club committees workshop—tully … · cassowary coast regional council u r le isu r e sport and...

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    At your leisure

    Sport and Recreation

    Club Committees Workshop—TULLY Date: Thursday 19 August 2010

    Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm

    Venue: Tigers Leagues Club, Bryant St, TULLY Q 4854

    This workshop is part of a series of Queensland Government initiatives to discuss current issues facing the sport and rec-reation industry. This workshop is a great learning opportunity for coaches, administrators, instructors and volunteers op-

    erating at the grassroots level.

    Join us to help make our community more active! Contact the Department of Communities, Sport and Recreation Services (Michael Hansen)

    on (07) 40919230 or email

    before Friday 13 August 2010 to register your place.

    There is no charge to attend this Club Committees workshop

    Presented by Brett Dowker, this workshop will cover:

    Topics Covered

    Club Committees

    Dealing with common challenges in club committees

    Virtues of effective committees & effective committee members

    Recruiting the right people

    Inducting, training & retaining club committee members

    Tips for creating successful meetings

    Dealing with difficult committee members & personalities

    Strategic planning

    Principles of best practice

    Governance, reporting & performance

    Legal obligations & compliance

    Risk management

    Financial monitoring & performance

    AUGUST 2010

  • Coconuts Outriggers Come and Try Day—Sunday 15th August @ 2pm

    Coconuts Beach All ages (12 to 60+), all fitness levels welcome!

    Wear something you don’t mind getting wet and bring a water bottle

    Free sausage sizzle For more info phone Linda 0427 614 951, Vicki 0423 640 021 or Tracy 0402 047 820

    Outrigger canoeing is of the fastest growing water sports in Australia. The first Outrigger canoe was built in the Pacific Islands and was used as the only available form of transport between islands and to provide food from the ocean. Outrigger racing started the moment the second canoe was built. Outrigger canoe racing in the Pacific is a part of life and as es-sential and prestigious as cricket or rugby is to Australians. Outrigger Canoeing in Queen-sland is divided into Southern and Northern Zones. The Southern Zone extends from Tweed Heads to Fraser Island, and the Northern Zone starts at Yeppoon/Rockhampton and stretches as far north as the Torres Strait.

    We welcome people of all ages and fitness levels to come and try our sport. Whether you are a budding enthusiast or a competitive athlete looking for another sport to add to your training, outrigger paddling can provide you with many wonderful opportunities. As a member of the club, you will enjoy many benefits, including opportunities to make new friends, train in a beautiful location, achieve and maintain high fitness and endurance lev-els, as well as having the option to travel and compete in an exciting endurance and sprint sport

    Club days are Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 5.15pm and all are able to attend from novice to advanced. Early morning sessions are also held on Wednesdays and Fridays, however these sessions need to be organised to make sure enough people are available to fill the canoes (call Linda 0427 614 951). Early morning Saturdays experienced paddlers go out for marathon training. Our training sessions are usually 1 hour in length on weekdays and longer on weekends. Sessions vary in structure from technique classes, strength train-ing to endurance and marathon sessions.

    When – Saturday 28 August 2010 Where – Coconuts Beach, Innisfail For further information, please call: President – Linda Gaia 0427 614 951 Secretary – Vicki Hall 0423 640 021 Treasurer – Tracy Darveniza 0413 033 390

  • Cassowary Coast Regional Council

    INFORMATION FORUM 2010 SPORT & REC funding / CCRC Community Grants

    Free to public CARDWELL Tuesday 17th August – 6.30pm to 8.30pm

    Cardwell RSL

    INNISFAIL Tuesday 24th August – 6.30pm to 8.30pm

    Conservatorium, River Drive Innisfail

    MISSION BEACH Wednesday 25th August – 6.30pm to 8.30pm

    Mission Bch Surf Club,152 Kennedy Esp Sth Mission

    TULLY Tuesday 31st August – 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

    Tully Leagues Club, Bryant St, Tully

    CCRC's requirements for community liquor permits

    CCRC’s Financial Assistance to youth

    Community Development Grants—(Council’s Community Assistance Scheme)

    Community Benefit Gambling Fund Grants—Assistance through Letter of support

    Sport & Recreation Queensland’s Funding Information Session

    General Discussion & Inquiries


    Michael Hansen (Sport and Rec Services

    Kath Barnett (Community Development Officer—CCRC)

    Vince O’Brien (Facility’s Manager—CCRC)

    Bendigo Bank (Mission Beach Only)

    For Catering purposes and further information please register expres-sions. For further information, please contact Council’s Community De-

    velopment Officer, Kath Barnett on 4030 2255 or�

  • Active Inclusion Funding Program Round 2 Opens 1st September 2010 — Closes 15th October 2010

    How much: Various

    Objective: To support communities by providing funding for activities and education to increase access to sport and recreation, for individuals and groups facing barriers to participation within the community.

    What type of initiatives are eligible for funding?

    Funding is available for initiatives under the following 3 categories:

    Participation initiatives - projects that encourage greater opportunities to be involved in sport and recreation.

    Education and training programs - training activities that develop the skills of service providers.

    Volunteer development and recruitment - activities that support organisations with the recruit-ment and retention of volunteers.

    How much funding is available for projects? - Funding for Community projects: - Funding up to $50,000 is available for projects to meet the funding categories above.

    Funding for not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations - Funding is available up to a total of $5,000 across the three funding categories to build the capacity of the clubs through education and training; recruitment and retention of volunteers; and encouraging participation in sport and recreation in their community.

    Who can apply (eligibility): Organisations eligible to apply include:

    Queensland not-for-profit organisations


    Queensland State schools

    a sport or recreation body that can deliver suitable projects to the target groups.

    How to apply: Mail

    Who to contact: Department of Communities (QLD) - FREE Phone 1300 656 191

    More information from grant provider:

    Download guidelines for completing an application:�����

  • MINOR INFRASTRUCTURE Funding Program Round 2 Opens 1st September 2010 — Closes 1st October 2010

    What is the Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Program about? The Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Program provides contributions towards the development or con-struction of infrastructure for participation in structured and unstructured sport or recreation. How much funding is available for projects? Funding is available across three categories and is dependent upon the total eligible costs for the project. In the 2010 round, funding is only available under Category 1 (Minor). In future rounds, applications will be accepted for all categories.

    Who can apply? Organisations eligible to apply include:

    a not-for-profit sport or recreation organisation - councils - a not-for-profit Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation - an incorporated university sports club - a Queensland State school - an inde-pendent school - a not-for-profit incorporated organisation

    Priorities of the Program The following projects are a high priority under this round:

    new spaces and places for sport and/or recreation participation

    lighting of sport and recreation locations

    outdoor recreation trails and camping facilities

    Planning your Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Project

    Download Planning Guide, Guidelines, Application Form , Application Form,

    Information for approved applicants (Round 1): Contractual documentation

    Recipient created tax invoice (RCTI) agreement ( PDF 70 kB)

    Electronic funds transfer (EFT) form ( PDF 62 kB)

    Statement by a supplier form ( PDF 75 kB)

    More information

    For more information on the funding programs contact your local Department advisor on 1300 656 191.

    Category Total eligible project costs

    Max. funding contribution ($)

    Max. funding contribu-tion (%)

    1 Minor

    Opening Soon

    Up to $400,000

    $240,000 councils

    60 % councils

    $300,000 other organisations

    75 % other organisations

    2 Medium

    $400,001 to $1.25 mil-lion

    $240,001- $750,000 all eligible organisations

    60 % all eligible organisations

    3 Major Over $1.25 million

    $750,001 - $2 million all eligible organisations

    50 % all eligible organisations�������

  • CATCH - Culture Arts Tourism

    and Community Heritage

    Grants Program The CATCH Program is a source of funds providing grants of up to $20,000 to not for profit community groups in rural and remote Australia. Current Round - YES

    The CATCH program has been established, with the support of the John T Reid Charitable Trusts in re-sponse to the identified need for an independent and flexible source of funding of up to $250,000 this year, to support worthwhile activities in the areas of culture and tourism, the arts, history and heritage.

    Activities which enrich the life of rural and remote communities are often centred on arts and culture, history and heritage and public tourism. This program, made possible by support from the John T Reid Charitable Trusts, aims to meet this need.

    Who can be funded?

    Not-for-profit organisations can apply for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities living in small rural and remote locations in Australia, contributing to their development in social and community welfare, eco-nomic, environmental, health, education or cultural areas. Applications from communities with a population of 10,000 or less will receive preference. Grants will be made in amounts from $1,000 to $20,000. To be eligible, projects must be for a charitable purpose (benefit the whole community). Organisations should also have an ABN or be incorporated. Organisations demonstrating Community Partnerships will be preferred to multiple applications from one community. What can be funded?

    Capital items Equipment Extension programs to remote areas Events and activities which have a demonstrable economic benefit to the community Intergenerational activities What can’t be funded?

    Wages Social, sporting and recreational activities* The Australian Taxation Office has ruled that the encouragement or advancement of sport, recreation or social activities are not considered to have a “charitable purpose”. Please use the attached application form and confine information to the space provided. Attach a copy of your most recent Audited Financial Statement, Detailed Project Budget and copies of all quotes. Please refrain from enclosing applications in plastic folders and including large attachments.

    How to Apply

    Application can be made to FRRR by post only. Applications need to be postmarked on or before 13 August 2010 to be considered.

    Closing Date: 13 August, 2010. Post Applications to: FRRR, PO BOX 41, BENDIGO VIC 3552 For Assistance: Free call 1800 170 020 or email Correspondence: All applications will receive an acknowledgment letter confirming receipt. Results will be advised within 8 - 10 weeks of the closing date. All correspondence is addressed to the head of organisation.�


    AUSTRALIAN OF YEAR AWARDS2011Being nominated for the Australian of the Year Awards is a great honour. This is your opportunity to recognise and reward someone who makes you proud to be an Australian.

    You are invited to nominate a friend, family member, community leader, colleague or even someone famous - any Australian who you believe makes our country a better place to live.

    Nominate online or download a nomination form and return it via post or by fax. If you need assistance submitting a nomination, including translation services, please call 1300 655 193.


    July – August 2010—Australians are invited to nominate someone who makes them proud. September 2010—Nominations are short-listed in their relevant state or territory.—October 2010 — An expert selection panel selects the state/territory finalists and recipients in each award category.— November 2010— State and territory finalists and recipients are announced at func-tions. State and territory recipients become the national finalists and proceed to the national level of judging.—December 2010 – January 2011—The National Australia Day Council board se-lects the national recipients in each award category.—January 25 2011—National recipients are announced on the eve of Australia Day in Canberra.

    There are four categories in which you can nominate:

    Australian of the Year

    Young Australian of the Year (16 to 30 years)

    Senior Australian of the year (60 years and over)

    Australia’s Local Hero

    You can nominate online at or by nomination form which you may choose to complete and forward via post. You are encouraged to include supporting documentation such as personal references, resumes or newspaper articles with your nomination, to help the selectyion panel understand the achievements of your nominee. All documentation submitted with a nomination will be retained by the National Australia Day Council.

    Nominations close midnight Tuesday 31st August 2010.����

  • 1. Plan in Advance - You should have a list of programs that you want funded

    Create a table - this will allow you to plant thoughts in advance of grants and actively seek them out. List:

    The problem

    The solution (options)



    2. Read the Guidelines - use a highlighter

    Using a highlighter to pick the "grant language" will allow you to ensure that you are staying relevant to the guidelines.

    3. Phone the contact person - explain your project; ask credible questions; check you meet guidelines (e.g. what is the average grant?) Start to build a relationship with the grantmaker - many want (indeed insist) that you call. Create a list of questions relevant to your grant (e.g. "We normally cost our volunteers at $30/hr is that OK with you?"). It provides a chance to discuss your project and build your credibility.

    4. Be realistic - in all senses (time, cost, ability to deliver - don't over-promise) Most grantmakers have an in-built "BS detector" - they know how much things cost and how long they take to complete - be realistic.

    5. Do your homework Try and find as much out about the funder as possible - look at their website, annual report, who sits on the board - you'll get a better feel of what they are likely to fund (don't forget to call). Look up which groups/programs have won the grant previously.

    6. Gather your evidence - stats, evidence of need (letters) Most councils have disaggregated data about your area. Also check at If all else fails, run your own surveys.

    7. Think about possible collaborations (can you strengthen your proposal through partnerships?) Many grants now actively target "partnerships" - projects that show evidence of collaboration. Make sure your appli-cation includes details of who supports your work, and who can you partner with to deliver this project - other similar groups, causes, location, business?

    8. How can you measure your outcomes/sustainability? Think of quantitative and qualitative measures that you can use to measure the success of your project. Include details in your application. Talk about how you will transfer learnings from your project to other groups.

    9. Tailor your grant application to the criteria/category/grantmaker (Don't just resubmit an old one) If the grant relates to health don't use the template that you have that might focus more on sport - use the terminol-ogy in the guidelines and weave this through the application.

    10. Always proof read your own work. Then get someone else to proof read it. Does it make sense to some-one who doesn't have expert knowledge of the proposal or your group? Check your spelling, grammar, budget. Have you met the guidelines on words/page limits? It's like a job interview: don't let yourself down. And here's an extra one free of charge.

    11. Always credit the funder and thank them if successful. Invite them to launches and name them in your speeches. Put their logo in your newsletter. Say thank you - sincerely, and often.


  • Individuals, organisations and business networks in our community have the chance to be recognised with the Queensland Regional Achievement & Community Awards.

    Mayor Bill Shannon said:

    “The Awards having been running for many years throughout regional Queensland, and we have seen many fine achievers recognised. We want to see many more hardworking individuals and organisations in our community that are making an invaluable contribution, to nominate this year. We (insert council) are proud of our locals and their achievements, and this is a great opportunity for them to get the recognition and to shine in the spotlight”.

    Nominations are now open in seven categories:

    The Salvation Army Employment Plus Business & Employment Award The Bartercard Events & Tourism Award The Coffee Club Arts & Culture Award The Kleenheat Gas Regional Service Award The Golden Circle Environment & Landcare Award The Golding Contractors Youth Leadership Award The Kleenheat Gas Community of the Year Award

    The Major presenters and prize patrons are offering the winners great television ex-

    posure thanks to WIN Television, or a $2,500 AwardSaver accounts thanks to the

    Commonwealth Bank.

    The program is designed to reward and acknowledge our unsung heroes, the Awards

    are proudly sponsored by the Queensland Government and WIN Television.

    Award criteria and nomination forms are available from your local council, by phoning the local Awards office on 1300 735 445 or visit our website

    NOMINATIONS CLOSE 3rd September 2010!!�

  • Grant: Small Grants for Small Rural Communities Provider: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)

    Category: Community Services & Development

    Funding: Max per grant: $5,000 Total Pool: $900,000

    Closes: 30 September 2010

    Purpose: To provide grants to benefit people in rural and remote communities.

    Overview: A small grants program for small rural Australian communities will offer about $900,000 a year in grants to benefit people in rural and remote communities.

    This collaborative approach is designed to:

    • Make better, targeted use of funds improving access for rural & regional communities

    • Provide a simpler application process

    • Enhance efficiency and effectiveness for philanthropic trusts and foundations who wish to support small communities.

    Priorities: Currently, preference will be given to projects that support:

    • Community Infrastructure

    • Community Development involving Disadvantaged Children or Young People

    • Resettlement of Immigrants in rural Australia

    • Drought affected areas (Exceptional Circumstances Declared).

    Limitations: What can't be funded?

    • The encouragement or advancement of sport or recreation or social activities is not considered a charitable activity by the Australian Taxation Office. Applications from sporting organisations need to clearly demonstrate a benefit to the wider community.

    • Operational and Administration costs, Travel and Accommodation

    • Previous grant recipients who have not completed their final report requirements.

    Who can apply:

    • Not-for-profit Organisations can apply for projects and activities that offer clear public benefit for communities living in small rural and remote locations in Australia, contributing to their development in social and community welfare, economic, environmental, health, education or cultural areas.

    • Applications from communities with a population of 10,000 or less will receive priority.

    • Grants will be made in amounts up to $5,000.

    • To be eligible, projects must be for a charitable purpose (benefit the whole community). As this is a collaborative program there are some grants which are restricted either to Deductible Gift Recipients (DGRs) or Tax Concession Charity (TCC) organisations or must be granted in Victoria; the Benalla re-gion (Victoria) or the Far North Queensland region. The majority of funds are unrestricted.

    • Organisations should also have an ABN.

    • Organisations demonstrating Community Partnerships will be preferred to multiple applications from one community.

    How to apply: Mail Further Information—Freecall: 1800 170 020


    Contact Details: Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal Email:

  • Submissions called for art auction soiree \Artists are invited to submit work for an art auction fund-raiser to furnish Mission Arts, the soon-to-be constructed workshop and gallery home of the Mission Beach Commu-nity Arts Centre.

    The auction will be held in the Rainforest Room at Mission Beach Resort, Wongaling, on Saturday, October 23, from 1.30pm to 6pm.

    Artists of all styles and media are invited to donate work outright for the new arts centre or donate proceeds received beyond a reserve price should the piece sell.

    Organiser Anita Smyth said a panel would choose the works offered for auction. These would be included in a catalogue detailing the works, artists and media used

    Prepaid tickets, at $25, would be available from several Mission Beach outlets. The event would include entertainment by various local performers and finger food throughout the afternoon. Drinks would be available from the bar.

    Ms Smyth said last year’s inaugural art auction generated a lot of interest from individuals and business houses wishing to acquire original works while supporting the arts in the Cassowary Coast region.

    Artists wishing to submit work and local residents interested in joining Mission Beach Community Arts Centre or becoming a volunteer may contact Ms Smyth after 4pm on weekdays on 0429336605 or email

    MBCAC president Lynda Williams said Mission Arts would be a hub for artistic and cultural activi-ties for Mission Beach and surrounding areas when it opened at MARCS Park early next year. It would house an historical display, local and visiting artists’ work and offer a broad range of cul-tural activities and training courses. Construction of the half-million-dollar centre, on land leased from Cassowary Coast Regional Council, was being funded under the Federal Government’s Job Stimulus Package.

    (For more information please contact Laurie Trott on 40685362 or 0417966965)

    2010 Sun Smart Grant Scheme

    The SunSmart Grant Scheme is a partnership initiative developed by Cancer Council Queen-sland and Queensland Health, to support organisations who need funding assistance to increase sun protection measures for the children in their care.

    The scheme provides grants to early childhood centres, primary schools and community organi-sations whose primary focus group is children aged 0-12 years to help them improve sun protec-tion measures and promote SunSmart behaviour. The scheme aims to support skin cancer pre-vention and encourages all organisations to adopt a SunSmart policy.

    If you would like to apply for funding through the SunSmart Grant Scheme, please fill out the at-tached Application Form and Guidelines. If you require support and assistance during the appli-cation process, please contact the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20.

  • Cassowary Region Arts Council Association

    This month, the CRACA gallery is hosting a powerful body of work by Ingham artist, David Rowe, entitled "Body Language". Executed in oils, . often using 3-dimensional canvas supports, David's award-winning work features meticulously depicted body images, set into a variety of surreal landscape forms. His work explores the physical tension of the male psyche, as opposed to the female form, which he finds spiritual and sexual.

    You are invited to meet the artist and view the work at the CRACA gallery this Thursday, 29th July at 6.30pm - beer and nuts will be served - and the exhibition continues through August For more information, please ring CRACA on 40682589

    CRACA is holding their AGM on the 19th August -[6pm at CRACA—1 Butler Street, TULLY]

    Bookings can be made from CRACA for Morning Melodies in Cairns on the 16th August [Lloyd Webber and Friends] - $42 for the theatre ticket and bus + $28 for the bus trip only - [great for a shopping trip! pick up in Tully, El Arish, Innisfail].

    We are also holding a ceramic sculpture workshop with Di Cannon in late August [2-day workshop for $100]

    Over 60's morning tea and entertainment - 16th September, 10am at CRACA

    We are looking for more multi-cultural input for festivals in Tully and Innisfail. - "Entries now open for Performers, exhibitors and stallholders for the Tully Multi-cultural Music and Dance festival, to be held on the 6th November. Please ring CRACA on 40682589 for more information."


    TULLY Q 4854 PH 40682589 Hours Mon _ Fri 10am-4pm


    Kay Mays Executive Director Creating Arts in Community Cassowary Region Arts Council Assoc Inc.�

  • Gambling Community Benefit Fund Closing dates are: 28 February, 31 May . 31 August, 30 November Funding may be provided for a variety of projects including: equip-ment associated with the activities of the organisation; special one-off events and activi-ties; community development and organisational development; motor vehicle purchase costs and minor capital works.


    Just reminder that NQWLS visit Innisfail on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, they see clients for free legal advice or referral at the Community Support Centre. Women can book an appointment on 1800244504 or 40616000.

    Reef Hotel Casino Community Benefit Fund

    The Queensland Government established the Reef Hotel Casino Community Benefit Fund (RHCCBF) in 1996 to provide funding to community groups in Far North Queensland. The RHCCBF receives money from taxes on casinos. It distributes these funds to community projects on a bi-annual basis. The RHCCBF is just one way the Government returns taxes from gambling activities. In redistributing gambling taxes through its grants program, the RHCCBF plays an important role in ensuring, on balance, the whole State benefits from gambling in Queensland. How much can I apply for? One off grants of up to $15,000 are allocated to approved not-for-profit organisations to help provide community services or ac-tivities that benefit the community. These grants are not intended to replace existing sources of support for these organisations. Grants of more than $15,000 (up to a maximum of $25,000) are considered for more complex projects which have significant community benefit. Who can apply? Applications must be from Queensland-based organisations, located within the geographical jurisdiction North from Burke, Carpente-ria, Croydon, Etheridge, Tablelands and Cassowary Coast, including Torres Strait and Thursday Island. The majority of Queensland not-for-profit community organisations are eligible to apply for a grant.

    Funding Rounds—The RHCCBF has two annual funding rounds. The closing dates for applications are 31 August and 28 February. Reef Hotel Casino Community Benefit Fund PO Box 6695, Cairns QLD 4870 Tel: (07) 4030 8888 Fax: (07) 4030 8788 (Human Resources Department) Email: Website:

    Innisfail Community Band The Innisfail Community Band started in early 2009 and has provided local musicians an avenue to extend their music skills. The Concert Band sup-ports wind, brass and percussion musicians and meets each week on a Tuesday at Innisfail State College. Rehearsals commence at 7.30pm and run for an hour under the baton of conductor Adrian Frost. Adrian an accomplished musician himself is highly regarded in the region and also conducts the Cairns Concert Band. Membership to the group is available for high school stu-dents and adults. Past musicians are encouraged to come along and refresh their skills and be-ginners are welcome to. The group performs regularly for local community events and has mem-bers that come from Babinda through to Tully.

    Solar Sport & Community Groups Grant. This is the new Queensland government grants program. Guidelines and application forms will be available from 1 June 2010. For more details contact the Gaming Community Benefit Fund. Ph: 07 3247 4284 or toll free 1800 633 619 (outside Brisbane). Closing 31 August 2010.���

  • P a g e 1 0

    OTHER FUNDING SOURCES Government funding GrantsLINK GrantsLINK is a Commonwealth government sponsored web-site designed to help you to find relevant grants for your community projects. Arts Queensland Australia Council for the Arts Festival funding; Australian culture and recreation Australian Film Commission Community engagement; Community renewal Environment & Heritage Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal; Gambling Community Benefit Fund Playing Australia, Festivals Australia, Visions Australia Queensland Arts Council (including Regional Arts Fund) Information and advice on seeking grants, grants database, fundraising products and packages Blueprint for the Bush under the Strengthening Rural Communities Strategy: ‘Our Place, Our Fu-ture’ – resourcing rural capacity initiative’. Sport & Rec Queensland Australian Sports Commission General grants and further resources Philanthropic trusts or foundations are also a potential source of support. Examples include: Philanthropy Australia is the peak body for philanthropic trusts and foundations. It provides a

    range of information products and services for organisations looking for funding.

    The Myer Foundation Telephone 03 9207 3040. The Sidney Myer Fund supports the arts, and seeks to play a critical role in upholding the integrity of the arts community within Australia.

    The Sony Foundation Australia provides significant support to a variety of youth-related charity projects and organisations

    The Telstra Foundation Telephone: 1800 208 378. A program devoted to enriching the lives of Australian children and young people and the communities in which they live.

    Centre for Philanthropy & Non profit Studies QUT for courses. provides free reviews of funding submissions. Scholarships database Over 850 Australian cultural websites A single access point to a full range of opportunities Fuel4Arts (esp. marketing ideas) Young Australians Film;;; Regional Tourism Partnerships; Analysis Tool Arts/business partnerships A reciprocal links directory for Australia Craft information, materials and resources Web showcase for artists Marketing arts online���������������������������������������

  • To Google Queensland Government Funding Opportunities provides a grant finder with links and details for a variety of government grants.

    The Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund provides one-off grants to Queensland-based commu-nity organisations to assist these organisations to provide services and activities within their local communi-ties.

    Arts Queensland provides a detailed list of funding for community groups and individuals engaged in artistic and cultural activities.

    Sport and Recreation Queensland offers funding programs to sport and recreation organisations.

    Tourism Queensland provides a database of funding opportunities for organisations whose work involves attracting visitors to the state.

    Community Awareness Grants are available for groups involved with natural resource management.

    Queensland Local Government grants

    South Burnett Local Government Association provides links and information for predominantly Queensland sources of funding.

    Queensland Community Foundation (QCF) is a public charitable trust set up to serve the state's communi-ties by providing a permanent funding source for charity.

    Building Supportive Communities Grants Program provides funds for projects that are aimed at involving people with disabilities with the broader community.

    Multicultural Assistance Program provides funding to both festivals and smaller projects which promote di-versity and inclusiveness in the community.

    Social Policy Resources A Guide to Community Grants The following guide provides:

    Links to selected sources of Commonwealth, State and Territory financial assistance to community groups. A selection of links to non-government organisations which provide community grants. Links to commercial services providing grant information via subscription. The guide does not include links to scholarships, fellowships or research grants.

    Commonwealth Government Grants

    A guide to grants available from Commonwealth Government agencies can be found through GrantsLINK. Grant-sLINK is a comprehensive website managed by the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government offering direct links to existing information on Commonwealth Government grants programs. GrantsLINK makes it easier to find suitable and relevant grants for community projects from the many Commonwealth grants that are available. The site can be browsed by subject, agency or grants name or searched by key word. GrantsLINK also offers advice on finding the best source of funding and on writing application forms.

    The Grants and Services Finder maintained by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts lists over 1400 grants and opportunities for cultural organisations from local, state and federal govern-ment as well as private sources.

    The Community Portal provides information for community groups in Australia including a selection of links to sources of grants and funding.

    The Australia Council's Arts Funding Guide provides an overview of their funding programs and other forms of support for the arts in Australia���������������������


    Council is continually updating

    Sport & Recreation and Community Groups details

    Please forward to:

    Kath Barnett (Community Development Officer)

    Cassowary Coast Regional Council

    PO Box 887


    Don’t forget your email address!!!


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