cole canoe base boy scout resident camp 2018 canoe base/2018 … · prerequisites: 3c (family...

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Cole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018Class Catalog

Christine Smith Assistant Camp Director 586.420.0085

Gus Chutorash Program Specialist 810.571.0725


Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Merit Badge - Cole Canoe Base (Scheduled Classes)

American HeritageEvery Scout swears to an oath that includes duty to his country. A better understanding of American heritage, theways in which the past has lead to our present nation, is key to truly knowing what it means to be an American.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 3c (family history), 4b (local historic event) OR 4c (town history) OR 4d (AmericanHistory Program) OR 4e (Historic Trail)

ArchaeologyArchaeologists are detectives who study how people lived in the past. They figure out what happened, when, how,and why. Using the clues that people left behind, they try to understand how and why human culture has changedthrough time.


Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 7(museum, heirloom, or trash), 8 (assist an archaeologist or project), 9 (exhibit orreport), recommended 4 and 10 (research)

ArcheryArchery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and adisciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow -but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation ofarchery.


Sessions: All9-10:30 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th Fr    Room: Dedene Archery Range    

Prerequisites: None. Scouts should be familiar with local and state laws regarding Archeryequipment ownership and usage. Arrow Kits are available for purchase in the River Store forapproximately $5.00.

Sessions: All1:30-3 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th Fr    Room: Dedene Archery Range    

Sessions: All10:30-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Dedene Archery Range    

ArtThis merit badge concentrates on two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting in various media, includingan introduction to design applications in the fields of graphic arts and industrial design, history and designprinciples, and how these fields relate to fine art


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: 6 (visit a museum, art exhibit, art gallery, artists' co-op, or artist's workshop)

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

AstronomyIn learning about astronomy, Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to thewonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying andexploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 8 (observation). It is recommended that scouts complete 4c (big dipper), 5b(visibleplanets), and 6b (moon phases) prior to arrival.

ATV Rider Instruction CourseThis course is offered using the syllabus for the ATV Safety Institute. Explore the trails and learn how to ride onvarious types of terrain without having to leave camp!


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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Sessions: All10-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Life Jacket and Paddle Building    

Additional Fee: $35.00Minimum Age: 16Prerequisites: Participants must be 16 years old by the first day of the course and have filled outa ATV Hold Harmless form (430-048) Must have long sleeve shirt, long pants, boots that cover theankle. A bandana is recommended. Gloves, Helmets and goggles will be provided. You can meetwith instructors and turn in agreement at Special Event Sign-up.

Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Life Jacket and Paddle Building    

Automotive MaintenanceModern automobiles are important to many aspects of American life. Those who service automobiles mustunderstand each principle, and how these principles interact to provide smooth, efficient performance. Owners ofcars also benefit by understanding how their vehicles operate. This enables them to understand why certain periodicmaintenance is required to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape.


Sessions: All9-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Prerequisites: NoneNOTE: must be 14

Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

BackpackingEarning the Backpacking merit badge will be demanding but rewarding. Scouts will learn what equipment to carry ontheir backs and what knowledge to have in their heads. In addition, Scouts will discover how to protect theenvironment by traveling and camping without leaving a trace. By mastering the basics of backpacking, Scouts willdevelop an even deeper respect for the outdoors.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 6b (map positions), 8c (Backpacking meals), 8d (meal sanitation), 9d (pre-hikeinspection), 9e (2 mile hike), 10 (three 15 mile treks), and 11 (30 mile trek)

BasketryBasketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly andefficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day's fishing catch back to campfor dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: One round basket kit and One square basket kit are needed. The correct kitscontain a pre-measured piece for the base of the basket. They are available from the River Storefor approximately $7.00 each

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Bird StudyBirds are among the most fascinating creatures on Earth. Many are beautifully colored. Others are accomplishedsingers. Many of the most important discoveries about birds and how they live have been made by amateur birders.In pursuing this hobby, a Scout might someday make a valuable contribution to our understanding of the naturalworld.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Recommended for first year scouts. It is suggested that scouts completerequirement 5 (20 birds) prior to arrival.

CampingCamping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement inthe early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a


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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life's other challenges,too.

Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 4b (campout setup), 5e (pack inspection), 7 (pack for campout), 8c (camp menu),8d (cook menu), 9a (camp 20 days and 20 nights), and 9b (camping activities).

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

CanoeingFor several centuries, the canoe was a primary method of travel for explorers and settlers. Today, it remains animportant part of the wilderness experience and an enjoyable leisure activity that teaches communication,teamwork, and physical fitness.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 12Prerequisites: 2 (BSA Swimmer test) will be conducted at the start of camp. Scouts should beFirst Class and at least 12 years old

Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

ChessChess builds critical thinking, forward thinking, and proper sportsmanship in young people.Cole128

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: None. It is suggested that scouts bring a chess set. If this is not possible, a limitedamount of equipment is available at camp.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Citizenship in the CommunityA nation is a patchwork of communities that differ from each other and may be governed differently. But regardlessof how local communities differ, they all have one point in common: In the United States, local government meansself-government. Good citizens help to make decisions about their community through their elected local officials.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 2 (map and govt. chart), 3 (meeting), 4 (community issue), and 7 (research andvolunteer). Scouts are also expected to at the least begin preparations for requirement 8(presentation) prior to coming to camp.

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Citizenship in the NationAs Scouts fulfill the requirements for this merit badge, they will learn how to become active citizens are aware ofand grateful for their liberties and rights, to participate in their governments and protect their freedom, helping todefend their country and standing up for individual rights on behalf of all its citizens.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 2a (visit landmark), OR 2b (visit state capitol), OR 2c (visit federal facility), 3(evening news or newspaper for 5 days) It is suggested scouts bring a speech to discuss for 6. Ifnot, one can be provided. If scouts have written the letter for requirement 8 already, please bringresponse (if any) to camp.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Citizenship in the WorldScouts who earn the Citizenship in the World merit badge will discover that they are already citizens of the world.How good a world citizen each person is depends on his willingness to understand and appreciate the values,traditions, and concerns of people in other countries.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: None. It is suggested that scouts research current world events for requirement 3to be prepared for discussion.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

ClimbingClimbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and thewillingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoythe outdoors.


Sessions: All10-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Climbing Tower    

Minimum Age: 15Prerequisites: None. Scouts need appropriate footwear and clothing. Participants should be atleast 15 years old

CommunicationThis clear and concise definition comes from the U.S. Department of Education: "Communication focuses on howpeople use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. Thefield of communication promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication."


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 5 (meeting). Scouts are encouraged to do requirement 8 prior to arrival but can bedone in campsite with troop leadership approval.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Composite MaterialsComposites can be found just about everywhere: in airplanes and sports cars, golf clubs and guitars, boats andbaseball bats, bathtubs and circuit boards, and even bridges. Composites make bicycles and skis lighter, kayaks andcanoes stronger, houses warmer, and helmets tougher.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: 4a (visit company that uses composites) OR 4b (3 composites related websites). Itis recommended that scouts research and bring MSDS sheets for requirement 3 to camp.

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

CookingThe Cooking merit badge introduces principles of cooking that can be used both at home or in the outdoors. Scoutswho earn this badge will learn about food safety, nutritional guidelines, meal planning, and methods of foodpreparation, and will review the variety of culinary (or cooking) careers available.


Sessions: All10-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 2c (personal MyPlate), 4 (3 day menu, shop, cook), 5 (2 day camping menu forpatrol), and 6 (hiking menu). From the BSA Advancement Team: Cooking requirements forTenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class do not count toward Cooking Merit Badge Requirements.You must not repeat any menus for meals actually prepared or cooked in requirements 4, 5, and 6

Sessions: All2:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Crime PreventionPreventing crime, which can be as simple as reducing the opportuntities for crime to occur, is far less costly thanapprehending and bringing legal action against those who break the law and it helps save people from the anguishof being victims.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 2 (notebook), 4 (neighborhood checklist), 7a (Neighborhood Watch) OR 7b (jailvisit), recommended 2 and 5. Crime Prevention and Fingerprinting are instructed at the same time.If scout is not attempting both badges, they can make an appointment with the instructor to takejust one of the two.NOTE: two day

Digital TechnologyTechnology has come a long way since Computers merit badge was first introduced in 1967. This badge will teachScouts about technology in the digital age.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 1 (completed/updated BSA Cyber Chip) and do internet research for 8 (recycling) &9 (careers or visit). It is recommended that scouts begin working on some of Req. 6 options prior tocamp, or that can be completed during free time.Scouts complete/update the BSA Cyber Chip program at:

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

ElectricityElectricity is a powerful and fascinating force of nature. As early as 600 b.c., observers of the physical worldsuspected that electricity existed but did not have a name for it. In fact, real progress in unraveling the mystery ofelectricity has come only within the last 250 years.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Prerequisites: 2 (home safety inspection) is recommended prior to arriving to camp.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Emergency PreparednessScouts are often called upon to help because they know first aid and they know about the discipline and planningneeded to react to an emergency situation. Earning this merit badge helps a Scout to be prepared by learning theactions that can be helpful and needed before, during, and after an emergency.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Turkey Roost Medical Center    

Prerequisites: 1 (First Aid Merit Badge), 2c (family meeting), 6c (community emergencymanagement director info), 7b (troop mobilization plan), 8b (personal emergency service pack)

EnergySaving, producing, and using energy wisely will be critical to America's future. If we are to leave future generationswith a world in which they can live as well or better than we have, SCouts and other potential leaders of tomorrowmust begin the hard work of understanding energy and the vital role it will play in the future.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 4 (energy audit). It is recommended that scouts complete 1 (article) and 6 (piecharts) prior to camp.

Environmental ScienceWhile earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be anenvironmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: Scouts are encouraged to complete 3e (endangered species), 3f (pollution), 3g(pollination), and 4 (observations) prior to camp.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

FingerprintingIn earning the Fingerprinting merit badge, Scouts will learn about and use an important technique that is used bylaw enforcement officers, along with other materials like matching dental records and DNA sampling, to help identifyamnesia victims, missing persons, abducted children, and others.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: None. Crime Prevention and Fingerprinting are instructed at the same time. Ifscout is not attempting both badges, he can make an appointment with the instructor to take justone of the two.NOTE: two day

Fire SafetyThe ability to use fire safely is essential to human survival. By earning this merit badge, Scouts will learn to uses firesafely and responsibly, how to prevent home fires, and how to handle fire safely, as well as burn prevention, andcamping safety.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Prerequisites: 6a (home evacuation plan), 11 (fire station visit), and 12 (research a career).

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

First AidFirst aid - caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care - is an important skill forevery Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurtor who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.


Sessions: All9-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Turkey Roost Medical Center    

Prerequisites: 1 (basic first aid knowledge from Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class), 2d ,5(home first aid kit). This is a two hour merit badge session per day.

Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Turkey Roost Medical Center    

Fish and Wildlife ManagementWildlife management is the science and art of managing the wildlife - both animals and fish - with which we shareour planet. Maintaining the proper balance and the dynamics that go with it requires humankind's attention. We usethis stewardship tool to help minimize or eradicate the possibility of extinction of any given species. We want ourdescendants to have the opportunity to experience the same animal diversity that we now enjoy.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Recommended for first year scouts. It is encouraged that scouts completerequirements 5 (construct or design) and 7 (fish) prior to arrival.

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

FishingIn Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell offers this advice: "Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food forhimself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it mighthappen to one who had never learned to catch fish."


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Please bring your state's fishing regulations. It is recommended that scoutsbring fishing gear to camp. If this is not possible, a limited amount of camp equipment is available.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Fly-FishingFly-fishing is a specialized form of fishing that combines skill and artistry. Because it is so rich with tradition, it is apassion for millions of people. The beauty of the water, the solitude, and the skills that the sport requires have madefly-fishing very important in the lives of many notable people.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: Recommended for second year scouts. It is suggested that scouts bring fishinggear to camp. If this is not possible, a limited amount of camp equipment is available.

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

ForestryIn working through the Forestry merit badge requirements, Scouts will explore the remarkable complexity of a forestand identify many species of trees and plants and the roles they play in a forest's life cycle.They will also discoversome of the resources forests provide to humans and come to understand that people have a very large part to playin sustaining the health of forests.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 5 (forest report). It is recommended that 1 (15 species) and 2 (10 species) becompleted prior to camp.

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Game DesignGames also come in almost every shape, size, format, and flavor imaginable. Games can be fast-paced, slow, oranything in between. Some are competitive. Some are cooperative. They may be for individuals, small groups, orthousands of players at a time. They might take seconds to complete or last for years. However you slice it,everyone has played games, and games help make us who we are.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: None. It is suggested that scouts complete 5a (design), 6 (prototype), and 7a(instruction sheet) prior to arrival, but this can be completed at camp. Scouts may complete 8a(professional game designer) prior to camp but may satisfy this requirement by completing option8b (careers) in camp with counselor.

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

GeocachingThe word geocache is a combination of "geo," which means "earth," and "cache," which means "a hiding place."Geocaching describes a hiding place on planet Earth - a hiding place you can find using a GPS unit. A GPS (GlobalPositioning System) unit is an electronic tool that shows you where to go based on information it gets from satellitesin space.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 7 (local caches), 8a (cache to eagle) OR 8b (Travel bug) OR 8c (public geocache)OR 8d (CITO), and 9 (geohunt). It is suggested that scouts bring a GPS. If this is not possible, alimited amount of equipment is available.

GeologyGeology is the study of Earth. It includes the study of materials that make up Earth, the processes that change it,and the history of how things happened, including human civilization, which depends on natural materials forexistence.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Recommended for first year scouts. It is suggested that scouts completerequirements 4 (geology careers) and 5 (resource/ history options) prior to camp.

Graphic ArtsThe field of graphic arts includes many kinds of work in the printing and publishing industries. Graphic artsprofessionals are involved in the creation of all kinds of printed communication, from business cards to books tobillboards. The scope of printing communications is huge.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 6 (visit)

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

HikingHiking is a terrific way to keep your body and mind in top shape, both now and for a lifetime. Walking packs powerinto your legs and makes your heart and lungs healthy and strong. Exploring the outdoors challenges you withdiscoveries and new ideas. Your senses will improve as you use your eyes and ears to gather information along theway.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 4 (five hikes), 5(20 mile hike), 6(hike reports)

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

Home RepairsSuccessfully completing this badge's requirements can lead to a lifetime of personal and financial rewards: Doingbasic home repairs provides a sense of personal pride in one's achievements and increased self-confidence. Inaddition, safe and successful do-it-yourselfers can easily save a family thousands of dollars in repair bills over theyears.


Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Prerequisites: None. Home Repairs and Painting are instructed at the same time. If a scout is notattempting both badges, he can make an appointment with the instructor to take just one of thetwo.NOTE: two day

Indian LoreFar different from the stereotypes or common images that are portrayed on film, on television, and in many booksand stories, American Indians have many different cultures, languages, religions, styles of dress, and ways of life. Tolearn about these different groups is to take an exciting journey of discovery in which you will meet some ofAmerica's most fascinating peoples.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: None. If scouts decided to use 2a or 2b, kits are available in the River Store forapproximately $12.00

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Insect StudyIn earning the Insect Study merit badge, Scouts will glance into the strange and fascinating world of the insect.There, they will meet tiny creatures with tremendous strength and speed, see insects that undergo startling changesin habits and form as they grow, and learn how insects see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the world around them.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 5 (scrapbook), 9 (metamorphosis), and 10 (ant colony or beehive). This is badge isrecommended for scouts with advanced knowledge of insects.

JournalismOne thing is for sure about journalism: It is never boring. For a reporter, almost every day is different from the last.One day you might interview the mayor of the city, the next day report on a car accident, and the day after thatpreview a new movie.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 2a (print journalism/visits) OR 2b (radio and television/visits).

KayakingA basic-level merit badge for flat-water kayaking - whitewater kayaking will still fall under Whitewater merit badge.Cole101

Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Prerequisites: 2 (BSA Swimmer Test)

Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

LawEarning this merit badge enables a Scout to learn about the history and kinds of laws, the purpose and methods ofCole170

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Class CatalogCole Canoe Base Boy Scout Resident Camp 2018

Cole Summer: 1-6701-7060-2106-17-2018 12:00 PM

law enforcement, consumer protection agencies, emerging law, and careers in the legal profession.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 7 (lawyer). If scouts complete 6a (attend a civil or criminal court) thenparticipation in 6b (mock trial) at camp is voluntary.

LeatherworkScouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather's history and itsendless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestorsused; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protectleather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: 5a (commercial tanning process) OR 5b (Tan a skin) OR 5d (visit leather relatedbusiness). If none of these options have been done, scout may complete 5c (a vinyl or leatherbraid) at camp. This badge is not recommended for first year scouts due to skill level. Kit(s) forrequirement 3 are available in the River Store for approximately $8.00

Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

LifesavingNo Boy Scout will ignore a plea for help. However, the desire to help is of little use unless one knows how to give theproper aid. The main purpose of the Lifesaving merit badge is to prepare Scouts to assist those involved in wateraccidents, teaching them the basic knowledge of rescue techniques, the skills to perform them, and the judgment toknow when and how to act so that they can be prepared for emergencies.


Sessions: All9-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Prerequisites: 1 (BSA Swimmer Test and 2nd & 1st Class requirements). 15 (CPR) is suggested.Scouts will also need to pass a lifesaving pre-test administered by instructor.

Mammal StudyA mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. Itmay spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent,and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. It is suggested scouts research for requirements 3c (nongame mammal),unless they choose to do 3a at camp OR 3b prior to camp.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

MedicineThe practice of medicine has a rich history that spans several centuries. Since the first use of plants and other itemsas simple medicines and balms, many men and women have contributed to the advancement of the "healing arts."


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Turkey Roost Medical Center    

Prerequisites: 7a (doctor visit) and 10 (volunteer at a health related event)

MI DNR Boating Safety CertificateThis course allows you to complete and apply for your State of Michigan DNR Boating Safety Certificate. The courseCole105

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is run at the same time as Motorboating Merit Badge and includes the same offsite experiences as the badge.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 14NOTE: Run concurrent with Motorboating and Waterskiing

MI DNR Hunter's Safety CertificationThis course covers all the requirements of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Education course onhunting safely.


Sessions: All3:30-5:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Rifle Range    

Prerequisites: Minimum of 5 participants required per course. It is suggested scouts have analternate schedule prepared in case the course cannot be administered during their week of camp.NOTE: Must also attend Rifle Thursday Night for Black Powder portion of course.

Mile Swim BSAMile Swim BSACole103

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 12Prerequisites: Must attend practice Monday- Wednesday with rower and spotter. Rower andspotter also required for swim on Thursday.NOTE: Must sign up for all three periods. Practice is Monday- Wednesday and Swimtakes approximately 2 hours on Thursday

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Th       

Model Design and BuildingModel making, the art of creating copies of objects that are either smaller or larger than the objects they represent,is not only an enjoyable and educational hobby: it is widely used in the professional world for such things as creatingspecial effects for movies, developing plans for buildings, and designing automobiles and airplanes.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: None. This badge is not recommended for first year scouts due to required skilllevel. Scouts can work on requirements 3 (plans), 4 (scale model), and 5 (special effects model)before camp or during merit badge session. Models built prior to camp are acceptable.

MotorboatingWith the fun of operating a motor boat boat comes the responsibility for keeping that boat in first-class condition,knowing and obeying the nautical "rules of the road," and gaining the general knowledge and skills to operate a boatsafely.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 14Prerequisites: 2a (BSA Swimmer Test), 4a (operator's permit). Participants must be at least 14years old. This merit badge includes a trip out of camp. It is recommended that scouts have anapproved form of CPR Training prior to arrival. If this is not possible, a knowledge of CPR course isavailable at camp as well as American Red Cross CPR training for $35.00

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MoviemakingMoviemaking includes the fundamentals of producing motion pictures, including the use of effective light, accuratefocus, careful composition (or arrangement), and appropriate camera movement to tell stories. In earning thebadge, Scouts will also learn to develop a story and describe other pre- and post-production processes necessary formaking a quality motion picture.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: None. Scouts can complete requirement 3a (production set) prior to camp but canopt to complete 3b (parts of a lens) while at camp. It is suggested scouts bring their own camera. Ifthis is not possible, a limited amount of camp equipment is available.

MusicThe history of music is rich and exciting. Through the ages, new music has been created by people who learned fromtradition, then explored and innovated. All the great music has not yet been written. Today, the possibilities forcreating new music are limitless.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: 3a (attend a concert) OR 3b (interview a family member) OR 3c (member of band,choir, or music group for 6 months). Scouts must do two of the four (3a-d). 3d can be completed atcamp. If a scout does not complete 4a (compose music) OR 4d (catalog family music collection) thescout must attempt 4a (teach 3 songs) OR 4c (make an instrument). Please bring instrument tocamp or be prepared to use the voice option for requirement 1.

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

NatureThere is a very close connection between the soil, the plants, and all animal life, including people. Understandingthis connection, and the impact we have upon it, is important to preserving the wilderness, as well as to our ownwell-being as members of the web of nature.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Scouts can complete 2 parts of requirement 4 using 4d(insects & spiders) or4f(mollusks & crustaceans) prior to camp or can use five different options to complete therequirement in camp. If scouts wish to use fishing elective requirements to complete the badge,please bring fishing equipment as limited supplies are available at camp. Recommended for thirdyear scouts.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

OceanographyThe oceans cover more than 70 percent of our planet and are the dominant feature of Earth. Wherever you live, theoceans influence the weather, the soil, the air, and the geography of your community. To study the oceans is tostudy Earth itself.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. It is suggested 8b (visit) be completed before camp. If scout has notcompleted it, 8a (essay) OR 8c (presentation) can be done at camp.

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OrienteeringOrienteering, the use of map and compass to find locations and plan a journey, has been a vital skill for humans forthousands of years. Orienteering is also a recognized sport at the Olympic Games, and thousands of peopleparticipate in the sport each year in local clubs and competitions.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 7 (events), 8 (course), and 9 (official)

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

PaintingThis merit badge provides an opportunity for Scouts to learn more about painting, including both the artistic andpractical aspects.


Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: We Th Fr       

Prerequisites: None. Home Repairs and Painting are instructed at the same time. If scout is notattempting both badges, they can make an appointment with the instructor to take just one of thetwo.NOTE: two day

Personal FitnessPersonal fitness is an individual effort and desire to be the best one can be. Regardless of their current levels ofpersonal fitness, in the twelve weeks it will take Scouts to complete the athletic requirements for this merit badge,they will be in better shape, feel better about themselves, have more energy, and gain self-confidence in theiroverall abilities.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 1b (dentist), 6 (initial tests), 7 (12 week fitness program), and 8 (executeprogram).

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Personal ManagementPersonal management is about mapping a plan for your life that will involve setting short-range and long-rangegoals and investigating different ways to reach those goals. Education, training, and experience all help make yourgoals become a reality. To achieve your goals, you will choose the best path and make a commitment to it, whileremaining flexible enough to deal with changes and new opportunities. By Appointment.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th Fr       

Prerequisites: 1 (large family purchase), 2 (budget with 13 week record of income andexpenses), 8 (to do list/ schedule for 7 days), 9 (project). Bring business section containing stockquotes for requirement 5. By Appointment.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th Fr       

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PhotographyBeyond capturing family memories, photography offers a chance to be creative. Many photographers usephotography to express their creativity, using lighting, composition, depth, color, and content to make theirphotographs into more than snapshots. Good photographs tell us about a person, a news event, a product, a place,a scientific breakthrough, an endangered animal, or a time in history.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 1b (BSA Cyber Chip). It is suggested scouts bring their own camera and beginworking on 7 (visual story or topic). If scouts cannot provide their own camera, a limited amount ofcamp equipment is available. Scouts can complete/update the BSA Cyber Chip program online at:

PioneeringPioneering-the knowledge of ropes, knots, and splices along with the ability to build rustic structures by lashingtogether poles and spars-is among the oldest of Scouting's skills. Practicing rope use and completing projects withlashings also allow Scouts to connect with past generations, ancestors who used many of these skills as they sailedthe open seas and lived in America's forests and prairies.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 2a (Tenderfoot and First Class rope requirements) and 7 (scale model)

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

PlumbingPlumbing, including pipe fitting, is an important and well-paid occupation. The industry is quite broad. It coversinstallations and repairs in homes, commercial properties, and factories. Plumbing pipelines are used for watersupply, waste drainage, natural-gas heating, and many other purposes.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Prerequisites: 2 (home hot and cold system)

ProgrammingProgramming Merit Badge.Cole190

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 1a (completed/updated BSA Cyber Chip) and 5a-5c [with the scout's programmingcode either printed or copied on a flash drive so the counselor can assist with testing andimproving program]. Scouts can complete/update the BSA Cyber Chip program online at:

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Public SpeakingA lot happens during the course of every person's life and your ability to communicate your feelings and ideas is thebest way to connect to the larger world. Even if you haven't stood at a podium on the stage and find the whole ideascary, sooner or later, someone is going to ask you to get up and say a few words. If you are prepared, it won't bescary. It can even be fun.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th       

Prerequisites: None. Requirement 4 is suggested to be completed but can be completed atcamp.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Pulp and PaperHere's an astonishing number to digest. Each person in the United States uses about 700 pounds of paper eachyear. Paper is everywhere in our lives. Every year in the United States, more than 2 billion individual books, 24billion newspapers, and 350 million magazines are published on paper.


Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 7 (visit/ research).

Rank: Tenderfoot, Rank: Second Class, Rank: First ClassBoy Scout Tenderfoot rank advancement

Boy Scout Second Class rank advancement

Boy Scout First Class rank advancement


Sessions: All10-3 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: None. This class is intended to teach young scouts some of the skills required forrank advancement through First Class. Camp Staff will not sign off requirements in a scout'shandbook, but documentation of the skills covered will be provided. It is at the final discretion of aunit leader to sign off requiermenst. This course is instructed in Two Two-hour blocks daily. Scoutsshould sign up and attend both sessions (total 4 hours per day) to cover the maximumrequirements.

Reptile and Amphibian StudyBoys always have been interested in snakes, turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and salamanders.Developing knowledge about these captivating creatures leads to an appreciation for all native wildlife;understanding the life cycle of a reptile or amphibian and keeping one as a pet can be a good introduction to naturalhistory; and knowing about venomous species can help Scouts to be prepared to help in case of an emergency.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: 8a (maintain reptile) OR 8b (observe reptile).

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Rifle ShootingUnless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, ismanufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scoutscan develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.


Sessions: All9-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Rifle Range    

Prerequisites: Bring a copy of your State's hunting laws.

Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Rifle Range    

RowingRowing is the use of oars as a means of propelling boats, has grown from a basic method of transportation to acompetitive sport and an enjoyable method of exercising.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 12Prerequisites: 2b (CPR), 3 (BSA Swimmer test) Scouts should be First Class and at least 12 yearsold

SalesmanshipBy studying salesmanship, Scouts can learn self-confidence, motivation, friendliness, and the persistence necessaryto overcome obstacles and solve problems. Sales can offer a challenging and rewarding career for those who enjoyinteracting with people from all walks of life.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: 5 (cost sheet) and 6 (interview).

SculptureThis merit badge introduces Scouts to sculpture, an art form that allows an artist to express what he sees and feelsby using these three dimensions by shaping materials such as clay, stone, metal, and wood.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: Do two of the following: 2a (head), 2b (mold), or 2c (art exhibit).

Search and RescueThe process and safety methods of working around specialized teams such as aircraft, canine, and aquatic rescueteams. Identifying differences between search and rescue environments, such as coastal, wilderness, rural, andurban landscapes. Determining when Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and latitude and longitude (Lat/Lon)should be used.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Life Jacket and Paddle Building    

Prerequisites: Requirement 8 occurs at camp outside of scheduled time. First aid merit badge ishighly recommended. Not recommended for first year scouts.

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Shotgun ShootingA shotgun is a precision instrument, designed to shoot a shot charge in a specific pattern to cover a designated areaat a certain distance. Unlike a rifle, the bore of the shotgun is not rifled, so the shot emerging from the muzzle is notspinning.


Sessions: All9-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Otto F. Kamman Shotgun Facility    

Prerequisites: First-Year scouts are strongly discouraged from taking this badge due to difficultyof handling shotguns and aiming. Bring a copy of your State's hunting laws

Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Otto F. Kamman Shotgun Facility    

Signs, Signals, and CodesAmerican Sign Language (ASL) is the third most used language in the United States. The Signs, Signals, and Codesmerit badge will cover Morse code, ASL, Braille, signaling, trail markings, and other nonverbal communications. Didyou know that some of these have even saved people's lives'


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Prerequisites: None. Recommended for second year scouts. Scouts may work on requirement 7prior to camp.

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Main Street, USA (Dumas Pavilion)    

Small-Boat SailingSailing is one of the most enjoyable pastimes on the open water. The quiet and peacefulness of the water canprovide a pleasant break from everyday life. However, smooth sailing requires paying careful attention to safety.


Sessions: All1:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 12Prerequisites: 1b (CPR) and 3 (BSA Swimmer Test). This badge is two hours per day and includesa trip out of camp. Scouts must be at least 12 years old.

Soil and Water ConservationConservation isn't just the responsibility of soil and plant scientists, hydrologists, wildlife managers, landowners, andthe forest or mine owner alone. It is the duty of every person to learn more about the natural resources on which ourlives depend so that we can help make sure that these resources are used intelligently and cared for properly.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. Scouts are encouraged to work on their 500 word (requirement 7) prior tocamp if choosing that option.

Space ExplorationSpace is mysterious. We explore space for many reasons, not least because we don't know what is out there, it isvast, and humans are full of curiosity. Each time we send explorers into space, we learn something we didn't knowbefore. We discover a little more of what is there.


Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: Please bring rockets and engines for 2 launches to complete requirement 3. Ifscouts cannot build rockets to camp, Rocket Kits are available in the River Store for approximately$7.00

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SportsMillions of people participate in sports every year. For some the appeal is the close friendships that come with beingpart of a team. Some revel in the joy of victory and lessons of defeat. For some, the personal fitness is so importantthat exercise becomes a daily need. And still others desire the feeling of achievement, that feeling of measurableimprovement that comes with dedication to a sport.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 4 (sport teams) and 5 (training plan).

SwimmingSwimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learnabout safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain somebasic competitive swimming skills.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Prerequisites: 2 (BSA Swimmer Test) and 3 (150 yard swim) need to be completed at camp.

Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

TheaterWhile earning the Theater merit badge, Scouts will learn to appreciate live performances as members of theaudience as well as go behind the footlights to see the view from the other side. Much more goes on in theater thanever meets the audience's eye.


Sessions: All9-10 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Prerequisites: 1 (review 3 plays) and 3 (participation).

Sessions: All1:30-2:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Cosgro Production Company    

Water SportsWater sports are a fun and exhilarating way to enjoy being outdoors while developing strength, coordination, andfitness. By developing experience with water sports and practicing good judgment, Scouts will gain skills that willserve them well for a lifetime and have extreme fun while they do.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Bosco Lake    

Minimum Age: 14Prerequisites: 2b (CPR) and 3 (BSA Swimmer test). Scouts should be at least 14 years old. Scoutsshould be prepared to go on Motorboating off-site trip.

NOTE: Runs concurrent with Motorboating and DNR Boating Safety

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WeatherMeteorology is the study of Earth's atmosphere and its weather and the ways in which temperature, wind, andmoisture act together in the environment. In addition to learning how everyday weather is predicted, Scouts canlearn about extreme weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and how to stay safe.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

Prerequisites: None. It is recommended scouts complete requirement 9a (weather log) prior toarrival at camp. If scout does not complete this, it may be possible to complete 9b (weatherprofessional) at camp.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Claycomb Ecology-Conservation Center    

WeldingThe new Welding badge and pamphlet was released by BSA, and Scouts could begin earning the badge on February24, 2012.


Sessions: All11-12 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Minimum Age: 14Prerequisites: None. Scouts must be at least 14 and have close fitting long sleeve shirt and longpants made of natural fibers. Leather work boots are also required (Steel toe preferred). Thisbadge also has a materials cost of approximately $10.00

Sessions: All3:30-4:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Ranger's Corner/ Maintenance Shop    

Wilderness SurvivalIn their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to bring the clothing and gear they need, to make good plans, and do theirbest to manage any risks. But now and then, something unexpected happens. When things go wrong, the skills ofwilderness survival can help make everything right again.


Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Outdoor Skills Area    

Prerequisites: 5 (survival kit). This badge requires an on-site low impact overnight trip.

Wood CarvingAs with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools andtechniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts toan enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.


Sessions: All10-11 AM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

Prerequisites: 2a (Totin' Chip). This badge is not recommended for first year scouts due to skilllevel required. Kit is recommended and available in the River Store for approximately $4.00, orscrap pieces are available at the Crafts Pavilion.

Sessions: All2:30-3:30 PM Days: Mo Tu We Th    Room: Crafts Pavilion    

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