collaborate - contribute - cooperate

Post on 27-Jan-2016






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English grammar & vocabularyGramática y vocabulario en InglésDifference between the following words: Collaborate , Cooperate Contribute


COLLABORATE : [I] (WORK WITH) COLABORAR / TRABAJAR CON 1) to work with someone else for a special purpose: ® Two writers collaborated on the script for the film. ® A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product. ® The British and Italian police collaborated in catching the terrorists.

2) collaborate verb [I] (SUPPORT AN ENEMY) disapproving to work with an enemy who has taken control of your own country:

® Anyone who was suspected of collaborating with the occupying forces was arrested.

CONTRIBUTE : CONTRIBUIR / APORTAR 1) To give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something

together with other people: ® Aren't you going to contribute towards Jack's leaving present? ® Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute. ® Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund.

2) [NO OBJECT] (contribute to) Help to cause or bring about: CONTRIBUIR / CAUSAR / AYUDAR ® The government imposed a tax on fuels which contributed to global warming. ® Sport contributes to a child’s physical development.

3) to write articles for a newspaper, magazine, or book: ESCRIBIR PARA (PERIODISMO) ® She contributes to several magazines.

COOPERATE : COOPERAR 1) Work jointly towards the same end: ® The leaders promised to cooperate in ending the civil war ® Staff need to cooperate with each other. ® The Spanish authorities cooperated with the British police in finding the terrorists. ® The two companies have cooperated in joint ventures for the past several years.

2) Assist someone or comply with their requests: COOPERAR ® His captor threatened to kill him if he didn’t cooperate. ® A two-year old is likely to refuse to cooperate when you tell her to get dressed.


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