coldstream riders association 2014 'event plan

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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This is the formal ‘Event Plan’ prepared by ‘Coldstream Riders Association’ (CRA) for the safe and efficient running of the four ‘Rideouts’ during the 2014 ‘Coldstream Civic Week on 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th August. ‘Rideouts’ are also often called ‘Common Rides’ and involve horses and riders travelling by public road and through countryside to specified locations. These take place throughout the Scottish Borders from June to August, many are deeply connected over centuries with the history of the area. In Coldstream our main ‘Rideout’, which can involve more than 350 horses, travels to the site of the 1513 Battle of Flodden. The Coldstream Rideouts are led by the town’s representative who is called ‘The Coldstreamer’ and he is supported by a Right and Left Hand Men. As part of Coldstream Civic Week Coldstream Rider’s Association arrange four ‘Rideouts’ or ‘Common Ridings’ to nearby local towns and villages.


Coldstream Riders Association


‘CRA Rideouts’ during

Coldstream Civic Week 2014 on 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th August [Approved updated version dated 30 July 2014]

Coldstream Riders Association Committee

Chairperson: Victoria Dickson Vice Chairperson: Lesley Bryce Secretary: Wendy Younger – 07704 587914 Treasurer: Dawn Clough – 07872 178182 Chief Marshal: Garry Lees – 07955 488881 Assistant Chief Marshal (Birgham & Leitholm Rides): Les Turnbull Rideout Support Supervisor: Ryan Maxwell – 07977 441268 Roads Management Supervisor: Alastair Cunningham – 07976 930193 Other committee Members: Angus Maxwell Cheryl Dyet Godfrey Bryson Hamish Brown Julie Kerr Richard Dickson Stuart Galbraith 2014 Coldstream Civic Week Principals: Coldstreamer: Colin Leifer Right Hand Man: James Balmbro Left Hand Man: Grant Campbell EMERGENCY EVENT CONTACTS

Police Scotland: Sergeant Keith Dougal – 07913 486099 Northumbria Police: PC Dan Perry Border Search & Rescue: Stuart Fullashapcot – 07778 844163 RoadSafe (Northumberland County Council’s roads management contractor): Chris Morton – mobile: 07808 761056 Presenting Coldstream: Fiona Shepherd – 07842 885870 VET: Renton Swan Vets - Coldstream Practice: 01890 882322 / Out-of-hours: 07000 785 333 Coldstream Riders Association Email:

SECTION 1 – Essential Information


This ‘CRA 2014 Event Plan’ was compiled by Alastair Cunningham and approved at a CRA Committee Meeting on 21 July 2014 Signed: Chairperson: Victoria Dickson Chief Marshal: Garry Lees

The Health & Safety Executive's website below on running a safe event has been used to help compile our Event Plan

CRA ‘Event Plan’ page guide ….. SECTION 1 – Essential Information 2: CRA Committee and contact numbers 2: Emergency partner contacts 3: Page guide 4-5: Introduction to Coldstream Riders Association and Coldstream Civic Week 6: Event Safety Management Plan 7: Public Safety Statement 8: Statement of Intent 9: Mounted Participants Code of Conduct 10-11: Event Safety Overview 11: Debriefing Agenda 12: Traffic Management Method Statement SECTION 2 – Rideout Events 13-18: Norham Rideout 19-24: Birgham Rideout 25-32: Flodden Rideout 33-38: Leitholm Rideout SECTION 3 – Appendices 1: SBC Parade Permission 2014 letter 2: NCC Norham Permission letter 3: NCC Road Closure Certificate - Norham 4 August 2014 4: NCC Road Closure Certificate - Flodden 7 August 2014 5: SBC Flodden TTRO 6: SBC Parade Guidelines 7: SBC Parades Application - Norham 4 August 2014 8: SBC Parades Application - Birgham 6 August 2014 9: SBC Parades Application - Flodden 7 August 2014 10: SBC Parades Application - Leitholm 8 August 2014 11: CRA Risk Assessment 12: NCC Event Notification - Norham 4 August 2014 13: NCC Event Notification - Flodden 7 August 2014

Coldstream Principals galloping up Branxton Hill with riders still streaming behind in the fields below - the Flodden Memorial is at the top edge of that field. Map link:

Introduction …..

This is the formal ‘Event Plan’ prepared by ‘Coldstream Riders Association’ (CRA) for the safe and efficient running of our four ‘Rideouts’ on the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th August during the 2014 ‘Coldstream Civic Week’. It is important at this stage to make clear that the event called ‘Coldstream Civic Week’ is ran by the ‘Presenting Cold-stream’ committee. Although our two committees cooperate very closely they are not linked formally in any way. ‘Coldstream Riders Association’ is only responsible for the or-ganisation and running of what are known as the ‘Rideouts’ ‘Rideouts’ are also often called ‘Common Rides’ and involve horses and riders travelling by public road and through coun-tryside to specified locations. These take place throughout the Scottish Borders from June to August, many are deeply con-nected over centuries with the history of the area. In Cold-

stream our main ‘Rideout’, which can in-volve more than 350 horses, travels to the site of the 1513 Battle of Flodden. The Coldstream Rideouts are led by the town’s representative who is called ‘The Cold-streamer’ and he is supported by a Right and Left Hand Men.

‘Coldstream Civic Week’ CRA Rideouts As part of Coldstream Civic Week Cold-stream Rider’s Association arrange four ‘Rideouts’ or ‘Common Ridings’ to nearby local towns and villages. While ‘Flodden’ is the longest and largest of these events with more than 300 riders taking part, between 50-100 horses will also join the shorter routes to Norham, Bir-gham and Leitholm.

Coldstream Rider’s Association also sup-ports the wider programme of events ar-ranged by Presenting Coldstream during Civic Week. These details are available from the Presenting Coldstream pro-gramme, which is available from early July. Coldstream Rider’s Association is an en-tirely voluntary organisation that relies on grants, sponsorship and donations to run Coldstream’s yearly programme of common ridings. We could not achieve this pro-gramme without the help of our sponsors and local suppliers.

Coldstream Riders Association Email:

CRA Event Safety Management Plan ….. The Coldstream Riders Association Event Safety Management Plans are: Good co-operation and communication between all the partner agencies involved Ensuring that everyone is clear of his/her role and is adequately trained and competent Identifying the hazards and assessing the risks involved Deciding on the priorities and objectives for the elimination or reduction of hazards and risks Identifying the tasks needed to eliminate or reduce those hazards or risks Planning who will carry out the tasks and how Producing a written risk assessment Implementing the tasks Monitoring and reviewing the position Keeping abreast of developments

Risk Assessments Mounted Marshals Road Management Stewards Border SAR Communications - 2-way radios

CRA Public Safety Statement ….. Official Disclaimer

Whilst every care has been taken by the organising committee and relevant landowners in facilitating these events, the committee and landowners do not accept any liability for accidents or injury to horse, pony, owner, rider, spectator or any other person property whatsoever. It is the responsibility of those taking part, or their legal guardians in the case of minors, to ensure that participants have appropriate and adequate insurance cover for personal injury and third party liability. All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure safe participation in events. In particular, in relation to equestrian events, you are advised to ensure that you are competent and your horse is suitable for the purpose of the event. Riders are advised to wear appropriate clothing and protective headgear. Please note that the organising committee reserve the right to refuse any person from participating in the event.


The Coldstream Riders Association ("The organisers") policy for managing public safety entails producing a policy for safety management, developing and implementing appro-priate plans to ensure the safety of participants during the event and regularly monitor-ing and reviewing those plans. The Coldstream Riders Association as organisers, realise and accept that “Absolute Safety” is unattainable. However, the organisers have an absolute commitment to safety and the aim of the organisers is therefore to ensure, as far as reasonably practi-cable, the safety of participants, officials, and general public. The organisers have agreed to form a safety plan called the Event Plan. The plan will describe the organisation that will be put into place to manage public safety, including, roles and responsibilities, risk assessments, method statements, stewarding, contin-gency planning and arrangements for implementation. The plan is intended to ensure the event’s public safety policy is implemented and fully adhered to. The Coldstream Riders Association Event plan will ensure as far as reasonably practica-ble, the safety of the ‘Rideout’ participants and public. The safety policy is intended to reduce the risk of an incident occurring. Should an incident occur despite the Event Safety Management Plan, then the incident will be dealt with effectively in conjunction with the relevant authorities.

The support from ‘Border Search & Rescue’ is very welcome for our event management plan, follow them @

CRA Statement of Intent …..

This written agreement is a statement of intent and is not intended to create a legally binding contract between the police, local authorities, highway authorities and the event organiser.

Coldstream Riders Association will accept and show a ‘Duty of Care’ for the

safety of the event. In particular, they will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of: * All active participants * Public safety and organising officials * All non-participants including residents, pedestrians and motorists

This means that the Coldstream Riders Association accepts the safety responsi-bility, and that public safety as the first and main priority, before, during and immedi-ately following the event. Coldstream Riders Association will attempt to avoid the risk of damage to property, and to minimise any diverse environmental effects of the event.

Coldstream Riders Association will comply with the risk assessment, and any conditions agreed in advance with Police Scotland, Scottish Borders Council and North-umberland County Council. Coldstream Riders Association will enforce the safety meas-ures required by their risk assessment.

Coldstream Riders Association and participants are to accept that the roads are open to traffic during Civic Week and they must comply with traffic law unless directed by a Police Officer in uniform.

Coldstream Riders Association will ensure that volunteer stewards/marshals will be deployed in sufficient numbers, fit, adequately equipped, properly briefed and readily identifiable.

It is accepted that the CRA Rideouts should whenever possible be capable of be-ing carried through without the need for Police Scotland or Northumbria Police assis-tance. It is accepted that the police will be involved in the scrutiny of the planning indi-vidually, or as part of the Safety Advisory Group process.

It is also accepted that the assessment of the need for police attendance and ac-tion will be principally based on the need to discharge the Police Scotland’s core respon-sibilities, which are: * Prevention and detection of crime * Preventing or stopping breaches of the peace * Traffic regulation (within the legal powers provided by statute) * Activation of a contingency plan where there is an immediate threat to life and co-ordination of resulting emergency service activities ** Police involvement will be restricted to these core areas of responsibility. Police Scot-land will have responsibility in case of emergencies through the official handover proc-ess via Silver Control. Lawful traffic management, private marshalling and stewarding are the recognised ways in which events are supported. This however does not preclude any local arrangements between Police Scotland and Coldstream Riders Association for the management of the CRA ‘Rideouts’ – details are different in Northumbria and these are covered in the roads management part of this document.

CRA Mounted Participants ‘Code of Conduct’ ….. CRA Marshals/Stewards have been approved to assist in the smooth running of CRA ‘Rideouts’ and riders are requested to obey their instructions at all times. It is a requirement by the CRA Committee that all rid-ers wear appropriate clothing for the conditions/weather and approved protective headgear must be worn when mounted. The Chief Marshal is the official timekeeper and pace-maker on the rideouts and should not be overtaken

unless authorised to do so. The route taken by the Chief Marshal is the one agreed with land owners and the police and that is the only one that should be followed. No person should ride who may require to be led, unless they have made arrangements for someone to lead them. It is important that they are able to keep up with the ‘Rideout’ and are confident riding over open country in trot/canter. If any rider requires assistance then a CRA Marshal should help, if in the absence of a CRA Marshal only one or two riders should stop and help. In order to keep the ‘Rideout’ together all other riders should carry on. If any rider has to leave the ride and return home, it may be quicker to return by road, however if returning through fields the ‘Rideout’ has already used always remember to close gates. Please do not use fields the ‘Rideout’ has not used. In the event of damage to gates, fences, breakage of essential tack or injury to horse or rider, immediate contact should be made to CRA mounted marshals or vehicle/foot stewards who will take necessary action. It is the owners/hirers responsibility, unless proven otherwise, for all costs incurred. Any rider under the influence of alcohol and incapable of controlling their horse, will at the discretion of the Chief Marshal be excluded from the ride. Any rider using foul or abusive language or creating a public nuisance will be dealt with accordingly and may be asked to leave. Any rider who fails to keep up with the cavalcade may be asked to leave the ride. It is the responsibility of those taking part or their legal guardians in the case of Mi-nors, to ensure that partici-pants have appropriate and adequate insurance cover for both personal injury and third party liability.

CRA Mounted Marshals assist riders and help enforce our ‘Code of Conduct’

CRA Event Safety Overview ….. These events are being held with full co-operation with relevant police forces and local authorities. This ‘Overview’ applies to ALL ‘Coldstream Rider Association’ ‘Rideouts’ on 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th August 2014. FULL EMERGENCY PROCEDURE: In the event of any public emergency scenarios occurring during a ‘Rideout’ the Chief Marshal, the Rideout Support Supervisor and the Roads Management Supervisor will fully co-operate with the appointed police contact in either Scottish Borders or Northum-bria. Medical Cover: Border Search and Rescue (SAR) – 1 fully crewed vehicle on all Rideouts and 2 for Flod-den. Border SAR are a fully trained recognised mountain rescue group. Communications: High performance 2-way radios are carried by the Chief Marshal and appointed mounted marshals, Border SAR and the Roads Management Team. A radio is also given to Police Scotland and Northumbria Police where appropriate. Maps of the route are supplied where required. Mobile phones are also utilised with a phone list supplied to key person-nel. Roads team also have secondary radio system – see below. Roads Management: A management plan for the use of public roads is managed during the Rideouts by the ‘Roads Management Supervisor’. They will have fully briefed the police before the Ride-out and remain in communication with the Chief Marshal, the Rideout Support Supervi-sor, the relevant police contacts and Border SAR during the Rideouts. Stewards to assist with roads management are appointed when required – all of the roads team will wear Hi-Vis long sleeved jackets to EN 471:2003 highways standard. The roads team also have a secondary radio system for their own low-priority communications. The main roads team support vehicle will be of substantial size and use a high power flashing am-ber beacon. Rideout Routes: For reasons of safety or land access permissions the declared routes may be subject to late changes that may be influenced by the weather. These changes will be communi-cated to all relevant parties prior to the rideout departing and where possible will be marked up on a plan provided. If conditions deteriorate during the rideout and if any changes are required, these will be communicated by radio with the assistance of a sup-port vehicle to all parties. It may be a requirement to exclude some fields in this in-stance; however, every effort will be made to keep the cavalcade off the main A roads. Roads affected during ‘Rideouts’ can be referenced from the attached maps. In addition, the Roads Management Supervisor will brief Police Scotland prior to start of each ‘Rideout’ detailing the planned route and roads to be used – a ‘finalised’ map will be given to the police. Rideout Safety on Roads: When on public roads the CRA Committee will provide escort vehicles at the front and rear of the ‘Rideouts’ when Police Scotland vehicles are not present (see below for Northumberland arrangements). CRA escort vehicles will display flashing amber bea-cons. The Border SAR vehicle will normally be the rear vehicle and in such circum-stances will act as the rear escort – however this is defined as our emergency first aid vehicle and not an escort so if taken off scene a CRA vehicle will take its place.

Northumberland Roads Procedures: In Northumberland the CRA Committee ‘hold’ the official road closure permissions. The actual management of this is to be carried out in 2014 by Northumberland County Council who have contracted the work to professional road management ‘RoadSafe’. Horsebox Parking: Horsebox parking for all ‘Rideouts’ will be at the area known as ‘The Lees’ accessed from the junction of the A698 and Duke Street. For the large number of vehicles ex-pected on Thursday 7 August for the Flodden Rideout additional parking for cars is util-ised in the park adjacent to Duke Street/Leet Street. Extra CRA Stewarding will be in place for this. Severe flooding: If severe flooding of The Lees takes place by the Leet Water and Tweed overflowing alternative parking arrangements will be arranged with the support of McGregor Farms – signposting and CRA Stewards to direct traffic to the alternative site will be deployed. ‘Blue Light’ arrangements: If a ‘Rideout’ encounters an emergency services vehicle requiring to pass it the mounted stewards and the roads management team are briefed on the CRA radio communica-tions policy to go to ‘blue light priority calls’ only and to move horses into single file as safely as possible. Police Scotland will endeavour to give an ‘early warning’ of any emer-gency vehicles travelling in the vicinity of the ‘Rideout’ they are informed off. Equine Safety: A local Vet is briefed and supplied with maps. Phone numbers of all horse hirers avail-able to mounted marshals and roads team. Due to legal liability the rider or owner must call the vet. CRA will give every possible support to the rider/owner and vet, including off-road transport if required. Horse owners/hirers are required to organise their own equine transport if a horse needs to be transported off the ride – CRA stewards will at-tempt to assist with communications when requested. Farrier: For the longer ride and due to the volume of horses a farrier will be in attendance at Flodden. The cost of any work is the responsibility of the rider/owner.

CRA Debriefing Strategy ….. The CRA Committee will hold a full ‘Debriefing Meeting’ within 1 calendar month of the last ‘Rideout’, to which our event partner bodies will be invited – these are: Police Scotland Northumbria Police Scottish Borders Council SAG Group Northumberland County Council Border SAR CRA Committee representation will also be available to attend any post event meetings requested by the above bodies. Those already arranged are below: 26 August 2014: Debrief meeting with SBC Emergency Planning Team 29 October 2014: SBC Events Planning Seminar

CRA Traffic Management Method Statement ….. The Coldstream Riders Association and its event partners Scottish Borders Council, Po-lice Scotland, Northumberland County Council / RoadSafe and Northumbria Police will:- Assess the impact of the event upon traffic flows and the environment. Implement measures to reduce impact including advance publicity. Contact all the relevant authorities, who will be able to provide crucial information on their requirements for the event. Will comply with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD 2002) as to where and how signs have to be placed on a road. This regulation manual provides guidance on the placing of signs, according to the type of road and the speed limit. Will only use prescribed signs as agreed with the relevant authority and site them cor-rectly. Use the risk assessment plan to take into account the safety implications for road users and set out the road signs required in a traffic management plan. Ensure that all officials engaged on an event on a road will be briefed and wear high visibility clothing. CRA stewards will us flashing amber beacons to warn motorists, together with a sub-stantial vehicle to help prevent collisions on high risk roads. Consider side road traffic, and event signs used to warn motorists of the event, and to reduce congestion or obstructions. Remove all signs and cones at the conclusion of event, or as soon as practicable after the event has passed in partnership with Police Scotland.

Police Scotland motorcyclists escort the Norham Rideout across Norham Bridge into England. Map link:

Coldstream Riders Association

Norham Rideout Monday 4 August 2014 In charge of Rideout: Chief Marshal - Garry Lees

SECTION 2 – Rideout Events

Event Overview: On Monday 4 August the Norham Rideout with approximately 40 horses will follow the tradi-tional route along the northern Scottish bank of the Tweed and travel through the Ladykirk Es-tate to Norham, crossing the Tweed (and the Scottish/English border) at Norham Bridge. It returns along the southern English bank of the Tweed via Twizel Castle, Twizel Bridge then to Coldstream. Event Plan & Times: * One week prior to 4 August – NCC Traffic Or-der certificates to be posted around specified areas of Rideout in Northumbria. * Prior to Rideout mark relevant field gates so the police can identify them 15:15: CRA ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ at-tends briefing with Police Scotland 15:30: Marshals, stewards, and Border SAR safety briefing by Chief Marshal at The Lees (horsebox park). 15:45: CRC Foot Stewards in Hi-Viz in place at Nursery Lane and A698 adjacent to Guards Road – they will have CRA ‘emergency phone list’ in case of problems. 16:00: The Norham Rideout leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street). The route takes it through the town, up Guards Road to Todhillrig, Milne Graden, Ladykirk House, Uppsettlinton, Norham Bridge – Norham. 18:00: Arrival at Norham where the horses gather on the village green. Refreshments are provided for riders (free) and others (donation) in the village hall by Norham WRI. 18:45: Principals dance reel outside hall. Foot stewards to ensure safety of spectators on road

beside village hall and village green. RoadSafe will close road in immediate vicinity of the hall for this. 18:50: CRA raffle draw takes place. Committee thank Norham for their hospitality. Principals sing ‘Coldstream Song’. 19:00: The ride then leaves Norham on the B6470 south towards Birch Hill then off-road by West Newbiggin, Twizel Castle, (crossing A698 at Twizel Bridge) Tillmouth Farm, Tillmouth Park Hotel (short halt for hospitality), Melkington, Crammondhill, Cornhill-on-Tweed – Coldstream. 21:00: The Rideout meets the Coldstream Pipe Band at the Police Station and then proceeds through the town on the A698 before turning off at The Lees (horsebox park). 21:20hrs: Marshal/stewards debrief at The Lees – CRC Committee to ensure all is safe as riders/horseboxes leave site and check area for lost property and rubbish. Key CRA Event Management Contacts and their Responsibilities on this Rideout: (For general CRA Committee contacts see page 2) Chief Marshal: Garry Lees – 07955 488881 The ‘Chief Marshal’ is mounted and has overall responsibility and control of the ‘Rideout’ and all elements surrounding it. Rideout Support Supervisor: Ryan Maxwell – 07977 441268 The ‘Rideout Support Supervisor travels in front of the ‘Rideout’ in an all-terrain vehicle and links up the ‘Chief Marshal’ and ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ to co-ordinate exiting onto roads safely. They are also responsible for checking the cross-country route in advance of the ‘Rideout’ for any hazards – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. Roads Management Supervisor: Alastair Cunningham – 07976 930193 The ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ looks after the CRA plan for the management of all public roads that the ‘Rideout’ will encounter. They will deploy additional CRA Road Stewards when re-quired. On the Norham Rideout they will liase with Police Scotland, RoadSafe, and Northum-bria Police – while doing this they will also direct

Norham Rideout – 4 August 2014 …..

any spectators away from areas of potential danger. CRA Event Support Team: Various CRA committee members and volun-teers External Organisations Involved: Border SAR – medical cover Police Scotland – Scottish road closures/control Northumbria Police – event support Scottish Borders Council – cones/barriers/road cleaning Northumberland Council (RoadSafe) – English road closures/control Rideout Management: The ‘Rideout’ is under the direct control of the Chief Marshal, who along with his official CRA Mounted Marshals (identified with ‘Marshal’ arm-bands) control and look after the safety of rid-ers. Roads Management: The CRA’s ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ over-sees the event roads management -primarily the safety of the ‘Rideout’ while on public roads. For 2014 in Scotland they will work in co-ordination with Police Scotland and in Northum-bria with RoadSafe – with additional assistance from Northumbria Police on a ‘support’ basis. All the ‘roads team’ members have ‘highways use approved’ Hi-Vis long-sleeved jackets and ra-dios. While on public roads the ‘Rideout’ will have a front and rear vehicle escort with flash-ing beacon, if no police vehicles are available CRA vehicles will provide escorts.

Norham - Roads Management Points:

Scotland – Police Scotland to assist where possible 1: [16:00] The ‘Rideout’ leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street), the Rideout parades along here and then joins Guards Road/Duns Road just before Police Station. Leaves Duns Road to join Hatfield Loan and go cross-country. 2: Minor unnamed road north of Coldstream Mains (running from Duns Road to Oxenrigg) – Rideout Crossing Point 3: A6112 (Swinton Road) north of Lennelhill Farm junction – Rideout Crossing Point. The Rideout crosses straight over on fast, twisty stretch – police attendance has been requested. CRA have traffic management plan in place if required. Both gateways we use will be marked. 4: B6437, south of Milne Graden West Mains road junction (field gate we use will be marked). Rideout then travels on B6437 until exiting onto path at ‘North Lodge’. This is a tricky section and police as-sistance has been requested – CRA have traffic man-agement plan in place if required. 5: [17:30] B6470 (junction at Fountain Cottage, Ladykirk crossroads, with minor road to Uppsettling-ton). Rideout joins B6470 at Fountain Cottage and proceeds along this road over Norham Bridge (crossing English border) into Norham. Stop at Nor-ham village green [18:00]. England – RoadSafe for roads management 6: [18:45] RoadSafe to close small section of un-named road between village hall and village green to allow the dancing of a reel to proceed safely. 6: [19:00] Leave Norham heading south towards Birch Hill on B6470, the Rideout leaves the road south of 30mph sign. 7: [20:00] A698: At Twizel Bridge, Rideout crosses road next to car park and goes over bridge turning into Tillmouth at field gate immediately past bridge. 8: [20:10] A698 at Tillmouth Park Hotel gates – Rideout exits here and travels down unnamed road towards Stickle Heaton - Quad escorts to make this stretch safe. 9: [20:30-21:00] A698 East of Cornhill-on-Tweed (marked ‘Green Lane’ on map) to Coldstream Bridge. Rideout proceeds along A698 across Coldstream Bridge into Coldstream. A697 at Cornhill-on-Tweed roundabout and B6350 at Cornhill-on-Tweed junction need to be closed to allow horses to pass safely. Scotland – Police Scotland to assist where possible 10: [21:00] A698 Coldstream Bridge to The Lees (horsebox parking). CRA stewards at Guards Road and A6112 Lennel Road to assist Police Scotland.

Supporting Documents (in Appendix): CRA Risk Assessment Scottish Borders Council Parades Application Form Scottish Borders Council Parades Permission Letter Northumberland County Council / Road Closure Certificates Northumberland County Council Event Notification Form

Norham: It may be the countryside but even tractors are stopped by our ‘Roads Manage-ment Team’ so the Rideout can pass safely!

NORHAM - key area maps

Map link: 1



MAP KEY POINTS: 1: Lees horsebox park 2: Guards Road 3: Duns Road/Hatfield Loan

MAP KEY POINTS: 1: A6112 road crossing north of Lennelhill Farm 2: Exit from fields onto roads around Ladykirk Estate 3: Exit roads at North Lodge 4: Onto B6470 into Norham at Fountain Cottage

Map link:





NORHAM - key area maps

Map link:


2 3



1: Cross into England at Norham Bridge

2: Norham village green and hall

3: Exit B6470 near Birch Hill. (Right)

1: Road crossing at Twizel Bridge to Tillmouth Park

2: Tillmouth Hotel gates

Map link:




MAP KEY POINTS: Cornhill-on-Tweed ….. 1: Rideout rejoins A698 2: A697/A698 roundabout 3: A698 route to Coldstream

Map link:




Coldstream Riders Association

Birgham Rideout Wednesday 6 August 2014 In charge of Rideout: Assistant Chief Marshal - Les Turnbull

Event Overview: On Wednesday 6 August the Birgham Rideout, with approximately 35 horses, will be run at a pace to encourage young and inexperienced rid-ers to get involved. The ‘Rideout’ will stop at Hirsel House for the Best Turned Out horse and rider to be judged. This is the event for your first ride out and is always well enjoyed by those (experienced or otherwise) who take part. Event Plan & Times: * Prior to Rideout mark relevant field gates so the police can identify them 15:15: CRA ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ at-tends briefing with Police Scotland 15:30: Marshals, stewards and Border SAR safety briefing by Chief Marshal at The Lees (horsebox park). 15:45: CRC Foot Stewards in Hi-Viz in place at Nursery Lane and A698 adjacent to Guards Road – they will have CRA emergency phone list in case of problems. 16:00: The Birgham Rideout leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street). The Rideout goes east through Coldstream to Guards Road where it turns and rides back along the High Street. It then turns off the A698 to go into The Hirsel. 16:30: Hirsel Estate – Short stop for Caravan Club reception for Coldstreamer next to the Homestead. 16:40: Hirsel House – Best Turned Out judged by Lord Hume and refreshments provided. Prin-cipals sing ‘Coldstream’ song. Thank you to Lord Hume for hospitality. 16:50: The Rideout proceeds through the Hirsel to Crooks Lodge beside the A697, it then pro-ceeds up the A697 for a short stretch before taking the track at Hagg Wood towards Bir-gham. On the A698 east of Birgham it heads north on the Birgham Wood road before travel-ling by the bridlepath over towards the Eccles road. The Rideout then enters Birgham from the Eccles road arriving at the War Memorial Cairn. 17:40: The ‘Rideout’ arrives in Birgham by Ec-cles Road where the ‘Rideout’ is met by Pipers from Coldstream Pipe Band and two Coldstream Guards at the village hall.

17:45: A short service of Remembrance by the Minister from Coldstream Parish Church is held at the War Memorial. The ‘Coldstreamer’ lays a wreath. (This part of the day is arranged by Bir-gham villagers and is not a CRA organised event). 18:00: The ‘Rideout’ then proceeds through the village on A698 and turns off the road opposite the Fisherman’s Arms pub. Refreshments pro-vided in the field by Birgham SWRI (free for rid-ers) and the villagers run a BBQ for riders/followers who are not able to go to the pub. The pub also has food/refreshments on sale and has free musical entertainment in the pub car park. Foot stewards required to ensure safety of spec-tators on road between pub and rideout field. 18:35: The Principals will dance a reel on the road outside the pub. This has been approved by Police Scotland as it requires a short holding of traffic on A698 18:40: CRA raffle draw takes place. Committee thank Birgham for their hospitality. 18:55: The Principals will sing the ‘Coldstream’ song from horseback on A698 outside the pub prior to the ride leaving. 19:00: The rideout leaves Birgham travelling east along the A698 before turning up the un-named ‘Homebank’ road. The ride then takes the track exiting onto A697 at Hagg Wood, trav-elling down the A697 and entering the Hirsel es-tate at Dundock Woods. 20:15: The Rideout arrives back in Coldstream exiting the Hirsel onto the A698 and then turn-ing off at The Lees (horsebox park). 20:30: Marshal/stewards debrief at The Lees – CRC Committee to ensure all is safe as riders/horseboxes leave site and check area for lost property and rubbish. Key CRA Event Management Contacts and their Responsibilities on this Rideout: (For general CRA Committee contacts see page2) Chief Marshal: Garry Lees – 07955 488881 The ‘Chief Marshal’ is mounted and has overall responsibility and control of the ‘Rideout’ and all elements surrounding it.

Birgham Rideout – 6 August 2014 …..

Rideout Support Supervisor: Ryan Maxwell – 07977 441268 The ‘Rideout Support Supervisor travels in front of the ‘Rideout’ in an all-terrain vehicle and links up the ‘Chief Marshal’ and ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ to co-ordinate exiting onto roads safely. They are also responsible for checking the cross-country route in advance of the ‘Rideout’ for any hazards – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. Roads Management Supervisor: Alastair Cunningham – 07976 930193 The ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ looks after the CRA plan for the management of all public roads that the ‘Rideout’ will encounter. They will deploy additional CRA Road Stewards when re-quired. On the Birgham Rideout they will liase with Police Scotland – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. CRA Event Support Team: Various CRA committee members and volun-teers External Organisations Involved: Border SAR – medical cover Police Scotland – Scottish road closures/control Scottish Borders Council – cones/barriers/road cleaning Rideout Management: The ‘Rideout’ is under the direct control of the Chief Marshal, who along with his official CRA Mounted Marshals (identified with ‘Marshal’ armbands) control and look after the safety of riders. Roads Management: The CRA’s ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ oversees the event roads management -primarily the safety of the ‘Rideout’ while on public roads. For 2014 in Scotland they will work in co-ordination with Police Scotland and in Northumbria with RoadSafe – with additional assistance from Northumbria Police on a ‘support’ basis. All the ‘roads team’ members have ‘highways use approved’ Hi-Vis long-sleeved jackets and radios. While on public roads the ‘Rideout’ will have a front and rear ve-hicle escort with flashing beacon, if no police ve-hicles are available CRA vehicles will provide es-corts.

Birgham - Roads Management Points:

1: [16:00] The ‘Rideout’ leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street), the Rideout parades along here to Guards Road turning around and coming back along High Street. It then turns of at entrance to Hirsel. 2: [16:55] Crooks Lodge on A697 at north end of Hirsel Estate. Rideout exits onto A697 pro-ceeding north briefly before turning off at Hagg Wood track. 3: [17:05] Unnamed roads east of Homebank at end of Hagg Wood track down to A698. Quad escorts to assist in roads coverage here. 4: [17:10] A698 at bottom of ‘Homebank’ road. The Rideout briefly joins the A698 before going up the ‘Birgham Wood’ road, taking the track parallel to the road up the woods and then join-ing the bridlepath west of the woods exit. Quad escorts to assist in roads coverage here. 5: [17:30] Rideout exits bridlepath onto ‘Eccles’ road, travelling south on this to Bir-gham. Quad escorts to assist in roads coverage here. 6: [17:45] A698 in Birgham at War Memorial (west end). Short service at memorial requiring traffic to be held – Police Scotland have ap-proved this. 7: [17:55-18:00] A698 - ‘Rideout’ parades along Birgham main street to Fisherman’s Arms. Turns off road opposite pub. 8: [18:35-18:45] Principals dance reel on road outside pub. Police Scotland has agreed to stop traffic to allow this. 9: [19:00] Rideout leaves Birgham by field op-posite pub onto A698, pausing for the Princi-pals to sing the ‘Coldstream’ song from horse-back – approved by Police Scotland. 10: [19:00-19:10] Rideout travels along A698 to ‘Homebank’ road and up this to Hagg Wood track towards A697. 11: [19:20] Rideout exits Hagg Wood track and travels south on A697 before turning into the Hirsel Estate at Dundock Woods. 12: [20:15] Rideout arrives back in Cold-stream, exiting onto A698 at the Hirsel Estate exit, then directly into The Lees.

Supporting Documents (in Appendix): CRA Risk Assessment Scottish Borders Council Parades Application Form Scottish Borders Council Parades Permission Letter

BIRGHAM - key area maps

MAP KEY POINTS: 1: Lees horsebox park 2: Hirsel 3: Crooks Lodge 4: A698 junction 5: Birgham War Memorial 6: Fisherman’s Arms / rideout field

Map link:








MAP KEY POINTS: 1: Lees horsebox park 2: Guards Road turning point 3: Caravan Club reception 4: Hirsel House 5: Crooks Lodge - exit onto A697 6: Hagg Wood track—exit from A697

Map link: 6






BIRGHAM - key area maps


1: Crooks Lodge - exit onto A697 2: Hagg Wood track 3: Homebank road 4: A698 - brief crossing to Birgham Wood road 5: Birgham Wood road 6: Entry to bridlepath

Map link:








1: Eccles road 2: Birgham Village Hall / 30mph sign 3: Birgham War Memorial 4: Fisherman’s Arms / rideout field

Map link:





Coldstream Riders Association

Flodden Rideout Thursday 7 August 2014 In charge of Rideout: Chief Marshal - Garry Lees

Event Overview: The Thursday is Coldstream Civic Week's big day: Flodden Cavalcade, and after last years 500th Anniversary of the Battle of Flodden we hope to see as many of last years riders and fol-lowers as well as new faces. The Chief Marshal and committee members are working very hard to secure a ride that will be enjoyable for all and will make you want to return again. Approxi-mately 350 horses are expected. Event Plan & Times: * One week prior to 7 August – NCC Traffic Or-der certificates to be posted around specified areas of Rideout in Northumbria. *Prior to Thursday the ‘horse area’ at Flodden requires to be roped off and warning/safety signs for riders/spectators erected. Portable toi-lets for this area to be arranged as well. The rest of the Branxton Hill site is controlled by the ‘Presenting Coldstream’ committee. 08:30: CRA ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ at-tends briefing with Police Scotland (Invited also are Northumbria Police and RoadSafe) 09:00: Stewarding in place at The Lees for arri-val of horseboxes and riders. For safety cars en-tering The Lees parking area will NOT be al-lowed to leave until after the ‘Rideout’ has be-gun. Alternative parking is available for cars to park and drop-off riders in the park adjacent to Duke Street/Leet Street. Extra CRA Stewarding will be in place for this. 09:30: ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ attends briefing with RoadSafe Team Leader and North-umbria Police in Cornhill-on-Tweed plus mem-bers of the ‘Flodden CRA Roads Team’. Due to traffic volumes in Coldstream it is easier to meet here and wait for the Rideout. 09:45: Marshals, stewards and Border SAR safety briefing by Chief Marshal at Lees Farm Steading, adjacent to A698. Not at horsebox park due to traffic volumes. 10:15: CRC Foot Stewards in Hi-Viz in place at Nursery Lane, Guards Road, Lennel Road and A698 adjacent to Guards Road (A698 in case any traffic appears from Cornhill direction [possibility due to spectators at bridge], any to be directed up Guards Road) – they are to have CRA emergency phone list in case of problems.

10:30: With final road closure approval from Police Scotland ‘The Flodden Cavalcade’ leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street). It then travels along the High Street and over The Coldstream Bridge into England. 11:00: The Rideout arrives in Cornhill-on-Tweed before going off-road at Crammondhill farm road on A698, continuing cross-country via New Heaton and Pallinsburn. Principals ride off in front (by 10 mins) to allow the Flodden Memo-rial Ceremony to go ahead without holding up the main ‘Rideout’. The ‘Rideout’ crosses the A697 at Pallinsburn House [11:45-12:15hrs approx] and then goes off-road into Branxton village at the east end. 12:00: Principals attend ceremony at Flodden Memorial near Branxton Church – Presenting Coldstream are organisers of this. 12:15: The Rideout passes east to west through Branxton village turning onto the road to the Flodden Memorial. Taking the track east of the memorial the ride passes Branxton Steading be-fore galloping up Branxton Hill at 12:30 to the ‘Flodden Day’ event site. Crowd safety steward-ing on this stretch is provided by the ‘Presenting Coldstream’ and they are the organisers of events on Branxton Hill during the Rideouts stopover. 12:00-14:00: CRA Committee sell CRA badges and raffle tickets on Branxton Hill. 14:00: The Rideout leaves Branxton Hill by fields to the south, then going by Moneylaws Hill and Downham to Mindrum Station. Then travel-ling north by fields to West Learmouth. 16:15-16:25: A ‘water stop’ is normally held at West Learmouth to rest the horses if hot weather. 16:35-16:45: After West Learmouth the Rideout crosses fields and then joins the B6350 from just west of Cornhill-on-Tweed 30mph signs. The ride then enters Cornhill-on-Tweed by the B6350 at A698 junction and continues on A698 to Coldstream. 17:00: The Coldstream Pipe Band meets the ‘Rideout’ at the Police Station and it then pa-rades through the town on the A698 finishing at The Lees (horsebox park).

Flodden Rideout – 7 August 2014 …..

18:00: Marshal/stewards debrief at The Lees – CRC Committee to ensure all is safe as riders/horseboxes leave site and check area for lost property and rubbish. *After Thursday a clean-up of the ‘horse area’ at Branxton Hill is required and the water-stop at West Learmouth. Key CRA Event Management Contacts and their Responsibilities on this Rideout: (For general CRA Committee contacts see page2) Chief Marshal: Garry Lees – 07955 488881 The ‘Chief Marshal’ is mounted and has overall responsibility and control of the ‘Rideout’ and all elements surrounding it. Rideout Support Supervisor: Ryan Maxwell – 07977 441268 The ‘Rideout Support Supervisor travels in front of the ‘Rideout’ in an all-terrain vehicle and links up the ‘Chief Marshal’ and ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ to co-ordinate exiting onto roads safely. They are also responsible for checking the cross-country route in advance of the ‘Rideout’ for any hazards – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. Roads Management Supervisor: Alastair Cunningham – 07976 930193 The ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ looks after the CRA plan for the management of all public roads that the ‘Rideout’ will encounter. They will deploy additional CRA Road Stewards when re-quired. On the Flodden Rideout they will liase with Police Scotland, RoadSafe, and Northum-

bria Police – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. CRA Event Support Team: Various CRA committee members and volun-teers External Organisations Involved: Border SAR – medical cover Police Scotland – Scottish road closures/control Northumbria Police – event support Scottish Borders Council – cones/barriers/road cleaning Northumberland Council (RoadSafe) – English road closures/control Rideout Management: The ‘Rideout’ is under the direct control of the Chief Marshal, who along with his official CRA Mounted Marshals (identified with ‘Marshal’ armbands) control and look after the safety of riders. Roads Management: The CRA’s ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ oversees the event roads management -primarily the safety of the ‘Rideout’ while on public roads. For 2014 in Scotland they will work in co-ordination with Police Scotland and in Northumbria with RoadSafe – with additional assistance from Northumbria Police on a ‘support’ basis. All the ‘roads team’ members have ‘highways use approved’ Hi-Vis long-sleeved jackets and radios. While on public roads the ‘Rideout’ will have a front and rear ve-hicle escort with flashing beacon, if no police ve-hicles are available CRA vehicles will provide escorts.

Flodden - Roads Management Points: Scotland – Police Scotland to assist 1: [10:00] All planned traffic management resources by RoadSafe to be in place in Cornhill-on-Tweed. Liase in village with Northumbria Police who will support us – they cannot ‘stop’ traffic for us but will help enforce the closure order if required. 2: [!!10:15!!] * Last car allowed out of Cornhill-on-Tweed on A698 to cross Coldstream Bridge. * RoadSafe close A698 in Cornhill-on-Tweed just east of Collingwood Arms Hotel. Traffic offered diversion route down B6350 to Kelso as alternative to waiting. 3: [10:15] CRC Foot Stewards in place at Nursery Lane, Guards Road, Lennel Road. 4: [10:30] The ‘Rideout’ leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street), the Rideout pa-rades along here to Coldstream Bridge (crossing English border) and into Cornhill-on-Tweed. England – RoadSafe represent Northum-berland County Council for roads manage-ment, with ‘support’ from Northumbria Po-lice.

‘Rideout’ arrived at Collingwood Hotel at 11:00 + last horse at roundabout 11:16hrs in 2013.

5: [!!10:40!!] *Road closure in Cornhill-on-Tweed moved back on A698 (Berwick road) to just east of Cramondhill Farm roadend. CRA Road Man-agement Stewards * A697 (Newcastle road) closed at round-about * B6350 (Kelso road) closed 6: [11:20] After ‘Rideout’ passes open all roads and check Cornhill-on-Tweed for any problems. Northumbria Police will direct traffic in Cornhill-on-Tweed afterwards to help clear traffic quickly. 7: [11:40] Rendezvous with RoadSafe and Northumbria Police at Pallinsburn ‘West’ Lodge on A697 – prepare for A697 clo-sure. !! Warning – very fast road, height-ened awareness essential. Hi-Vis must be worn on arrival !! 8: [11:55] CRA Road Management Stew-ards required in Branxton to assist Princi-pals advance party if required - east and west ends of village. 9: [12:00] A697: At Pallinsburn West Lodge. Quick road crossing by Principals party of around 6 horses (10 mins in front

The Flodden Rideout crosses the A697 at Pallinsburn House Map link:

of main ride). 10: [12:05-12:15 approx] A697: At Pallins-burn West Lodge, ‘Rideout’ crosses road. Should require about 10/15 minutes of clo-sure) 11: [12:10] CRA Road Management Stew-ards in Branxton prepare to close the minor road through village to allow the ‘Rideout’ to pass through safely. No time for Road-Safe to travel there from Pallinsburn. Re-quired at east and west ends plus T junc-tion with Branxton Farm road. Roads Man-agement Supervisor will also attend. Also CRA steward required east of Flodden Monument (single track road which goes past Branxton Church) to stop oncoming traffic. 12: [12:30] ‘Rideout’ should have cleared Branxton, re-open roads. 13: RoadSafe sent to Mindrum Station – see below – to keep road clear. To be in place by 14:00hrs. Spectators will gather here early and block road. 14: [14:00] ‘Rideout’ departs Flodden (Branxton Hill) – will affect various minor single-track roads south east of Branxton-hill Farm. 15: [15:00 approx] Mindrum Station – ‘Rideout’ comes down off Downham Hill onto Mindrum Station road (adjacent to B6352).

16: Unnamed road from East Learmouth to Mindrum Mill crossed at ‘Hagg’, continuing by fields/minor roads via Pressen towards Sunilaws and West Learmouth. 17: RoadSafe sent to Cornhill-on-Tweed to prepare for ‘Rideout’ returning. 18: [16:15-16:25] West Learmouth water stop. Then the ‘Rideout’ proceeds by minor roads and fields. 19: [16:30] RoadSafe close access to B6350 from Cornhill-on-Tweed 20: [16:35] The ‘Rideout’ joins the B6350 from a field just west of Cornhill-on-Tweed 30mph signs. 21: [16:45-17:00] The ‘Rideout’ then en-ters Cornhill-on-Tweed on the B6350 at the A698 junction at Collingwood Hotel and then continues on A698 towards Cold-stream.

Scotland – Police Scotland to assist

22: [16:50] CRA stewards at Guards Road and A6112 Lennel Road to assist Police Scotland. 23: [17:00hrs] ‘Rideout’ arrives at Cold-stream Police Station to be met by Cold-stream Pipe Band who escort them through the town 24: [17:20-17:45] ‘Rideout’ turns off A698 (Coldstream High Street) into The Lees (horsebox parking).

Supporting Documents (in Appendix): CRA Risk Assessment Scottish Borders Council TTRO Scottish Borders Council Parades Application Form Scottish Borders Council Parades Permission Letter Northumberland County Council / Road Closure Certificates Northumberland County Council Event Notification Form

Led by the ‘Coldstreamer’ the Flodden Rideout gallops up Branxton Hill Map link:

FLODDEN - key area maps

Map link:


1: Lees horsebox park - exit onto A698 2: Cramondhill Farm road - exit from A698 3: Pallinsburn A697 road crossing area 4: Branxton 5: Branxtonhill Farm - ‘Flodden Event Area’

6: Mindrum Station - Rideout on this road 7: West Learmouth - water stop point 8: B6350 - Rideout joins road and enters Cornhill-on-Tweed 9: Cornhill to Coldstream 10: Rideout meets Pipe Band at Police St.

Map link:











FLODDEN - key area maps


(Above) 1: Pallinsburn exit at West Lodge 2: Rideout crosses A697 onto track (Right) 3: Branxton 4: Flodden Memorial 5: Rideout off road route to Branxton Hill 6: Branxton Hill - ‘Flodden Event Area’ (Below) 7: Rideout comes off Downham Hill onto straight at Mindrum Station (Below right) 8: West Learmouth water stop area 9: Rideout joins B6350 here

Map link:



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Map link:


Map link:



Coldstream Riders Association

Leitholm Rideout Friday 8 August 2014 In charge of Rideout: Assistant Chief Marshal - Les Turnbull

Leitholm Rideout – 8 August 2014 …..

Event Overview: On Thursday 8 August the Leitholm Rideout, with approximately 40 horses, will take place. This year will be that the same as last years Rideout in that it will be a one way event finish-ing in Leitholm where the village has arranged a fair and barbecue after the horses arrive, plus a Gymkhana for those who want to take part (horses are expected to have taken part in the rideout first). We are hoping for a great turn out this year following on from the success of the event in 2013 - it was a great family evening in a fantastic setting. Event Plan & Times (note: the Leitholm Rideout is one-way only and ENDS in Leitholm. * Prior to Rideout mark relevant field gates so the police can identify them 15:15: CRA ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ at-tends briefing with Police Scotland 15:30: Marshals, stewards and Border SAR safety briefing by Chief Marshal at The Lees (horsebox park). 15:45: CRC Foot Stewards in Hi-Viz in place at Nursery Lane and A698 adjacent to Guards Road – they will have CRA emergency phone list in case of problems. 16:00: The Leitholm Rideout leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street), it then goes up Guards Road onto Duns Road into Hatfield Loan to Coldstream Mains, then travelling south west it crosses the Duns Road just south of the Birgham/Castlelaw

road at Kincham Wood. It then crosses the Bir-gham/Castlelaw road just east of the bridge heading off cross country towards Darnchester, Hawkslaw and Marlfield to Leitholm. 17:30: The Rideout arrives in Leitholm at the west end of the village from the Marlfield track and exits onto B6461. It then rides through Leitholm and turns at the War Memorial (if no event planned there the turn will be at the ‘old garage’) to ride back through the village to the ‘Leitholm Family Fair’ field near Bughtrig - 300m east of 30mph sign on B6461. * All events in Leitholm are organised by Leitholm villagers and are not the responsibility of Coldstream Riders Association. When the horses arrive at the ‘Family Fair’ the CRA Ride-out has finished. 18:00: Marshal/stewards debrief at Leitholm re-garding full week. 19:00: Coldstream Riders Association ‘Prize Draw’ raffle will be drawn in Leitholm. Key CRA Event Management Contacts and their Responsibilities on this Rideout: (For general CRA Committee contacts see page2) Chief Marshal: Garry Lees – 07955 488881 The ‘Chief Marshal’ is mounted and has overall responsibility and control of the ‘Rideout’ and all elements surrounding it. Rideout Support Supervisor: Ryan Maxwell – 07977 441268 The ‘Rideout Support Supervisor travels in front of the ‘Rideout’ in an all-terrain vehicle and links up the ‘Chief Marshal’ and ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ to co-ordinate exiting onto roads safely. They are also responsible for checking the cross-country route in advance of the ‘Rideout’ for any hazards – while doing this they will also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. Roads Management Supervisor: Alastair Cunningham – 07976 930193 The ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ looks after the CRA plan for the management of all public roads that the ‘Rideout’ will encounter. They will deploy additional CRA Road Stewards when re-quired. On the Leitholm Rideout they will liase with Police Scotland – while doing this they will

also direct any spectators away from areas of potential danger. CRA Event Support Team: Various CRA committee members and volunteers External Organisations Involved: Border SAR – medical cover Police Scotland – Scottish road closures/control Scottish Borders Council – cones/barriers/road cleaning Rideout Management: The ‘Rideout’ is under the direct control of the Chief Marshal, who along with his official CRA Mounted Marshals (identified with ‘Marshal’ armbands) control and look after the safety of riders. Roads Management: The CRA’s ‘Roads Management Supervisor’ oversees the event roads management -primarily the safety of the ‘Rideout’ while on public roads. For 2014 in Scotland they will work in co-ordination with Police Scotland and in Northumbria with RoadSafe – with additional assistance from Northumbria Police on a ‘support’ basis. All the ‘roads team’ members have ‘highways use approved’ Hi-Vis long-sleeved jackets and radios. While on public roads the ‘Rideout’ will have a front and rear ve-hicle escort with flashing beacon, if no police ve-hicles are available CRA vehicles will provide escorts.

Supporting Documents (in Appendix): CRA Risk Assessment Scottish Borders Council Parades Application Form Scottish Borders Council Parades Permission Letter

Leitholm - Roads Management Points: 1: [16:00] The ‘Rideout’ leaves ‘The Lees’ horsebox park and joins the A698 (Coldstream High Street), the Rideout pa-rades along here and then joins Guards Road/Duns Road just before Police Station. Leaves Duns Road to join Hatfield Loan and go cross-country to Coldstream Mains. 2: [16:15] Minor unnamed road north of Coldstream Mains (running from Duns Road to Oxenrigg). Ride crosses here and heads towards Duns Road near Kincham Wood. 3: [16:30] The Rideout crosses ‘Duns Road’ from fields, straight over into Kin-cham Wood opening. Police Scotland ad-vised and field gate will be marked – this is just south of Birgham signposted road T junction. 4: [16:45] Castlelaw/Darnchester road needs to be safety checked using escort quads. Monitor junction at Darnchester for traffic heading towards Rideout. 5: [17:30] Rideout arrives in Leitholm and exits onto B6461 at east end of Leitholm (Marlfield track), it then rides through Leitholm turning at either the War Memo-rial or ‘old garage’ depending Leitholm vil-lagers requests. 6: [17:30-17:45] ‘Rideout’ progresses along B6461 to ‘Leitholm Family Fair’ field 300m east of 30mph sign on B6461 near Bughtrig. 7: [17:45approx] ‘Rideout’ leaves road and that’s 2014 completed!

2013 ‘Coldstreamer’ Grant Campbell rounds off his week in style in Leitholm!

LEITHOLM - key area maps (route 1-way only)


1: Exit Guards Road / Duns Road into Hatfield Loan to Coldstream Mains 2: Coldstream Mains 3: Crossing of Duns Road to Kincham Wood 4: Crossing of Birgham/Castlelaw road 5: Darnchester 6: Hawkslaw 7: Marlfield 8: Leitholm

Map link:









LEITHOLM - key area maps


(Above) 1: Coldstream Mains minor road crossing 2: Duns Road crossing at Kincham Woods 3: Birgham/Castlelaw minor road crossing 4: Castlelaw

(Below) Leitholm ….. 5: Rideout enters Leitholm from Marlfield track 6: Rideout turns here after going through Leitholm 7: Entrance to ‘Leitholm Family Fair’ field

Map link:







Map link:




Coldstream Riders Association

Appendices 1: SBC Parade Permission 2014 letter 2: NCC Norham Permission letter 3: NCC Road Closure Certificate - Norham 4 August 2014 4: NCC Road Closure Certificate - Flodden 7 August 2014 5: SBC Flodden TTRO 6: SBC Parade Guidelines 7: SBC Parades Application - Norham 4 August 2014 8: SBC Parades Application - Birgham 6 August 2014 9: SBC Parades Application - Flodden 7 August 2014 10: SBC Parades Application - Leitholm 8 August 2014 11: CRA Risk Assessment 12: NCC Event Notification - Norham 4 August 2014 13: NCC Event Notification - Flodden 7 August 2014

SECTION 3 – Appendices

Appendix: SBC Parades Permission letter

Appendix: NCC Norham Permission letter

Appendix: NCC Norham roads closure certificate

Appendix: NCC Flodden roads closure certificate

From: "Learmonth, Scott" <> To: "Greenwell, John (Councillor)" <>; "Moffat, Donald (Councillor)" <>; "Renton, Frances (Councillor)" <> Cc: "''" <> Sent: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 10:40 AM Subject: Coldstream - Flodden Ride Out - TTRO For your information. Scott Scott Learmonth Technician Scottish Borders Council Newtown St Boswells TD6 0SA Tel: 01835 825587 Coldstream – Flodden Rideout No parking No parking shall be permitted between the hours of 0900 and 1900 on Thursday 7TH August 2014 on both sides of the following streets: • High Street Closure The A698 between Coldstream and Cornhill-on-Tweed will be closed to vehicular traffic between 10.15 and 11.15 hours and 1700 and 1800 hours on Thursday 7TH August 2014. Alternative Route This is no alternative route and traffic will be dealt with on a hold basis for the duration of the closure.

Appendix: SBC - Flodden 7 August TTRO

Appendix: SBC Parades Guidelines

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Norham (1)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Norham (2)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Birgham (1)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Birgham (2)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Flodden (1)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Flodden (2)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Leitholm (1)

Appendix: SBC Parades Application: Leitholm (2)

Appendix: CRA Risk Assessment (1)

Appendix: CRA Risk Assessment (2)

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Norham) 1

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Norham) 2

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Norham) 3

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Norham) 4

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Flodden) 1

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Flodden) 2

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Flodden) 3

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Flodden) 4

Appendix: NCC Event Notification (Flodden) 5

Coldstream Riders Association 2014

Thank you to ….. Border Search & Rescue Northumberland County Council Northumbria Police Police Scotland RoadSafe Scottish Borders Council ….. for assisting us with the management of our Rideouts 2015 Coldstream Rideout Dates: Norham – 3 August Birgham – 5 August Flodden – 6 August Leitholm – 7 August

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