colouring book of poland - filecolouring book of poland - ... suddenly, he heard an...

Post on 22-Mar-2019






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Colouring book of Poland -

legends and historical facts

This booklet has been created by teachers and students from

Primary School nr 112 in Warsaw

during the Erasmus+ project:

Maths is everywhere – mathematical journey through Europe

This project has been funded with support from the European Comission. The contents are

provided directly by beneficiaries and reflect the views only of their authors. The European

Commission and the National Agencies cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of

the information contained therein, particularly regarding its accuracy and its respect to copyright.


Part I



Lech, Czech and Rus

A long time ago, three bothers called Lech, Czech and Rus, ruled a big country

together. There was less and less food and the brothers decided to find another

place to settle and live. They travelled through mountains and forests when

they reached a steppe. Rus really liked it and he wanted to stay there and start

a new life there. The other two brothers went on and after some time they

reached a fertile river valley where Czech decided to stay. Lech, together with

his people, reached a great forest. He ordered to set up a camp and went up a

hill to see the area around. Suddenly, he heard an eagle and he saw the royal

bird’s nest. In that moment, he decided to settle there. He called his town,

Gniezno, and the eagle became the emblem of his country.



The Wawel Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a town located on Wawel Hill, ruled by a wise

king, Krak. People lived happily there until one day… On that day, a monster as

large as a church bell came and settled by the Wawel. Soon after this arrival,

animals began to disappear. Then, two shepherds disappeared and people

decided to go to king Krak and ask for help. Krak told them that he will give half

of his treasure and marriage to his daughter to a person who will defeat the

dragon. Many tried but they were killed by the monster. One day, a poor

shoemaker called Dratewka came up with a clever idea of how to eliminate the

dragon. He took a skin of a big sheep and stuffed it with sulfur. He gave this

snack to the dragon that ate it. Then, it felt very thirsty. It drank and drank

endlessly and then it burst with a loud bang.




Warsaw mermaid

A long time ago, a beautiful mermaid lived in the sea. She had a wonderful

voice. The mermaid often swam up to a small town called Warsaw. One day, a

mean merchant came to the village and wanted to catch the mermaid and

show her on fairs. He gave money to some fisherman and told them to catch

the mermaid and carry her to a young fisherman’s home. He was supposed to

watch her till the morning. The young fisherman really liked the mermaid, and

when she started singing, he just let her go. She went quickly toward the

Vistula river, stood at its bank and told the people that she would hide in the

river for her own safety, but she would defend them if necessary. From then

on, the mermaid became the patron of the town. Nowadays, you can see her

on the coat of arms of Warsaw.




The Basilisk

A long time ago, a monster called the Basilisk lived in the old town of Warsaw.

It was huge and its body was covered with scales. It also had bat wings,

crocodile tail and claws at the ends of its paws. The monster slept during the

day and came out of its hole at night in order to destroy the town. A few brave

men tried to kill the Basilisk, but the monster killed all of them by looking at

them. After some time, people came up with an idea that the monster may be

killed with a help of a mirror. One brave man took a mirror and went into the

Basilik’s hole. The man stood behind the mirror and when the monster looked

in it, it turned into stone. From then on, the people of the town lived happily.




The Golden Duck

A long, long time ago in Warsaw lived the poor man. His name was Jakub. One

day in the cellars of Ostrogski Castle Jakub met a golden duck. The duck

promised him riches. It was only one condition: Jakub had to spend coins given

by the duck within one day . He was not allowed to share his riches with

anyone. The man was very happy. He bought a lot of things. But in the evening

Jakub broke the condition: he gave the last coin to a poor man. Then he lost

everything he had purchased with the gold coins. Jakub realised that „money

does not make you happy”. He found a good job and a beautiful wife. And his

life was very successful.




Part II

Historical facts


Battle of Grunwald

The battle of Grunwald was one of the greatest battles in Polish medieval

history. It was fought on Grunwald fields on 15th July 1410. It took place during

the great war between the Teutonic knights and the united forces of Poland

and Lithuania. The teutonic knights were led by the Grand Master Urlich von

Jungingen. The Polish and Lithuanian union, led by the king of Poland,

Władysław II Jagiełło, won this great battle.



The Constitution of May 3

On 3rd May 1791, after a stormy debate, the Four-Year Sejm acclaimed a

governmental act which is now knows as the Constitution of May 3. 220 years

ago it was the second in the world and the first in Europe act of its kind that

regulated the organisation of the national authorities as well as citizens’ rights

and duties.



The Polish Round Table

The Polish Round Table Talks between Communistic government and the

leaders of Solidarity movement (Solidarność) is one of the most important

events in Polish history in the 20th century. The Talks between Communistic

government and the leaders of Solidarity movement, among others Lech

Wałęsa, took place between 6th February and 5th April 1989. The Polish Round

Table Talks were the beginning of changes in Poland. It allowed removing

Communists from power without bloodshed and introducing democracy.



Table of Contents

Part I Legends

Lech, Czech and Rus……………………………………………..2

The Wawel Dragon……………………………………………….4

Warsaw mermaid…………………………………………………7

The Basilisk………………………………………………………….10

The Golden Duck…………………………………………………13

Part II Historical facts

Battle of Grunwald………………………………………………17 The Constitution of May 3…………………………………..19

The Polish Round Table……………………………………….21

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