college magazine.pdf

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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Imogen Saye College Magazine: QUESTIONAIRE.

1. What colour for a magazine title would stand out to you and make you want

to read it?

a. Red

b. Blue

c. Green

d. Yellow

2. Would having a tips page for helping organise homework be a good idea?

a. Yes

b. No

3. What do you stereotypically think of when someone says college?

a. Lockers

b. Books

c. Sport

d. Other …… (specify)

4. What would the top articles you would want to read about?

a. Gigs

b. College events/ activities

c. Past sport events and outcomes


5. If there was a place where you could contribute your own article or

images would you?

a. Yes

b. No

6. What reviews would you prefer reading about?

a. Music

b. Tv

c. Films

d. Restaurant

e. Gigs

7. If an offer came with the magazine, for example money off or a freebie

would it encourage you to read the magazine?

a. Yes

b. No

8. The offer would be… what would you prefer?

a. Food

b. Stationary

c. Days out

d. Technology

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