cms guidance document department of health & …...cms will be implementing software...

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CMS Guidance Document Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS)

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Date: August 31, 2007

Planned Web Site Address HPMS and

Release planned: ASAP


SUBJECT: Announcement of Fall Software Changes

APPLIES TO: All Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plan, Cost, PACE, and Demonstration Organizations Systems Staff

I. SUMMARY OF DOCUMENT: CMS will be implementing software improvements to the enrollment and payment suite of systems this Fall to support the Medicare Modernization Act. As part of this effort, system changes have been scheduled to move into production as of November 8, 2007 affecting Plan exchanges with CMS for the January 2008 payment month, unless otherwise noted. This letter provides information regarding these changes so Plans may assess the impact on their organization and make any necessary changes to accommodate the changes described below. In general, Plans will see resultant changes in the Medicare Advantage & Part D Inquiry System (Common UI), as well as the enrollment and payment reports and data files.

The changes for the Fall release are categorized as follows and described in the memo in greater detail:

1. Enrollment Processing Changes

• Annual Auto-Enrollment and Facilitated Enrollment Opt-Out • Change to Data for Uncovered Months • Disenrollment Reason Codes • New Retroactive Enrollment (62) Transaction • Additional Special Election Period (SEP) Election Type Distinctions • Enrollment Source Code for Enrollment Transactions • Disenrollment Reason Code 10

2. Report and Data File Changes

• Medical Savings Account (MSA) & MSA Demonstration Data • Interim Plan Payment Reports • Data Source for Medicaid Status Part C Risk Adjustment • De Minimis Data





Clearance & Point of Contact (POC) Name/Telephone/Component

Senior Official Clearance Alan Constantian/410-786-2773/OIS/ISDDG Henry Chao/410-786-7811/OIS/ISDDG

Agency POC Victoria Guarisco/410-786-0265/OIS/ISDDG/DMPOCS

IV. TYPE (Check appropriate boxes for type of guidance)

Audit Guide Change Request

X HPMS Joint Signature Memorandum/Technical Director Letter Manual Transmittal/Non-Change Request State Medicaid Director Letters

X Other

V. STATUTORY OR REGULATORY AUTHORITY: [include the citation of what statute or regulation is being interpreted. If not applicable, indicate N/A]


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850


DATE: September 13, 2007

TO: All Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Plan, Cost, PACE, and Demonstration Organizations Systems Staff

FROM: Henry Chao /s/ Deputy Director, Information Services Design and Development Group

SUBJECT: Announcement of Fall Software Changes

CMS will be implementing software improvements to the enrollment and payment suite of systems this Fall to support the Medicare Modernization Act. As part of this effort, system changes have been scheduled to move into production as of November 8, 2007 affecting Plan exchanges with CMS for the January 2008 payment month, unless otherwise noted. This letter provides information regarding these changes so Plans may assess the impact on their organization and make any necessary changes to accommodate the changes described below. In general, Plans will see resultant changes in the Medicare Advantage & Part D Inquiry System (Common UI), as well as the enrollment and payment reports and data files.

The changes for the Fall release are categorized as follows:

1. Enrollment Processing Changes

• Annual Auto-Enrollment and Facilitated Enrollment Opt-Out • Change to Data for Uncovered Months • Disenrollment Reason Codes • New Retroactive Enrollment (62) Transaction • Additional Special Election Period (SEP) Election Type Distinctions • Enrollment Source Code for Enrollment Transactions • Disenrollment Reason Code 10

2. Report and Data File Changes

• Medical Savings Account (MSA) & MSA Demonstration Data • Interim Plan Payment Reports • Data Source for Medicaid Status Part C Risk Adjustment • De Minimis Data

Revised: 09/13/07

1. Enrollment Processing Changes

Annual Auto-Enrollment and Facilitated Enrollment Opt Out Current CMS policy as stated in Chapter 2 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual and the PDP Guidance – Eligibility, Enrollment, and Disenrollment allows a beneficiary to opt out of auto-enrollment (AE) or facilitated enrollment (FE). When a beneficiary requests to opt-out of AE or FE, the Part D Opt-Out Flag (field 24) is set to ‘Y’ using a PBP change (71) transaction (MA organizations only) or a disenrollment (51) transaction (all Part D Plans). This prevents the beneficiary from being auto-enrolled or facilitated-enrolled into a Part D Plan. The opt-out flag does not prevent a voluntary enrollment by the beneficiary.

Effective with the Fall software release, CMS will modify the PBP change (71) transaction to also include ‘N’ as a valid value for the Part D Opt-Out Flag (field 24). The Plan change (72) transaction will also be modified to allow all Part D Plans to use the Part D Opt-Out Flag (field 24) to change a beneficiary’s election from ‘Y’ to ‘N’ and vice versa. The weekly/monthly Transaction Reply Report (TRR) will also be updated to reflect this change. Refer to Attachment G (data file) and Attachment H (report file) for details.

CMS has also created a new Opt-Out (41) transaction for use by CMS and authorized staff such as 1-800-MEDICARE, CMS Regional Office, and other CMS staff solely for the purpose of setting the Part D Opt-Out Flag to ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Any changes made using this new transaction type will be reported to Plans via the weekly/monthly TRR, with a value of ‘41’ in the Transaction Type Code (field 16) on the TRR record.

Two transaction reply codes (TRCs) are being updated and one new TRC is being added as a result of this change. Refer to Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) for details.

TRC 130 – Part D Opt-Out Rejected, Opt-Out Indicator Not Valid A submitted transaction 41/51/54/71/72 was rejected because the Part D Opt-Out Flag contained an invalid value. Valid values of Part D Opt-Out flag are as follows:

� For transaction type 41, valid values are Y and N � For transaction types 51/54/71/72, valid values are Y or N or blank

TRC 131 – Part D Opt-Out Accepted A transaction 41/51/54/71/72 was received that specified a Part D Opt-Out Flag value or a change to a Part D Opt-Out Flag value. The Part D Opt-Out Flag value on the transaction was accepted. The new value for the Part D Opt-Out Flag is reported in field 38 on the TRR record.

TRC 714 – UI Part D Opt-Out Change Accepted A CMS user updated the beneficiary’s Part D Opt-Out Flag value. The new value for the Part D Opt-Out Flag is reported in field 38 on the TRR record.

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Change to Data for Uncovered Months Effective with the Fall release, the way in which CMS processes the number of uncovered months (NUNCMO) for Part D Plans will be modified, as will the way in which Plans populate the field. The following summarizes the changes Plans will see on the Common UI and BEQ Response file, as well as the change in the process of submitting uncovered months data.

Changes will be made to the Common UI to include the beneficiary’s number of uncovered months (NUNCMO) data. A new section entitled “Number of Uncovered Months” will be added to the center of the Beneficiary: Eligibility (M232) screen to provide the following functionality:

� Complete history of Plan submitted NUNCMO data � Beneficiary information for each Part D enrollment processed on or after November 15,

2007 will be automatically assigned an incremental NUNCMO indicator � Beneficiary information for each Part D enrollment processed prior to November 15,

2007 will be automatically assigned a cumulative NUNCMO indicator � Part D enrollment and employer subsidy periods will continue to display separately

A sample of this updated screen is provided in Attachment A: New/Updated UI Screens.

It is important to note that any change in the number of uncovered months, as validated and submitted by Plans following the CMS LEP/CC guidance, impacts the late enrollment penalty and subsequently the total premium amount. The CMS LEP/CC guidance is presented in the August 13, 2007 memo from Anthony Culotta entitled “Technical Errors in Enrollment Transactions for Creditable Coverage Period Determinations.”

Plans may view the data used to calculate the late enrollment penalty and total premium amounts on the new Beneficiary: Eligibility (M232) screen, which will include the following fields:

� Start Date: Part D Plan Effective Date � Indicator: Defines the number of uncovered months as incremental, cumulative, or reset;

valid values are: I – Incremental: For enrollments processed on or after 11/15/2007 C – Cumulative: For enrollments processed prior to 11/15/2007 R – Reset to 0 (cumulative): This value sets the late enrollment penalty (LEP) to zero for the remainder of the beneficiary’s enrollment

� Incremental Number of Uncovered Months: This field will display ‘0’ for enrollments processed before 11/15/2007

� Cumulative Number of Uncovered Months: Displays the cumulative number of uncovered months; this value is used in LEP calculations

� Record Add-TimeStamp

CMS authorized staff will also have the ability to update NUNCMO data. Changes will be reported to Plans via the weekly/monthly Transaction Reply Report (TRR) with Transaction Reply Code (TRC) 716 – UI Changed the Number of Uncovered Months.

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The BEQ Response File will be modified to include the NUNCMO data submitted by Plans. An updated layout is provided as Attachment F: Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File.

Enrollment (60/61/62) and PBP Change (71) TransactionsEffective with the Fall release, Part D Plans will submit an incremental, rather than a cumulative, NUNCMO for a beneficiary in a Part D enrollment transaction (60/61/62) and PBP (71) change transaction. A Plan may also submit a 60/61/62/71 transaction with Creditable Coverage Flag = ‘R’ which will reset the cumulative NUNCMO to zero as of the enrollment effective date. Details on these transaction types may be found in Attachment C: Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71).

Note: The NUNCMO field applies to Part D Plans only. If a non-drug Plan submits a transaction with a non-blank value in the NUNCMO field, the transaction will be rejected with TRC 172 - Change Rejected; Creditable Coverage and/or Primary/Secondary Drug Information Not Applicable.

Plan change (72) Transactions Currently, Plan change (72) transactions for non-4Rx are prospective and apply only to Current Payment Month minus one month (CPM-1) through Current Payment Month plus two months (CPM+2). Plan change (72) transactions for 4Rx may be prospective as well as retroactive. In situations where the Plan is unable to submit a Plan change (72) transactions within the range of CPM-1 to CPM+2, the Plan needs to contact its Division of Payment Operations (DPO) representative to receive approval to submit the Plan change (72) transactions in a “retro” file.

Effective with the Fall release, Plans will be able to submit a NUNCMO change via a separate 72 transaction. Plan change (72) transactions for NUNCMO may be retroactive but not prior to August 1, 2006, or prospective but not beyond CPM+2.

Plans may submit multiple change transactions for the same beneficiary in the same transmission file. Details on these transaction types may be found in Attachment D: Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File.

In a Plan change (72) NUNCMO transaction, Plans will be required to provide the effective date, new NUNCMO, and the current contract/PBP information. In addition, the following requirements must be met:

� The Creditable Coverage flag must be ‘N’ or ‘Y’, the NUNCMO value must be non-blank, and the effective date of the change transaction must match the effective start date of the Part D enrollment or the effective date of a previously submitted (and accepted) Plan change (72) NUNCMO transaction.

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� If the Creditable Coverage flag reported on the Plan change (72) NUNCMO transaction is ‘R’ (Reset LEP to 0) and the NUNCMO value is zero or blank, the effective date of the change transaction is not required to match the effective start date of the current Part D enrollment period. However, the effective date must be within the Part D enrollment period or match the effective start date of the Part D enrollment, and may not be beyond CPM+2 or retroactive prior to August 1, 2006.

� Plans will be able to undo or reset the Late Enrollment Penalty (LEP) by submitting a ‘U’ in the Creditable Coverage flag in a Plan change (72) transaction. The effective date must match the effective date of the reset NUNCMO transaction. This will cause the LEP to be recalculated for the beneficiary.

� To rescind LEP for a beneficiary with multiple active NUNCMO periods, a separate 72 transaction must be submitted for each NUNCMO period.

� A beneficiary’s current Plan will have the ability to correct a previous Plan’s NUNCMO. � When the Creditable Coverage flag is submitted with a value of ‘R’ or ‘U’, the

NUNCMO value will always be assumed to be zero. � Only NUNCMO-related data elements shall be accepted for processing.

Refer to Attachment D: Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data Files for details.

Important: Plans must submit changes to NUNCMO data as a separate transaction. NUNCMO 72 transactions submitted with data in non-NUNCMO fields will be rejected.

If multiple transactions (60/61/62/71/72) containing NUNCMO data for the same beneficiary are processed during the same week, all of the transactions will be reported on the same weekly TRR. The most recent NUNCMO status can be determined by checking the processing timestamp in field 43 of each TRR record for the beneficiary. Details on the TRR layout may be found in Attachment G: Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File.

To more clearly communicate the status of the NUNCMO data processing, CMS has added seven new Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) and modified four existing TRCs to accommodate validation edits of Plan change (72) transactions for the submitted NUNCMO. Details on these TRCs may be found in Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs).

TRC 124 – Enrollment or Change Rejected; Invalid Uncovered Months Field The transaction (60/61/62/71/72) was rejected because the “Number of Uncovered Months” field contained a non-numeric value; OR, the “Uncovered Months” field was zero when the Creditable Coverage Switch was set to “N”; OR, the “Uncovered Months” field was greater than zero when the Creditable Coverage Switch was set to “Y” or blank; OR, a code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank “Number of Uncovered Months” field contained a non-numeric value. Transactions should be resubmitted with corrected fields.

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TRC 126 – Enrollment or Change Rejected; Invalid Creditable Coverage Flag The transaction (60/61/62/71/72) was rejected because the “Creditable Coverage Flag” field contained an invalid value. A code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank “Creditable Coverage Flag” field contained an invalid value. Transactions should be resubmitted with corrected fields.

TRC 141 – Creditable Coverage Change Accepted The beneficiary’s creditable coverage information has been changed successfully (Creditable Coverage Flag, Number of Uncovered Months). This change was the result of a plan-submitted change (72) transaction.

TRC 178 – Late Enrollment Penalty Rescinded The beneficiary’s base late enrollment penalty has been rescinded to $0 as a result of the beneficiary’s number of uncovered months having been rescinded to zero. The $0 penalty amount will be in field 52 (base penalty).

TRC 214 – Plan Change Rejected, Both Uncovered Months and Other non-4Rx Changes Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the submitted transaction included number of uncovered months as well as for other non-4Rx information plan changes. The effective date edits for uncovered months change are different than the effective date edits for other non-4Rx information.

TRC 215 – Uncovered Months Change Rejected, Invalid Effective Date Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the effective date on the number of uncovered month change transaction is before August 1, 2006; OR the effective date on the number of uncovered month change transaction is after the prospective Current Payment Month plus two months (CPM+2); OR the effective date on the change transaction does not match with any row in the Creditable Coverage common table.

TRC 216 – Number of Uncovered Months exceeds the maximum possible value Enrollment (type 60/61/62), PBP change (type 71), or Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. Number of uncovered months is not consistent with the number of months for Part D enrollment. The number of months is defaulted to zero and the transaction is processed. Plan should resubmit correct number of uncovered months via a Plan change (type 72) transaction.

TRC 217 – Can’t Change LEP Reset Uncovered Months Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the submitted transaction attempted to change the number of uncovered months for an effective date corresponding to an “LEP Reset” transaction in the CMS database.

TRC 218 – LEP Reset Undone Plan change (type 72) transaction to undo an “LEP Reset” transaction was successfully processed.

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TRC 219 – LEP Reset Accepted The beneficiary’s Number of Uncovered Months has been reset to zero due to either a new IEP or a Late Enrollment Penalty reconsideration decision. The beneficiary’s Late Enrollment Penalty is set to zero for the remainder of the enrollment.

TRC 716 – UI Changed the Number of Uncovered Months A CMS user changed the Number of uncovered months of the beneficiary.

Disenrollment Reason Codes To identify voluntary versus involuntary disenrollment actions submitted by Plans, the CMS enrollment system will accept one of four possible values in the existing Disenrollment Reason Code field on the disenrollment (51) transaction. Refer to Attachment C: Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71) for details. The following table defines the appropriate codes and when they should be used.

Please note: Plans are not required to have the change for disenrollment reason codes described below implemented for the Fall release. In order to provide time for Plans to make system changes to accommodate the CMS system change, these disenrollment reason codes are not mandatory for use with disenrollment transactions until the CMS Spring release in April 2008.

Plan Action When to Use Code Value Voluntary Disenrollment Beneficiary requested disenrollment

during a valid enrollment period 11 Involuntary Disenrollment for Failure to Pay Plan Premiums

Beneficiary has failed to pay Plan premiums and Plan has completed all the necessary steps in CMS disenrollment guidance to effectuate an involuntary disenrollment


Involuntary Disenrollment for a Move Out of Plan Service Area

Beneficiary has been determined to be out of the Plan service area according to the procedures in CMS disenrollment guidance, and all requirements necessary to effectuate an involuntary disenrollment have been met


Involuntary Disenrollment for Loss of SNP Eligibility

Beneficiary has been determined to no longer meet the eligibility requirements for enrollment in an exclusive SNP, and all requirements to effectuate an involuntary disenrollment, as defined in CMS disenrollment guidance (including the deemed continuous eligibility provisions) have been met


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Because Plans may take until April 2008 to implement this enhancement, if a Plan submits a disenrollment (51) transaction after November 8, 2007 with a blank value in the Disenrollment Reason Code field, the CMS system will default to disenrollment reason code 99. When this occurs, the disenrollment will be accepted and processed, assuming all other existing disenrollment processing edits are successful, and the Plan will receive the appropriate Transaction Reply Code (TRC). In addition to the applicable TRC normally provided, Plans will also receive TRC 205. Refer to Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) for details.

TRC 205 – Invalid Disenrollment Reason Code Invalid disenrollment reason code was submitted in the transaction. MARx substituted a default value of ‘99’ for the disenrollment reason code.

Additionally, since involuntary disenrollment actions are not “beneficiary elections,” Plans will now use the election period identifier value ‘X’ on the disenrollment (51) transaction submitted to report involuntary disenrollment (disenrollment reason codes 91, 92 and 93). (For more details, refer to the section in this memo titled Additional Special Election Period (SEP) Election Type Distinctions.) Voluntary disenrollment is a beneficiary election, and thus must be reported with a valid election period identifier correctly identifying the election period the Plan has determined is applicable to the disenrollment request. Procedures to determine election periods are defined in the CMS enrollment and disenrollment guidance applicable to your Plan type.

New Retroactive Enrollment (62) Transaction Please note: Plans are not required to have the change for the new retroactive enrollment transaction type 62 described below implemented for the Fall release. In order to provide time for Plans to make system changes to accommodate the CMS system change, the new retroactive enrollment transaction types are not mandatory for use until the CMS Spring release in April 2008.

CMS enrollment and disenrollment policy guidance provides flexibility for Plans to complete beneficiary enrollment requests for up to 21 calendar days following the receipt of the request to enroll. In some limited cases, this process results in transactions that are considered “retroactive” to the Current Payment Month (CPM). Thus, Plans are unable to submit these valid enrollments directly to the CMS system.

To facilitate this process, the CMS system will provide a new enrollment (62) transaction for these specific retroactive enrollments. The effective date of enrollment on the submitted 62 enrollment transaction is limited to enrollment effective dates equal to the CPM minus 2 (CPM-2). The example below illustrates the acceptable enrollment effective dates for use of a 62 enrollment transaction during the CPM for November 2007.

• Plan submission timeframe for the November payment month is September 14, 2007 through October 17, 2007

• Current calendar date is September 17, 2007 • CPM-2 = September 1, 2007

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A 62 enrollment transaction submitted with effective dates of any value other than CPM-2 will be rejected. The effective date parameters remain unchanged for the existing 60 and 61enrollment transactions and the PBP change (71) transaction with the addition of the new 62 enrollment transaction. The format of the 62 enrollment transaction is also the same as the existing 60 and 61 enrollment transaction. Refer to Attachment C: Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71) for details.

The valid uses of the 62 enrollment transaction are as follows:

1. Enrollment requests received at the end of a month, made complete within the 21 calendar days provided in CMS enrollment guidance, but after the CMS Plan Data Due (cut-off) date.

2. Point-of-Sale (POS) related activity, available only to the POS contractor.

Enrollment requests with valid retroactive effective dates, other than the two scenarios described above, will continue to be processed by Integriguard and/or CMS under existing processes. The new 62 enrollment transaction is not available for use by Plans for any reason other than the two described.

Additionally, multiple Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) will be updated as a result of this new transaction type. For most, the change is minor to adjust the description to note the TRC will be a valid response for the retroactive transaction. The one TRC of note is summarized below with the specific change. A list of the other affected TRCs can be found in Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs).

TRC 037 – Enrollment Rejected, Invalid Date An enrollment request (transaction type 60/61/62), or PBP change request (transaction type 71) attempted to process. The transaction is rejected as follows:

1. For type 60 transaction, the effective date may be any of the following: � Outside the timeframe of CPM-3 and CPM-1 (where CPM = Current Payment

Month) or � Invalid numeric value or � Date not first of the month.

2. For type 61 and 71 transaction, the effective date may be any of the following: � Outside the timeframe of CPM-1 and CPM+2 or � Invalid numeric value or � Date not first of the month.

3. For type 62 transaction, the effective date may be any of the following: � Outside the timeframe of CPM-2 or � Invalid numeric value or � Date not first of the month.

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Additional Special Election Period (SEP) Election Type Distinctions Please note: Plans are not required to have the change for the multiple Special Election Period (SEP) election type distinctions described below implemented for the Fall release. In order to provide time for Plans to make system changes to accommodate the CMS system change, the multiple SEP election types are not mandatory for use until the CMS spring release in April 2008.

CMS is defining major groups of Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) to assist in determining when SEPs are used for specific circumstances. Plans are responsible for selecting the appropriate election period identifier based on CMS enrollment guidance, as summarized below. In addition to those election period identifiers already in use for submission of enrollment (60/61/62), disenrollment (51), PBP change (71) and Plan change (72) transaction types, the following new election period identifiers will be shown on multiple screens on the Common UI:

Special Enrollment Period (SEP) CMS Enrollment Guidance Reference

Correct Election Period Identifier

• SEP for Dual-eligible Individuals or Individuals Who Lose Their Dual-Eligibility;

AND • SEP for Non-Dual Eligible

Individuals with LIS and Individuals who Lose LIS

MA Guidance: Section 30.4.4, items # 5 and # 12 PDP Guidance: Section 20.3.2 and Section 20.3.8, item # 7


Note: Auto and Facilitated enrollment transactions will use the “U” election period identifier.

SEP For Changes in Residence MA Guidance: (permanent moves) Section 30.4.1

PDP Guidance: Section 20.3.1


SEP EGHP (Employer/Union MA Guidance: Group Health Plan) Section 30.4.4, item # 1

PDP Guidance: Section 20.3.8, item # 1


CMS Casework Exceptional MA Guidance: Condition SEP(s) Section 30.4.4,

PDP Guidance: Section 20.3.8

Y **Note: Typically, this election period identifier will be used by CMS caseworks and/or contractors. Plans would only use this specific identifier when specifically instructed to do so on a case by case basis by CMS.

All other SEPs not identified in MA Guidance: this table Section 30.4

PDP Guidance: Section 20.3


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In addition to these additional election period identifiers, CMS will also provide a valid value of ‘X’ for use in the election period identifier field. This value is an Administrative Action and may be used when a transaction being submitted is not reflective of an actual beneficiary election, as follows:

� Plan submitted “rollover.” Year-end processing occasionally requires that Plans submit transactions to accomplish the Plan crosswalk from one contract year to another. When required, as defined in the CMS Call Letter instructions, Plans should use the ‘X’ value in the election period field of the enrollment transaction being submitted for this purpose.

� Involuntary Disenrollment. In limited circumstances, Plans may involuntarily disenroll individuals for specific reasons and meeting all of the conditions provided in CMS enrollment guidance. Since these actions are not “elections,” Plans should use the value of ‘X’ in the election period field of the disenrollment transaction being submitted for this purpose.

� Premium Withhold Option Change. Plans may submit changes to an individual’s premium withhold status via a 72 transaction. When doing so, Plans should use the ‘X’ value in the election period field of the 72 transaction being submitted for this purpose.

� Plan-submitted “canceling” Transaction. Since beneficiaries may choose to cancel an enrollment or disenrollment request prior to the effective date of the request, occasionally Plans submit “canceling” transactions to CMS to cancel an already submitted action. Plans should use the value of ‘X’ in the election period field of the enrollment or disenrollment transaction being submitted for this purpose.

A valid election period identifier is required to be submitted on all enrollment (60/61/62), disenrollment (51), PBP change (71) and Plan change (72) transactions. As stated previously, Plans are responsible for selecting the appropriate election period identifier based on CMS enrollment guidance.

As a minor note, TRC 104 – Rejected; Invalid or Missing Election Type will also be updated to account for these new SEP election types. Refer to Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) for details.

Enrollment Source Code for Enrollment Transactions Please note: Plans are not required to have the change for the new enrollment source codes for auto-enrollment and facilitated enrollment PBP change transactions described below implemented for the Fall release. In order to provide time for Plans to make system changes to accommodate the CMS system change, the new enrollment source codes are not mandatory for use until the CMS Spring release in April 2008.

Currently, field 30, position 171 of the enrollment (60/61/62), disenrollment (51), PBP change (71) and Plan change (72) transactions is named the Enrollment Source field, identified as filler, and is not in use for submitted transactions. With the Fall release, CMS is defining the data that Plans, as well as the Point of Sale (POS) contractor, must provide in the Enrollment Source field

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when submitting these various transaction types. CMS systems currently use four types of enrollment source codes as described for field 37, position 155, of the weekly/monthly Transaction Reply Report (TRR). These existing enrollment source codes are as follows and will not be affected or adjusted by the addition of the new enrollment source codes:

� A = Auto-enrolled by CMS � B = Beneficiary election� C = Facilitated enrollment by CMS � D = CMS annual rollover

As part of the Fall release, CMS will add the following enrollment source codes for Plans to use with the submission of a PBP change (71) transaction, unless otherwise noted:

� E = Plan-submitted auto-enrollment � F = Plan-submitted facilitated enrollment � G = Point of Sale (POS) submitted enrollment (for use by POS contractor only) � H = CMS-submitted reassignment enrollment � I = Assigned to Plan-submitted enrollment with enrollment source other than any

of the following: B, E, F, G, H and blank

MA organizations and cost plans that auto/facilitate enroll LIS beneficiaries on behalf of CMS should use the appropriate newly-designated enrollment source code when submitting auto-enrollments or facilitated enrollments. This code is not for use by stand-alone PDPs, as CMS generates all auto/facilitated enrollments into PDPs. Upon receipt of a transaction using any of the enrollment source codes for a Plan submitted auto-enrollment or facilitated enrollment, the system will also complete the customary enrollment edits and check for Part D Opt-Out indicators prior to enrollment processing. After the system processes the enrollment including these new enrollment source codes, a Transaction Reply Code (TRC) will be provided to the Plan. Plans should expect to see the usual TRC 011 – Enrollment Accepted as Submitted along with other existing TRCs such as TRC 117 – FBD Auto Enrollment Accepted or TRC 118 – LIS Facilitated Enrollment Accepted, or one of the following three new TRCs being added as part of this change. Refer to Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) for details.

TRC 210 – POS Enrollment Accepted Enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D Plan submitted by Point Of Sale (POS) contractor is accepted.

TRC 211 – Re-Assignment Enrollment Rejected Re-assignment enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D Plan submitted by CMS attempted to process. The request is rejected because beneficiary’s Part D Opt-Out Flag is already set to Yes in MARx common table.

TRC 212 – Re-Assignment Enrollment Accepted Re-assignment enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D Plan submitted by CMS is accepted.

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The weekly/monthly Transaction Reply Report (TRR) will also be updated to reflect this change. Refer to Attachment G (data file) and Attachment H (report file) for details.

Disenrollment Reason Code 10

When a contract, PBP, or segment is terminated, beneficiaries may be rolled over into a new Plan based on information provided through HPMS. If no rollover information is provided, beneficiaries are automatically disenrolled from the terminating plan. Currently, these disenrollments are assigned disenrollment reason code 15 - TERMINATED IN ERROR BY CMS. This has been confusing to some Plans. In an effort to provide Plans with more insight as to why the disenrollment occurred, the system will now use new reason code 10 - TERMINATION OF CONTRACT (PLAN WITHDRAWAL). Reason code 15 will continue to be used in other instances where CMS terminated beneficiary coverage in error.

2. Report and Data File Changes

Medical Savings Account (MSA) & MSA Demonstration Data Legislative authority documented in the Social Security Act authorizes CMS to establish Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) and MSA Demonstrations as options for beneficiaries. Under this authority, CMS systems are being modified to account for needed changes to accommodate the administration of enrollment and payment operations. Effective January 2008, upon beneficiary enrollment to a MSA or MSA Demonstration Plan and for every year enrolled thereafter, CMS will generate a lump sum deposit to the beneficiary’s MSA. Additionally, effective January 2008, for beneficiaries enrolled in a MSA or MSA Demonstration Plan, when a disenrollment occurs before the end of the year, CMS will generate a lump sum amount to be recovered from the beneficiary’s MSA. Authorized users (CMS users and the MSA Plan that enrolled the beneficiary) will be able to view the deposit amounts and any recoveries at the beneficiary level in the Common UI screen MSA Lump Sum (M235). A sample of the screen is available in Attachment A: New/Updated UI Screens.

Additionally, there are updates to the Monthly Membership Detail Data File for positions 153-171, previously identified as filler. An updated format is provided as Attachment I, with new/updated fields denoted in blue bolded text for your convenience.

� Field 37 (Position 153-160) – MSA Part A Deposit/Recovery Amount: MSA lump sum Part A dollars to be deposited/recovered; deposits are positive values and recoveries are negative

� Field 38 (Position 161-168) – MSA Part B Deposit/Recovery Amount: MSA lump sum Part B dollars to be deposited/recovered; deposits are positive values and recoveries are negative

� Field 39 (Position 169-170) – MSA Deposit/Recovery Months: Number of months associated with MSA deposit or recovery dollars

� Field 40 (Position 171) – FILLER

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Revised: 09/13/07

Interim Plan Payment Reports Beginning in November 2007, Plans that have been pre-approved by CMS will have the ability to receive an interim Plan payment report. Plans can expect to receive the report between month-end payment cycles, based on business need. The format for the file is the same as the monthly Plan payment reports. The report will also be available to Plans through the Common UI as a listed weekly report, as approved by CMS.

The standard naming conventions for the new data file will be:

Gentran mailbox

Connect:Direct (Mainframe) zzzzzzzz.Rxxxxx.PLNPAYI.Dyymmdd.Thhmmsst

Connect:Direct (Non-Mainframe) [directory].Rxxxxx.PLNPAYI.Dyymmdd.Thhmmsst

Data Source for Medicaid Status Part C Risk Adjustment The Fall software changes are a subset of the risk adjustment and payment systems’ changes needed to implement the new data sources for Medicaid status, as discussed in the February 16, 2007 “Advance Notice of Methodological Changes for Calendar Year 2008 for Medicare Advantage (MA) Capitation Rates” and in the April 2, 2007 “Announcement of Calendar Year (CY) 2008 Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Payment Policies.” Plans should refer to these documents for official CMS guidance regarding these changes. The systems changes are described as follows.

Currently, Plans may submit Medicaid status changes using an MCO correction (01) transaction. Starting January 1, 2008, CMS will no longer accept batch 01 transactions from Plans to change a beneficiary’s Medicaid status with an effective date after December 31, 2007. Batch 01 transactions for effective dates prior to January 1, 2008 will continue to be accepted. Medicaid periods with effective dates prior to 2008, whether submitted by a Plan via a 01 transaction or via updates made through the Common UI, will be assigned an end date of ‘12/31/07’ in the CMS system. This means CMS will no longer use Medicaid status changes, submitted via batch 01 transactions, with effective dates after December 31, 2007 to determine Medicaid status for purposes of calculating Part C risk scores. Medicaid status information will be communicated to Plans in the Monthly Membership Detail Data File and Monthly Membership Detail Report. Refer to Attachment I: Monthly Membership Detail Data File for details.

CMS has updated the MMR detail data file and report as part of the system change for Medicaid status. Currently, field 19 is defined as a Medicaid flag that represents the beneficiary’s Medicaid status used by CMS systems to assign the default risk factors. As of January 1, 2008, this field will be renamed as the New Medicare Beneficiary Medicaid Status Flag and field data will correspond to the CMS data for Medicaid status using the following indicators:

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Revised: 09/13/07

� Medicaid default risk factors = ‘Y’ (currently in use); CMS is using a default risk factor with Medicaid add-on

� Non-Medicaid default risk factor = ‘N’; CMS is using a non-Medicaid default risk factor

� No default risk factor = blank; CMS is not using a default risk factor

The weekly/monthly Transaction Reply Report (TRR) format is also being modified to remove the Medicaid Indicator from field 7. An updated format is provided as Attachment G with new/updated fields denoted in blue bolded text for your convenience.

Three Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) are also affected as a result of this change. Refer to Attachment B: New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs) for details.

TRC 097 – Medicaid Previously Turned On This TRC will be used only in reply to updates to Medicaid status, submitted via batch 01 transactions, with effective dates prior to January 1, 2008. A transaction attempted to process the start of a Medicaid period and was rejected because the Medicaid status for the beneficiary was already on for the month in question. No action required by the Plan.

TRC 098 – Medicaid Status Previously Turned Off This TRC will be used in reply to updates to Medicaid status, submitted via batch 01 transactions, with end dates prior to December 31, 2007. A transaction attempted to process the end of a Medicaid period and was rejected because the Medicaid status was already off for the month in question. No action required by the Plan.

TRC 715 – Medicaid Change Accepted This TRC will be used in reply to updates to Medicaid status with effective and end dates after December 31, 2007. A CMS user updated the beneficiary’s Medicaid status. This transaction may or may not change the beneficiary’s status, since multiple source of Medicaid information are used to determine the beneficiary’s Medicaid status. Information from the accepted transaction will be included in the next scheduled update of Medicaid status information.

To assist in tracking beneficiary Medicaid status, CMS is adding a new screen to the Common UI and modifying two existing screens. Samples of these changes are included in Attachment A: New/Updated UI Screens.

� A new Beneficiary Detail Medicaid (M236) screen will be added to show the beneficiary’s Medicaid status. This screen will also show the source of Medicaid eligibility if the beneficiary was determined to be Medicaid. The following data will be provided on this new screen:

- Medicaid status - Medicaid eligibility start and end dates - Source from which Medicaid eligibility is determined

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� The dual-eligible Medicaid information currently displayed on the Beneficiary Detail: Utilization (M233) screen will be moved to the new Beneficiary Detail Medicaid (M236) screen.

� The Medicaid information (Plan Medicaid and third-party Medicaid) currently displayed on the Beneficiary Detail: Status (M205) screen will be moved to the new Beneficiary Detail Medicaid (M236) screen.

� The Medicaid Status Flag currently displayed on the Beneficiary: Snapshot (M203) screen will be removed, as this information will be available on the new Beneficiary Detail Medicaid (M236) screen.

De Minimis Data As noted in CMS published guidance from the May 24, 2007 HPMS memo from Abby Block entitled “Part D premium billing for ‘de minimis’ Plans,” CMS will ensure applicable system reports account for the de minimis adjustment for eligible beneficiaries. In keeping with this goal, CMS is adjusting various reports to reflect the CMS processing of beneficiary premium data affected by the de minimis adjustment. This applies only to Part D premiums for CY 2008 and beyond.

The Monthly Membership Detail Data File and Monthly Membership Detail Report – Drug Report File (Part D) will include a De Minimis flag in field 43. The De Minimis flag will be set to ‘Y’ when HPMS has flagged the contract/PBP as a de minimis Plan and the beneficiary is 100% Low Income Subsidy (LIS). Otherwise, the value of the flag will be set to ‘N’ for contracts/PBPs not flagged as a de minimis Plan and the beneficiary has less than 100% LIS. An updated format is provided as Attachment I (data file) and Attachment J (report file), with new/updated fields denoted in blue bolded text for your convenience.

The Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File will also be updated. If a beneficiary is 100% LIS and the contract/PBP is de minimis, the Net Monthly Part D Basic Premium, field 14, is equal to the Part D Premium Basic Rate minus the de minimis differential. An updated format is provided as Attachment K, with new/updated fields denoted in blue bolded text for your convenience.

In addition, the Bi-Weekly Deemed/LIS Premium Report Data File will also reflect premium data as adjusted for the de minimis differential.. An updated format is provided as Attachment L with new/updated fields denoted in blue bolded text for your convenience.

Additionally, the Common UI Beneficiary Snapshot (M203) and Beneficiary: Detail Premiums (M231) screens will be updated to include de minimis data relating to the de minimis differential and the Part D premium net of de minimis differential. Samples of these screens are available in Attachment A: New/Updated UI Screens.

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Please note that all new/updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs), Common UI screens, and file layouts presented in this memo will be reflected in the next release of the Plan Communications User Guide (PCUG), scheduled for publication in mid-November.

For additional information, please reference the Q&A database found on the CMS website, The MMA Help questions can be found by entering "MMAHelp" in the keyword search, or by using the drop down menu choices for Research, Statistics, Data & Systems, then CMS Information Technology, then MMA Systems Help.

Plans are encouraged to contact the MMA Help Desk for any issues encountered during the system update process. Please direct any questions or concerns to the MMA Help Desk at 1-800-927-8069 or email at

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

New Screens:

Beneficiary Detail: MSA Lump Sum (M235)

Beneficiary Detail: Medicaid (M236)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

Beneficiary Detail: Medicaid (M236), with State Information Expanded

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

Updated Screens:

Beneficiary: Snapshot (M203)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

Beneficiary Detail: Status (M205)

Beneficiary: Detail Premiums (M231)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

Beneficiary: Eligibility (M232)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment A New/Updated Common UI Screens

Beneficiary Detail: Utilization (M233)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

New TRCs

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

205 A Invalid Disenrollment Reason Code


Invalid disenrollment reason code was submitted in the transaction. MARx substituted a default value of ‘99’ for the disenrollment reason code.

210 A POS Enrollment Accepted

POS ENROLLMENT Enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D plan submitted by Point Of Sale (POS) contractor is accepted.

211 R Re-Assignment Enrollment Rejected


Re-assignment enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D plan submitted by CMS attempted to process. The request is rejected because beneficiary’s Part D Opt Out Flag is already set to Yes in MARx common table.

212 A Re-Assignment Enrollment Accepted


Re-assignment enrollment request for a beneficiary into a Part D plan submitted by CMS is accepted.

213 A Premium Withhold Option Change to Direct Bill

PRM WH OPT CHG A transaction was processed by MARx which would result in SSA withholding more than $200 from the beneficiary’s check in one month. CMS has changed the premium withhold option for the beneficiary to Direct Bill.

214 R Plan Change Rejected, Both Uncovered Months and Other non-4Rx Changes

BOTH PLN CHG RQST Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the submitted transaction included number of uncovered months as well as for other non-4Rx information plan changes. The effective date edits for uncovered months change are different than the effective date edits for other non-4Rx information.

215 R Uncovered Months Change Rejected, Invalid Effective Date


Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the effective date on the number of uncovered month change transaction is before August 1, 2006; OR the effective date on the number of uncovered month change transaction is after the prospective Current Payment Month plus two months (CPM+2); OR the effective date on the change transaction does not match with any row in the Creditable Coverage common table.

216 M Number of Uncovered Months exceeds the maximum possible value


Enrollment (type 60/61/62), PBP change (type 71), or Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. Number of uncovered months is not consistent with the number of months for Part D enrollment. The number of months is defaulted to zero and the transaction is processed. Plan should resubmit correct number of uncovered months via a Plan change (type 72) transaction.

217 R Can’t Change LEP Reset Uncovered Months


Plan change (type 72) transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected because the submitted transaction attempted to change the number of uncovered months for an effective date corresponding to an “LEP Reset” transaction in the CMS database.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

218 A LEP Reset Undone LEP RESET UNDONE Plan change (type 72) transaction to undo an “LEP Reset” transaction was successfully processed.

219 A LEP Reset Accepted LEP RESET The beneficiary’s Number of Uncovered Months has been reset to zero due to a new IEP. The beneficiary’s Late Enrollment Penalty is set to zero for the remainder of the enrollment.

714 A UI Part D Opt-Out Change Accepted

UI OPT OUT OK A CMS user updated the beneficiary’s Part D Opt-Out Flag value. The new value for the Part D Opt-Out Flag is reported in field 38 on the TRR record.

Action: None

715 M Medicaid Change Accepted


A CMS user updated the beneficiary’s Medicaid status. This transaction may or may not change the beneficiary’s status, since multiple sources of Medicaid information are used to determine the beneficiary’s Medicaid status. Information from the accepted transaction will be included in the next scheduled update of Medicaid status information.

Note: This TRC will be used in reply to updates to Medicaid status with effective and end dates after December 31, 2007.

716 A UI changed the Number of Uncovered months

UI CHGD NUNCMO A CMS user changed the Number of uncovered months of the beneficiary.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Updated TRCs

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

001 R Invalid Transaction Code BAD TRANS CODE A transaction attempted to process. The transaction was rejected, because the input transaction code was an invalid value. Valid transaction code values are 01, 51, 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72. The transaction should be resubmitted with a valid transaction code.

NOTE: Tran Codes 30 & 31 are valid for pre-2004 adjustments

037 R Enrollment Rejected, Invalid Date

BAD ENROLL DATE An enrollment request (transaction type 60/61/62), or PBP change request (transaction type 71) attempted to process. The transaction is rejected as follows: 1. For type 60 transaction, the effective date can be any of the following: • Outside the timeframe of CPM-3 and CPM-1 (where CPM=Current Payment Month) or • Invalid numeric value or • Date not first of the month.

2. For type 61 and 71 transaction, the effective date can be any of the following: • Outside the timeframe of CPM-1 and CPM+2 or • Invalid numeric value or • Date not first of the month.

3. For type 62 transaction, the effective date can be any of the following: • Outside the timeframe of CPM- 2 or • Invalid numeric value or • Date not first of the month.

The transaction request should be resubmitted with a valid date.

097 R Medicaid Previously Turned On

MCAID PREV ON A transaction attempted to process the start of a Medicaid period and was rejected because the Medicaid status for the beneficiary was already on for the month in question. No action required by the plan.

Note: This TRC will be used only in reply to updates to Medicaid status, submitted via batch 01 transactions, with effective dates prior to January 1, 2008.

098 R Medicaid Status Previously Turned Off

MCAID PREV OFF A transaction attempted to process the end of a Medicaid period and was rejected because the Medicaid status was already off for the month in question. No action required by the plan.

Note: This TRC will be used only in reply to updates to Medicaid status, submitted via batch 01 transactions, with end dates prior to December 31, 2007.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

102 R Rejected; Invalid or Missing Application Date

BAD APP DATE A transaction was rejected (60/61/62/71) because it was submitted with an invalid or missing application date. The application date must be present, represent a valid date and precede the effective date on the transaction (effective date of the enrollment or PBP change). Note that the application date is not a required field on transaction type 51 or 72, nor is it required for any enrollment submitted online by CMS. The transaction should be resubmitted with a valid date.

103 R ICEP/IEP Election with Missing A/B Entitlement Date

ICEP/IEP NO ENT The transaction is rejected because the beneficiary does not have entitlement for Part A and/or Part B on record—required for enrollment transactions (Code 61/62). Code is for transaction type 61/62 and election types I and E only.

104 R Rejected; Invalid or Missing Election Type

BAD ELECT TYPE Election type is either missing, not valid for plan or transaction type. , Election types A, N, S, U, V, W, X, Y, O and T are valid for transaction types 51/60/61/62/71. Election types I and E are valid for transaction type 60/61/62.

105 R Rejected; Invalid Effective Date for Election Type

BAD ELECT DATE Effective date specified is not valid for the election type. Code is for transaction types 71/62/61/60/51; applies only to election types A, I, E, N, O, and T.

106 R Rejected; Another Transaction Received with a Later Application Date

LATER APPLIC The transaction was rejected (60/61/62/71) because a transaction with a more recent application date was received for the same effective date. When multiple transactions are received for the same beneficiary with the same effective date but with different contract/PBP #s, the application date will be used to determine which election to accept. Note that this code does not apply to transaction type 51, nor does it apply to an enrollment submitted online by CMS. If the application dates are different, the system will accept the election containing the most recent date. If the application dates are the same, they will all be rejected with a code of 176.

107 R Rejected; Invalid or Missing PBP Number

BAD PBP NUMBER The transaction was rejected (60/61/62/71/72) because the PBP # was missing or invalid. Note that the PBP # is not required on transaction type 51. The PBP # submitted on the 60/61/71/72 must be valid for the contract number on the transaction. The transaction should be resubmitted with a valid PBP #.

108 R Rejected; Election Limits Exceeded

NO MORE ELECTS Election limit exceeded for this election type. Code is for transaction types 71/62/61/60/51 and election types A, I, E, N, and O.

110 R Rejected; No Part A and No EGHP Enrollment Waiver

NO PART A/EGHP The transaction was rejected (60/61/62/71) because the beneficiary lacks Part A and there was no EGHP Part B-only waiver in place. MCOs can offer PBP for EGHP members only, and, if the MCO chooses, it can define such PBPs for individuals who do not have Part A.

114 R Drug Coverage Change Rejected; Election Type must be AEP or OEPI

RX NOT AEP/OEPI Existing plan members and previously enrolled individuals cannot add or drop drug coverage except during an AEP or OEPI. This TR Code will appear for transaction types 71/62/61/60 when election type is N or O for the described individual.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

116 R Enrollment or Change Rejected; Invalid or Missing Segment number

BAD SEGMENT NUM The transaction (60/61/62/71) was rejected because the enrollment is for a PBP that has been segmented, and segment number on the transaction was missing or invalid. The Segment number submitted on transaction type 60/61/62/71 must be valid for the PBP and contract number. Or, a code 72 transaction was rejected because the (non-blank) segment number provided was invalid for that contract/PBP combination. The transaction should be resubmitted with a valid Segment number.

NOTE: Segment number is not required for transaction type 51.

117 A FBD Auto Enrollment Accepted

FBD AUTO ENROLL Auto-enrollment request of a full-benefit dual eligible beneficiary into a Part D plan submitted by CMS or Plan is accepted.

118 A LIS Facilitated Enrollment Accepted

LIS FAC ENROLL Facilitated enrollment of a low-income subsidy beneficiary into a Part D plan submitted by CMS or Plan is accepted.

122 R Enrollment or Change Rejected, Invalid Premium Amount

BAD PREMIUM AMT The transaction (60/61/62/71/72) was rejected because the Part C or Part D premium amount was not numeric. A code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank Part C or Part D premium amount was not numeric. Transaction should be resubmitted with corrected premium amount.

123 R Enrollment or Change Rejected, Invalid Premium Withholding Option Code

BAD W/HOLD OPT The transaction (60/61/62/71) was rejected because the Premium Withholding Option code contained an invalid value (valid values are D, S, R, O and N). A code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank Premium Withholding Option code contained an invalid value. Transactions should be resubmitted with corrected option codes.

124 R Enrollment or Change Rejected; Invalid Uncovered Months Field

BAD UNCOV MNTHS The transaction (60/61/62/71/72) was rejected because the “Number of Uncovered Months” field contained a non-numeric value; OR, the “Uncovered Months” field was zero when the Creditable Coverage Switch was set to “N”; OR, the “Uncovered Months” field was greater than zero when the Creditable Coverage Switch was set to “Y” or blank; OR, a code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank “Number of Uncovered Months” field contained a non-numeric value. Transactions should be resubmitted with corrected fields.

125 R MSA Enrollment or Change Rejected, Invalid MSA Fields

BAD MSA DATA The transaction (60/61/62/71) for Medical Savings Account (MSA) was rejected because one or more of these required fields was missing: beneficiary’s social security number, bank account number, bank routing number, or bank account type code.

126 R Enrollment or Change Rejected; Invalid Creditable Coverage Flag

BAD CRED COV FL The transaction (60/61/62/71/72) was rejected because the “Creditable Coverage Flag” field contained an invalid value. A code 72 correction transaction was rejected because a non-blank “Creditable Coverage Flag” field contained an invalid value. Transactions should be resubmitted with corrected fields.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

130 R Part D Opt-Out Rejected, Opt-Out Indicator Not Valid

BAD OPT OUT CD A submitted transaction (41/51/54/71/72) was rejected because the Part D Opt-Out Flag contained an invalid value. Valid values of Part D Opt Out flag are as follows:

• For transaction type 41, valid values are Y and N • For transaction types 51/54/71/72, valid values are Y or N or blank

Action: If the transaction was submitted by the Plan (51/71/72), correct the Part D Opt-Out Flag value and resubmit the transaction. If the transaction was submitted by CMS (41/54), no Plan action is required.

131 A Part D Opt-Out Accepted OPT OUT OK A transaction 41/51/54/71/72 was received that specified a Part D Opt-Out Flag value or a change to a Part D Opt-Out Flag value. The Part D Opt-Out Flag value on the transaction is accepted. The new Part D Opt-Out Flag value is reported in field 38 on the TRR record.

Action: No Plan Action

133 R Part D Enrollment Rejected; Invalid Secondary Insurance Flag

BAD 2 INS FLAG Plans submitting Part D transactions (60/61/62/71) must provide a valid value for the secondary drug coverage flag.

134 A Part D Enrollment Accepted; Invalid Secondary Insurance

NO 2 INS INFO Plans submitting Part D transactions (60/61/62/71) must indicate when a beneficiary has secondary drug coverage. This transaction reply indicates that the secondary insurance flag was set, but the secondary insurance Rx ID and Rx Group were not supplied. Plan should follow up with secondary insurance Rx ID and Rx Group information on a change transaction (72).

141 A Creditable Coverage Change Accepted

CRED COV CHG The beneficiary’s creditable coverage information has been changed successfully (Creditable Coverage Flag, Number of Uncovered Months). This change was the result of a plan-submitted change (72) transaction.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

144 M Premium withhold option change to direct bill

PREM WH OPT CHG An enrollment request (transaction types 60/61/62/71) or plan change request (transaction type 72) was processed. MARx changed the premium withhold option specified on the transaction to “Direct Bill” for one of the following reasons:

1. More than 3 months of retroactive premium withholding was requested. 2. The beneficiary’s retirement system (SSA, RRB or OPM) was unable to withhold the entire premium amount from the beneficiary’s monthly check. 3. The beneficiary has a BIC of M or T and chose “SSA” as the withhold option. SSA cannot withhold premiums for these beneficiaries (there is no benefit check to withhold from). 4. The beneficiary chose “RRB” or “OPM” as the withhold option. RRB and OPM are not withholding premiums at this time. 5. The beneficiary is an RRB beneficiary and chose “SSA” as the withhold option. “SSA” is not a valid option for RRB beneficiaries. 6. The Plan has submitted a Part C premium amount that exceeds the maximum Part C premium value provided by HPMS. MARx has changed the Plan submitted premium withhold option to direct bill. The transaction has not been rejected as a result of this condition. The Plan should contact the beneficiary to explain the consequences of this premium withhold option change.

170 A Enrollment or Change Accepted; Premium Withhold Option Changed to Direct Billing

PREM WH OPT CHG Premium withholding option has been changed to “Direct Billing” for enrollees who are retirees (transaction type 60, 61, 62, 71 or 72). The plan should contact the beneficiary to explain the consequences of this change.

176 R Transaction Rejected: Another Transaction Accepted


A transaction (60/61/62/71) attempted to process. The beneficiary request for enrollment into a different contract was rejected by membership because the beneficiary enrollment request into another contract for the same effective and application dates was successfully processed.

178 M Late Enrollment Penalty Rescinded

PENALTY RESCINDED The beneficiary’s base late enrollment penalty has been rescinded to $0 as a result of the beneficiary’s number of uncovered months having been rescinded to zero. The $0 penalty amount will be in field 52 (base penalty).

182 M Part C Premium Change PTC PRM OVERIDE 1. The part C premium submitted with the input transaction does not agree with plan’s defined premium rate. The premium has been adjusted to reflect the defined rate. 2. The part C premium submitted with the input transaction has exceeded the maximum Part C amount defined on the HPMS file. This value has been changed to equal to the Part C Basic plus Mandatory Supplemental Premium Rate, Net of Rebate from the HPMS file.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment B New/Updated Transaction Reply Codes (TRCs)

Code/ Type* Title Short Definition Definition

199 R Transaction Rejected – Pending

RTRN FOR RESRCH Transaction (51/54/60/61/62/71/72/Notification) is rejected due to pending status of the request. This transaction was placed into a pending status due to multiple transactions were concurrently processed for the same beneficiary. Subsequent transactions may have been processed while this transaction was still pending. Therefore, the Plan must review the beneficiary current status and resubmit transaction(s) accordingly.

200 R Rx BIN Blank or Not Valid

BIN BLANK/INVLID Enrollment transaction (60, 61, 62 and 71) or plan change (72) transaction by a Part D plan attempted to process. The enrollment transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx BIN field is either blank or does not have a valid value. The plan change transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx BIN field does not have a valid value.

Exception: Rx BIN for primary drug insurance is not a mandatory field for enrollment transaction for PACE National Part D plans and Plan Change transaction (type 72). If Rx BIN is provided for the transaction (60/61/62/71/72), it must be a valid value for the transaction to process; otherwise transaction will be rejected.

201 R Rx ID Blank or Not Valid ID BLANK/INVLID Enrollment transaction (60, 61, 62 and 71) or plan change (72) transaction by a Part D plan attempted to process. The enrollment transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx ID field is either blank or does not have a valid value. The plan change transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx ID field does not have a valid value.

Exception: Rx ID for primary drug insurance is not a mandatory field for enrollment transaction for PACE National Part D plans and Plan Change transaction (type 72). If Rx ID is provided for the transaction (60/61/62/71/72), it must be a valid value for the transaction to process; otherwise transaction will be rejected.

202 R Rx GRP Not Valid RX GRP INVALID Enrollment transaction (60, 61, 62 and 71) or plan change (72) transaction by a Part D plan attempted to process. The transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx GRP field does not have a valid value.

203 R Rx PCN Not Valid RX PCN INVALID Enrollment transaction (60, 61, 62 and 71) or plan change (72) transaction by a Part D plan attempted to process. The transaction request was rejected because the primary drug insurance Rx PCN field does not have a valid value.

* Types of Transaction Reply Codes: A – Accepted D – Duplicate M – MaintenanceP – Pending R - Rejected

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment C Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71)

Header Record


1 Header Message 12 1 – 12 R 'AAAAAAHEADER'

2 Filler 21 13 – 33 N/A Spaces

3 Payment Month 6 34 – 39 R MMYYYY (Note that the date should be one month after the processing date, e.g. input 022002 for data submitted before the January 2002 cutoff.)

4 Filler 261 40 – 300 N/A Spaces

Detail Record



PBP CHANGE (71) [Note 1& Note 2]

1 HIC# 12 1 – 12 R R R

2 Surname 12 13 – 24 R R R 3 First Name 7 25 – 31 R R R 4 M. Initial 1 32 5 Sex 1 33 R R R

6 Birth Date (YYYYMMDD) 8 34 – 41 R R R

7 EGHP Flag 1 42 blank field has a meaning N/A blank field has a meaning 8 PBP # 3 43 – 45 R N/A R (Change-to value)

9 Election Type 1 46

R (for all plan types when [Note 1] is true; otherwise not required for HCPP,

COST 1 without drug, COST 2 without drug, CCIP/FFS demo,

MDHO demo, MSHO demo, and PACE National plans)

R (for all plan types except HCPP, COST 1 without drug, COST 2 without drug,

CCIP/FFS demo, MDHO demo, MSHO demo, and PACE National plans)

R (for all plan types when [Note 1] is true; otherwise not required for HCPP, COST 1

without drug, COST 2 without drug, CCIP/FFS demo, MDHO demo, MSHO

demo, and PACE National plans)

10 Contract # 5 47 – 51 R R R 11 Application Date 8 52 – 59 R N/A R

32 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment C Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71)



PBP CHANGE (71) [Note 1& Note 2]

12 Transaction Code 2 60 – 61 R R R


Disenrollment Reason

(Required for Involuntary


2 62 – 63 N/A Required for Involuntary

Disenrollments. Optional for Voluntary Disenrollments.


14 Effective Date (YYYYMMDD) 8 64 – 71 R R R

15 Segment ID 3 72-74 R, blank for non-segmented organizations; otherwise, 3-digits N/A R, blank for non-segmented organizations;

otherwise, 3-digits

16 Filler 5 75-79 N/A N/A N/A

17 Prior

Commercial Override

1 80 If applies; otherwise, zero or blank N/A If applies; otherwise, zero or blank


Premium Withhold

Option/ Parts C-D

1 81

R (required for all plan types except HCPP, COST 1 without drug, COST 2

without drug, CCIP/FFS demo, MSA/MA and MSA/demo plans)


R (required for all plan types except HCPP, COST 1 without drug, COST 2 without drug, CCIP/FFS demo, MSA/MA and

MSA/demo plans)

19 Part C Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6 82 – 87

R (required for all plan types except HCPP, COST 1, COST 2, CCIP/FFS

demo, MSA/MA and MSA/demo plans)

N/A R (required for all plan types except HCPP,

COST 1, COST 2, CCIP/FFS demo, MSA/MA and MSA/demo plans)

20 Part D Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6 88 – 93 R (for all Part D plans); otherwise blank N/A R (for all Part D plans); otherwise blank

21 Creditable Coverage Flag 1 94 R (for all Part D plans); otherwise

blank N/A R (for all Part D plans); otherwise blank

22 Number of Uncovered

Months 3 95-97

R (for all Part D plans); otherwise blank. Blank = zero, meaning no

uncovered months N/A

R (for all Part D plans); otherwise blank. Blank = zero, meaning no uncovered


33 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment C Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71)



PBP CHANGE (71) [Note 1& Note 2]


Employer Subsidy

Enrollment Override Flag

1 98 R if beneficiary has Employer Subsidy status for Part D; otherwise blank N/A R if beneficiary has Employer Subsidy

status for Part D; otherwise blank

24 Part D Opt-Out Flag 1 99 N/A Optional (for all Part D plans); otherwise

blank R (Y when Opting Out for Part D; N when Opting in for Part D); otherwise blank)

25 Filler 20 100-119 N/A N/A N/A

26 Filler 15 120-134 N/A N/A N/A

27 Secondary Drug Insurance Flag 1 135

R (for all Part D plans, value is Y or N or Blank; for auto/facilitated

enrollments and rollovers value should be blank); for non Part D plans, value

should be blank.


R (for all Part D plans, value is Y or N or Blank; for auto/facilitated enrollments and rollovers value should be blank); for non

Part D plans, value should be blank

28 Secondary Rx ID 20 136-155 R if secondary insurance; otherwise

blank N/A R if secondary insurance; otherwise blank

29 Secondary Rx Group 15 156-170 R if secondary insurance; otherwise

blank N/A R if secondary insurance; otherwise blank

30 Enrollment Source 1 171 R (for POS submitted enrollment

transactions); otherwise optional. FILLER R (for plan submitted auto-enrollments and facilitated enrollment transactions includes

[Note 2]); otherwise optional. 31 SSN 9 172-180 FILLER FILLER FILLER

32 Trustee Routing Number 9 181-189 FILLER FILLER FILLER

33 Bank Account Number 17 190-206 FILLER FILLER FILLER

34 Bank Account Type 1 207 FILLER FILLER FILLER

35 Filler 17 208-224 N/A N/A N/A

36 Part D Rx BIN 6 225-230 R (for all Part D plan except PACE National); otherwise blank N/A R (for all Part D plan except PACE

National); otherwise blank

34 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment C Consolidated Layouts for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71)



PBP CHANGE (71) [Note 1& Note 2]

37 Part D Rx PCN 10 231-240 Change-to value (for all Part D plans except PACE National); otherwise

blank N/A Change-to value (for all Part D plans except

PACE National); otherwise blank

38 Part D Rx Group 15 241-255 Change-to value (for all Part D plans except PACE National); otherwise

blank N/A Change-to value (for all Part D plans except

PACE National); otherwise blank

39 Part D Rx ID 20 256-275 R (for all Part D plan except PACE National); otherwise blank N/A R (for all Part D plan except PACE

National); otherwise blank

40 Secondary Drug BIN 6 276-281 R if secondary insurance; otherwise

blank N/A R if secondary insurance; otherwise blank

41 Secondary Drug PCN 10 282-291 R if secondary insurance; otherwise

blank N/A R if secondary insurance; otherwise blank

42 Filler 9 292-300 FILLER FILLER FILLER Note 1: Election type rules do apply to HCPP, COST 1 without drug, COST 2 without drug, CCIP/FFS demos, MDHO demo, MSHO demo and PACE National enrollments in case where such enrollment would cause in an automatic disenrollment from a plan requiring election type edits. The election type for the plan on the enrollment request should be consistent with the election type for the plan resulting in automatic disenrollment. Note 2: MA organizations and cost plans that auto/facilitate enroll LIS beneficiaries on behalf of CMS should use the appropriate newly-designated enrollment source code when submitting auto-enrollments or facilitated enrollments: E = Plan-submitted auto-enrollment, F = Plan-submitted facilitated enrollment, G = Point of Sale (POS) submitted enrollment (for use by POS contractor only), H = CMS reassignment enrollment, I = Assigned to Plan-submitted enrollment with enrollment source other than any of the following: B, E, F, G, H and blank

35 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment D Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File

Header Record

ITEM FIELDS SIZE POSITION HEADER DESCRIPTION 1 Header Message 12 1 – 12 R 'AAAAAAHEADER' 2 Filler 21 13 – 33 N/A Spaces

3 Payment Month 6 34 – 39 R MMYYYY (Note that the date should be one month after the processing date, e.g. input 022002 for data submitted before the January 2002 cutoff.)

4 Filler 261 40 – 300 N/A Spaces

Detail Record


CHANGE (72) [Note 1]


[Note 2]


[Note 3]


(41) 1 HIC# 12 1 – 12 R R R R

2 Surname 12 13 – 24 R R R R 3 First Name 7 25 – 31 R R R R 4 M. Initial 1 32 Optional Optional Optional Optional 5 Sex 1 33 R R R R

6 Birth Date (YYYYMMDD) 8 34 – 41 R R R R

7 EGHP Flag 1 42 N/A Blank or change to value N/A N/A 8 PBP # 3 43 – 45 R R R N/A

9 Election Type 1 46 N/A R for premium withhold

option changes; otherwise, N/A


10 Contract # 5 47 – 51 R R R R (transaction for type 41

when beneficiary is enrolled in Medicare); otherwise, N/A.

11 Application Date 8 52 – 59 N/A N/A N/A N/A

12 Transaction Code 2 60 – 61 R R R R

36 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment D Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File


CHANGE (72) [Note 1]


[Note 2]


[Note 3]




Disenrollment Reason

(Required for Involuntary


2 62 – 63 N/A N/A N/A N/A

14 Effective Date (YYYYMMDD) 8 64 – 71 R R R N/A

15 Segment ID 3 72-74 N/A Blank or change-to value for local plans; otherwise, N/A N/A N/A

16 Filler 5 75-79 N/A N/A N/A N/A

17 Prior

Commercial Override

1 80 N/A N/A N/A N/A


Premium Withhold

Option/ Parts C-D

1 81 N/A Blank or change-to value N/A N/A

19 Part C Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6 82 – 87 N/A Blank or change-to value N/A N/A

20 Part D Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6 88 – 93 N/A Blank or change-to value N/A N/A

21 Creditable Coverage Flag 1 94 N/A N/A R N/A

22 Number of Uncovered

Months 3 95-97 N/A N/A Blank or change-to value N/A


Employer Subsidy

Enrollment Override Flag

1 98 N/A N/A N/A N/A

24 Part D Opt-Out 1 99 N/A Blank or change-to value N/A R

37 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment D Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File


CHANGE (72) [Note 1]


[Note 2]


[Note 3]


(41) Flag

25 Filler 20 100-119 N/A N/A N/A N/A

26 Filler 15 120-134 N/A N/A N/A N/A

27 Secondary Drug Insurance Flag 1 135

Blank or new value. Blank does not remove or replace

existing data. N/A N/A N/A

28 Secondary Rx ID 20 136-155

Blank or new additional value. Blank does not

remove or replace existing data.


29 Secondary Rx Group 15 156-170

Blank or new additional value. Blank does not

remove or replace existing data.


30 Enrollment Source 1 171 N/A N/A N/A N/A

31 SSN 9 172-180 N/A N/A N/A N/A

32 Trustee Routing Number 9 181-189 N/A N/A N/A N/A

33 Bank Account Number 17 190-206 N/A N/A N/A N/A

34 Bank Account Type 1 207 N/A N/A N/A N/A

35 Filler 17 208-224 N/A N/A N/A N/A

36 Part D Rx BIN 6 225-230

Required together with Part D Rx ID when changing 4Rx

primary insurance information. Must either be

the beneficiary’s current field value or the change-to value. Can only be blank when not changing a beneficiary’s 4Rx

primary insurance


38 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment D Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File


CHANGE (72) [Note 1]


[Note 2]


[Note 3]


(41) information.

37 Part D Rx PCN 10 231-240

Change-to value, either a new value or a blank. Blank will

remove the beneficiary’s existing value.


38 Part D Rx Group 15 241-255

Change-to value, either a new value or a blank. Blank will

remove the beneficiary’s existing value.


39 Part D Rx ID 20 256-275

Required together with Part D Rx BIN when changing

4Rx primary insurance information. Must either be

the beneficiary’s current field value or the change-to value. Can only be blank when not changing a beneficiary’s 4Rx

primary insurance information.


40 Secondary Drug BIN 6 276-281

Blank or new additional value. Blank does not

remove or replace existing data.


41 Secondary Drug PCN 10 282-291

Blank or new additional value. Blank does not

remove or replace existing data.


42 Filler 9 292-300 FILLER FILLER FILLER FILLER Note 1: 4Rx (Type 72) Plan Change transactions can be retroactive as well as prospective. Any effective date will be accepted as long as it matches a Part D enrollment effective date. When Primary 4Rx values are specified on a 72 transaction, MARx replaces the current Primary 4Rx values for the enrollment (if any) with the Primary 4Rx values from the 72 transaction. When Secondary 4Rx values are specified on a 72 transaction, MARx adds the Secondary 4Rx values from the 72 transaction as a new instance of Secondary 4Rx coverage. There is no mechanism for plans to delete or replace an instance of Secondary 4Rx coverage via MARx transactions.

39 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment D Consolidated Layouts for Plan Change (72) and Part D Opt-Out (41) Transaction Data File


CHANGE (72) [Note 1]


[Note 2]


[Note 3]



Note 2: Non-4Rx (Type 72) Plan Change transactions excluding Creditable Coverage information are prospective, meaning the current processing month plus three months. Said another way, plan change effective date between current payment month minus one month and current payment month plus two months.

Note 3: Creditable Coverage Plan change transaction (Type 72) information can be retroactive (not prior to August 2006) as well as prospective (not past CPM plus 2 months). Effective date on the transaction should match Part D enrollment dates if the creditable coverage flag is Y, N and blank. Effective date on the transaction can be within a Part D enrollment period if the creditable coverage flag is R and U.

40 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment E Field Values for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change/Plan Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71/72/41)

ITEM FIELDS DESCRIPTION 1 HIC# Claim Account Number (CAN) plus Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC) 2 Surname No comment. 3 First Name No comment. 4 M. Initial No comment. 5 Sex 1 = male, 2 = female, 0 = unknown


7 EGHP Flag Y if EGHP; otherwise, blank = not EGHP for type 60, 61, 62 and 71 transactions. For type 72 transactions, Y if EGHP, N if not EGHP, and blank indicates no change.

8 PBP # 3-blanks = non-PBP organizations (HCPP, CCIP/FFS Demos); 3-character numeric = PBP number, zero-padded, 001-999 valid for all organizations except HCPP and CCIP/FFS demos.

9 Election Type A=AEP; E=IEP; I=ICEP; S=SEP; O=OEP; N=OEPNEW; T=OEPI; U=Dual/LIS SEP; V=Permanent Change in Residence SEP; W=EGHP SEP; X=Administrative SEP; Y=CMS/Case Worker SEP; MAs have I, A, O, S, N, U, V, W, X, Y and T. MA-PDs have I, A, O, S, U, V, W, X, Y, T, E and N. PDPs have A, S, U, V, W, X, Y and E.

10 Contract # Hxxxx = identifies local plans. Rxxxx = identifies regional plans. Sxxxx = identifies PDPs. Fxxxx = identifies fallback plans, Exxxx=identifies employer sponsored MA/MA-PD and PDP plans.

11 Application Date YYYYMMDD -- Either the date the plan received the beneficiary's completed enrollment (electronic) or the date the beneficiary signed the enrollment application (paper).

12 Transaction Code 51/54 = disenrollment; 60/61 = enrollment; 62=retroactive batch enrollments for CPM-2; 71 =plan election (PBP change); 72 = plan change; 41=1-800-MEDICARE submitted or CMS contractors submitted.

13 Disenrollment Reason Required for Involuntary Disenrollments.

14 Effective Date (YYYYMMDD) YYYYMMDD

15 Segment ID 3-blanks = non-segmented organization transaction; for segmented organization transactions, 3-character numeric = segment number, zero padded, 001-999 valid plan Segment ID range. Only local MA/MA-PD plans (Hxxxx) may have segments.

16 Filler N/A

17 Prior Commercial Override

Required if beneficiary is ESRD and wants to enroll in a non PDP plans. Not required if plan is special-needs-plan (SNP). Alpha-numeric, 0-9 and A-F. Zero (0) and blank = no override.

18 Premium Withhold

Option/Parts C-D

D = direct self-pay; S = deduct from SSA benefits; R = deduct from RRB benefits; O = deduct from OPM benefits; N=No Premium. The option applies to both Part C and D premiums.

41 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment E Field Values for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change/Plan Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71/72/41)


19 Part C Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6-digits with leading zeroes, or blank if premium does not apply. Decimal point assumed 2-digits from right, XXXXvXX. Any value other than a blank on a type 72 transaction indicates a change-to value. That is, 000000 is an acceptable change-to value meaning $0.00.

20 Part D Premium

Amount (XXXXvXX)

6-digits with leading zeroes, or blank if premium does not apply. Decimal point assumed 2-digits from right, XXXXvXX. Any value other than a blank on a type 72 transaction indicates a change-to value. That is, 000000 is an acceptable change-to value meaning $0.00.

21 Creditable Coverage Flag

Valid for durg plans. For enrollment (type 60/61/62/71) transactions, valid values are Y, N, R and blank. For plan change (type 72) transactions, valid values are Y, N, R, U and blank. Y if covered, N if not covered, R is resetting uncovered months to zero due to a new IEP and U for resetting uncovered months to the value prior to using R.

22 Number of Uncovered


Count of total months without drug coverage. When creditable coverage flag is blank, value should be zero. When creditable coverage flag is Y, value should be zero. When creditable coverage flag is N, value should be greater than zero. When creditable coverage flag is R, value should be zero. When creditable cover flag is U, value should be zero.

23 Employer

Subsidy Override Flag

If the beneficiary is in a plan receiving an employer subsidy, but still wants to enroll in a Part D plan, submit the enrollment with the override = Y; otherwise blank.

24 Part D Opt-Out Flag

Applies to full benefit dual eligible and facilitated enrolled beneficiaries. Y= opt-out of Part D; blank=no change to opt-out status. For 71 type of transaction, applies when a beneficiary wants to opt out from MA-PD plan and desire to enroll in MA only PBP of the same contract. For 71 type of transaction, also applies when a beneficiary wants to change from from MA plan and desire to enroll in MA-PD only PBP of the same contract. For 41 type of transactions, Y= Opt-out of Part D; N=Not to Opt-out of Part D. Part D Opt-Out Flag will be used to allow (when value is N) or reject (when value is Y) auto-enrollment (full benefit dual eligible) or facilitated enrollment (partial benefit dual eligible) beneficiaries.

25 Filler N/A 26 Filler N/A

27 Secondary Drug Insurance Flag

For types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72 transactions, Y = beneficiary has secondary drug insurance; N = beneficiary does not have secondary drug insurance available; blank = do not know whether beneficiary has secondary drug insurance.

29 Secondary Rx ID Secondary insurance plan's ID number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Upper case printable characters and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

Secondary RX Group

Secondary insurance plan's group ID number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Upper case printable characters and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

30 Enrollment Source

A = auto-enrolled by CMS; B = beneficiary election; C = facilitated enrollment by CMS; D=System generated rollovers; E = Plan submitted auto-enrollments; F = Plan submitted facilitated enrollments; G = Point of Sale (POS) submitted enrollments and H = Reassignments submitted by CMS or Plans. Plan submitted enrollments are defaulted to enrollment source of B when submitted with blank enrollment source.

31 SSN N/A

42 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment E Field Values for Enrollment/Disenrollment/Retroactive/PBP Change/Plan Change

Transaction Data File (60/61/62/51/54/71/72/41)


Number N/A

33 Bank Account Number N/A

34 Bank Account Type N/A

35 Filler N/A

36 Part D Rx BIN Part D insurance plan's BIN number for a beneficiary. Numeric; right justified (for example, if BIN is five position numeric (12345), plan should set BIN to six position numeric with zero added in the first position (012345)). Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

37 Part D Rx PCN Part D insurance plan's PCN number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Limited to upper case characters (A-Z) and/or numeric (0-9) and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

38 Part D Rx Group Part D insurance plan's group ID number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Limited to upper case characters (A-Z) and/or numeric (0-9) and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

39 Part D Rx ID Part D insurance plan's ID number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Limited to upper case characters (A-Z) and/or numeric (0-9) and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

40 Secondary Rx BIN Secondary insurance plan's BIN number for a beneficiary. Numeric. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

41 Secondary Rx PCN

Secondary insurance plan's PCN number for a beneficiary. Alphanumeric, upper case when alpha; left justified. Upper case printable characters and default value of spaces. Applicable for transaction types 60, 61, 62, 71 and 72.

42 Filler N/A

43 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

BEQ Response File Header Record

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition File ID Name 8 1 … 8 X(8) “CMSBEQRH” This field will always be set to the value "CMSBEQRH." This code identifies the record

as the Header Record of a BEQ Response File. Sending Entity (MBD) 8 9 … 16 X(8) “MBD ” (MBD + 5


This field will always be set to the value "MBD ." The value specifically is MBD + 5 following Spaces. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Trailer Record.

File Creation Date 8 17 … 24 X(8) CCYYMMDD The date on which the BEQ Response File was created by CMS. This value will be in the format of CCYYMMDD. For example, January 3, 2010 would be the value 20100103. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Trailer Record.

File Control Number 9 25 … 33 X(9) Assigned by Sending Entity (MBD)

The specific Control Number assigned by CMS to the BEQ Response File. CMS will utilize this value to track the BEQ Response File through CMS processing and archive. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Trailer Record.

FILLER 717 34 … 750 X(717) Spaces No meaningful values are supplied in this field. This field will be set to SPACES and should not be referenced for meaningful information nor used to store meaningful information, unless specifically documented otherwise.

Total Length = 750

BEQ Response Detail Record (Transaction)

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Record Type 3 1 ... 3 X(3) "DTL" This field will be set to the value "DTL," which indicates that this

is a detail record. Original Detail Record 42 4 ... 45 X(42) The first 42 positions of the

original Transaction (Detail Record) supplied by the Sending Entity.

This field provides the meaningfully-populated area of the BEQ Request File Transaction (Detail Record) provided by the Sending Entity.

Processed Flag 1 46 ... 46 X(1) "Y" = The detail record was accepted for processing. "N" = The detail record was not accepted for processing.

A flag that indicates if the Transaction (Detail Record) was accepted for processing. A Transaction will be accepted for processing if all critical fields contain valid values.

44 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Beneficiary Match Flag 1 47 ... 47 X(1) "Y" = The beneficiary was

matched (located) successfully. "N" = The beneficiary was not matched (located) successfully. " " (SPACE) = Beneficiary Match was not attempted due to an Invalid condition in the Transaction (Detail Record).

A flag that indicates whether or not the beneficiary in the Transaction (Detail Record) was successfully matched (located) to a beneficiary on the CMS Medicare Beneficiary Database (MBD).

Medicare Part A Entitlement Start Date

8 48 ... 55 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = Not currently enrolled or Data Not Found.

The Entitlement Start Date of the beneficiary's most recent or active Medicare Part A entitlement period.

Medicare Part A Entitlement End Date

8 56 ... 63 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = Not currently enrolled or Data Not Found.

The Entitlement End Date of the beneficiary's most recent or active Medicare Part A entitlement period.

Medicare Part B Entitlement Start Date

8 64 ... 71 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = Not currently enrolled or Data Not Found.

The Entitlement Start Date of the beneficiary's most recent or active Medicare Part B entitlement period.

Medicare Part B Entitlement End Date

8 72 ... 79 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = Not currently enrolled or Data Not Found.

The Entitlement End Date of the beneficiary's most recent or active Medicare Part B entitlement period.

Medicaid Indicator 1 80 ...80 X(1) "0" = The beneficiary has no current or active Medicaid coverage; "1" = The beneficiary has current or active Medicaid coverage.

An indicator of the presence of current Medicaid coverage for the beneficiary.

The value for this field is based upon the presence of Medicaid reported for the beneficiary by states in the previous calendar month via the MMA State Files.

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 1)

8 81... 88 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug coverage period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (most recent or presently active).

45 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Part D Disenrollment Date/ Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 1)

8 89 ... 96 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (most recent or presently active).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 2)

8 97 ... 104 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (second most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date/ Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 2)

8 105 ... 112 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (second most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 3)

8 113 ... 120 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (third most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date/ Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 3)

8 121 ... 128 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (third most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 4)

8 129 ...136 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (fourth most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 4)

8 137 ... 144 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (fourth most recent).

46 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 5)

8 145 ... 152 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (fifth most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 5)

8 153 ... 160 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (fifth most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date / Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 6)

8 161 ... 168 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (sixth most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 6)

8 169 ... 176 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (sixth most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 7)

8 177 ... 184 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (seventh most recent)

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 7)

8 185 ... 192 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (seventh most recent)

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 8)

8 193 ... 200 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (eighth most recent).

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 8)

8 201 ... 208 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (eighth most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date/ Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 9)

8 209 ... 216 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (ninth most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 9)

8 217 ... 224 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (ninth most recent).

Part D Enrollment Effective Date / Employer Subsidy Start Date (Occurrence 10)

8 225 ... 232 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective start date of the Part D plan or the Start Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (tenth most recent).

Part D Disenrollment Date / Employer Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 10)

8 233 ... 240 X(8) CCYYMMDD

Spaces = No Drug Coverage Period for this occurrence or Data Not Found.

Effective disenrollment date of the Part D plan or the End Date of the Employer Subsidy coverage for the beneficiary (tenth most recent).

Sending Entity 8 241 ... 248 X(8) Sending Part D Organization (left justified space filled)

Acceptable Values:

5-position Contract Identifier + 3 Spaces (3 Spaces are for Future Use)

The Sending Entity provided on the Header Record of the BEQ Request File in which the Transaction (Detail Record) was found.

The Sending Entity may be a Part D Organization.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition File Control Number 9 249 ... 257 X(9) Assigned by Sending Entity The File Control Number provided by the Sending Entity on the

Header record of the BEQ Request File in which the Transaction (Detail Record) was found.

File Creation Date 8 258 ... 265 X(8) CCYYMMDD The File Creation Date provided on the Header Record of the BEQ Request File in which the Transaction (Detail Record) was found.

Part D Eligibility Start Date 8 266…273 X(8) CCYYMMDD This field identifies the date the beneficiary became eligible for Part D Benefits.

Deemed / Low Income Subsidy Effective Date (occurrence 1)

8 274…281 X(8) CCYYMMDD Effective start date of the deeming period or Low Income Subsidy. This will be the first day of the month in which the deeming was made or the start date of the Low Income Subsidy (most recent or presently active).

Deemed / Low Income Subsidy End Date (Occurrence 1)

8 282…289 X(8) CCYYMMDD The end date of the Deemed period or Low Income Subsidy (most recent or presently active).

Co-payment Level Identifier (Occurrence 1)

1 290…290 X(1) Deemed: 2006 Values: 1 - High ($2/$5) 2 - Low ($1/$3) 3 - zero (no co-pay) 5 - unknown

LIS: 2006 Values: 1 - High ($2/$5) 4 - 15%

This field indicates the Co-Payment level for the beneficiary.

Part D Premium Subsidy Percent (Occurrence 1)

3 291…293 X(3) ‘100’, ‘075’, ‘050’, ‘025’ or ‘000’

If beneficiary is Deemed, subsidy is 100 percent. If beneficiary is LIS, this field identifies the portion of Part D Premium subsidized.

Deemed/Low Income Subsidy Effective Date (Occurrence 2)

8 294…301 X(8) CCYYMMDD Effective start date of the deeming period or Low Income Subsidy. This will be the first day of the month in which the deeming was made or the start date of the Low Income Subsidy (second most recent).

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Deemed/ Low Income Subsidy End Date (Occurrence2)

8 302…309 X(8) CCYYMMDD The end date of the Deemed period or Low Income Subsidy (second most recent).

Co-payment Level Identifier (Occurrence 2)

1 310…310 X(1) Deemed: 2006 Values: 1 - High ($2/$5) 2 - Low ($1/$3) 3 - zero (no co-pay) 5 - unknown

LIS: 2006 Values: 1 - High ($2/$5) 4 - 15%

This field indicates the Co-Payment level for the beneficiary.

Part D Premium Subsidy Percent (Occurrence 2)

3 311…313 X(3) ‘100’, ‘075’, ‘050’, ‘025’ or ‘000’

If beneficiary is Deemed, subsidy is 100 percent. If beneficiary is LIS, this field identifies the portion of Part D Premium subsidized.

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 1 for date fields beginning in position 81)

1 314…314 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 2 for date fields beginning in position 97)

1 315…315 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 3 for date fields beginning in position 113)

1 316…316 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 4 for date fields beginning in position 129)

1 317…317 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 5 for date fields beginning in position 145)

1 318…318 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 6 for date fields beginning in position 161)

1 319…319 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 7 for date fields beginning in position 177)

1 320…320 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 8 for date fields beginning in position 193)

1 321…321 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 9 for date fields beginning in position 209)

1 322…322 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

RDS/Part D Indicator (Occurrence 10 for date fields beginning in position 225)

1 323…323 X(1) R = RDS D = Part D

Effective Date (Occurrence 1) 8 324…331 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 1)

3 332…334 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 1)

1 335…335 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 2) 8 336…343 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 2)

3 344…346 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 2)

1 347…347 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 3) 8 334…355 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 3)

3 356…358 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 3)

1 359…359 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 4) 8 360…367 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 4)

3 368…370 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 4)

1 371…371 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 5) 8 372…379 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 5)

3 380…382 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 5)

1 383…383 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 6) 8 384…391 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 6)

3 392…394 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months 1 395…395 X(1)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition Status (Occurrence 6) Effective Date (Occurrence 7) 8 396…403 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 7)

3 404…406 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 7)

1 407…407 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 8) 8 408…415 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 8)

3 416…418 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 8)

1 419…419 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 9) 8 420…427 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 9)

3 428…430 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 9)

1 431…431 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 10) 8 432…439 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 10)

3 440…442 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 10)

1 443…443 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 11) 8 444…451 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 11)

3 452…454 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 11)

1 455…455 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 12) 8 456…463 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 12)

3 464…466 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 12)

1 467…467 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 13) 8 468…475 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 13)

3 476…478 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 13)

1 479…479 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 14) 8 480…487 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months 3 488…490 9(3)

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition (Occurrence 14) Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 14)

1 491…491 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 15) 8 492…499 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 15)

3 500…502 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 15)

1 503…503 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 16) 8 504…511 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 16)

3 512…514 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 16)

1 515…515 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 17) 8 516…523 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 17)

3 524…526 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 17)

1 527…527 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 18) 8 528…535 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 18)

3 536…538 9(3))

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 18)

1 539…539 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 19) 8 540…547 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 19)

3 548…550 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 19)

1 551…551 X(1)

Effective Date (Occurrence 20) 8 552…559 X(8) Number of Uncovered Months (Occurrence 20)

3 560…562 9(3)

Number of Uncovered Months Status (Occurrence 20)

1 563…563 X(1)

Number of Uncovered Months Total

4 564…567 9(4)

53 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment F Updated Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition FILLER 183 568…750 X(183) Spaces No meaningful values are supplied in this field. This field will be

set to SPACES and should not be referenced for meaningful information nor used to store meaningful information, unless specifically documented otherwise.

Total Length = 750

BEQ Response Trailer Record

Data Field Length Position Format Valid Values Field Definition File ID Name 8 1 … 8 X(8) “CMSBEQRT” This field will always be set to the value "CMSBEQRT." This code identifies the record

as the Trailer Record of a Batch Eligibility Query (BEQ) Response File. Sending Entity (MBD)

8 9 … 16 X(8) “MBD ” (MBD + 5 Spaces)

This field will always be set to the value "MBD ." The value specifically is MBD + 5 following Spaces. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Header Record.

File Creation Date 8 17 … 24 X(8) CCYYMMDD The date on which the BEQ Response File was created by CMS. This value will be formatted as CCYYMMDD. For example, January 3, 2010 would be the value 20100103. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Header Record.

File Control Number 9 25 … 33 X(9) Assigned by Sending Entity (MBD)

The specific Control Number assigned by CMS to the BEQ Response File. CMS will utilize this value to track the BEQ Response File through CMS processing and archive. This value will agree with the corresponding value in the Header Record.

Record Count 7 34 … 40 9(7) Numeric value greater than Zero.

The total number of Transactions (Detail Records) on the BEQ Response File. This value will be right-justified in the field, with leading zeros. This value will not include non-numeric characters, such as commas, spaces, dashes, decimals.

FILLER 710 41 … 750 X(710) Spaces No meaningful values are supplied in this field. This field will be set to SPACES and should not be referenced for meaningful information nor used to store meaningful information, unless specifically documented otherwise.

Total Length = 750

54 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

1. Claim Number 12 1 – 12 Claim Account Number

2. Surname 12 13 – 24 Beneficiary Surname

3. First Name 7 25 – 31 Beneficiary Given Name

4. Middle Name 1 32 Beneficiary Middle Initial

5. Sex Code 1 33 Beneficiary Sex Identification Code ‘0’ = Unknown ‘1’ = Male ‘2’ = Female

6. Date of Birth 8 34 – 41 YYYYMMDD Format

7. Filler 1 42 Space

8. Contract Number 5 43 – 47 Plan Contract Number

9. State Code 2 48 – 49 Beneficiary Residence State Code

10. County Code 3 50 – 52 Beneficiary Residence County Code

11. Disability Indicator 1 53 ‘1’ = Disabled ‘0’ = No Disability

12. Hospice Indicator 1 54 ‘1’ = Hospice ‘0’ = No Hospice

13. Institutional/NHC Indicator 1 55 ‘1’ = Institutional ‘2’ = NHC ‘0’ = No Institutional

14. ESRD Indicator 1 56 ‘1’ = End-Stage Renal Disease ‘0’ = No End-Stage Renal Disease

15. Transaction Reply Code 3 57 – 59 Transaction Reply Code

16. Transaction Type Code 2 60 – 61 Transaction Type Code

17. Entitlement Type Code 1 62 Beneficiary Entitlement Type Code: ‘Y’ = Entitled to Part A and B Blank = Entitled to Part A or B

55 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

18. Effective Date 8 63 – 70 YYYYMMDD Format; Effective date is present for all Transaction Reply Codes. However, for UI Transaction Reply Codes (TRC), field content is TRC dependent: 701 – New enrollment period start date, 702 – Fill-in enrollment period start date, 703 – Start date of cancelled enrollment period, 704 – Start date of enrollment period cancelled for PBP correction, 705 – Start date of enrollment period for corrected PBP, 706 – Start date of enrollment period cancelled for segment correction, 707 – Start date of enrollment period for corrected segment, 708 – Enrollment period end date assigned to existing opened ended enrollment, 709 & 710 – New start date resulting from update, 711 & 712 – New end date resulting from update, 713 – “00000000” – End date removed. Original end date can be found in field 24.X.

19. WA Indicator 1 71 ‘1’ = Working Aged ‘0’ = No Working Aged

20. Plan Benefit Package ID 3 72 – 74 PBP number

21. Filler 1 75 Spaces

22. Transaction Date 8 76 – 83 YYYYMMDD Format; Present for all transaction reply codes

23 UI Initiated Change Flag 1 84 ‘1’ = transaction created through user interface ‘0’ = transaction from source other than user interface

24. Positions 85 – 96 are dependent upon the value of the TRANSACTION REPLY CODE. There are spaces for all codes except where indicated below. a. Effective Date of the

Disenrollment 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when

Transaction Reply Code is one of the following: 13, 14, 18, 84

b. New Enrollment Effective Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 17, 83

c. Claim Number (new) 12 85 – 96 Present only when Transaction Reply Code is one of the following: 22, 25, 86

56 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

d. Date of Death 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is one of the following: 90 (with transaction type 01), 92

e. Hospice Start Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 71

f. Hospice End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 72

g. ESRD Start Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 73

h. ESRD End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 74

i. Institutional/ NHC Start Date

8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is one of the following: 48, 75, 158, 159

j. Medicaid Start Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 77

k. Medicaid End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 78

l. Part A End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 79

m. WA Start Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 66

n. WA End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 67

o. Part A Reinstate Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 80

p. Part B End Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 81

q. Part B Reinstate Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 82

r. New SCC 5 85 – 89 Beneficiary Residence State and County Code; Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 85

s. Attempted Enroll Effective Date

8 85 - 92 The effective date of an enrollment transaction that was submitted but rejected. Present only when Transaction Reply code is the following: 35, 36, 45, 56

t. New Low-Income Premium Subsidy

12 85 – 96 ZZZZZZZZ9.99 Format; Part D low-income premium subsidy amount. Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 167.

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

u. New Low-income Cost Sharing Subsidy

1 85 – 85 The beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy status has changed, resulting in a co-pay level change. The new co-pay level is: ‘1’ = (High) ‘2’ = (Low) ‘3’ = (0) ‘4’ = 15% Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 168.

v. PBP Effective Date 8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format. Effective date of a beneficiary’s PBP change. Present only when Transaction Reply Code is 100.

w. Correct Part D Premium Rate 12 85 – 96 ZZZZZZZZ9.99 Format; Part D premium amount reported by HPMS for the Plan. Present only when the Transaction Reply Code is 181.

x. Date Identifying Information Changed by UI User

8 85 – 92 YYYYMMDD Format; Field content is dependent on Transaction Reply Code: 702 – Fill-in enrollment period end date, 705 – End date of enrollment period for corrected PBP, blank when end date not provided by user, 707 – End date of enrollment period for corrected segment, blank when end date not provided by user, 709 & 710 – Enrollment period start date prior to start date change, 711, 712, & 713 – Enrollment period end date prior to end date change.

y. Modified Part C Premium Amount

12 85 - 96 ZZZZZZZZ9.99 Format; Part C premium amount reported by HPMS for the Plan. Present only when the Transaction Reply Code is 182.

25. District Office Code 3 97 – 99 Code of the originating district office; Present only when Transaction Type Code is 53

26. Previous Part D Contract/PBP for TrOOP Transfer.

8 100 – 107 CCCCCPPP Format; Present only if previous enrollment exists within reporting year in Part D Contract. Otherwise, field will be blank. CCCCC = Contract Number PPP = Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Number

27. Filler 8 108 – 115 Spaces 28. Source ID 5 116 – 120 Transaction Source Identifier 29. Prior Plan Benefit Package ID 3 121 – 123 Prior PBP number; present only when

transaction type code is 71 30. Application Date 8 124 – 131 The date the plan received the beneficiary’s

completed enrollment (electronic) or the date the beneficiary signed the enrollment application (paper). Format: YYYYMMDD

58 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

31. UI User Organization Designation 2 132 – 133 ‘02’ = Regional Office, ‘03’ = Central Office, Blank if not UI transaction

32. Out of Area Flag 1 134 – 134 Out of Area Indicator 33. Segment Number 3 135 – 137 Further definition of PBP by geographic

boundaries 34. Part C Beneficiary Premium 8 138 – 145 Cost to beneficiary for Part C benefits 35. Part D Beneficiary Premium 8 146 – 153 Cost to beneficiary for Part D benefits 36. Election Type 1 154 – 154 ‘A’ = AEP; ‘E’ = IEP;’I’ = ICEP;

‘O’ = OEP; ‘N’ = OEPNEW; ‘T’ = OEPI ‘S’= Other SEP; ‘U’=Dual/LIS SEP; ‘V’=Permanent Change in Residence SEP; ‘W’=EGHP SEP; ‘X’=Administrative Action SEP; ‘Y’=CMS/Case Work SEP. MAs use I, A, N, O, S, T, U, V, W, X, and Y. MAPDs use I, A, E, N, O, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y. PDPs use A, E, S, U, V, W, X, and Y.

37. Enrollment Source 1 155 – 155 ‘A’ = Auto enrolled by CMS; ‘B’ = Beneficiary Election; ‘C’ = Facilitated enrollment by CMS; ‘D’ = CMS Annual Rollover; ‘E’ = Plan initiated auto-enrollment; ‘F’ = Plan initiated facilitated-enrollment; ‘G’ = Point-of-sale enrollment; ‘H’ = CMS or Plan reassignment ‘I’ = Invalid submitted value (transaction

is not rejected) 38. Part D Opt-Out Flag 1 156 – 156 ‘Y’ = Opt-out of auto-enrollment;

‘N’ = Opted out of auto-enrollment; Blank = No change to opt-out status

39. Premium Withhold Option/Parts C-D 1 157 – 157 ‘D’ = Direct self-pay ‘S’ = Deduct from SSA benefits ‘R’ = Deduct from RRB benefits ‘O’ = Deduct from OPM benefits ‘N’ = No premium applicable Option applies to both Part C and D Premiums

40. Number of Uncovered Months 3 158 – 160 Count of Total Months without drug coverage 41. Creditable Coverage Flag 1 161 – 161 ‘Y’ = Covered

‘N’ = Not Covered ‘R’ = Setting uncovered months to zero due to a new IEP ‘U’ = Setting uncovered months to the value prior to using R

59 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

42. Employer Subsidy Override Flag 1 162 – 162 ‘Y’ = Beneficiary is in a plan receiving an employer subsidy, flag allows enrollment in a Part D plan.

43. Processing Timestamp 15 163 – 177 Transaction processing time, Format: HH.MM.SS.SSSSSS

44. Filler 20 178 – 197 Spaces 45. Secondary Drug Insurance Flag 1 198-198 Type 61 & 71 MA-PD and PDP transactions:

‘Y’ = Beneficiary has secondary drug insurance ‘N’ = Beneficiary does not have secondary drug insurance available Blank – Do not know whether beneficiary has secondary drug insurance

Type 72 MA-PD and PDP transactions: ‘Y’ = Secondary drug insurance available ‘N’ = No secondary drug insurance available Blank = no change

46. Secondary Rx ID 20 199 – 218 Secondary insurance Plan’s ID number for beneficiary

47. Secondary Rx Group 15 219 – 233 Secondary insurance Plan’s Group ID number for beneficiary

48. EGHP 1 234 - 234 Type 60, 61, 71 transactions: ‘Y’ = EGHP Blank = not EGHP

Type 72 transactions: ‘Y’ = EGHP ‘N’ = Not EGHP Blank = no change

49. Part D Low-Income Premium Subsidy Level

3 235 – 237 Part D low-income premium subsidy category: ‘000’ = No subsidy, ‘025’ = 25% subsidy level, ‘050’ = 50% subsidy level, ‘075’ = 75% subsidy level, ‘100’ = 100% subsidy level

50. Low-Income Co-Pay Category 1 238 – 238 Definitions of the co-payment categories: ‘0’ = none, not low-income ‘1’ = (High) ‘2’ = (Low) ‘3’ = (0) ‘4’ = 15% ‘5’ = Unknown

51. Low-Income Co-Pay Effective Date 8 239 - 246 Date co-pay category became effective, YYYYMMDD.

52. Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Amount

8 247 - 254 Calculated Part D late enrollment penalty, not including adjustments indicated by items (53) and (54). Format: -9999.99

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment G Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR) Data File

Field Size Position Description

53. Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Waived Amount

8 255 - 262 Amount of Part D late enrollment penalty waived. Format: -9999.99

54. Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Subsidy Amount

8 263 - 270 Amount of Part D late enrollment penalty low-income subsidy. Format: -9999.99

55. Low-Income Part D Premium Subsidy Amount

8 271- 278 Amount of Part D low-income premium subsidy. Format: -9999.99

56. Part D Rx BIN 6 279 - 284 Beneficiary’s Part D Rx BIN taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

57. Part D Rx PCN 10 285 - 294 Beneficiary’s Part D Rx PCN taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

58. Part D Rx Group 15 295 - 309 Beneficiary’s Part D Rx Group taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

59. Part D Rx ID 20 310 - 329 Beneficiary’s Part D Rx ID taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

60. Secondary Rx BIN 6 330 - 335 Beneficiary’s secondary insurance BIN taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

61. Secondary Rx PCN 10 336 - 345 Beneficiary’s secondary insurance PCN taken from the input transaction (60/61, 71, or 72); otherwise, blank if not provided

62. De Minimis Differential Amount 8 346 - 353 Amount by which a Part D de minimis Plan’s beneficiary premium exceeds the applicable regional low-income premium subsidy benchmark. Format: -9999.99

62. Filler 147 354 - 500 Spaces

61 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment H Updated Transaction Reply Report (TRR)

1RUN DATE: 08/02/2007





10 4

0 TC 72 TC 71 TC 60 TC 61 TC 62

TC 51

TC 53 TC 54 TC 30 TC 31 TC OTH

ALL + _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 0REJECTED ACTN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0REGION ACTNS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0CNTRL OFFICE ACT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0DISTR OFFICE ACT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0MCARE CUST SRVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0BENE FACT ACTN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0AUTO-DISENROLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0** TOTAL ACTNS* 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0* ORBIT/PENDING * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


62 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment I Monthly Membership Detail Data File

# Field Name Len Pos Description 1 MCO Contract Number 5 1-5 MCO Contract Number 2 Run Date of the File 8 6-13 YYYYMMDD 3 Payment Date 6 14-19 YYYYMM 4 HIC Number 12 20-31 Member’s HIC # 5 Surname 7 32-38 6 First Initial 1 39-39 7 Sex 1 40-40 M = Male, F = Female 8 Date of Birth 8 41-48 YYYYMMDD 9 Age Group 4 49-52 BBEE

BB = Beginning Age EE = Ending Age

10 State & County Code 5 53-57 11 Out of Area Indicator 1 58-58 Y = Out of Contract-level service area

Always Spaces on Adjustment

12 Part A Entitlement 1 59-59 Y = Entitled to Part A

13 Part B Entitlement 1 60-60 Y = Entitled to Part B 14 Hospice 1 61-61 Y = Hospice 15 ESRD 1 62-62 Y = ESRD 16 Aged/Disabled MSP 1 63-63 Y = Aged/Disabled MSP 17 Institutional 1 64-64 Y = Institutional (monthly) 18 NHC 1 65-65 Y = Nursing Home Certifiable 19 Medicaid 1 66-66 Y = Medicaid Status 20 LTI Flag 1 67-67 Y = Part C Long Term Institutional

21 Medicaid Indicator 1 68-68 Y = Medicaid Addon 22 PIP-DCG 2 69-70 PIP-DCG Category - Only on pre-2004 adjustments 23 Default Indicator 1 71-71 Y = default RA factor in use

• For pre-2004 adjustments, a “Y” indicates that a new enrollee RA factor is in use • For post-2003 payments and adjustments, a “Y” indicates that a default factor was generated by the system due to lack of a RA factor.

24 Risk Adjuster Factor A 7 72-78 NN.DDDD 25 Risk Adjuster Factor B 7 79-85 NN.DDDD 26 Number of Paymt/Adjustmt

Months Part A 2 86-87 99

27 Number of Paymt/Adjustmt Months Part B

2 88-89 99

28 Adjustment Reason Code 2 90-91 FORMAT: 99 Always Spaces on Payment and MSA Deposit or Recovery Records

29 Paymt/Adjustment/MSA Start Date


30 Paymt/Adjustment/MSA End Date


31 Demographic Paymt/Adjustmt Rate A

9 108-116 FORMAT: -99999.99

32 Demographic Paymt/Adjustmt Rate B

9 117-125 FORMAT: -99999.99

63 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment I Monthly Membership Detail Data File

# Field Name Len Pos Description 33 Risk Adjuster

Paymt/Adjustmt Rate A 9 126-134 Part A portion for the beneficiary’s payment or

payment adjustment dollars. For MSA Plans, the amount does not include any lump sum deposit or recovery amounts. It is the Plan capitated payment only, which includes the MSA monthly deposit amount as a negative term. FORMAT: -99999.99

34 Risk Adjuster Paymt/Adjustmt Rate B

9 135-143 Part B portion for the beneficiary’s payment or payment adjustment dollars. For MSA Plans, the amount does not include any lump sum deposit or recovery amounts. It is the Plan capitated payment only, which includes the MSA monthly deposit amount as a negative term. FORMAT: -99999.99

35 LIS Premium Subsidy 8 144-151 FORMAT: -9999.99 36 ESRD MSP Flag 1 152-152 Format X. Values = ‘Y’ or ‘N’(default)

Indicates if Medicare is the Secondary Payer 37 MSA Part A

Deposit/Recovery Amount 8 153-160 Medicare Savings Account (MSA) lump sum Part

A dollars to be deposited/recovered. Deposits are positive values and recoveries are negative. FORMAT: -9999.99

38 MSA Part B Deposit/Recovery Amount

8 161-168 Medicare Savings Account (MSA) lump sum Part B dollars to be deposited/recovered. Deposits are positive values and recoveries are negative. FORMAT: -9999.99

39 MSA Deposit/Recovery Months

2 169-170 Number of months associated with MSA deposit or recovery dollars

40 FILLER 1 171-171 SPACES 41 Risk Adjuster Age Group

(RAAG) 4 172-175 BBEE

BB = Beginning Age EE = Ending Age

42 Previous Disable Ratio (PRDIB)

7 176-182 NN.DDDD Percentage of Year (in months) for Previous Disable Add-On – Only on pre-2004 adjustments

43 De Minimis 1 183-183 ‘N’ = “de minimis” does not apply ‘Y’ = “de minimis” applies

44 Filler 1 184-184 Spaces 45 Plan Benefit Package Id 3 185-187 Plan Benefit Package Id

FORMAT 999 46 Race Code 1 188-188 Format X

Values: 0 = Unknown 1 = White 2 = Black 3 = Other 4 = Asian 5 = Hispanic 6 = N. American Native

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Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment I Monthly Membership Detail Data File

# Field Name Len Pos Description

47 RA Factor Type Code 2 189-190 Type of factors in use (see Fields 24-25):

C = Community C1 = Community Post-Graft I (ESRD) C2 = Community Post-Graft II (ESRD) D = Dialysis (ESRD) E = New Enrollee ED = New Enrollee Dialysis (ESRD) E1 = New Enrollee Post-Graft I (ESRD) E2 = New Enrollee Post-Graft II (ESRD) G1 = Graft I (ESRD) G2 = Graft II (ESRD) I = Institutional I1 = Institutional Post-Graft I (ESRD) I2 = Institutional Post-Graft II (ESRD)

48 Frailty Indicator 1 191-191 Y = MCO-level Frailty Factor Included 49 Original Reason for

Entitlement Code (OREC) 1 192-192 0 = Beneficiary insured due to age

1 = Beneficiary insured due to disability 2 = Beneficiary insured due to ESRD 3 = Beneficiary insured due to disability and current ESRD

50 Lag Indicator 1 193-193 Y = Encounter data used to calculate RA factor lags payment year by 6 months

51 Segment ID 3 194-196 Identification number of the segment of the PBP. Blank if there are no segments.

52 Enrollment Source 1 197 The source of the enrollment. Values are A = Auto-enrolled by CMS, B = Beneficiary election, C = Facilitated enrollment by CMS, D = Systematic enrollment by CMS (rollover), E = Auto-enrolled by Plans, F = Facilitated enrollment by Plans, G = POS submitted enrollment, H= Re-assignment enrollment by CMS or Plans and I=Enrollments submitted by plans with enrollment source other than B, E, F, G, H and blank.

53 EGHP Flag 1 198 Employer Group flag; Y = member of employer group, N = member is not in an employer group

54 Part C Basic Premium – Part A Amount

8 199-206 The premium amount for determining the MA payment attributable to Part A. It is subtracted from the MA plan payment for plans that bid above the benchmark. -9999.99

55 Part C Basic Premium – Part B Amount

8 207-214 The premium amount for determining the MA payment attributable to Part B. It is subtracted from the MA plan payment for plans that bid above the benchmark. -9999.99

56 Rebate for Part A Cost Sharing Reduction

8 215-222 The amount of the rebate allocated to reducing the member’s Part A cost-sharing. This amount is added to the MA plan payment for plans that bid below the benchmark. -9999.99

65 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment I Monthly Membership Detail Data File

# Field Name Len Pos Description 57 Rebate for Part B Cost

Sharing Reduction 8 223-230 The amount of the rebate allocated to reducing the

member’s Part B cost-sharing. This amount is added to the MA plan payment for plans that bid below the benchmark. -9999.99

58 Rebate for Other Part A Mandatory Supplemental Benefits

8 231-238 The amount of the rebate allocated to providing Part A supplemental benefits. This amount is added to the MA plan payment for plans that bid below the benchmark. -9999.99

59 Rebate for Other Part B Mandatory Supplemental Benefits

8 239-246 The amount of the rebate allocated to providing Part B supplemental benefits. This amount is added to the MA plan payment for plans that bid below the benchmark. -9999.99

60 Rebate for Part B Premium Reduction – Part A Amount

8 247-254 The Part A amount of the rebate allocated to reducing the member’s Part B premium. This amount is retained by CMS for non ESRD members and it is subtracted from ESRD member’s payments. -9999.99

61 Rebate for Part B Premium Reduction – Part B Amount

8 255-262 The Part B amount of the rebate allocated to reducing the member’s Part B premium. This amount is retained by CMS for non ESRD members and it is subtracted from ESRD member’s payments. -9999.99

62 Rebate for Part D Supplemental Benefits – Part A Amount

8 263–270 Part A Amount of the rebate allocated to providing Part D supplemental benefits. -9999.99

63 Rebate for Part D Supplemental Benefits – Part B Amount

8 271–278 Part B Amount of the rebate allocated to providing Part D supplemental benefits. -9999.99

64 Total Part A MA Payment 10 279–288 The total Part A MA payment. -999999.99

65 Total Part B MA Payment 10 289–298 The total Part B MA payment. -999999.99

66 Total MA Payment Amount 11 299-309 The total MA A/B payment including MMA adjustments. This also includes the Rebate Amount for Part D Supplemental Benefits -9999999.99

67 Part D RA Factor 7 310-316 The member’s Part D risk adjustment factor. NN.DDDD

68 Part D Low-Income Indicator 1 317 An indicator to identify if the Part D Low-Income multiplier is included in the Part D payment. Values are 1 (subset 1), 2 (subset 2) or blank.

69 Part D Low-Income Multiplier

7 318-324 The member’s Part D low-income multiplier. NN.DDDD

70 Part D Long Term Institutional Indicator

1 325 An indicator to identify if the Part D Long-Term Institutional multiplier is included in the Part D payment. Values are A (aged), D (disabled) or blank.

71 Part D Long Term Institutional Multiplier

7 326-332 The member’s Part D institutional multiplier. NN.DDDD

66 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment I Monthly Membership Detail Data File

# Field Name Len Pos Description 72 Rebate for Part D Basic

Premium Reduction 8 333-340 Amount of the rebate allocated to reducing the

member’s basic Part D premium. -9999.99

73 Part D Basic Premium Amount

8 341-348 The plan’s Part D premium amount. -9999.99

74 Part D Direct Subsidy Payment Amount

10 349-358 The total Part D Direct subsidy payment for the member. -999999.99

75 Reinsurance Subsidy Amount 10 359-368 The amount of the reinsurance subsidy included in the payment. -999999.99

76 Low-Income Subsidy Cost-Sharing Amount

10 369-378 The amount of the low-income subsidy cost-sharing amount included in the payment. -999999.99

77 Total Part D Payment 11 379-389 The total Part D payment for the member -9999999.99.

78 Number of Paymt/Adjustmt Months Part D

2 390-391 99

79 PACE Premium Add On 10 392-401 Total Part D Pace Premium Addon amount -999999.99

80 PACE Cost Sharing Addon 10 402-411 Total Part D Pace Cost Sharing Addon amount -999999.99

67 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment J Updated Monthly Membership Detail Report – Drug Report File (Part D)





$10.60 | $0.00 0 S --- FLAGS --- ------------------ PAYMENTS/ADJUSTMENTS ---------------------------



------------ - ---- -----O R R G U I N M ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------





------------ - ---- ------ - - - - --- - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------

123456789A F 5559 33700 1.9770 200601 200601 000 $0.00


S 5559 19491130 B N 1 $129.17 $0.00 $0.00 $129.17

987654321A F 8084 10050 1.0300 200601 200601 000 $0.00


M 8084 19240306 B Y 1 $62.22 $0.00 $0.00 $62.22

68 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Header Record

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

1 Record Type 3 1-3 H = Header Record PIC XXX

2 MCO Contract Number 5 4-8 MCO Contract Number PIC X(5)

3 Payment/Payment Adjustment Date 6 9-14 YYYYMM

First 6 digits contain Current Payment Month PIC 9(6)

4 Data file Date 8 15-22

YYYYMMDD Date this datafile created

PIC 9(8)

5 FILLER 143 23-165 Spaces

Detail Record

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

1 Record Type 3 1-3

PD = Prospective Detail Record “Prospective” means Premium Period equals Payment Month reflected in Header Record

AD = Adjustment Detail Record “Adjustment” means all premium periods other

than Prospective


2 MCO Contract Number 5 4-8 MCO Contract Number PIC X(5)

3 Plan Benefit Package Number 3 9-11 Plan Benefit Package Number PIC X(3)

69 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

4 Plan Segment Number 3 12-14 Plan Segment Number PIC X(3)


5 HIC Number 12 15-26 Member’s HIC # PIC X(12)

6 Surname 7 27-33 PIC X(7) 7 First Initial 1 34 PIC X

8 Sex 1 35 M = Male, F = Female PIC X

9 Date of Birth 8 36-43 YYYYMMDD PIC 9(8)


11 Premium/Adjustment Period Start Date 6 45-50

PD: current processing month. AD: adjustment period.


12 Premium/Adjustment Period End Date 6 51-56

PD: current processing month. AD: adjustment period.


13 Number of Months in Premium/Adjustment Period 2 57-58 PIC 99

70 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

14 PD: Net Monthly Part D Basic Premium

AD: Net Monthly Part D Basic Premium Amount 8 59-66

Plan’s Part D Basic Rate in effect for this premium period

Net is Monthly Part D Basic Premium (minus)


NOTE: PD always equals AD for this field

PIC -9999.99

15 Low Income Premium Subsidy Percentage 3 67-69

Low Income Premium Subsidy Percentage Subsidy percentage in effect for this premium

period Valid values: 100, 075, 050, 025, Blank

PIC 999

16 Premium Payment Option 1 70

Current view of Premium payment option. Valid values: D (direct bill)

S (SSA withhold) R (RRB withhold) O (OPM withhold)

N (no premium applicable) PIC X


71 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

17 Premium Low Income Subsidy Amount 8 71-78

PD: Premium Low Income Subsidy Amount – the

portion of the Part D basic premium paid by the Government on behalf of a low income


AD: For adjustments, compute the adjustment for

each month in the (affected) payment period if the payment has already been made.

PIC -9999.99

18 Net Late Enrollment Penalty Amount for Direct Billed Members 8 79-86

PD: Late Enrollment Penalty Amount for Direct

Billed Members owed by beneficiary for premium period. This amount is net of any

subsidized amounts for eligible LIS members.

Net Late Enrollment Penalty Amount for Direct Billed Members =

Late Enrollment Penalty Amount (minus)

LEP Subsidy Amount (minus)

Part D Penalty Waived Amount

AD: For adjustments, compute the adjustment for

each month in the (affected) payment period if the payment has already been made.

PIC -9999.99

72 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

19 Net Amount Payable to Plan 8 87-94

PD: Net Amount Payable to Plan =

Premium Low Income Subsidy Amount (field 16)

(minus) Net Late Enrollment Penalty Amount for Direct

Billed Members (field 17)

AD: For adjustments, compute the adjustment for

each month in the (affected) payment period if the payment has already been made.

PIC -9999.99 20 FILLER 71 95-165 Spaces

73 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Trailer Record Totals by Contract, Plan and Segment for this Premium LIS/LEP data file

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

1 Record Type 3 1-3

PT1 = Trailer Record, Prospective Totals at Segment Level

PT2 = Trailer Record, Prospective Totals at PBP Level

PT3 = Trailer Record, Prospective Totals at Contract Level

AT1 = Trailer Record, Adjustment Totals at Segment Level

AT2 = Trailer Record, Adjustment Totals at PBP Level

AT3 = Trailer Record, Adjustment Totals at Contract Level

CT1 = Trailer Record, Combined Totals at Segment Level

CT2 = Trailer Record, Combined Totals at PBP Level

CT3 = Trailer Record, Combined Totals at Contract Level


2 MCO Contract Number 5 4-8 MCO Contract Number

PIC X(5)

3 Plan Benefit Package Number 3 9-11 Plan Benefit Package Number Not populated on T3 records

PIC X(3)

4 Plan Segment Number 3 12-14 Plan Segment Number

Not populated on T2 or T3 records PIC X(3)

74 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment K Updated Low Income Subsidy/Late Enrollment Penalty (LIS/LEP) Data File

Item Field Name Len Pos Description

5 Total Premium Low Income Subsidy Amount 14 15-28

Total of All Beneficiary Premium Low Income Subsidy Amounts At Level Indicated By

Record Type

PIC -9(10).99

6 Total Late Enrollment Penalty Amount (net of subsidized amounts for eligible LIS members.) 14 29-42

Total of All Beneficiary Late Enrollment Penalty Amounts At Level Indicated By Record


PIC -9(10).99

7 Total Net Amount Payable to Plan for Direct Billed Beneficiaries 14 43 - 56

Total Net Amount Payable to Contract for Direct Billed Beneficiaries =

Total Premium Low Income Subsidy Amount (field 5)

(minus) Total Late Enrollment Penalty Amount Net of

any Subsidy (field 6)

PIC -9(10).99 8 FILLER 109 57-165 Spaces

75 of 76

Revised: 09/13/07 Attachment L Updated Bi-Weekly Deemed LIS/Premium Report Data File

Field Size Position Description 1. Claim Number 12 1 – 12 Beneficiary’s Claim Account Number 2. Contract Number 5 13 – 17 Contract Identification Number 3. PBP Number 3 18 – 20 Beneficiary’s Plan Benefit Package Identification

Number, blank if none 4. Segment Number 3 21 - 23 Beneficiary’s Segment Identification Number,

blank if none 5. Run Date 8 24 - 31 Data File Generation Date, YYYYMMDD 6. Subsidy Start Date 8 32 - 39 Beneficiary’s Subsidy Start Date, YYYYMMDD 7. Subsidy End Date 8 40 – 47 Beneficiary’s Subsidy End Date, YYYYMMDD 8. Part D Premium

Subsidy Percentage 3 48 – 50 Beneficiary’s Low-Income Premium Subsidy

Percent ‘100’ = 100% Premium Subsidy ‘075’ = 75% Premium Subsidy ‘050’ = 50% Premium Subsidy ‘025’ = 25% Premium Subsidy

9. Low-Income Co-Payment Level ID

1 51 – 51 Co-Payment Category Definitions: ‘1’ = High ‘2’ = Low ‘3’ = $0 ‘4’ = 15%

10. Beneficiary Enrollment Effective Date

8 52 – 59 Beneficiary’s Enrollment Effective Date, Format: YYYYMMDD

11. Beneficiary Enrollment End Date

8 60 - 67 Beneficiary’s Enrollment End Date, Format: YYYYMMDD Can be blank

12. Part C Premium Amount

8 68 – 75 Beneficiary’s Part C Premium Amount, (----9.99)

13. Part D Premium Amount

8 76 – 83 Beneficiary’s Part D Premium Amount Net of De Minimis if Applicable, (----9.99)

14. Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Amount

8 84 - 91 Beneficiary’s Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Amount, (----9.99)

15. LIS Subsidy Amount 8 92 - 99 Beneficiary’s LIS Subsidy Amount, (----9.99) 16. LIS Penalty Subsidy

Amount 8 100 - 107 Beneficiary’s LIS Penalty Subsidy Amount,

(----9.99) 17. Part D Penalty Waived

Amount 8 108 - 115 Beneficiary’s Part D Penalty Waived Amount,

(----9.99) 18 Total Premium Amount 8 116 - 123 Total Calculated Premium for Beneficiary

(----9.99) 19. De Minimis

Differential Amount 8 124 – 131 Amount by which a Part D De Minimis Plan’s

beneficiary premium exceeds the applicable regional low-income premium subsidy benchmark.

20. FILLER 147 132 – 278 Filler

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