collaborating to improve discoverability

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NFAIS Webinar: March 12, 2014


Los Angeles | London | New DelhiSingapore | Washington DC

Collaborating to Improve Discoverability

NFAIS Webinar: March 12, 2014

Mary M. Somerville, MA, MLS, PhDUniversity Librarian and Library Director, University of Colorado Denver

Lettie Conrad, MAExecutive Manager, Online Products, SAGE

Los Angeles | London | New DelhiSingapore | Washington DC


● Introduction ● Metadata ● Standards ● Transparency ● Partnerships ● Conclusion

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Scholarly Communication Supply Chain

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Shared Cross-Sector Goals

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SAGE White Paper: Collaborative Improvements in the Discoverability of Scholarly Content

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Expert aspirations for discovery

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● Metadata – quality & compliance● Standards – advocacy & adoption● Transparency – cross-sector cooperation● Partnerships – co-development

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1. Metadata the building blocks of online publishing

Citation: Berners-Lee, Tim, “Metadata Architecture, “ Jan. 6, 1997,

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1. Metadatadiscovery signposts

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1. Use case – Metadata done well

SUNY student @ Buffalo State following citation to educational research article: “High School Socioeconomic Segregation and Student Attainment”

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1. Use case – Metadata gone wrong

● SUNY student @ Buffalo State looking for book chapter recommended by instructor on human trafficking policy in other countries.

● No publication title, just keywords: “human trafficking foreign policy”

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1. Collaborative Efforts in Metadata

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2. Standards

● Common expectations● Streamlining operations● Collaborative foundation

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2. Existing Standards for Metadata

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2. Standards Development

● Code of practice in library discovery

● Project Transfer

● NISO Bibliographic Roadmap

● Pie-J, IOTA, and more!

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2. Use Cases standards in action

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2. Collaborations in Standards

● NISO Work Groups• Journal Article Version (JAV)• Open Access Metadata and Indicators

● UKSG/JISC• Project Transfer• KBART

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3. Transparencynew ways of doing business

● Cross-sector studies

● Understanding researcher workflows

● New business models

● “Promiscuous metadata”

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3. Use Cases in Transparency

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3. Transparency works!

● Research question: What does the average research pathway look like beyond the borders of our websites?

● Participants: 3 MA & 8 PhD students, during literature review phase

● Methods: data analysis, observation, interview

● Transparency: sharing proprietary data, sharing research findings, trust!

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3. Collaborations in Transparency

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● Metadata – quality & compliance● Standards – advocacy & adoption● Transparency – cross-sector cooperation● Partnerships – co-development/co-design

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Ideal discoverability

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Co-Development Partners

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Library Best Practices

● Nontraditional partnerships● Iterative communications● Re-invented workflows● Environmental scans

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Vendor Best Practices

● Project overviews● Clear deliverables● Customized trainings● Reference materials

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Publisher-Vendor Best Practices

● Compliant metadata (publisher)● Metadata mapping (vendor)● Search results● User experiences

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SAGE White Paper urges cross-sector progress through a three-fold purpose:● Propose actionable recommendations for

discoverability improvement,● Advance heightened collaboration among

librarians, publishers, and service providers, and

● Encourage ‘new ways of thinking and doing’ that improve researcher experience.

Los Angeles | London | New DelhiSingapore | Washington DC


Collins, M., Somerville, M., Pelsinsky, N., & Wood, A. (2013). Working better together: Library, publisher, and vendor perspectives. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Charleston Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, in press.

Conrad, L. (2011). ‘Discovering authoritative reference material: It’s all about ‘location, location, location,’ in E-reference Context and Discoverability in Libraries: Issues and Concepts, ed. Sue Polanka. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 137–147.

Somerville, M. M., & Conrad, L. Y. (2014). Collaborative improvements in the discoverability of scholarly content: Accomplishments, aspirations, and opportunities. A SAGE White Paper. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.4135/wp140116. Available:

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