cockermouth school news · dr r p petrie bsc phdmaking this such a successful term. have a restful...

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Jonny Edgar - Red Bull

Year 5 Science Curriculum Day

Cockermouth School News 27 March 2018

Issue 5


Dr R P Petrie BSc PhD

a s p i r e

e n j o y

i n c l u d e

r e s p e c t

c o m m u n i t y

A Message from the Headteacher

I can hardly believe that the spring term is about to end! While this is a shorter term, we have crammed a great deal into it, and it was a pleasure to report at the Full Governing Body meeting this week on the huge range of activities that have gone on in school. The Chair of Governors will be writing to parents/carers shortly to share this information with you. In the meantime, I would like to mention an exciting development involving a group of staff and students who have completed Mental Health First Aid training this term. Working with Governors and staff, the students are implementing a range of strategies to raise awareness and offer support to any in the school community who are experiencing challenges in the area of mental health, and I look forward to seeing the positive benefits of this initiative. I would like to thank my staff, our students, all parents/carers and our friends in the wider community for the hard work that has gone into making this such a successful term. Have a restful and enjoyable Easter break.

Forthcoming Events:

Y5 Curriculum Day :

28 March

Easter Holidays :

30 March - 15 April

Erasmus Trip to Czech Republic:

15 - 21 April

Y7 Parents Evening :

25 April

Junior Maths Challenge :

26 April

Post 18 Information Evening :

1 May

May Day Bank Holiday :

7 May

Y13 May Ball

11 May

Y10 Parents Evening :

21 May

Half Term Holidays :

28 May - 1 June

Cockermouth School is a company limited by guarantee ∙ Registered in England ∙ Company No: 09679536

Hogwarts Express made a

special delivery to our school at

the end of February. 150 Year 5

students from our feeder primary

schools. Students were

transported into the wizarding

world of Harry Potter where they

were challenged with a series of

tasks. In Professor Lupin’s

classroom they helped Hermione

make flesh eating slug slime, and

assisted Neville Longbottom in

getting his potions in order. They

were also able to identify Ron

Weasley’s Slytherin kidnapper by

using chromatography. The

highlight of the day was searching

for the Philosophers Stone which

had been hidden in Gringotts

Bank. A truly amazing day was

had by all. Our special thanks go

to the science department and

their technicians for making the

day such a success and for their

fabulous attention to detail in

transforming our school into

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft

and Wizardry - complete with a

fully functioning Platform 9 ¾ !

March has been a busy month for Y9 student Jonny Edgar with much of it being spent on the karting circuits of Italy. The Red

Bull sponsored junior karting star, having recently taken part in a photoshoot, can been seen here sporting his new racewear.

Keep up the good work Jonny, we look forward to seeing you on the podium again with some more silverware very soon.

Year 8 Sports Tour The

The annual Year 8 Sports Tour to Manchester took place over

the weekend of 16 & 17 March. This event is held in

acknowledgement of the support the students provide to the PE

department when playing sporting fixtures outside of school

hours. The trip saw students travel to Marple Hall School in

Stockport to compete against the school in a variety of sports

including rugby, football, hockey and netball. Overnight

accommodation, a Super League game between Salford Red

Devils and Hull FC, a trip to the Trafford Centre and a football

match between Oldham Athletic and Portsmouth were all

included in the weekend adventures. A special treat organised

by Mr Woodcock, saw our students bear the team flags at the

Super League game and the

opportunity to walk the pitch at

half time. Lots of positive

comments were received from

the staff at Marple Hall and the

general public on their maturity

and sportsmanship. Well Done.

Accelerated Reader™ Millionaires

96% of our parents believe that Cockermouth School

provides an environment that is safe and secure.

KS3 Badminton

School Uniform

We are delighted to work alongside Riff Raff, located

on Main Street in town, as the main suppliers of our

school uniform. Livy offers a fantastic service to our

students and their parents in stocking the full range of

branded uniform and offering advice on appropriate

sizes - check out her Facebook page! Cockermouth

School & Community Association (CSCA) would like to

encourage parents to donate unwanted or outgrown

uniform to the Cerebral Palsy Charity Shop, located on

Station Street, who are the nominated stockist of

second hand uniform in the town. They too offer a

valuable service to our school community by recycling

and raising valuable funds for their charity.

An interview with:

Mrs Milledge - English

Rapid fire questions:

Where was your first teaching post - Cockermouth School!

I came to do my teaching practice here, fell in love with

the view from S12 and never left.

Biggest regret - Giving up the piano in Year 5.

Describe yourself in one word - Optimistic.

What is your guilty pleasure - Sneaking out on my bike on

my day off when I have a million and one other jobs to do

and finding a café in which to wile away the time.

Dream car - 1960s VW Karmann Ghia – about the same

age as me!

Favourite superhero - David Attenborough.

How do you spend your free time - Apart from being the

family taxi, walking Ralph (lovely pointador) on the fells,

riding my bike, cooking, watching films and reading


Name something on your bucket list - To see the Northern

Lights from inside the Arctic Circle or to ski the Whistler.

Following an impressive win in the county Centre Parcs

Badminton Competition in Carlisle, our KS3 players

made the trip down to Manchester on 6 March for the

regional round. Corey, Sam, Dan and Connor each

played in eight matches, which were a mixture of

singles and doubles, against four other schools. The

last two deciding matches were extremely tight with

both being lost 14-15 which meant they narrowly

missed out on attending the next round in Milton

Keynes. The team came away with a silver medal for

which they were extremely happy with. Well played,

awesome effort. Our thanks go to Ali Wright and Alistair

Stewart for accompanying the boys.

Cockermouth School

& Community


February 100 club winners -

1st Mr & Mrs Rawlinson £24

2nd Ms H Rudd £18

3rd Miss H E Kelly £12

For only £12 per year you too

can join the 100 Club Draw. If

you are interested in joining

please contact reception for a

subscription form.

Our AR Millionaire’s

Club is getting

bigger! We are

delighted to

introduce you to our

special book addict

members who have

read more than a

million words so far

this year. Fantastic

effort, keep it up.

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