cold war…burrrrrrr!. 1.flash back to world war ii- -who were the allied powers (both leaders and...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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1.Flash Back to World War II- -Who were the Allied Powers (both leaders and countries?

2. Look on pg. 847- What country is Berlin located in?3. Page 846- Describe how the name Cold War came to be


4. You are an advisor to President Harry S. Truman in July 1945. You have traveled with him to Potsdam, outside the ruined city of Berlin, where Allied leaders are discussing postwar plans. Everyone agrees that steps must be taken to prevent another world war. But you are worried that the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin cannot be trusted.

-What advice would you give to President Truman?

1. Differentiate between the Yalta Conference and Potsdam conference. (p.844-845)

2. What was the result of the Potsdam conference? (p.845)

3. What is the purpose of United Nations? (p.846)

4. Describe the similarities between the NATO and WARSAW Pact.

5. Which Pact was the United States part of? (p.848)

1.On page 846- What is the significance of the IRON CURTAIN

2. Define Containment

3. Map pg. 847- Identify the countries that remained neutral between NATO and WARSAW

4. What was the northernmost NATO member country shown on the map?

A. Yalta Conference (1945) “Big 3” (British/U.S./Soviet Union)

1. Stalin Agrees to Elections in all E. Europe

a. LIES!!!!!!!

2. Germany to be split until elections (E. & W.)

a. Berlin split too though on Soviet side (East)

B. Marshall Plan

1. Learned lesson from WWI - What?

a. Plan to help Europe Rebuild (Even W. Germany)

1. Large Loans

2. American Equipment

3. Keeps U.S. factories going after WWII

4. Strengthens NATO and U.S. as its leader

b. Stalin hates it (Says it’s spreading capitalism)

I. OBJ #1: Describe how the end of WWII in Europe sparked the COLD WAR. What two countries became known as Super Powers? What did Churchill describe the Soviet Union doing to its part of Europe? What was the American approach to fighting the Cold War in Europe? How did Berlin become the center of this fight?

Notice the change in leaders…

The capital city of Berlin was also divided between East and West, locate Berlin… why might that be a problem????

C. Iron Curtain Descends (1948)

1. Stalin refuses Elections in E. Europe2. US and Br./Fr. Create “Free” W. Germany

a. W. Berlin included in plan

b. Stalin cuts off Berlin (No Western Road Access)


a. Berlin Airlift (Stalin cuts-off land contact with Free West Berlin)

*10 months day/night (airplanes w/supplies)

b. 1949, 2 Germanys East & West

c. Berlin Wall- 1961 (Literal Iron Curtain)

**Built to keep people IN Communist East Germany

**People were leaving and communist needed them to stay

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Fun Facts: The Berlin wall was 96 miles long… average height 12 feet… 171 people were killed trying to get from East to West Germany over the wall

1. Civil Rights Study Guide and notes are due!!

2. How did the Marshall Plan fit with the goals of the Truman Doctrine? (p.847)

3. When (year) did the first Red Scare happen? (p.854)

4. What is McCarthyism? (p.854-855)5. How did Television affect Joseph

McCarthy’s power? (854-855)6. Get out notes!

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D. Containment Policy (our policy towards COMMUNISM)


a. Plan to keep communism where it is but not let it grow

2. Armed Camps

a. West forms NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Org.

-One country attacked, they all have been (Like a team)

-Led by U.S. / Western Europe

b. Soviets respond- Warsaw Pact

-Communist Countries Military Pact

-Controlled by Moscow ! **Armed Gangs facing each other


1. Describe the policy shown above (communism FENCED in)

2. Give evidence to support this statement: Berlin was the center of the COLD WAR

3. Name the two armed “teams” that were ready to fight each other (not COUNTRIES)

Are you a communist?

4. Describe who this guy is AND what he claimed to have:

II. OBJ #2: Describe how the Cold War created a new Red Scare. What was McCarthyism and who started it? How were people treated that didn’t totally agree with McCarthy? What did McCarthy claim to have that ended up never existing.

A. Red Scare

1. U.S. citizens fear Soviet Expansion / Communism

a. Very similar to 1920’s

B. MCCarthyISM

1. Joe McCarthy- Weak Senator from Wisconsin

a. Will probably not be re-elected

2. The LIST

a. Suddenly finds list of communist that work in the U.S. government

** Will not show anyone list

** Starts questioning people

**McCarthy had NOTHING!!!!!!!!

OBJ #2 cont…

“Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the communist party?”

3. RESULTS (think DOT activity!!!!)– a. People who refused to help are assumed

guilty!– b. Witnesses start accusing other people to keep

from getting attacked!– c. Hundreds of lives ruined!– **Fired / Blacklisted / Jailed– **McCarthy HAD NOTHING!

A. United Nations1. 1st plan – League of Nations after WWI **U.S. refused to Join!! (Isolationism)2. Designed to keep countries from going to

war a. Peace Keeping -International

Cooperation3. Leadership

**Security Council (Really in Charge!)a. Reason U.S. desides to joinb. U.S., Fr., Br., USSR, and later China (All have VETO POWER w/1


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Flag of the United Nations

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III. OBJ #3: Describe the first ‘Hot War’ of the Cold War (Years). What was the role of the U.N. in the war? How did the Soviets mess up and allow the U.N. to fight a communist country? How did General McArthur become a hero during the war but was also fired? What was the result of this ‘Hot War’?

B. KOREAN War (1950-53) **Communist N. Korea attacks the South! 1. South Korea asks U.N. for help a. U.S., Br. And Fr. Support helping b. Soviets walk out of Security

Council **Vote goes anyway – Help S. Korea (They don’t do that again! Forgot Veto!)

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OBJ #3 Cont…

OBJ #3 Cont…2. U.S. and Free world aid S. Korea

a. Push N. Korea to Chinese Border-McArthur wants to invade China**Talks about dropping the BOMB!

b. Chinese Invade to help N. Korea -U.S. in full Retreat (Thousands killed!)c. Peace w/U.S. and China border restored to where it d. was prior to war (38th parallel) DEMILITARIZED

IV. OBJ #4: Describe how the U.S. and the USSR competed in the area of technology. What was the first man-made object put into space (What country got it there / year)? What event made the U.S. winner (year)?

A. Competition

1. The Race

a. Arms Race

-Competition to build the most nuclear and non-nuclear weapons

BIG: 1950’s, 60’s and 80’s

**Arms control talks in late 1970’s limits

- ICBM- Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

**Missiles could be fired from one continent to the other

accurately this meant war could happen at any time.

b. Space Race

-Competition to make it to Space 1st

--Soviets win: launch first artificial satellite Sputnik (1957) *If the Soviets could launch a satellite, what else could they do????

-The MOON: J.F.K launches APOLLO PROJECT (1961) with goal of reaching moon by 1969.

**July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin land on moon!!!!

V. OBJ #5: Describe the ‘Domino Theory.’ What ‘Hot War’ did the U.S. become involved in because of this theory? What advantages did the Vietnamese have in fighting? What about Ho Chi Minh made the Domino Theory wrong? How did the draft and lottery cause trouble in the U.S.? What happened in 1975?

A. The Domino Theory

1. If one country goes Communist the surrounding countries will fall too

2. Vietnam War (1955-1975)

a. 1950’s- Money support for S. Vietnam

b. 1960’- Troop Support Added to Vietnam

**Gulf of Tonkin – N. Vietnamese ‘attack’ U.S ships in gulf

-Congress allows “Take all necessary measures” Gulf of TonkinResolution

c. 1970’s- Troops Withdrawn

*1973: U.S. agrees to withdraw, P.O.W.’s returned

**1975: Saigon, capital of S. Vietnam,

falls to communist forces

OBJ #5 Cont…3. Vietnam Reaction at Home

a. Good at 1st – STOP COMMUNISM

*Ho Chi Minh not interested in spreading communism, wants to end COLONIALISM

(control by others)

b. DRAFT/LOTTERY- Big Problem

**College Students Exempt

(But most opposed to the war)

**Others Fled to Canada

c. HIPPIES! - Totally opposed to war

VI. OBJ #6: What approach did Ronald Reagan take towards winning the Cold War? What was ‘Star Wars’? How did Gorbachev affect the fall of communism? What symbolized the end of the Cold War? symbolized the end of the Cold War?

A. End of Cold War

1. Détente (1970’s) - Nixon

*Relax or ease international Tension

a. Open relations w/Communist China

**USSR & China don’t get along even though both Communist

b. Began Arms talks w/USSR

**Reduce Nuclear Weapons!

-Stop Testing? – NV.

B. The “Evil Empire” – 1980’s

1. Reagan Challenges Soviets

*Says we believe they are bad “EVIL”

a. Starts Building Arms Again

-See if Soviets can keep up (Checkbook!)

b. Challenges Them : “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!

2. Soviet Change- Glasnost/Perestroyka

- Gorbachev’s attempt to open Soviet society


3. Iron Curtain Falls! (E. Europe Free)

**Soviets do not react (Had in past-Hungary)

- Bush as President

4. –NOV. 9, 1989 Berlin Wall Falls


Competition: Allied Countries- Domino Theory

Ideology- Communism v. Capitalism Science- Space Race Technology- Cars/Military Sports?-


OBJ #6 Cont…

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