college of physiotherapists of m anitoba in touch · the complaints committee is a standing...

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In this Edit ion

In TouchM arch 2019

Col lege of Physiotherapists of M anitoba

Let ter Fr om the Ed i tor Page 2

Save the Date: 18th AGM Page 3

Legi sl at i ve Com m i t tee Update Page 3

CCP Update Page 3

Not i ce Re: Eth i cs Resou r ces Page 4

Eth i cs an d Adver t i si n g Page 4

Di d You K n ow ? Page 6

Com pl ai n ts Com m i t tee Update Page 7

PT Stan dar ds Update Page 10

CPM 's New Com pl ai n ts Coor d i n ator Page 12

CPM 's New Custom er Ser v i ce Stan dar d Page 12

Regi st r at i on Update Page 12

Chan ges to Per son al In for m at i on Page 13

Act i ve vs. In -act i ve Regi ster Page 13

Than k you to An dr ea Th i essen Page 14

Con gr atu l at i on s to M on i Fr i ck e Page 14

Far ew el l to M aegan Pi l tzm ak er Page 14

Let ter Fr om the Editor

H el lo Fel low Registr ants!

As I wr i te th is letter , the sun is shin ing and there is a h in t of spr ing in the air....could th is winter be winding up? W e have another great Newsletter and I invi te you to take a few m inutes to r ead through th is M arch subm ission to see what has been happening at our Col lege.

Thank you to the Chair s and Com m ittee m em bers for al l of their hard work and for the i tem s they prepared for th is edi t ion. Sandra W ebber (Eth ics Com m ittee) k indly walks us through the dos & don 'ts of adver t ising. Susan Ger lach (Com plain ts Com m ittee) prepared a sum m ary of the com plain ts r eviewed in 2018. Gisele Pereir a (PT Standards Com m ittee) presents the Pract ice Direct ive 4.6 Acupuncture and Dry Needle Therapy. Addit ional ly, in th is issue you wi l l f ind helpfu l l inks to in form ation on M edical Insurance Fraud, M edical Assistance In Dying (M AID) and the Legal izat ion of Cannabis. Read on to learn m ore about these topics and also to see why congratulat ions and thank yous are extended to Kathy Johnson, M oni Fr icke and Andrea Thiessen.

Final ly, please m ark your calendars and plan to attend our 18th annual AGM on Thursday Apr i l 25, 2019. W e wi l l al l benefi t fr om fam i l iar izing ourselves with the upcom ing changes as CPM transi t ions towards the Regulated H eath Professions Act , the focus of th is year 's AGM . I look forward to seeing you there!

Respect ful ly Submit ted By:Kel l i Ber zukMember of Counci l

M arch 2019 Page 2

CPM is com m itted to providing service that is accessible to al l

individuals. Please contact CPM i f you require the In-Touch

Newsletter to be provided in an al ternat ive form at.

Date: Thu r sday, Apr i l 25, 2019

Ti m e: 5:30 PM , Door s open for Regi st r at i on an d Supper

Pl ace: Shr i n e Cen t r e, 1155 W i l k es Aven ue

Speci al Topi c: Regulated H ealth Pr ofessions Act Update

18th Annual Gener al Meet ing

Legislat ive Commit tee Update

I f you have not had a chance to attend the var ious Regulated H ealth Professions Act (RH PA) In form ation Sessions held in February and M arch of th is year , you wi l l soon be able to access r ecor d i n gs of these sessions. These recorded sessions wi l l provide helpfu l background in form ation in preparat ion for the 18th Annual General M eeting. Please watch your Inbox for an announcem ent that these recordings are avai lable.

Please note that one rem ain ing RH PA webinar is scheduled for M arch 20th at 12 noon. The topic for th is webinar is I ncorporation and Scope of Practice. To register for th is webinar please em ai l in fo@m or cal l 204-287-8502.

M arch 2019 Page 3

Registrants can log in to https:/ /www.ccpsubm / to access the new RH PA M odule. Your Usernam e is your 6 digi t CCP ID and your Password is the em ai l address you have on f i le wi th the Col lege. The in teract ive m odule takes 1-2 hours to com plete; can be accessed fr om any electron ic device including your sm ar t phone; and does not need to be com pleted in one si t t ing. Once f in ished, pr in t off the Cer t i f icate of Com plet ion and f i le i t in your professional por t fol io.

Please note: To access your 6 digit CCP I D (User name), log into the Registr ant Ser vices Por ta l on the CPM website.

Cont inuing Competency Pr ogr am Update

CPM ?s Ethics Com m ittee was recently asked by Counci l to put together som e educational m ater ial to r ein for ce the eth ics behind CPM ?s Pract ice Direct ion for Adver t ising (4.14). Counci l is concerned about the num ber of therapists/ cl in ics that are not fol lowing the Adver t ising pol icy. The Ethics Com m ittee used an Ethical Decision-M ak ing Fram ework developed by the M anitoba Provincial H eal th Eth ics Network (avai lable at http:/ /www.m -fr am eworks.htm l) to discuss and fr am e di fferent values related to adver t ising.

CPM ?s pol icy states that adver t ising and prom otional act ivi t ies m ust be tr uthfu l , tastefu l and professional . W e cannot use statem ents that im ply super ior i ty of services, equipm ent or techniques. Test im onials and endorsem ents are not al lowed because they are di ff icul t to m onitor and m ay not be tr uthfu l . The pol icy exists to uphold the eth ical pr inciples of non-m aleficence, autonom y, just ice and beneficence.

Non-m aleficence (act ions are eth ical ly r ight i f they avoid producing bad consequences) ? As professionals, we need to ensure we don?t m islead the publ ic wi th our adver t ising.

Autonom y (act ions are eth ical ly r ight i f they com ply with a person?s sel f-determ ined choice) ? Cl ients need to be able to m ake in form ed decisions based on sol id facts.

Continued on next page

Not ice Regar ding Ethics Resour cesPhysiotherapists in publ ic and pr ivate pract ice can access resources on the W RH A Ethics Services websi te (http:/ /www.wrha.m eth ics/ index.php). Included are Eth ical Decision Guides that aim to help you analyze your values and potent ial com peting values/ in fluences to assist you in m ak ing decisions about cl ient care or heal th services del iver y. As par t of our m andate, CPM ?s eth ics com m ittee provides a forum to encourage reflect ion and learn ing about the eth ical dim ensions of physiotherapy pract ice. W e welcom e ideas for eth ical issues fr om the m em bership and can be reached at in fo@m .

M arch 2019 Page 4

Fr om the Ethics Commit tee

Ethics and Adver t ising

Respect ful ly Submit ted By:Sandr a WebberChair of the Ethics Commit tee

Respect ful ly Submit ted By:Sandr a WebberChair of Ethics Commit tee

Just ice (act ions are eth ical ly r ight i f people in sim i lar si tuat ions are tr eated equal ly) ? Al l therapists need to fol low the ru les regarding appropr iate prom otional act ivi t ies to ensure that oppor tun i t ies are fair.

Beneficence (act ions are eth ical ly r ight i f they produce good outcom es) ? Cl ients can m ake decisions about physiotherapy services based on facts to ensure they receive opt im um care.

H ere are som e exam ples of inappropr iate and appropr iate prom otional act ivi t ies...

Outside Pol icy Param eters W ith in our Adver t ising Pol icy

?I special ize (or I am a special ist) in tr eat ing people with str oke...? (because th is im pl ies super ior i ty and potent ial ly m isleads the publ ic)

?I have a par t icular in terest in tr eat ing people with str oke....? (th is is factual and not a com parat ive statem ent)

?I am one of the m ost sought-after therapists for tr eat ing people with ....? ( because th is im pl ies super ior i ty, potent ial ly m isleads the publ ic, and does not prom ote the profession as a whole)

?I have a par t icular in terest in tr eat ing people with ....? (th is is factual and not a com parat ive statem ent)

?Unl ike m ost therapists, we del iver one-on-one tr eatm ents and always offer 60 m in assessm ents... (because th is is com parat ive, im pl ies super ior i ty, and could m islead the publ ic)

?W e del iver one-on-one tr eatm ents and always offer 60 m in assessm ents? (th is is factual and not a com parat ive statem ent)

?Com e to our cl in ic?s grand opening and enter to win a 55 inch television....? (giveaways are considered unethical)

?Com e to our grand opening and learn about what physiotherapy can do for you? (th is prom otes the profession)

Continued from previous page

Form ats and content of adver t ising have evolved sign i f icant ly in r ecent years. In m any form ats, the param eters of our adver t ising pol icy are clear , but in others, determ in ing what l ies with in the pol icy can be chal lenging (https:/ /www.m /wp-content/ uploads/4.14-Adver t ising-1-1.pdf).

W e have an obl igat ion to be m indful of providing honest and non-com peti t ive in form ation to the publ ic wi thout slander ing others. I f in doubt about a proposed adver t isem ent, contact CPM to seek guidance as you navigate th is potent ial ly chal lenging aspect of the pract ice of physiotherapy.

Cl ick th is l ink i f you are in terested in seeing the act ions the BC Naturopath Col lege is tak ing to deal wi th m isleading adver t ising in their profession: https:/ / i t ish-colum bia/27-bc-naturopaths-col lege-adver t ising-crackdown-1.4987191.

M arch 2019 Page 5

M edical insurance fr aud is a growing concern for insurance providers. Please cl ick on the l ink below to read a CBC ar t icle fr om Decem ber 18, 2018:

https:/ / ts-fr aud-col lusion-ram pant-1.4949434

CPM Counci l r ecently approved a new guidel ine: M edical Assistance I n Dying (M AI D) . Please cl ick the fol lowing l ink to view th is guidel ine on the CPM websi te Reference Guide page:

https:/ /www.m /wp-content/ uploads/M edical-Assistance-in-Dying-M AID.pdf

A new guidel ine is avai lable on the CPM websi te Reference Guide page addressing quest ions and concerns r elated to the recent legal izat ion of cannabis use in Canada. To read Legalization of Cannabis: A Guide for M anitoba Physiotherapists please cl ick on the fol lowing l ink :

https:/ /www.m /wp-content/ uploads/Legal izat ion-of-Cannabis.pdf

M ed i cal In su r an ce Fr aud

Did You Know?

M ed i cal Assi stan ce In Dyi n g (M AID)

Legal i zat i on of Can n abi s

M arch 2019 Page 6

The Com plain ts Com m ittee is a standing com m ittee of the Col lege of Physiotherapists of M anitoba (CPM ) that exists to protect the publ ic in terest by reviewing com plain ts lodged against r egistr ants of the Col lege. The Com m ittee?s work is dir ected by Par t Five of The Physiotherapists Act.

The Com plain ts Com m ittee m em bership underwent sign i f icant change in 2018. Kathy Johnson, Kel l i Berzuk , Jo-Anne Pel tz and Jane Rober tson f in ished their term s on Com plain ts Com m ittee and CPM thanks them for their years of dedicated volunteer ism . Exist ing Com m ittee m em bers (Chair ) Susan Ger lach, Evelyn Light ly, Jasm ine Thorsteinson, Carol El lerbeck and Lar r y Brandt welcom ed new pract icing m em bers Kim Shaw, Debra Suderm an and Val W r ight, and publ ic m em bers Carol Akerm an and Kayla H arold to the Com m ittee.

The work of the Com plain ts Com m ittee is suppor ted by H eather M ar t in-Brown and Pam ela Shym ko, both pract icing physiotherapists and exper ienced invest igator s. They are tasked with conduct ing in ter views and gather ing in form ation on behal f of the Com plain ts Com m ittee which faci l i tates in form ed, unbiased decision-m ak ing.

In 2018, the Com plain ts Com m ittee of the Col lege of Physiotherapists of M anitoba (the Com m ittee) m et six t im es to address a total of twenty-two com plain ts. Eighteen new com plain ts were received and four were car r ied over fr om 2016-2017.

Com pl ai n ts Car r i ed over f r om Pr ev i ous Year s:

1: Com plainant al leged that tr eatm ent caused an in jur y.

Deci si on : After invest igat ion the com m ittee determ ined that the expected standard of pract ice was not being fol lowed. The registr ant has entered in to a pract ice agreem ent to com plete a supervised course of study to address these deficiencies.

2: Com plainant in the above noted com plain t al leged in ter ference in the com plain ts process by the cl in ic owner.

Deci si on : The cl in ic owner subm itted a response to the Com plain ts Com m ittee dem onstrat ing insight in to areas of h is/ her pract ice requir ing im provem ent. The cl in ic owner has entered in to a pract ice agreem ent to com plete a supervised course of study to address these deficiencies.

3: Com plain t al leging that the com plainant sustained an in jur y dur ing a group exercise class and that the registr ant was not r esponsive to h is/ her concerns.

Continued on next page

Complaints Commit tee Update

Respect ful ly Submit ted By:Susan Ger lachChair , Complaints Commit tee

M arch 2019 Page 7

Continued from previous page

Deci si on : The com plainant decl ined an attem pt at in form al r esolut ion, and the m atter was refer red for invest igat ion. After invest igat ion i t was determ ined that the registr ant?s pract ice m et the expected standards. No act ion was required.

4: Com plain t in i t iated by the Registr ar for a lapse in professional l iabi l i ty insurance.

Deci si on : The registr ant adm itted to tr eat ing pat ients whi le aware that he/ she did not have professional l iabi l i ty insurance. The m atter was forwarded to the Inquir y Com m ittee.

Com pl ai n ts Recei ved i n 2018:

1-7: Seven com plain ts were in i t iated by the Registr ar for lapses in professional l iabi l i ty insurance.

Deci si on : Six r egistr ants were censured for lapses in professional l iabi l i ty insurance. In one case no act ion was required.

8: Com plain t fr om a cl ient al leging that he/ she was bel i t t led by the registr ant, that the registr ant lacked clar i ty about h is/ her diagnosis, and that the registr ant did not com m unicate adequately wi th the refer r ing physician.

Deci si on : After invest igat ion the Com m ittee concluded that there was no evidence to suppor t the com plainant?s al legat ions. H owever i t becam e evident that the registr ant?s docum entat ion did not m eet CPM ?s standards. The registr ant was required to enter in to a pract ice agreem ent, which he/ she has successful ly com pleted.

9: Com plain t al leging that a r egistr ant engaged in bar ter ing in exchange for physiotherapy services, wi thdrew tr eatm ent wi thout r easonable not ice or a suppor t ive plan, and that the registr ant claim ed to be a ?healer wi th varying degrees of power?.

Deci si on : After invest igat ion the Com m ittee concluded that there was no evidence to suppor t the com plainant?s al legat ions. The Com m ittee noted that the registr ant?s docum entat ion did not m eet CPM ?s standards. The registr ant was required to enter in to a pract ice agreem ent, which he/ she has successful ly com pleted.

10: Com plain t al leging that the registr ant m ade disparaging com m ents about the com plainant, that the registr ant breached PH IA in discussing the com plainant wi th another cl ient, and that the registr ant in ter fered in the invest igat ion process.

Deci si on : After invest igat ion the Com m ittee determ ined that the registr ant did not m eet CPM ?s standards in a num ber of areas. The registr ant has entered in to a pract ice agreem ent to com plete a supervised course of study to address these deficiencies.

11: Com plain t al leging that a r egistr ant in jured the com plainant dur ing r eassessm ent.

Deci si on : After invest igat ion the Com m ittee found that the registr ant?s pract ice m et

Continued on next pageM arch 2019 Page 8

Continued from previous page

the expected standard. I t was unable to assign the registr ant?s act ions as the cause of the com plainant?s ongoing sym ptom s. The Com m ittee decided that no act ion was required.

12: Com plain t al leging an unclean cl in ic and lack of professional ism .

Status: This com plain t r em ains open and has been car r ied forward to 2019.

13: Com plain t al leging that the registr ant in jured the com plainant dur ing t r eatm ent, and did not provide adequate fol low-up.

Status: This com plain t r em ains open and has been car r ied forward to 2019.

14: Com plain t al leging professional boundary violat ion and unethical pract ice.

Status: This com plain t r em ains open and has been car r ied forward to 2019.

15: Com plain t al leging unsk i l led tr eatm ent, and lack of professional ism .

Status: This com plain t r em ains open and has been car r ied forward to 2019.

16: Com plain t al leging non-com pl iance with adver t ising standards on social m edia si tes.

Deci si on : The registr ant was censured for non-com pl iance with Pract ice Direct ion 4.14 Adver tising.

17: Com plain t al leging non-com pl iance with adver t ising standards on social m edia si tes.

Deci si on : The registr ant was censured for non-com pl iance with Pract ice Direct ion 4.14 Adver tising.

18: Com plain t al leging non-com pl iance with adver t ising standards on social m edia si tes.

Status: This com plain t r em ains open and has been car r ied forward to 2019.

Other Busi n ess:

The Com plain ts Com m ittee is prepar ing for m ore change in 2019. Outgoing Com plain ts Coordinator Andrea Thiessen wi l l be replaced by Kathy Johnson. Kathy br ings with her 6 years? pr ior exper ience with the Com plain ts Com m ittee, including a term as act ing chair , as wel l as a weal th of leadership exper ience in her r ole as Cl in ical Service Leader for Physiotherapy at St. Boni face H ospital , and on CPM Counci l . The Com m ittee wi l l also begin work prepar ing for process changes that wi l l com e about when CPM transi t ions to the Regulated H ealth Professions Act.

As always, i t is the hope of the Com plain ts Com m ittee that r egistr ants of CPM wi l l protect them selves and their pat ients by being aware of, and pract icing according to, The Physiotherapists Act, Regulat ions and Standards of Pract ice, By-Laws, Code of Eth ics, and CPM Pract ice Direct ions.

M arch 2019 Page 9

Respect ful ly Submit ted By:Gisèle Per eir aChair, PT Standar ds Commit tee

PT Standar ds Update:Pr act ice Dir ect ion

4.6 Acupunctur e and Dr y Needle Ther apy

The PT Standards Com m ittee reviews Pract ice Direct ions based on a r isk assessm ent m odel . The revision of the Pract ice Direct ion (PD) 4.6 Acupuncture and Dry Needl ing Therapy addresses outdated content (i t was last updated in 2006) and the potent ial ly h igh-r isk nature of th is therapy. The Com m ittee focused on a num ber of aspects of th is PD, nam ely:

- Defin i t ions of ?acupuncture? and ?dry needl ing therapy? - In form ed consent r equirem ents - Disclosure of fees - Preparat ion for and tr eatm ent of adverse events and side effects - Educational standards - Ongoing com petency - Registr at ion requirem ents

A jur isdict ional r eview showed that Physiotherapy Col leges across the countr y vary in their approach to r egulat ing acupuncture and dry needl ing therapy. The Com m ittee considered the quest ion of l ist ing speci f ic educational program s accepted for r egistr at ion in M anitoba (an approach used in previous pract ice standards here and in other provinces) versus a descr ipt ion of course requirem ents. Because courses m ay have di fferent cur r icula that would need to be reviewed by the Col lege for inclusion on the l ist , new courses m ay be developed, and others m ay be changed or discontinued the Com m ittee decided that a descr ipt ion of course requirem ents provided the best dir ect ion to physiotherapists wi th less potent ial for in form ation in the PD becom ing out of date.

The Com m ittee consul ted with a ?focus group? consist ing of acupuncture/dr y needl ing educators, exper t pract i t ioners, and others to discuss best pract ices, educational considerat ions, clar i ty of pract ice standards, and language. One sign i f icant change was the dir ect ion fr om the Board of Assessors stat ing that on ly fu l ly l icensed

M arch 2019 Page 10Continued on next page

physiotherapists can pract ice acupuncture/dr y needl ing. In other words, exam candidates m ust successful ly com plete the second par t of the Physiotherapy Com petency Exam before being able to pract ice acupuncture (M ay 2018).

A draft PD was cir culated to focus group par t icipants, legal counsel , and CPM staff including the Com plain ts and Continuing Com petence Coordinator s. This r esul ted in extensive discussion regarding pat ient consent and addi t ional fees. Speci f ic concerns were raised about the potent ial to place pat ients in vulnerable posi t ions where they m ay feel uncom for table about turn ing down tr eatm ent, be i t for f inancial or other r easons. The Com m ittee feels that m em bers need to proceed caut iously when obtain ing wr i t ten consent for acupuncture ? ideal ly the discussion about addi t ional fees for acupuncture occurs outside of the tr eatm ent area in order to ensure that the pat ient doesn?t feel pressured to agree to a par t icular course of therapy. The PD is clear on the need for wr i t ten consent, fees being clear ly posted, and that acupuncture/dr y needl ing can only be per form ed by a physiotherapist who is on the acupuncture roster. The Com m ittee feels str ongly that i f a physiotherapist is not r egistered with the Col lege to per form acupuncture, they should be prohibi ted fr om doing so - al l therapies and tr eatm ents provided are done as physiotherapists.

There is sign i f icant ly m ore in form ation contained in th is PD than in previously r evised PD?s. This r eflects the excel lent feedback received by the Com m ittee dur ing the process. I t also reflects the fact that acupuncture is a r eserved act wi th associated h igher r isk of adverse events or side effects. Included with th is PD is a ?Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)? docum ent. This docum ent provides advice to physiotherapists in a m ore conversat ional approach and i t is easier to update than a PD with the abi l i ty to clar i fy quest ions. Feedback on the FAQ docum ent has been posi t ive and i t is expected that future PD?s wi l l also be accom panied by FAQ?s for ease of use by both physiotherapists and the publ ic.

The com plete PD on Acupuncture and Dry Needl ing can be found on the Col lege of Physiotherapists of M anitoba https:/ /www.m /wp-content/ uploads/4.6-Acupuncture-and-Dry-Needle-Therapy.pdf

To access the Acupuncture/Dry Needl ing Adverse Events Sam ple, please cl ick here.

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Continued from previous page

Int r oducing Our New

Complaints Coor dinatorW e are pleased to announce that Kathy Johnson has joined CPM as the Com plain ts Coordinator , effect ive January 29, 2019.

Kathy wi l l work closely wi th the Com plain ts Com m ittee to m eet their m andate as out l ined in The Physiotherapists Act. She has previously volunteered for the Col lege in m any capaci t ies, as both a M em ber and Chair of the fol lowing com m ittees: PT Standards, Continuing Com petence, Governance and Nom ination, and Com plain ts. Since 2017, Kathy has been a valued M em ber of Counci l . She br ings a weal th of exper ience as both a cl in ician at St. Boni face General H ospi tal (SBGH ) and m ost r ecently, as the Cl in ical Service Lead for Physiotherapy at SBGH .

Please join us in welcom ing Kathy to the Col lege!

M arch 2019 Page 12

As of M arch 1, 2019 CPM has 1018

r egistered M em bers:

842 Act ive Registr ants

12 Exam Candidates

68 In-act ive Registr ants

96 Students

Regist r at ion Update

The Col lege of Physiotherapists of M anitoba is com m itted to com plying with the Accessi bi l i ty Stan dar d for Custom er Ser v i ce under The Accessibility for M anitobans Act. Our pol icies, pract ices and m easures reflect the pr inciples of dign i ty, independence, in tegrat ion and equal oppor tun i ty for people with disabi l i t ies.

I f a bar r ier to accessing our goods or services cannot be rem oved, we seek to provide al ternate ways to access the goods or services.

Cl ick here to access CPM 's Policies, Pr actices and Pr ocedur es in Accor dance With the Standar ds for Customer Ser vice.

CPM's New Customer Ser vice Standar d

Changes to Per sonal

Infor mat ion

Please note that as per CPM By-Laws Ar t icle I I : M em bers; VII . Obligations of M embership that al l m em bers shal l :

6.1 Noti fy the Registr ar of change in nam e,m ai l ing and em ai l address, place of em ploym ent and M em bership status.

This can be com pleted in the fol lowing ways:

1. I f you have any changes to your personal in form ation, such as address, phone num ber , em ai l , or em ployer - you m ay log in to the CPM websi te Registr ant Services Por tal and subm it theses changes, or contact the CPM off ice at (204) 287-8502 or in fo@m .

2. I f you wish to change your nam e with the Col lege, please subm it a letter indicat ing:

a. the cur rent nam e you have registered with the Col lege

b. the nam e you wish to have registered with the Col lege and the suppor t ing docum entat ion (i .e. a copy of your m ar r iage or divorce cer t i f icate, nam e change docum ent, etc.)

I f you are on a leave of absence or not pract icing physiotherapy, you are not el igible to be on the Act ive Register. You m ust contact the Col lege to switch to the In-Act ive Register.

I f you are presently on the In-Act ive Register and planning to r eturn to work , you m ust contact the Col lege in order to change your r egistr at ion status to the Act ive Register pr ior to r eturn ing to work .

Please give yoursel f, your em ployer (s), and the Col lege suff icient t im e to process your docum ents. A l ist of r equired docum ents is avai lable on the CPM websi te under Registr at ion, Act ive Pract ice - Transfer From In-Act ive.

Act ive vs. In-act ive Register

M arch 2019 Page 13

Thank you to Andrea Thiessen Respectfully Submitted By:

Jennifer Billeck

Deputy Registrar

On behalf of the College of Physiotherapists I would like to thank Andrea Thiessen for

her work as our first Complaints Coordinator. She was instrumental in establishing

procedures and policy for handling complaints, establishing template letters to create

consistent communication and also benchmarking time frames in handling

complaints. We want to acknowledge her efforts and thank her for her commitment

and dedication throughout the years. On behalf of everyone at the College I would like

to wish Andrea the best of success in her future challenges and endeavors.

The College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM) would like to congratulate Mani Fricke, BMR{PT), PhD, Coordinator of the Continuing Competency Program, on the acceptance of her abstract to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress being held in Geneva in May 2019. The purpose of Mani's presentation,Professional

Competence: Are physiotherapists "walking the walk"?, is to share the program logic

model developed in the implementation of the CPM Continuing Competency Program; a

program "developed by physiotherapists for physiotherapists".

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy, founded in 1951, represents more than

450,000 physical therapists worldwide through its 109 member organizations.

Farewell to Maegan

It is with mixed feelings that we announce the departure of Maegan Piltzmaker, Executive

Assistant, with her last day with us being March 29th 2019. Maegan has been an

indispensable part of our team bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the

College during her time here. While we will miss her we want to wish Maegan and her

family best wishes on their move to Ottawa.

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