codes and conventions of documentaries

Post on 16-May-2015






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By Jordan Potsig-Simpson

Codes and Conventions of documentaries:

Interviewee’s/subjects (To gather the views of different people. This helps to then create argument in the exposition*

Voice over artist (Known as the “voice of god”, as they will control how the audience are positioned during the documentary)

Exposition* ( Top ensure that the documentary has point) Mise en Scene (An appropriate place, which relates to the topic, which then emphasizes it) Diagonal eye line to the camera Graphics (Name cards during the interview-usually at the bottom on the screen, on the

opposite side of the screen to where the interviewee is positioned Interviewee’s can be placed either side of the screen (Some documentaries decide to stick to

the same side interview shots for the entire documentary to have more continuity, but you can change the sides that the interviewees are on to have more variety

Cutaway shots during the interviews, to anchor the response of the interviewee. These shots are also used to fill the space in between the interviews, and will usually anchor the information the voice over is providing

Archive material can be used to show history of the topic and/or to just provide the audience with more information about the topic

Rule of thirds (Eye line shot should be 3/4 of the way up the screen) Medium close up shots are also common during interviews

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