coffee hour presentation

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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The Student Population at the University of Oregon:


The International Student Population at the University of Oregon: 1,200

In a classroom full of 20 students

In a classroom full of 20 students

One of those students is probably international.

If you take 16 credit hours at the University of Oregon for 4 years…

…with only 20 students in each class…

You will sit in the same classroom as an international student 48 times

But how many do you know?

Quick! Name an international student from Asia, Europe, and South America

Were you able to name three?

Were you able to name one?

It’s understandable if you don’tknow many international students

After all, you might not have much in common with them

They might speak a different language

They might have different friends

They might have different political views

But they have at least 1 thing in common with you:

They’re students at the University of Oregon

And they’re curious…

…just like you!

They want to know things about…

The University of Oregon


The United States

Things that you are an expert in!

But they might be to nervous to ask you directly

So how do you get to know international students?

Every Friday, you have an opportunity to interact with…

A crowd of international students

Every FridayFrom 4 to 6 p.m.

In the Mills International Center

(in the EMU, above the post office)

You can sit down on one of the cozy couches…

…with a free cup of coffee…

…and have a conversation with a student…

…that you could only normally have in China…


…or Saudi Arabia…

… or anywhere outside the US!

So please, stop by coffee hour.

And next timeYou see an international Student in your class…

Say, “Hi.”

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