collaborative business models

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Education services (or any other business) should be working together to achieve better results for the client and push industry forward.


Quality Outcomes for VET Conference

Pooling Resources to deliver higher quality outcomes to industry an Alliance approach.

Bryce Coventon

Take Comfort

What is happening in the marketplace?

Changes:In the market andThe market itself.

What is happening to the market (Needs change)

What is happening in the market (Demographic)

What is happening to the market (Technology)

Good thing that the market needs us

We need to take the initiative

Stay ahead of the market

Stay focused on adding value

• Need to lift the integrity of our industry and get back to our core business.

• Need for quality benchmark standards that can be easily recognized by the market.

How does VET add Value?

Solutions that offer value they must be REAL* and deliver at least one of three things:• Improve value proposition– “Sell more than you charge for!”

• Improve value delivery method – Solutions align with the clients

business model and will save theclient effort.

• Extended accountability spread – Take ownership of the outcomes

to build relationships. *Relevant Empowering Accurate Logical

How do we deliver this Value

Move from being just a “Doer” to being a problem solver and solutions provider. Align our solutions to the clients business model in a way that builds real value.

What is the enabler? = VET Alliance

Advantages of an Association

+ Power of a Conglomerate

VET Alliance

Why Pool VET provider resources

VET Alliance = Increased value

Many hands make light work

Help each other achieve higher standards through: • Strategic alliances – enabling us to offer more

complex solution offerings.• broadening our networks both within our

industry and potential clients• Establishing quality

benchmarks for delivery• Sharing stories and

learning from each other.

Where can Alliances take us?

Beyond what is currently possible and enable us to stand out in the crowd.

What are the challenges of Alliances?

• Maintaining integrity– The focus always remains on what is best for the client.

Trust, open and clear lines of communication• Maintaining identity– Longer term relationships with the member or the

alliance?• Accountability Spread• You can spread the risk but not transfer it!

• $ Distribution – Ensuring all parties are

adequately rewarded for their contributions.

Managing Challenges

• Make sure alliance members compliment each other and identify where the synergies are going to be realised.

• Clear understanding of the purpose of the alliance and the expected outcomes

• What are the opportunities for the alliance after the solution has been delivered to the client?

Document everything to make it simple

✗ ✓

How is it working?

In Summary

• Look at your current challenges and see how they could be addressed with the help of an alliance partner.

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