codal analysis

Post on 03-Aug-2015



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Codal Analysis

Keir Jenkins

Visual Code• Depiction of characters running from

law enforcement with stolen goods falling from their person displays crime is evident in the film, suggests it is heavily featured.

• Sexual scenes displayed, implying adult themes are present and heavily focussed on.

• Scene of character ‘falling down toilet’ shows possible surreal scenes, most likely from the effect of drugs or alcohol.

Audio Code• Narration from character uses swear words frequently, implying adult language and themes

are used throughout the film

• Music used is fast and rocky, suggesting the film will be fast, and plays with the theme of “sex, drugs, rock and roll.”

• Sounds of dog barking create a sense of chaos/ violence, implying these will be present in the film throughout.

Enigma Code• Characters are shown running from police/ law enforcement, making the viewer

want to know why they are running, what they have done and why the have done it.

• Constant talking of regular lives with contrast of exciting crime life makes viewer want to see just how wild character’s lives are.

Visual Codes

• Use of firearms displays that this is a crime- based film, with threat of violence

• Use of gambling shows adult themes and possible further demonstration of crime

Audio Codes• Fast- paced music is used to show action or high- speed film.

• Description of London as “fish, chips, cup o’ tea; London” shows comedic areas.

• “Bare knuckle fight” “I want to use the pikey” Description of illegally organised fights and use of derogatory terms suggests adult themes and crime throughout.

• “You can call me Susan if it makes you happy” Further reference to comical elements made.

• Sounds of guns loading implies crime and violence will be featured

Enigma Code• Constantly referring to a certain diamond, ignites suspicion and curiosity among

audience members; “Who will have the diamond in the end?”

• Constant threats given to different characters, indicating something bad may happen, but the result is not shown to the audience, inciting curiosity

• Clear problem when boxer doesn’t go down as he was told to, shows there is tension between characters, will make the audience want to see what happens.

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