c.m. rodrigue, 2014 geography, csulb mars: fourth order landscapes geography 441/541 s/14 dr....

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes Geography 441/541 S/14 Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue Slide 2 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes The Orders of Relief for Martian Landscapes The first order was the great crustal dichotomy: Northern lowlands: ~ 1/3 Southern highlands: ~2/3 The second order was the large regional features: Tharsis and Elysium rises The largest craters: Hellas, Argyre, Isidis, Utopia Valles Marineris The polar ice caps Slide 3 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes The Orders of Relief for Martian Landscapes The third order was the somewhat smaller major regions associated with the araeological eras: In many ways, this is a cross-cutting category It addresses the geological column or relative ages of all Martian landscapes in terms of the three regional units that gave the three-part sequences of Mars evolution their names: The Noachian Era The Hesperian Era The Amazonian Era Slide 4 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes The Orders of Relief for Martian Landscapes The fourth order is in order now: These are smaller features (a few kilometers to a few hundred km): They are landscapes dominated by one or two processes Fluvial valleys Sapping alcoves Outwash channels Linear foss Folded and faulted mountains of Thaumasia Lava tubes Layered mesas Patterned ground Wind abraded/etched landscapes Dune fields Evidence of mass wasting Slide 5 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes Secondary cratering issue: (W.K. Hartmann painting http://psi.edu/hartmann/) Slide 6 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes Secondary cratering issue: Secondary cratering from a primary impact event can be hard to detect odd-shaped craters are often described as secondaries lower velocity impacts don't produce a symmetrical detonation Slide 7 C.M. Rodrigue, 2014 Geography, CSULB Mars: Fourth Order Landscapes Secondary cratering issue: Secondary cratering from a primary impact event can be hard to detect just from odd shapes Plot complication: really low angle impacts,

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