coal operations capability statement 24pp

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Coal OpeationsC A PA B I L I TY S TATE ME N T




    A L E A d I N g P r O v I d E r O M I N E r A L P r O C E S S I N g

    A N d A S S O C I A T E d I N r A S T r u C T u r E S O L u T I O N S

    T O T h E g L O B A L r E S O u r C E S I N d u S T r Y

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Seman poies all seices

    eqie to opeate an manae

    ChPP assets




  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    4 Seman opeational cetainty

    7 Benets o enain Seman

    14 rioos stateic amewok

    16 Opeations poles

    18 Intenational actiity

    19 recent Majo Pojects

    20 Empasis on ealt, saety an enionment

    21 Appoac to qality assance

    21 Instial elations an employee etention

    21 desin an pocess innoation

    22 reseac an eelopment

    Table o Contents

    Sedgman Limited 2011 Australia ABN 86 088 471 667

    Cover: Ajstin te Jameson cell isolatin ales at Coppabella ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Macat Coal.Opposite: Sonoma 800 t/ ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia , wit aw wate am in oeon.

    Seman is:

    A poie o all seices eqie to opeate an manae ChPP assets

    Te st enineein company to se 3d moellin in coal pocessin an anlin plant (ChPP) esin

    Te winne o mltiple awas o saety, ChPP esin an opeations in Astalia

    hole o te biest maket sae o ChPP pojects in Astalia in te last six yeas oe 50%

    deelope o moe tan $Aud 1.7 billion o ChPPs since 2003

    Pocesso o >20Mt/a o coal ne client opeational contacts.

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp



    oeol ceyA leain seice poieSeman Limite is a leain poie o mineal pocessin

    an associate inastcte soltions to te lobal

    esoces insty.

    Wat ieentiates Seman is te simplicity o o soltions,

    te cetainty an qality o o eliey, o saety ocs an

    o commitment to continal impoement.

    Seman ales te lon-tem elationsips bilt wit leain

    minin companies o wom we ae netaken te esin,

    poject eliey an opeation o esoce anlin an

    pepaation plants.

    Meetin mineals an coal clients' nees wit aance

    pocessin an mateials anlin tecnoloies as place

    Seman at te oeont o new lobal minin eelopment.

    Key ies tat ieentiate

    Seman coal opeationsSeman poies all seices eqie to opeate an

    manae coal anlin an pocessin plant (ChPP) assets.

    om astly expeience opeato-maintaines an site

    manaes to asset manaes an opeations sppot sta, we

    ae te capability to maximise a client's etn

    on inestment.

    Seman opeations as sccesslly execte aios

    ChPP opeational moels, om owne-opeato to contact

    opeation. O saety, enionment an asset manaement

    an opeations sppot contine to set new insty


    We can opeate Seman esine plants o tose esine

    by otes.

    hain one o te laest in-ose coal-specic enineein

    wokoces in te wol contibtes to Seman's opeations

    sccess. Bein actiely inole in many o te majo coal

    pocessin an anlin acilities eelope since te mi-

    1990s as eslte in eectie an ecient esin expetise

    an opeational nestanin.

    reay access to aance esin inpts om 200-pls

    eninees an 100-pls opeations pesonnel asses clients

    o te ey best opeational soltions an otcomes.

    Bul o us, secy oesh

    A owin nmbe o clients tst Seman to bil, own

    an opeate o to manae tei plants to lon-tem


    eates o Seman contact options oee incle:

    ChPP poject paticipation an isk tanse ia SemanBil, Own an Opeate (BOO) o Bil, Own an Opeate

    an Tanse (BOOT) scemes

    Lon-tem contacte opeations manaement o clients'

    existin plants

    Key benets incle:

    Enance poctiity to maximm n time

    resoce ecoey optimisation

    Pocess eciency impoement

    Eectie saety pactices

    Waste ection

    Incease topt ates

    ewe beakowns

    Lowe acilities opeatin costs

    Eectie eqipment tilisation.




  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Majo an mino plant paes tat minimise isption

    to poction

    Impoement o existin opeations to maximise esoce

    optimisation an acility peomance

    dept o talent, poiin assance o expeience backp

    an expet aice wit one o te wol's laest coal

    enineein an opeations wokoces nmbein moe

    tan 500 poessionals acoss a iese ane o isciplines

    An eniable eco o peomance, saety, eliability an

    eciency to eectie pocessin soltions

    Sae isk (ain/pain) peomance stctes.

    a cosse och o ll cles

    Seman ses a consistent metooloy to opeate acoss

    all sites.

    A ston ocs on bil in in-ose expetise enses tat te

    knowlee obtaine at any one site can be applie o te

    benet o clients at all sites.

    By ceatin tis syney, we ae te ability to tilise

    expeience opeatos to a new site witot impactin te

    existin opeations.

    Wen Seman commences at a site, te new opeations-

    maintenance team neoes an in-ose competency

    tainin poam to ense it is ily pocient om te

    otset. Tis poen system enables s to poie any nmbe

    o ily qalie sta to stat new plants o take oe

    bownel sites.

    A te initiatie tat benets clients is te se o a lon-

    tem maintenance otlook. Te wole-o-lie eciency o

    te plant is maximise by a stateic appoac tat eces

    wastae witot compomisin lon-tem

    maintenance peomance.

    Te maintenance statey incopoates conition-base an

    peictie metos ate tan xe-time metos. Weeas

    conentional plant maintenance inoles eplacin o

    seicin eqipment on a xe timeline, Seman's aance

    inspection an monitoin systems eslt in eectie

    maintenance otcomes.

    Te meto eces maintenance costs consieably, wit

    eqipment only eplace wen eqie. Plant aailabilityinceases amatically te plant still nees ela

    maintenance bt as moe maintenance cecks

    tan epais.

    S Ed g M AN'S SAETY ,

    E N v I r O N M E N T A N d A S S E T

    M A N A g E M E N T A N d O P E r A T I O N S

    S u P P O r T C O N T I N u E T O S E T

    NEW STANd Ard S

    Top Let: Coneyo inspection at Mooale 600 t/ ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Macat Coal.Top Right: Se bin at re Montain 1,000 t/ ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Clients: Peaboy Eney / BhP Mitsi Coal.

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Lowe oe coss

    Bencmakin acoss te Astalian coal insty conms

    tat all Seman-opeate plants ae in te lowest qatile oopeatin costs pe ee tonne.

    Bes-o-se oeos soluos

    Seman Coal Opeations stcte coes e etically

    inteate bsiness moels tat wok seamlessly to poie

    best pactice, best-o-site soltions:

    Owne-opeate ChPP inastcte esine an bilt by

    Seman eninees (BOO an BOOT scemes)

    Lon-tem contact opeate clients' existin ChPPs

    Eninee, poce, constct (EPC) o eninee, poce,

    constct, an manae (EPCM) clients' plants

    deelop an opeate paes o existin plants

    Spply on-call opeations sppot an peomance ait


    C L E A r C L I E N T B E N E I T S I N C L u d E

    S u P E r I O r P r O C E S S I N g E I C I E N C I E S

    ANd ABO v E INd u STrY - STANd Ard


    Clea client benets ae:

    Speio pocessin eciencies meetin o

    exceein annal bet topt an poct


    desin ies inteate into opeations ensin

    optimisation o otpt peomance an saety

    Low opeatin cost isk poles minimise ia acycle o poactie maintenance plannin

    Plant aailability i annal n os, aboe

    insty stana

    An exemplay instial elations eco.




  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Eu eloshsSeman emains lly committe to maintainin ston,

    lastin an mtally ewain elationsips wit all clients.

    Some o o lon-tem opeations contacts exten moe

    tan a ecae. We continally leeae o enineein

    expeience an pocess knowlee accmlate oe 30

    yeas to a ale to onoin an new client elationsips.

    We contine to patne wit clients to poie eliable an

    cost-eectie soltions to tei pocessin nees. Bilin

    lastin an mtally potable elationsips is te key to te

    next benet maximisin client etns.

    mxse eu o vese

    hans-on expeience an wole-o-lie ChPP opeation

    ense clients benet om cost-ecient pocessin tat

    expeites coal to maket timeames.

    Seman's manaement stcte, low oeeas an

    absolte ocs on te eliey o ale o money means te

    seices o ily skille an expeience senio poessionals

    ae oee at competitie ates.

    Te wokoce stctes an maintenance systems Seman

    as in place ece oeeas sinicantly. Less pesonnel

    an less eqipment ae se, nescoin o pinciple o

    simple, cetain qality.

    guee eoce

    rioos peomance aantees lly satisy citeia aee

    wit clients.

    Wen esinin an bilin ChPPs, Seman oes

    obst an pactical aantees tat ense optimal plant

    peomance. Simila peomance aantees can be

    incopoate into opeations contacts o existin plants ancan encompass:

    Topt an aailability

    Actal plant yiel compae to te teoetical yiel o

    a paticla aw coal type, sin LIMN simlation moel

    otpts as te basis o te aantee

    Eciency o majo pocess nits

    Moiste content an eaent consmption

    density contol (specic aity) nctionality

    Poct eclaim an tain loa ot

    Seman's aantees ense aee peomance citeia

    ae met continally toot te opeations contact.

    Tis is aciee by otine aits, typically concte six-

    montly. rotine aily an montly aits also ense plant

    opeational eciency is optimise.

    icese vlblySeman esins plants to opeate o a minimm o 7000

    os a yea in as, oten emote enionments, settin an

    attainable insty bencmak base on eliable tecnoloies

    an pocesses.

    Becase we opeate plants tat we esin an bil, we

    continosly stie to impoe te saety, eliability an

    eciency o te soltions we poie.

    O opeations an maintenance manaement seices

    poce eliable aailability an topt otcomes tat

    ae sstaine in a sae enionment yea ate yea.

    Coecl s

    Establise in 1979, Seman Limite was liste on te

    Astalian Stock Excane in Jne 2006.

    Tis ollowe a peio o sstaine owt as a leain

    poie o pocessin an inastcte soltions to te

    lobal esoce insty.

    Wit oe 800 pesonnel an a maket capitalisation o

    appoximately $300 million, te company is well place to

    maintain its lobal leaesip ole an poie clients wit

    cetainty o sccessl completions on-time an on-bet.

    Coecl och

    A fexible commecial appoac enses pemim otcomes

    o poctiity, incease eene an lowe costs.

    Eey contact is neotiate to ense speio etns o

    te client.


    Benets o enain Seman

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Kowlee se

    Te niqe leanins o Seman's boa expeience in coal

    anlin an pepaation ae bot to eey opeation.

    Innoations an pocess impoements in Seman-opeate

    ChPPs ae capte in a knowlee base o te se.

    Similaly, knowlee aine by o esin, constction an

    commissionin ops is consoliate an sae to

    an inteate bsiness pocess in a cycle o continos

    impoement as emonstate in o inteate bsiness

    moel in ie 1.0.

    Tis moel, wit key leanins eein in at eey stae o

    te cycle, elps to establis new insty bencmaks oeciency, saety, plant st own, aailability an costs pe

    tonne o pepaation an anlin.

    Te istibtion o leanins between sites poces

    consistency o opeations eleant to a wie ane o

    capacities an aiable esoce qalities.

    Opeations soltions ae eelope an simplie, ensin

    te eliey o simple, cetain an cost-eectie qality.

    Key eates o te Seman Opeations Moel escibe in

    ie 2.0 incle:

    Atonomos site teams

    Centalise sppot

    Lean opeational teams

    Eectie maintenance stateies

    Ecient se o eqipment

    Low oeeas

    Client ocs.

    Te way Seman pocesses eac expeience back into

    continos impoement, Seman continally impoes

    tecnoloies an tecniqes to potect an enance te

    wole-o-lie ale o o clients' plant inestments.

    Wile eey Seman-opeate site as its own ecentalise

    manaement team, o ea oce can elay key leanins o

    tecnoloy benets eelope o any one site to eey site.

    We ae extensie expetise at eey site an witin o

    centalise opeations sppot team we collaboatiely stie

    to aciee KPI's, optimise an impoe.

    O-cll ocess hl exese

    Sinicant sains can be aciee by otsocin opeations

    to Seman, wit o pocessin knowlee enablin s tooptimise otcomes o eac coal plant.

    We can also elp existin opeatos impoe opeations

    to consltancy aeements.

    Te expetise o moe tan 30 pocess eninees on sta is

    eaily aailable to o clients. I iclt pocess isses aise,

    o eiew mecanisms an ston pee sppot ense te

    it people ae ocse on eelopin an implementin te

    best soltion.

    We can also poie ily expeience opeato-maintaines

    to any site ntil an isse is esole.


    Benets o Seman's bsiness moel cycle o

    continos impoement:

    database o knowlee to maximise pocess an

    anlin eciencies

    Systems tat ense clients' plant an eqipment

    ae opeate an maintaine to optimal stanas

    A wealt o opeational expeience at all o

    opeational sites, sppote by an expeience, on-

    call team o tecnical poessionals

    Acieement o optimal plant aailability an

    eliability taets

    uncompomisin saety an enionmental





    O C u S O N T h E C L I E N T

    I S C E N T r A L T O T h E

    S E d g M A N S E r v I C E M O d E L

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Figure 2.0: Seman Opeations Moel - sain Tecnical, resoces an Manaement Sppot acoss mltiple sit es enses innoation an continos impoement isimplemente at all sites as well as ecin site oeeas.

    Figure 1.0: Te Seman inteate bsiness moel

    Site 1

    Site 2

    Site 3

    ndecentalise atonomos manaement teams nCentalise esoces an oeeas

    Top let: Pocess testin at re Montain 1,000 t/ ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Clients: Peaboy Eney / BhP Mitsi Coal. 9

    Electical eninees Pocess einees Maintenance eninees Mecanical eninees Aministation

    Manaement Sppot hSE Sppot Tainin hr / Ir

    Head ofce support






    E C























    CLiEnt FOCUS

    SusCl Woks

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Aance opeations manaement systems enable s to tailo

    eqipment, maintenance plans o manaement stateies to

    matc site eqiements.

    Seman's opeatin statey ienties actos aectin

    ecient an consistent pocessin o rOM coal into poct

    coal an establises a metooloy an pocee to

    peom, monito an coect tose actos.

    Monitoin, epotin an systems ectication is aie by a

    iect link between Seman's Bisbane sppot team an

    te mine site ia online access to bot te local see an

    opeato inteace.

    Oeos Key peoce icos

    Seman's ioos epotin eqiements eco key

    peomance inicatos inclin:



    Poct yiel


    utilisation an eciency o xe an mobile plant

    acility aailability

    Aeence to coal qality specications

    vaiability by poct type o as an moiste aile

    Meetin tain loain peomance taets

    Optimisation o wate consmption.

    Sele ece

    Incopoation o CMMS compte-base maintenance

    sotwae allows istoical analysis o eqipment peomance

    to optimise te opeatin an maintenance pactices.

    Maintenance peomance is able to be monitoe an

    optimise centally in Seman's Bisbane eaqates,

    ecin oeeas.

    By sin CMMS acoss all Seman's cent opeations,

    otine maintenance pocees ae able to be continosly


    CMMS allows pocees, Job Saety Analyses (JSAs) an

    sceles to be easily linke to otine jobs, ensin coect

    ocmentation an lowein te saety isk.





  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    new e o echcl soluos

    Seman is now makin wiely accessible its peecte

    tecnoloies wic potect an enance te wole-o-lie

    ale o plants an lit te bencmak o seices aailable to

    te coal insty.

    Seman's opeations sppot team oes on-call specialist

    sppot not only to existin contact opeations, bt to clients

    toot te insty.

    Te Seman oe o inepenent expetise can sinicantly

    ece opeational isk, incease saety, boost topt an

    impoe oeall plant eciency.

    rela stcte aits o call-ot 'ot isse' emeiation

    by Seman aess:

    Manaement systems

    hman esoces, saety an tainin

    Metallical an pocess enineein

    Mecanical an mateials anlin enineein

    Electical an contols enineein

    Stctal an ciil enineein


    Poject an constction manaement

    Aministation sppot an ocment contol.

    Let: Commissionin pase at Milemont ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan. Client:Milemont Coal.

    Top: Seman oes te oemost expets in its el.Next page: Stockpilin at re Montain 1,000 t/ ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan,

    Astalia. Clients: Peaboy Eney / BhP Mitsi Coal.

    Te ocs o Seman opeations sppot:

    Optimisin acility peomance Extactin optimm ecoey om te

    aailable esoce

    Peictin te esoce an pocess

    optimisation canes

    Ientiyin acility bottlenecks an ientiyin

    e-bottleneckin stateies

    Establisin obst lon-tem maintenance plans

    Assistin site-base pesonnel in eectie esoltion

    o opeational isses.

    S I g N I I C A N T S A v I N g S C A N B E A C h I E v E d B Y

    O u T S O u r C I N g O P E r A T I O N S O r C O N S u L TA N C Y

    A g r E E M E N T S

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp





  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    h A v I N g O N E O T h E L A r g E S T I N - h O u S E

    C O A L- S P E C I I C E N g I N E E r I N g W O r K O r C E S

    I N T h E W O r L d C O N T r I B u T E S T O S E d g M A N ' S

    O P E r A T I O N S S u C C E S S

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Te ollowin stanas ae applie to Seman's stateic

    manaement amewok.

    asse ee ece

    Asset manaement plans ae eelope specically to sit

    site caacteistics wic coe component manaement,

    peioic inspections an known eects.

    Clealy ene, elaly eiewe maintenance stateies ae

    assine to citical eqipment. Te stateies contain te bestmix o peictie, peentie an n to aile actiities sin

    CMMS, an onoin ealation poie to

    eliability enineein.

    rotine maintenance pocees, JSAs an maintenance

    sceles an monitoin poams ae eelope o all

    eqipment items. Stan leels an maintenance sceles

    ae matce aainst te client's poction eqiements.

    Scele maintenance can be poamme to take

    aantae o non-poction peios to minimise elays.

    Majo stowns ae only scele ate consltin witte client.

    mece Sevces

    Oeo oceues

    Seman plant opeatos ae taine to comply wit client

    an insty competency stanas to appoe

    tainin mateials.

    Te competencies ae assesse in accoance wit eleant

    occpational ealt an saety leislation an Seman

    minimm stanas wic alin wit te national stanas

    o nations in wic we opeate.

    In Astalia, te Seman Tainin Poam consists pimailyo tainin stanas implemente by te coal

    minin insty.

    Maintenance seices aane an cooinate as

    pat o Seman opeations contacts incle:

    Mecanical, electical an contols

    Mateials anlin eqipment

    Mobile eqipment seicin

    Conition monitoin


    Samplin eqipment aits

    Majo epais/stown actiities on mecanical,

    electical an mateials anlin eqipment

    Majo epais on mobile eqipment

    hyalic maintenance

    Cetie weie calibations

    raiation instment calibations

    Belt maintenance (e belt splicin)

    Poision o canes.

    rioos stateic amewok

    O P E r A T I N g P r O C E d u r E S A r E d E v E L O P E d

    W h I C h E N A B L E P L A N T O P E r A TO r S T O

    O P T I M I S E T h E C O A L r E C O v E r Y P r O C E S S

    O r I N d I v I d u A L C h P P S//SEdg



  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    relbly eee

    Te eqipment eliability amewok acoss Seman's ChPP

    opeations is base on poactie maintenance tecniqes

    sc as aile component analysis, epetitie aile analysis,

    oot case analysis an maintenance statey eiews.

    Tese tecniqes combine to om a aile inestiation

    metooloy ocsin on incient ealation, incient ata

    analysis, coectie action implementation an coectie

    action contol.

    Tese incle:

    Oil samplin an analysis

    Citect contol system ten eiew


    vibation analysis

    data analysis (CMMS)

    visal inspections

    Bioscopic inspections.

    Benets incle:

    Impoe eqipment peomance

    rece eqipment an plant owntime

    rece maintenance spen

    Impoe eqipment an plant aailability

    Polone eqipment lie

    Incease eqipment an plant poctiity.

    CHpp oe oceues

    Site-specic opeatin pocees ae eelope wic

    enable plant opeatos to optimise te coal ecoey pocess

    o iniial ChPPs.

    Te objectie o tese pocees is to maximise te ecoey

    wile still aciein te eqie poct as an

    total moiste.

    Pocess cicits in te coal pepaation plant ae continally

    monitoe. Poct qality aiations e to canes in te

    caacteistics o te ee coal o canes in plant conitions

    ae ajste by te opeatos to impoe coal qality an

    ecoey witin te limits o te installe plant.

    moble eque oe

    Seman possesses extensie coal opeations expeience in

    bot rOM coal an poct coal stockpile manaement.

    Te cent mobile eqipment feet o o Astalian

    opeations incles 10 Catepilla tacke ozes (8 x d11,

    1 x d9, 1 x d8) an one 992 Loae o te specic ppose

    o stockpile manaement.

    Tese macines ae all manne by Seman employees

    taine in-ose an wo collectiely ae woke in excess

    o 100,000 os.

    Le ee syse

    In mi-2010 Seman intoce a new leanin

    manaement system tat captes inomation abot teskills an qalications o o employees, aministes cose

    attenances an elies online content an assessment o

    compliance-base tainin.

    Te Seman Leanin Manaement System poies a

    consistent appoac to manain tainin inomation an

    enables manaes to moe easily obtain eal-time inomation

    abot tei sta capabilities to poie best-o-poject

    skills matcin.

    15Top let: Sonoma ChPP, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Sonoma Mine Manaement.

    Top right: Opeatin te ChPP at Milemont Mine, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan. Client: Milemont Coal.

    S E d g M A N O E r S r O B u S T A N d

    P r A C T I C A L g u A r A N T E E S T h A T E N S u r E

    O P T I M A L P L A N T P E r O r M A N C E

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp





    Coppabella ChPP

    12 years Macarthur Coal

    dele des, Cosuco

    Oeo (1998-ese)

    Seman as opeate te ChPP at

    Coppabella Mine in Qeenslan since

    initially bilin a 600 t/ plant o

    Macat Coal in 1998.

    Seamless opeations ae contine

    since, incopoatin poessie plant

    paes to 800 t/, poiin a

    bencmak o eciency, aailability

    an capability o a sinle mole plant.

    Coppabella poces 8.5% as wase

    poct o te expot pleise coal

    injection (PCI) maket.

    Seman is esponsible o opeatin

    an maintainin te pocess plant,

    mobile eqipment an tain loain on

    a 24/7, 363 ays a yea basis.

    Blai Atol ChPP

    10 years Rio Tinto Coal Australia

    Bul Ow Oee Coc

    (2000-ese )

    Blai Atol in Qeenslan's Bowen

    Basin was a bil, own, an opeate

    (BOO) poject o Seman inolin

    esin an constction o aelocatable 250 t/ ense meim

    cyclone an spials plant to pocess 'ot

    o specication' coal.

    Te oiinal opeations contact as

    been olle oe o a te e

    yeas as te esoce qality epletes

    towas te en o mine lie. Tee

    is an incease nee to pocess coal

    nsitable o iect sale to te

    Seman-owne acility to aciee te

    esie poct qality.

    Te plant as been poessiely

    pae an optimise to consistently

    poce eqie qantity an qality

    o poct coal. Tis acieement is

    notable becase o te nee to pocess

    a continally canin ee type o

    iminisin qality.

    Mooale ChPP

    7 Years Macarthur Coal

    des, Cosuco Oeo


    Mooale is a 600 t/ coal anlin

    an pepaation plant settin simila

    bencmaks to Coppabella.

    Seman as opeate te plant ne

    contact to Macat Coal since

    inception in 2003 an, like Coppabella,

    tis contact as been extene o a

    te tee yeas.

    Seman oiinally bilt te plant,

    netakin enineein, pocement

    an constction (EPC) o an initial

    450 t/ ChPP in 2002- 2003, an ten

    oeseein its pae to 600 t/

    in 2007.

    Plant eciency an opeatin tilisation

    ae been aboe insty bencmaks

    wit epeat peomances o eate

    tan 7,400 n os.

    Seman aims o 7,200 os o

    opeatin time annally.

    Opeations poles

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    re Montain ChPP

    4 Years Peabody Energy/BMC

    Cosuco, Cosso,

    Oso Oeos


    re Montain is a 1,000 t/ coal

    anlin an pepaation acility

    esine an constcte by otes.

    Seman assiste wit stat p,

    ectication an optimisation woks

    post constction to enable tis plant to

    eac ll esin capacity o

    1000 t/ otpt.

    Tis was aciee by implementin

    eqie ectication an optimisation

    actiities o te plant, wic initially

    expeience iclty aciein esin

    poction ates an eliability.

    Seman's ectication pocess

    cost eectiely aciee an

    exceee acility esin taets, wit

    impoements mae oe seen monts

    wile maintainin poction.

    Sonoma ChPP

    3 Years Sonoma Mine Management

    des, Cosuco Oeo


    Seman as opeate te Sonoma

    Mine ChPP o Sonoma Mine

    Manaement o tee yeas since

    bilin te plant in 2007.

    Tis inole netakin etaile

    esin to to commissionin o

    an initial sinle stae 800 t/ plant,

    ollowe by inclsion o a secon

    stae cicit ealy in 2008 an ten

    oeseein a nes cicit pae

    in 2009.

    Te Sonoma poject sms p te way

    Seman oes bsiness, extenin a

    ston elationsip wit te client intoa lon-tem opeations contact ate

    enineein an eliein all tee

    poject staes on time an on bet

    witot lost time injies.

    Milemont ChPP

    mleou Col

    des, Cosuco Oeos

    (Ely 2011 s)

    Milemont is a 400 t/ coal anlin

    an pepaation acility tat can be

    eaily pae to 700 t/.

    Te acility as been abicate an

    constction an commissionin is

    expecte to be complete on site

    in late 2011. Seman as sece

    a 10-yea opeatin contact wit

    Milemont Coal. Te cicit

    conation inoles ense meim

    cyclone, spials an fotation.

    Top let: Ceckin ot ept at Mooale ChPP in te Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Macat Coal.Top right: Still peomin stonly ate 12 yeas at Coppabella ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Macat Coal.

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Sedgman ofce locations

    Bisbane, Mackay, Townsille, Pet, Beijin, Joannesb, Santiao, ulanbaata an Mapto

    Seman is a lobal company, able to aw on expetise,

    knowlee an expeience aine aon te wol.

    Wit ea oce in Astalia an eional poessional

    sta in Cina, te Ameicas an Sot Aica, we

    omlate an aapt soltions to aess specic eional

    nees an opeatin enionments.

    O intenational bsiness bs nestan an wok

    eectiely in local enionments, at te same time

    poiin a potal an conit to Seman's

    lobal expetise.

    Eciencies an client sains ae aine by employin

    local know-ow, sppote by lobal specialist knowlee

    tanse, common systems an pocesses an Seman's

    accmlate leanins.

    Intenational actiity











    ukaa Ka (uhg) ChPP

    Energy Resources LLC Mongolia

    Seman as been awae an opeational eainess

    contact an a tee-yea contact to manae te ChPP

    at uhg 1. Ate sccessl eliey o Pase 1, a 900

    t/ ChPP, Seman in 2011 aine contacts o ChPP

    opeation an Pase 2 enineein, pocement an

    constction manaement.

    Te tee yea opeations manaement contact o te

    uhg1 plant is expecte to commence in te 4t qate

    o Y2011.

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp

    19/24Top let: Te new Milemont ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Milemont Coal.

    / / COaL / O p Er at i O n S

    recent majo pojects

    Project Name Location Coal Type ChPP ee (Mt/a) Client

    Completed Projects

    Moatize Mozambiqe Cokin / Temal 28 Mt/a vale

    Benga Mozambiqe Cokin / Temal 5.6 Mt/a riesale

    ATCOM Sot Aica Temal 18 Mt/a Xstata Coal SA

    Bocamina Upgrade Cile Temal 7 Mt/a Enesa

    UHG 2 Monolia Cokin / Temal 15 Mt/a Eney resoces

    Lake Vermont 2 Astalia Cokin / Temal 6 Mt/a Lake vemont resoces

    Narrabri Astalia Cokin / Temal 6 Mt/a Witeaen Coal

    Bengalla Upgrade Astalia Temal Benalla Minin Company

    Middlemount Astalia Cokin 2.8 Mt/a Milemont

    Daunia Astalia Cokin 5.6 Mt/a BMA

    Current Works In Progress

    El Cerrejon Upgrade Colombia Temal 3.5 Mt/a Cabones el Ceejon

    UHG 1 Monolia Cokin / Temal 5 Mt/a Eney resoces

    Lake Vermont Astalia Cokin / PCI 5.6 Mt/a Lake vemont resoces

    Lake Lindsay Astalia Cokin / Temal 5.6 Mt/a Anlo Ameican

    Dawson Astalia Cokin / Temal 15 Mt/a Anlo Ameican

    Hail Creek Astalia Cokin 11.2 Mt/a rTCA

    Hail Creek Expansion Astalia Cokin 22.4 Mt/a rTCA


  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Seman as a po istoy tat elies coal pojects ee

    o lost time injy, wit one o o Astalian opeational

    pojects celebatin eits yeas LTI-ee in 2009.

    O coal opeations ae eceie accolaes om clients o

    saety initiaties. rio Tinto Coal Astalia awae Seman

    te Blai Atol Mine Innoation Awa o ceatin a soltion

    to a potentially azaos sitation in te was plant.

    We ae committe to poiin a clte o a sae an

    ealty wok enionment o all employees, sbcontactos

    an isitos as a namental bsiness pinciple.

    O objecties ae aciee to a concete eot by all

    manaes, employees, consltants, contactos an spplies

    in te implementation o tese policies. Wee a sae way

    o oin tins is ilite, we embace it an implement

    into o systems.

    iee och

    Seman's manaement tool o Saety is o healt, Saety

    an Enionment Manaement System (hSE Manaement


    Seman tilises a compeensie mappin tool listin all

    ocments containe witin te company hSE Manaement

    System to compae bot te client's an leislatie stanas

    wit tose o Seman.

    HSE ss

    Aeence to 14 Seman hSE Stanas enses a

    consistent intepetation an implementation o o

    hSE policy.

    Tese stanas coe all aspects o hSE peomance an

    apply to all actiities wit potential to aect te ealt an

    saety o people o to am te enionment. Seman's

    expectations an eqiements o hSE peomance incle:


    risk assessment an manaement

    Plannin an taet settin


    Tainin an awaeness

    Peomance monitoin

    Aitin an eiew.

    Empasis on ealt, saety an enionment

    P r O v I d I N g A S A E A N d

    h E A LT h Y W O r K E N v I r O N M E N T

    O r A L L I S u N d A M E N T A L





  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    / / COaL / O p Er at i O n S

    Appoac toqality assance

    Seman's appoac to qality assance is ie by te

    specic nees o clients, anin om small incemental

    impoements, to to sae on-time an on-bet

    eliey, to maximisin te yiel.

    O Qality Manaement System, wic is base on

    ISO9001:2008, is eae o continos impoement an

    incopoates ioos eiew pocesses to monito, impoe

    an ie all opeation otcomes.

    Instial elations anemployee etention

    Seman's appoac to instial elations ies appopiate

    consieation to te opeational cicmstances, inclin

    clients' peeences.

    We ae expeience in sin a nmbe o instial

    aanements, inclin collectie an iniial aeements,

    wic ae yiele positie wokin elations an aoie

    aese impacts on poject elieables, o o opeational


    o example, we n a leane oanisational stcte,

    poiin opeatos wo ae also lly qalie to netake

    plant maintenance, esltin in ece labo oeeas.

    Tee is no i esial maintenance cew on site.

    Seman as concte inepenent bencmakin o sta

    etention in compaison wit simila opeations. O taet is

    to emain witin te ppe qatile wic enses skille sta

    etention witot sacicin competitieness. Seman see it

    as citical to maintain tis position to ense low tnoe o

    skille sta.

    desin an pocessinnoation

    O onoin innoation an eseac emboies o

    commitment to always nin te best possible pocess to

    optimise opeations an seices.

    Mc o Seman's beakto innoation an opeational

    excellence contines to be peecte in Astalia, in Cental

    Qeenslan's Bowen Basin an in te hnte valley o New

    Sot Wales.

    Tese contibte sinicantly to o sccess in poiin new

    ChPP inastcte acoss te wol.

    Seman Coal Opeatin repotin System (SCOrS) is typical

    o o continos impoement an innoation.

    SCOrS is an innoatie poction monitoin an epotin

    system wic playe a pat in te Blai Atol, Mooale an

    Sonoma milestone site peomances o Janay 2010.

    It won te 2009 Eninees Astalia Qeenslan diision

    awa o Enineein Excellence o Contol Systems,

    Netwoks, Inomation Pocessin an Telecommnications.

    It was also a inalist at te 2009 Astalian Enineein

    Excellence Awas.

    Te system as poen its wot, enablin continos

    impoement in pocesses an plant opeations acoss emote

    eional acilities it is eal-time ata tansome into eal-

    time inomation o eal-time ecision makin.

    S E d g M A N P r O v I d E S O P E r A TO r S

    Wh O ArE AL SO u L L Y Q u AL I I Ed TO

    u N d E r T A K E P L A N T M A I N T E N A N C E

    Top let: Te Micocel in opeation at re Montain 1,000 t/ ChPP , Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Clients: Peaboy Eney / BhP Mitsi Coal.21

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    Seman's commitment to continos impoement,

    eseac an eelopment ies clients cetainty tat o

    poject soltions incopoate te latest, most innoatie an,

    most impotantly, eliable tecnoloies.

    Te coe actiities o Seman's opeations eseac aneelopment ae iecte at:

    Enancin te eciency, topt an poctiity

    in coal anlin an pepaation plants by eelopin

    innoatie pocess fow-seets

    Ientiyin, to systematic inestiations o opeational

    ChPPs, impoements to poctiity, pocess yiel an

    nes ecoey

    Inceasin ChPP eliability an aailability to

    te intoction o new tecnoloies tat minimisenscele plant maintenance

    deelopin ily atomate acilities o mateials

    anlin o coal an waste pocts

    Ientiyin an assessin emein tecnoloies witin te

    intenational esoces insty o possible application to

    coal pocessin an tanspotation.

    Examples o ecent an cent r&d actiities incle:

    deelopin niqe fow-seets an systems o te co-

    isposal o tailins oe lon istances wile maximisin te

    ecoey o pocess wate se in sly pmpin

    deelopin a emote plant contol system to assist

    opeatos o ChPPs to mlti-task an incease poctiity

    wile ecin te eqiement o opeatin labo

    deelopin eciencies in te opeation o iniial ChPP

    pocess nits, inclin impoements in fotation eciency,

    incease cyclone peomance, manetite ecoey, olle

    sceen peomance an opeatin capability o Jameson

    fotation cells

    deelopin an implementin atomate tain loa-ot

    acilities to niomly foo loa eac ail waon.

    reseac an eelopment

    Top let: Inspectin te poct stackin coneyo at re Montain ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Clients: Peaboy Eney / BhP Mitsi Coal.Right: A iew back to te CPP om te poct coneyo at Mooale ChPP, Bowen Basin, Qeenslan, Astalia. Client: Macat Coal.22




  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp


    / / COaL / O p Er at i O n S

    A C O M M I T M E N T T O C O N T I N u O u S

    I M P r O v E M E N T, r E S E A r C h A N d d E v E L O P M E N T

    g I v E S C L I E N T S C E r T A I N T Y

  • 8/2/2019 Coal Operations Capability Statement 24pp



    Se Le He OfceLeel 2, 2 gane CloseMilton QLd 4064AuSTrALIA

    Postal aess:PO Box 1801Milton BC QLd 4064AuSTrALIA

    Telepone: +61 (7) 3514 1000

    Se Le peh3 Cai SteetBswoo WA 6100AuSTrALIA

    Postal Aess:PO Box 39,Bswoo WA 6100AuSTrALIA

    Telepone: +61 (8) 6255 0000

    Se Le towsvlle14-64 Instial AeneBole Instial EstateTownsille QLd 4810AuSTrALIA

    Postal Aess:PO Box 7237gabtt QLd 4814AuSTrALIA

    Telepone: +61 (7) 4774 5577

    Se Le mcky11 / 121 Bonay roaPaet (Mackay) QLd 4740AuSTrALIA

    Telepone: +61 (7) 3113 6560


    Se Souh ac py L1st loo Eco Cot340 Witc-hazel AeneCention 0157SOuTh ArICA

    Postal Aess:Postnet Site 425Piate Ba x108Cention 0046

    SOuTh ArICA

    Telepone: +27 (12) 648 2000

    South America

    Se Sageneal holley 2381Piso 3751-0032 PoienciaSantiao ChILETelepone: +56 (2) 365 6100


    Se Eee techoloy (Bej) Co LSite 1004, Towe 1TEdA Times CenteNo.15 gana roaCaoyan distictBeijin, 100026P.r. ChINA

    Telepone: +86 (10) 8588 6508

    Se LLC1st loo, Section dSky PlazaOlympic Steet 12SBdistict, ulaanbaataMONgOLIA

    Telepone: +976 7012 5516

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