club «white lightning» – schesyuk valentina

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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Schesyuk Valentina

R u s s i a s p o r tR u s s i a s p o r t

CLUB «White lightning»

Club «White lightning»

Permanent leader, the initiator of all the projects, my inspiration for sports is Schesyuk Valentina, a luxury coach, master of sports, a person of extraordinary human and pedagogical talent.

Club «White lightning»

Under her leadership, around 230 children has joined the club. During her work at the table tennis club "White Lightning" 35 masters of sport were prepared.

Club «White lightning»

Our team is an annual prize winner of school sport competitions of St. Petersburg. The club has been repeatedly winning the Cup of Russia among youth groups.

Club «White lightning»

In 2002 at the World Festival of table tennis in Sweden (which is held every 4 years) we won 45 medals. This result was devoted to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Club «White lightning»

Over 90 athletes are included in the rating classification list of the strongest players of Russia. In 2012, Valentina was awarded the "Prize of the Youth of St. Petersburg" in the category" Best Youth Leader and children's social union".

Club «White lightning»

I am very grateful for all that she does.

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