colonial america 4

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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By the middle of the 1600s, Europeans were streaming into North America by the thousands. They left the homes they had grown up in and their friends to go to a new land. They began new lives, often with only the contents of one small trunk. Why would so many people leave everything they had known to come to the English colonies?

Religious freedom


“Colony Fever” hits England

Times are bad, want better life

Laws passed in England, still come to North America


some, most were not


Many sold everything they had to pay for the voyage

Offered better way of life, cheap land, and greater opportunity worth the trip

Thousands of Africans

Kidnapped from their homes, forced to work as slaves

Lasted usually 4 months

Voyage dangerous and uncomfortable

▪ Trapped for weeks where sickness spread quickly

Passengers in “great number [were] lodged between the two decks”

Little Air or light Ceiling only 4 ½ ft. in height “Meat was old and tainted,…the bread moldy

or wormy,…the water smelt very bad.”j

Open books to page 226.

Read the first two paragraphs on the page.

Who made up the group of indentured servants and captives that came to North America?

Write a summary in the space provided.

What was life like for Indentured Servants?

Why were there fewer servants working in New England?

What is an Autobiography?

Autobiography – The story of a person’s life, written by that person

What hardships did people suffer to reach the English colonies?

Sickness and death from overcrowded ships, rotten food, bad weather

What was the slave trade?

The business of buying and selling people for profit

For what reasons did people make the voyage to North America?

Religious freedom, cheap land, hope for a better life, desire for wealth

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