collaboration takes two and must start with you · 2016-09-13 · collaboration takes two and...

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Collaboration Takes Two and Should Begin With You

Dale W. Bomberger D.Ed., ACSW

Community Services Group

Phone: 717-579-7962


Collaboration Takes Two



I. Why collaboration Now?

II. Being a silo buster

III. Look at Heart-Head – Hands Approach

IV. Look at a bit of research

V. Five fundamental principles for collaboration

VI. Lo0k at UNITE model

VII. Self Assessment

Collaboration Takes Two


Collaboration Takes Two



Collaboration Begins With You Be a Silo Buster

Ken Blanchard Jane Ripley Eunice Parisi-Carew


Collaboration be a Silo Buster


Definition of Collaboration at Work When two or more people work together through idea

sharing and thinking to accomplish a common goal

Helps to access skills and strengths and share skills with others, solve problems and innovate faster

Come up with ideas and solutions that you could not have done on your own




Collaboration Takes Two Some companies serve external customers better than

their internal customers with whom they should be collaborating.

Example fiscal – IT –etc.

In today's’ world you cannot do it by yourself with new technology and innovation can’t work by yourself.

New employees seem to get “it” quickly and push us ahead


Collaboration takes two Collaboration begins on inside and moves out


Collaboration Takes Two

Heart = who you are inside – Character – what you pay attention to


Collaboration Takes Two Head = what do you know – what do you believe about



Collaboration Takes Two Hands = what you do = actions = behavior


Collaboration Takes Two Want to get all parts lined up so that it flows and all

work together


Collaboration takes two Research done by Blanchard Company shows four

indicators in an organization that values collaboration

1. Mission, Goals, and Results

2. Culture and Values

3. Leadership

4. Systems, Structures, and Policies


Collaboration Takes Two * Mission , Goals and Results

Many leaders see collaboration as social and not really work. See it as Me rather than We

*Culture and values

Not the same with all departments and locals -It is always the others to do – not ours to do

*Leadership and Empowerment

Not role modeled – Talk but not modeled


Collaboration Takes Two Systems, Structures & Policies

May be boring but very important

Formal and Informal

Don’t promote those who do not buy-in to collaboration

for you will never get where you need to be.

Chosen few have knowledge and information


Collaboration Takes Two Systems, Structures, and Policies

• Many have systems in place but tend to work around it and do other stuff or do it their own way.

• Good collaboration usually found in the Military such as my friends the Marines.

• A. Sergeant Majors • B. Gunny Sergeants• Higher rank – pilots “fly boys” Officers


Collaboration Takes Two What is your experience in your organization –

Which area is most challenging ?

1. Mission, Goals, and results

2. Culture and Values

3. Leadership and Empowerment

4. Systems, Structures, and Policies


Collaboration Takes Two What is your experience in your organization –

Which area is most challenging ?

1. Mission, Goals, and results

2. Culture and Values

#### 3. Leadership and Empowerment

## 4. Systems, Structures, and Policies


Collaboration Takes Two What to do to enhance Collaboration - UNITE


Collaboration Takes Two Heart – Who you are as

collaborator - your character and intentions

Head – What you know – your attitude – beliefs about collaboration

Hands – What you do – Your actions and behaviors during collaboration - trust

Utilize differences

Nurture Safety and Trust

Involve others in crafting purpose, values, goals

Talk openly

Empower yourself and others


Collaboration Takes Two Allow people to experiment and fail if need be

Learn from mistakes

Don’t blame or finger point – debrief and learn

Be clear about goals and roles

Remind people over and over about vision, values, goals

Do with people not to people

Build confidence


Collaboration Takes two Which elements of the U-N-I-T-E are challenging for you?

1. Utilizing Differences

2. Nurturing Safety and Trust

3. Involving Others

4. Talking Openly

5. Empowering Self and Others


Collaboration Takes Two Which elements of the U-N-I-T-E are challenging for you?

1. Utilizing Differences

#### 2. Nurturing Safety and Trust

#### 3. Involving Others

4. Talking Openly

5. Empowering Self and Others


Collaboration Takes Two Am I an effective collaborator ?

1. Do I seek different points of view?

2. Do I view people’s mistakes as learning opportunities ?

3. Does my group display a commitment to the greater good?

4. Do I encourage people to network with others ?

5. Do people in my group feel empowered to speak their mind even when they disagree /


Collaboration Takes Two Dale W. Bomberger D. Ed., ACSW

Community Services Group

Phone: Cell 717-579-7962


Collaboration Utilize Differences

Use and value

Include all opinions and ideas

Bring out best in others

Get ego out of the way; not I, me, but we

Engage in decision making for all


Collaboration Takes Two Use and value

Include all opinions and ideas

Bring out best in others

Get ego out of the way; not I, me, but we

Engage in decision making for all


Collaboration Utilize differences

Ask for and value all input

Cultivate trust

Engage all in decision making


Collaboration Nurture safety and trust

Allow to make mistakes and fail

#1 inhibitor of collaboration is fear

Trust? How obtain trust ?


Collaboration Involve others in crafting clear purpose, values,

and goals

People want to perform

Not to but with people

What do you think? How do you feel?


Collaboration Talk openly

All have the needed information

Build competence

Build network


Collaboration Empower Yourself and Others

Clear about goals and roles

Never blame

Clear feedback

Conflict can be good




Best Practices --Heart Domain Utilize Differences

Be a role model – acknowledge that you do not have all the answers

Embrace new approaches; seek and value unique perspectives


Heart Domain Actively seek opinions from a variety of sources

Reach out for input from other departments and functions

Engage a variety of people in discussions

Encourage introverts who may be uncomfortable speaking out

Make sure every voice is heard, regardless of tile or role.

Ask questions and praise candid answers

Remember; diverse perspectives lead to innovation and decisions for the greater good.


Heart Domain Promote the idea that polite disagreement is


Take a facilitator role if difficulties arise; seek to understand concerns behind each stated position

Know how to give/receive feedback and learn conflict resolution

Airing of different perspectives can ultimately build trusting relationships


Heart Domain Nurture Safety and Trust

Be a role model – share knowledge freely to model what you expect of others

Encourage others to speak freely without fear of judgment

Welcome all ideas and consider then before decisions are made

Give and receive feedback as a gift, without judgment or defensiveness

Be accessible, authentic, and dependable


Heart Domain Build Trust – View mistakes and failures as learning

opportunities ; discuss openly

Encourage cross-functional and cross-generational mentoring at all levels

Provide learning events that focus on trust building and team development


Heart Domain Cultivate a safe, collaborative environment

Be transparent when making decisions

Be sure people know their role and what a good job looks like

Share responsibility and power among a levels

Develop common goals and strategies with clear areas o f responsibility

Give people freedom and space to experiment and innovate


Head Domain Involve others in crafting a clear purpose, values and

goals -

Be a role model and share purpose to galvanize action; values to guide behavior and goals to focus energy

Leader must ensure vision and direction

Get feedback from everyone when setting purpose, values, and goals

Demonstrate commitment to the greater good

Focus on improvement and organizational success

Have accountability standards for yourself and others

Show what values look like as behaviors


Head Domain Align your project’s purpose and values to those of

the organization

Assure that the goals and strategies drive your purpose

Rena values in order of importance

Check every decision you and your team make against stated values

Team should define what collaboration means for the project


Head Domain Create a charter for every project

Make sure everyone is clear as to purpose, goals, roles and metrics for which all will be held accountable

In times of difficulty refer to the charter agreement for guidance

Periodically review the charter agreement o keep it to top of mind and relevant to the project

Use the charter as a vehicle for onboarding new people


Hands Domain Talk openly

Listen to understand

Share all relevant information

Give feedback and be open to feedback from others

Encourage spontaneous interaction

Seek information and ask questions

Have an open door policy

Encourage candor with respect


Hands Domain Promote sharing and learning

Encourage networking among all departments and at all levels

Create opportunities for cross functional teaming on projects

Take time to evaluate meetings to maximize effective communication

Train your people in communication skills and team development


Hand Domain Empower yourself and others

Be a role model and share your knowledge and experience

Network with others across the organization

Speak up in meetings

Be a continual learner


Hands Domain Empower each other

Encourage cross-functional reciprocation

Build trust and reciprocity through sharing and networking

Make sure you and your colleagues have competence and clarity on tasks and goals

Involve other departments in idea generation sessions ands decision making

Create sharing opportunities such as brown bag lunches, workshops, webinars, etc.


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