Lawrence, we are each called

in our own unique way to dedicateourselves to Christian charity and wit-ness to the truth of the Gospel.


GENERAL: That those who arewithout work or homes or whoare otherwise in serious need mayfind understanding and welcome,as well as concrete help in over-coming their difficulties.

MISSION: That the Church maybe a “home” for all people, ready toopen its doors to any who are suf-fering from racial or religious dis-crimination, hunger or wars forcingthem to emigrate to other countries.

ST. LAWRENCE, originally from thecity of Huesca in northeast Spain, trav-elled to Rome in 257 to serve underPope Sixtus II. As one of the seven dea-cons of Rome, he was in charge of theChurch’s material goods and had theresponsibility of distributing alms tothe sick and needy.On Aug. 6, 258, Lawrence witnessed

the Emperor Valerian order the deathof Pope Sixtus II when the pope re-fused to offer sacrifices to the Romangods. After the pope was beheaded, aRoman prefect ordered Lawrence tohand over the riches of the Church. Inresponse, Lawrence requested threedays to gather the Church’s treasures.As promised, he returned three days

later and invited the prefect to walkwith him into the anteroom where the“precious treasure” should haveawaited. Seeing the city’s poor, sick andcrippled, the prefect was enraged atLawrence’s audacity and disobedience.In response, Lawrence reportedly toldthe prefect that these were the truetreasures of the Church.Lawrence was sentenced to death

and was grilled alive on a gridiron. Ac-



6 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

IN JUNE, two of the largest rating agen-cies, Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best,reaffirmed their top financial strengthratings for the Knights of Columbus.The Insurance Marketplace StandardsAssociation (IMSA) likewise renewed itscertification of the Knights of ColumbusInsurance Program as adhering to a strictcode of ethical market conduct.Standard & Poor’s, which reaffirmed

its top rating of AAA (Extremely Strong),said that its rating of the financialstrength of the Knights of Columbus is“based on its extremely strong capital,very strong competitive position becauseof its unique strategic advantage in theCatholic market, historically strong prof-itability, and extremely strong liquidity.”The agency called Knights of Columbusoperating performance “very strong,” re-flecting “an asset portfolio that consistsprimarily of high-quality, investment-

grade bonds.” S&P also said that theKnights of Columbus “is achieving itsprimary objective of providing membersand their families with high-quality, low-cost insurance products.”A.M. Best reaffirmed its top rating of

A++ (Superior) and said, “The ratings ofthe Order reflect its strong fraternal andinsurance presence within the Catholiccommunities in the United States andCanada, its superior risk-adjusted capital-ization as measured by Best’s Capital Ad-equacy Ratio and the Order’s consistentlypositive operating results.” The agencyalso declared that the Knights of Colum-bus “has a strong affinity with its largemembership base through its charitableprograms and competitive portfolio of lifeinsurance and annuity products.”Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

welcomed the announcements, sayingthat they represent “a clear vote of confi-

Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best Renew Top Ratings for Knights of Columbus

dence in our combination of a very strongsales and marketing team with exception-ally skillful management of our invest-ments. The fact that we’ve earned theseratings for 18 consecutive years and 35consecutive years, respectively, throughgood times and bad, demonstrates a clearrecognition of our success in managingour assets for the benefit of all the Knightsand their families who rely on Knights ofColumbus life insurance to help securetheir financial futures.”Regarding the IMSA certification, the

supreme knight said that it “confirms ourcomplete commitment to maintainingthe highest standards in our everydaybusiness practices.”In addition to being the largest

Catholic fraternal organization in theworld, the Knights of Columbus ranksamong Fortune magazine’s Top 1000Companies in America.♦

EVEN IN A continuing economic cri-sis, members of the Knights of Colum-bus embraced the Order’s first principleof charity by once again setting newrecords for charitable donations andvolunteer service hours in 2009.Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

presented the results of the annual Sur-vey of Fraternal Activity during hiskeynote address to the annual meetingof state deputies and members of theboard of directors in New Haven,Conn., on June 4.“We have kept Father McGivney’s

promise,” Anderson said, adding thatthe Knights who gathered in St.Mary’s Church in 1882 could hardlyhave imagined that the Order wouldgrow to 1.8 million men, and providemore than $150 million to charity ina single year. “If we were an army, wewould be one of the largest in theworld. In fact, we are an army: an

Charitable Giving At All Time Higharmy for charity, an army for service,an army for good,” he said. The results of the Knights’ fraternal

survey for the year ending Dec. 31,2009, indicate that total charitablecontributions reached $151,105,867— exceeding the previous year’s totalby more than $1 million.This figure includes $34,627,896 do-

nated by the Supreme Council and$116,477,971 in contributions from theorganization’s state and local affiliates.The survey also indicated that vol-

unteer service hours by Knights tocharitable causes grew to 69,251,926— an increase of 468,291 hours com-pared to the 2008 total. Cumulative figures show that during

the past decade, the Knights of Colum-bus has donated more than $1.367 bil-lion to charity, and provided nearly640 million hours of volunteer servicein support of charitable initiatives.♦

200668.3 million

200768.7 million

200868.8 million

200969.3 million



2006$144 million 2007

$145 million

2008$150 million

2009$151 million


A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ 7


Chaplains Visit Rome, Celebrate Close of Year for Priests

MORE THAN 65 priests and several bishops joined SupremeChaplain Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn.,Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and other Supreme Officersin Rome to celebrate the conclusion of the Year for Priests.The priests and bishops, who serve as state chaplains for

Knights of Columbus jurisdictions worldwide, embarkedJune 6 on a one-week pilgrimage that featured major Vaticanevents and visits to numerous holy sites.The purpose of the pilgrimage was to honor priests who give

themselves in service to the Order and to provide them with theopportunity to attend the closing ceremonies of the Year forPriests with Pope Benedict XVI.After arriving in Rome June 7, the state chaplains had the spe-

cial honor of concelebrating Mass at the altar of the chair in theupper church of St. Peter’s Basilica.In his homily, Bishop Lori said, “We come to Rome with a

goal, a purpose: to become holier priests, to become more effec-tive instruments in the hand of God through a deeper fidelityto prayer, to lives of holiness, to the truth of the faith.” The following morning, the chaplains concelebrated Mass at

the altar of the confession in the Vatican Grottoes — located infront of St. Peter’s tomb beneath the high altar of the basilica. The priests also participated in tours of St. Peter’s and the

Scavi, or excavations beneath the basilica, and visited two ofthe city’s other major basilicas — St. John Lateran and St.Mary Major.On June 9, the chaplains participated in the international

convention of priests, which took place at St. Paul Outside-

the-Walls Basilica. The program, sponsored by the VaticanCongregation for the Clergy, included Mass, eucharistic ado-ration and reflections.The international convention of priests reconvened June 10

and included a reflection by Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec,primate of Canada, and Mass celebrated by Vatican Secretary ofState Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. In the evening, the state chap-lains gathered with thousands in St. Peter’s Square for an eveningof prayer, testimonies and dialogue with Pope Benedict.On June 11, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

the pope celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Square. The K of Cdelegation joined approximately 15,000 priests, as well as80 cardinals and 350 archbishops and bishops, who con-celebrated the Mass. In his homily, Pope Benedict declared that the priesthood is

“not simply ‘office’ but sacrament: God makes use of us poormen in order to be, through us, present to all men and women,and to act on their behalf. This audacity of God who entrustshimself to human beings,” he added, “is the true grandeur con-cealed in the word ‘priesthood.’”The priests renewed their ordination vows following the hom-

ily, and at the end of Mass, the pope led the them in prayer, en-trusting themselves to Mary’s “maternal heart in order to carryout faithfully the Father’s will.”♦

Bishop William E. Lori and the K of C state chaplains are pictured followingMass June 7 in front of Bernini’s iconic baldacchino of the papal altar, locatedover the tomb of St. Peter.

8 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ A U G U S T 2 0 1 0


City of Rome Honors Special Relationship with Order

ROMANS MAY KNOW the Knightsof Columbus best for its sports fieldsaround the city, but there is muchmore to the history of the Knights inRome. This relationship that tran-scends the Atlantic Ocean is the sub-ject of the museum exhibit EverybodyWelcome, Everything Free: The Knightsof Columbus and Rome, Celebrating 90Years of Friendship, which will run untilOct. 31, 2010, at the Musei Capitoliniat the Campidoglio.The exhibit features the Knights’ role

in constructing and operating play-grounds for the city’s children, facilitat-ing restoration and communicationprojects, and being a quiet diplomaticchannel between the United States andthe Vatican — prior to the formaldiplomatic recognition of the Vaticanby United States in the 1980s.Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

joined Vatican Secretary of State Car-dinal Tarcisio Bertone, U.S. CardinalJohn P. Foley, Mayor of Rome GianniAlemanno, and former U.S. ambassa-dor to the Holy See Jim Nicholson,among others, June 9 for the exhibit’sopening.“The story of the Knights of Colum-

bus in Rome is a story of the power offaith and friendship that can overcome

any adversity,” said Anderson. “Invitedby Pope Benedict XV to establish anenduring presence in the city in 1920,we are pleased that for 90 years, despitea turbulent 20th century, the Knightshas become an established fixture inthe Eternal City.”The Knights assisted with some of

the Vatican’s most important restora-tions, including numerous projects atSt. Peter’s Basilica. In addition, sincethe mid-1970s, the Knights havefunded the cost of satellite broadcastsfor various papal ceremonies, such asthe Vatican’s annual Christmas liturgy.Though not widely known, the

Knights served as an unofficial diplo-matic channel between the UnitedStates and the Holy See when the twostates did not have diplomatic rela-tions. Count Enrico Galeazzi, theKnights’ director in Rome, was sent byPope Pius XII to the United States toseek from President Roosevelt a cessa-tion of Allied bombings in Rome in1943. And the foundation for Vaticandiplomatic relations with the UnitedStates was laid almost 40 years later, in

1982, at the Knights’ internationalconvention. After World War II began, the

Knights continued to operate theRoman playgrounds, at a time when— in addition to the United Statesand Italy being at war — the fascistgovernment had abolished Catholicyouth activities. One of the play-grounds, St. Peter’s Oratory, served asthe headquarters for the Vatican’s fooddistribution program. During the opening of the exhibit,

Cardinal Bertone reflected on the Order’s“fruitful permanence” in Rome. He saidthat Knights “witness the love of Christand his Church for the weak and de-fenseless and are for the entire Christiancommunity a meaningful expression ofthe evangelical requisite of charity.” Mayor Alemanno also praised the

Knights for their “special relationship”with the city, adding, “The Knights ofColumbus are rightfully part of theRome of the third millennium, whichwe want to build together without de-taching ourselves from our true cul-tural and spiritual roots.”♦

During the official opening of the exhibit June 9, the supreme knight speaks at the Palazzo Dei Conservatori,part of the Musei Capitolini, a group of the oldest publicly owned museums in the world.


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THE DOWNSWING IN THE ECONOMY has affectedus all, whether in terms of job loss, delayed raises or reducedfinancial options. Living with my family in WestchesterCounty, N.Y., which has the highest median property taxesin America, I am well aware of the uncertainty of these timesand have seen some of the negative fallout in our area, whichis usually considered the “affluent” suburbs of New York City. Endless fretting about finances, however, can rob us of

peace of mind and spirit. There are many things of value thatdo not cost much — oranything at all. We justneed to remember whereto find them. As the father of three

young children, I havelearned certain prioritiesin life. With the birth ofmy first child, I learnedthat my main job was tobe a father. As a young,single man, my job wasquite simply my job; mywork was my identity.When I met my futurewife, my job descriptionchanged — first to con-fidant, then to husband and finally to father. Even thoughmoney is still a primary concern, my professional job descrip-tion has sunk lower and lower on the totem of self-image.As a senior teacher in a large public school district, I am

fairly secure in my job. My wife is a freelance writer, and dueto a recent illness and the economic downturn, we readjustedour lifestyle in proportion to a drop in income. We chose totake on some debt with the full knowledge that we will sim-ply have to make adjustments to pay it back when our in-come stream improves. At the same time, we made sure wedid not get in over our heads and put ourselves in a situationthat could not be managed.Being a father, of course, is more than simply making sure

a household budget is manageable or that the children arewell-fed. I am primarily a dad, and I am fortunate enough,with my teacher’s schedule, to have time to be around my chil-dren. Playing with the kids, gently cajoling them about theirhomework, asking them about their school day — these areat the forefront of my daily routine. Note that these activitiesdo not involve spending or making money. Indeed, the in-

Home EconomicsThe Value of Price-less Gifts

by William Athanasidy

vestment of personal time and attention cannot be measuredmonetarily, but the payoff can be a treasury of memories.Think back to your fondest memories. I would guess that

they do not involve the exchange of money. A few of my fa-vorite recollections from childhood are playing cards with mygrandfather, picking dandelions for my mom and learninghow to fish with my dad in the Bronx River with a plasticfishing pole.You don’t need to live in a high-cost area to enjoy simple

pleasures. In fact, con-cerns about money canblind us to the joys ofdaily family life. Watch-ing my two daughtersact out a scene from amusical or my sonperform mind-bogglingfeats on his video gamebeats taking them to amovie — which, withthe price of tickets,popcorn and soda, isnot a cheap family out-ing anymore.This year, we are

more mindful of theneeds of struggling friends and acquaintances. While wedon’t have much, we remember to make charitable contri-butions to those who are even less fortunate, and we findways to make non-cash donations. For instance, when wereceive a free or discounted toy with the purchase of another,we donate the second to Toys for Tots. We also learned thatwe could give our hotel points to the Red Cross to aid dis-aster relief or the homeless. Finally, I notice an extra sparklein the eyes of my youngest child when we buy food couponsfor the needy at the supermarket instead of that little treatshe sees by the checkout.My children, I have happily discovered, have gained a spir-

itual depth and empathy that it took me many more years todevelop. That is something I could never buy for them, andit reminds me that I am responsible for something more im-portant than a paycheck.♦

WILLIAM ATHANASIDY teaches earth science in the Yonkers, N.Y., pub-lic school system. He and his family are members of St. Elizabeth SetonParish in Shrub Oak.

PHOTO: Thinkstock

For the past 128 years, the Knights of Columbus has exempli-fied, as its first and founding principle, the virtue of charity.In this time, Knights have discovered innumerable ways to showlove and support to their neighbors in need. The Knights’ annual Survey of Fraternal Activity for the year

ending Dec. 31, 2009, indicated that total charitable contributionssurpassed $151 million, and the number of volunteer service hoursto charitable causes by Knights grew to more than 69 million (seestory on page 6).But the numbers tell only part of the story. They simply repre-

sent the tangible support that Knights give to families and children,people with intellectual or physical disabilities, military personneland veterans, and many others in need — just as they did in pastgenerations. What follows are just a few images and examples ofthe ways that Knights continue this tradition of service.

During World War II, parts of St. Peter’s Oratory, one of the Knights of Columbusplaygrounds in Rome, served as the headquarters for the Vatican’s food distribution pro-gram for the Roman people. Up to 400,000 people were served daily by this program.



of Charity

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The Order’s support of men and women in the armed forcesis legendary — from the Army Hut programs during WorldWar I and World War II to the countless K of C units todaythat send care packages to soldiers stationed around the world.The Knights of Columbus helps to meet the spiritual needs

of military personnel as well. There are currently more than 60active military councils on bases worldwide. Copies of theKnights’ military prayer book, titled Armed with the Faith, havesurpassed 500,000 in print. And since 2009, the Order has pro-vided a bilingual Catholic handbook for Canadian military per-sonnel as well. Knights have also tackled the needs of veterans on several

fronts, beginning with the “Serving Those Who Served” pro-gram. In cooperation with the U.S. Government’s Veterans Af-fairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) program, the Order hasrepresentatives at VA medical centers and many clinics through-out the United States. Knights regularly visit veterans at theirhomes and at medical care facilities, work to ensure that veteransare able to visit national memorial sites and help veterans withdisabilities to obtain wheelchairs.

From Top: Soldiers gather at the Knights of Columbus Club in Adernach,Germany, c. 1918. Upon the United States’ entry into World War I, theKnights of Columbus stepped forward to support the troops by establishinga series of K of C huts that welcomed soldiers of every race and creed, of-fering them a place for rest, social activities and prayer. • 1st Lt. Gary Ve-lasquez of St. Andrew’s Council 11874 in Rock Falls, Ill., distributes toysand school supplies to Afghan children in 2008. • In December 2009,Connecticut Knights contributed $90,000 to purchase a handicapped-ac-cessible van for the VA medical center in West Haven.

PREVIOUS SPREAD: Courtesy United Nations Archives and Record Management Service

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In 1938, after conducting successful blood drives on thelocal level for almost a decade, the Knights of Columbusestablished what many regard as the first blood donor pro-gram sponsored by a national organization. Hundreds ofcouncils began blood donor groups, and the program soonbecame international in scope. Today, 80 percent of Red Cross blood drives occur in

partnership with high schools, businesses, places of wor-ship and community organizations like the Knights ofColumbus. This year alone, Knights-organized blooddrives obtained nearly 414,000 donations.

Left: Hibbing (Minn.) Council 1649 held a “Blood Donor’s Nite”event May 21, 1941. • Below: Charles Thramer of St. John VianneyCouncil 7740 in Omaha, Neb., donates blood at a K of C-sponsoreddrive June 26.

BOTTOM: Mark May Photography

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Top: San Francisco is pictured following the earthquake and fire that destroyedmuch of the city in 1906. In support of the victims, the Order collectedmore than $100,000. • Left: An injured Haitian woman thanks SupremeKnight Carl A. Anderson after receiving one of 1,000 new wheelchairsthat Knights of Columbus distributed to victims of the country’s earthquake.• Above: A little girl pictured in Marikina City, Philippines, was one ofthousands to receive relief from the Knights of Columbus after TropicalStorm Ketsana hit in September 2009. • Right: A priest standing withlaborers and emergency workers Oct. 4, 2001, blesses a 20-foot tall crossof steel beams that had been recovered from the rubble of the World TradeCenter in New York two days after the towers fell Sept. 11.

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As an international charitable organization, theKnights of Columbus is often quick to respond to nat-ural disasters and other scenes of human tragedy. Overthe past century, Knights have promptly responded todozens of calamities and have remained a strong forcefor charity worldwide. There are numerous examples of K of C support

over the past decade alone, from providing aid to floodvictims in Mexico and the Philippines to the establish-ment of a $1 million Heroes Fund for the families oflaw enforcement, firefighters and emergency medicalpersonnel who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.In the months following Hurricane Katrina in

2005, the Order’s Gulf States Disaster Relief Fundreached more than $10 million and Knights donatedmore than 100,000 hours of volunteer work to re-build homes.Following the devastating Jan. 12, 2010 earthquake

in Haiti, the Supreme Council sent $50,000 withindays to Catholic Relief Services in order to aid theHaitian people. By April, Knights of Columbus gave$576,000 to recovery efforts for Haiti, and later thatmonth distributed 1,000 wheelchairs at the Universityof Miami/Medishare Hospital in Port-au-Prince.

SAN FRANCISCO: Getty Images/ Hulton Archive — WTC CROSS: CNS photo from Reuters

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PHOTO: Jonathan Tramontana

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Through countless initiatives and charitable activities, theKnights of Columbus has from its beginning come to the aidof children and families. Last winter, with the number at risk of hunger far higher

than usual and the number of those planning to give to charitylower than usual, the Order committed $1 million and legionsof active volunteers to its “Food for Families” program to col-lect food and financially support food banks in the UnitedStates and Canada. Food for Families is one of the many proj-ects in the Knights of Columbus “Neighbors Helping Neigh-bors” initiative, which began at a summit on volunteerism thatthe Knights organized in New York City in February 2009.Meanwhile, various programs make up the Order’s “Help

a Child in Need” campaign, which began in 2006 with a na-

tionwide television appeal for donations to charities that sup-port the needs of children. Last winter, through the K of CCoats for Kids program, approximately 10,000 winter coatswere distributed in 20 cold-weather cities throughout NorthAmerica.

Facing Page: A girl tries on her new coat during a Coats for Kids distri-bution at St. Joseph Parish in Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 21, 2009. •Top: Since opening the Father McGivney Food Bank in March 2010,Robert Valera and fellow Knights from Our Lady of Guadalupe Council14101 in Queen Creek, Ariz., have served more than 2,500 local res-idents. • Bottom: On June 12, 1940, for the 17th consecutive year, ap-proximately 3,000 orphaned children enjoyed a meal prepared by Knightsof Columbus in Woodside Park, Philadelphia.

TOP: Jackie Mercandetti Photography

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Over the past four decades, the Knights of Columbus has raisedand donated more than $382 million and tens of thousands of vol-unteer hours to programs for people with intellectual and physicaldisabilities. In 2005, the Knights began a four-year partnership thatcommitted $250,000 annually to grow Special Olympics in NorthAmerica and other parts of the world, while pledging even more vol-unteers for state and local games. In 2009, the K of C Board of Di-rectors voted to renew the Order’s partnership for another four years.In 2003, the Order also began participating in the Global

Wheelchair Mission, which provides durable, low-cost wheel-chairs to those in need. Knights in the United States and Canadahave sponsored the distribution of some 20,000 wheelchairs innearly 20 countries.

Clockwise from above: Young athletes race in a track event during the first SpecialOlympics games, hosted in Chicago in 1968. • Eunice Kennedy Shriver (1921-2009), who founded Special Olympics in 1968, stands with her husband, SargentShriver, a member of the Knights who served as the first director of the Peace Corps.• A Knight assists a Special Olympics athlete in the recreation area of the Con-necticut Summer Games June 12, 2010. • A Knight visits with a SpecialOlympics athlete June 25, 2010, during the Ohio Summer Games. • AndyAncel, a member of St. Malachy Council 12540 in Brownsburg, Ind., and hischildren participate in a fund drive for people with disabilities. • Marvin J. De-Schryver, past state deputy of Saskatchewan, and California State Chaplain Msgr.Nestor Rebong help an injured girl into her new wheelchair in Haiti April 28,2010. • A woman is pictured in one of 2,000 new wheelchairs the Knights ofColumbus distributed in Afghanistan to people with disabilities in 2003.

TOP CENTER: James D. Camp, Ohio Photojournalist


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Court unanimously declares the Ore-gon law unconstitutional.

1924-27: In response to a requestfrom Pope Benedict XV, the Knightsopens five K of C recreation centers foryouth in Rome.

1924: The K of C Historical Com-mission publishes the Knights ofColumbus Racial Contributions Seriesdealing with the positive contributionsof African-, Jewish- and German-Americans to U.S. society.

1926: Supreme Officers meet withPresident Calvin Coolidge to expressconcern about the persecution of theCatholic Church in Mexico. TheOrder then launches a $1 millioncampaign to educate the public aboutthe issue.

1930: The Order responds to U.S.President Herbert Hoover’s call for anemergency committee for employ-ment, promising the cooperation oflocal councils in forming jobs boardsfor the unemployed. Within its first18 months, the Knights’ Bureau of

IN ADDITION to the everydaycharitable activities of Knights ofColumbus, the Order has under-taken numerous initiatives that havesignificantly impacted society for thebetter. From the promotion of reli-gious and racial tolerance to the sup-port of education, the Knights havedemonstrated a deep concern for theworld around them. Here are just afew examples of that work.

1898: Knights purchase war bondsto support the Spanish-American War;soldiers and sailors are not disqualifiedfrom becoming insurance members.

1904: The Order donates morethan $55,000 to The Catholic Uni-versity of America in Washington,D.C., to establish of a K of C chair ofAmerican history. From 1909 to1913, Knights raise $500,000 to es-tablish a permanent endowment forthe university.

1914-17: The Order’s Commissionon Religious Prejudice fights to exposeanti-Catholic publications. The num-

ber of these periodicals drops from 60to fewer than five.

1916: Knights from New Mexico,Arizona and Texas aid the troops sent tothe U.S.-Mexico border to preventMexican Gen. Francisco “Pancho” Villafrom raiding towns in the United States.

1917: The Order establishes servicecenters known as “Huts.” These werehomes away from home to supporttroops near the front lines and at train-ing centers during World War I. Morethan one observer noted that theKnights, in welcoming everyone, didnot draw the “color line” as other organ-izations did at the time.

1919: The Order begins educational,vocational and employment programsfor veterans. More than 50,000 studentsenroll in evening school programs acrossthe United States and Canada.

1923-25: The Order works tooverturn a Ku Klux Klan-sponsoredlaw in Oregon that prohibits childrenunder 16 from attending privateschools. In 1925, the U.S. Supreme

CIVIC CONTRIBUTIONS ♦ A brief history of the Knights’ contributions to U.S. society and beyond

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Order establishes its $1 million He-roes Fund.

2002: The Order establishes a$2 million Pacem in Terris fund topromote peace and education initia-tives in the Holy Land.

2003: The Order begins its part-nership with the Global WheelchairMission, which provides wheelchairsto those who lack mobility.

2004: Fourth Degree assemblies raiseand donate $520,000 toward the con-struction of the World War II Memo-rial in Washington, D.C.

2005-6: In the aftermath of hurri-canes Katrina and Rita in the U.S. Gulf,Knights donate close to $10 million to-ward relief efforts.

2009-Present: The Order developsinitiatives under the banner of Neigh-bors Helping Neighbors, such as Coatsfor Kids and Food for Families, to en-sure that needy members of the com-munity receive essential support servicesduring the worst economic downturnsince the Great Depression.♦

Employment oversees more than1,000 local jobs committees and helpsnearly 100,000 workers find jobs.

1939-41: Canadian Knights estab-lish a welfare program for soldiers serv-ing in World War II. When the UnitedStates enters the war in 1941, theOrder reaches out to soldiers via theNational Catholic Community Serv-ice, a member agency of the USO.

1945: The Order creates a $1 milliontrust fund for the education of childrenof members who died in World War II.

June 14, 1954: After successful lob-bying from the K of C, PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower signs a bill intolaw that adds the words “under God” tothe U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.

1967: Canadian Knights erect aPeace Memorial in Windsor, Ontario,during Canada’s centennial.

1969: The Order contributes$75,000 to the U.S. Catholic Con-ference’s Task Force on Urban Prob-lems to help address poverty anddiscrimination.

1981: The Order establishes theVicarius Christi Fund, with annualearnings used for the pope’s personalcharities. The first check for $1.2million is presented at the 1982Supreme Convention.

Sept. 12, 2001: In response to theterrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the

On Columbus Day 1961, President John F. Kennedy,a Knight of Columbus, receives a plaque commemoratingthe addition of the words “under God” to the U.S. Pledgeof Allegiance from Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart.

Last year, Knights volunteered 227,900 hours with Habitat forHumanity, assisting with everything from pouring foundationsand framing walls to painting and landscaping. Councils fre-quently undertake other construction projects as well, such as re-furbishing church property and building wheelchair ramps forpeople with limited mobility.Meanwhile, the Order’s tireless dedication to building a culture

of life is seen, in part, in its support of pregnancy resource centers.Popular programs like Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Baby Showersand baby bottle drives help to provide women and children withthe resources they need. And since it launched in 2009, the Order’sUltrasound Initiative has obtained nearly 50 ultrasound machinesfor medically certified pro-life centers throughout North America.Of course, the Knights’ service to others is not limited to these

examples. Throughout the Order’s history, Knights have re-sponded to neighbors in need. As these needs change and newpartnerships emerge, one thing will remain the same: Knightswill practice charity above all.♦

Left: Knights from Holy Cross Council 8493 in The Colony, Texas, come tothe assistance of a legally blind widow who was about to lose her home to foreclosure.Knights spent a day replacing the roof, which was required before the home could berefinanced. • Right: Rachel Owens (left), executive director of Choices MedicalClinic in Iowa City, Iowa, and a young woman are pictured with an ultrasoundmachine that was purchased for the clinic through the Order’s Ultrasound Initiative. P

HOTO: Michael Kreiser Photography

Building Homes, Building Lives

Knights in the Philippines construct houses and provide for the needs of poor villagers

by Roy Lagarde

In a secluded village about 17 miles north of Manila,Knights of Columbus have assisted in building scores ofnew, colorful houses along the rugged hills. Many of the res-idents were formerly homeless, but now they and their chil-dren have a new start in life and hope for the future. Their houses comprise the Knights of Columbus Village,

a building project funded by the Knights of Columbus Fra-ternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI), the in-surance arm of the Order in the Philippines. Located in thecity of San Jose del Monte of Bulacan, the village is part ofa larger housing development sponsored by Gawad Kalinga,

a faith-based organization whose name in Filipino means“giving care.”This past April, five new units in the complex were dedi-

cated and named in honor of Supreme Knight Carl A. An-derson. This made a total of 22 houses and one chapel builtat the site by the KC Philippines Foundation with supportfrom KCFAPI.

Knights and community members work at the K of C Village site. The GawadKalinga project has provided numerous houses for villagers in the Philippines andseeks to build a community that is vibrant and sustainable.

PHOTO: Roy Lagarde

Jocelyn Tusi, a mother of four children, said that comingto the village was an answer to her prayers. She and her hus-band helped to build their house and also took lessons fromGawad Kalinga instructors on building a better a life.“We live under one roof that we can now call our own,”

she said. “It seems that our confidence, dignity and hopeswere restored with our new home. They brightened up ourlives with goodness.” The houses are simple, yet durable: concrete, steel-framed

units that are brightly painted and measure about 76 squarefeet each. Room is limited, especially for larger families, butthere are outdoor common areas where families can gatherand children can play. For the time being, residents use adeep-well pump for drinking and washing until the govern-ment extends water lines into the hills.Akin to the worldwide Habitat for Humanity program, res-

idents provide “sweat equity” by joining hundreds of otherskilled and unskilled volunteers in the construction process. Monetary donations to Gawad Kalinga provide the remain-

ing construction funds. Knights in the Philippines have beenmajor donors and volunteers since 2008.In addition, volunteers from KCFAPI have staffed a mis-

sion to monitor the health of village residents and to ensurethat they understand the basics of nutrition and hygiene.The Gawad Kalinga project includes dozens of homes in

addition to the K of C Village and seeks to build a commu-nity that is vibrant and sustainable, despite being isolated

from the surrounding villages. It has a school program thatprovides children with a pre-school, primary school and vo-cational education, and a livelihood program that developsfarmland for the benefit of the whole community.The spiritual needs of the residents are met by Couples for

Christ, a Catholic organization that provides Christian men-toring, prayer meetings and Mass, as well as catechetical pro-grams for children. In addition, the Knights of Columbusconstructed a chapel named for Father George Willmann, aJesuit missionary priest who is known as the “Father Mc-Givney of the Philippines” for his work with the Order for40 years until his death in 1977. Justice Jose Reyes Jr., a federal judge and the chairman of

the KC Philippines Foundation Inc., said that the new homesare just the beginning of an ongoing effort to house the area’spoor, who live in cardboard or scrap metal shacks along thehighways and dirt roads of the country.“The Knights of Columbus has long been helping the poor,”

he said. “We really wanted to help this project … an honestto goodness help to the poor. This is now a realization.”According to Reyes, Knights maintain a close relationship

with village residents and provide ongoing faith formation tohelp build a small Christian community among the people.♦

ROY LAGARDE is a staff writer and photojournalist in the media office ofthe Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines and a member of ManilaCouncil 1000.

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Quenching Our Neighbors’

THIRSTWells of Hope brings the gift of

clean water to Guatemala

by Mike Mastromatteo

In July 2010, Ted van der Zalm left his home in St.Catharines, Ontario, to prepare for a new round of water welldrilling operations in a rural area of Guatemala. The founder ofWells of Hope, an ambitious endeavour that provides freshdrinking water to the citizens of this developing nation, van derZalm carried with him the support from fellow members of St.Catherines Council 1394.According to a 2010 World Health Organization-UNICEF

study, 884 million people get their drinking water from unpro-tected wells, water carts and potentially contaminated lakes,streams or irrigation canals. Van der Zalm, a former lay mis-sionary and high school religion teacher, takes these numbersseriously. He is also mindful of the Gospel imperative to bringwater to the thirsty, food to the hungry and a sense of hope todesperate, vulnerable people.

Wells of Hope seeks to provide clean, safe water to Guatemalan villagers,such as those pictured here washing clothes with water that flows from themountainside into a hole. Without a well, the contaminated water is alsotheir only source of drinking water.


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A CALL TO SERVEVan der Zalm developed a keen appreciation for clean, safedrinking water as a volunteer missionary in Tanzania, where helearned the basics of drilling wells and laying irrigation systems.He was further challenged by reports from the United Nationsthat showed the staggering disease and mortality rates in ThirdWorld nations due to unsafe or unavailable drinking water. It was a watershed moment for a young man already familiar

with the call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. After all,these were ideals imparted in van der Zalm by his father, aKnight who encouraged his family to do whatever they couldto ease the suffering of others.“As Jesus calls us to service through his example of washing

his disciples’ feet, the Knights of Columbus and Wells of Hopeare committed to serving the needs of our less fortunate sistersand bothers,” said van der Zalm.In the years since its founding, Wells of Hope has drawn the

attention of fellow Knights, who have been ardent supportersof the project since 2004. At that time, councils in southernOntario and throughout the United States, as well as the On-tario State Council, supported a Wells of Hope motorized car-avan as it made its way from St. Catharines to Guatemala forthe initial drilling operation.In addition to providing overnight rest stops for van der Zalm,

his family and volunteers, Knights also provided funding to helppay for the caravan’s next round of travelling and living expenses.Although his family was honored by the Ontario State Coun-

cil as Family of the Year in 2004, van der Zalm is not concernedabout seeking recognition for his work, which he simply sees ashis Christian duty.“Wells of Hope is a front lines group of volunteers, actively

responding to Christ’s call to love our neighbor as ourselves,”he said.

A UNITING FORCEK of C councils near and far remain committed to the cause. InJanuary 2009, the Supreme Council issued a $100,000 grant toWells of Hope in support of an overall fundraising target of justover $1 million to purchase new drilling equipment for an aridregion of Guatemala. This grant complemented smaller fund-raising activities undertaken by Council 1394 and nearby coun-cils in southern Ontario.John Currey of Council 1394 said that Wells of Hope in-

spired the entire community in St. Catharines and the NiagaraPeninsula.“We’ve contributed to Wells of Hope personally as members,

and we have contributed as a council to Ted and his work,”Currey said. State Deputy Arthur L. Peters has also paid keen attention to

van der Zalm and Wells of Hope. “There are many Knights of Columbus doing outstanding

work in their local communities,” Peters said, “but the van derZalm family embodies the principles of the Order, unitingmembers of their council and the greater community in charityto assist our brothers and sisters in need.”

Although van der Zalm is used to travelling to Guatemala bythe slow overland route, his most recent trip was by plane, totend to Wells of Hope’s latest initiative. The first priority of histwo-week journey was to retrieve new drilling equipment thathad finally been released by the country’s customs authority. Healso arrived in time to receive a container of relief goods sentfrom the Niagara region.Eager as he is to get to work, van der Zalm also must relent

to some of nature’s constraints. “Due to the rainy season,” heexplained, “it is difficult to get much work done right away, soour drilling will commence after the rains have subsided in Sep-tember or October.”But as work begins, van der Zalm will no doubt be mindful

of Council 1394 and other Knights who have not flagged intheir support.For more information, visit♦

MIKE MASTROMATTEO writes from Toronto, where he is a member ofBlessed Trinity Council 11681.

Ted van der Zalm, founder of Wells of Hope, is pictured drilling a well in LagunaItzacoba, Guatemala. While this original rig had the capacity to drill 200 feet intothe hard volcanic rock at a rate of only four inches per day, new drilling equipmentwill allow wells to be dug deeper and more quickly.

Photos courtesy of Wells of Hope


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nate a large, roadside boulderas its council marker. Thestone, which is roughly 12feet tall, is marked with thecouncil’s name and numberand is repainted several timeseach year to reflect differentinitiatives or themes.


Father Anthony RavalliCouncil 6130 in Hamilton,Mont., constructed a perma-nent billboard on a parcel ofland owned by Dick Green, aparishioner at St. Francis ofAssisi Church. The vinyl signson the billboard are changedseveral times throughout theyear to include seasonal andpro-life messages.


Msgr. Frank Howard Coun-cil 6648 in Havelock, N.C.,cooked a volunteer appreci-ation breakfast for about 80parishioners who assist atthe parish school and withother activities.

Members of Sañto RosarioCouncil 3888 in Orani, Luzon,till a vegetable garden on thegrounds of their council hall.Knights planted the garden tohelp promote a healthy dietrich in vegetables among localmembers of the community.

BREAKFAST TIMEOur Lady of Fatima Council9742 in Ottawa, Ontario,hosts a full-course breakfastat its parish three times eachyear. Proceeds from theevents are added to the coun-cil’s charitable fund.

KITCHEN HELPSt. Augustine Council 9714in South San Francisco,Calif., serves food to approx-imately 150 homeless peopleeach month at a soup kitchenoperated by the Missionariesof Charity.


Members of Bishop OlwellCircle 3290 in South Cota-bato, Mindanao, conductseveral outreach activities intheir community, amongthem prayer vigils, tree plant-ings and church visitations.

TELETHON AIDFather Leo Anctil Circle5211 in Coventry, R.I., vol-unteered at the annualtelethon hosted by MeetingStreet School. During the

hours they worked, Squiresraised $1,000 for the school,which provides outreach toapproximately 3,000 peoplewith intellectual disabilitiesthroughout Rhode Islandand southern Massachusetts.

NIGHT FOR PRIESTSThe Knights of ColumbusGalveston-Houston (Texas)Chapter hosted its annualclergy appreciation night atthe Stafford ConventionCenter. More than 1,500people attended the event, in-cluding Cardinal Daniel N.DiNardo, who is a memberof Father Vincent JosephGuinan Council 13940 atthe University of St. Thomasin Houston. Proceeds fromthe event were donated tovarious charitable causes.

MARY’S HEALINGVan Nuys (Calif.) Council3148 donated a statue of OurLady of Guadalupe to thespiritual care department ofNorthridge Hospital. Thestatue, which is mounted onan enclosure handcrafted byKnight Bernie Moore, wasdedicated at a special cere-mony honoring Our Lady.


During its annual clergy ap-preciation dinner, Bishop Eu-gene J. McGuiness Council4721 in Tulsa, Okla., pre-sented the proceeds from thestate’s “Pennies from Heaven”drive to Bishop Edward J.Slattery of Tulsa. Funds fromthe drive assist men in thediocese who are studying forthe priesthood. Bishop Slat-tery is a member of HolyFamily Council 10388.

COUNCIL MARKEROur Lady of Fatima Council10953 in Iloilo, Visayas, re-ceived permission to desig-


After several break-ins oc-curred at Holy FamilyChurch in Artesia, Calif.,John F. Kennedy Council6004 installed a security sys-tem on the premises to pre-vent future intrusions.Knights also help to monitorthe security cameras.


Members of God’s DivineMercy Council 14463 inYorkville, Ill., repair a home inPass Christian, Miss. SixKnights and eight additionalvolunteers traveled to the GulfCoast to aid with ongoing re-construction efforts after Hur-ricane Katrina. Knights helpedconstruct two homes on nine-foot stilts to replace those de-stroyed by floodwater.

Volunteers cut and measure new floor tiles for the dining areaat St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home. Ambrose “Sam” Szal-winski of St. Mark the Evangelist Council 7613 in San Antoniocoordinated the effort and solicited $1,600 in donated materialsto complete the project. Knights from throughout the Archdio-cese of San Antonio spent two weekends installing the newfloor, which saved the facility approximately $6,000.

UPPER LEFT: Jordan McMorrough/T





lic, Archdiocese of San Antonio


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munity. Volunteer doctorsand dentists provided freeconsultations, distributedmedicine and offered minorprocedures at no cost.


St. Pius X Council 11101 inGreensboro, N.C., donated$1,500 to Sanctuary House, afacility that provides rehabili-tation, training and support topeople with mental illnesses,namely schizophrenia, depres-sion and bi-polar disorder.

NEW CARPETINGRev. Père Donat LeBlancCouncil 7334 in Shediac,New Brunswick, helped re-place the 25-year-old carpetat its parish. The council con-tributed $15,000 toward theproject’s total cost and volun-teered to remove church seat-ing until the new carpet wasinstalled.


Holy Trinity III Council13729 in Johnstown, Colo.,donated $200 to Birthrightin Loveland, a facility thatprovides pregnancy tests, pre-natal medical services, hous-ing referrals and babysupplies to women in crisispregnancies.

STUDENT BREAKFASTSan Juan Bautista Council1543 in San Juan, PuertoRico, hosted a breakfast atInstituto Loaiza Cordero, aschool for children with vi-sual impairments. Knightsserved breakfast to all thosein attendance and stayed toenjoy fellowship with thestudents.


Mother of Good CounselCouncil 1078 in Andover,Mass., held an appreciationdinner in honor of the Au-gustinian Friars of St. Augus-

Bishop Joseph R. Cistone ofSaginaw, Mich., delivers thekeynote address at a clergyappreciation night hosted byFather Nouvel Council 4232 inSaginaw. Bishop Cistone,who is a member of FatherThomas J. Doyle Council13565 in Philadelphia,thanked the Knights for theirsupport of the clergy andurged them to continue tosupport vocations.

tine Church. At the event,Knights presented FatherPeter Gorey with an award ofmerit. The dinner raised$1,000, which was donatedto the St. Augustine Churchbuilding fund.

PARISH PAINTINGMembers of San Antonio dePadua Council 7686 inCavite, Luzon, repainted theirparish hall. District DeputyAmado Sanglay donatedpaint for the project under aninitiative to beautify all of thechurches in Cavite City.

VETERANS HONOREDIn honor of the 65th anniver-sary of the end of World WarII, Union (N.J.) Council4504 arranged to have a U.S.flag flown over the USS Ari-zona memorial in Pearl Har-bor, Hawaii. The flag wasthen transported to New Jer-sey, where it was presented tocouncil veterans at a specialceremony. Twenty-one WorldWar II veterans and theirfamilies attended the event,in addition to local residentThomas Mahoney, who sur-vived the attack on Pearl Har-bor in 1941.

Allan Whyte (right) of Star ofthe Sea Council 7015 in WhiteRock, British Columbia, andCarolyn Wharton of Star ofthe Sea Parish hold the bot-tom half of a “Comfort Coat,”while Whyte wears the jacketsection. Council 7015 do-nated $2,600 to Wharton’svolunteer group to help make144 of the coats, which are acombination coat and sleep-ing bag for the homeless.

THROUGH A GLASSHoly Redeemer Council 9544in Ottawa, Ontario, donated$5,000 toward a new stained-glass window at its parish. Thenew window depicts the Res-urrection of Christ.

FUND DRIVELimoilou (Quebec) Council4494 conducted a fund driveat area supermarkets andrestaurants that raised $43,500for three area charities.

HONORING PASTORSFather Philip G. TheriaultCouncil 11522 in Sudbury,Ontario, hosted a specialMass at St. Patrick Church tohonor 10 area priests who, atone time or another, servedor aided the parish. StateChaplain Noël Simard, aux-iliary bishop of Sault SainteMarie, celebrated the Mass,which was followed by achicken dinner for all thosein attendance.


Cabanatuan City (Luzon)Council 3692 hosted a med-ical and dental mission forneedy members of the com-

NEW HEIGHTSManordale Valley Council4226 in Murrysville, Pa., do-nated $4,000 to ClelianHeights School for Excep-tional Children, which pro-vides spiritual, educational,vocational and residentialprograms for people with in-tellectual disabilities.

Members of Father Patrick J. Ryan Assembly in Chattanooga,Tenn., stand with students from Notre Dame High School andthe coats that were collected by Knights in districts #12 and#13. The drive, co-sponsored by the United Way and the localABC television affiliate, collected more than 1,600 coats forneedy members of the community.

UPPER RIGHT: Malin Jordan/T





lic, Archdiocese of Vancouver


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See more “Knights in Action” reports and


ONGOING AIDOur Lady of the Most HolyRosary Council 7648 in JerseyCity, N.J., donated $1,000 toaid continuing relief efforts inthe Philippines in the after-math of Typhoon Ondoy,which struck the islands in2009. Meanwhile, St. Ferdi-nand College Council 8508in Isabela, Luzon, prepared re-lief goods for people in Manilawho were impacted by thestorm.

MEET THE BISHOPMsgr. Don H. Hughes As-sembly in Tucson, Ariz., heldits annual “Meet the Bishop”dinner fundraiser. Proceedsfrom the event — whichtopped nearly $50,000 —were donated to the TucsonBenedictine Monastery andto the diocese’s clergy retire-ment fund.

THE GIFT OF LIFEJamaica Council 337 in Hol-lis, N.Y., sponsored a com-munity blood drive thatnetted more than 100 pintsof viable blood for New YorkBlood Services. Donors werealso screened as potentialblood marrow donors.


St. Nicholas Council 10590in Laguna Hills, Calif., hostsa weekly food drive at itsparish to benefit a local out-reach organization. The driveaverages about 500 pounds offood per week.


Millstone Valley Council11415 in Somerset, N.J.,held a pancake breakfast thatraised $900 for its parishyouth ministry and $500 forits parish religious educationprogram.

A NEW HORIZONMsgr. Joseph FitzgeraldCouncil 14014 in Hunting-

ton, Conn., donated $500 toHealth Horizons Interna-tional, a medical mission tothe Dominican Republic thatprovides medical care forHaitian refugees and needyDominicans living in ruralcommunities.


Geauga Council 3304 inChardon, Ohio, hosted a pro-life dinner with guest speakerJason Jones, producer of thefilms Bella and The Stoning ofSoraya M. Jones is a Catholicconvert and a Third DegreeKnight. The event raised$2,500, which was donated totwo seminarians and to a localpro-life group.

South Texas Catholics and other Christians of all ages march forlife during the annual rosary procession led by Father William A.Caldwell Council 3493. The march, which takes place throughthe streets of San Benito, has been held every year since theearly-1990s and is dedicated to the memory of unborn childrenkilled by abortion.


Luke Killoran Council 4510in Wainwright, Alberta, do-nated $5,000 to the buildingfund at Blessed SacramentChurch. Over the past fiveyears, Knights have donated$100,000 to help build aparish hall at the existingchurch.


St. Bonaventure Council10049 in Manomet, Mass.,held a pro-life baby shower tosupport the Archdiocese of

Boston’s pregnancy resourcecenter. The drive collected$2,900 in cash donations andapproximately $1,000 in newbaby items.

HOSPITAL ROSARIESFather William J. DonnellyCouncil 8831 in Dartmouth,Nova Scotia, donated 100finger rosaries to the Catholicchaplain at Dartmouth Gen-eral Hospital. Each rosarycame in a package that con-tained a step-by-step guideon how to pray the rosary, aprayer for the sick and a get-well card.

Members of Montrose (Colo.) Council 1188 construct a newdeck at the home of Father Mark Bettinger, pastor of St. Mary’sChurch. When Knights determined that Father Bettinger’s exist-ing deck was unsafe, they tore it down and volunteered to builda new one. In addition to providing volunteer labor for the project,the council also donated nearly $3,000 worth of materials.

Andrew Mendoza of SantoNiño Council 9462 in Balti-more selects a pair of eye-glasses for a needy woman inNew Washington, Visayas.Council 9462 — whose mem-bership is comprised mostly ofFilipinos — hosts an ongoingcollection for used eyeglassesthat members bring to thePhilippines when they returnhome. On his latest visit, Men-doza brought several boxes ofglasses that were distributedto the needy.

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Parishioners, along with members of St. John NepomuceneCouncil 12075 and Sum-Ag Circle 4651, both in BacolodCity, Visayas, work to complete the parish offices at St. JohnNepomucene Church. Knights donated five truckloads ofsand and gravel for the project, along with paint, thinners andother materials.

furnish each facility, Knightspackaged and shipped theDivine Mercy portraits to Fa-ther Joseph Hund, a councilmember and missionarypriest in Jamaica.

SPANISH MASSLos Martires MexicanosCouncil 14609 in Rogers,Ark., staffs a special weeklyMass at Saint Vincent dePaul Church that is cele-brated entirely in Spanish.The Mass, which is held at7:30 pm on Sundays, givesthe predominantly Spanish-speaking parish the opportu-nity to attend more than justone service in their nativelanguage.

NUTRITION CENTERTawas (Mich.) Council 2709hosted a charity dinner tobenefit a nutrition center inGuatemala. The event whichfeatured entertainment, a 50-50 raffle and a silent auction,raised $3,755 for the center,which serves poor children onthe brink of starvation or dev-astating illness.


El Camino Real Assembly inSanta Ana, Calif., donated 50student desks and chairs, oneteacher’s desk and chair, fourlights, two fans, and a chalk-board to help furnish a schoolin Ghana that is run by thePatrician Brothers.

SCHOOL FOR KIDSSt. Norbert (Manitoba)Council 8557 raised $1,000for School for Kids in Laos

Inc. (SKL), an or-ganization that isbuilding schoolsfor underprivi-leged children in

the Asian country of Laos.Since 2007, SKL has helpedconstruct two schools.

A PLAYHOUSE FOR A REAL HOUSEWith help from the studentsat Sprott-Shaw CommunityCollege, Corpus ChristiCouncil 7871 in Calgary, Al-

berta, built and raf-fled a custom play-

house to benefit the Dioceseof Virac, Philippines. Knightssold about $8,500 in raffletickets for the house, whichhad a retail value of approxi-mately $4,000. Proceeds from the raffle

were donated to the Dioceseof Virac’s Social ActionFoundation, which partnerswith local, national and in-ternational institutions toprovide disaster relief and re-habilitation. One of thefoundation’s initiatives is theShelter Rehab Project, whosemission is to construct con-crete, typhoon-proof homesin the Philippines. Theamount raised in the rafflewill aid the construction ofthree or four homes.


St. Paul of Tarsus Council11689 in Clinton Township,Mich., donated images of theDivine Mercy to two newlyconstructed mission churchesin Jamaica. After several yearsof celebrating Mass in schoolclassrooms, the citizens ofGrange Hill and Little Lon-don finally have their own re-spective churches. To help

• Jamaica Laos •

Ghana •

Rogers, Arkansas •

Bacolod City, Philippines •

Guatemala •• Virac, Philippines



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32 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦ A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

MEMBERS OF Holy Trinity Council11055 in Zamboanga City, Mindanao,renovate the home of council memberJuanito Hipolito. Knights provided ma-terials and volunteered to make the nec-essary repairs to the house. Hipolito, 78,is a charter member of the council andis currently unemployed.• Westminster (Md.) Council 1393hosted a parish breakfast to benefit thedaughter of a council member who hasbeen diagnosed with cancer. The eventraised more than $2,100 to help offsetthe family’s medical expenses.



FATHER DENNIS MILLER (left)and Bob Conzemius of Msgr. JamesA. Supple Council 13160 in Ames,Iowa, examine a newly placed educa-tional plaque at St. Thomas AquinasChurch. Knights funded a project atthe church to decorate a bare 62-footwall with a series of 22 educationalmarkers. The plaques are located inthe church’s lower lounge, wheremany parish events are held.• North Ridgeville (Ohio) Council7970 came to the aid of a family thatneeded a new refrigerator butcouldn’t afford to buy one. Knightstook up a collection that raised $800— enough to purchase a new fridgeplus food to fill it.


MASTER SGT. Patrick Narango(left) of the Kandahar Airfield RoundTable in Afghanistan passes a newnotebook to an Afghan youth.Knights of the newly formed roundtable, which is sponsored by St. Vin-cent de Paul Council 12191 in Berke-ley Springs, W. Va., ventured into alocal bazaar to distribute school sup-plies to Afghan children.• Michigan Fourth Degree District #2began a program called “Operation:Patriotism” to help remodel rooms atarea VA facilities. Knights made an ini-tial donation of $7,000 to remodel aroom at the VA facility in Ann Arborwith new wallpaper, window dress-ings, a television and furniture.


BISHOP ROBERT H. BROM(second from left) of San Diegolooks on while Father MichelFroidurot breaks ground near thecornerstone of the future St. GabrielChurch. Bishop Charles FrancisBuddy Council 6031 in Poway wasinstrumental in raising funds for theconstruction of the new church andserved refreshments at the ground-breaking ceremony. About 200 peo-ple attended the event, which alsoincluded the burial of a time capsule.Bishop Brom is a member ofCabrillo Council 2891.


Building a better world one council

at a timeEvery day, Knights all over the world aregiven opportunities to make a difference— whether through community service,raising money or prayer. We celebrateeach and every Knight for his strength,his compassion and his dedication tobuilding a better world.

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Knights Joseph Vrazel, Robert Masse Jr. andFrederick Montoya of Utah District #7carry a stove that will be donated to a needyfamily. When Knights learned that about300 parishioners from San Felipe Churchin Wendover had been laid off last year, theystepped in to provide aid to families in need.Knights from throughout the district workwith stores to get clothing and non-perish-able food at discount prices, and collect usedfurniture and appliances. Volunteers thenmake a monthly trip to Wendover to distrib-ute the items throughout the community.

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AS A PARISH PRIEST.’It is amazing to consider that many years before

my ordination to the priesthood in 2009, mybrother Knights of Columbus throughout the worldwere keeping my vocation close to their hearts andin their daily prayers. That type of encouragementis difficult to come by in today’s world, yet theOrder has championed religious vocations for morethan 128 years. Without the Knights’ prayers andsupport, I firmly believe that my vocational journeymay have directed me elsewhere.

Serving the faithful of the Archdiocese of Mil-waukee has provided me with opportunities to in-corporate the Columbian virtues — charity, unity,fraternity and patriotism — into my everydaypriestly ministry. In these four principles, I havefound Jesus Christ present in our world and in mydaily activities as a parish priest.

My vocation requires that I continue to seek outways to energize, deepen and strengthen people’sfaith. My membership in the Knights of Columbussupplies me with immeasurable resources to bringthe Gospel of Christ to all the faithful I serve.


St. Dominic ParishBrookfield, Wisconsin

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