collection of unpublished materials sil international ... · pfitput (body feather) 109. gebok 110....

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Collection of Unpublished Materials SIL International – Philippines

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collected by SIL International in the Philippines. While the document does not meet SIL standards for publication, it is shared here under the Creative

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PAUNAWAAng dokumentong ito ay mula sa archive ng mga HINDI PA NAILIMBAG na mga

datos ng mga wika na nakolekta ng SIL International sa Pilipinas. Ang mga dokumentong ito ay hindi nakatugon sa mga pamantayan ng SIL para sa paglimbag, ngunit ibinabahagi sa ilalim ng lisensya ng Creative Commons

Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike (Http:// upang magamit sa komunidad at ng mga mananaliksik ang

nilalaman nito. Higit pang impormasyon ay makukuha sa:

r- A I I a = 3 0 = 3 V..= qv. .

3s is on ultimate syllable unless therwise indicated.

AGTA: Umirey Dumagat

7. sutla

8. tu'bi & 9. mamos

10, de'pog

be'tok (lower) qe 'dog (middle)

(ugly) matlot

bi ' tag kgtat

di yus

kayapattan - - lamifka (one kind)

ma Inan

ha ' nga ma 'nok


22. ma'pit

25. butlag

26. sa'gu

27. qi'yup

28. lafwes

29. koli 'pos

30. sifbu

' kaksan - qo ' t2k

/ pangqgbiqabiqan


(a field) sotnug



pano ' bu


qo lang

41. (canoe) bang 'ka ; (boat) be ' por

42. bu'say

43. derno'lag

44. qo'sang

45. pasi'ngil

46. qa'la'lang

47. ma'nok (cf. #20)

48. qa 'nak

49. to'mid

50. pgta

51. de'wet

52. kodilpot, ku'nom

53.. m6ra

54. ga'ngo

55. magid ' naw 56. sokllay

57. 'tun

58. kal'diro

59. kak810y


61. 'qabbu

62. 'bilang

63. manga'to

64. 'tewak

BGTA: Umirey Dumagat

65. katngos

-66. 'qiwwa

67. :do (also "sun")

68. nali'bun

bi 'ngol


lib' tong

qo 'sa

pangi ' ngn p%kutugln (cf. 163)


kCt kut

madip ' lut qa'so

79- pang'nenop

80. qilnum

83. mata1lab

84. alikabok (road)

85. talinga

86. a t a n ~ a - a (tanga = come forth)

87. pu1t6k

88. Ytigl yb-g

AGTA: Umirey Dumagat


t a ' long

wa l o

s i ' k o

t i t d o k

ma t a

kg r)dp

p i l i k

mok ha

100. degtdeg

101, qalayyu

102. maparipari

103. mataba'

/104. taba

105. qama

106. t ako t

107. pamunl~wis ( t a i l f e a t h e r ) pfitput (body f e a t h e r )

109. gebok

110. gorarnut ( d i g i t )

111. koko

1,13. qikan

114. lima

115. sa log

,116. budPsk (flower of t r e e ) bulzklak (flower of p l a n t ) bulran (flower o f . v ine)

122. mabango

123. paka

124. yanak n i keo (c f . 48 + 365)

125. biyag

126. pinu (water) desok (dry - pressed down -

l i k e r i c e )

128, biyen ( request ) boy (of own v o l i t i o n )

129. piyun 130. malino

131. sapok

132. komot (arm)

pongo (hand & wr i s t )

133. maksa

AGTA: Umirey Dumagat

137. mabiyet

138. (c f . 5)

139. bol

140. tagu

141. menit

142. be t loy

143. ti *id;

144.yisin a di-an

145. t igang

146. w a g e t

147. bebi (spouse)

148. tap

149. be

150. bitoka

151. get01

152. t indak

153. buno

154. tud - rongngad (back of knee)


156. lolkoy

157. l ib tong (cf. 61)

158. yilok

159. qagid -

160. pgdel

161. kaliwa

162- s i n g i t

163. kutu

164. purges

165. b u t i l

166. k i l a t

169. ta-an

170. bega

171. sapin, bihag , sabod ,

(synonyms sapin=idea of covering

sabod=idea of c i r c l i n g as a t waist)

172. p&tglaw

174- naabut ( involuntarr) binut ( t o discard voluntary)

175. talamiyen

177. makmok

179 . bulong

181. bulan

183. l isong

185. pina

186. kalasan

187. ngosu

188. l u t i t

189. ngalan

193. kadeyum

194. bowon

195. ~ a b i

196. siyam

197. sasa

198.pjandi @yen d i ) cf 203

206. qanak (cf . 48)

207- t i s i n

208. bokod

209. ma-apdis

210. palad

21 1. beyed

212. mani

-- AGTA: Umirey Dumagat

213. qutin

2 1 4 q6gta

215. qa l lo

216. be1buy

217. tolowen (cf 134)

218. gewes

219. tanom

220. bunt01

221. yowe/butong (with rope)

222. tungog (a person) an impatient ac t ion

bongsud (an object)

223. belsa

224. tapok

225. belangag

226. pakadyongin (from mountain)

227. koragbiyang, kuyong

228. l a t i

229. madarag

230. l iwet

231. eampulang

232. gusok

233. paras

234. biges

235. kanin

f 237. sisingsengan

AGTA: Umirey Dumagat

240. ramut

241, lubid

242. ( l i t . "not now good") ,nayopsak (wizened, not f u l l


243. gikan

245. p s i n (Tag)

246. langgis

247. pa-ayin (reporting casual conversation)

yamyam (speech heard from dis tance)

sab i (speaker seen) - so ra t

148. p i k l a t (on face) p e l a t (on body)

249. k i t k i t

250. k i t a '

251. patab

252. panggetang (cf 39) 253- p i t o

254. + t w h e (by machine)

257. kal6ben 258. kaginlan

259. masidong

260. $nt i s ik


262. kaka (older) wile (younger)

263. l i p a

265. kgta t (see "bark")

266. maniwang

267. langot

268. falepin

269. peda

270. euntik

271. sango

272. yasok

273. makenis

274. bebYak

275. palad (a l so "palm")

276. sabo #

277 . ma-apsut @

278. selong

279. da.ngka1

280. lawa

281. buga

282. pospos (water) gakom (clenched f i s t )

283. tagpok (with bolo) saksalc (with knife)

284. y6ddi

285. b u d t a l a

286. *;nnako

287. k i tad

288. beto I

289. pegesoratin - 290. aa&+dw+ . I

b tanus

AGTA: Umirey Du~nagat

!91. lubid (see "rope")

292. matibsng

293. sopsop

294, t i b u

295. t o l o n i kalaasan (head of mountain)

pagotan ( r idge)

296. lamun

297. ealdut

298. malanis

299. kambti

300. ka-&gin

301 . nangoy

302. yipus

303. l o w s

304. ngipoh

305. sab i 0 306. sangpuwu

/ 507. t i t o t i t o

308. mo/kpal

303. pa

310. malapis

311. e6haw, pa-inum (cf 80)

112. t i n i k

513. Qsin a lebu

514, tilowon 0

315. gurongan

316. bonglag

w i t i k


g ipo t




d i l a

b lk tas

p e r i s

b3Takoko1 (land) pawikan (sea)

0 # caduwa a puwu

selong (house) sorok (an object) pamasa

333. kinan

334. toget

335. panisoka

336. t i l a t

337. gekatotol

338. sagbong

339. toses

340. kusut (with lcnuckles) taptap ( w i t h s t i c k )

4 1 . d r a t

342. t z b i

AGTA: Umirey Dumagat


kogen ( r egu la r s i z e ) (byanga) tapayen ( l a rge s i z e )

45. rnahena

46. yed i ( t o make)

348. pelinoden ( l inod = t o s ink)

349. besa (simog = damp)

351. kowon

354. %$no # 155. malapsay

356. malaGa

357. sakob

362. t a p (by wind) s i d i (by panning - heavier

g ra in s t o bottom)



key0 (cf. 325)


s o r u t

tarabgho , yedi





358. bebi (spouse)

AGYA: Umirey Dwnagat

he, she t i -eya

2. my ko

my 84 yours(sg) t a

yours (sg) mo

h i s ,hers na

aiida they

m i ours (ex. )

tam ours ( in . )

YU yours (p l . )

d; t h e i r s

focus non-focus l oca t ion Location c l i t i c

very near speaker yi-o-i ni-o-i d i - i i

near speaker t i -oyo ni-oyo di-o na

near t o spoken t o c iwina niwina deena na-i

away from speaker & spoken t o lnon ninon duman t o L' ( d i t o )

very f a r away from speaker & spoken noman ninoman duman i to - i (seen)

( d i t o pa) nonto-i (not seen)

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